
Acts of the Holy Spirit #17 - Acts 11

Good news travels fast and has heard of Peters activity in Caesarea. Peter is subsequently summoned to give an account of what happened. Who are the leadership in Jerusalem now? Why is not Peter? He has not been the leader since . Jerusalem is incredulous that Peter has actually entered a Gentile home and eaten willingly with the Gentiles. Enforcers of the Roman occupation no less. Much of the Jewish Halacha had been created over time to stop intermarriage and assimilation among the Jewish and Gentile populations. We find these rules also in the Torah. Now something had changed and this was a challenge to Jewish believers. Note, the whole community has the Holy Spirit but the Spirit is not instructing directly that Gentiles need to be included into the community.

Verse 4-17 give Peters rendition of what happened in . Verse 14 adds some of Peters commentary as he quotes the Angel conversation to Cornelius, however it's not what the Angel actually said. Peter notes that the Gentiles were given the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues just like Jews did in . However, we have also noted that others have received the Holy Spirit and not spoken in tongues, example are the Ethiopian and Samaritans of . Tongues then here are signs/proof for the Jewish believers that God has indeed accepted the Gentiles as clean.

Following Peter’s narrative the opposition to Gentile inclusion goes quiet. It does not actually disappear as we shall see in future Chapters. Despite seeing miracles, even believers can not follow Gods instructions to allow Gentiles into the fellowship. Repentance has been given to the Gentiles. The term ‘the Blood of ’ is not used in Acts, Repentance will lead to Forgiveness which is a strong 2nd Temple Period theological position.

Church in , 3rd biggest city in Roman Empire. Traditional home of Luke, main centre for Hellenistic Judaism, known for commerce, culture as well as immorality and temple prostitution. Following the persecutions (some by Saul) after the martyrdom of Stephen, the scattered Jewish believers share the Gospel wherever they go. Some unnamed Hellenistic Jewish believers from Libya and share the Gospel with Gentiles, perhaps God fearers as well, and this creates the first mixed congregation of the early church. Verse 21 attributes success to the Lord but does not indicate how. This is something many of us do to this day. Question - Why do we not hear of success in any other area?

Jerusalem once again hears the news and sends , who strengthens the community and grows the community. Barnabas has an epistle attributed to him as well as the potential authorship of Hebrews (Tertullian ca 180). Barnabas then seeks out Saul in Tarsus (where he had left him) and they both shepherd the Jewish/Gentile community for one year under the authority of Jerusalem. Gentile mission is already underway before the involvement of Saul/ Paul. Paul does not start Gentile mission that honour is given to nameless brothers of Cyprus and Libya. Paul is gaining valuable experience in mixed communities, the challenges and triumphs. Note, God trains his heroes. Prophets exist, prophecy had not died out, offerings are collected in response and sent to Jerusalem with Saul and Barnabas.