Topography of Great Britain Or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory : Being
m^M THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES fs^mm&mm : TOPOGRAPHY OF #reat 3$vitain, BRITISH TRAVELLER'S POCKET DIRECTORY; BEING AN ACCURATE ASD COMPREHENSIVE TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORM A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ, VOL. XX. CONTAINING LANCASHIRE. itotttron Printed, ly Assignment from the Executors of the late C. Cooke, FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-ROW; AUD SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. A TOPOGRAPHICAL AND .STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF IHE COUNTY OF LANCASTER; Containing an Account of its Situation, Mines, Agriculture, Extent, Fislierics, Curiosities, Towns, Manufactures, Antiquities, Rivers, Trade, Natural Lakes, Commerce, History, Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, &c. TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, The Direct and Principal Cross Road*, Distances oj^ Stages, Inns, and Noblemen and Gentlemeti'e Seats: ALSO, A LIST OF THE MARKETS AND FAIRS, And an Index Table, Exhibiting, at One View, the Distances of all the Towns from London, and of Towns from each other : The whole forming A COMPLETE COUNTY ITINERARY. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. lUiistrateil with a MAI' OF THE COUNTY. I'rinled, by Assignment from the ExtcvJors uf On lale C. Cooke, FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOiTLR- ROW. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1^ s2 ^ ^> 5 » ^^ rt^ zn ^ ^"1 2£ S3 ? y o . <1 0) Z > < 2 O a o p « o "" .J <5 -O OJ O M M 3 < o A 3 AN ITINERARY OF TUB DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS LANCASHIRE. In which are included the Stages, Ixns, and Gentlemeiv's Seats.
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