Manrhpalrr Hrraiii J
to MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, July 7, 1988 APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT CARS CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE THREE Bedroom Duplex MANCHESTER. 454 Main V ? , In newer 2 fa m ily Sfre«t. 2nd floor, 3 VW Rabbit 1982. 4 door, home. Includes ap % Spcciolii AM-F6A stereo ... room hoofed. No ap If pliances and wall to pliances. Security. $480 LIPMAN #1 cassette. 68,000 miles. woll corpetina. Heat per month. 646-2426 Clean. $2,000 or best not Included. $680. weekdovs 9om-5pm. VOLKSWAGEN offer. Call Kurt 643- Workers rescue woman monthly. Security and IPAINTINS/ MISCELLANEOUS 86 Suzuki Semurl (tanv. 9600. references reaulred. 2 THREE rooms, partly ILAWNCARE PAPERING ELECTRICAL SERVICES 8100 ml............. .............. «5006 from collapsed building /7 children preferred. No furnished. Heat. Work 87 Vugo 2 dr., 10K ............. <2000 T'- I'Vj ing single mole pre pets. Coll 643-7635. GILBERT UW N ELECTRICAL WORK ODD lobs. Trucking SO VW Golf Dleeal............... <0208 MORIARTY ferred. No pets. Lease. Renovationi/Pliis so VW Sdrooeo, AT, AC, R O C K V ILLE . One Bed- SERVICE Need a now Sorvloo with Home repairs. You 643-2880. _________ Custom Inwrior a ExMrlor name It, we do It. Free AM/FM Cen., PMIr.......taFOS room, Elm Street, In Pointing • CeHIng Reeeir a circuit broakare? BROTHERS cludes heat and hot Prgfa88iBEal UBi8caplRg estimates. Insured. 643- 80 CuHim Clerra bm ..........*6305 Stone, Loam, and Mulch Renew • Power Wsshing moss SIS downi Cheek us out hi the ManoheeNr yellow page*. M O ^ 8S Jeep Plonesr USED CARS water, stove and re CONDOMINIUMS Free Cstlmeres • 2 Dr, 4x4 .......
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