6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS | OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | JUN. 10, 2020, UPDATED JUN. 12, 2020 | PDF (10.5 MB - BE PATIENT) | https://tinyurl.com/yap2umng

LORD ROSEBERY: THE MOST Click here to download a raw *.mp4 version of this video DEEP STATE Member DESTRUCTIVE ROTHSCHILD WE HAVE SHADOW NEVER KNOWN GOVERNMENT POSTER Harvard | Yale | Stanford | Oxbridge (Cambridge, Oxford) | Sycophants

LEGEND: Some corruptocrat photos in this blog contain a stylized Christian Celtic Wheel Cross in the background alongside the text "Corruption Central" meaning we have put the person's conduct under the microscope and discovered that he or she is at the center of global corruption. Judge Amy Berman Jackson asserts that it is unambiguously (to her anyway) a rifle cross hair. This shows her woeful ignorance of theology, history, symbology and engineering. It could be many things, but she clearly wanted to see a rifle sight (ask her about her role in Fast and Furious gun running). Others assert equally ignorantly that it is a pagan Fig. 1—Lord Rosebery (1847-1920). The only Rothschild to become Prime Minister of the Great or white supremacist symbol. This stylized Christian Chi- Britain. Rho Cross dates to 312 A.D. when Emperor Constantine adopted the symbol after his history-changing Rosebery was the primary political sponsor of Cecil Rhodes, along with another Rothschild, Henry "By this sign, you shall conquer" de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright. Upon inheriting her father's N.M. Rothschild & Sons fortune, Hannah vision on the Milvian Bridge. A de Rothschild, Rosebery's wife, became the richest woman in England. Her more than $500 million similar Wheel Cross form was widely used in Ireland by the eighth fortune passed to Rosebery in 1890 at her untimely death from typhoid fever at age 39. century. The triple entendre indicates that the person's corrupt Coincidentally (?), J.P. Morgan's father died in a carriage crash in the French Riviera also in 1890. life, when studied under a microscope, has been found J.P. Morgan then took over George Peabody's Riggs Bank whose name he changed to J.P. Morgan & wanting, but that there is hope in Christ if the person Company. repents from his or her wicked ways. It triples as a reticle or graticule built into all sorts of eyepieces in microscopes, oscilloscopes, surveying instruments, astronomy optics, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 1/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation In 1891, Lord Rosebery, J.P. Morgan, Cecil Rhodes, Baron Henry de Worms, Lord Rothschild and precision pointers, binoculars, etching equipment, and yes, Lord Alfred Milner founded the Round Table to use Jesuit discipline and Masonic secrecy to gun sights, but also computer mouse pointers! Therefore, to claim that it could only mean a gun sight, as Judge promote the reorganization of the into an Imperial Federation that they insisted Jackson did, is truly ignorant. As shown, it is a call to include America coming back under the British Crown. prayer and repentance based upon microscopic observation of the corruptcrat's conduct. For Judge These men were the prime movers in the creation of the British South Africa Company, founding of Jackson to use her ignorance of this symbol as the excuse Consolidated Mines and the Wellcome vaccine experimentation on over 60,000 Boers and to gag Roger Stone's FREE SPEECH right to defend himself is heinous abuse of authority. Chief Justice John blacks in their 2nd Boer War concentration camps. In 1902, these perpetrators of the war, abruptly Roberts should censor her immediately. Patriots must stopped the 2nd Boer War, and changed the name of the Round Table to the Pilgrims Society in the demand it. months after Cecil Rhodes' untimely death at 49 years old. Photo: National Portrait Gallery, UK. Bookmark: #stand-with-roger-stone

ROGER STONE SPEAKS: On Nov. Indicted Harvard nano-scientist Charles M. Lieber investigations have 18, 2017, Twitter censored New York Times best- selling author Roger Stone completely. Every taken an unexpected turn into Pilgrims Society pathogen red-blooded American should be outraged, Republican, Democrat and Independent alike. If biotechnology bankrolled by the Rothschilds Roger's voice is silenced today, yours is next. We must break this embargo. Click here to read and share Roger's latest perspectives on the Battle David Sarnoff hired Charles’ father, Robert I. Lieber, to engineer radar, for our Republic, including his responses to his satellite and missile systems that could deliver microbe payloads critics (who have not been censored).

according to Sarnoff's well-publicized 1926 dystopian vision of the Updated Jul. 26, 2019 "devastating consequences of new miracles in science" CLICK HERE TO SEE COMBINED TIMELINE OF THE IMPORTANT READER NOTICE: HIJACKING OF THE INTERNET PAY-to-PLAY NEW WORLD ORDER PART I focused on David Sarnoff, the former RCA/NBC boss of Robert I. This timeline shows how insiders sell access Lieber, the father of indicted Harvard nanoscience chemist/biologist & manipulate politicians, police, intelligence, judges and media to keep their secrets Charles M. Lieber for his conspiracy with the People's Republic of China. Clintons, Obamas, Summers were paid in cash for outlandish speaking fees and Foundation donations. In this PART II, we investigate the history of the funding of modern Sycophant judges, politicians, academics, bureaucrats biotechnology. It started in the UK with The [Victor] Rothschild Report and media were fed tips to mutual funds tied to insider stocks like Facebook. Risk of public exposure, (1971) that proposed sweeping reforms of research and development. By blackmail, pedophilia, “snuff parties” (ritual child sexual 1981, the ultimate Privy Council insider Victor Rothschild had created abuse and murder) and Satanism have ensured silence Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL). He used the London Financial among pay-to-play beneficiaries. The U.S. Patent Office is their toy box from which to steal new ideas. Times to advertise his new fund, essentially the first major biotechnology venture capital company in the world.

More than 97% of Victor Rothschild's first BIL investments were in American companies. He engaged Nobel chemist/biologist Sydney Brenner to advise him. Brenner was hot on the trail of DNA manipulation, but it would be another 15 years before the sheep Dolly was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Scotland—a sister to the Pirbright Institute, both run by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) created following the Victor Rothschild Report recommendations.

When we also discovered that indicted Harvard nano-science professor Charles M. Lieber is a director of the Weizmann Institute in Israel, and both Lord Rothschild and David Sarnoff, both members of the Pilgrims Society and Zionists, were also fellows in the Israeli bioscience Weizmann Institute, we felt compelled to pause and figure out what the founder of RCA and NBC had in common with Rothschild and Lieber biotechnology activities. We show below that the Rothschilds are practically the only common thread in this story of the British Empire's drive for permanent global control through a new corporatist-controlled Imperial British federalism with America inside the tent.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 2/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Bookmark: #new-rothschild-history | https://tinyurl.com/yajf4lz9 NEW HISTORY DISCOVERED Click image to play the audio

Updated Mar. 19, 2014


Fig. 1a: Gabriel, McKibben. (Jun. 11, 2020). How the Rothschilds Use Mass Surveillance and Nanotech Bioweapons to Sustain the Imperial British World Order. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp3 audio file). = Universal Toxic Substance Symbol & Warning

FINANCIAL HOLDINGS OF OBAMA POLITICAL American Intelligence Media " Gabriel & McKibben" Show Audio Interview, Jun. 11, APPOINTEES, BY AGENCY Bookmark: #archive 2020. Listen to powerful investigative journalism about the historical role of the Rothschild families in the establishment of modern banking and their control of the British Empire's current plan for a corporate federalism new world order driven from FOLLOW BY EMAIL London while subsuming America.

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▼▼ 2020 (6) ▼▼ June (1) (May 29, 2020)—The arrest of Harvard HOW THE ROTHSCHILDS USE MASS nano-scientist Charles M. Lieber for SURVEILLANCE AND NANO... conspiring with the People’s Republic ►► April (1) ►► March (1) of China (PRC) raised alarm since it ►► February (1) occurred just weeks before the ►► January (2)

Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. ►► 2019 (13) Lieber researched and lectured often ►► 2018 (21) under contract to the Wuhan University ►► 2017 (27) Fig. 2—Charles M. Lieber. ►► 2016 (39) of Technology. ►► 2015 (34) ►► 2014 (26) In fact, Lieber is an honorary professor in at least seven ►► 2013 (28) Chinese universities in nanotubes, nanowires and ►► 2012 (6) nanopores. Lieber holds 65 U.S. patents on the subject, all owned by Harvard, and all funded by the U.S. UPDATE MAR. 25, 2014 government, namely NIH, NSF, C.I.A., US Army, US Navy, FIVE CRITICAL AFI POSTS ON JUDICIAL US Air Force, MITRE Corp, and DARPA. COMPROMISE

Fully updated Mar. 25, 2014 in the wake of Even though Lieber's nano-biography is so ubiquitous it the Scribd censorship: papers the halls of nano-bio-science labs worldwide, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 3/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Charles never once mentions his father, 1. HOW PATENT JUDGES GROW RICH ON THE BACKS OF Robert Israel Lieber. AFI researchers AMERICAN INVENTORS were stymied for over a week before Patent Office filings are shuffled out the USPTO backdoor to crony finding his father Robert’s obituary in lawyers, banks and deep-pocket clients. the Philadelphia Inquirer. 2. WAS CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS BLACKMAILED into supporting Obamacare by his ethical compromises in Leader v. Facebook? One paragraph in Robert I. Lieber's 3. JUSTICE ROBERTS MENTORED obituary opened Pandora’s box on this Facebook Gibson Dunn LLP attorneys. conspiracy. This information will Fig. 3—Robert Israel Lieber 4. JUSTICE ROBERTS HOLDS explain much that we did not know substantial Facebook about the forces shaping the modern world. It is almost financial interests. unfathomable that almost every historian has missed 5. JUDGE LEONARD STARK FAILED to disclose his Facebook financial this, or worse... intentionally ignored it in exchange for interests and his reliance on Facebook's Cooley Godward LLP handsome endowments. attorneys for his appointment.

Robert I. Lieber was an award-winning RCA engineer (1951-ca 1996). He BARACK OBAMA'S DARK POOLS worked for David Sarnoff, founder and president RCA and NBC. Robert worked OF CORRUPTION

in the satellite, radar and missile Click to enlarge division at RCA's research facility in Moorestown, N.J. He also holds a seemingly unrelated ITT-owned patent Fig. 4—David Sarnoff for an early post-WWII computer terminal that, oddly, was patented in Europe, but not America.

Robert's position meant he was a C.I.A. CLICK HERE FOR WASHINGTON'S ETHICAL spy. This is probably why son Charles DISEASE DISCOVERIES RE. FACEBOOK "DARK never mentions him. As we have seen POOLS" from other spies like Peter Strzok (3rd generation spy), spying is in the Lieber STOP FACEBOOK PROPERTY THEFT blood too, at least back to the turn of the last century when spying, biology, wireless and media propaganda fused. Fig. 5—David Sarnoff

WILL HUMANKIND EVER LEARN? Facebook's Orwellian Robert began his engineering work at doublespeak about property and privacy (theft) merely repeats the eventual dehumanization of the individual under RCA in 1951 and would have had top secret security MAO's Red Star, Stalin's SOVIET Hammer & Cycle and Hitler's NAZI Swastika. Respect for the inalienable rights of each clearance to collaborate closely with British MI6, GCHQ, individual is a bedrock value of democracy. The members of the Facebook Cabal abuse this principle at every opportunity. BBC, NBC, GE, AT&T, RCA, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, They evidently believe that they deserve special privileges and are willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to treat London Times, Financial Times—all organizations themselves to these privileges. exploiting the propaganda and intelligence Sarnoff's satellites were producing. ASK CONGRESS: PASS THE INVENTOR PROTECTION ACT!

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 4/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation From the late 19th century, through the 20th and into our own, the British government is well-known to have engaged in hideous biological warfare. Why is so little of this widely known? Think about it, if you are the mad scientist who controls communications and media, are you going to tell the public what you are doing? No, of course not. That is why history has been silent on this immorality. That said, these criminals inadvertently left clues which our determined researchers are now finding once they picked up the scent.

For example, the British Army used Burroughs Wellcome & Co. medicine chests (produced by American drug pitchman Sir Henry Wellcome) were

specially made for them to inject Click image above to download a poster-quality PDF optimized for a 11in. x 17in. (ledger-size) poster. hideous experimental vaccines in the America should not be in the business of cheating its entrepreneurial investors simply because the cheaters Boer and black populations of South buy off judges with the money gained from their theft. Africa in the 2nd Boer War, as well on Such permissiveness is obscene. Fig. 6—Henry Solomon indigenous populations in Australia, Wellcome Canada, New Zealand and other parts LEADER V. FACEBOOK of Africa. Over 60,000 souls, including 16,000 children BACKGROUND were lost to their war concentration camp experiments Jul. 23, 2013 NOTICE: DonnaKlineNow! has with its outbreaks of measles, cholera and typhoid fever gone offline. All her posts are available as a PDF collection here (now updated, post- —this cruelty was the prototype cited by Adolf Hitler 40 Scribd censorship).

years later as his concentration camp model. Mar. 20, 2014 READER NOTICE: On Mar. 7, 2014, all of our documents linked to Scribd were deleted by that "cloud" service using the flimsiest of arguments . Some of our documents have been there for two years and ROTHSCHILD BROS. BECOMES N.M. some had almost 20,000 reads.

George Orwell wrote in 1984 that one knows ROTHSCHILD & SONS (1811) one is in a totalitarian state when telling the truth becomes an act of courage.

All the links below were updated Mar. 20, 2014 (many thanks to our volunteers!)

1. Summary of Motions, Appeal, Petition, Evidence, Analysis, Briefings (FULL CITATIONS) in Leader Technologies, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 08-cv-862-JJF- In 1769, Mayer LPS (D. Del. 2008), published as Leader Techs, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D. Del. 2001) began providing 2. Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam's Censored banking services to Federal Circuit Filings (Archive) Crown Prince 3. Brief Summary of Leader v. Facebook Wilhelm (later 4. Backgrounder 5. Fenwick & West LLP Duplicity became Wilhelm IX 6. Instagram-scam on Oct. 31, 1785). 7. USPTO-reexam Sham Fig. 7—Mayer Amschel Fig. 8—Nathan Mayer 8. Zynga-gate Wilhelm used the Rothschild Rothschild https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 5/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Rothschilds to hide 9. James W. Breyer / Accel Partners LLP Insider Trading his wealth from . These funds went to N.M. 10. Federal Circuit Disciplinary Complaints Rothschild & Sons in London. These funds provided the 11. Federal Circuit Cover-up 12. Congressional Briefings re. Leader v. British Army with war funds in America, Spain and Facebook judicial corruption Portugal. 13. Prominent Americans Speak Out 14. Petition for Writ of Certiorari On Jun. 25, 1811, N.M. Rothschild (& Sons), No. 2, New 15. Two Proposed Judicial Reforms 16. S. Crt. for Schemers or Inventors? Court, Swithin's Lane, London was incorporated (where 17. Attorney Patronage Hijacked DC? it operates today). The predecessor firm that disbanded at that time was Rothschild Brothers, Manchester. The London Gazette, 1811.

18. Justice Denied | Battle Continues 19. FB Robber Barons Affirmed by S. Crt. 20. Judicial Misconduct WALL OF SHAME 21. Corruption Watch - "Oh what webs we weave, when first we practice to From 1813-1815, N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London deceive" provided large loans for the British to fight the 22. Facebook | A Portrait of Corruption 23. White House Meddling Americans in the War of 1812 (Jun. 18, 1812 to Feb. 18, 24. Georgia! AM 1080 McKibben Interview 1815). 25. Constitutional Crisis Exposed 26. Abuse of Judicial Immunity since Stump One £9.8 million loan in 1815 alone garnered the 27. Obamacare Scandal Principals are Rothschilds a 40% profit. See The Encyclopedia of the intertwined in the Leader v. Facebook scandal War of 1812, p. 40. ABC-CLIO, LLC (Santa Barbara, 28. S.E.C. duplicity re. Facebook Denver, Oxford UK, 2012). Bookmark: #gibson-dunn £9.8 million in 1812 is today £878 million (UK) or $1,107 billion (US). GIBSON DUNN LLP exposed as one of the most corrupt law rms in In other words, N.M. Rothschild & Sons pocketed $443 America million in profit from just one of their loans during Investigative Reporter Julia the War of 1812 against America. Davis investigates Facebook's Leader v. Facebook attorney Gibson Dunn LLP. She credits this firm with the reason why not THE ROTHSCHILDS HAVE NEVER BEEN a single Wall Street banker has gone to jail since 2008. Click here to read her article "Everybody hates whistleblowers." AMERICA'S FRIEND Examiner.com, Apr. 10, 2012. Here's an Click image to enlarge excerpt:

"Skillful manipulation of the firm’s extensive media connections allows Gibson Dunn to promote their causes, while simultaneously smearing their opponents and silencing embarrassing news coverage."

This statement followed right after Davis cited Facebook's chief inside counsel in the Leader v. Facebook case, Theodore Ullyot, who appears to have helped lead the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption. Interesting word choices associated with Gibson Dunn LLP: manipulation, smear. Attorneys swear a solemn oath to act morally, ethically, and in https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 6/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation support of democratic principles. They promise to conduct themselves in a manner than instills confidence among the citizenry in the rule of law and the judicial system. These promises appear to be meaningless. Click here for a PDF version of Julie Davis' article.


OBAMA HIRED THEM. TRUMP CANNOT FIRE THEM. SO THEY SAY. Senior Executive Service (SES) is ~10,000 Deep State shadow government employees who are sabotaging the American Republic for the globalis...

CORONAVIRUS TRACED TO THE BRITISH CROWN The Pirbright Institute (UK) has been awarded 11 U.S. Patents, including Coronavirus U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 The Pirbright Institute...

MUELLER’S JUDGE AND PROSECUTOR TAKE THEIR ORDERS FROM HILLARY Congressional disclosures prove the Mueller probe is "the fruit of the poisonous tree" Nardone v. U.S. Judge Amy B. Jackson...

ROBERT MUELLER – THE ORGANIZER OF 9/11 – IS MUSCLING HILLARY TO BE THE MOB BOSS OF AN EMPIRE WITHOUT BORDERS OR MORALITY Yes, Mueller organized 9/11, and then investigated himself ! Mueller placed his patsy Joseph E. Sullivan at Cloudflare to fix the 2018...

Fig. 9—WAR OF 1812: On Aug. 24, 1814, the British Army burned the White House to the LEADER TECHNOLOGIES ground. and heavily damaged the Capitol. The British war effort was substantially FILES TRILLION DOLLAR financed by Nathan Meyer Rothschild and his N.M. Rothschild & Sons bank in London BOND LIEN ON THE U.S. GOVERNMENT which he formed in London the year before in 1911. Rothschild made billions of dollars President Trump is asked to profit from financing the British Army in the War of 1812 alone. compensate Leader for the Graphic: Peter Snow. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. theft of their inventions by the Deep State shadow government Leader’s social net...

THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT USES SES, SERCO AND OPIC AS PORTALS INTO HORRIFIC CORRUPTION These lawyers, bankers, academics, journalists, bureaucrats and self-styled elitists sponge off the actual wealth-creation of hard working ...

On Jul. 05, 1835, PROOF: ROBERT MUELLER CANNOT BE IMPARTIAL IN John Masterman, Jr., THE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION Mueller's Deep State Masterman, Esq.'s relationships will politicize the FBI yet again son, married Emily Contributing Writers | Opinion | Lucy Rhodes (1808- AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | ... CORONAVIRUS SOURCE 1878), mother of DISCOVERED! ALSO UNCOVERS LORD PIRBRIGHT, Cecil J. Rhodes. A ROTHSCHILD, AS KEY TO THE 140-YR. PILGRIMS Rhodes went on to SOCIETY MONOPOLY OVER Fig. 10—Cecil John Fig. 11—Nathan Mayer WORLD SOCIETY, COMMERCE & WAR partner with Nathan Rhodes Rothschild The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed up treasonously via QinetiQ Group Plc Mayer Rothschild, controlled by the Monarch Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) a... https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 7/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

1st , and his bank N.M. Rothschild & MEET THE PERSON WHO CAN REMOTELY CRASH Sons to found De Beers Consolidated Mining in South PLANES AND CAN READ YOUR MIND Africa, which was later substantially controlled through Monstrous Patent calls people “wet ware” a ~$500 million inheritance by Lord Rosebery. More Implanted devices deliver electric shock, poisons, dopamine, adrenaline, emit mind below. control freq...

HILLARY CLINTON CONTROLS 50,000 FBI ENCRYPTION KEYS—PROVES MUELLER’S WITCH HUNT IS TREASONOUS With these encryption keys, nothing in our digital lives is off limits to the Clinton's and their conspirators On Jul. 30, 1847, Lionel Nathan President Trump’s n... Rothschild, Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothschild 1808–1879), son of Nathan EDITORIALS Mayer Rothschild, founder of N.M.

Rothschild & Sons (1911), and John 1. DC Bar refuses to investigate attorney misconduct in Leader v. Facebook - Masterman, Esq. became members of Unwillingness of DC attorneys to self- Parliament for TheCityofLondonUK police may explain why Washington is broken, Dec. 30, 2012 (the Financial District). Fig. 12—Lionel Nathan 2. Will the U.S. Supreme court support Rothschild schemers or real American inventors? Facebook's case dangles on a doctored interrogatory. Eighteen (18) areas of question shout for attention, Dec. 27, 2012

3. Two Policy Changes That Will Make America More Democratic (and less On Jul. 05, 1853, contentious), Dec. 21, 2012 Cecil Rhodes was born to John OUR MISSION Masterman, Jr. and Emily Lucy Rhodes. American citizens must fight abuse of the constitutional right for authors and inventors John's cousin, to enjoy the fruits of their inventions, as a matter of matter of basic property rights and Charles Frederick sound public policy. Otherwise, instead of innovation, creativity, genius, ideas, vision, Gurney (F.G.) courage, entrepreneurship, respect, property, Fig. 33—Cecil John Fig. 14—Charles Masterman took the rejuvenation, morals, ethics, values, renewal, Rhodes Frederick Gurney (F.G.) truth, facts, rights, privacy, solutions and lead in Parliament in Masterman judicial faithfulness, the 1880s to nationalize Marconi . . . our society and economy will be dragged down (and eventually destroyed) by copying, Wireless and negotiated all the Marconi contracts, infringement, thievery, counterfeiting, hacking, greed, misinformation, exploitation, mostly secret, until 1914. abuse, waste, disrespect, falsity, corruption, bribery, coercion, intimidation, doublespeak, misconduct, lies, deception, attorney "dark F.G. Masterman also founded "Wellington House" in 1914 arts," destruction, confusion, dishonesty, called the British War Propaganda Bureau, and two years judicial chicanery and lawlessness. later, the Ministry of Information, a formal cabinet If we do not speak up, impeach derelict judges and imprison corrupt attorneys, we position under prime minister David Lloyd George. cannot possibly hope to start fixing the current ills in our society. Without justice and Evidently, the Masterman clan had been doing the respect for private property, democracy has no sure foundation. bidding of Rhodes and N.M. Rothschild for almost 100 years. CURRENT EDITORIAL FOCUS https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 8/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation We are an opinion blog that advocates for strong intellectual property rights. We welcome commenters and contributors. The Leader v. Facebook patent infringement case first came to our attention after learning that the trial judge, Leonard P. Stark, U.S. District Court of Delaware, ignored his jury’s Three Rothschilds were directly involved in admission that they had no evidence to support their on-sale bar verdict, but the the 2nd Boer War atrocities in South Africa, judge supported it anyway. The judicial misconduct has deteriorated two we knew about, the other, Lord from there, replete with two of the three judges on the Federal Circuit appeal panel, Rosebery, is new, and it is especially shocking Judges Alan D. Lourie and Kimberly A. Moore, holding Facebook stock that they did not that, given his central role, historians have disclose to the litigants, and later tried to excuse through a quick motion slipped in at remained silent about him and his heinous the last minute by the Clerk of Court, Jan Horbaly, and his close friends at The Federal Circuit Bar Association. (The DC Bar impact on our modern world. subsequently revealed that Mr. Horbaly is not licensed to practice law in Washington D.C.)

The judges ignored shocking new evidence that Mark Zuckerberg withheld 28 hard drives of 2003-2004 evidence from Leader Technologies that could prove actual theft (and therefore claims even more serious than infringement). In addition, Facebook's appeal 1. Baron Henry de Worms, 1st Baron attorney, Thomas G. Hungar of Gibson Dunn LLP, has close personal ties to just about Pirbright, great grandson of Mayer every judicial player in this story. The misconduct appears to reach into the U.S. Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812). De Patent Office through abuse of the reexamination process by Facebook. We will Worms was the ministers of trade and stay focused on Leader v. Facebook until justice is served, but we also welcome news colonies in the 1880s. He was a and analysis of intellectual property abuse in Parliamentary mentor to Cecil Rhodes other cases as well. and Alfred Milner. WELCOME TO DONNA KLINE NOW! He likely participated in Rhodes’ Fig. 15—Henry de Worms (Rothschild), 1st Baron READERS! Round Table that formerly hatched the Pirbright AFI has been supporting plan to replace the British monarchy Donna and is now picking up the main Leader v. Facebook with an Imperial federalism run from Fleet Street (Privy coverage (she will continue Council), led by the British aristocracy that benevolently coverage as well). oversaw the subjects who would be forced to follow Anonymous Posts Are Welcomed! Blogger has more communism in order to limit resource consumption and posting constraints than Donna's WordPress, but we will continue to welcome anonymous aberrant ideologies. posts. Simply send us an email at NEW Leader® Private Email: [email protected] with your post. Once the moderator verifies that In parallel, Andrew Carnegie was promoting a similar your email address is real, your comment will be posted using your real name or handle, concept whereby America would reunite with the British whatever you wish, like John Smith or Tex. motherland. Although Carnegie said he disliked the Click here to view a haughtiness, licentiousness and lack of creativity of British aristocrats, he loved their parties and the complete Donna Kline adulation he received as he doled out grants. Now! posts archive.

By 1902 when the Pilgrims Society was founded, Carnegie had resigned himself to the inevitability of an aristocratic class ruling the masses. On Oct. 20, 1893, DeWorms’ mother died and he inherited his great https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 9/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation grandmother’s Ceylon Rothschild Estate property—about $56M in today’s dollars.

2. NEW ENTRY ON THE ROTHSCHILD STAGE: Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery (“Lord Rosebery”) (1847-1929) was married to Hannah de Rothschild (1851–1890), sole heir to her father's substantial holding in the N.M. Rothschild & Sons banking fortune of Baron Mayer Amschel de Fig. 16—Lord Rosebery Rothschild (1818-1874). She inherited (Rothschild) priceless art, Mentmore, London mansions, innumerable investments and over $477 million in today's dollars, making her the wealthiest woman in England. Rosebery married Hannah on Mar. 20, 1878—four years later.




Fig. 17—The Earl and Countess (Hannah Rothschild) of Rosebery, and their son, Lord Dalmeny c. 1890 (about the time of her death). Source: Royal Collection Trust, Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. Judge Leonard P. Stark, U.S. District Court of Delaware, trial judge in Leader Techs, Inc. v. The Bank of England, of course, was synonymous with Facebook, Inc., 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D.Del. 2011). Judge Stark heard the name of Mayer Rothschild (N.M. his jury foreman admit that the jury made the on-sale bar decision Rothschild & Sons). without any evidence other than speculation, and yet he supported that verdict anyway. Just months Twelve years later, on Nov. 18, 1990, Hannah died of a before trial, Judge Stark allowed Facebook to add the on-sale bar combination of typhoid fever and liver disease, leaving claim after the close of all fact discovery and blocked Leader from https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 10/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation preparing its Rosebery all the stock holdings and cash, including N.M. defenses to this Rothschild & Sons. new claim. Judge Stark allowed the claims despite Leader's prophetic The evidence is strong that Rosebery was bisexual. This argument that the action would gains significance when one considers that the man he confuse the jury and prejudice Leader. He also permitted the jury pushed forward in the Privy Council to lead the British to ignore the Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc. test for on-sale South Africa Company (chartered by on bar, even after instructing the jury to use it. (See that December 19, 1889)—Cecil Rhodes was a well-known Jury Instruction No. 4.7 here.) He homosexual, as were most of the men in his inner circle, also contradicted with the exception of W.T. Stead. his own instruction to Leader to answer Interrogatory No. 9 in the present tense (2009), then Any reader of British history knows well that the permitted the jury to interpret it homosexual undercurrent at Oxford, Cambridge and as a 2002 admission as well. Facebook's entire on-sale bar case Fleet Street figures prominently in numerous secret is based upon this interrogatory. (Editorial: Hardly sufficient to political alliances. meet the "heavy burden" of the clear and convincing evidence standard.)

Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt, two of the "Cambridge Five" Soviet spies, Judge Alan D. Lourie, U.S. Court were notoriously gay as the other of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, panel judge in Leader Techs v. three may also have been. Notably, Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild Cir. 2012). Judge Lourie stood to benefit financially from undisclosed was exposed as the likely sixth Soviet holdings in Facebook. See analysis of Judge Lourie's T. Rowe Price spy, although Margaret Thatcher holdings re. the Facebook IPO. Judge Lourie also exonerated him. failed to apply his Fig. 18—Nathan Mayer own law-test in Victor Rothschild Group One v. Indeed, a recent Oxford professor we Hallmark Cards to the evidence. interviewed for this post confirmed that certain colleges After debunking all of Facebook's evidence on appeal, Judge Lourie at Oxford are notorious for homosexual grooming as a created new argument in the recruiting tool into the propaganda and spy business of secrecy of chambers to support Facebook and prevent the on-sale the Pilgrims Society. bar verdict from being overturned— a clear breach of constitutional due process. Rosebery was a prolific, yet ineffective politician, but gave great speeches apparently.

Rosebery's roles included: Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State for the Home Department (1881- 1883), First Commissioner of Works (1885), Lord Keeper Judge Kimberly A. Moore, U.S. of the Privy Seal (1885), Secretary of State for Foreign Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, panel judge in Leader Affairs (1892-1894), Lord President of the [Privy] Council Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d (1894-1895), Liberal Opposition Leader (1895-1896), 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Moore stood to benefit financially from Prime Minister (1894-1895), co-founder Pilgrims Society undisclosed holdings in Facebook. See disclosure of substantial (1902), co-organizer First Imperial Press Conference holdings in Facebook and Facebook- related stocks. Judge Moore failed https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 11/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation to follow the long- (1909), co-founder Empire Press Union (1909), co- held precedent for founder MI6, MI5, GC&CS (now GCHQ)(1909), House of testing on-sale bar evidence in Pfaff Lords (1868-1929). v. Wells Electronics, Inc.— an evident and intentional omission Four years after receiving his $477 million Rothschild coming from a former patent law professor. After debunking all of inheritance, he was appointed Lord President of the Facebook's evidence on appeal, Judge Moore created new argument [Privy Council]. He presided over the Privy Council when in the secrecy of chambers to support Facebook and prevent the Cecil Rhodes became a member on Feb. 02, 1885. On on-sale bar verdict from being overturned—a clear breach of Dec. 29, 1895, while Rosebery was still running the Privy constitutional due process. Council, and without approval of his British South Africa Company board of directors, Rhodes organized the failed Jameson Raid.

Judge Evan J. Wallach, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, member of the three-judge panel in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 3. Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Wallach is not a patent Rothschild, banker, influential attorney. This begs the question as to why a judge with no knowledge stockholder in N.M. Rothschild & Sons. of patent law was assigned to the case. Would anyone ask a dentist to Nathan (and now we know Lord perform brain surgery? The Federal Rosebery also) funded Cecil Rhodes to Circuit was specially formed to appoint patent-knowledgeable start DeBeers Consolidated Mines, judges to patent cases. There is no evidence so far in the judicial Limited on Mar. 12, 1888. J.P. Morgan disclosures that Judge Wallach holds stock in Facebook, although and Ernest Oppenheimer had when he was asked on a motion to Fig. 19—Nathan Mayer disclose potential Facebook partnered in Anglo American mining Rothschild holdings and other conflicts of and Oppenheimer was appointed to interest, he refused along with the other judges. See Motion to DeBeers’ board. Disclose Conflicts of Interest. Judge Wallach continued in silence even In 1890, Lord Rosebery inherited his wife Hannah's after Clerk of Court Horbaly substantial N.M. Rothschild & Sons holdings, and thus failed to provide him with Dr. effective control of the company, especially following Lakshmi Arunachalam’s motions (according to his Federal Circuit his elevation to British prime minister (1894-1895). staffer Valeri White), and yet the Clerk signed an order regarding that motion on Judge Wallach’s behalf. See a full analysis of these events at Donna Kline Now! Judge HISTORY SHOCKER ALERT: Wallach also failed to police his court’s violation of Leader’s Fifth and 14th Amendment constitutional right to due process when he participated in the fabrication of new arguments and evidence for Facebook in the secrecy of judge's chambers after he had just invalidated Facebook’s sole remaining item of evidence (using In short, Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, took disbelieved testimony as ostensible evidence of an opposite). Judge his N.M. Rothschild & Sons orders from their real owner Wallach also failed to police his court when he failed to apply the —the bisexual Lord Rosebery, former British Prime Supreme Court's Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc. test for on-sale Minister and President of the Privy Council (1894-1895), bar evidence, which included even the Federal Circuit’s own Group who was a British Christian who exploited Rothschild One v. Hallmark Cards, Inc. test—a https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 12/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation test which Judge Lourie should money. have advised Judge Wallach to follow since Judge Lourie helped write that opinion. Group One test In short, without omission analysis. Rosebery’s Rothschild-inherited money and influence (more than $500M), DeBeers may never have existed, the Fig. 20—Lord Rosebery Fig. 21—Nathan Mayer Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly, U.S. (Rothschild) Rothschild Court of Appeals for the Federal Rhodes Scholarships Circuit, clerk who signed all the opinions in Leader Techs v. may not have been funded to groom gay Oxford 'soldiers' Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Clerk Horbaly and his for the Pilgrims Society, and the 60,000 souls who staff obfuscated when the court's ruling was challenged by an amicus perished in the Roberts- Milner-Buchan-Rothschild 2nd curiae brief revealing clear Boer War concentration camps may have lived full lives. mistakes of law and new evidence. See analysis of the misconduct and misrepresentations within the Federal Circuit Clerk of Court in Leader v. Facebook. Mr. Horbaly failed to disclose his conflicts of THE MARCH OF THE ROTHSCHILDS interest and close associations with numerous Facebook attorneys and law firms, as well as his close association with one of Facebook's largest shareholders, Microsoft, who is a Director of The Federal Circuit Bar Association In 1792, James Rothschild of Paris (1792-1868), part of where Mr. Horbaly is an ex officio officer. Additionally, the DC Bar the parallel French Rothschilds, had promised to revealed in a written statement that Clerk Horbaly is not licensed financially back Alexander Hamilton’s scheme for the to practice law in the District of First Bank of the United States. Columbia. [Editorial: What does that make the Federal Circuit with its location within in a stone's throw of the White House? A self- Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson opposed a governing state?] central bank.

Undeterred, Hamilton later proposed the Second Bank of the United States. This time, Nicholas Biddle acted as the agent for James Rothschild. The subsequent banking

panics in 1873, 1893, and 1907 have all been traced to Judge Randall R. Rader, U.S. London where House of Rothschild-controlled banks had Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, chief judge responsible for artificially triggered various credit and stock crises to the (mis)conduct of his judges and Clerk of Court in Leader Techs v. instill fear and panic in America (the original false Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Rader failed to flags?) manage his court resulting in a likely situation where his judges never even received briefs that When it became evident that America would stubbornly they allegedly ruled on in favor of Facebook. Judge resist their central bank ideas, they wised up, stopped Rader also failed to disclose his calling their plans a “Central Bank,” and came up with conflicting the “Federal Reserve System” name instead. relationships with a Leader principle with whom he may have had deep professional differences during his In 1886, Andrew Carnegie first published The Gospel of time at the Senate Judiciary Wealth. It illustrates the fantastical arrogance of the Committee—his former professor of https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 13/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation law at George Washington Pilgrims Society. He wrote on p. 40: University Law Center, former Leader director Professor James P. Chandler. See analysis of Judge “…the man of wealth thus Rader's undisclosed conflicts of interest in Leader v. Facebook. becoming the sole agent and Judge Rader also trustee for his poorer brethren, did not stop his judges from bringing to their service his creating new arguments and superior wisdom, experience, and evidence for Facebook in the secrecy of ability to administer—doing for chambers—after they had debunked them better than they would or Fig. 22—Andrew all of Facebook's evidence on Carnegie appeal, which is a clear breach of could do for themselves.” constitutional due process.

Updated May 22, 2015 Carnegie's chapter titled "The Reunion of Britain and Click here to view a Federal Circuit Leader v. Facebook Conflicts of America" was removed from reprints in 1889, 1898, Interest Map. 1899, 1896, 1900 and 1901. However, AFI researchers identified a university reprint of just that chapter, available in the link above.

SIMPLE CARNEGIE BENEFICENCE FORMULA: DONATE MONEY TO THE See "Cover-up In Process At The Federal Circuit?" Donna Kline Now! WRETCHED, FAWNING MASSES Sep. 17, 2012.

Leader v. Facebook Legal Research (DEPLORABLES) IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR Links SUBSERVIENCE Click image to enlarge NOTICE: Opinion

This is an opinion blog. Any information contained or linked herein should be independently verified and should be considered the sole opinion of the writer. Free Speech and Freedom of the Press are protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and other local, state, national and international laws. Therefore, as with all opinion, such opinion should not be relied upon without independent verification.

This site is a not-for-profit effort focused on education, news, investigation of issues in the public interest, and research, and relies on fair use copyright exemptions under 17 U.S.C. 106(a)-117 of the United States Copyright Act, in addition to any and all other related and relevant privileges to which a fair and reasonable person would attribute to this grassroots effort to root out corruption and promote justice. No rights whatsoever to third party content are claimed or implied.

Fig. 23—Louis Dalrymple, lithog. (May 23, 1903). TWO EXAMPLES FOR THE RISING GENERATION - AFI LOGO (with text) Dale Carnegie giving $100,000,000 to American libraries to rewrite American history to please England, and indebted, profligate King Edward II in Britain relies on Carnegie gifts to pacify his fawning aristocrats. Judge Company of New York; Sackell & Wilhelms Litho. & Ptg., New York. Raw *.jpg image file. Graphic: Judge, 1903. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

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In 1888, DeBeers Group was founded by Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Beit and N.M. AFI LOGO (no text) Rothschild & Sons bank, which by 1890 would be heavily controlled by future Fig. 24—Cecil John Fig. 25—Alfred Beit British prime Rhodes minister Lord Rosebery, a Rothschild by inheritance.


SECULAR ORDER OF CHIVALRY—THE CORRUPTION WATCH LIST PRIORY OF ENGLAND, KNIGHTS OF Faces of the Facebook Corruption (PDF) MALTA, ORDER OF ST. JOHN, CONCEIVED (currently being updated after the Fri. Mar. 7, 2014 BY ROTHSCHILD MPs Scribd censorship of this document:

Here is the cast of characters in Leader v. Facebook. We encourage you to report their corrupt activities to this site and others, like Lawless America. Feel free to communicate anonymously in any way in which you are most comfortable. The attempt of these people and their organizations to corrupt On May 14, 1888 American justice and commerce cannot be tolerated. Vigilance. We will expose them. (be patient, this See Congressional Briefings (currently being updated after Scribd censored the goes to pg. 1379 of documents on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014). a 19th century A. Facebook's law firms:

history, 76 MB), 1. Fenwick & West LLP (Facebook securities and patent law firm; Henry de Worms former Leader Technologies counsel; attempted an appearance in Leader (Rothschild), v. Facebook; did not seek conflicts waiver from Leader prior to Under-Secretary of representing Facebook) Fig. 26—Lord Rosebery Fig. 27—Nathan Mayer 2. Cooley Godward LLP (Facebook State for the (Rothschild) Rothschild law firm in Leader v. Facebook; McBee Strategic energy stimulus Colonies, partner; Obama Justice Dept. advisor; former employer to patent facilitated the judges) reorganization of 3. Blank & Rome LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook; former the the British employer to patent judges) 4. White & Case LLP (Facebook law colony of Malta firm in Leader v. Facebook; undisclosed former employer to that was home to Patent Office Freedom of https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 15/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Information Act (FOIA) officer the Knights of involved in Leader v. Facebook) 5. Gibson Dunn LLP (Facebook law Malta, Order of St. firm in Leader v. Facebook; undisclosed counsel to the Federal John, Roman Circuit; undisclosed protégé of Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr.; Catholic order. undisclosed former employer to Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara, U.S. Attorney currently persecuting Paul Malta had been Ceglia in U.S. v. Ceglia (Ceglia v. Zuckerberg)) ruled by the Order 6. Orrick Herrington LLP (longtime Facebook law firm and of St. John since destroyer of evidence for the cabal in Winklevoss v. Zuckerberg and Fig. 28—Alexandrina Fig. 29—Henry de Worms 1530. After a two- ConnectU v. Facebook) Victoria (Rothschild), 1st Baron Pirbright 7. Weil Gotshal LLP (Federal Circuit year occupation by counsel in Leader v. Facebook; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's Napoleon (1798- undisclosed former client) 1802), the Maltese requested British protection in 1802, 8. Latham & Watkins LLP (Facebook Director James W. the Order of St. John returned and then the Treaty of Breyer's counsel; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's husband, Matthew J. Paris (May 30, 1814) formally recognized Malta as a Moore's new law firm) 9. Federal Circuit Bar Association British colony—three months before the British Army ("FCBA") (Federal Circuit's bar association; second largest in the burned down the White House in the War of 1812 (Aug. U.S.; Facebook's law firms extert much influence in its policy and 24, 1814). activity, incl. Fenwick & West LLP, Gibson Dunn LLP, Orrick Herrington LLP, Weil Gotschal LLP; Facebook's large shareholder, As a British colony under a Protestant British monarch, Microsoft, is a director; Federal Circuit Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly is the Order of Malta was under the ecclesiastical rule of an officer; FCBA made an appearance in Leader v. Facebook to Roman Catholic popes while British monarchs were their oppose the amicus curiae (friend of the court) motion of Dr. Lakshmi civil rulers. Technically, in the governing of the Knights Arunachalam, former Director of Network Architecture at Sun of Malta, Order of St. John, this placed the Protestant Microsystems, in favor of Leader Technologies and objecting to the British monarch under the spiritual authority of the pope evident conflicts of interest within the court itself, her motion was of Rome. denied, the judges refused to disclose their conflicts which we now know include Facebook and To further muddle this Microsoft stocks) 10. DC Bar Association circumstance, Queen 11. Perkins Coie LLP (Facebook's "rapid response enforcement team;" Victoria recognized six law firm for Obama's chief counsels, the husband and wife team of Robert Grand Priories within F. Bauer and Anita B. Dunn; Bauer was identified on Aug. 1, 2013 as the Knights of Malta. having directed the IRS targeting of the Tea Party) The Grand Priory of 12. Stroz Friedberg (Facebook’s "forensic expert" who manipulated England would be the data in Paul Ceglia v. Mark Zuckerberg, and who first revealed different from all the the existence of 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard emails that they others under the told Leader Technologies in 2009 were "lost") Pope's rule. The 13. Chandler Law Firm Chartered (Professor James P. Chandler, III, Queen established principal; Leader Technologies patent counsel; adviser to IBM and "The Grand Priory of David J. Kappos; adviser to Eric H. Holder, Jr. and the U.S. Department the Order of the of Justice; author of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 and the Hospital of St. John of Federal Trade Secrets Act) Jerusalem in England" B. Facebook not by State Order, attorneys & but as an Order of the cooperating judges: Crown. 14. Gordon K. Davidson (Fenwick; Facebook's securities and patent attorney; Leader Technologies' former attorney) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 16/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

15. Christopher P. King ( aka Their website today Christopher-Charles King aka Christopher King aka Christopher- states: "The Venerable Order [Grand Priory of England] Charles P. King, Fenwick & West has priories and associations in some 40 countries, LLP) 16. Theodore B. Olson (Gibson mostly English-speaking, including America and Dunn) 17. Thomas G. Hungar (Gibson including "the Order of Malta, Federal Association, Dunn) 18. Eric H. Holder, Jr. (Attorney U.S.A." General, U.S. Dept. of Justice) 19. James Cole (Deputy Attorney The Grand Priories are in Rome, Lombardy and Venice, General, U.S. Dept. of Justice) 20. Tony West (Associate Attorney Naples and Sicily, Bohemia, Austria and England. The General, U.S. Dept. of Justice; 2008 Obama California Campaign Grand Priory of England is unique among the priories Manager) 21. Robert F. Bauer (Obama because it is controlled by the British Monarch (not by Attorney; White House Chief Counsel; directed IRS targeting of the Pope, but subservient to the Pope) and allows the Tea Party; formerly and currently employed by Perkins Coie invitation-only members from any faith and no faith— LLP, Facebook's "rapid response enforcement team;" spouse is Anita which is nonsensical, but true. B. Dunn) 22. Anita B. Dunn (Obama Attorney; White House Chief Counsel; In other words, the Christian Queen of Britain can invite husband Robert F. Bauer directed IRS targeting of the Tea Party, formerly employed by Perkins Coie a jihadi to be a Knight of Malta, under the Order of the LLP, Facebook's "rapid response English Priory of St. John, and waive all historic enforcement team") 23. Mary L. Schapiro (former protocols to Christian fidelity. Has she done this? No one Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission (S.E.C.); holds knows for sure, the chivalry awards are not published by investments in 51 Facebook Club basket funds) the British Crown, except where someone's picture may 24. James "Jamie" Brigagliano (former Deputy Director of the appear in a press photo. Division of Trading and Markets at the Securities and Exchange Commission; Mary L. Schapiro's chief lieutenant on "dark pool" rule Many of these groups are, in fact, international money making) laundering, spy rings and human trafficking operations 25. Joseph P. Cutler (Perkins Coie) 26. David P. Chiappetta (Perkins for British offshore banks, the European Union, United Coie) 27. James R. McCullagh (Perkins Nations, Governments, NGOs and C.I.A. disguised as Coie) charities. 28. Ramsey M. Al-Salam (Perkins Coie) 29. Grant E. Kinsel (Perkins Coie) For example, Link Campus University in Rome (Link 30. Reeve T. Bull (Gibson Dunn) Campus—University of Malta) invites lecturers on 31. Heidi Keefe (Cooley) 32. Michael G. Rhodes (Cooley; Tesla intelligence from the C.I.A. and FBI. It trains NATO Motors) intelligence officers. Link is where the infamous Joseph 33. Elizabeth Stameshkin (Cooley) 34. Donald K. Stern (Cooley; Justice Mifsud attempted unsuccessfully to seduce and recruit Dept. advisor) 35. Mark R. Weinstein (Cooley) low-level Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos 36. Jeffrey Norberg (Cooley) 37. Ronald Lemieux (Cooley) It is likely not coincidental that this organization 38. Craig W. Clark (Blank Rome) 39. Tom Amis (Cooley / McBee parallels the emerging "English-speaking race" visions of Strategic) 40. Erich Veitenheimer (Cooley / Cecil Rhodes, the Round Table, The Pilgrims Society and McBee Strategic) the English-Speaking Union. As we shall see, two of 41. Roel Campos (Cooley; former Commissioner of the U.S. Securities Rhodes' disciples, Baron Henry de Worms (Rothschild) & Exchange Commission at the time of the infamous Facebook 12(g) and Lord Rothschild helped Queen Victoria organize this exemption) 42. Lisa T. Simpson (Orrick) mangled Maltese governance scheme. 43. Indra Neel Chatterjee (Orrick) 44. Samuel O'Rourke (Facebook; Among all the Orders of St. John within the Knights of Cooley-directed) 45. Theodore W. Ullyot (Facebook; Malta, the Priory of England is the only one that has no Cooley-directed) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 17/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

46. Amber H. Rover, aka Amber L. religious restrictions on admissions." In other words, it is Hagy aka Amber Hatfield (Weil Gotshal LLP; Judge Kimberly A. a secular order that admits Christians of all Moore's former client) jurisdictions, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Muslims, 47. Edward R. Reines (Weil Gotschal) 48. Trish Harris (DC Bar Association) Communists, Fascists, Nihilists, non-believers and devils, 49. Elizabeth A. Herman (DC Bar by invitation only. Association) 50. Elizabeth J. Branda (DC Bar Association) Lord N.M. Rothschild participated in this Knights of 51. David J. Kappos (former Patent Office Director; former IBM chief Malta reorganization led by Henry de Worms intellectual property counsel; ordered unprecedented 3rd reexam (Rothschild), as the Parliamentary Record from 1888 of Leader Technologies' patent; Obama political appointee) shows below. Note: Lord Rosebery (Rothschild) was 52. Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara (U.S. Attorney Ceglia v. Zuckerberg; negotiating treaties with America for Queen Victoria at formerly of Gibson & Dunn LLP; protects Zuckerberg) this time. 53. Thomas J. Kim (SEC Chief Counsel) 54. Anne Krauskopf (SEC Special Sr. Counsel) 55. John G. Roberts, Jr. (Chief THE GRAND PRIORY OF ENGLAND, Justice, U.S. Supreme Court) 56. Jan Horbaly (Federal Circuit, KNIGHTS OF MALTA, ORDER OF ST. JOHN Clerk of Court) 57. Kimberly A. Moore (Judge, Federal Circuit) —THE ULTIMATE IN DECADENT PILGRIMS 58. Matthew J. Moore (Latham & Watkins LLP; husband of Judge Kimberly A. Moore) 59. Kathryn "Kathy" Ruemmler SOCIETY CHIVALRY (Latham & Watkins LLP; White Click image to enlarge House counsel) 60. Evan J. Wallach (Judge, Federal Circuit) 61. Alan D. Lourie (Judge, Federal Circuit) 62. Randall R. Rader (Chief Judge, Federal Circuit) 63. Terence P. Stewart (Federal Circuit Bar Association) 64. Leonard P. Stark (Judge, Delaware U.S. District Court) 65. Richard J. Arcara (Judge, N.Y. Western District, Ceglia v. Holder et al) 66. Allen R. MacDonald (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent Office) 67. Stephen C. Siu (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent Office) 68. Meredith C. Petravick (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent Office) 69. James T. Moore (Administratie Judge, U.S. Patent Office) 70. Pinchus M. Laufer (Sr. Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Fig. 30—Journals of the House of Commons. (Feb. 09, 1888 - Dec. 24, 1888). Re. Baron PTAB) Henry de Worms [Rothschild, Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies], Sess. 1888,--51 71. Kimberly Jordan (Counsel, & 52 Victoria, Vol. 143, PDF p. 115. Hansard UK Parliament. Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) Baron Henry de Worms (Rothschild), as then Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, 72. Daniel J. Ryman (Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) with Lord Rothschild's assistance, cajoled Queen Victoria to establish a private army of international chivalry that they would co-opt as their shock troops in the Pilgrims 73. William J. Stoffel (Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Society's coming battle to establish a one world government run the self-anointed Pilgrim PTAB) elites. 74. James C. Payne (Counsel, Patent Graphic: UK Parliament, Hansard. Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) 75. Deandra M. Hughes (Examiner, Leader v. Facebook reexamination) 76. Kathryn Walsh Siehndel (FOIA Counsel, U.S. Patent Office - bio and conflicts log concealed) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 18/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

77. Dennis C. Blair (Director, U.S. National Intelligence) 78. Dennis F. Saylor, IV (Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, FISA) 79. James E. Boasberg (Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Between Feb. 09, Court, FISA) 1888 - Dec. 24, 80. James P. Chandler, III (President, National Intellectual 1888, Baron Henry Property Law Institute, NIPLI; The Chandler Law Firm Chartered; de Worms advisor to Asst. Att'y Gen. Eric H. Holder, Jr., Dept. of Justice; Member, National Infrastructure (Rothschild), 1st Assurance Commission, NIAC; advisor to Federal Circuit Chief Lord Pirbright, Judge Randall R. Rader; advisor to Sen. Orrin Hatch; author, The wielded Federal Trade Secrets Act and the Economic Espionage Act of 1996; considerable Leader Technologies' legal counsel, Fig. 31—Henry de Worms Fig. 32—Nathan Mayer along with Fenwick & West LLP) influence with (Rothschild) Rothschild Queen Victoria and C. Facebook puppet masters: Parliament as the 81. President Barack Obama Under Secretary of (appointed Leonard P. Stark to the judge's seat in Delaware Federal State for the District Court eight days after Stark's court allowed Facebook to get away Colonies. with jury and court manipulation of an on-sale bar verdict which was attained without a single piece of In this position, he hard evidence; Barack and Michelle Obama were evidently protecting managed policy for their 47 million "likes" on Facebook) 82. Lawrence "Larry" Summers such subjects as the (Harvard President who aided Fig. 33—Lord Rosebery Zuckerberg's light-speed rise to government of (Rothschild) prominence with unprecedented Harvard Crimson coverage; Obama Malta, Maltese bailout chief; Clinton Treasury Secretary; World Bank Chief nobility, South Africa, Natal, Orange Free States, Economist; "Special Advisor" to Marc Andreessen in Instagram; co- Transvaal, Cape of Good Hope, emigration and creator of the current Russian robber baron economy; close 20- immigration within the British Empire (with Lord year relationships with protégés Sheryl Sandberg & Yuri Milner; Rothschild), China emigration, trade, industry, aided in recommendations that created the Russian robber baron economy—and Yuri manufacturing, shipping, agriculture, Schemes for Milner/DST/Asmanov's money used Colonization. In this role, his Rothschild kissing-kin Lord to purchase Facebook stock) 83. James W. Breyer, Accel Rosebery even handle American extradition treaties with Partners LLP; Facebook director; client of Fenwick & West LLP since the United States. the 1990's; apparently received technology from other Fenwick clients that was shuffled to Zuckerberg, incl. Leader On Oct. 09, 1888, an American public was skeptical of Technologies' inventions) 84. David Plouffe; directed Obama's the many "trusts" being offered to the world. Andrew 2008 and 2012 campaigns; a self- described "statistics nerd;" likely Carnegie reassured them: directed the activities of the Facebook Club; employed Robert F. Bauer, Perkins Coii LLP in 2000 at "The public may regard trusts or combinations the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee with serene confidence." 85. McBee Strategic (one of the main "private" arms responsible for dolling out the billions in Obama Click image to enlarge "green energy" stimulus funds; partnered with Cooley Godward LLP) 86. Mike Sheehy (Cooley-McBee Strategic principal; former National Security Adviser to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi) 87. Nancy Pelosi (U.S. Congresswoman; appears to be running political cover in the House for Facebook, McBee Strategic, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 19/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Cooley Godward, Fenwick & West, Breyers, etc.) 88. Harry Reid (U.S. Senator; Judge Evan J. Wallach patron) 89. Thomas J. Kim (SEC, Chief Counsel & Assoc. Director) approved Facebook's 500-shareholder exemption on Oct. 14, 2007, one day after it was submitted by Fenwick & West LLP; Facebook used this exemption to sell $3 billion insider stock to the Russians Alisher Asmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, Digital Sky, Mail.ru which pumped Facebook's pre-IPO valuation to $100 billion; another Harvard grad, Kim worked at Latham & Watkins LLP which was the chief lobbyist for the National Venture Capital Association in 2002-2004 whose Chairman was . . . James W. Beyer, Accel Partners LLP; in other words Breyer and Kim, both Harvard grads, were associated at the time of the Zuckerberg hacking and theft of Leader Technologies' software code) 90. Ping Li (Accel Partners, Zuckerberg handler) 91. Jim Swartz (Accel Partners; Zuckerberg handler) 92. Sheryl K. Sandberg (Facebook, Summers protégé; Facebook director) 93. Yuri Milner (DST aka Digital Sky, Summers protégé; former Bank Menatep executive; Facebook director) 94. Alisher Asmanov (DST aka Digital Sky; Goldman Sachs Moscow Fig. 34—W.A. Rogers. (Oct. 09, 1888). A Trustworthy Beast - The public may regard trusts partner; Russian oligarch; Friend of the Kremlin; Became the Richest or combinations with serene confident - Andrew Carnegie in an interview in N.Y. Times. Man in Russia after the Facebook Raw *.jpg image file. IPO) 95. Marc L. Andreessen (Zuckerberg This was evidently a different New York Times in 1888 - before it was hijacked by the coach; client of Fenwick & West LLP Pilgrims Society and the Empire Press Union in 1909, then completely subverted by 1918 and Christopher P. King aka Christopher-Charles King aka when British Pilgrim Philip Whitwell Wilson move to The New York Times in New York to Christopher King aka Christopher- be an editor until his death in 1953. Charles P. King; Summers' sponsor Graphic: New York Times, HarpWeek, 1888/2001. Reproduced for educational purposes during Instagram-scam; Facebook only. Fair Use relied upon. director) 96. Peter Thiel (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; Facebook director; CEO, Clarion Capital) 97. Clarion Capital (Peter Thiel) 98. Reid G. Hoffman (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; LinkedIn; Facebook director) 99. Richard Wolpert (Accel Partners) 100. Robert Ketterson (Fidelity Ventures; Fidelity Equity Partners; , Baron Henry de Fidelity Ventures On Jan. 02, 1889 Telecommunications & Technology) Worms (Rothschild), 1st Lord Pirbright, 101. David Kilpatrick (Business Insider; "The Facebook Effect"; PR was appointed to the Privy Council by cleanse-meister re. Facebook origins) Queen Victoria. 102. Zynga/Groupon/LinkedIn/Squ are/Instagram ("Facebook Money/Credits/Bitcoin" feeder companies) 103. Tesla Motors (received $465 million in Obama stimulus funds and hired Cooley's Michael Rhodes in the seven months before the Leader v. Facebook trial, just before Fig. 35—Henry de Worms veteran Judge Joseph Farnan made (Rothschild), 1st Baron the surprise announcement of his Pirbright retirement, just six days after Facebook's disasterous Markman Hearing) 104. Solyndra (received $535 million in Obama stimulus at the recommendation of the Cooley- https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 20/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation McBee Strategic "consulting" alliance) 105. BrightSource (received $1.6 billion in Obama stimulus at the recommendation of the Cooley- McBee Strategic "consulting" alliance) On Dec. 19, 1889, 106. John P. Breyer (father of James W. Breyer; founder of IDG Capital Cecil Rhodes, Partners - China; coached his son on exploiting Western markets while he chairman of De quietly built a venture capital business in China for the last 20 Beers Mining, years; the real brain behind the Breyer exploitations bankrolled by N.M. 107. IDG Capital Partners (China) (founded by John P. Breyer, the Rothschild & Sons, father of James W. Breyer, Accel Partners; the current launderer of was granted the the tens of billions James W has fleeced from the U.S. market from British South Africa the bailout, stimulus and the "pump Fig. 36—Lord Rosebery Fig. 37—Nathan Mayer & dump" Facebook IPO schemes) Company charter by (Rothschild) Rothschild 108. Goldman Sachs (received US bailout funds; then invested with Queen Victoria's DST in Facebook private stock via Moscow; took Facebook public; Privy Council. locked out American investors from investing) 109. Morgan Stanley (received US This set off a series bailout funds; took Facebook public; probably participated in oversees of events that were purchases of Facebook private stock before IPO) certainly not 110. State Street Corporation (received U.S. taxpayer bailout coincidental in the monies along with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley; consolodating consolidation of control of ATM banking networks banking power that internationally Fig. 38—Cecil John 111. JP Morgan Chase (received U.S. rapidly commenced. Rhodes, Rothschild De taxpayer bailout monies along with Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Beers Mines chairman State Street Corporation) Lord Rothschild and and co-owner 112. Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs, N.M. Rothschild & CEO) 113. Jamie Dimon (JP MorganChase, Sons, along with Lord Rosebery's N.M. Rothschild CEO) inheritance, funded South Africa's slide into total chaos 114. Steve Cutler (JP MorganChase, General Counsel) that became the 2nd Boer War (1899-1902). 115. Rodgin Cohen (JP MorganChase, Outside Counsel; Sullivan Cromwell, LLP) 116. U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (granted Fenwick & West's application on behalf of Facebook for an unpredented exemption to the 500 shareholder rule; opened the floodgated for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley , to make a private market in On Apr. 08, 1890 Facebook pre-IPO insider stock; facilitated the influx of billions of Junius S. Morgan dollars from "dubious" sources associated with Russian oligarchs, (1813-1890), who had Alisher Asmanov and Yuri Milner, and the Kremlin; Goldman Sachs is been secretly a partner with this Moscow company, Digital Sky Technologies, bankrolled by Nathan aka DST, aka Mail.ru) Mayer Rothschild. 117. Jeff Markey (McBee Strategic LLC; allied with Facebook's Cooley died in a carriage Godward Kronish LLP to arrange Obama's green energy funding; arranged $1.6 billion for failed accident while BrightSource and $535 million for Fig. 39—John Pierpont Fig. 40—Lord Rosebery failed Solyndra) traveling along the J.P. Morgan, Sr. (Rothschild) 118. Steve McBee (McBee Strategic French Riviera. His LLC; allied with Facebook's Cooley Godward Kronish LLP to arrange son John Pierpont (J.P.) Morgan took charge of his bank Obama's green energy funding; arranged $1.6 billion for failed named J.S. Morgan & Co. and renamed it J.P. Morgan & BrightSource and $535 million for failed Solyndra) Company. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 21/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

119. Michael F. McGowan (Stroz Were the death of Rosebery's and J.P. Morgan's Rothschild Friedberg; Facebook forensic expert who lied about his knowledge of the sugar mommies and daddies in the same year—1890 just contents of the 28 Zuckerberg hard coincidence? Murdering your father is patricide. drives and Harvard Email accounts) 120. Bryan J. Rose (Stroz Friedberg; Murdering your wife is uxoricide. Facebook forensic expert who lied about his knowledge of the contents of the 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard Email accounts) 121. Dr. Saul Greenberg (Facebook's expert witness from the University of Calgary; disingenuously waived his hands and said he would be "wild guessing" about the purpose of a Java "sessionstate" import statement (even Java newbies know it is used On Nov. 19, 1890, Lady Hannah for tracking a user while in a web session); in short, Dr. Greeberg lied Rosebery (née Rothschild) died of to the jury, thus discrediting his typhoid fever at age 39, leaving her testimony) 122. Toni Townes-Whitley (CGI Federal; Michelle Obama's 1985 $500 million fortune in cash plus Princeton classmate; CGI "donated" $47 million to the Obama campaign; valuable properties, art and her N.M. CGI won the no-bid contract to build the www.healthcare.gov Obamacare Rothschild & Sons stock to Lord website; CGI shut off the security features on Obama's reelection Rosebery. When she received this donation sites to increase donations) inheritance from her father, Baron 123. CGI Federal (US division of a Canadian company; Donated $47 Fig. 41—Lord Rosebery Mayer Amschel de Rothschild (1818- million to Obama's reelection, then (Rothschild) received the no-bid contract to build the ill-fated Obamacare website; 1874), as his sole heir, she was called Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate, Toni Townes-Whitely, is a "the richest woman in England." Lord Rosebery inherited Senior Vice President of CGI; the website is replete with social it all, making him one of the richest men in England. features and links to Facebook) 124. Kathleen Sebelius (Obama's Secretary of Health & Human With the deaths of Hannah Rosebery (née Rothschild) and Services since 2009 responsible for $678 million Obamacare Junius Morgan, the entire global banking structure fell implementation; made the decision to hire CGI Federal on a no-bid into the hands of Lord Rosebery (Rothschild), J.P. contract despite the evident conflict of interest with Michelle Obama and Morgan, Lord Rothschild, N.M. Rothschild & Sons and the $47 million in Obama campaign donations by CGI; the website is Bank of England—run by Rothschilds. replete with social features and links to Facebook) 125. Todd Y. Park (White House Chief Technology Officer (CTO); former CTO for Health & Human Services; chief architect of HealthCare.gov; founder, director, CEO, Athenahealth, Inc.; founder, director, CEO, Castlight Health, Inc.) In February, 1891, 126. Frank M. Sands, Sr. / Frank M. Sands, Jr. (Founder and CEO, just three months respectively, of Sands Capital Management LLC; failed to file after Hannah's S.E.C. Form SC 13G acquisition reports for Athenahealth, Inc., untimely death, Baidu, Inc. (ADR) and Facebook stock during 2012; masked the well within his association of Todd Y. Park with Athenahealth, Inc. and Baidu, Inc., customary six- and the association of both of those companies with the Facebook IPO month mourning fraud) 127. Robin "Handsome Reward" period, the widower Yangong Li (CEO, Baidu, Inc. Fig. 42—Lord Rosebery Fig. 43—Nathan Mayer (ADR); appointed Jan. 2004, the Lord Rosebery held (Rothschild) Rothschild same month that Mark Zuckerberg obtained Leader Technologies' social a meeting at "Lord networking source code to start Facebook; Robin Y. Li is very likely Rothschild's country associated with John P. and James W. Breyer through their Chinese house." entities, including IDG Capital Partners, IDG-Accel and other variants; Li appointed a junior attorney from Fenwick & West LLP, Palo Alto/Mountain View, namely Parker Zhang, to be his "Head of https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 22/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Patents;" Fenwick & West LLP Prof. Quigley wrote represented both Leader Technologies, Inc. and Accel in The Secret Partners LLC in 2002-2003 and had Leader's source code in their files.) Society of Cecil 128. Parker Zhang ("Head of Patents" at Baidu, Inc. (ADR), appointed in Rhodes (pp. 38-39): approx. May 2012; formerly a junior Associate attorney at Fenwick & West LLP; graduate from Michigan "The secret Law in 2005) 129. Penny S. Pritzker (Secretary, society, after so Department of Commerce; replaced Rebecca M. Blank; holds over $24 much million in Facebook "dark pools" stock, most notably in Goldman Fig. 44—Cecil John Fig. 45—Alfred Beit preliminary Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Rhodes JPMorgan) talk, took form 130. Rebecca M. Blank (Secretary, Department of Commerce; oversaw in 1891, the the dubious Leader v. Facebook activities of the Patent Office same year in Director, David J. Kappos, who held over one million dollars in Facebook which Rhodes "dark pools" during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings; Kappos drew up his purchased this stock within weeks of his surprise recess appointment by fourth will and President Obama; Kappos also was formerly employed by IBM, who sold made [W.T. Facebook 750 patents during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings; Stead] as well right before leaving the Patent OFfice, Kappos also ordered an as Lord [Nathan unprecedented 3rd reexamination of Fig. 66—Viscount Alfred Fig. 47—Henry de Worms Leader's patent without even Mayer] Milner (Rothschild) identifying claims) 131. Mary L. Schapiro (Chairman, Rothschild the Securities & Exchange Commission; holds 51 Facebook "dark pools" trustee of his stocks which held stock in Facebook, Baidu and more than a dozen fortune. It is Facebook crony companies; failed to regulate the "dark pools;" failed to perfectly clear disclose her substantial conflict of interest in regulating the run up to from the the Facebook IPO) 132. Robert C. Hancock (Chief evidence that Compliance Officer, Sands Capital Management, LLC; failed to file he expected S.E.C. Form SC 12G notice of acquisition reports for Athenahealth, Rothschild to Baidu and Facebook during the period of the Facebook IPO in 2012; handle the Fig. 48—Arthur James Fig. 49—William Thomas this conduct masked the conflicts of Balfour ("W.T.") Stead interest of Todd Y. Park, who was financial appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Chief Technology Officer investments during this same period; Todd Y. Park is/has been founder, director associated with the trust, while Stead was to and CEO of both Athenahealth and Castlight Health; Todd Y. Park have full charge of the methods by which the deeply embedded the software from Athenahealth and Castlight Health funds were used ... They discussed the into HealthCare.gov when he was CTO at Health & Human Services; organization of the secret society and divided it none of these conflicts of interest were disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethics pledges and reports are missing into two circles: an inner circle, 'The Society of from the Office of Government the Elect', and an outer circle to include 'The Ethics) 133. Jonathan Goodman (Chief Association of Helpers.'" Counsel, Sands Capital Management, LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 12G notice of acquisition reports for Athenahealth, The first meetings to promote British Imperial Baidu and Facebook during the period of the Facebook IPO in 2012; federalism named "The Round Table Group" included this conduct masked the conflicts of interest of Todd Y. Park, who was Cecil Rhodes, W.T. Stead, Lord N.M. Rothschild, a appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Chief Technology Officer Rothschild in-law, Lord Esher, Lord Alfred Milner, Alfred during this same period; Todd Y. Park is/has been founder, director Beit, Sir Harry Johnston, Lord Grey, Lord Curzon, Lord and CEO of both Athenahealth and Castlight Health; Todd Y. Park Balfour, Professor J.R. Seeley, Rosebery's banker and very deeply embedded the software from Athenahealth and Castlight Health into HealthCare.gov when he was https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 23/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation CTO at Health & Human Services; possibly Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright none of these conflicts of interest were disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethics (Rothschild)'s chemical, drug and vaccine pitchman pledges and reports are missing from the Office of Government protégé Henry Wellcome. Ethics; Goodman was formerly employed by Gibson Dunn LLP, Facebook appeals counsel in Leader Notably, Roman Catholic Cardinal Manning, an Oxford v. Facebook) 134. Trip Adler ("Co-Founder" of graduate, was among The Round Table "Circle of Scribd; Harvard contemporaries of Mark Zuckerberg with a dubious Initiates," as was Arthur Balfour, the Zionist author of the orgins story, like Zuckerberg's; Scribd held AFI documents for two Balfour Declaration to Lord Rothschild on Nov. 02, 1917. years, then summarily deleted the entire library without warning on General Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, was also Fri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's library contained only public documents an initiate. and much evidence proving the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption) 135. Jared Friedman ("Co-Founder" of Scribd; Harvard contemporaries of Mark Zuckerberg with a dubious ROUND TABLE FAKE HISTORY orgins story, like Zuckerberg's; Scribd held AFI documents for two years, then summarily deleted the entire library without warning on PROPAGANDA ALERT! Fri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's library contained only public documents and much evidence proving the Leader v. Facebook judicial Both Cambridge University and Wikipedia say the corruption) 136. Jeffrey Wadsworth (CEO, Round Table was founded in 1909-1910—19 years later. Battelle Memorial Institute; President, Ohio State University These are false histories. Board of Trustees; former Deputy Director of Science & Technologies, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California They were probably written to legitimize Rhodes Board of Trustees) Scholarships as something noble—as something other 137. Michael V. Drake (President, The Ohio State University; former than a crass recruiting arm for the Pilgrims Society Chancellor, University of California, Irvine) secret society. Viscount Alfred Milner and not Cecil 138. Woodrow A. Myers (Chief Medical Officer, Wellpoint, Inc.; Rhodes is the prime mover in their fake histories. The formerly Corporate Operations Officer, Anthem Blue Cross Blue fact is, Cecil Rhodes was working out his Round Table Shield of Indiana) 139. Alex R. Fischer (aka Alexander ideas before the 1890. Ross Fischer; Trustee, The Ohio State University; former Sr. Vice President, Battelle Memorial Institute; Chairman, OmniViz; married to Lori Barreras) 140. Chris Glaros (author of the BLOOD MONEY discredited Waters Report re. The Ohio State University Marching Band; protege of Eric H. Holder, Jr., Professor James P. Chandler, III, In the Cambridge University and Wikipedia fake histories and Algernon L. Marbley) 141. Lori Barreras (Commissioner, of the Round Table movement, Cecil Rhodes only Ohio Civil Rights Commission; former Vice President of Human participates in death through his Rhodes Trust money, Resources, The Ohio State University; former Vice President, administered by Alfred Milner and Lord Rothschild. This Battelle Memorial Institute; married to Alex R. Fischer) false story was evidently created to keep the Rhodes 142. David Vaughn (Criminal Attorney, David Vaughn Consulting Group; Scholarships unsullied, which they clearly are not. The former Assistant U.S. Attorney; appointed to the discredited Waters scholarships are evidently funded with Pilgrims Society Commission at Ohio State) blood money—the money that killed 60,000 Boers and 143. Betty Montgomery (former Ohio Attorney General; appointed to the discredited Waters Commission at black, including 14,000 mainly white children during the Ohio State; accepted campaign contributions from Woodrow A. 2nd Boer War, the money that funded the blood of World Myers, Wellpoint, Inc. and friend of Wars I and II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq, Michael V. Drake) 144. Joseph A. Steinmetz (Provost, Afghanistan, etc. The Ohio State University; author of Psychological Science article on MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that triggered the discovery of massive double-dealing and fraud https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 24/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation within the Ohio State trustees) D. Facebook boy- puppets:

145. Mark E. Zuckerberg Lord Rosebery's central role in the Round Table 146. Chris Hughes movement has not been known until now, especially 147. Dustin Moskowitz 148. Eduardo Saverin considering the timing on the heels of his vast Rothschild 149. Matthew R. Cohler inheritance. 150. Elon Musk E. Corruption Watch It appears that British historians have very intentionally —Patent Office concealed these facts because Rosebery became prime Judges: minister three years later (Mar. 5, 1894 – Jun. 22, 1895), 151. Anderson, Gregg not to mention his role in the establishment of the 152. Best, George 153. Bonilla, Jackie W. British South Africa Company, funding of DeBeers, and 154. Boucher, Patrick his influence over the South African 2nd Boer War 155. Braden, Georgianna W. 156. Branch, Gene concentration camp atrocities. The carefully crafted 157. Bisk, Jennifer Bresson narrative that he was an ineffective politician and a gay 158. Bui, Hung H. 159. Busch, Justin blade covers the fact that he was a ruthless murderer. 160. Clements, Matt 161. Crumbley, Kit 162. Droesch, Kristen 163. Elluru, Rama 164. Fitzpatrick, Michael 165. Gerstenblith, Bart A. 166. Giannetti, Thomas L. In 1893, Henry de Worms (Rothschild), 1st Baron 167. Guest, Rae Lynn 168. Hastings, Karen M. Pirbright, received his mother Schönche Jeannette 169. Hoff, Marc Rothschild's (née de Worms) (1771–1859) $500 million 170. Horner, Linda 171. Hughes, James R. Rothschild inheritance. He used some of the proceeds to 172. Hume, Larry purchase over 2000 acres of agricultural land in Surrey 173. James, Housel County around Pirbright. He built his estate at Henley 174. Jung, Hung J. 175. Kamholz, Scott Park, on this acreage which now houses The Pirbright 176. Katz, Deborah Institute, Army Training Centre at Pirbright, British 177. Lucas, Jay 178. MacDonald, Allen R. (bio National Rifle Association, Welsh Guards, Boehringer unavailable) – Leader 3rd reexam judge (bio and conflicts log Ingelheim Animal Health Institute (former name: Merial concealed by FOIA) 179. Mahaney, Alexandra Animal Health Institute—moved to China in 2009 after 180. Martin, Brett 2007 foot and mouth outbreak at Pirbright Boehringer 181. McKone, Dave 182. McNamara, Brian just took over the Merial facility at Pirbright and carried 183. Medley, Sally on) and Cobbett Hill Earthstation. 184. Moore, Bryan 185. Moore, James T – Leader 3rd reexam judge (bio and conflicts log We strongly suspect that Baron Henry de Worms concealed by FOIA) 186. Morgan, Jason V. (Rothschild) was a secret member of the Round Table. 187. Morrison, John But, at that time he was Under-Secretary of State for 188. Pak, Chung K. the Colonies, so likely he had to lay low politically. 189. Perry, Glenn J. 190. Petravick, Meredith C. (bio and conflicts log concealed by FOIA) – Leader 3rd reexam judge De Worms would use 191. Pettigrew, Lynne his Rothschild 192. Praiss, Donna inheritance to fund: 193. Quinn, Miriam 194. Reimers, Annette https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 25/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation (1) The Pirbright 195. Saindon, William 196. Scanlon, Patrick Institute, (2) 197. Siu, Stephen C. – Leader 3rd reexam judge (bio and conflicts log Burroughs concealed by FOIA) Wellcome's vaccine 198. Smith, James Donald 199. Smith, Neil experiments, (3) 200. Snedden, Sheridan (Sir) Henry M. 201. Song, Daniel 202. Spahn, Gay Ann Stanley's exploits in 203. Strauss, Mike the Congo to find 204. Timm, Catherine Fig.50—Lord Rosebery Fig. 51—Nathan Mayer poisons, cures and 205. White, Stacey (Rothschild) Rothschild 206. Zecher, Michael pathogens for Henry Research Tip: S. Wellcome, and Type any name or subject in the Google search at the top of this webpage. That will (4) (Sir) Henry show you any relevant links within the sites that we have been following and Wellcome's investigating in the Leader v. Facebook case. Vigilance everyone! Our American pharmaceutical Republic is at risk. exploits—now the largest grant trust on the planet HOW TO FILE A FRAUD

(Wellcome Trust). Fig. 52—Henry M. Fig. 50—Henry de Worms COMPLAINT AGAINST A Stanley (Rothschild) UNIVERSITY

The following universities were announced as participants in Ohio State Provost Joseph A. Steinmetz's corrupt MOOC education initiative named "University Innovation Alliance" (UIA). We have identified the instructions and online forms you need to file a complaint with the participants. MOOC stands for "Massive Open Online Course."

You should complain about:

(1) the intellectual property theft of social networking source code from Leader Technologies, Columbus, Ohio that is the Fig. 54—Guglielmo Fig. 55—Henry Solomon software engine running the UIA; Marconi Wellcome (2) the corruption at Ohio State University and OSU's collusion with Battelle Memorial Institute which helped steal the software being used by UIA; and

(3) the mistreatement of OSU Marching Band Director Jon Waters regarding fabricated Title IX charges that were used to pave the way for De Worms was also busy working with (5) the British Post Steinmetz to announce UIA. Office and Admiralty stealing Nikola Tesla's wireless Universities pride themselves on protection of intellectual property.

patents and setting up Guglielmo Marconi as the front Therefore, these universities cannot man for the Marconi Wireless monopoly over wireless participate in this abuse of inventor copyrights, patents and trade secrets by The technology worldwide. Ohio State Trustees and Administration. If these universities participate knowingly with Ohio State in its theft of intellectual Further, J.P. Morgan's father J.S. Morgan was bankrolled property, then they are aiding and abetting the theft of intellectual property on a by Lord Rothschild, alongside Lord Rosebery, and it is "massive" scale... Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) also known as The Eclipse virtually certain that J.P. Morgan would have been at Foundation.

least a Round Table initiate. 1. ARIZONA Arizona State University https://www.azag.gov/consumer/procedure https://www.azag.gov/complaints/consumer https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 26/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation 2. CALIFORNIA In 1893, Andrew Carnegie published a University of California Riverside 571-page book titled "Triumphant California State System (observer) http://www.oig.ca.gov/ Democracy" in which he called for http://www.oig.ca.gov/pages/about-us/how- to-file-a-complaint.php reunion of America with Britain into an http://www.oig.ca.gov/pages/about- us/complaint-form.php "Imperial Federation" in the strongest 3. FLORIDA terms. University of Central Florida http://www.floridaoig.com/ http://www.fldoe.org/ig/complaint.asp http://app1.fldoe.org/IGComplaint/Complain tForm.aspx Fig. 56—Andrew Carnegie 4. GEORGIA Oregon State University http://oig.georgia.gov/ http://oig.georgia.gov/file-complaint

5. INDIANA Purdue University http://www.in.gov/ig/2330.htm

On Feb. 02, 1895, 6. IOWA Iowa State University Prime Minister Lord http://www.state.ia.us/government/ag/file_ Rosebery (1894-1895) complaint/online_2.html 7. MICHIGAN also presided as Lord Michigan State University http://www.mfia.state.mi.us/OIG/SubmitCo President of the Privy mplaint.aspx?ComplaintMode=client

Council (1894-1895) 8. OHIO at Cecil Rhodes' The Ohio State University http://watchdog.ohio.gov/FileaComplaint.as installment as a px Fig. 57—Lord Rosebery Fig. 58—Cecil John 9. ORGEON member of the Privy (Rothschild) Rhodes Oregon State University Council—his N.M. https://justice.oregon.gov/forms/consumer_ complaint.asp Rothschild & Sons business partner in DeBeers! https://justice.oregon.gov/consumercomplai nts/ This effectively put two Rothschilds on the Privy 10. KANSAS The University of Kansas Council and one Rothschild as the leader of Britain. http://www.fraudguides.com/report/kansas. asp https://ag.ks.gov/about-the-office/contact- On Dec. 29, 1895, Cecil Rhodes ordered a botched raid us/email-us https://ag.ks.gov/about-the-office/contact- against the South African Republic carried out by the us/file-a-complaint/koma-kora-investigation- request British South Africa Company police led by Rhodes as 11. TEXAS prime minister of Cape Colony and chairman of the The University of Texas http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/oig/oi Company that came to be called the "Jameson Raid" g_fraud.html after its organizer, (Sir) Dr. Leander Starr Jameson. https://sao.fraud.state.tx.us/Hotline.aspx Let's make sure that the "University Innovation Alliance (UIA)" and "Massive Open In 1898, (Sir) Andrew Carnegie Online Course" MOOC never get off the ground published a book in New York titled due to their corrupt foundations. RESOURCE: "The Reunion of Britain and http://inspectorsgeneral.org/directory-of- state-and-local-government-oversight- American - A Look Ahead." It was a agencies/ chapter that was removed in subsequent printings of his book The REAL NEWS LINKS Gospel of Wealth in 1886, reprinted in Bookmark: #real-news 1889, 1898, 1899, 1896, 1900 and Fig. 59—Andrew 1. 12160.info - Resisting the New World 1901. Carnegie Order 2. 1791L https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 27/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

3. Abby Martin (The Empire Files) 4. Abel Danger 5. Aim4Truth.org 6. , InfoWars 7. America Talks (David Zublick) On Jul. 06, 1899, Cecil Rhodes revised his last will and 8. American Intelligence Media (AIM) testament for the sixth time, further refining his plans to 9. Americans for Innovation (AFI) fund and carry out his 200-year Round Table plan for a 10. American Thinker 11. Ann Coulter new Imperial corporatist British federalism that would 12. Anthony Gucciardi recruit Oxford students in Britan and America to carry 13. Before It's News out his dream through his Rhodes Scholarships in which 14. Bill Still 15. Bob Dylan's Plagarism of James multiple Rothschilds would become trustees. Damiano 16. Breitbart Rhodes original will 17. Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari.com) named executors and 18. Center for Public Integrity 19. Cernovich, Mike (Danger & Play) trustees as Earl of 20. Center for Self Governance Rosebery (Lord 21. Charles Benninghoff / Pray For Us Rosebery, former 22. Conservative Daily Post 23. Conservative Patriot Blog British prime 24. Conservative Tribune minister and sole 25. Counterpunch heir to his wife's over 26. Culture Shock News Fig. 60—Lord Rosebery Fig. 61—Cecil John 27. Daily Caller $500 million (Rothschild) Rhodes 28. Daily Wire Rothschild fortune), 29. Danger & Play () Earl Grey (later governor general of Canada), Alfred 30. David Horowitz Freedom Center 31. Dark Journalist Beit (life governor of De Beers), W.T. Stead (Rhodes 32. David Knight (Libertytarian) biographer), Lewis Lloyd Michell (London and South 33. David Seaman African Bank) and Bourchier Francis Hawksley (Rhodes' 34. David Vose 35. David Zublick (America Talks) lawyer since early 1880's). 36. Deeper Than Drudge 37. Diplopundit In Rhodes' Jan. 1901 codicil he 38. Discover The Networks / David removed W. T. Stead. Stead had long Horowitz 39. Doomsday Doug published Rhodes' Imperialist corporate 40. Drudge Report propaganda in the Pall Mall Gazette 41. Ed Magedson and Review of Reviews. 42. Empire Files (Abby Martin) 43. En-Volve Conservative News 44. ExposeFacts.org (William Binney) Numerous writers agree that Stead 45. Faith Happens may have been the only heterosexual 46. FEDERICO InspoNews (Frederico Cardella) in Rhodes' inner circle. Stead says he Fig. 62—William Thomas ("W.T.") Stead 47. Free Our Internet was removed not because he would not 48. Free Thought Project (The) support the Jameson Raid (he supported the Boer cause), 49. FreedomWatch / Larry Klayman 50. Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson but for other reasons known to the two of them only. In 51. Gateway Pundit (The) his Oct. 1901 codicil Rhodes added Lord Milner (British 52. GeoEngineering Watch Imperial War Cabinet, 1914-1919; Rhodes Scholarship 53. Georgia! KSCO trustee) to the list of joint tenants, executors and 54. Gerald Celente / Trends Research 55. Global Freedom Movement trustees. In a third Codicil, dated March, 1902, Rhodes 56. Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich appointed (Sir) Dr. Leander Starr Jameson as a trustee, 57. Government Gone Wild 58. Glomar Disclosure https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 28/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation organizer of the Jameson Raid. 59. H.A. Goodman 60. Hagmann Report 61. HANG THE BANKERS "GOVERNMENT BY JOURNALISM" 62. HORN NEWS 63. Horowitz (David) Freedom Center 64. Howard Nema (Truth Talk News) W.T. Stead, Cecil 65. InfoWars, Alex Jones Rhodes' chief 66. Intrepid Report strategist, also 67. Intercept (The) 68. International Consortium of coached William Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) Randolph Hearst in 69. Innovation Alliance "Government by 70. Jack Posobiec 71. James Wesley Rawles (SurvivalBlog) Journalism" during 72. Joel M. Skousen / World Affairs Brief the Spanish American 73. Fig. 63—William Fig. 64—William Thomas 74. Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) War (1898), so he Randoph Hearst ("W.T.") Stead 75. Kaya Jones proves to be another 76. Larry Elder strong organizer of the Pilgrims Society British corporate 77. Larry C. Johnson (No Quarter) imperialists in Britain and America—and perhaps even 78. 79. Lawless America the first chief strategist of mainstream media 80. LawNewz hegemony over world culture. 81. Lee Stranahan 82. Lew Rockwell On Oct. 11, 1899, 83. Liberty Headlines 84. Liberty Writers News Viscount Alfred 85. Libertytarian) (David Knight Milner and Gen. Lord 86. LifeZette (Laura Ingraham) Roberts commenced 87. Lionel Nation / Media 88. Lisa Haven News the 2nd Boer War to 89. Mark Dice crush the Dutch, 90. Marshall Report (The) German and French 91. Matt Drudge / Drudge Report 92. Middle East Eye resistance to British 93. Mike Cernovich (Danger & Play) Fig. 65—Viscount Alfred Fig. 66—Frederick Sleigh control of South Milner Roberts 94. Millennium Report (The) Africa. 95. Milo Yiannopoulos 96. Muckrock On Mar. 26, 1902, Cecil Rhodes died of a heart aneurism 97. Newsbud (Sibel Edmonds) 98. Newswars.com at Muizenberg, a small cottage on the sea-coast near 99. No More Games (Morgan Reynolds) Cape Town. 100. No Quarter (Larry C. Johnson) 101. Occupy Peace On May 01, 1902, 102. Open Mind 103. Pat Dollard - The War Starts Here! the soon-to-be 104. Paul Joseph Watson announced Pilgrims 105. Peter Schiff Society first hosted 106. PJ Media 107. PoliZette Vladimir I. Lenin in 108. PragerU London. They would 109. Charles Benninghoff / Pray For Us host Lenin a total of 110. Prison Planet Live 111. Public Intelligence Blog (Robert David at least five times: Steele) Fig. 67—Vladimir Ilyich Fig. 68—Philip Whitwell 112. Real News with David Knight 1902-03, 1905, 1908 Lenin Wilson 113. Rebel Media and 1911. Lenin's 114. Right Side Broadcasting most notable host was MP Philip Whitwell Wilson, one of 115. Right Wing News (John Hawkins) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 29/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation the "prime movers" of the First Imperial Press 116. Ripoff Report 117. Robert David Steele Conference, 1909, and chief British spy to America who 118. Roger Stone, Stone Cold Truth was an editor for the New York Times as cover for 36 119. ROOT for America () years from 1917 to 1953—spanning two Pilgrims-inspired 120. Sargon of Akkad 121. Save The American Inventor world wars to establish British imperial corporatism and 122. SGTReport crush all economic competition to British and American 123. Sharyl Attkisson Robber barons from Germany, Russia, Italy and Japan. 124. Sibel Edmonds (Newsbud) 125. Solari.com (Catherine Austin Fitts) 126. State of The Nation (SOTN) 127. Stefan Molyneux GET SOUTH AFRICA'S GOLD & DIAMONDS 128. StevenCrowder 129. Steve Pieczenik TO PAY FOR RHODES SCHOLARSHIP 130. Stone Cold Truth, Roger Stone 131. SurvivalBlog (James Wesley Rawles) 132. The Daily Caller RECRUITS FOR THE PILGRIMS SECRET 133. The Free Thought Project 134. The Gateway Pundit SOCIETY 135. The HORN NEWS 136. The Intercept (Note: Most writers are fair; but some are unalloyed fake From Oct. 11, 1899 news leftists) 137. The Larry Elder Show to May 31, 1902, 138. The Marshall Report (Sir) Viscount Alfred 139. The Millennium Report Milner as governor of 140. The Stone Zone 141. The Watchman's Report Cape Colony 142. Trends Research / Gerald Celente pursuaded British 143. Val Stillwell prime minister 144. Veterans Today (VT) 145. Vets For Child Rescue Salisbury to send 146. Vidme Fig. 69—Viscount Alfred Fig. 70—Frederick Sleigh troops, and the war Milner Roberts 147. Washington Examiner with the Dutch and 148. Wayne Madsen Report 149. WND (WorldNetDaily) German Boers began under the British command of (Earl) 150. Whatever Happened to Common Sense General Lord Roberts, said to be the King's favorite 151. WikiLeaks (Julian Assange) general from the British East India Company army. Boer 152. William Binney (ExposeFacts.org) 153. We Are Change prisoners of the British were either sent overseas or to 154. West New Jersey Tea Party British war concentration camps where Burroughs 155. Western Journalism Wellcome vaccine experiments with measles, typhoid 156. World Affairs Brief / Joel M. Skousen 157. Your Voice Radio and dysentery were conducted. Over 60,000 Boers and 158. ZeroHedge blacks, including over 14,000 mainly white Boer children perished in the hellish conditions.

By March 1902, Cecil Rhodes, Milner's and Robert's mentor, was on his death bed in South Africa.

On May 31, 1902, two months after his mentor Cecil Rhodes died, Viscount Milner ceased the fighting and signed the Peace Treaty of Vereeniging with the Boers.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 30/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation JUL. 16, 1902—PILGRIMS SOCIETY FOUNDED (THE "DEEP STATE" TODAY)

On Jul. 16, 1902, six weeks after ending the 2nd Boer War, the members of the Round Table included: King Edward VII, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, along with his N.M. Rothschild & Sons partner Lord Rosebery, Lloyd George, Lord Milner, Lord Curzon, Lord Balfour, Lord Cromer Fig. 71—Pilgrims Society logo (Evelyn Baring, Barings Bank), Bonar Law, Sir Edward Carson, Arthur Henderson, (Sir) Harry Brittain, W.T. Stead, (Daily Telegraph), Lord Northcliffe (Daily Mail), Winston Churchill (Morning Post), Viscount Alfred Milner, an ailing Henry de Worms (Rothschild), 1st Lord Pirbright, Joseph Choate (American Ambassador to Britain) and U.S. Senator Chauncy Depew (1899-1911) (Cornelius Vanderbilt's railroad lawyer). Field Marshal Lord ("British concentration camp") Roberts was made the first president.

On Oct. 25, 1902, newly-minted Pilgrim Andrew Carnegie was offered "a dukedom" from fellow-newly-minted Pilgrim and newly-enthroned King Edward VII (Aug. 09, 1902).

The Oct. 25, 1902 date for the Skibo Castle visit is confirmed by the Dundee Evening Telegraph, "The King at Skibo," Fig. 72—King Edward VII Sat. Oct. 25, 1902.) Since dukedoms are reserved for a member of the British royal family, this may refer to a knighthood in the in the Knights of Malta over which the new King Edward VII had just become the sovereign on Aug. 09, 1902, ten weeks earlier.

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Note that the Edinburgh and London Fig. 73—Andrew Carnegie Gazettes are silent about such an honour, which is quite likely given Carnegie because he was throwing his donations around lavishly, hence the King came to him.


Fig. 74—Editor. (Oct. 25, 1902). The King at Skibo (Andrew Carnegie's Castle), p. 3. Dundee Evening Telegraph.

Graphic: Dundee Evening Standard, 1902. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

At Skibo Castle, Carnegie was flying a flag with the Union Jack on one side and the Stars and Stripes on the other. Curiously, the Dundee Evening Telegraph has a "LATEST NEWS. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR IMPORTANT NEWS" news item removed on the same page where the King's https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 32/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation surprise visit to Skibo Castle, and Carnegie's honour would have certainly been mentioned—since it would have been the most newsworthy lead to the minor story below. The censors may have missed the article below that we found. This "dukedom" (most likely a Knights of Malta title) was disclosed to the U.S. Congress in the date link above.

On Oct. 23, 1902, Andrew Carnegie was installed as (honorary) Rector of St. Andrew's and delivered a long speech about British and American unity, Fig. 75—Andrew Fig. 76—Joseph Hodges much to the disgust Carnegie Choate Jr. of many journalists in Scotland. Carnegie gave "Mr. Carnegie's Rectorial Address" at St. Andrews. In attendance was Joseph H. Choate, American Ambassador and founder of the Pilgrims Society just three months earlier on Jul. 16, 1902.

Starting in 1906, early in his career at Marconi Wireless, an ambitious David Sarnoff interacted regularly with British and American Pilgrims in his Fig. 77—David Sarnoff Fig. 78—Guglielmo positions as a Marconi Marconi station operator, inspector, instructor in the Marconi Institute. He became a close friend of Guglielmo Marconi.

Marconi would often dock his yacht Elettra in New York harbor during his many trips to America while he erected Marconi Wireless "Imperial Wireless Chain" of stations around the world for the British Post Office and Admiralty.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 33/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation THESE PILGRIMS CREATED WHAT WE CALL "THE DEEP STATE" TODAY

These men, their wealth and their well-funded progeny have dictated most of the evil attributes of our modern world. They created the "Deep State."

See The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A Centennial History (Profile Books, 2002). Note: Certain members and seminal events re. the Rothschild involvement and the Pilgrims-organized First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, Empire Press Union (1909) and the creation of MI5, MI6 and GC&CS now GCHQ (1909) are conspicuously absent from their official history).

Between Jun. 05- 29, 1909, the Pilgrims Society organized the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909. The keynote speaker was Lord Fig. 80—Lord Rosebery Fig. 79—Henry Solomon Rosebery (Rothschild) Wellcome (Rothschild). Lord N.M. Rothschild was there too. The named two records of their proceedings A Parliament of the Press (this document was

recently discovered Fig. 82—William Thomas Fig. 82a—Natham Mayer boxed away in the ("W.T.") Stead Rothschild storage warehouse of a midwestern library, having been all but obliterated from the history books) and The Evolution of Journalism Et Cetera. The "Et Cetera" was a unapologetic, crass promotion by (Sir) Henry Wellcome of his biological and https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 34/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation chemical pursuits in Burroughs Wellcome & Co. vaccine and chemical manufacturing.

Wellcome distributed a large medicine chest of "cures" with a request for the 650 delegates to send him new poisons, pathogens, cures and viruses they discover. The chest included numerous experimental vaccines—even multiple alleged cures for acne (that do not exist to this day)—that likely caused numerous outbreaks of deadly viruses throughout the Commonwealth.


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Fig. 83—Lord Rosebery (Rothschild). (Jun. 05, 1909). Title Page facing plate (PDF p.4), Keynote Address to the Opening Banquet, First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, White City, Shepherd's Bush, London. Horace Marshall & Sons.

Sir Benjamin Stone, photog. (Jun. 07, 1909). Luncheon Party at the House of Commons. Imperial Press Conference 1909, HC/LB/1/111/20/69. UK Parliamentary Archives.

Thomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of Rosebery, K.G. London: Horace Marshall & Son (150 MB). Click here for two-pages per page scan with supplemental photos from the UK Parliament and National Archives.

Henry S. Wellcome. (Jun. 05, 1909). THE EVOLUTION OF JOURNALISM ETCETERA, Souvenir of the INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE, LONDON, 1909, Hon. President Lord Burnham (Sir Edward Levy- Lawson, Baron, ). Burroughs Wellcome (28 MB).

Imperial Press Conference. (Jun. 06, 1909). Press Banquest, Great Speech by Lord Rosebery, Growth of Navies, Europe 'Rattling into Barbarism,' 'We can and will build Dreadnoughts,' Message to Overseas Dominions. The Observer.

Imperial Press Conference. (Jun. 06, 1909). Press Banquest Photo Page. Parliament of the Press, 1909. Horace Marshall & Sons (below).

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Graphic: UK Parliament Archives; Parliament of the Press (UK), Jun. 05, 1909. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Tellingly, the Wellcome Fund is today the largest donor to pharmaceutical research in the world (with Gates Foundation #2). Fig. 84—Henry de Worms Fig. 85—Henry Solomon Wellcome Fund is a (Rothschild) Wellcome primary funder of The Pirbright Institute (his sponsor, Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright's [a Rothschild heir] donated the land).

The Pirbright Institute holds the patent on Coronavirus. The Institute is notorious for allowing the 2007 foot and mouth disease outbreak at Pirbright, after which they built a Merial Animal Health Institute in Nanchang, China, just a four-hour drive from Wuhan, China.

Evidently, the Wellcome family legacy of testing and releasing deadly vaccines on humans started during the 2nd Boer War and carries on to this day.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 38/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Also on the Pirbright site today is Cobbet Hill Earthstation with satellite warfare-level capabilities. Henry de Worms (Rothschild), starting in the 1880's, helped establish the Marconi Wireless monopoly in Britain and worked as patent, commerce, trade and colonies minister to fuse Marconi wireless technology (stolen from Nikola Tesla) and Wellcome biological research into using radio transmissions to trigger viral outbreaks.

Today, 140 years later, de Worms (Rothschild)'s vision is finally coming true in 5G and nanotubes carrying deadly virus payloads. See Jun. 05, 1909 above.

Other Round Table Pilgrims at the First Imperial Press Conference included Lord Curzon, W.T. Stead, Lord Alfred Milner, (Sir) Winston Churchill and even Fig. 86—Viscount Alfred Fig. 87—William Thomas Guglielmo Marconi. Milner ("W.T.") Stead

At this time Marconi was already employing a young David Sarnoff as a wireless operator in New York. (Sir) Henry S. Wellcome bankrolled the Fig. 88—George Fig. 89—Winston Leonard event. Nathaniel Curzon Spencer Churchill

The delegates voted to organize an Empire Press Union to use cable and wireless communications to unify British imperial propaganda to “create public opinion” in the name of world peace which they thought was the domain https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 39/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation of newspapermen. Reminder: W.T. Stead coached William Randolph Hearst on "Government by Journalism" in 1898.

Th e gr ea Fig. 90—William Randolph Hearst t hi dd en Fig. 91—Herbert H. Fig. 92—Stewart Graham ag Asquith Menzies en da of th e 19 09 Co

nf Fig. 93—David Sarnoff er ence was the recruitment of newspapermen from around the Commonwealth by Pilgrim Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith to create what we today know as British MI6, MI5 and GC&CS, renamed GCHQ in 1946.

Sir Stewart Menzies eventually became director of MI6 and led the British delegation in 1946, directed by Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff in the creation of the "Five Eyes" American intelligence treason conspiracy with the British.

America’s NSA (1946) and C.I.A. (1947) and the FBI take their orders to this day from the group controlled by the British Privy Council.

You doubt? Look who orchestrated the wiretap of Trump Tower—British GCHQ. Look who Robert S. Mueller used to illegitimately prosecute alleged 9/11 terrorists: former Senior British Crown Prosecutor Arvinder Sambei— the woman who framed George Papadopolous.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 40/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Loo k wh o had din ner wit Fig. 97—Alison M. Fig. 94—Arvinder K. Fig. 95—Robert S. h Saunders Sambei Mueller, III Bru ce and Nellie Ohr at their home five days before the Trump Tower meeting with Natalie Veselnitskaya—Alison Sanders, Britain’s Chief Crown Prosecutor and Sambei colleague. Bruce Ohr is a Crown-agent-controlled Department of Justice paymaster for

the Senior Executive Service (SES) and Fig. 96—Bruce G. Ohr has yet to be fired, even now.

The Pilgrims/BBC-controlled American mainstream media ignores these hard facts.

This is not an exaggeration: Out of the Imperial Press Conference, 1909, the British Empire’s Marconi Wireless global monopoly split and morphed and reorganized into the media and communications networks we know today as BBC, New York Times, Daily Telegraph, Washington Post, AT&T, British Telecom, Westinghouse, GEC, RCA, NBC, CBS, Orange, Verizon, Nokia, Lucent, Alcatel- Lucent, Bell Labs, Western Electric, Vodafone, Deutsche Telecom, AEGIS system, SERCO, QinetiQ, and now “The Internet of Things.”


The group of Pilgrims Society members (generically called the "Deep State" to avoid directly fingering of the Pilgrims) are all run by the “Five Eyes” agreement that Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, Gen. Marshall, and Gen. Eisenhower created in Feb. and Mar. 1946. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 41/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation From 1902 to 1914, the Pilgrims Society dominated British politics and pressed their reorganization of the British Empire into an Imperial federalist state, part of the Rhodes vision was that America had to be in it, even if that meant moving its headquarters out of London to Fig. 98—David Sarnoff Washington, D.C. They used the global dominance of the British press to propagandize the world into favoring the overthrow of Czar Nicholas Romanov in Russia and Kaiser Wilhelm in Germany. They continued to fear trade competition from Germany's industrial might and Russia's vast untapped resources.

In 1910, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was established with an Andrew Carnegie funding of $10 million. Fierce suffragette and Carnegie critic Lillian Scott Troy dubbed it "The Benedict Arnold Peace Society" for the way Carnegie was encouraging treason among Americans. Fig. 99—Andrew It resolved "To hasten the abolition of Carnegie international war, the foulest blot upon our civilization ... and when war is discarded ... the Trustees will pleas [sic] then consider what is the next most degrading evil or evils whos [sic] banishment ... would most advance the progress, elevation and happiness of man."

On Feb. 17, 1912, American patriot, suffragette and Andrew Carnegie critic Lillian Scott Troy exposed the Pilgrims Society's 24-step strategy that included dispensing honors judiciously to influential Americans who can help achieve their new world order:

"11. Honors must be conferred on the husbands of women thus given preference in the social circles of America, and a rank or position determined by judiciously distributed decorations."

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 42/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Remarkably, the Pilgrims Society priorities for an Imperial corporatist federation to dominate the planet were set in the late 1800s and have not changed:

1. Propaganda / mind control / brainwashing 2. "Create public opinion" via media 3. Intelligence / mass surveillance 4. Control wired & wireless communications 5. Banking / monopolies 6. Vaccines / pathogens / bioweapons 7. Eugenics / DNA manipulation 8. Recruit the academy 9. Buy off thought leaders into silence and/or collaboration 10. Fabricate and profit from war 11. Rewrite history to be British-friendly 12. British peerages for sale

A censored pamphlet from 1967 just fell into the hands of AFI researchers titled "Sir Andrew Carnegie & Cecil J. Rhodes - Planners of Internationalism" (George Mason University, 1967). Its contents have been virtually wiped clean from the Internet. It should be read in tandem with the Congressional Record of Hon. J. Thorkelson MN, “Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife,”Aug. 6–Sep. 27, 1940.

The Thorkelson Congressional submissions describe the discoveries of a spunky early 20th-century journalist named Lillian Scott Troy. She was hot on the heels of this Rothschild-Carnegie-Rhodes treachery to reincorporate America back into the British empire by stealth, deception and treachery.

Ms. Troy discovered their seditious 24-step plan and published it in two parts on Feb. 17 and 24, 1912 in a Hearst newspaper, San Francisco Leader, that later buried it. We will not reprint it here, but we have bookmarked the Congressional Record above so you can jump to that list.

"THE BENEDICT ARNOLD PEACE SOCIETY" https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 43/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

Fig. 100—Lillian Scot Troy, intrepid San Francisco journalist, suffragette and vocal critic of the Pilgrims Society's treasoness efforts to destroy the American Constitution and Bill of Rights and reunite America with the British Empire. Her work was so irritating to the British government that she was deported under false pretences on Nov. 13, 1919. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 44/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation See The 24-step Pilgrims Society Corporatist Imperial Federation Strategy to Return America to British Rule that come from Ms. Troy's investigations.

Take special note of the plan to increase the Presidents power, corrupt the courts and law making, attack recalcitrant Senators, enter treaty entanglements, exchange British and America naval officers, send American troops hither and yon, send royals to Canada to probe America, recruit wealthy and influential Americans, flatter Americans who visit British courts, lavish honors on Americans who favor Britian, dangle British titles in front of American mens' wives, discourage American Independece celebrations as unsafe, discourage and dumb down public education, discourage emigration of disloyal former colonolialists, use "peace" as the cover for all covert activity, divide the states so that occupation can be regionalized, team with trusts and fabricate excuses for wars.

Lillian Scott Troy was an American journalist and suffragette who regularly exposed the Rothschild, Rhodes, Pilgrims Society, Lord Rosebery, Henry de Worms, Elihu Root (CFR) and Andrew Carnegie plot to undermine the American Constitution and return America to British rule. She labeled Carnegie's new "Peace Fund" the "Benedict Arnold Peace Society."

In mid-1912 (when David Sarnoff was already a Marconi station inspector and Marconi Institute instructor) David Lloyd George, the future WWI War Prime Minister, almost ruined his political career by engaging in insider trading of Marconi America stock without disclosing it to Parliament Fig. 101—David Sarnoff ("The Marconi Scandal").

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 45/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Lloyd George and Sir Rufus Isaacs—close colleagues of Natham Mayer Rothschild, Henry De Worms (Rothschild) and Lord Rosebery (Rothschild) — Chancellor of the Fig. 102—David Lloyd Fig. 103—Rufus Daniel Exchequer, along George Isaacs with Attorney General Herbert Samuel, the Postmaster General, and the Parliamentary Treasury Secretary Alexander Murray (all Pilgrims), used their inside knowledge of the secret, long term Marconi Wireless deals with the British Post Office and Admiralty to buy stock in Marconi America before the Marconi Britain stock first went on sale. The resulting scandal, sort-of-apologies and libel suits that followed almost sank these criminals.

Sir Rufus' brother Godfrey Isaacs was Marconi Great Britain's managing director and would most certainly have worked daily with David Sarnoff. Sarnoff would have very likely handled the UK-U.S. arrangement for the secret stock transactions himself.

Fig. 104—David Sarnoff

Indeed, many of the Pilgrims Society Robber barons of the age on both sides of the Atlantic were eager to get their piece of the Marconi monopoly on wireless telegraphy —technology stolen from the inventor Nikola Tesla. Tesla was double-cross by J.P. Morgan who left him perpetually underfunded in his financings. This is a classic technique to bleed entrepreneurs and inventors dry before swooping in for the kill. This was certainly a controlled-opposition technique that J.P. Morgan learned from his father J.S. Morgan and Morgan's bankroller, N.M. Rothschild.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 46/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation On Sep. 23, 1913, Ms. Lillian Scott Troy, courageous suffragette and Andrew Carnegie critic, sent a scathing exposé of the Pilgrims Society's treachery— that they were taunting Germany into war with Britain and reincorporate America into Britain—to every United States senator.


Pay attention in the Sep. 23, 1913 link above to the sickly pro-British, sycophantic editorial comment that followed the long Arizona Daily Star article. Evidently Carnegie Pilgrims reeducation money was working, at least with the major newspapermen. Remember, the Pilgrims Society's First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 to "create public opinion," was only four years earlier.

She singled out Carnegie and Elihu Root. Ironically, Root was born in Clinton, NY on Feb. 15, 1845, d. Feb. 7, 1937. Root is a criminal Pilgrims that every American patriot should get to know. Root was the former U.S. Secretary of War (under Teddy Roosevelt, 1899-1904), Secretary of State (under McKinley, 1905-1909) and then Senator from New York (1909-1913).

While a Senator, Root was the first president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1910). Root received the Nobel Peace Price in 1912, then proceeded to push America into war with Germany for Britain in 1914—a tragic irony that the Ms. Troy highlights. Root co-founder the American Law Institute. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 47/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation He was vice president of the American Peace Society and published World Affairs. Root was the founding chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR, 1918).

No wonder Root and the Pilgrims Society wanted American Ms. Troy deported from Britain where she worked!

In Sep. 1917, Pilgrim Society leader Elihu Root was the founding chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), first called "The Inquiry."

On Nov. 13, 1919, American Ms. Lillian Scott Troy was so irritating to British authorities in her criticisms of Andrew Carnegie that they finally Fig. 106—Elihu Root trumped up charges and permanently deported her from Britain, probably so she would not turn her investigations to the equally seditious Pilgrims' League of Nations.

The newspaper stories about her deportation were evidently fabricated. Some talk about a secret business deal, others said she was suspected of being a spy, others said she "stirred industrial unrest" (Detroit Free Press, Apr. 22, 1919, p. 16, col. 3). The way we read it, Ms. Troy was simply an American patriot with a brain who wielded a mighty pen and her good looks.

Between Nov. 20-30, 1920, world bankers met secretly at Jekyll Island, Georgia. We do know that numerous members of the Pilgrims Society were there. Some of these men were Rosebery-Rothschild surrogates including J.P. Morgan, George Fisher Baker, and possibly Alfred L. Aiken and Marshall Field.

J.P. Morgan Company began life as George Peabody and Company in Georgetown-Baltimore. In 1814, it became Peabody, Riggs and Company (1815-1835). Peabody decided to move to London since he was doing so much international business. There he formed George https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 48/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Peabody and Company of London. Peabody had a close alliance in Liverpool with Brown, Shipley and Company of England (Brown Brother Harriman in Fig. 107—John Pierpont Fig. 108—Lord Rosebery New York) . J.P. Morgan, Sr. (Rothschild)

The Brown, Shipley firm boasted Sir Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England, as a partner. At the time Sir Norman was considered the single most influential banker in the world.

As case in point, Sir Norman was the organizer of "informal talks" between heads of central banks in 1927, which led directly to the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 that devastated American small businesses (including the thriving business of grandparents of one of the contributing writers to this post), enabled banks to consolidate their property holdings, and drove 24.9% of Americans into unemployment.

Sir Norman’s brother, Ronald Collet Norman, was later head of the BBC, thus in full control of British and American propaganda.

Peabody’s American agent was Junius S. Morgan, father of John Pierpont (“J.P.”) Morgan (1837-1913) the recipient of considerable N.M. Rothschild patronage.

What this research has revealed is that the House of Rothschild bankrolled J.P. Morgan from the start of his career working for his father J.S. Morgan at Peabody Riggs bank where Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild was pulling the strings behind the scenes. This allowed him to control British banking

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 49/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation without bringing attention to himself among a skeptical British aristocracy.

The Bank of England is notoriously associated with Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild (N.M. Rothschild & Sons). Junius Morgan succeeded Peabody upon his death. Junius agreed the firm’s name could be changed to Junius S. Morgan Company and continued the secret relationship with Fig. 109—Natham Mayer N.M Rothschild. Together the two men Rothschild greatly expanded the business in mining, steel, shipping and railroads.


J.P. Morgan became the head of the firm after his father died in a carriage accident in 1890. This was the same year Hannah Rothschild Rosebery died from typhoid at age 39 while vacationing in the Riviera. Lord Rosebery inherited an almost half a billion dollar fortune, not counting Fig. 110—John Pierpont taking over N.M. Rothschild & Sons J.P. Morgan, Sr. bank.

These two deaths of Junius Morgan and Hannah Rothschild paved the way for a consolidation of wealth and power in the world that consolidated London https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 50/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation banking into the hands of the coming Pilgrims Society (1902). Today we would call Hannah's and Junius' deaths being "Arkancided" like Bill and Hillary Clinton's enemies.

On Dec. 23, 1913, Pilgrims' President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act. The Rothschild role in the American Federal Reserve money supply is deluged in propaganda from all sides, and yet, there can be no question that their role was central through surrogate banks and through Pilgrims who are known to have attended the Jekyll Island, GA meetings and planned it.

The timing based on subsequent world events cannot be coincidental. The Fed was created just before the “outbreak” of World War I against Germany (1914) and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917). These “outbreaks” just so happened to have decimated two main trading competitors for the British Empire and its American Robber barons and their partners.

These Pilgrims used cable and wireless mass communications and propaganda to dupe the public into the wars.

They used Marconi cable and wireless Fig. 111—David Sarnoff Fig. 112—Guglielmo Marconi systems run in the U.S. by David Sarnoff to make their plans. They deceived parents to send their young men and women into harm’s way for nothing more than the avarice and powermonger of these demons. Concurrently they promoted eugenics and population control (murdering tens of millions of souls) whereby wars killed people, which they considered necessary.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 51/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation By 1914, and the start of World War I, David Sarnoff was contracts manager for Marconi America. This meant that Sarnoff had regular, intimate Fig. 113—David Sarnoff Fig. 114—Guglielmo contact with senior Marconi British MPs and, the Imperial War Cabinet—all Pilgrims Society. These were the very knights, barons and lords who had earlier orchestrated the Marconi Wireless monopoly with Baron Henry DeWorms (Rothschild) 1st Lord Pirbright, and with the full approval of Queen Victoria, and then a malleable King Edward VII.

On Jan. 20, 1914, Pilgrim Sydney Buxton ("S.B."), President of the Board of Trade proposed compulsory Marconi wireless telegraphy on all Fig. 115—Sydney C. Fig. 116—Charles British steamships Buxton Frederick Gurney F.G. (later approved). Masterman David Sarnoff at age 23 was Marconi Contracts Manager at this time. This action would have affected his duties greatly. Rhodes' relative and Rothschild's business partner, Charles F.G. Masterman, MP, was handling all the day-to-day activities in developing the monopoly.

On Aug. 05, 1914, in the early hours, British submarines cut the undersea telegraphy cable between the United States and Germany. This act essentially started World War I.

David Sarnoff at age 23 Marconi Contracts Manager— the future president and chairman of both RCA and NBC— would have been intimately coordinating British war communications between Britain, Germany and America: Sarnoff certainly played a pivotal role in the British propaganda campaign against America prior to, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 52/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation during and in the aftermath of WWI.

On Aug. 05, 1914, Britain declared war on Germany after cutting the U.S.- Germany trans- Atlantic cable (once Fig. 117—David Sarnoff Fig. 118—Guglielmo Marconi the Marconi Wireless stations around the world were fully operational). The uniformly pro-British propaganda supported by many well-known British fiction writers that was published in American newspapers, in hindsight, is all too perfect and all too obviously backed by American and British war profiteer banks and Robber baron industrialists.

On Sep. 05, 1914, Prime Minister Lloyd George ordered Charles F.G. Masterman (Privy Counselor) to form the British War Propaganda Bureau Fig. 119—Charles Fig. 120—David Lloyd (WPB), known as Frederick Gurney F.G. George "Wellington House." Masterman

Masterman enlisted well-known fiction writers including John Buchan, Arthur Conan Doyle, H.G.mWells, as well as artists like Francis Dodd, Paul Fig. 121—John Buchan Nash, William Orpen, and C.R.W. Nevinson. Wellington House was replaced by the Propaganda Ministry of Information on May 18, 1917. Writer John Buchan, one of Masterman's chief propagandists, would take charge. See examples of their propaganda works.

On Sep. 20, 1916, Charles Masterman and the British War Propaganda Bureau (WPB), known as "Wellington https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 53/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation House," presented a 125-page report (some pages describing American propaganda activity were missing until replaced by a lowly archist recently) that Fig. 122—Charles Fig. 123—John Buchan they had published Frederick Gurney F.G. 300 books and Masterman pamphlets in 21 languages, distributed over 4,000 propaganda photographs every week and circulated maps, cartoons and lantern slides to the media. This activity was absorbed exactly five months later as one of four departments within the newly-formed Propaganda Ministry of Information directed by John Buchan.

On Oct. 18, 1914, The New York Times carried a full-throated defense by English writers of the English provocation of Germany after the British navy cut the German undersea communications with America. David Sarnoff was 23 and Marconi Contracts Manager. Fig. 124—David Sarnoff Readers should be reminded that Sarnoff would have been thoroughly vetted by British intelligence before being allowed to keep this job in the U.S.

Considering both British and American intelligence were both controlled by the Pilgrims Society, it explains how the anti-German effort was so unified. The Imperial corporatists of the Pilgrims Society in London and New York were waging "War by Journalism" (W.T. Stead's creation).

Sir Gilbert Parker organized fifty-three “Famous British Authors” (many Pilgrims) included Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Conan Doyle, Thomas Hardy, G.K. Chesterton and H.G. Wells to write the lies that fooled America into World War I.

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Fig. 125—Horatio Gilbert George Parker

Reuters "news" service was deeply involved in this propaganda effort. Reuters was controlled by the Rothschilds ever since the days the Rothschild's borrowed Reuter's carrier pigeons.

On Sep. 01, 1916, Pilgrim (Sir) Gilbert Parker wrote in Masterman’s report to the War Cabinet that he had engaged in extensive propaganda activities Fig. 126—Horatio Gilbert Fig. 127—Charles for the British War George Parker Frederick Gurney F.G. Propaganda Bureau Masterman to target America. Three months after this report, in Dec. 1916 the Imperial War Cabinet was formed under Prime Minister Lloyd George with Earl Curzon, Alfred Milner, Arthur Henderson and Bonar Law— all Cecil Rhodes-Rothschild devotees and Pilgrims Society members. Milner was the lead trustee of the Rhodes Scholarship trust.


David Sarnoff at age 25 was Marconi Assistant Traffic Manager and secretary of Institute of Radio Engineers (IEEE precursor). https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 55/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Minister of Propaganda, John Buchan reported to the War Cabinet:

“SECRET: … selected visits to America of Englishmen Fig. 128—John Buchan Fig. 129—David Sarnoff known in the United States, and arrangement by which they are able to exercise their influence quietly to the best advantage… without any appearance of Government propaganda… assisting the people of America to form right judgment…” (emphasis added).

Sir Gilbert highlighted many American Pilgrims who were assisting him. (Editor: The American propaganda pages from this 1916 report had been deleted in the British National Archives, until a helpful clerk supplied them recently). Parker's list includes many newspapermen in conspiracy with Rothschild's Reuters News Agency.

Parker said Kenneth Durant and H.J. Whigham were "particularly productive… have done us great service by their reports and Fig. 130—Lord Burnham Fig. 131—Cyril Arthur comments.” (Daily Telegraph owner) Pearson

Whigham was:

Chicago Tribune correspondent, an amateur Scottish golf champion (1896- 1897), The London Standard editor (owned by Pilgrim C. Arthur Pearson, executive https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 56/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation committeeman of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909; co-founder of the Empire Press Union, MI6, MI5 and GC&CS, renamed GCHQ in 1946), The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, The Tribune, Scribner’s Fig. 132—H.J. Magazine, The Morning Whigham Post, Town & Country special correspondent, Metropolitan Magazine editor, owned by The Daily Telegraph where Lord Burnham was a founding member of the Pilgrims Society, chief organizer of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, founder of the Empire Press Union and co-founder of MI6, MI5 and GC&CS, renamed GCHQ in 1946. Former President Teddy Roosevelt was also an editor of the Metropolitan.

Whigham was a pro-British 2nd Boer War correspondent contemporary of Winston Churchill at the Morning Post.

Kenneth Durant had received a bachelor of science degree from Harvard (1907- 1911) and befriended communist journalist John Jack Reed.

Durant “acted as Fig. 133—John Jack Reed Fig. 134—Ludwig Karlovich Martens Soviet courier in the transfer of funds and was treasurer for the Soviet Bureau and press secretary and publisher of Soviet Russia, the official organ of the Soviet Bureau. Durant's Soviet handler Ludwig Martens worked directly with Vladimir Lenin to establish an American propaganda beachhead. He also established many business deals with J.P. Morgan and more than one thousand firms before being deported from America in Mar. 1919.

Durant (who may have been deported for a year himself) opened and managed the American desk of the Soviet https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 57/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation News Agency the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS) (1923-1944).

This means Durant was most assuredly being handled as a British agent by British Pilgrim Philip Whitwell Wilson who was Vladimir Lenin’s Pilgrims' handler (1902-1911), where Wilson fronted as a New York Times editor, as stated above. This also overlaps the time when the British spy "Intrepid" Fig. 135—Philip Whitwell had his office at David Sarnoff's Wilson. building at 30 Rockefeller Center.

As if the treason above was not sufficient, we're just getting started. Sir Gilbert Parker praised many other Americans engaged in seditious British propaganda to steer American public opinion to war and Pilgrims profits:

Paul D. Cravath, a Pilgrims Society member financier- lawyer (his law Fig. 136—Paul Drennan Fig. 137—William firm is Cravath. Randolph Hearst. now Cravath Swaine, where Obama former patent office director, David J. Kappos, is employed),

Financier Otto S. Bannard (Yale Fusionist candidate for NY mayor in 1909; proponent of social Darwinism); ally of William Randolf Hearst, a Pilgrim. Frederic [René] Coudert [Jr.], Constituti onal lawyer https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 58/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

who Fig. 138—Frederic Fig. 139—Joseph Rene Coudert, Jr. Hodges Choate became a member of the Executive Committee for the American Pilgrims (Parker: “[Coudert] has shown himself a good friend of our cause.”). The “striking and admirable work” of Joseph H. Choate (Pres. American Pilgrims 1912- 1917).

Parker lavished praise on The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace whose first president, Elihu

Root (1912-1925), Fig. 140—Andrew Fig. 141—Nicholas later became vice Carnegie. Murray Butler. president of the American Pilgrims and co-president of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Carnegie Endowment's

president Nicholas Fig. 142—Elihu Root Murray Butler (1925-1945) was also president of the American Pilgrims Society (1928-1946).

(Editor's Note: On Jun. 07, 1993, the Carnegie Endowment sponsored a secret conference in Washington, D.C., along with Clinton Fig. 143—Robert Swan Fig. 144—Hillary Clinton. chief of staff John Mueller. Podesta, national security advisor James P. Chandler, III, along with DoJ Robert S. Mueller, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 59/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation to give the FBI a universal encryption backdoor key on all Internet traffic. Congress balked, but they did it anyway through Fig. 145—John D. Fig. 146—Bill Clinton. the Department of Podesta. Commerce export licensing rules, requiring an embedded Dual_EC_DRBG encryption key algorithm.)


The Carnegie Endowment and Root were singled out for their “great eminence” having "distributed great quantities of non-controversial literature... a very considerable number of our documents, and undoubtedly has had a powerful effect... to about 11,000 individuals, 621 public libraries, 214 historical societies, 106 clubs, 555 newspapers, 833 YMCA societies, 339 Universities and colleges, many members of the Royal Society of Arts and associates of the American Institute of Architects."


Parker said notably:

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 60/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation “One of our most striking successes in the United States has been the floating of our cinema pictures” and secured from Wall Street “big capital” for propaganda films that “have played to overflow houses, with many turned away.”

On Dec. 09, 1916, new British Prime Minister David Lloyd George formed a five-person War Cabinet.

On Jan. 01, 1917, Wellington House Fig. 149—John Buchan Fig. 150—David Lloyd George closed and its propaganda work was transferred to a formal War Cabinet department: The Ministry of Information, John Buchan, Viscount Milner’s 2nd Boer War concentration camp chief of staff, became the Minister Minister of Information (Propaganda)—All Pilgrims.

Jan. 04, 1917, War Cabinet member Lord Alfred Milner met with Czar Nicholas II supposedly to deliver military aid against the revolutionaries, but Milner refused to authorize the aid even though Parliament had already approved it (Note: Milner was never censored for Fig. 151—Viscount Alfred this insubordination to Parliament. Milner Milner was also a political ally, protégé and trustee of Anglophile Cecil John Rhodes.)

During this entire period David Sarnoff was handling and monitoring telegraphy traffic between British and American Pilgrims.

On Feb. 20, 1917, the War Cabinet established the Propaganda Ministry of Information and appointed novelist John Buchan as its director. The Fig. 152—David Sarnoff ministry targeted all countries, except https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 61/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Britain.

Mar. 03, 1917, the War Cabinet member Lord Alfred Milner arrived back in London having promised Nicholas II nothing. No guns for Russia; three days later his formal report to the War Cabinet about the events that took place at the Allied Conference in Russia; tellingly, no minutes were Fig. 153—Viscount Alfred taken, which was contrary to the Milner newly-initiated Lloyd George scrivener policy on meeting minutes.

On Mar. 17, 1917, Russian Czar Nicholas II abdicated. Remarkably, the British War Cabinet, including Lord Milner and Bonar Law, were providing carefully couched impressions as facts (e.g., the Russian people were revolting because the Czar was not prosecuting the war against Germany with enough efficiency!) to the American public, whose major newspapers, in lockstep, repeated Bonaar Law's speculations as facts, immediately; information that they could not possibly have known unless they had written about the abdication for the newspapers before it happened. The headlines and articles are worthy of the National Inquirer today. Czar Nicholas was King 's cousin.

On Apr. 18, 1917, British and American newspapers around the world published sensational and totally fabricated tabloid "news" to help turn world Fig. 154—Viscount Alfred Fig. 155—Andrew Bonar opinion against Milner Law Germany: "German Ghouls - Corpses Converted to Soap and Explosives, Dividends from Death" See Yorkshire / Sheffield Evening Telegraph and Star.

As you read this fake 1917 FAKE NEWS FUSED WITH article, list the journalistic illogic TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 62/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation (e.g., exquisite BRAINWASHING TECHNIQUES details about the operations of an allegedly secret operation where even the workers are prisoners!) meant to bend the British and American public opinion against Germany (remember, the Rockefellers (Standard Oil), Rothschilds, Kuhns, Loebs, Bernard

Baruch, J.P. Morgan, Fig. 156—Editor. (Apr. 18, 1917). German Eugene Meyer; Paul Ghouls - Corpses Converted to Soap and Explosives, Dividends from Death [The Warburg, Max Wellington House War Propaganda Bureau, Warburg, Jacob Schiff, formed Aug. 1914, anti-German propaganda]. Yorkshire/Sheffield Evening Telegraph and Star. Louis Brandeis and Including Transcript.

Royal Family all "[I]n 1925, the British Government announced loaned war money that there had never been any foundation for the story."— The British Newspaper Archive to both sides and profited handsomely from the carnage).

"[I]n 1925, the British Government announced that there had never been any foundation for the story."— The British Newspaper Archive

On May 18, 1917, John Buchan (future Canadian governor general), director of the Ministry of Information, petitioned the War Cabinet with a request titled "Propaganda at Home" to be able to propagandize (lie to) the British public. (“I am anxious to be allowed to organise (sic) various lines Fig. 157—John Buchan of direct propaganda in this country…”). They did, and do to this day.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 63/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation SELF-ANOINTED BRITISH PILGRIM ELITISTS STARTED SPYING ON BRITISH CITIZENS IN 1917—AS OFFICIAL POLICY

On Aug. 04, 1917, Prime Minister Lloyd George inaugurated the National War Aims Committee (NWAC) in approval of the Propaganda Ministry Information request "Propaganda at Home" to be able to target British citizens with propaganda.

Fig. 158—David Lloyd George

On Jul 14, 2013, Barack Obama quietly changed the rules prohibiting the U.S. government from pushing propaganda on American citizens. This occurred in a change of rules for the Bureau of Broadcasting Governors under revisions quietly enacted in the National Defense Authorization Act of Fig. 159—Barack Hussein Obama 2013. Obama took this move right out of prime minister David Lloyd George's 1917 playbook on subjecting citizens to fake news from the government.


https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 64/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation On Nov. 02, 1917, Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, was instrumental in the Zionist promotion of a Jewish State following World War Fig. 160—Arthur James Fig. 161—Lionel Walter I. Balfour Rothschild

He was the recipient of the famous Balfour Declaration that became the basis for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. From 1889-1908, Baron Walter worked at N.M. Rothschild & Sons under the direction of his father Baron Nathan Rothschild and Lord Rosebery (Rothschild).

Hindsight shows that a main reason for the tumult of WWI was a carefully concocted propaganda plan for the Pilgrims Society to establish a permanent British political and economic presence in the Middle East. Toward that end, the Pilgrims Society co opted Zionism as a useful political tool to achieve that British Empire foothold in Israel.


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Fig. 162—Arthur Balfour. (Nov. 02, 1917). Balfour Declaration; Letter from Balfour to Rothschild re. declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionists. British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Make no mistake: British Imperial Zionism and Jewish Zionism are different. The evidence is clear that British Imperial Zionism hijacked / exploited Jewish Zionism as the excuse to colonize Palestine for their emerging British Imperial English-speaking corporatist federalist Rhodes-ian plan of the British-American Pilgrims Society.

Graphic: British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO); Public domain.

Other prominent Pilgrim Society political Zionists included Chaim Weizmann , Jan Smuts (of the Imperial War Cabinet), Queen Victoria, King Edward VII, James de Rothschild, , L. J. Greenberg, Herbert Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel (1915–1916, Post- Master General, implementing Marconi Wireless – favored direct British annexation of Palestine, High Commissioner https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 66/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation for Palestine in 1920). Lord Rothschild, Sir Alfred Mond, Sir Arthur Balfour, Baron John Buchan Albert Beit and (Sir) Winston Churchill.

On Nov. 07, 1917, five days after the Balfour Declaration to Baron Walter Rothschild, the Bolshevik "October Revolution" (conceived by the Pilgrims Society in London 15 years earlier) overthrew Czar Nicholas II, assassinated him and his whole family, and ushered in the Communist socialist Fig. 163—Vladimir Ilyich era in Russia. The choice of Walter Lenin Rothschild to receive this letter (seminal to the history of Israel and Palestine to this day) was odd since he had little interest in banking and politics. He preferred zoology. See Vladimir Lenin & Communism were created by newspaper intelligence globalists from the British-American Pilgrims Society.

The Pilgrims Society was successful in demonizing then deposing Christian Czar Nicholas Romanov with relentless propaganda. The fact that he was Queen Victoria's nephew did not matter. In his place a well-groomed Pilgrims socialist named Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was installed. This was the Pilgrims first substantial attempt since the 2nd Boer War to remove the world of trade competitors to their newly hatching Imperial corporate federalism run from London and Washington, D.C.

On Dec. 17, 1917, John Buchan proposed a pro-League of Nations “Psychological Offensive – To be launched at a-well selected psychological moment” in direct contradiction to his assertion to Parliament that his Ministry of Information did not engage in politics. Fig. 164—John Buchan

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 67/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation TWO BRITISH CLOTHING RETAILERS ESPOUSE THE BRITISH ZIONISM OF THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY

On Mar. 04, 1918, Marks & Spencer (London) retailers (and Pilgrims) Dr. Chaim Weizmann & Israel M. Sieff established “A Zionist Commission Fig. 165—Chaim Azriel Fig. 166—Israel Moses for Palestine.” This Weizmann Sieff occurred just three months after the Balfour Declaration letter to Baron Walter Rothschild on Nov. 02, 1917 (also a Pilgrim like his father Nathan

Mayer Rothschild, Fig. 167—Arthur James Fig. 168—Lionel Walter 1st Baron Rothschild Balfour Rothschild —a Pilgrims founder.

On Mar. 15, 1918, War Cabinet advisor Lord Jan Smuts (South African) (a Pilgrim), recommended approval of the Ministry of Information to receive all or most all secret intelligence in order to better target propaganda.

On Jul. 17, 1918, Tsar Nicholas II, his Fig. 169—Jan Christian Smuts wife Alexandra, their five children, a doctor and three servants were shot and clubbed to death on Vladimir Lenin's orders in the basement of a merchant’s mansion named Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. An official government commission in 1995 was convened to answer 10 questions by the https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 68/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Russian Orthodox Church. It was reopened in 2015 and reported through Bishop Tikhon on Nov. 28, 2017 that the evidence pointed to a ritual killing.

On Aug. 05, 1918, MP Leifchild Jones told Parliament about the Propaganda Ministry of Information run by John Buchan that by this time was targeting British propaganda against both America and British citizens: "we have been kept in the dark as to its constitution." Fig. 170—John Buchan

On Aug. 05, 1918, MP Leifchild Jones (1905-1931) railed against the SECRECY and DUPLICITY of the Propaganda Department—Ministry of Information. He said to Parliament: “At present we know little about it [Ministry of Information], as it is not the creation of Parliament. It exists, and was announced to us through the Press, though up to the present we have been kept in the dark as to its constitution, its purposes, its methods, and its relation to other Departments of the State.”

“That is the Ministry of Information, and the House will observe that these gentlemen represent the most formidable combination at the Ministry of Information. The interests represented are banks, electric power companies, gas, railways, newspapers, rubber, insurance, iron, steel, Pullman cars, ships, and tobacco— a wholly formidable combination.” This list of commercial interests included mining, wireless and armaments.

On Dec. 20, 1918, John Buchan, a Pilgrims Society founder, wrote “Report on the Liquidation of the Ministry of Information Transfer to the Foreign Office War Cabinet” describing the post-war continuation of a “new” “Propaganda Department” divided up among the Foreign Office and private Fig. 171—John Buchan https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 69/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation organizations, including propaganda intelligence housed in Spain under the "Federation of British Industries (FBI)," as well as cinematography, photos and art. (Note: Hambro family now owns Getty Images.) In short, all the juicy bits were shuffled off to private operations among commercial and political cronies—just as MP Liefland Jones had feared just months earlier.

Control of “Wireless and Cables” (today the "IBM Internet of Things") went to the Foreign Office, as did American propaganda, under Sir William Tyrrell.

Tyrrell ran the political intelligence department at the Home Office (1916- Fig. 172—William George 1919), was British Ambassador to Tyrrell France (1928-1934), appointed to the Privy Council in 1928, made a baron (1929) and was appointed president of the British Board of Film Censors until he died in 1947. The ties between propaganda, censorship, intelligence and wireless technology are evident in Tyrrell alone.

In Feb. 1919, (Charles) Eric Hambro, a Pilgrim, was knighted for his work at the Ministry of Information—just a few months after leaving the Propaganda Ministry. He went on to become the chairman of Hambros Bank. He died on Dec. 28, 1947, just months after the C.I.A. was formed on Sep. 18, 1947. Fig. 173—Charles Eric Hambro

On Oct. 17, 1919, at the recommendation of then Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was formed out of Marconi Wireless America assets, combined in a bizarre, nakedly monopolistic assignment of hundreds of Fig. 174—Franklin Delano Roosevelt patent rights to Marconi Wireless U.S. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 70/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation from AT&T, Westinghouse, General Electric and the United Fruit Company. These companies each received stock in RCA (GE 30.1%, Westinghouse 20.6%, AT&T 10.3% and United Fruit 4.1%, individual shareholders 34.9%). Rothschild banking interests were threaded throughout these companies, as well as directly influencing RCA's Pilgrims Society leaders, being Pilgrims themselves.

For a detailed record of the RCA purchase of Marconi Wireless America patents and assets at the insistence of the U.S. Navy, where Franklin D. Roosevelt was secretary, see the 1,491-page Congressional Record (searchable) H.R. 4523, Part III. (Beginning Feb. 11, 1935). Pooling of Patents. Committee on Patents, Feb. 11, 14, 20, 25, 28; Mar. 7; Oct. 15-18; Dec. 2-6, 9, 10, 12, 1935, p. 3387, PDF p. 984. 74th U.S. Congress. (66.4 MB). ("R.C.A., it should be stated, however, was not Sarnoff's brainchild. It came about because the Navy Department ...").

RCA's first president was Pilgrim Society member Owen D. Young. We believe David Sarnoff, who became RCA's vice president and general manager, Fig. 175—David Sarnoff Fig. 176—Owen D. Young most likely became a member of the American Pilgrims Society before RCA was hatched.

On Jan. 10, 1920, the League of Nations was formed just 58 days after Ms. Troy's deportation, by the very same people that Ms. Troy was vociferously criticizing— like Pilgrim ‘Dukedom’ (newly discovered evidence suggests Knight of Malta) Andrew Carnegie and Elihu Root. In 1910, Root was simultaneously U.S. Senator from New York and first president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In 1917, Root was the founding chairman of the Inquiry/Council on Foreign Relations.

Ms. Troy was a thorn in the side of the Anglophile Pilgrims Society. In doing real investigations (unlike much of the mockingbird media today). Ms. Troy had https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 71/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation discovered that Andrew Carnegie was on the British voter roles in Scotland. When she publicized this fact, the British and American press marched in lockstep to protect Carnegie, their sugar daddy.

The truth is, Ms. Troy spoke the truth about the Pilgrims Society plot for the British Empire to reabsorb their American lost colony.

Ms. Troy was refreshingly irritating to the British- American Imperial federalist sycophants like J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie and Lord Rosebery at the moment of their third big win: the formation of the League of Nations. Their first win was deposing Czar Nicholas Romanov and installing their London-groomed V.I. Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Their second win was the destruction of Kaiser Wilhelm and German industry in World War I. They couldn't have Ms. Troy telling the truth about their Pilgrims secret society treachery to the world.

In 1920, the British ostensibly created the Tavistock Clinic (renamed Institute in 1947) to assist shell- shocked soldiers. But, hindsight reveals that the true long Fig. 177—John Davison Fig. 178—Andrew term agenda was to Rockefeller Sr. Carnegie study propaganda techniques for mass mind control and crafting of public messages to "create public opinion."

See Mar. 03, 1923, Viscount Burnham (Daily Telegraph proprietor; chairman of the Empire Press Union; co- organizer of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909; co-founder of MI6, MI5 and GC&CS now GCHQ) speeches in New York on "governance by journalism." https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 72/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

When the Clinic became the Institute Fig. 179—Viscount Burnham, owner of the after WWII on Sep. 20, 1947, it Daily Telegraph. received major funding from two Pilgrims Society mainstays, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Rockefeller Foundation— both partners with N.M. Rothschild & Sons in many Pilgrims deals and plans.

On Feb. 11, 1920, the organizing council of the League of Nations held its second session in London at St. James’s Palace. General Jan Smuts (Pilgrim) was among them—the man who approved director John Buchan (Pilgrim) and his Propaganda Ministry of Information to receive top secret Fig. 180—Jan Christian military intelligence during the war Smuts (Tavistock psychiatry-driven propaganda and NSA-like mass social surveillance—"MSM") —an activity that was made a private operation run out of Spain during the "liquidation" of the ministry.

Remarkably, War Cabinet member Bonar Law (Pilgrim), Leader of the House of Commons, at first feigned ignorance about the proceedings of the League of Nations conference when MP Sir Donald MacLean questioned the ludicrous reparations being discussed to be levied against an utterly Fig. 181—Andrew Bonar decimated Germany. Laughably, Bonar Law Law—an architect of the League of Nations—answered "You know as much about it as I do."

This Bonar Law response to Sir Donald was a lie because after Sir Donald had eviscerated the suspicious secrecy of the League of Nations conference, Bonar Law launched a disingenuous soliloquy revealing his intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the conference, and the Reparations Commission work on war levies against Germany.

Law betrayed his underlying Anglophile political philosophy circa corporate socialists Cecil Rhodes / Alfred Milner / Fabian Society / Round Table, stating "I https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 73/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation think all that has happened in the War has given us reason to feel that of all the constitutions in the world ours [Britain's] is probably the best ... the maximum amount [to charge Germany] even as it stands in the Treaty is fixed and the objects for which they can be called upon to pay are detailed... The arrangements which have already been made by the Reparation Commission show that they [Germany] are being reasonably dealt with."

Evidently, the Pilgrims Society Robber barons were determined to strip Germany of its assets for the profit with which they could wield additional power and wealth. This scenario sounds uncannily similar to the way these same Pilgrims raped and pillaged the American and world public in the "banking crisis" of 2008.

History shows that the German public's reaction to the debilitating reparations was a primary propaganda tool in Hitler's rise to power just eight years later. Evidently, the WWI War Cabinet that included Bonar Law was organizing someone's interests [bankers, robber baron international corporations, new world order fascists], but not the honest, peace-loving citizens of the world.

Sir (Charles) Eric Hambro's son, Sir Charles Joselyn Hambro, had become head of the "Special Operations Executive (SOE)" which organized "stay- Fig. 182—Charles Fig. 183—Allen Welsh behind" networks Jocelyn Hambro Dulles that formed the basis of the modern day C.I.A. created under Allen W. Dulles. The C.I.A. managed all the "stay behinds."

Dulles is now widely believed to have ordered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy after President Kennedy said he wanted to "splinter [the C.I.A.] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds" due its utter lawlessness. Dulles and Hambro were

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 74/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation evidently in close cooperation. Hambro's possible role in the Kennedy assassination needs to be explored.

On May 01, 1926, David Sarnoff, then vice president of RCA, along with RCA's Pilgrim president Owen D. Young sent the first "radio photo" from London to New Fig. 184—David Sarnoff Fig. 185—Owen D. Young York. The first photo "to be wirelessed was a photograph of the speakers' table at the Pilgrim's society dinner in London Wednesday night" for the Marquess of Reading, Viceroy and Governor-General of India (1921-1926). Source: The Pilgrims of Great Britain (Profile Books, p. 190, 2002).

In 1934, 14 years before the formation of the State of Israel, Weizmann and Israel M. Sieff (later made a baron) founded the Daniel Sieff Research Institute named after Fig. 186—Chaim Azriel Fig. 187—Israel Moses Sieff’s son who died Weizmann Sieff at age 17. Curiously, the institute would pursue studies in mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and biology—all sciences needed to pursue the Pilgrims dystopian fusion of eugenics and war-making bio weapons.

The Weizmann Institute (Sieff Institute was renamed in 1948 when Weizmann became the 2nd president of Israel) immediately began collaborating with British and https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 75/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation American pharmaceutical, computer and communications companies, most notably Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Fig. 188—Nathan Mayer Fig. 189—Elizabeth Lydia Research Council Victor Rothschild Manningham-Buller (BBSRC) UK, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Wellcome Trust, Wellcome Foundation), Victor Rothschild’s Biotechnology Investments Limited UK, and The Pirbright Institute, now headed by Sir Bertie Ross, Prince Charles confidante, and Baroness Elizabeth Manningham-Buller, former MI5 chief.

From inception, The Weizmann Institute has been heavily influenced, if not led, by Pilgrims, including life member Lord Victor and now Jacob Fig. 190—Nathan Mayer Fig. 191—Nathan . Victor Rothschild, 3rd Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild Baron Rothschild Weizmann has offices and representatives in Israel (HQ), U.S., Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands—all Commonwealth and EU members—all Pilgrims Society-controlled countries.

We don’t intend to do a full history on the Weizmann Institute beyond proving the intimate involvement of the Rothschilds, Sarnoff, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 76/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

and Charles M. Fig. 192—Charles Fig. 193—Robert Israel Michael Lieber Lieber Lieber (Baby Lieber, nano-man) in their operation.

Fig. 194—David Sarnoff

In 1952, 1966, David Sarnoff, RCA/NBC, became an honorary fellow of the Weizmann Institute.

In 1962, Victor Rothschild, 3rd Fig. 195—Israel Moses Fig. 196—David Sarnoff Sieff Baron Rothschild, became an honorary fellow of the Weizmann Institute.

On Nov. 24, 1971, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher introduced The Fig. 197—Chaim Azriel Fig. 198—Nathan Mayer Rothschild report, Weizmann Victor Rothschild, 3rd 1971 on "The Baron Rothschild Organisation [sic] and Management of Government R&D" and how the government could become (in his words) a customer for research contracted from the Research Councils and other sources. Rothschild's thinking implied that management of R&D by "customer" Departments would bring an understanding of research outputs. He proposed the transfer of applied science funds from Research Councils to Government Departments, providing each with a Chief Scientist as proxy customer for research to https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 77/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation be commissioned on a "customer:contractor" basis (the British version of "public-private partnership." The Government largely adopted his proposals in 1972 and implemented them in 1974. The Rothschild framework sill underpins important assumptions about Departmental relationships with the science community.

In 1972, Baron Victor Rothschild recommended that Nobel chemist/biologist Sydney Brenner consider conducting gene and virus Fig. 199—Nathan Mayer Fig. 200—Sydney experiments on the Victor Rothschild, 3rd Brenner Jewish Israeli Baron Rothschild population in addition to English old folks homes populations.


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Fig. 201—Sydney Brenner. (ca. 1972). Confidential handwritten letter from Sydney Brenner to Victor Rothschild re. genes, viruses, human virus experimentation in UK care homes Bodmer and Kevlin, and Israel and Jewish populations., SB/1/1/561, Item No. 64627. CHSL Archives Repository.

Image: Cold Harbor Springs Library Archives Repository. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

In 1981, after heading a commission to reorganize research and development funding the the UK (Rothschild Committee: A Fig. 202—James C. Blair Fig. 203—David Sarnoff Framework for Government https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 79/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Research and Development (HMSO, 1971)), Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild, used that insider knowledge to start the world’s first Fig. 204—Nathan Mayer biotechnology Victor Rothschild, 3rd venture capital fund Baron Rothschild named Biotechnologies Investments Limited (BIL) funded by N.M. Rothschild. He also used his control of the Financial Times to promote it.

The notes linked here also reveal Rothschild’s control of the American James Blair who has been highly influential in the development of the entire U.S. biotechnology National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) investment market for the Rothschilds, and who is largely a secret partner. Blair worked for David Sarnoff at RCA from 1961-1969.

In 1981, Dr. Sydney Brenner and six other biologists and chemists began consulting to Lord Victor Rothschild's newly formed company Fig. 205—Sydney Fig. 206—Nathan Mayer Biotechnology Brenner Victor Rothschild, 3rd Investments Limited Baron Rothschild (BIL). BIL financial documents are embargoed until Jan. 2045 at both Wellcome Library and Cold Harbor Springs Archive Repository.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 80/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation On Mar. 04, 1982, a Financial Times article confirmed that "Biotechnology Investments [Limited], the [Lord Victor] Rothschilds fund devoted to investment in such [genetic engineering] companies, has just invested in Integrated Genetics of New York [now part of Lab Corp genetic Fig. 207—Nathan Mayer testing]. The company is only one year Victor Rothschild, 3rd old ... It has invested in five - all U.S. Baron Rothschild companies ..." This would place BIL's incorporation ca. Mar. 1981.

On Sep. 09, 1983, Lord Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild, was using the Financial Times propaganda machine to heavily promoting his newly-formed Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL), see Co. No. 02892872. Over 97% of BIL's investments were in U.S.—not UK Fig. 208—Nathan Mayer companies. Rothschild's BIL was Victor Rothschild, 3rd incorporated in Guernsey, a British Baron Rothschild offshore drug smuggling and money laundering tax haven. Therefore, BIL's financial records are hidden from the public by Guernsey, as well as by Cold Springs Harbor Archives and Wellcome Library. The wonderful exception is this Sep. 09, 1983 Financial Times article (linked above) and David Leather's Mar. 09, 1982 N.M. Rothschild Asset Management compilation of news coverage around that time.


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Fig. 209—David Fishlock. (Sep. 09, 1983). Blue chip genes promise high returns re. Lord Victor Rothschild Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL), Co. No. 02892872, N.M. Rothschild Asset Management, p. 6. Financial Times.

Lord Rothschild created a massive biotechnology fund (Biotechnology Investments Limited - BIL), the first of its kind, to cash in on his Rothschild report, 1971. His report was a boon to Wellcome Trust, The Pirbright Institute, SERCO, QinetiQ, GEC, Marconi Wireless, RCA, IBM and more. Graphic: Financial Times. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

On Jul. 29, 1987, R.C.A. Limited changed its name to SERCO LIMITED. SERCO became the commercial extension (not really, the British Monarch Fig. 210—Geoffrey Edwin Fig. 211—David Sarnoff, holds a "Golden Pattie. RCA/NBC. Share" giving her veto power over all SERCO operations) of the prior government computer and software R&D effort named S.E.R.C. (Science and Engineering Research Council) overseen by Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, the Minister of State,

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 82/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Industry and Information Technology under Margaret Thatcher (1983-1981).

SERCO was the computer engineering British monopoly sister to Lord Victor Rothschild's Biotechnology monopoly Investments Limited (BIL). Both organizations emerged out of The Rothschild Report, 1971.

Shockingly, SERCO and QinetiQ today operate vast swaths of American military and civilian infrastructure, having been awarded those contracts by the seditious Senior Executive Service (SES), formed by Jimmy Carter in 1978. The SES takes its Pilgrims Society orders via the British Crown Agents and the British Privy Council.


Since 2006, SERCO was given the contract to process all patent applications for the United States Patent Office! America has transferred sovereignty of its most valuable asset—specifically protected by the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 8—inventions, into the hands of the British Crown. Why? Because the Pilgrims Society oligarchs learned in the late 1800's that a steady stream of patents was their guarantee of perpetual power and wealth.

SERCO began life in 1929 in the United Kingdom (UK) as R.C.A. Photophone Limited (David Sarnoff). In 1956, they changed their name to R.C.A. Great Britain Limited. In 1969, they changed names again to R.C.A. Limited. In 1987 their name changed again to SERCO Limited.

SERCO has become, in some cases, the single source provider of critical American infrastructure via 5,000 contracts totaling $6.2 billion (not including secret offshore accounts) including 477 contracts worth $41.3 million at the Senior Executive Services' Office of Personnel Management (OPM), four contracts worth $172 million at the Department of State (DOS), and 4,644

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 83/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation contracts worth $4.22 billion at the Department of Defense (DoD).

Three astonishing SERCO contracts are: (1) a $95 million contract to run the U.S. Patent Office’s processing of new patent applications, (2) a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website, and (3) $610 million to run FEMA Region 9 & 2: Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Here's the actual Serco FEMA contract Solicitation No. HSFE80-R-004-DHS.

In addition, already mentioned, but bears repeating, Serco manages air traffic control at 63 U.S. airports!

You cannot make this up.

Place QinetiQ, SERCO's sister Crown company, on your corruption radar screen. Their claws are buried deep in Washington, D.C. too, facilitated by Fig. 212—George Tenet Fig. 213—Edmund former C.I.A. Giambastiani Jr. director George Tenet and former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Edmund Peter Giambastiani Jr.


QinetiQ is as large as SERCO. Both are British. Both are 100% controlled by the British Crown's "Golden Share."

Anyone who says that the Queen is just a figurehead is a brainwashed fool, or a propagandist.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 84/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation On May 08, 1986, Rothschild's Biotechnology Investment Limited (BIL) also incorporated in Bermuda and ceased operation in 1999, presumably when BIL was absorbed back into the N.M. Rothschild Asset Management orbit. Source: Paradise Papers.

Fig. 214—Nathan Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild

See Jan. 12, 1998 announcement of merger talks by International Biotechnology Trust (IBT) PLC, Co. No. 02892872 to acquire BIL's business. IBT is Fig. 215—Nathan Mayer Fig. 216—Nathan Charles a clone of BIL. The Victor Rothschild, 3rd Jacob Rothschild, 4th investment manager Baron Rothschild Baron Rothschild and secretary is the same Rothschild Asset Management Limited and the bankers is the same N.M. Rothschild & Sons Limited. Lord Victor Rothschild had died in 1990, so the family was evidently absorbing Victor's businesses and wiping the record (except for Sydney Brenner's personal papers).


On Mar. 21, 1990, Lord Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild, died. Even the Rothschild-controlled Associated Press identified him as a British spy, although they sloppily identified him as the 4th instead of the 3rd Baron Rothschild. That title went to his son Jacob, also a Pilgrim and Fig. 217—Nathan Charles current "Life" patron of the Weizmann Jacob Rothschild, 4th https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 85/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Institute. We have observed that these Baron Rothschild "mistakes" are generally intentional misdirection to keep the public away from the Rothschild's similar names and secret Pilgrims conspiracies.

On Aug. 20, 1990, Wellcome Fund (now GSK - GlaxoSmithKline) awarded Brenner the "Wellcome Visiting Professor in the Basic Medical Sciences for 1990/91 academic year." This illustrates the revolving door of relationships among British and Israeli biotechnology groups that were the Fig. 218—Sydney beneficiaries of the Victor Rothschild Brenner Report, 1971, and the subsequent total reorganization of British R&D to be run by private commercial enterprises, including Rothschild's Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL), which was the first and largest. Such "old boy" insider trading immorality is "legal" in the U.K. apparently.

In 1997, Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, Weizmann Institute Life Member, became an honorary fellow of the Weizmann Institute.

What we observe here about the Weizmann Institute is that it appears to be an Israel-based British clone of The Pirbright Institute, Surrey UK. Fig. 219—Nathan Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Their research priorities and clientele Baron Rothschild are practically interchangeable. Both are heavily weighted down with Pilgrims Society British aristocracy.

Indeed, the current chairman of the Pirbright Institute is Sir Bertie Ross, a close confidante of https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 86/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Prince Charles, and Baroness Elizabeth Manningham-Buller, former MI5 chief (2002-2007).

At the Weizmann Institute, the Rothschilds are life Fig. 220—Nathan Charles Fig. 221—Elizabeth Lydia Jacob Rothschild, 4th Manningham-Buller members and their Baron Rothschild foundation is top heavy with titled British peers.

Both Weizmann and Pirbright are heavily funded by the Biotechnology and

Biological Sciences Fig. 222—Sir Walter Fig. 223—Nathan Mayer Research Council Robert 'Bertie' Alexander Victor Rothschild, 3rd Ross Baron Rothschild (BBSRC) UK, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Wellcome Trust, Wellcome Foundation), Victor Rothschild’s Biotechnology Investments Limited UK, now N.M. Rothschild Asset Management.

Now we must swing this story back to David Sarnoff, RCA/NBC president, member of the Pilgrims Society, fellow of the Weizmann Institute.

We covered Sarnoff in our last post which you can read here.

Fig. 224—David Sarnoff DADDY LIEBER

Now we are ready to be introduced to Robert I. Lieber.

Lieber was David Sarnoff’s award winning engineer who specialized in satellites, radar and missiles.

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Lieber is interesting because, besides Fig. 225—Robert Israel Lieber being the father of indicted Harvard nano-scientist Charles M. Lieber, Robert Lieber worked on the actual wireless, satellite and missile technologies to make Sarnoff’s dystopian 1926 predictions of wireless bio weapons actually work.

DAVID SARNOFF'S MACABRE PILGRIMS SOCIETY DYSTOPIA (1926) Click to to enlarge this image.

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Fig. 226—Charles G. Reinhart. (Jul. 18, 1926). Next War Over in few Minutes! Prophesies of Lt. Col. David Sarnoff, RCA, p. 39. Sioux City Journal. Full size, high quality *.jpg file (23 MB).

Graphic: Source. British National Archives.


On Apr. 01, 1961, RCA engineer Robert Lieber was awarded the David Sarnoff Outstanding Achievement Award in Engineering Systems "for contributions to the field of high-precision space tracking and navigational systems.

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Fig. 227—Robert Israel Lieber

On Jun. 01, 1961, Sarnoff award winner RCA engineer Robert Lieber publish major research on Doppler satellite and missile tracking. "The system tracks orbital or ballistic bodies obeying well-defined laws."

Fig. 228—Robert Israel Lieber

On Sep. 30, 2017, Lord Jacob Rothschild's financial control (along with C.I.A./MI6 bank HSBC plc) of the Weizmann Institute is evident in Weizmann UK's Fig. 229—Charles Fig. 230—Nathan Charles trustee's report and Michael Lieber Jacob Rothschild, 4th financial statement. Baron Rothschild Since Baby Lieber is also a Weizmann director, the connection between Weizmann's biowarfare work and Baby Lieber is evident.


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Fig. 231—R. Lieber, S. Shucker. (Jun. 01, 1961). Doppler tracking systems, angle-damped, Jun-Jul 1961, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 24, Topics: Military and Missile systems, Satellite ground support, Space technology. RCA Engineer. Graphic: Source. British National Archives.


The elements of Sarnoff’s vision that Robert's son Charles was groomed to deliver to the Pilgrims Society was nanotube, nanowire and nanopore inventions.

Before Robert retired from RCA, the company carried this curiously long and exquisitely detailed article by Fig. 232—Charles Michael Lieber Robert Lieber about his alleged interest in model airplanes.

In Aug. 1977, RCA Engineer carried a four-page spread about Robert’s alleged model airplane hobby.

In Daddy Lieber’s obituary (Jan. 06, Fig. 233—Charles Fig. 234—Robert Israel Michael Lieber Lieber 2008), Charles wrote that he and his father traveled across the US and Europe to pursue this hobby.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 91/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation The article is too exquisitely detailed and out of place to be real. It appears to be a cover story so that Robert could take his son Charles to meet with his C.I.A., British MI6 and Pilgrims Society spy handlers in the U.S., Canada and Europe.

For addition information on Charles M. Lieber, see:

Anonymous Patriots. (Mar. 20, 2020). Nanotechnology Weaponized to Deliver Viruses (re. indicted Harvard Chinese nano-seditionist Charles M. Lieber). Patriots for Truth.

AFI. (Mar. 16, 2020). Weaponized Coronavirus is an Anglo-American Pilgrims Society Attack on Competitors in America and China. Americans for Innovation.

AFI. (Apr. 17, 2020). PART ONE: NBC founder & Pilgrim David Sarnoff led the Imperial British agenda that has terrorized our world for over 100 years. Americans for Innovation.

On Dec. 15, 2015, Barack Obama Executive Order 13714 titled “Strengthening the Senior Executive Service.” Not once, but twice, Obama referred to his “SES cadre.” We believe that the use of the word “cadre” was not accidental (like their use of the word IBM Eclipse Fig. 235—Barack H. Foundation, as in eclipse the Obama Constitution). Cadre means “a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession.”

From Oct. 17-21, 2017, The 52nd International Achievement Summit of The American Academy of Achievement was held in London and Oxfordshire.

This summit had all the trimmings of the Pilgrims Society: awards, honors, grand locations, pomposity. Academy members were even greeted at Blenheim https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 92/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Palace (residence of the Duke of Marlborough) by the British Imperial Military Band.

Honoree/awardees included:

1. Neil Gorsuch. U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice, 2. Anthony Kennedy. U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice , 3. . U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice (2019 Awards), 4. Paul Kagame. C.I.A.-trained agent; The Butcher of Rwanda (killed over 1 million Rwandans in a fabricated Tutsi-Hutu conflict to secure rare earth minerals for Silicon Valley and the British military. 5. Jennifer A. Doudna, CRISPR gene editing; Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) at UC Berkeley

Awards Council members include:

1. David Petraeus. Pilgrims Society, member; Obama C.I.A. director; Rothschild coordinator with British MI6, Fig. 236—William J. Fig. 237—James W. MI5, GCHQ, Clinton Breyer 2. Bill Clinton. Pilgrims Society, member; C.I.A. In-Q-Tel, founder; Rothschild coordinator with British MI6,

MI5, GCHQ, Fig. 237—Nathan Fig. 238—David 3. James W. Charles Jacob Howell Petraeus Rothschild Breyer, Pilgrims Society, member; National Venture Capital Association, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 93/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation former chair and Rothschild partner; former Facebook chairman and largest shareholder after Mark of Fig. 239—Christopher Fig. 240—Ehud Barak the W. Wallace Zuckerbeast; chief funding thief of the social networking invention owned by Leader Technologies, Columbus, Ohio; founder and chairman, Accel Partners Palo Alto, CA; co-founder, IDG Capital, China, 4. Lord Nathan Charles Jacob Rothschild, Weizmann Institute (Israel) director and Life Member; Rothschild Asset Management Limited, funder of global biowarfare technologies with The Pirbright Institute and NIG, Dr. Anthony Fauci, 5. Chris Wallace (Fox), Pilgrims Society, member; chief Fox propagandist for the Rothschilds, and 6. Ehud Barak, Pilgrims Society, member; patron, Weizmann Institute (Israel); former Israeli prime minister; chief Rothschild representative in Israel.

The "Golden Plate Awards Council" of this "Academy" includes numerous Pilgrims Society collaborators, including:

The American Academy of Achievement (Pilgrims Society in stealth mode)

Council No. Compromised organization member

1 Lord Jacob N.M. Rothschild & Sons; Rothschild Rothschild Asset Management

Fig. 241—Nathan Charles Jacob Rothschild

2 Neil Supreme Court Gorsuch https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 94/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation

3 Ruth Bader Supreme Court Ginsburg

4 Supreme Court Anthony M. Kennedy

5 Sonya Supreme Court Sotomayor

6 Carlos Slim Mexican telecom; oligarch; Facebook stock scammer; owner, The Helú New York Times

Fig. 242—Carlos Slim Helú

7 James D. Weizmann Institute, Pirbright Watson Institute, Wellcome Trust

Fig. 243—James D. Watson

8 Oprah Winfrey

9 Andrew Weil, MD

10 Steven BBC, C.I.A., Senior Executive Service (SES) Propagandist Spielburg

11 Jimmy Senior Executive Service (SES), founder for British Crown Agents, Carter Privy Council / C.I.A.

12 Larry Page C.I.A., Google cardboard cutout

13 James W. C.I.A. Facebook, National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), IDG- Breyer Accep China venture capital

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Fig. 244—James W. Breyer

14 Anthony S. C.I.A., NIH Coronavirus hoax Fauci, MD

Fig. 245—Anthony S. Fauci

15 Bill Gates Eugenicist, college dropout, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Fund, The Pirbright Institute, Weizmann Institute, Coronavirus hoax

Fig. 246—William H. "Bill" Gates

16 Paul The Butcher of Rwanda for Silicon Valley rare earth minerals, gold, Kagame diamonds

Fig. 247—Paul Kagame

17 John R. US Congress https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 96/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Lewis

Fig. 248—John R. Lewis

18 Colin C.I.A., US Secretary of State; WMD Powell hoaxer

Fig. 249—Colin Luther Powell

19 David C.I.A. director; theft of social Petraeus networking

Fig. 250—David Howell Petraeus

Table 1: American Academy of Achievement Council Members, selected.

Now, if these Academy lists were not alarming enough for the sovereignty of the American Republic, read this partial list of "Academy Patrons:"

The American Academy of Achievement (Pilgrims Society in stealth mode)

No. Name Organization Details

1 Red McCombs McCombs Co-founder Foundation of Clear Channel

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Fig. 251—Billy Joe "Red" McCombs

2 David TPG Capital Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital (Mittens Bonderman Romney), Silver Lake Capital, KKR, Blackstone (C.I.A.) investing partner; former Uber director

Fig. 252—David Bonderman

3 Stephen A. Blackstone Group C.I.A. Schwarzman

Fig. 253—Stephen A. Schwarzman

4 Catherine B. Catherine B. Vice chair, Reynolds Reynolds American Foundation Academy of Achievemen t; Director, General Dynamics (C.I.A.-Five Eyes); Lyndra Biotech — heavily funded by Bill Gates Fig. 254—Catherine B. Reynolds

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 98/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation 5 John Overdeck Two Sigma $3.3B+ hedge fund; C.I.A., managing director, D.E. Shaw colleague, employed Larry Summers; former director, Amazon Fig. 255—John Albert Overdeck

6 Stefano Walgreens Boots British- Pessina Alliance American biowarfare alliance, we believe; Pirbright Institute; Wellcome Fund; Bill Gates Foundation; SERCO, QinetiQ Fig. 256—Stefano Pessina

7 Phebe General Dynamics The $45B Novakovic belly of the beast of the C.I.A. / MI6 military- industrial complex

Fig. 257—Phebe Novakovic

8 John F.W. Goldman Sachs Jacob Rothschild C.I.A. / MI6 money- Rogers laundering partner

Fig. 258—John Francis William Rogers

9 H.R.H. Prince Kingdom of Bahrain What is he doing financing awards for https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 99/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Salman bin members of Hamad Al- the U.S. Khalifa Supreme Court?

Fig. 259—Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa

10 H.E. Yousef Al United Arab What is he Otaiba Emirates doing financing awards for members of the U.S. Supreme Court?

Fig. 260—Yousef Al Otaiba

11 James W. Breyer Family C.I.A. agent; Facebook; Leader Breyer Foundation; father Technologies social networking invention is John P. Breyer, financier / thief; IDG Capital China; "Super likely resides in bullish on China" (2011) China

Fig. 261—James W. Breyer

12 Donald E. Graham Holdings C.I.A, Graham Company Facebook, Washington Post

Fig. 262—Donald E. Graham

13 Thomas F. McLarty Associates Bill Clinton's chief of staff https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 100/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation (Mack) and Donna McLarty

Fig. 263—Thomas F. McLarty, III

Table 2: American Academy of Achievement Patrons, selected patrons.

This Academy is very evidently carrying out the Pilgrims Society 24-pt. strategy identified by Lillian Scott Troy back in 1911.

These photos are sobering reminders that: (a) the Rothschilds/Pilgrims Society want everything, and (b) a high priority to achieve that goal is a compromised U.S. Supreme Court, among other things.

SUBORNING TREASON Click image to enlarge

Fig. 264—Ms. Lillian Scott Troy. (Feb. 17, 24, 1912). The 24-step Pilgrims Society Corporatist Imperial Federation Strategy to Return America to British Rule. The San Francisco Leader:

"2. Supreme Court of the United States to be revised so as to embrace only judges agreeable to absorption by Great Britain, and uniformly hostile to the United States Senate.

3. Precedents must be established by said Court against the United States Senate in rulings, decisions, etc., (specially https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 101/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation prepared).

11. Honors must be conferred on the husbands of women thus given preference in the social circles of America, and a rank or position determined by judiciously distributed decorations."

Louise Gorsuch shows every sign of being smitten by this devilish Pilgrims strategy.

Fig. 265—Neil M. Gorsuch. (Oct. 17-21, 2017). 2017 Academy of Achievement Summit, London and Oxfordshire 52nd International Achievement Summit. HTML link.

American Academy of Achievement. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon

Another seditious Pilgrims-like C.I.A. organization that needs serious hidden-agenda scrutiny is the Baltimore https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 102/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation Council on Foreign Affairs.


We have now established—with hard facts—that the Rothschilds and their conspirators have been meddling in America’s business and life since the American Revolution, in an unbroken chain of largely stealth dealings.

N.M. Rothschild & Sons was newly-formed when they began financing the British War of 1812 that burned down the White House in 1914.

We have discovered much new history in writing this story, not counting our previous dusty library warehouse find of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 that catapulted the Pilgrims Society (“Deep State”) to where we are today. Lord Rosebery (Rothschild) was the keynote celebrity and Lord Rothschild was there too. This Conference spawned the Empire Press Union, MI6, MI5 and GCHQ. They want to dissemble the American Republic in order to establish their elitist+communist finally new-world order.

We discovered that in 1888 two Rothschilds, Baron Henry de Worms (Rothschild) and Lord N.M. Rothschild were responsible for the creation of the Grand Priory of https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 103/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation England order within the Knights of Malta, Order of St. John. This gave the Rothschilds and other Court Jews of Europe a first-time foothold inside the papal Vatican Bank with whom the Rothschilds and other court bankers had been at war for centuries. It also set up a purely Crown-driven order of chivalry that the Pilgrims Society has used since 1888 (up to this current moment) to lavish chivalry orders, titles and awards in front of business and political leaders in exchange for their cooperation. We believe that Supreme Court Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. is a Knight of Malta, as was Andrew Carnegie's "dukedom."

We have discovered that when the future Lord Rosebery inherited his N.M. Rothschild billions of dollars in 1890, he was likely the stealth Rothschild who set in motion the British Imperial corporatist federation agenda, more than any other politician in history.

We have discovered a stealth Pilgrims organization that is suborning treasonous disciples into their one-world cause: The American Academy of Achievement.


We have discovered that when Lord Rosebery inherited his N.M. Rothschild & Sons fortune in 1890, then later became Prime Minister, he (as a Rothschild surrogate in control of the British Empire) set in motion the events of the late 1800s that plague humankind to this very moment.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 104/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation CAN THE ROTHSCHILD HEGEMONY BE UNWOUND?

The first step in fixing this mess is to understand the primary underpinnings that give this N.M. Rothschild & Sons agenda its staying power.

How did these people stay organized in this effort over centuries? We have discovered that they used dinners, parties, conferences, speeches, C.I.A. secrecy and MI6 Official Secrets Act agreements and awards.

This would include the annual banquets of the Pilgrims Society in Britain and America, Weizmann and Pirbright Institute dinners and awards, Masonic Lodge meetings, Fleet Street meetings, parties, events, lectures, consultations, courses, top secret intelligence briefings on subject that were only secret to protect the conspirators. Their secret dominance over telegraphy, telephony and now Internet gave them not only an ability to communicate secretly, but also control of mainstream media propaganda.

For example, if someone in St. Louis needed to meet with someone in London, the London host would simply cooked up an award and off to London they would go to receive their meaningless award, like: "Good Person of the Year."

Academics, politicians, artists, sportsmen and bankers are especially keen on such bloviating.

It is said that Pilgrim Andrew Carnegie was especially keen on rubbing shoulders with British peers, while paradoxically criticizing the aristocratic system (which appears to have been a smokescreen to hide his Knights of Malta honor from the newly-enthroned King Edward VII.

Evidently, no family in the world like the Rothschilds should be given this much power over the lives of his or her fellow human beings.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 105/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation MESSAGE TO THE LIVING ROTHSCHILDS (CARNEGIES, ROCKEFELLERS, MORGANS ET AL) AND YOUR SURROGATES:

The living Rothschilds cannot be blamed for the sins of their ancestors. That said, many of them perpetuate these sins and have thereby assumed the penalty for these horrific historical sins against God.

We call upon the House of Rothschild and its feeder systems to repent, turn from your wicked ways, and find forgiveness with God.

Restitution will then be in order for the property stolen, murders committed, and the hardships caused.

Policy-makers, on the other hand, need to recognize the sources of this wealth: offshore accounts, hedge funds, media and intelligence to drive markets up and down. This system is constructed on lie upon lie in a never- ending procession.

Truth is, our markets have never been free. In the last four hundred years, the Rothschilds led these deceptions and found all too many willing supporters willing to turn a blind eye and enjoy the spoils.

Without the offshore accounts and hedge funds, this system would die.

It must die.

People should work for a living to define success, not cheat people, like the Rothschilds and their conspirators have done. Humanity can then move to a higher moral plane.


https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 106/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation If "Years of Jubilee" were implemented every seven years, for example, that would be a natural check against the system of compound interest onerous debt that we have now that created the gross excesses of the House of Rothschild and others.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

Matthew 4:17.


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Footnote 1

REMINDER RE. THE MILLER ACT NOTICE— THE PERPETRATORS OF THIS EPIC FRAUD MUST DISGORGE THEIR ILL-GOTTEN GAIN Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE FEDERAL BRITISH-AMERICAN PATENT to President Trump It is a contract https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com 107/108 6/12/2020 Americans for Innovation demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay WEAPONIZATION THIEVES them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military- James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

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