Theory and Applications of Categories comma Vol period 20 comma 2008 comma pp period .. 1 endash 4 period nnoindentEDITORIALTheory NOTICE and : Applications of Categories , Vol . 20 , 2008 , pp . nquad 1 −− 4 . MAX .. KELLY n centerline fEDITORIAL NOTICE : g 5 ..Theory JUNE .. and 1930 Applications endash 26 of.. JANUARY Categories , 2007Vol . 20 , 2008 , pp . 1 { 4 . Gregory .. Maxwell .. Kelly was .. solelyEDITORIAL responsible .. for .. NOTICE introducing .. : category theory .. into n centerlineAustralia atfMAX a t imenquad whenKELLY the subjg ect was inMAX it s infancy KELLY period .... The Eilenberg hyphen Kelly monograph Closed Categories of 1 966 set5 the JUNE stage for two 1930 more { generations 26 JANUARY of Australian category 2007 n centerlinetheorists periodfGregory5 n ..quad ThisJUNE .. Maxwell researchnquad .. stream Kelly1930 reached−− was26 ..n solely maturityquad responsibleJANUARY with .. Max 2007 quoteright forg introducing s .. book .. Basic category .. Concepts .. of Enrichedtheory Category into Theory open parenthesis CUP 1 982 semicolon see TAC Reprints comma No period .. 1 0 closing parenthesis comma andn hspace nowAustralia finds∗fn f appli i l l atg hyphenGregory a t ime whennquad theMaxwell subj ectnquad was inKelly it s infancy was nquad .solely responsibleThe Eilenbergnquad - Kellyf o r nquad introducing nquad category theory nquad i n t o cationmonograph in many areas of mathematics comma theoretical physics comma computer architecture comma software nnoindentdesignClosed commaAustralia Categories and information at of a 1 t management 966 ime set when the period the stage subj for ect two was more in generations it s infancy of Australian . n h f i l l categoryThe Eilenberg − Kelly monograph Maxtheorists received all . his This schooling research at Bondi Beach stream where reached he was a student maturity of the with Marist Max ' s book Basic nnoindentBrothersConcepts throughoutClosed of Categories his Enriched primary andCategory of secondary 1 966 Theory set education the ( CUP stage period 1 982 .... for Max ; two see topped TAC more the Reprints generations NSW High , No . of Australian 1 0 ) , category t hSchool e oand r i s Leaving t nows . findsnquad Certificate appliThis Examination - nquad r e overalls e a r c h periodnquad .... Hestream went on reached to win innquad 1 95 1 thematurity University with nquad Max ' s nquad book nquad Basic nquad Concepts nquad o f EnrichedMedalcation for MathematicsCategory in many areas Theory at the of University mathematics ( CUP 1 of 982 Sydney , ; theoretical see and TACto gain Reprintsphysics the .. James , computer , No King . ofnquad architectureIr hyphen1 0 ) , , software and now finds appli − rawangdesign Travelling , and Scholarshipinformation tomanagement study at Cambridge . period .. There he obtained a BA with First nnoindentClass HonourscationMax and receivedtwo in Wrightmany all areas quoteright his schooling of s mathematics Prizes at in Bondi .... 1 953 , Beach theoretical comma where .... a he Rayleigh physics was a Prize student , in computer .... of 1 the 955 commaMarist architecture .... and PhD , in software 1 957Brothers semicolon throughout the doctorate his was primary in algebraic and topology secondary under education the supervision . of Max Shaun topped Wylie the period NSW .... Max High nnoindenthlineSchooldesign Leaving , Certificate and information Examination management overall . He went on to win in 1 95 1 the University PublishedMedal on for 2008 Mathematics hyphen 0 1 hyphen at the 9 period University of Sydney and to gain the James King of Ir - n hspacecirclecopyrt-crawang∗fn f i Travelling l Ross l gMax Street received Scholarship comma 2008 all toperiod his study schooling Permission at Cambridge to at copy Bondi for . private There Beach use he where granted obtained he period was a BA a with student First of the Marist 1 Class Honours and two Wright ' s Prizes in 1 953 , a Rayleigh Prize in 1 955 , and PhD in nnoindent1 957Brothers ; the doctorate throughout was in algebraic his primary topology and under secondary the supervision education of . Shaunn h f i l Wylie l Max . topped Max the NSW High nnoindent School Leaving Certificate Examination overall . n h f i l l He went on to win in 1 95 1 the University nnoindent Medal for Mathematics at the University of Sydney and to gain the nquad James King of Ir − rawang Travelling Scholarship to studyPublished at on Cambridge 2008 - 0 1 - 9. .nquad There he obtained a BA with First circlecopyrt − c Ross Street , 2008 . Permission to copy for private use granted . 1 nnoindent Class Honours and two Wright ' s Prizes in n h f i l l 1 953 , n h f i l l a Rayleigh Prize in n h f i l l 1 955 , n h f i l l and PhD in nnoindent 1 957 ; the doctorate was in algebraic topology under the supervision of Shaun Wylie . n h f i l l Max n begin f a l i g n ∗g n r u l e f3emgf0.4 pt g nendf a l i g n ∗g n centerline f Published on 2008 − 0 1 − 9 . g nnoindent $ circlecopyrt −c $ Ross Street , 2008 . Permission to copy for private use granted . 1 2 .. MAX KELLY nnoindentreturned to2 thenquad UniversityMAX KELLY of Sydney in early .. 1 957 as a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1 96 1 and to Reader in 1 965 period .. In November 1 960 nnoindent returned to the University of Sydney in early nquad 1 957 as a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics Max2 marriedMAX Imogen KELLY Datson period andMy wasreturned first contact promoted to with the to DrUniversity GSenior period ofM Lecturer Sydneyperiod Kelly in in early as 1 a 96 name 1 1 and 957was in asto preparing a Reader Lecturer for in inHonours 1 Pure 965 MathMathematics . nquad hyphenIn November and 1 960 Maxematics marriedwas .. promoted at the Imogen .. Leaving to Datson Senior Certificate Lecturer . Examination in 1 96 period 1 and .. to The Reader practice in was 1 965 to .. attempt In November.. all past 1 960 papersMax period married .. I st Imogen il l have Datson the blue type. hyphen s et papers for .. 1 959 and 1 960 which declare Professor MyT first periodMy contact G firstperiod contact Room with as Dr with Chief G Dr . Examiner M G . Kelly M and . Kelly Kelly as a as name one a name of was two was Assessorsin preparing in preparing period for for Honours Honours Math Math− - ematicsMaxematics Kellynquad quoteright atat the the s love Leavingnquad of categoryLeaving Certificate theory Certificate also Examination consolidated Examination in. the The early practice 1 .960nquad s while wasThe tohe was practice attempt was all to nquad attempt nquad a l l past papersgivingpast lectures . papersnquad on homology .I st I stil theoryil l l have have period the the .. blue blue In an type attempt type - s− et tos papers understand et papers for the 1for s 959 ingularnquad and cohomology 11 960 959 which and declare1 960 which declare Professor Tr . ing GProfessor of . a Room product asT of . Chief G spaces . Room commaExaminer as .. Chief Max and Examinerfound Kelly that as he and could one Kelly notof astwo.. even one Assessors formulate of two Assessors the . questions . he wantedMax to Kelly ask without ' s love some of basic category concepts theory from category also consolidated theory period in .. the Although early he1 960 heard s while he was Maxof Kelly functorsgiving ' andlectures s naturallove on of transformations homology category theory theory at .. Cambridge also In an consolidated attemptfrom the book to understand by in Eilenberg the early the and s ingular 1 960 cohomology s while he was givingSteenrodr ing lectures on of Foundations a product on homology of of Algebraicspaces theory, Topology Max . found commanquad that heIn met he an Mac could attempt Lane not quoteright to even understand formulate s concept the of the categorical s questions ingular cohomology rproduct inghe of wanted first a productduring to ask lectures of without spaces of Michael some , Atiyahn basicquad comma conceptsMax found while from Max that category was he a visitor could theory at not MIT .n inquad lateAlthougheven formulate he heard the questions he1 962 wantedof period functors to .. Max ask and had without natural himself some sotransformations on developed basic concepts some at last ingCambridgefrom ideas category .. in from the field theory the semicolon book . n byquad .. one EilenbergAlthough concept .. and he he heard ofcalled functorsSteenrod .. quotedblleft and on Foundations natural complex categoriestransformations of Algebraic quotedblright Topology at periodnquad, he ..Cambridge While met Mac visit Lane ing from Tulane ' s the concept .. book University of by categorical Eilenberg .. open parenthesis and New .. Orleans closingSteenrodproduct parenthesis on first Foundations .. in during .. 1 963 lectures hyphen of Algebraic of Michael Topology Atiyah , while , he Max met wasMac a Lane visitor ' ats concept MIT in late of categorical1 962 product64 comma. Max first .. he had .. during met himself .. Eilenberg lectures so on .. developed at of .. Las Michael .. some Cruces Atiyah last .. giving ing , ideas .. while a .. series inMax the .. was of field lectures a ; visitor .. one on ..concept atdifferential MIT in he .. gradedlate 1categories 962called . nquad which \ complexMax Eilenberg hadcategories and himself Moore had so" . recentlyon While developed invented visit ing semicolonsome Tulane last these ing University were ideas the samenquad things ( Newin the Orleans field ; nquad one concept nquad he c aas l l complex e) d n inquad categories 1`` 963 complex -period 64 , .. categories Eilenberg he met insisted '' Eilenberg that . nquad Max remainWhile at in visit Las the US ing Cruces.. for Tulane another giving yearnquad periodU a n i v series e r s i t y nquad ( New nquad Orleans ) nquad in nquad 1 963 − 64Indeed , ofnquad lectures .. Eilenberghe nquadon commamet differential .. onnquad the ..Eilenberg spot graded comma .. categoriesnquad rang Alexat whichHellernquad .
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