United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Economic Commission for Africa African Climate Policy Centre Working Paper 1 Climate Science, Information, and Services in Africa: Status, Gaps and Policy Implications Postal Address P O Box 3001 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Location Kirkos Sub-city ECA Compound Addis Ababa Ethiopia Telephone +251-11 5 172000 Fax +251-11 5443164 E-mail
[email protected] Website http://www.uneca.org/acpc/ Economic Commission for Africa Printed by the UNECA Documents and Publishing Unit United Nations Economic Commission for Africa African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) Working Paper 1 CLIMATE SCIENCE, INFORMATION, AND SERVICES IN AFRICA: STATUS, GAPS AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS November 2011 i Acknowledgment This paper is the result of African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) under the Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev Africa) Programme. The paper is produced with guidance, coordination and contribution of ACPC and contributing authors from various institutions. Contributions to this paper are made by Tufa Dinku, International Research Institute for Climate and Society, the Earth Institute at Columbia University; Tatiana Arivelo, UNECA-ACPC; Seleshi B. Awulachew; UNECA-ACPC; Andre F. Kamgaf, African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development; Semu A. Moges; Addis Ababa University (AAU), Buruhani S. Nyenzi is Manager, Formerly at UN High Level Taskforce Secretariat on the World Meteorological Organization Global Framework for Climate Services; and Yilma Sileshi, AAU. This working paper is prepared as an input to foster dialogue and discussion in African climate change debate. The findings, interpretations and conclusions presented in this working paper are the sole responsibility of the contributing authors and do not in any way reflect the official position of ECA or the management team.