Hackbridge Questionnaire Schedule Centres District Centre

Full Name: Carole Cook Organisation: Comment ID: 3 Support Vision to make Greenest Suburb: New mixed use district centre, civic square, station forecourt and bus interchange close to station: this will further congest an already traffic heavy area.

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 17 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Great to have district centre, would be lovely if it could look 'continental' like the squares they have in villages in Spain, France and Greece.

Full Name: Ms S Petruccciani Organisation: Comment ID: 23 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We could have a monumental fountain in a square with water that is recycled all the time and not wasted.

Full Name: John Knight Organisation: Comment ID: 58 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Can't see the point in more shops, will only take trade from current shops.

Full Name: Miss Esther Barker Organisation: Comment ID: 59 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think the proposals are a great move in the right direction and providing a future for Hackbridge. I believe that High Street should be looked at as an example of an efficient shopping area that provides for the community. Hackbridge needs a wider selection of shops but no more take away establishments. The majority of what is offered on Hackbridge High Street is convenience stores and fast food bars. We need a butchers, grocers, cafe, bank and a more comprehensive general food store. Hackbridge needs to have a more noticable community feel. Full Name: Mr Jon Barnard Organisation: Comment ID: 62 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The plan appears to cover the major aspects which are of interest. I would like to know what the council plans to do to get the local businesses to improve the appearance of there shops? Currently the shops don't serve the needs of the community, such as butchers , we don't want to become like , i.e. fast food, 99p shops etc, so what is being done to ensure we attract the right type of business and reduce the existing ones? for example 4 newsagents in one area is excessive and none of them take any pride in their shop fronts, and will let down any development? Full Name: Ms Kelly Plaistow Organisation: Comment ID: 91 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think the shop area is most important its only a short distance from when you come to the station area & shop area it seems lost, not much love or comfort to this area.

Full Name: Maria Vidal Organisation:

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Full Name: Maria Vidal Organisation: Comment ID: 100 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes a nice cafe would be nice, so i could meet my friends with children

Full Name: Caroline Takis Organisation: Comment ID: 127 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We desperately need a range of shops within walking distance from Hackbrdige station, a nice good shop, coffee shop etc

Full Name: Ms Keeley Organisation: Comment ID: 137 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Hackbridge has no focus at the moment. The central area near the station with community centre & cafes would create new focus.

Full Name: Patricia Hemme Organisation: Comment ID: 140 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes It is hard to know what will be involved with the fore-court

Full Name: Revd Jackie Robinson Organisation: Hackbridge Spiritualist Church Comment ID: 194 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes my church is located in proposed district centre, my congregation are local residents - I would like to be involved and informed.

Full Name: Elisa Contreras Organisation: Comment ID: 215 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Shops should be offering local products and create small shops instead of the awful Tescos, Sainsburys etc.

Full Name: Ms C N Lloyd Organisation: Comment ID: 281 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes There does not appear to be any mention of a supermarket in the area; 2200 using the local supermarkets at Carshalton and Wallington may be good for those businesses but will not make it a pleasant shopping experience for customers. How will businesses be encouraged to open up in Hackbridge? Will there be a restriction on the number of takeaways? Full Name: Sharon Prim Organisation: Comment ID: 285 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please get rid of all the fast food places in Hackbridge.

Full Name: J Anderson Organisation:

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Full Name: J Anderson Organisation: Comment ID: 288 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I would like to rebuild Hackbridge corner shops and include a co-operative supermaket with fresh fruit and veg locally produced and a community cafe with fair trade coffee.

Full Name: Mathew Marcroft Organisation: Comment ID: 290 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes This is an exciting opportunity and overall very positive. Hackbridge needs new businesses, supermarkets etc.

Full Name: Anonymous Organisation: Comment ID: 293 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think the local shops in Hackbridge could be improved. I would like to see a Tesco Express. Sites Felnex Trading Estate

Full Name: George and Jacqueline Dow Organisation: Comment ID: 4 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Felnex area to include public seating, primarily for elderly people.

Full Name: M Phillips Organisation: Comment ID: 11 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Felnex Estate saw plans for this 10 years ago nothing happened.

Full Name: Karl Rees Organisation: Comment ID: 117 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Felnex is currently an eyesore so anything to redevelop it would be good.

Full Name: Mr Chris Harris Organisation: Comment ID: 173 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The Felnex ideas seems too close to Hackbridge Green. Could they lay back a bit and be screened by trees to compliment the green. Also to extend the green to meet the river would bring it back to how it was. Sites Wandle Valley Trading Estate

Full Name: Mr John.F Pickup Organisation:

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Full Name: Mr John.F Pickup Organisation: Comment ID: 99 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Its difficult to consider the Wandle Valley Trading Estate as suitable for housing development. It has access to public transport and Mitcham & Mitcham Junction tram and railway station. Sites Land North of BedZED

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 19 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I don't think it is right to disturb a currently established wild area North of BEDZED in order to build on and create a park/open space which will take time for wildlife to establish etc.

Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Comment ID: 32 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Land north of BedZED The Wandle Trust supports the principle of developing a zero carbon residential area but encourages the LBS to further consider the loss of green space that will occur at this site. Although the mature trees will be retained, there is likely to be a loss of wildlife habitat, including the role of this site in the landscape ecological context of the region. The Wandle Trust recommends that wildlife and habitat studies are undertaken by a qualified ecologist to confirm the value of the current ‘wild’ open space that will be lost, both at the site and the landscape scale, and that it is more than compensated for by the development (e.g. the use of mitigation banking might be considered). Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Comment ID: 33 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The Wandle Trust encourages the use of gravel abstracted from the site to be used locally, including for restoration of the natural bed of the . The use of the culverts and their integration into the design of the site could be enhanced by including access for anglers. SUDS should also be considered for the land north of BedZED, as detailed for the Felnex Trading Estate. Full Name: Mr Richard Barnes Organisation: Comment ID: 41 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Re Para 3.24. This is inaccurate. The ecological appraisal for the land north of BedZED submitted as part of the Core Strategy evidence base noted that insufficient surveys have been undertaken to fully identify the ecological value of the site. Indeed the evidence submitted confirms that the current designation of the land as a constituent part of a Metropolitan SINC ( Sewage Works, No.9 in the UDP) is fully justified. The proposed use of the land north of BedZED for mixed-use development would result in a loss of protection for the SINC. Full Name: Mrs S.A Tanner Organisation: Comment ID: 57 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Land North of BedZED: We have sustainable green open space now with the common. We do not want houses/flats built on this land.

Full Name: Mrs Dee Hyatt Organisation: Friends of Beddington and Grange Parks Comment ID: 86 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I would rather the land north of BedZED remain as green belt and used for a Community Farm or some such. Development is eating into the green areas that could be part of the Wandle Valley Regional Park and are valuable areas for the migration of birds and animals through the borough.

Page 4 of 44 Sites Land North of BedZED

Full Name: Stephen Light Organisation: Comment ID: 103 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I only support redevelopment on brown field sites. New housing North of BedZED shoulc be total Country Park.

Full Name: E Dighton Organisation: Comment ID: 114 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Land north of BedZED is currently a great opportunity for open space

Full Name: Mr Anthony Peanut Organisation: Comment ID: 129 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Landfill issue with North of BedZED.

Full Name: Jane Morgan Organisation: Comment ID: 133 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I feel you will push valuable wildlife from the land if you build here. This will be damaging.

Full Name: J Anderson Organisation: Comment ID: 141 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I would like to keep the land North of BedZED conserved for wildlife with no buildings.

Full Name: Mathew Marcroft Organisation: Comment ID: 142 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes i also worry about the environmental impact on developing so heavily on land north of BedZED.

Full Name: Simon Courage Organisation: Comment ID: 146 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Not appropriate to extract gravel from field Noth of BedZED.

Full Name: Mr Richard Barnes Organisation: London Wildlife Trust Comment ID: 155 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The Land north of BedZED redevelopment will lose part of a Metropolitan SINC (Beddington Sewage Works, No.9 in the UDP). Therefore I object to the proposals on these sites.

Full Name: Mr & Mrs T Lloyd Organisation:

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Full Name: Mr & Mrs T Lloyd Organisation: Comment ID: 163 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Point 7 on 'The Hackbridge Vision' states "creating more green and open spaces". Family homes and school on land north of BedZED will be taking away the open space already there for plants and wildlife. Full Name: Stephen Light Organisation: Comment ID: 178 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes as above - no building on gravel site - should all be open space.

Full Name: Frances Cooper Organisation: Comment ID: 189 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Do not support the development of current green land

Full Name: Mathew Marcroft Organisation: Comment ID: 212 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The construction industry is hard hit by the economic down turn. How can you guarantee the residential buidling site north of BedZED is viable? I think this ought to be slimmed down.

Full Name: Mr Theo Pike Organisation: Comment ID: 219 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes New major green spaces including land east of Mill Green, north of BedZED, within Felnex and west of Wandle Valley Trading Estate I welcome the creation of new green spaces in this area: however, the land north of BedZED is already green space, and consideration should be given to retaining its biodiversity and landscape benefits in the course of this development. If it is not possible to mitigate the effects of development completely on site, other local mitigation sites should be considered. Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Wandle Trust Comment ID: 223 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The Wandle Trust supports new green spaces, however, it should be acknowledged that the green space that will be provided as part of the land north of BedZED is not actually a ‘new major green space’ and that this development will actually reduce, not increase, the green space at this location and, consequently, may have a detrimental impact on ecosystem services and wildlife. This might be compensated for through careful design and the consideration of mitigation / habitat banking. Full Name: Miss P.A Hart Organisation: Wallington North District Residents Association Comment ID: 236 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Why create new green open spaces we already have them and all you want to do is build on them.

Full Name: Mrs S.A Tanner Organisation: Spencer Nursery School

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Full Name: Mrs S.A Tanner Organisation: Spencer Nursery School Comment ID: 238 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes No thank you, we like the common as it is, you say you are providing new open spaces when in fact you are building on them1

Full Name: Andria Ghabar Organisation: Comment ID: 276 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The land North of BedZED is green space at present which we would lose under your plans, I'd oppose any development on current green space.

Full Name: Mrs S.A Tanner Organisation: Spencer Nursery School Comment ID: 317 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes What ever happened to the plan when BedZED was built, to build a lake area where you are now proposing houses? The Council just have to find space to build 1,100 houses/flats and have picked on us! Green Spaces Open Space - General

Full Name: J.T Sealy Organisation: Comment ID: 9 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: The grange used to be Lawn perfect now has seats occupied by day time drinkers - hardly a space for walking with children.

Full Name: M Phillips Organisation: Comment ID: 12 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Water Cress Park, money for tis at least 8 years ago nothing happened.

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 16 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes See my previous comment re creating New Green space when there are established Green spaces already North of BedZed. Will they be policed so they don't turn into meeting points for gangs.

Full Name: miss Monika Vystupova Organisation: Comment ID: 85 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Playground for children and leisure centre please!!!

Full Name: Mrs Caroline McRoyall Organisation: Comment ID: 108 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Ensure open spaces are kept well utilised

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Full Name: Lewis Keen Organisation: Comment ID: 122 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Would be of great benefit to community to have a safe environment to go fishing for example - A boating lake or duck pond.

Full Name: MR Allan Dutfield Organisation: retired Comment ID: 171 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Green space have always been promised for the community on that land, and never meterialised.

Full Name: Jo & Carl Shakespeare & Hickman Organisation: Comment ID: 180 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Beddington Park is a lovely green space to go to and it would be great to have even more green space to visit

Full Name: Lewis Keen Organisation: Comment ID: 195 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Within the green space a safe "water feature" would be both pleasing to see but have multiple uses for the young and the old.

Full Name: Jane Morgan Organisation: Comment ID: 205 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think this will make Hackbridge amore pleasant place to live, if we have more green places.

Full Name: J.T Sealy Organisation: Comment ID: 208 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: What is point of new green space when Sutton Council is not capable of looking after the spaces available now - look at the Grange

Full Name: Miss Meri Butler Organisation: Comment ID: 225 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I love the idea of new green spaces and provision for cyclists.

Full Name: Carole Cook Organisation: Spencer Nursery School & Childrens Centre Comment ID: 237 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: New major green spaces, including land east of Mill Green, north of BedZED, within Felnex and west of Wandle Valley Trading Estate: This plan will decrease the natural green space that we already have!! Full Name: Mark & Linda Duffield Organisation:

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Full Name: Mark & Linda Duffield Organisation: Comment ID: 273 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Would it be possible to make a dog park in one of the open spaces i.e A double gated, securely fenced area with a dog waste bin, where dogs can be exercised off the leash, without fear of them running off etc. they have them in Los Angeles, there is already a small one in Durand Close but the fences and gates aren't great, and i guess it will go whe the re-development starts. Full Name: J.T Sealy Organisation: Comment ID: 283 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Beddington Park is very badly maintained; broken fences, rubbish in river and ponds, dog fouling and bins never emptied. Green Spaces Wandle River Corridor

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 18 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Great to improve links along river Wandle etc, but only if its sympathtic to wildlife and ecology.

Full Name: Mr Theo Pike Organisation: Comment ID: 44 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes However, there are several issues of bankside management which deserve comment: The proposal to widen paths and thin out vegetation should not lead to an overall reduction in bankside vegetation, which is very important for birds, insects and even fish. (Indeed, the Hackbridge area of the river is notable for its hard edges, which will require considerable softening to make them suitable for water voles and other Biodiversity Action Plan species). Furthermore, any materials used for construction of wider paths should be permeable, and designed to reduce rather than increase runoff of rain and sediment into the river. Especially in areas near bridges, path widening, vegetation management and other works should provide a natural, attractive, non- threatening environment for local residents, whilst not also improving access for fly-tippers and others inclined to anti-social and anti-environmental behaviour. It should be particularly noted that one reason for the design of the corkscrew bridge just upstream (south) of the islet was to discourage motorcycle joyriding and flytipping access across the original wooden bridge. If this corkscrew is removed, consideration should be given to other means of encouraging bicycle-friendly access, without increasing opportunities for damaging and intimidatory joy-riding and fly-tipping. Prioritising pedestrian / cycle movement throughout Hackbridge I support the idea of prioritising pedestrian and cycle movement through Hackbridge. However, areas of relatively inaccessible habitat are important for many species, and consideration should be given to these requirements when opening up Wilderness Island to increased access. Full Name: Mr Theo Pike Organisation: Comment ID: 45 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes General comments As a local resident, I would like to express my support for the idea of making Hackbridge the UK’s greenest suburb. However, more consideration could be given to the biodiversity aspects of this plan, as well as the potential for sustainable water quality and landscape-level habitat improvements to the River Wandle. (For instance, the UK Biodiversity Action Plan for Chalkstreams like the Wandle recommends leaving a 50 m corridor either side of the river free from development, and the EU Water Framework Directive specifies that no reduction in the river’s water quality will be permitted by this new legislation). Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation:

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Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Comment ID: 53 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Improved links to and along Beddington Farmlands and the River Wandle. The Wandle Trust supports the principle of improving links and increasing pedestrian and cyclist use and enjoyment of the River Wandle via the Wandle Trail but we have several concerns as to how this will be done. This relates to the detail in Chapter 6 (the River Wandle Corridor Strategy) of the Masterplan, in particular those measures dealing with bankside management. Firstly, widening paths is recommended and the Wandle Trust would only support this, (i) where there is no loss of bankside vegetation (please note bankside vegetation extends up and over the top of the bank, it is not just the vegetation on the slope) and (ii) if path widening does not encourage access to the water itself as this can encourage fly tipping and people and dogs to enter the river which will have an impact on the river ecosystem. Secondly, the introduction of ‘robust, high quality hard surface materials’ is recommended for paths and the Wandle Trust would only support this where these materials are permeable and result in no increase to runoff volume or pollutants, including sediment, entering the river. Thirdly, it is recommended that vegetation adjacent to paths is thinned out or replaced with grass, the Wandle Trust would not support this where it involved the removal of bankside vegetation: much of this vegetation is crucial habitat for river wildlife (not all wildlife associated with the river is solely aquatic, much of it also uses the bank, e.g. Kingfishers), with the current value of this habitat being enhanced by the lack of ‘soft’ edges. Finally, the possible increase of fly tipping and rubbish entering the river should be considered and mitigated for when thinning vegetation and opening up the river. Regarding the removal of the corkscrew bridges, the Wandle Trust would request the replacement of a bicycle friendly alternative that would prevent vehicular access to the river which encourages the dumping of rubbish and joy riding motorbikes. Indeed, joy riding motorbikes was the very reason that the corkscrew bridges were installed in the first place and so this must be considered in their removal and replacement. Prioritising pedestrian / cycle movement throughout Hackbridge. The Wandle Trust supports the prioritisation of pedestrian and cycle movement through Hackbridge but would like further consideration of the potential impacts on wildlife from opening up Wilderness Island. In this highly urbanised area there are very few refuges for wildlife and Wilderness Island currently provides an important role. New major green spaces including land east of Mill Green, north of BedZED, within Felnex and west of Wandle Valley Trading Estate. Full Name: Mr Theo Pike Organisation: Comment ID: 149 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Felnex Trading Estate As an environmentally-conscious resident of Carshalton, I support the proposals for the Felnex Trading Estate and Kelvin House. I very strongly support the proposal for green open space near the River Wandle, and would encourage the to consider ecologically-based designs to improve the health and biodiversity of the river. In connection with this, and in the course of this redevelopment, I would also like to see explicit inclusion of measures to mitigate runoff from hard surfaces and its effects on the River Wandle. Such sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) could include permeable surfaces for roads, paths, car parks etc, and green roofs for buildings, plus settlement ponds and reed beds to absorb pollutants before runoff reaches the river. Wandle Valley Trading Estate As a local resident and regular user of the river corridor, I support the development of the Wandle Valley Trading Estate as an attractive ‘gateway t o the Wandle Corridor’ in principle, including opening up the historic islet site to public use. Similarly to the Felnex site, sustainable urban drainage systems should be included in the next stage of planning, and the banks of the river should be renaturalised to maximise the biodiversity benefits of the work already carried out by London Wildlife Trust at Spencer Road Wetland on the eastern bank of the river, which should not be encroached upon by these plans. Any development scheme should also include enhancements to improve the connectivity of the river for fish and invertebrates in particular: this could be achieved by adapting or even removing the weir to the east of the islet, or installing a fish pass in the Goat Bridge Penstock and its channel. Angling access could also be improved by the provision of disabled angling platforms at suitable points. Land north of BedZED I welcome the principle of developing a zero carbon residential area: however, consideration shou ld be given to mitigating the apparent loss of wild, green space on this currently undeveloped site. If gravel is extracted as part of this development, I would welcome the idea of recycling it locally in river restoration (eg creation of riffles and fish spawning habitat) in nearby degraded sections of the River Wandle. Once again, sustainable urban drainage systems should be included in any design for this site. Hackbridge station I welcome the improvement of the station area to create a much more welcoming public transport hub for the area. Once again, sustainable urban drainage systems should be included in any design for this site. Full Name: Mark & Linda Duffield Organisation: Comment ID: 197 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Any chance of more frequent trains to and from London Bridge? More bins along wandle trail.

Full Name: M Penford Organisation: Comment ID: 198 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I would like to see the leather mill area by goat bridge re-vamped into a pleasant area - it is an eysore at present.

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Full Name: Ms S Petruccciani Organisation: Comment ID: 306 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We could have benches along the river Wandle and in the squares. Green Spaces Spencer Road Wetland

Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Comment ID: 29 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Wandle Valley Trading Estate The Wandle Trust supports the development of the Wandle Valley Trading Estate as an attractive ‘gateway to the Wandle Corridor’ in principle but we are very concerned that the site impinges on a section of the Spencer Road Wetland. The Wandle Trust advises LBS to revise the footprint of the site to protect the wetland area. Full Name: Mr Norman Jones Organisation: Comment ID: 35 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Wandle Valley Trading Estate: Local nature reserve not fully considered in the proposal.

Full Name: Mr Richard Barnes Organisation: Comment ID: 38 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The Wandle Valley Trading estate redevelopment indicates losing the northern section of the Spencer Road Wetlands SINC (No.5 in the UDP).

Full Name: Mr Richard Barnes Organisation: Comment ID: 39 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Re Para 3.3 Mention of little evidence of mills is misleading - a mill pond is in the northern section of the Spencer Road Wetlands SINC (No.5 in the UDP), but the Wandle Valley Trading estate redevelopment indicates losing this part of the SINC, and the mill pond - see next comment below. Re. Figures 2.10, 3.4, 3.9, 4.1, 4.2, 6.1 and 6.5, showing the Wandle Valley Trading estate redevelopment, indicate losing the northern section of the Spencer Road Wetlands SINC (No.5 in the UDP). Figures 1.3, 3.19 and 5.1 accurately shows the full extent of the Spencer Road Wetland SINC. Green Spaces Beddington Farmlands

Full Name: M Phillips Organisation: Comment ID: 10 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Beddington Park to super park where is it, over 20 years waiting.

Full Name: M Phillips Organisation: Comment ID: 231 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No We were promised a park from beddington Park to Mitcham Common 20 years ago, still waiting, why believe you now?

Page 11 of 44 Green Spaces Beddington Farmlands

Full Name: Mr Chris Harris Organisation: Comment ID: 243 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Whats happening with the farmlands/sewage/landfill area. we were told it would be open green landscaped acres stretching from beddington park to Mitcham Golf Course with lakes etc - nobody seems able to tell me how this plan is unfurling. Full Name: Sean & Stephanie Benton & Allen Organisation: Comment ID: 246 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes we will be pleased to see the back of shabby looking wasteland and hopefully the lingering smell of sewage that fills the air at Beddington Corner.

Full Name: Keith Spears Organisation: All Saints Centre Comment ID: 289 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I believe that the Beddington Farmlands have the potential to become a 'Wetlands Centre' similar to Barnes and could provide a catalyst for green, sustainable development in the area. Green Spaces Wandle Valley Regional Park

Full Name: Mr Richard Barnes Organisation: Comment ID: 40 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Paras 3.21 & 3,23 in the Masterplan make several references to a proposed Wandle Valley Regional Park (paras 3.21, 3.23 and 6.33 for example), but confuses this proposal with the area associated with the restoration of Beddington Farmlands as a nature reserve. To quote from the LB Sutton website - "The proposed Wandle Valley Regional Park would extend from the upper River Wandle in Croydon, throug h Sutton, and Wandsworth, and provide over 3,000 hectares of connected green space and built areas along the length of the River Wandle." The areas referred to in the Hackbridge Masterplan presumably refer to a local country park proposal, but this should not be confused with the regional park proposal in the London Plan. Green Spaces Northern Spaces / Mill Green

Full Name: Mr Richard Barnes Organisation: London Wildlife Trust Comment ID: 302 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Re Paras 3.26, 3.27 & 3.28 - Mill Green. The River Wandle does not cross Mill Green - that wat ercourse is the "Main Effluent Carrier" from Beddington Sewage Works. The grassland on Mill Green are not of "little ecological value" - some are managed as spring meadows, some as summer meadows. Green Spaces Allotments

Full Name: Elisa Contreras Organisation: Comment ID: 8 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please can you create more allotments for the new residents?

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation:

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Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 78 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please provide more allotments locally.

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 89 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes If the local population is to increase, the availability of more allotments should also be increased.

Full Name: George and Jacqueline Dow Organisation: Comment ID: 96 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Allotment in each new residential area. Biodiversity Habitats

Full Name: Elisa Contreras Organisation: Comment ID: 26 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Wildlife area around commercial and residential areas will be a bonus if you want to create the best and greenest suburb in the UK.

Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Comment ID: 28 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We strongly support the proposal to include green open space near the river and would encourage the London Borough of Sutton (LBS) to consider an ecological design that wo uld improve the habitat and ecological functioning of the river. Full Name: Mr Norman Jones Organisation: Comment ID: 36 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Land North of BedZED: Current wildlife value of land not considered.

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 72 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Respect our local wildlife along the river.

Full Name: Jane Robertson Organisation: Comment ID: 138 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes With the proviso that enough existing wild habitat is preserved for the support of existing wildlife and encouragement of new species.

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Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Wandle Trust Comment ID: 301 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes General comments The Wandle Trust wholeheartedly supports the principle of making Hackbridge the UK’s greenest suburb. The Wandle Trust supports the principle of sustainable development behind the Vision but is alarmed by its lack of consideration of biodiversity and ecological functioning in general, and that of the river in particular. We would like to remind the LBS that there are legal requirements to consider any impacts on the River Wandle from development and, most importantly, that no decline in its ecological quality will be permitted under the EU Water Framework Directive. This means that all potential impacts on the ecological health of the river, including volume and quality of water, must be considered and mitigated. Therefore, we strongly advise the incorporation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) into the design of all components of the development (not just those on the floodplain) from their inception. We also encourage the LBS to apply bes t practice in developing areas adjacent to a chalk stream (i.e. the Wandle through the Hackbridge area) and leave a 50 m corridor either side of the river free from development (UK Biodiversity Action Plan for chalk streams) and at the very least, development should be aiming to remove artificial features associated with the river to return it to a more natural state. The Wandle Trust is concerned by the potential increase in the volume of sewage and waste water associated with the whole Hackbridge redevelopment. Sewage and water entering foul drains will be sent to Beddington Sewage Treatment Works (STW) which is already having capacity problems, particularly with storage during storm events. This results in the release of untreated sewage to the river which must not be exacerbated by the development (both from increased volume of sewage and from increased volume of surface runoff). The Wandle Trust strongly urges the LBS to consider how they may ameliorate the current s ituation, especially given that whenever raw sewage is released into the Wandle, it will be running through the culverts associated with the proposed residential development on the land north of BedZED. The Wandle Trust would very strongly support any improvement at Beddington STW as a result of this development. Access Pedestrian / Cycle

Full Name: Chris Parry Organisation: Comment ID: 51 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Cycle links across Mill Green. Removal of whirling lorries on wandle trail.

Full Name: Karl Rees Organisation: Comment ID: 52 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Better paths/cycleways is great - more use of the wandle/farmlands is a good idea.

Full Name: Miss Majonne van der Bijl Organisation: Comment ID: 54 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I like walking along the Wandle but there is often a lot of litter which is quite off-putting. Bicycle connections are poor as well (bridges, crossings etc.) I am very much in favour of prioritising pedestrian/ cycle movement, to make it safer and more enjoyable. London Road is very busy and at points dangerous to cycle on. However, I think that any improvements need to be carefully planned out in consultation with cyclists as so often 'cycle paths' are created that make it more dangerous than it was before. I walk over the railway bridge that can be reached through the BedZED allotments a lot and am very much in favour of linking this properly to London Road. At the moment it is overgrown in Spring, difficult to use by bicyle and the fences on top of the bridge are also very off-putting. Full Name: Mr Paul Wilson Organisation: Comment ID: 56 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I see that it is intended to put a cycle route through the land on which this building stands so hopefully this will stimulate some long overdue action.

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation:

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Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 77 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes For those who live in the roads on the Wallington side of the station, how about a pedestrian footpath over the Wandle into Butter Hill. At present, if we want to go to Carshalton we have to get 2 buses or walk along to Wallington Green and then onto Carshalton. A footbridge into Butter Hill would shorten the walk. Full Name: Jeremy Neville Organisation: Comment ID: 147 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Particularly keen on improving pedestrian access to the railway station.

Full Name: Martin Milner Organisation: Comment ID: 191 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes As there are many families with children it would be good to have a good playground, off the road cycling.

Full Name: Claire Portman Organisation: Comment ID: 207 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Putting pedestrians first is a great idea in principle but how will this impact a busy parent like me who has to drop my children at nursery at 7.30am and then rush to get train to work?

Full Name: Clive Spearman Oxx Organisation: Sutton Cycling Club for Young People Comment ID: 217 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes As a cyclist i welcome proposals for cycle links and cycle paths along London Road is essential for improved safety.

Full Name: Chris Parry Organisation: Cyclism - Sutton Branch Comment ID: 227 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Also need disabled access to platforms at Hackbridge station.

Full Name: Miss Rachel Brearley Organisation: Comment ID: 258 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes It would be nice if the path that runs behind the houses at the end of Ansell Grove (near the white footbridge) was paved/concreted. At the moment, it's just a muddy run behind the gardens, but extremely well-used. It's not lit either. To make it a proper path with a streetlamp or two would be great! Full Name: Martin Milner Organisation: Comment ID: 267 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Cycle paths have to be completely off the main road to work and have to go somewhere. All councils should be building these so that one day they'll all interconnect. So in the not to distant future we can emulate the rest of europe. It can work, as i've seen it work in many UK cities such as Cambridge.

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Full Name: Jane Robertson Organisation: Comment ID: 284 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I commute by bicycle nearly everyday to central London and would welcome a more direct cycle route to Cedars Avenue/Commonside East, across Mitcham Common as well as the proposed route alongside the London Road. Access Links

Full Name: Carole Cook Organisation: Comment ID: 2 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Improved links to and along Beddington Farmlands and the River Wandle: Not if this includes a road

Full Name: Mr Theo Pike Organisation: Comment ID: 43 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Improved links to and along Beddington Farmlands and the River Wandle Overall, as a local resident and regular river user (walker and angler) I support the proposal to increase access to, and appreciation of, the river corridor. Full Name: James Hyde Eaton Organisation: Comment ID: 201 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Good idea to improve links to and from Beddington Farmlands.

Full Name: J Anderson Organisation: Comment ID: 210 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The route from BedZED to the Beddington Park via the farmland/mile road needs to be safer and accessible. Access Disabled Access

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 75 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The station itself needs improving - it is very difficult for someone with a pushchair to use the train to go to Sutton and IMPOSSIBLE for a wheelchair user. The old access on the Wallington side of the station needs re-opening and made accessable to all users. This would be welcome by everyone who lives on the Wallington side of the bridge. Full Name: Alexandra Moreno-Hemming Organisation: Comment ID: 120 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Hackbridge station must provide easy and appropriate access for disabled people, bikes and prams. The use of stairs is difficult and dangerous.

Full Name: Alex Patterson Organisation:

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Full Name: Alex Patterson Organisation: Comment ID: 126 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Hackbridge Station needs wheelchair and pushchair access

Full Name: Nick Cooper Organisation: Comment ID: 185 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The station is a real dump at present. Access is difficult for prams, wheelchairs and little people on platforms. Access Culvers Avenue

Full Name: John Knight Organisation: Comment ID: 175 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The path that runs from opposite BedZED past Culvers House School is shown on the map as all modes is this including cars then?

Full Name: Ms Jane Robertson Organisation: Comment ID: 216 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I'm totally opposed to the proposal to turn the foot/cyclepath between Culvers Avenue and Medland Close into a through road for cars. This is currently a safe route for pedestrians and cyclists and it's an incredibly backward step to turn it into a rat run to the London Road, with consequent detrimental impact to the quiet, pollution-free environment enjoyed by residents of houses which border this path. The path is also bordered by mature Elm trees, I'd be totally opposed to any proposal to fell them. Full Name: Newell Organisation: Comment ID: 287 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Our only concern is Culvers Avenue/ Medland Close being opened up for through traffic chaos at Hackbridge corner to a quiet residential area!! Infrastructure Infrastructure

Full Name: Chris Parry Organisation: Comment ID: 24 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Ensure flood prevention measures on all sites.

Full Name: MR Allan Dutfield Organisation: retired Comment ID: 90 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Insufficient infrastructure I.E. water supply, reservoir running dry, domestic waste disposal.

Full Name: Amy Harman Organisation:

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Full Name: Amy Harman Organisation: Comment ID: 95 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The bridge does need to be wider and new

Full Name: Ms Jacqueline Jones Organisation: Comment ID: 132 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes There is not the infastructure to support the development of 1,100 homes and the families that would occupy them

Full Name: Mr S.C Hughes Organisation: Comment ID: 230 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: the building programme envisaged especially 1,100 energy efficient homes, could be quite an overload to existiing services. Infrastructure Drainage

Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Comment ID: 27 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Felnex Trading Estate The Wandle Trust supports the proposals for the Felnex Trading Estate / Kelvin House. We would encourage the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) into the design of the site from the outset, this should include the use of permeable outdoor surfaces and green roofs to attenuate water flow from the site to the River Wandle. Particular consideration should be given to the pollutants that may arise from the site, both during its construction and operation, including the deposition of pollutants associated with road traffic which will be washed off surfaces during periods of rainfall, the urban pollutants reaching the River Wandle should be minimised through SUDS, e.g. passing runoff water through retention ponds to remove pollutants before it enters the river. Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Comment ID: 31 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The Wandle Trust supports opening up the islet for public use and encourages the LBS to consider including angling platforms here. The Wandle Trust also strongly encourages the LBS to renaturalise the river around the islet by ‘ softening’ banks and facilitating the passage of fish to the upper Wandle, either by adapting the weir to the east of the islet or Goat Bridge Penstock to the west of the islet. SUDS should also be considered for the Wandle Valley Trading Estate, as detailed for the Felnex Trading Estate. Full Name: Mr S.C Hughes Organisation: Comment ID: 42 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Heavy rainfall already presents flooding in London Road due to local gulley systems.

Full Name: Anonymous Organisation: Comment ID: 151 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Too many homes being built not enough natural drainage lots of flooding due to this problem.

Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Wandle Trust

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Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Wandle Trust Comment ID: 154 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Hackbridge station The Wandle Trust supports the development of the station area to provide a welcome arrival point to the area. SUDS should also be considered for this area, as detailed for the Felnex Trading Estate. Transport Roads

Full Name: Mr Anthony Peanut Organisation: Comment ID: 71 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes More traffic is an isssue and Wolsely Road being used as a rat run - more than now.

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 76 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The existing junction of the roads at the shops needs improvement with either a roundabout or traffic lights. For at least the last 10 years I have put this in every survey the council sent out but the suggestion is always ignored. Full Name: Ms C N Lloyd Organisation: Comment ID: 83 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes My main concerns are having my property overlooked from the Felnex Estate and the inadequacies of the transport (particularly rail) system. I wish to reiterate that theoretically that I support anything that makes Hackbridge a safe and pleasant place to live. However an influx of at least 2200 people (based on 1100 proposed new homes) means that the area will be then overcrowded. Can the current roads cope? London Road is are busy enough already. Full Name: Mr Simon Bamber Organisation: Comment ID: 88 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No We only have one road and the rail bridge to access the current shops. you close that to replace with a bigger bridge will make travel worse in this area than it already is and with a mentally ill partner who I need to be within 20 minutes by car from work, this will not be susatainable. I live on one side of the bridge and work on the other. traffic is clogged to the extent that a 5 minute journey will then take 50 minutes and at 4 times a day, 6 days a week... I will be forced to give up work as with work I can't afford a nurse and because I work the council doesn't want to provide assistance. Full Name: Keith Percy Organisation: Comment ID: 123 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No If land in the Sutton forecourt is unavailable, London Road should be diverted to run to west of present route.

Full Name: J.T Sealy Organisation: Comment ID: 136 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Traffic is now getting heavier at night as well as day. Do not want lorries heavier than allowed at date.

Full Name: Barbara Harding Organisation:

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Full Name: Barbara Harding Organisation: Comment ID: 150 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Without a new major road the London Road will be gridlocked.

Full Name: Carole Cook Organisation: Spencer Nursery School & Childrens Centre Comment ID: 167 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: The sheer density of proposed housing is a concern and the lack of car parking in the area. We feel strongly that home owners will still continue to own and drive cars ie BedZED residents now! thus adding to an already congested and dangerous arae for pedestrians. Full Name: Mrs Alison Hargreaves Organisation: Comment ID: 187 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The only concern i have to the increase in traffic could be a worry for children attending the local schools - especially the proposed bus interchange.

Full Name: Anonymous Organisation: Comment ID: 220 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The elements need less traffic near and around Hackbridge schools.

Full Name: Miss Esther Barker Organisation: Comment ID: 224 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes A major problem in the Hackbridge area is the through traffic along London Road and way out past . As London Road is a major route for traffic travelling into south and central London any increase in traffic must be properly considered as there is no point in improving an area if it's residents can not easily travel around and out of their own area. No one wants to live in an area that is grid locked with traffic. Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 226 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Desperately needs traffic control at junction of London Road and Hackbridge Road.

Full Name: Jane Morgan Organisation: Comment ID: 279 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think if you build more homes there will be more trouble, as there is nothing to do in Hackbridge. The pollution and traffic during building will be unbearable once built, these houses will house people with cars who chuck rubbish away. This will not be "green". The London Road will not cope with this amount of traffic and wildlife will be destroyed too. This will not be environmentally friendly!! Full Name: Paul & Lee Noke & Derby Organisation: Comment ID: 294 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please hurry up and decide what is happening with the Hackbridge railway bridge on London Road and get on with it.

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Full Name: Elizabeth Yates Organisation: Comment ID: 308 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Public transport: London Road. Pollution/noise.Rubbish and mega traffic priority for area.

Full Name: Mr & Mrs Tijou Organisation: Comment ID: 320 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Urgent needs for area. First i think speed cameras are needed in Hackbridge Road, or some other means to slow down traffic as it approaches the school. Also it would be nice to see something done about the block of flats which always looked ugly - but since they were boarded up, it looks worse. Transport New Road Links

Full Name: R Hiscox Organisation: Comment ID: 298 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes If one of the links from London Road to Beddington Farmlands or near Asda were for vehicles it would dramatically cut traffic having to go through Hackbridge and Wallington to get to and from Croydon. Transport Buses

Full Name: Keith Percy Organisation: Comment ID: 68 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No the civic square is ok, but the "bus interchange" should be located on the same side of London Road as the railway station.

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 74 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The interlinks between public transport and the provision of public transport is very important. How about a bus route to link us to the Tram stop at Mitcham Junction and onto to Croydon? The bus stops must be sited nearer the station. Full Name: Judith Page Organisation: Comment ID: 110 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Bus interchange does not pose safety issues for children walking to school.

Full Name: Organisation: Comment ID: 116 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Earlier train to Victoria later buses needed on route 127 in both dircetions.

Full Name: M Penford Organisation:

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Full Name: M Penford Organisation: Comment ID: 125 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Too much increase in the population will cause too much pressure on our bus journeys.

Full Name: Mr Norman Jones Organisation: London Wildlife Trust Comment ID: 156 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Bus should terminate at the station.

Full Name: Chris Parry Organisation: Cyclism - Sutton Branch Comment ID: 158 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes A transport interchange should be by the station, also buses there needs traffic light junction for station.

Full Name: Mr Simon Bamber Organisation: Comment ID: 169 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No With a bus interchange comes clogging of roads as buses already block roads in sutton near bus station and just pull out on traffic.

Full Name: Mr B.C Taylor MBE Organisation: Comment ID: 183 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes This area has been abandoned for more than ten years or so , why waste funds on other projects, i.e bus shelters for £660,000 in sutton, with two bus services, plus the train station will increase this area. Full Name: Judith Page Organisation: Comment ID: 184 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes with concern over buses.

Full Name: Wilson Organisation: Comment ID: 188 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes A bus route direct from tram to wallington would be great for this community.

Full Name: Karl Rees Organisation: Comment ID: 192 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Better paths/cycleways is great - more use of the wandle/farmlands is a good idea. Bus interchange? There are only 2 buses that serve Hackbridge.

Full Name: Ms Jacqueline Jones Organisation:

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Full Name: Ms Jacqueline Jones Organisation: Comment ID: 204 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Better public transport links are also required

Full Name: Ms S Petruccciani Organisation: Comment ID: 228 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Linking number 80 bus from Culvers Avenue to Hackbridge railway station via London Road. Transport Trains

Full Name: Organisation: Comment ID: 67 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Later train from both London Bridge and Victoria.

Full Name: Mark & Linda Duffield Organisation: Comment ID: 69 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Any chance of more frequent trains to and from London Bridge?

Full Name: Mathew Marcroft Organisation: Comment ID: 70 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I worry greatly about the huge strain 1,100 new homes will have on rail links that are already very overcrowded, this will be inevitable.

Full Name: Ms C N Lloyd Organisation: Comment ID: 84 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Can the railways cope? Doubtful as they are unpleasantly overcrowded in the rush hour already. Has ANY consultation taken place with the railways? Nothing that I could find has been mentioned in this consultation. If there are no proposals to increase the numbers of trains into and out of London, particularly during the rush hour, then I do not support this move. The current service is already overstretched and therefore inadequate and not fit for purpose. Full Name: S Sutcliffe Organisation: Comment ID: 102 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes can the number of trains too and from Hackbridge be increased

Full Name: Mark & Linda Duffield Organisation: Comment ID: 124 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please raise the platform on the Wimbledon bound side of Hackbridge Station to get rid of the huge gap bewteen the train and the platform.

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Full Name: Patricia Ovens Organisation: Comment ID: 186 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes One of Hackbridges existing strenghts is its transport links.

Full Name: Anonymous Organisation: Comment ID: 196 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Currently train service during off-peak times from Hackbridge is only every 30 mins - increased development to area would more frequent trains.

Full Name: Ms C N Lloyd Organisation: Comment ID: 206 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes What is not apparent in the Hackbridge Masterplan is how transport ie trains will cope with the huge numbers of extra people using the current overcrowded service. Talks with the railways do not appear to have been made public and confirmation of MORE trains especially in the rush hour to take into account the extra residents that will move Hackbridge in order to take advantage of its fast link to London. Full Name: Niya Giwa Organisation: Comment ID: 253 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes This also needs negotiation with Southern Rail to increase the frequency of trains from Hackbridge to London.

Full Name: Colette Butler Organisation: Comment ID: 259 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Building more homes will cause caios for travelling from Hackbridge station, where are these people who live in the 1,100 new homes going to travel to london from. We travel like animals now to add more familys to the area will create aliving hell. Improve train capacity first. Transport Sustainable Transport

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 7 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Make sure there is enough FREE parking in the new areas so that drivers will not park in the existing streets - the residents DO NOT want restrictions applied.

Full Name: Organisation: Comment ID: 48 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Sustainable transport is not all down to LBS.

Full Name: Organisation:

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Full Name: Organisation: Comment ID: 190 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Do something with parking in Eindhoven Close at school time, stop mum parking on private land outside house 13 - 18.

Full Name: Christopher Dillon Organisation: All Saints Community Centre Comment ID: 235 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I strongly agree with the proposal of greater public transport for these areas. Transport Parking

Full Name: Mr & Mrs J Trendell Organisation: Comment ID: 106 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes will ther be sufficient parking facilities at Hackbridge Station?

Full Name: Annette Lyons Organisation: Comment ID: 118 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Fantastic news! about time! Please could you also include some controlled parking zones aswell to stop people using one street instead of parking in station

Full Name: Susan Hart Organisation: Comment ID: 128 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Will there be adequate parking facilities?

Full Name: Claire Portman Organisation: Comment ID: 135 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No I support the proposals for the most part but am concerned about parking at the station being moved too far away as i travel to work with a suitcase and heavy bags.

Full Name: Annette Lyons Organisation: Comment ID: 193 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes All fantastic plans but please include controlled parking to wandle road.

Full Name: Mr and Mrs Rondeau Organisation: Comment ID: 203 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Although we agree to prioritising pedestrian/cycle movement it is still important to have access for cars and parking outside our house!

Full Name: Lisa & Peter Hayden Organisation:

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Full Name: Lisa & Peter Hayden Organisation: Comment ID: 266 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Parking is currently an issue, people park in this area free for Hackbridge station rather than pay. Some days we cannot even park in our designated bay because of this, is this issue going to be addressed? Full Name: Annette Lyons Organisation: Comment ID: 269 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Delighted with all plans! please include controlled parking to Wandle Road

Full Name: Claire Portman Organisation: Comment ID: 282 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No If anything Hackbridge station does not have enough parking spaces and often you cannot get a space after 8.00am. If the parking is to move a few metres down the road then at thevery least the capacity for cars should be doubled. Full Name: Mr M Hawkins Organisation: Comment ID: 286 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes parking close to doctors surgery.

Full Name: D Williams Organisation: Comment ID: 311 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes There needs to be adequate spaces for parking cars, as this already a problem. Project Delivery Project Funding

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 14 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes All these fantastic ideas you have won't work unless they come as a whole pacakage and don't get watered down or abandoned due to lack of funds.

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 157 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I am also worried that the plans are based on an unlimited pot of money but that in reality, the money will run out halfway through, leaving lots of 'social housing'(which obviously will be Suttons priority) and no money to develop the other necessary structures/infrastructure around it such as sports/leisure facilities and shops etc, leaving something resembling rounds haw in the 1980's. I can see this happening especially in the current economic climate. This all looks lovely on paper but in reality I suspect it will only end up half done. Full Name: Mrs Caroline McRoyall Organisation:

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Full Name: Mrs Caroline McRoyall Organisation: Comment ID: 182 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Would like more details on concepts / designs

Full Name: Mr John.F Pickup Organisation: Comment ID: 251 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Where is the funding for this grandiose scheme? from rate payers, commercial re-development of area near Hackbridge station, central government? Who pays the planners and the process of development and the supervision it. Full Name: mrs janet carter Organisation: Comment ID: 280 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes whilst I applaud any effort to improve 'the forgotten end'of the borough I have my doubts that this plan (like the previous ones) will ever be implemented.Too much council spending is concentrated on central Sutton that there will never be enough for this plan to succeed without central government spending on a massive scale which given the current recession is unlikely for many years. Full Name: Elisa Contreras Organisation: Comment ID: 292 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Stop thinking about how much money you can make and start thinking about what you can give to people and the future.

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 303 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Also, when is all this actually going to be started? who is paying for it, where is the money coming from, how long is it going to take. Project Delivery Timing

Full Name: Claire Farrell Organisation: Comment ID: 107 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes when are the proposed changes going to happen? Timelines?

Full Name: M Keown Organisation: Comment ID: 213 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Can we have this quickly please

Full Name: Jo & Carl Shakespeare & Hickman Organisation: Comment ID: 256 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Just wondered how long it would be before this would all happen?

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Full Name: Mr Paul Wilson Organisation: PAC Lighting Ltd Comment ID: 291 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Can you also advise the timescale for the completion of the whole scheme Housing Housing

Full Name: E Costello Organisation: Comment ID: 63 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Instead of 1,100 new "homes" (i.e flats) 1000 new houses (semi-detached, deatched and terraced houses).

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 81 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Remember, low cost housing attracts anti-social behaviour, we do not want more trouble in Hackbridge.

Full Name: miss Monika Vystupova Organisation: Comment ID: 92 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I also prefer houses to flats or high rise buildings

Full Name: Wilson Organisation: Comment ID: 113 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Hackbridge needs new shops and houses to make the place more of a community. I welcome any improvements. If a place looks nice people usually respect that and look after things.

Full Name: Newell Organisation: Comment ID: 139 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Lets have residential houses in street and no more blocks like Corbett/Durand Close.

Full Name: D Williams Organisation: Comment ID: 162 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I support any housing development as long as they're in the same vein as BedZED ie not too tall and must be energy efficient.

Full Name: Mr & Mrs Smeddles Organisation: Comment ID: 177 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Too many houses being built and this is only a small area.

Full Name: Mr & Mrs D Raine Organisation:

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Full Name: Mr & Mrs D Raine Organisation: Comment ID: 232 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Wev would not support any link to improvement that required the purchase of any existing residential land.

Full Name: C Scopas Organisation: Comment ID: 318 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Really important that housing is mixed and area just doesn't become a dumping ground for different tenants. Antisocial behaviour could be a problem. Built Form Image

Full Name: Miss Esther Barker Organisation: Comment ID: 61 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The need to overhall the general look of the streets of existing Hackbridge using plants, flowers and a general code that occupants and home owners have to adhere to in regards to the look of their properties. I think the design of all new housing should have elements of the modern but using materials that do not date or fade in colour. We need brick and glass s tructures so the area does not look shabby in years to come but be houses that future generations aspire to live in. Full Name: Mr Chris Harris Organisation: Comment ID: 93 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes It would be nice if the new build homes have some uniqueness about them. I work in Guildford and the new parts look like Glasgow, Peckham or anywhere else. ie utilitarian boxes.

Full Name: Wilson Organisation: Comment ID: 264 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes There are some nice roads in Hackbridge, but they are let down by the dreadful appearance of the surrounding area and the shoddy look of the place. we hope the changes will actually take place this time as we have been told all of this before without any changes happening. Full Name: Karl Rees Organisation: Comment ID: 268 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Are there any plans to smarten up Corbet Close area which is an eyesore and will sit right next to the nice new Felnex development.

Full Name: M Penford Organisation: Comment ID: 274 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes BedZED housing, i am getting used to seeing, but i really do dislike the coloured windmills on the roofs. Why cannot these be a colour that blend in with buildings.

Full Name: Andrew Roland Organisation: All Saints Church

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Full Name: Andrew Roland Organisation: All Saints Church Comment ID: 305 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I want the identity of the old village Beddington Corner to be retained - basically covered by the CR4 postcode in this area. Built Form Kelvin House

Full Name: Mr & Ms Preston Organisation: Comment ID: 310 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We were very angry that we were not directly consulted on the planning application for Kelvin House as this will affect us considerably and we are very much against it. Built Form Building Heights

Full Name: Mr & Mrs T Lloyd Organisation: Comment ID: 13 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Opposed to taller/landmark buildings, which would be visually detrimental.

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 20 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Also I do not agree that such a high building should be built on the Kelvin House footprint.

Full Name: Mr Norman Jones Organisation: Comment ID: 34 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Felnex Trading Estate/Kelvin House: Too many high-rise residential blocks.

Full Name: Mr Norman Jones Organisation: Comment ID: 37 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Hackbridge Station: Too many high-rise buildings.

Full Name: Judith Page Organisation: Comment ID: 64 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Buildings do not overlook Hackbridge School - Safety reasons

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation:

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Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 65 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes What does Hackbridge school think of this. They would be overlooked by a massive proposed (although I suspect, already agreed!) building with windows overlooking the school playground.

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 66 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Tall buildings should NOT overlook the schools.

Full Name: Mr Didier Sorel Organisation: Comment ID: 98 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The area being quite low-rise, i think it would be better to keep it this way and not getting more than 4 storeys buildings

Full Name: Frances Cooper Organisation: Comment ID: 115 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The area does not currently have any tall buildings - i do not support buildings over 2/3 storeys next to school snd shops.

Full Name: Mr Martin Reed Organisation: N/A Comment ID: 119 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Broadly, I support the council's proposals for the Hackbridge area. The one aspect I have difficulty with is the proposal for "taller landmark buildings". There are already enough empty office buildings in the area (Wallington)and I do not belive that additional tall buildings will add any enhancement to the area. Full Name: Ms C N Lloyd Organisation: Comment ID: 134 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I am concerned that the new buildings alongside the railway on Felnex will overlook the railway and therefore the back of my house in Wandle Road. It is not clear from the plan's that privacy will not be infringed by the new development. I would then object to the proposal if there was ANY possibility that my garden/house was overlooked. I moved to the area to ensure that I retain my privacy. Full Name: Elisa Contreras Organisation: Comment ID: 144 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please no taller buildings towards London Road. No taller landmark buildings next to station.

Full Name: Mr & Ms Preston Organisation: Comment ID: 161 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We do not want a tall building on Kelvin House site as it will directly overlook our back garden impacting on our privacy.

Full Name: Mrs V Powell Organisation:

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Full Name: Mrs V Powell Organisation: Comment ID: 211 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I hope the taller buildings will not be over a certain amount of floors, as this will not fit into the surrounding landscape.

Full Name: Mr & Ms Preston Organisation: Comment ID: 233 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We do not think taller buildings will fit in the rest of the buildings in Hackbridge.

Full Name: E Costello Organisation: Comment ID: 248 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Instead of 1,100 new "homes" (i.e flats) 1000 new houses (semi-detached, deatched and terraced houses). No high rise buildings unless fro manufacturing, offices and or warehouse use.

Full Name: Frances Cooper Organisation: Comment ID: 265 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Hackbridge has become very run-down over the last 20 years or more. It does need redeveloping but we do not want high rise buildings or overcrowding, parking is already a big problem in this area.

Full Name: Mr S.C Hughes Organisation: Comment ID: 307 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: High buildings will hopefully conform to the same height as those existing in adjacent area. Environment One Planet Living

Full Name: Mathew Marcroft Organisation: Comment ID: 50 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes One vital concern is that the council is not using its 'One Planet' ethos as a buzz word to trick locals into a watered down eco village! As a BedZED resident i believe in these ideals,its important to really not compromise. I look forward to seeing design developed. please have Bill Dunster as local architect. Full Name: Mr S.C Hughes Organisation: Comment ID: 159 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: The overall vision of Hackbridge , ten principles of 'One Planet Living' are not cast in stone, and therefore subject to mistakes.

Full Name: Miss Majonne van der Bijl Organisation: (BioRegional, but have completed this as resident of BedZED) Comment ID: 221 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Overall, I think the plans are really encouraging and exciting. It would be great to see the One Planet Living principles incorporated in the whole of Hackbridge and to have new sustai nable buildings.

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Full Name: Mr Bryan Stokes Organisation: Comment ID: 240 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No This should be called 'off the planet' not 'one planet living'. This country is fast disappearing down a financial toilet and the best you can do is come up with this expensive bureaucratic nightmare of a plan. Just like all public bodies you have not realised yet that the 'party is over' Please get real. Full Name: Claire Farrell Organisation: Comment ID: 257 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes How can residents reduce their carbon footprints? Its more diffcult to be energy efficient in victorian housing stock.

Full Name: Ms Jacqueline Jones Organisation: Comment ID: 278 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes There is no information as to how the council would work to make existing properties and services 'green' and sustainable.

Full Name: Mr Colin Quemby Organisation: CTC Comment ID: 300 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No I doubt whether "one planet living" is achievable. The principles are too vague to be enforceable - eg what is the definition of "local"? Environment Zero Carbon

Full Name: Organisation: Comment ID: 46 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes How can you produce 0 carbon? Environment Retrofit

Full Name: Karl Rees Organisation: Comment ID: 49 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The plans centre firmly on new developments but what about existing properties? They will still make up the majority of Hackbridge. What will be done to bring them into the Eco plan? Extra grants for work? Full Name: Nicole Lazarus Organisation: BedZED Residents Association Comment ID: 104 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Why is this all about new developments? One Plant Living doesn''t have to be about new homes. Where is the retrofit programme?

Full Name: Mr Jon Barnard Organisation:

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Full Name: Mr Jon Barnard Organisation: Comment ID: 250 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Also the desire to turn Hackbridge Green is excellent. But are there any plans to assist existing residents who wish to add solar panels to reduce their footprints, such as grants, easier planning permission (If required!)? Environment Waste

Full Name: Dr Bella Davies Organisation: Comment ID: 30 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We also advise that the LBS put in place measures to discourage fly tipping in the design of the development as this is a problem on the adjacent trading estate to the north of Goat Road, this is of particular consideration given that vehicular access points will be improved (which will enable larger volumes of rubbish to be dumped). Full Name: Organisation: Comment ID: 47 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes How can you produce 0 waste?

Full Name: Nick Cooper Organisation: Comment ID: 262 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Litter is a huge problem, not something that this can address directly, but more responsibilty should be put on the fast food outlets and schools to help solve the problem.

Full Name: Mr Theo Pike Organisation: Comment ID: 295 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes In view of the increase in population for this area to be expected as a result of this development, I would also like to be assured of the capacity of the Beddington Sewage Treatment Works to handle the extra volume of waste, with appropriate treatment before the effluent is discharged into the River Wandle at Mill Green. Any over-capacity dis charge of sewage will be directed into the river through culverts within the development area, and I would welcome any improvements to the STW that might flow from this development. Land Use Employment

Full Name: Elisa Contreras Organisation: Comment ID: 25 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Create new business for local people with smaller business rates or rents, so small businesses can thrive in this area.

Full Name: Mr Paul Wilson Organisation: Comment ID: 55 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I hope the proposals also deal with the burnt out building at the entrance to SBC House Restmor Way. This building has been derelict for 2 years now being on the banks of the Wandle river detracts from the otherwise beauty of the area.

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Full Name: Miss P.A Hart Organisation: Wallington North District Residents Association Comment ID: 166 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No It is not fair on home ownners to have to live amongst industry whether light or not.

Full Name: Mrs S.A Tanner Organisation: Spencer Nursery School Comment ID: 168 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Wandle Valley Trading Estate: Why close current employment and trading estate to build a mix of housing/employment.

Full Name: Organisation: Comment ID: 254 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes What kind of jobs will you attract?

Full Name: Anonymous Organisation: Comment ID: 297 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Keep light industry in area stop building housing estates!

Full Name: Chris Parry Organisation: Cyclism - Sutton Branch Comment ID: 304 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Open Mitre Road to cyclists as well as pedestrians before new railway bridge build starts. Include Restmor Way as part of employment scene Land Use Education

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 21 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Although you have said that a new primary school might be built, it is too near to other primaries and where will the money come from. I thought that there was no more money going into the primary school pot. Would Hackbridge Primary school be allowed to expand into the available space around it rather than create a new school. Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 170 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I note you are building another primary school - but what senior schools will all the extra children go to - there is already a shortage in the Sutton area and as we are not that close to a school, always on the edge of the catchment area. Full Name: Mr Moray Taylor Organisation:

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Full Name: Mr Moray Taylor Organisation: Comment ID: 239 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I support the building of a school, but only if security of my home (BedZed) is not comprimised, I have worries about children running through and causing damage and disruption to the quite harmonious bedzed Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 241 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes More High School places need to be provided to cater for all the extra children who will come to live in the area.

Full Name: John Knight Organisation: Comment ID: 249 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes No point in new primary school why not make it a secondary school as we don't have one. Currently space is empty fo retail/employment in BedZED nursery gone.

Full Name: Judith Page Organisation: Comment ID: 261 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes It would have been nice to see some grassed area allocated to Hackbridge Primary school as their main area for P.E and play is concreted.

Full Name: Carole Cook Organisation: Spencer Nursery School & Childrens Centre Comment ID: 316 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: We seriously question the need for another school as we presently have spaces throughout the year. Also who would gain from the location of this school? Merton school children? Land Use Community & Leisure

Full Name: Mrs Christine Barrett Organisation: Comment ID: 15 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes What about a Youth club to keep the kids occupied that will be moving into the area.

Full Name: Ms S Petruccciani Organisation: Comment ID: 22 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We could have a library in Hackbridge

Full Name: Miss Esther Barker Organisation: Comment ID: 60 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I fully support the idea of a community farm, and library

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Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 73 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes A Library please.

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 80 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please provide a decent doctors surgery (not a polyclinic)building. The existing arrangements are 'pre-historic'. If you want to see a health visitor you have to go up a very steep staircase with a new baby or young child in your arms - its just not suitable. Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 82 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes My teenage children want more to do locally - they have to go to Sutton to have anything to do.

Full Name: T Cook Organisation: Comment ID: 200 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes a nice gym

Full Name: Nicole Lazarus Organisation: BedZED Residents Association Comment ID: 255 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please lets get going on the retrofit and the green lifestyles, on the community building and investment in Hackbridge young people. Why is this all about new homes? All Saints Centre desperately needs support. Young people and also seniors need support too. However, a new look at Hackbridge station will help a lot. Full Name: Mr B.C Taylor MBE Organisation: Comment ID: 260 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Due to high Council business tax B&Q, Comet would never have moved to encourage more business a much needed supermarket would allow others to move in to increase employment than small corner shops or travel to other locations i.e Sutton, Croydon, in this area it would reduce traffic to these other locations, but remain local or is it a pipe dream by the council. Full Name: Lewis Keen Organisation: Comment ID: 272 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I would be interested in any voluntary work that would involve getting young people fishing rather than hanging around on the streets.

Full Name: Barbara Harding Organisation: Comment ID: 296 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes With that many new homes there will be lots more children. You say possibly a primary school, what about junior and senior, Doctors etc. The post office at Hackbridge has no disabled access, Seymour Road post office with auto door on a level has closed as a post office.

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Full Name: Miss Majonne van der Bijl Organisation: (BioRegional, but have completed this as resident of BedZED) Comment ID: 299 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I am especially in favour of the plans for the station forecourt and think it would be absolutely amazing if we could have a nice cafe with an outdoor terrace. This creates such a nice atmosphere and at the moment I really miss a nice coffee shop in Hackbridge and we often travel to Carshlaton for coffee and lunch. I have completed this survey as resident of BedZED but also work at BioRegional. Full Name: M Phillips Organisation: Comment ID: 309 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Promised a library before BedZED was built, all talk no action. Land Use Heritage

Full Name: Mrs Jeannie Arnold Organisation: Comment ID: 79 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please respect and celebrate the history of Hackbridge - the old iron railway, the importance of the River and its mills, the old house at Culvers. The existing historical buildings should be protected - the pub, the houses on the Green opposite. Full Name: Clive Spearman Oxx Organisation: Sutton Cycling Club for Young People Comment ID: 145 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The industrial heritage of Hackbridge should be put on record by improving remains of Mills and associated buildings.e.g. Mill Close off Culvers Avenue and Restmor Way etc. The house at Middleton Road and Riverside, previously owned by a leather skinning mill owner would be ideally suited as a heritage centre for Wandle industry. It is in centre of all industries of the past milling of, cornn, dye, calico design and printing, gunpowder mills, bleaching grounds etc, and would provide a centre of interest for cyclists and walkers on the Wandle trail. Crime Crime

Full Name: Pc Doug Skins Organisation: Met Police Comment ID: 214 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Pedestrian and cycle routes should be well defined routes and spaces that provide convenient movemennt without compromising security- routes that are poorly lit, indirect and away from the front of building provide unwelcoming routes , ideal for criminal activity. All the new developments should re required to achieve the 'Secured By Design' accreditation,to reduce crime - sustainable communities are ones which do not suffer high levels of crime. Full Name: C Lewis Organisation: Comment ID: 218 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Support the sensible development of the area, a concern, who will police this development on its completion. We have our share of yobs the newness will be a target for the grafitti merchants and low life yobs and other immediate localities. Other Travellers

Full Name: Miss P.A Hart Organisation: Wallington North District Residents Association

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Full Name: Miss P.A Hart Organisation: Wallington North District Residents Association Comment ID: 315 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No I also understand you are looking at three sites in the area for a new travellers encampment. I don't think developers will be pleased if they are spending all this money on trying to improve the area. General General

Full Name: Amy Harman Organisation: Comment ID: 1 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think the area does need to be developed. The area will be more efficient for the people that live here.

Full Name: mrs janet carter Organisation: Comment ID: 6 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes In the meantime there are several low cost things that could be implemented to make life nicer for the people living in this part of the borough. 1 Regular street cleaning particularly around the Seymour/London road shops.This should also include taking action against dog owners who regularly let their pets foul the pavements in Seymour Road. 2 Ban the group of drinkers who take up position in Seymour Road from early morning until they run out of money or move to join other drinkers on Mill Green open space. 3 Finally inform your switchboard operatives that the dreaded CR4 postcode does come under Sutton auspices so that they do not query it whenever phoning the council offices. I wish the council every success with their plans for Hackbridge but strongly suspect that it will always remain the'forgotten end' of the Borough for many years to come! Full Name: Miss Majonne van der Bijl Organisation: (BioRegional, but have completed this as resident of BedZED) Comment ID: 152 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The future of Hackbridge leaflet did not provide that many details, especially not on how the developments would be ecofriendly but I read the Draft Masterplan which is much clearer. For residents who don't fancy reading a 135 page document it might be good to provide something in between. Full Name: Nicole Lazarus Organisation: BedZED Residents Association Comment ID: 179 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes The priority for new development must be around Hackbridge Station

Full Name: Ms Keeley Organisation: Comment ID: 209 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Better use should be made of the empty land opposite Hackbridge station. Its a bit of a blot on the landscapeat the moment.

Full Name: Miss Titilola Adesemoye Organisation: Comment ID: 270 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes As someone living right opposite one of the proposed site ( North of BedZed). I think the council shold make more of an effort to include local resident in your plan. Miss Adesemoye

Full Name: Revd Jackie Robinson Organisation: Hackbridge Spiritualist Church

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Full Name: Revd Jackie Robinson Organisation: Hackbridge Spiritualist Church Comment ID: 271 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I would like any additional information available as these proposals will have a big impact on my church and congregation. I would like to know timescales etc. I would be happy for you to use church for local meetings - church sits 80 people. Full Name: Mr & Mrs Tijou Organisation: Comment ID: 319 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Generally we are in favour of improvements to the area, so any of the key elements would be welcome, but we believe there are more. General Support

Full Name: Sean & Stephanie Benton & Allen Organisation: Comment ID: 5 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Since moving here nearly 4 years ago it has always struck us that Hackbridge had great potential that wasn't being fullfilled.

Full Name: Mr Stephen Hart Organisation: Comment ID: 87 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Lets start asap

Full Name: Mr Jon Barnard Organisation: Comment ID: 97 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think this is an excellent idea, and I really hope this plan goes ahead.

Full Name: Jo & Carl Shakespeare & Hickman Organisation: Comment ID: 105 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think it would be great to use this free land to build on and make Hackbridge an exciting place to live.

Full Name: Mr B.C Taylor MBE Organisation: Comment ID: 109 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Its about time to do something, as this location has been neglected for far too long, a forgotten location and area, its about time that the council have decided to get there act together.

Full Name: Nick Cooper Organisation: Comment ID: 111 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please continue with this ASAP. Hackbridge has huge amounts of potential , but is constantly let down.

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Full Name: Patricia Ovens Organisation: Comment ID: 112 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I hope that the ideas and the literature behind the proposals are genuine and not just an attempt to justify building up the area with uninspiring squre brick homes to house more useless bums.

Full Name: Revd Jackie Robinson Organisation: Hackbridge Spiritualist Church Comment ID: 121 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I would like to be involved in future plans, focus groups,etc. Hackbridge area is desperate for investment and regeneration and pride back in the area.

Full Name: James Hyde Eaton Organisation: Comment ID: 130 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Its definately a good idea.

Full Name: Nigel Watson Organisation: Comment ID: 131 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I think that it is a brilliant idea to rejuvinate the Hackbridge area.

Full Name: Jo Hughes Organisation: Comment ID: 143 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes This area has great potential, its about time it was put into play!!

Full Name: Paul & Lee Noke & Derby Organisation: Comment ID: 148 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Please just get on with it! These plans have been around for years - whats taking so long.

Full Name: Mr Colin Quemby Organisation: CTC Comment ID: 153 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No All subject to the caveats of availability of land, demands at time of development and funding.

Full Name: Christopher Dillon Organisation: All Saints Community Centre Comment ID: 165 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I greatly support the idea of developing the above areas in an environmental way

Full Name: Ms Kelly Plaistow Organisation:

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Full Name: Ms Kelly Plaistow Organisation: Comment ID: 172 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes All these areas marked yes is for the reason that we need this improvement so so much. Hackbridge has been neglected for so long it will be exciting to see a new life to the area.

Full Name: Mr Joseph Thadani Organisation: Comment ID: 176 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I support any proposal which will make Hackbridge a better place to live in. The place does need a facelift.

Full Name: Claire Farrell Organisation: Comment ID: 181 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes All sounds great!

Full Name: Caroline Takis Organisation: Comment ID: 199 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes This is all positive to the local area - make it happen!

Full Name: Nigel Watson Organisation: Comment ID: 202 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes We support any new ideas to reconstruct the Hackbridge area.

Full Name: Brian Newcombe Organisation: Comment ID: 229 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes Just do it!!

Full Name: Mr A Mapara Organisation: Comment ID: 245 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes This is a great vision as i am sure that the majority will vote for a green UK.

Full Name: Julia.J.B Clasby Organisation: Comment ID: 247 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes It all sounds wonderful as long as it doesn't lead to astronomical Council Tax bills that we residents cannot afford, so we have to move!!

Full Name: Patricia Ovens Organisation:

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Full Name: Patricia Ovens Organisation: Comment ID: 263 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes My partners and I already use our entire garden as an allotment and have a keen interest in permaculture. I have spent 5 years living in Brighton and sadly this has come about too little too late as we are moving back there in a years time. Hopefully this will be a success and attract young couples with children back to the area. I have lived in Hackbridge most of my life and know it well and i have a degree in Architectural Technology. Currently i am a mum at home, if there is anything i can do to help let me know. Full Name: T Cook Organisation: Comment ID: 275 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I live in Hackbridge and it definitely needs a lot of improvement.

Full Name: Christopher Dillon Organisation: All Saints Community Centre Comment ID: 314 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I feel we are undergoing really exciting, great regeneration plans for the area of Hackbridge, which will benefit the whole community. General Oppose

Full Name: G Newman Organisation: Comment ID: 94 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No Ok as it is leave Hackbridge alone

Full Name: Mr & Mrs Smeddles Organisation: Comment ID: 101 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No This used to be a rural area and we want to keep it like it and not a town

Full Name: M Phillips Organisation: Comment ID: 160 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No I have lived in this area over 30 years all previous plans have never been implemented.

Full Name: G Newman Organisation: Comment ID: 174 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No None are necessary

Full Name: MR Allan Dutfield Organisation: retired Comment ID: 242 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No The borough is already over populated and resources over stretched. I am of the opinion that central government and immigration are the prime cause of our over-developed borough.

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Full Name: G Newman Organisation: Comment ID: 244 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No You are just using Council Tax payers money to enhance your reputation! Use the money more effectively- cut business rates and council tax

Full Name: Mr & Mrs Smeddles Organisation: Comment ID: 252 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: No It is being more built up and we don't want it because it ceases being a green area. General Postcode

Full Name: Mr and Mrs Rondeau Organisation: Comment ID: 277 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes I feel this will be innovative & exciting change for Hackbridge, we only wish our postcode showed us living in this area, rather than Mitcham. As we want to benefit from these changes personally, environmentally and by location. Full Name: Mr & Mrs T Lloyd Organisation: Comment ID: 312 Support Vision to make Hackbridge Greenest Suburb: Yes As these plans extend far beyond Hackbridge into Beddington Corner, could this be an opportunity to change Beddington Corners 'CR4' postcode to an 'SM' postcode?

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