Window and Parlor Gardening
*£- XI B RAHY OF THE U N IVLRSITY Of 1LLI NOIS G 34.35" J73w CPLA The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. books Theft, mutilation and underlining of are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 171 Mi 30 97 74 JUL-9W 'fiW JUL 6 L161— O-1096 -J WINDOW AND PARLOR GARDENING <**/^-C*wAA^JJUC!0' Copyright, /S95, by Charles Scribner's Sons 36" JT5w t?0 £/ioj£ wliode c/icezful jitcdencc bzightend a million liotncj, to tlie kind and enlightened GsQinezican women, tliid woi/i la tedpectfuLLy dedicated by kd/ic cyQuthoz, 449?? TAGE Introduction, I PART I PROPAGATION AND CARE OF HOUSE PLANTS I. The Plant, n II. Appliances, 21 III. Soils and Manures, 23 IV. Propagation, 26 V. Potting, 3° VI. Forcing, 3-1 VII. Watering, 36 VIII. Cleaning, 38 IX. Special Windows and Terrariums 40 X. Frames and Pits, 44 XI. Light 46 XII. Temperature and Moisture, 47 XIII. Insects and Diseases, 49 viii CONTENTS PAGE XIV. Decoration, 51 XV. Baskets, Vases, and Window Boxes, .... 54 XVI. The Veranda, and How to Adorn It, . 58 PART II THE SELECTION OF HOUSE PLANTS I. On Plant Names, 63 II. Roses, Carnations, and Chrysanthemums, . 65 III. Fopular Florist Flowers, 69 IV. Cacti, 80 V. Other Succulents, 84 VI. The Lily and Amaryllis Families, ... 89 ' VII. Orchids, . .93 VIII. The Calla Family 99 IX. The Pine-apple Family, 103 X. Palms, 106 XL Dracaenas, Screw-pi xes, and Sago-palms, .
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