Bad Friendship 17 Bad Friendship Avoiding Unwholesome Teacher-Pupil Relationships and Abuse of Religion an Essay by Piya Tan ©2006, 2010
Piya Tan SD 64.17 Bad friendship 17 Bad friendship Avoiding unwholesome teacher-pupil relationships and abuse of religion An essay by Piya Tan ©2006, 2010 During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.1 An Open Letter from Founder of Upaya Zen Center by Joan Halifax, Roshi, The Buddhist Channel, Jan 2, 2010 Dear Daibosatzu Board and Practitioners, I am Founding Abbot2 of Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, a woman, a Zen practitioner since 1965, and someone who was sexually assaulted by one of her Buddhist teachers years ago. I have been following the discussion on the AZTA [American Zen Teachers Association] listserv for many months about the Eido Shimano “case.”,9796,0,0,1,0 Why Buddhism?: Violations of Trust in the Sexual Sphere by Roshi Joan Halifax, Founding Abbot Upaya Zen Center, The Buddhist Channel, Jan 3, 2011 Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA) — We all know that rape as a weapon of war has been used against women and nations for thousands of years. Rape, forceable seduction, seduction through trickery, power and domination, seduction through loneliness or delusion have also been part of most, if not all, religions. Yes, if you want to demoralize a nation, rape its women, its daughters, its sisters, its wives... And if you want to deepen the shadow of any religion, turn wisdom and compassion into hypocrisy, and stand by, conflict averse, as its male clergy disrespects women, has sex with female congregants, dominates women, abuses women, degrades or rapes them.
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