Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-02-21
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On The Inside , The ' Weather 1IIl-'b' doud, &lUI con Sorority Ruahinq Schedule .. , Umaecl cold ....,. with. Paqa 3 oceuioDai 1Irh& mow 27 Game Baseball Card '" . Ouri_ • ..aI, dewI, '" Paqe' aDd Dol Ilaile _ eeId Car ..r ConfarancH at owan t"rida,. Jlirh &ocIa" 3.; ... Paqa 6 loW. 11. Wah WeUncia)", • %I; low, ZL Eat. 1868 - AP Lecued Wire. AP Wirepboto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Thuraday. February 21. 1952 - Vol. 86. No. 99 · n f . Clothing Salesman E, : ~ropean L/,e ,ense New Hero in Capture Senate Group Approves 1 l ' . UMT , . D bl Of Robber SuHon . is aln -' r;~ ~O em NEW YORK (II')-A tall, young I.'M . • clothing salesman with a memory Provides, for 81 [or faces fumed up Wednesday as Bill Plan :. " :" " o' u.n' CI the unsung hero In the capture of ( notorious Wlllie sutton. To Start by' Year's End Of NATO He is 24-year-old Arnold Schus WASHINGTON (II') - Universal military &ralning for 18-year , ter, who tipped ort Brooklyn , olds moved a long stride nearer reality Wednesday. , LISBON, Portugal (IP) - Atlantic Pact ministers met ill Lisbon pOlice Monday that a man he'd By a 12-0 vote, the senate armed 5eI'Vica committee approved a Io ·try to translate "armies on paper into armies in the field." The bill to permit the start of UMT before the end of the year. words were those of Secretary of State Dean Acheson Sutton/s Pal .Captured The correspondlnl house com· the Allied powers "What we have done 'so far mittee earlier had approved 3 unless we finish tbe job." ---'-------~-- NEW YORK (JP)-Pollce Com Today Is Last Day similar measure. and the house Is Acheson's speech keynoted the missioner Georre Monachan Wed scheduJed to begin debate on it nesday announced the caplure of Paying Tuition next Thursday. forl)lal opening of the North At Sen. Rlchard B. Russell (D· Thomas Klin, whom he IdenUfled TodaY is the lul day for SUl labllc Treaty 'Orgallitation coun pal Ga.), chalrman of the senate com as a of bank robber Willie studeDla 10 pay tbelr aeeolld se cil'S ninth meeting, held in the Sulton and one of the nation's 10 mittee, said the senate probably mester donn1tory and tultiOD fees. will delay action on Its bUl until heavily-guarded white marble mOllt wanle4 crlmlnals. The treasurer's orfice In Universi Kltn was des'erlbed u a ...18on the house has acted. parJiameht of Portugal. ty hall wUl be open from I a.m. IIUls An Similar acquslntance of Sutton, who was to noon, and from 1 to 5 p.m. W. Averell Harriman, chairman &elzed In Brooklyn MoDClay. While the bills are similar, there of the temporaty council commit Holders of rrad uate appoint arc some dUferences to be worked t~e, submitted 'a resolution to the menla, usl8tantabJps and 8cholar out II each house passes the legis. noticed on a subway was the ships are Included In those IICbetl. 14,NATO pOwers containing con latlon. elusive, long-sought bank robber. uJed 10 pay. One prO'lislon 01 \he senate bill crete proposals for achievihg a "Don't think I'm crazy," he told Fines ror late payment or fees Is designed 1.0 force an eventua I "maximum of combat-ready for two radio car patrolmen, as he berin on FrIday with $2 added on reduction In the strength of the ces' iii 1952 on a balanced collec pointed out Sutton to lhem. that day. For each additional da)' regular army. navy, aIr lotce and ihere will be a fine of $1. iive basis." Reco.nlzcd Picture marines. , Need Adequate Defense This requires the secretary ot ScJ1Uster recognized the 51- defense to make semi-annual re , Harriman said the plan also year-old Willie from a "wantcd" ductions In the regular armed for picture that hung for months in provides lor "the orderly buildup DooliHle to Investigate Air Crashes Casey links Partner ces as soon lIB 300,000 youths have his father's Brooklyn clothing uf torces toward a ' goal of ade· PRESIDENT TRUMAN EXPLAIN io James It. Doolittle the Joh he wal1l8 the famed flier to do a completeo the required six months store, where young Schuster of basle training and go into tho quale defensive strenllth" llnd for works. ehalrman of a special eonunisslon to make an InvestlgafJoD into air crashes 'and crowd~d alrporls. Doo Of' Cleanup Chief bolstering Europe's social and eco tittle. a retired reneral, led the first Amertrllon raid on Tokyo. Truman said in IOl"minc the commission reserve<!. Police Commissioner George The reductions would be on the nomic structure. Monaghan called off a meeting at thai he has been seriously concerned about alrUne accidents. PII/itzer Prize Willll6r In Surplus Ship Deal basis oC one regular lor every ·T~JC Allies hope to have liO to which Mayor Vincent Impellltteri threc trainees. 60 q!visiohs ready for the force was to have congratulated the WASHINGTON (II') -Joseph E. Reduetlon or Fol'1'e8 ~y the end of 1952. The "adequate three policemen who · captured Casey testified Wednesday a high- Russell estimated this eventu- defensivc strength" Harriman re Author Herbert Aga r Sutton. Hc talked with, Schuster. speed deal, in which h and two ally could lead to a rrouctlon from te~ed to has been set at 100 dlvi· Schuster said the idea of a l'e· Truman Hits' Immunity Refusal I • Criend~ made $450,000 on a $I,OQO a present planned strength ot 3. sioh$. ward didn't enter his mind until WASHINGTON (JP)- President Investment In surplus ships, was 640,000 to 2,006,000. But RusseU Two new members, Greece and To lecture Tonight after the whole thing was over. born In the law oWces of n part· said It probably will be five or Turkey, joined the 12 Western Al There have been reports 01 as Tr'uman said Wednesday a house ncr 01 Newbold Morrls, chief de- six years belore cnou&h reserves lies at the meeting, attended by much as $70,000 on Wlllie's head. grou~'s refusal to give Newbold Show Must Go On, Even in Prison tectIve of President Truman's could be trained to bring about fo'r.elgn, defense and financc min At Memorial Union But police, the FBI and thc Am Morris power to grant immunity PHlLADELPIiIA (IP) - Charles Sheppard is added proof thal the anti-corruptJon drive. such a majo!' reduction. ist~ts. erican Bankers association said Herbert Agar, author, editor to witnesses in investigating gov show must go on. The project was quickly blessed Trainees would receive $30 a ' B~ldes the two new members, and diplomat is scheduled to speak they knew of no rewards. ernment corruption would hamper Shepp~rt:l, who is 30, was named interlocutor for a minstrel show by the old U.S. maritime comlllis- month-less than half the $75 for the council is composed of the at 8 p.m. today in the Iowa Me Monaghan. said his promotion of at the Delaware county pri.-;oll- wllele he was serving a two and a sion, Casey told the senate in- the lowest ranks in the regular the three policemen who had a the in,quiry. Ubited States, Britain, France, morial Union lounge. His topic is half year term for larceny. Rchearsals slal·ted 10 we ks ago. Two vestlgatlon., subcommittee, and military establishment. Portugal, Belgium, the Nether "What Arc We Defending?" direct hand in Sutton's captl1re He told D news conferonce he Crom then on things moved so fast Another provision of the sen- would stand. "1 still think that weeks ago, Sheppard was released from ja11. lands, Luxembourg, Italy, Nor Tickets {or the lecturc arc free, assumed full responsibility for re The prison's rehabilitation director, Andrew W. Reeder. told that "I was puzzied by It, too." ate bill would allow boys between way, Denmark, Canada and Ice these officers did good job ot with tirst choice goIng to stu a commending . such a grant of Sheppard it WilS too lule to rchearse another interlocutor and asked Morrls' Partner in Deal 17 and 18 to volunteer for t1'aln- land. dents. It is expected that tickets police work," Monaghan told newsmen. power to the special "clean-up" him to remain with the show. lIe testified that it was In the ing. Otherwise they do not be spain's Admission Asked will be available to the public to New York oUice of Houston W. como subject lot' induction until inv~sth:ator and the adminlstra So now. Sheppard is reporting 10 !.he prison daily from his home The only disc\lrd~nt note Tues day. Didn't Give Na.me In nearby Dtu'by township. The show will be !liven toduy and Frl Wasson, Morris' partner, that he reaching 18. Agar is best knowJJ as an au lion nas IlO!.htng' to-covC't up. t.luy was sounded when Portu Schuster said he didn't give his day night. for the benefit oi thl! rehubilitation lund. Ilrst learned that sub tantial ---~--- • thor for his 1934 Pulitzer prize guese Foreign Minister Paulo name and drlIted away from the He added that withOut power profits were po Ible. and that a Appraisal Firms to Cunha broke Into his welcoming whmer. "The People's Choice." He Morris would be prevented from decision was made to launch the has written several other books scene before the actual arrest of speech to pll!ad for admission of Sutton. doing !.he bang.up job that both he complicated transaction.