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Todd NATIVE PLANTS of NORTH AMERICA | WHOLESALE CATALOG Dylan CELEBRATING 35 YEARS! FALL 2017/SPRING 2018 5652 Sand Rd., Bellingham, WA 98226 | TEL 800-416-8640 | FAX 888-506-1236 | EMAIL [email protected] | WEB NATIVE PLANTS OF NORTH AMERICA | WHOLESALE CATALOG From humble beginnings, Fourth Corner Nurser- One notable change at our nursery that I’m CELEBRATING ies was built on the ashes of two failing enter- delighted to report is the handover of the day- 35 YEARS! prises and incorporated in October of 1982. The to-day management, which I’ve been part of all United States at that time was in the deepest these years, to my colleague Dylan Levy-Boyd. recession since the great depression of the Many of you will know Dylan as our propaga- 1930’s. At that point, the only thing we had tion and contract person. Beginning on June was a lot of plants to sell and a lot of debt to 1st Dylan took over as General Manager. I plan pay off, so needless to say I’m delighted to be to spend my time working on new projects and celebrating our thirty-fifth year. I feel truly for- will still be helping out as needed. Dylan, with tunate to have been able to work with so many the help of our amazingly talented staff, has talented coworkers and customers who have begun implementing many new ideas. I believe generously shared their knowledge and their you’ll see some exciting new products and in- support. novative changes at Fourth Corner Nurseries in the very near future. My first introduction to the nursery trade was at the end of a hoe, working summers and Sat- One thing we never plan to change is our sin- urdays during high school. The changes that cere commitment to continue serving the many I’ve observed in my 50-plus years in the nurs- wonderful companies and organizations that ery trade are nothing short of astonishing. On have loyally supported us over years. We thank recent International Plant Propagators Society each of you for your support, friendship and tours in Europe, New Zealand, South Africa and commitment to preserving and restoring eco- here in the U.S., I’ve been continually amazed systems throughout North America. by the sophistication and automation our indus- Greetings, My warmest regards, try has adopted. These are exciting times for Another year has come and gone and I can our industry, and I believe that those who are Todd hardly believe we’re entering our 35th year at just beginning a career in horticulture will wit- Fourth Corner Nurseries. It’s been one of the ness even greater changes in the future. busiest years we’ve ever had, and I hope it’s been a prosperous and productive year for all of you as well. Hello Friends, Patrons, Aficionados, day and working alongside an extraordinarily capable and invested staff that is continually For those of you whom I have yet to meet, let looking to innovate and improve our capacity. me introduce myself. I’ve been working behind We owe our success to our dedicated custom- the scenes at Fourth Corner Nurseries since ers, who entrust us to blend ecological theory 2011 doing seed collection, propagation, pro- with horticultural practice to deliver high qual- duction planning and data systems engineer- ity genetically diverse source identified native ing. I came to the nursery with a background plants at great value. in plant ecology and conservation biology and years of experience in restoration planning I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of and evaluation, but if we are being honest, you on propagation matters relating to produc- little hand’s-on knowledge of bare root nursery tion feasibility, seed acquisition and source ref- production. I am still grateful to Todd for this erences, and contracting specialized grow-outs awesome opportunity and forever indebted to and product trials. As General Manager, I look our pioneering propagator Rich Haard for the forward to meeting more of you and learning wonderful mentoring. Rich’s dedication to the about your enterprise, and how we can contin- craft and unique propagation style that is best ue to partner and support you in all your native INSIDE THIS ISSUE: described as ‘gonzo-pragmatic’ has been instru- plant needs. mental in my formation and encapsulates what Greetings ..............................................................1 Best, makes this place special. Common Name Index.............................................. 2 Contact Information................................................3 Now celebrating our 35th business-anniversary, Dylan Wetland Indicator Status..........................................3 Fourth Corner Nurseries has been at the fore- Dylan Levy-Boyd, Reference Information.............................................3 front of the native plant industry for quite a General Manager, Fourth Corner Nurseries Trees & Shrubs.......................................................4 while. I truly love coming into the nursery every Conifers.................................................................8 Live Stakes.............................................................8 Purchase Order Form...............................................9 Fourth Corner Nurseries “Learning about native plants on the other…............10 5652 Sand Rd. PRSRT STD side of the world” Bellingham, WA 98226 U.S. Postage "Eating Native –Recipes from the Field"....................11 PAID Herbaceous Perennials...........................................12 Lynden, WA “Plugging Back In”......................................…………..16 PERMIT NO 20 Grasses, Rushes, Sedges.........................................17 Aquatics...............................................................19 Bulbs, Rhizomes, Tubers........................................20 C OMMON NAME INDEX TREES & SHRUBS HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS GRASSES, SEDGES, RUSHES Alder 4 Alumroot 13 Arrowgrass 19 Ash 5 Arnica 12 Brome 17 Aspen 5 Aster 15 Bulrush 17, 18, 19 Birch 4 Avens 13 Cattail 19 Blackberry 6 Balsamroot 12 Fescue 18 Buckbrush 4 Beach Pea 14 Horsetail 18 Buttonbush 4 Beardtongue 14 Mannagrass 18 Cascara 5 Beebalm 14 Meadow Barley 18 Ceanothus 4 Bergamot 14 Oatgrass 17 Cherry 6 Biscuitroot 14 Oniongrass 18 Chokeberry 4 Blanket Flower 13 Rush 18 Choke Cherry 5 Blazing Star 14 Saltgrass 17 Cinquefoil 5 Bleeding Heart 13 Sedge 17 Cottonwood 5 Bluebells 14 Spikerush 17 Crabapple 5 Blue-eyed Grass 15 Sweetgrass 18 Cranberry 7 Boykinia 13 Threesquare 18 Currant 6 Brookfoam 13 Tufted Hairgrass 17 Dogwood 4 Buttercup 15 Wildrye 18 Elderberry 7 Checkerbloom 15 Wool Grass 19 Gooseberry 6 Checkermallow 15 Hawthorn 5 Cinquefoil 15 Hazelnut 5 Coltsfoot 14 Honeysuckle 5 Columbine 12 Huckleberry 7 Compassplant 16 Indian Plum 5 Cone Flower 13 Maple 4 Devil's Club 14 LIVE STAKES Mock Orange 5 Echinacea 13 Mountain Balm 4 Eryngo 13 Mountain Mahogany 4 Field Mint 14 Live stakes are made to order, and are available for Ninebark 5 Fireweed 12 the following species. Please specify your desired Oak 6 Fleabane 13 length when placing your order. The caliper will Ocean Spray 5 Fringecup 15 vary from 1/4" – 1"; we do not grade by caliper size. Oregon Box 5 Ginger 12 Live stakes have the highest success rate in our Oregon Grape 5 Goatsbeard 12 area when planted between October and March. Plum 5 Goldenrod 15 Raspberry 6 Goose Tongue 14 Black Cottonwood 5 Redbud 4 Grasswidow 14 Hooker Willow 6 Rose 6 Grayfeather 14 Pacific Willow 6 Salal 5 Gumweed 13 Red Twig Dogwood 4 Salmonberry 6 Hedge-nettle 15 Sitka Willow 7 Sandcherry 5 Inside-out Flower 16 Serviceberry 4 Iris 13, 14 Snowberry 7 Ironweed 16 Soapberry 7 Joe Pye Weed 13 Spirea 7 Lupine 14 Sumac 6 Milkweed 12 Sweet Gale 5 Monkeyflower 14 Sweetshrub 4 Mugwort 12 Thimbleberry 6 Mule-ears 16 Twinberry 5 Onion 12 Viburnum 7 Oregon Sunshine 13 AQUATICS Willow 6, 7 Oxeye 13 Witchhazel 5 Pearly Everlasting 12 Penstemon 14 Arrowhead 19 Piggyback-Plant 15 Buckbean 19 Plantain 14 Bur-reed 19 Prairie Smoke 13 Cinquefoil 19 Pussytoes 12 Marshlock 19 Ragweed 12 Pond-lily 19 Rosemallow 15 Skunk Cabbage 19 Sea Thrift 12 Speedwell 19 Sedum 15 Veronica 19 Silverweed 12 Wapato 19 Snakeroot 12 Water Plantain 19 Sneezeweed 13 Soapweed 16 Sorrel 14 Spring Gold 14 BULBS, RHIZOMES, TUBERS Stonecrop 15 Strawberry 13 CONIFERS Tickseed 12 Brodiaea 20 Violet 16 Camas 20 Waterleaf 13 Checker Lily 20 Cedar 8 Water Parsley 14 Fool’s Onion 20 Douglas Fir 8 Waterparsnip 15 Fritillary 20 Fir 8 Woolly Sunflower 13 Lily 20 Hemlock 8 Wormwood 12 Mosquito Bills 20 Pine 8 Yarrow 12 Onion 20 Spruce 8 Youth on Age 15 Ookow 20 Yucca 16 Rushlily 20 Shooting Star 20 Triteleia 20 2 for YOUR information Contact Information Grading Terms and Conditions We take care to grade and ship high-quality, healthy Pricing and order payment: Pricing is based on stock NURSERY SALES AND SHIPPING Office,[email protected] plants, true to name and count. Height grades are on hand and is in U.S funds; availability and price measured from the soil line. Transplants are mostly may change without notice. Volume discounts are Angie O'Hare, [email protected] but not always branched and have more developed built into our pricing structure. Prices do NOT in- Georgia Mitchell, [email protected] root systems than seedlings. If you require spe- clude shipping. Non-credit customers or customers cial grading regarding branching or root systems, placing contract growing orders must submit a 25% Shelley Weisberg, [email protected] or quantities other than our standard bundle size, deposit within 10 days of the order being placed. Phone: (360) 592-2250 please ask and we will do our best to meet your The balance is due in full before shipping for all Fax: (888) 506-1236 needs for a small additional charge. non-credit customers; unpaid orders will not be Address: 5652 Sand Rd., Bellingham, WA 98226 shipped and we will not be held liable for deteriora- tion of your plants while we wait for payment.We Plant Availability CONTRACT GROWING & CUSTOM PROPAGATION accept Visa and Master Card. Dylan Levy-Boyd, Bare Root Propagation, Each species listing is accompanied by a graphic [email protected] displaying the months when that plant is generally Minimum orders: Total order $100.00 minimum.
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