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The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities


The Guardian, January 30, 1980

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1980). The Guardian, January 30, 1980. : Wright State University.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Group asks for $11 million tax to clean up Ohio

OOLUMBUS UP! — A coaKtkm BUT THE group also recom- wide ballot last fall. imposed most heavily on bev- facturers. retailers and other of btubeu sad labor interna mended narrowing the defintioos erage and liquor containers; businesses subject to the tax. today proposed a mdurp on of such products so the tax affects "We feel the definition of candy, gum and tobacco wrap- In addition, said Henry, the business Income taxes. raising only goods which actually pro- litter-stream products is too pers; paper goods; circulars and OPLL is recommending that about 111 miflion • year to food duce litter. brood." said Warren J. Smith, packaging materials; retreaded manufacturers and sellers of government-operated litter clean- Representatives of organized secretary-treasurer of the Ohio tires and takeout food packages. products which cause litter should up programs in Ofaio. labor, retailers and manu- AFL—CIO. representing Oh loans James Henry of the Ohio pay four times the surcharge, or In addltioj. the codltion pro- facturers testified before an Ohio for a Practical Litter Law (OPLL). Council of Retail Merchants, also $120 to $4,000 a year. posed « higher tsi on manu- Senate subcommittee studying an SMITH AND Everett Fuller of representing OPLL. proposed a HE SAID this tax package facturers and retailers which anti-litter alternative to the man- the American Can Co., Green- general surcharge on Ohio's would raise $10 million to $11 make and sell litter-prone datory bottle and can deposit wich, Conn., told the subcom- corporation franchise tax of $30 or > million for cleanup programs. products. proposal defeated on the state- mittee the litter tax should be SI,000 a year for all manu- The Daily Guardian January 30, 198C Issue 57 Volume XVI Wright State University Dayton, Ohio Student Nurses call for one nursing program

•yCAlOL A. HOWELL and Beljan "continue to insist shows the community's need for Nursing and so on. it doesn't look the program was announced GaanBaa Aanociate Writer that no curriculum decisions have the new program. good for the students." without the consultation of been made about the new pro- Beljan's secretary had called Shelton said students are nursing administrators. Torres Student Nursing Organization gram." him and postponed the meeting -aufht in the middle of the also objected to the program of Students (SNOS) held a press Gertrude Torres, former dean till a later date. Shelton said. situation, and they need to be being put under the supervision conference yesterday In the Uni- of the School of Nursing, held that A meeting with Kegerreis can concerned about it because of the of Heaith Affairs. versity Center expressing the what has already been done on be scheduled "as soon as some danger to the school's accredi- Shelton reinforced Torres' view- held by nursing students on the program is enough to threaten thing else happens." Shelton said dation. stand at the conference with the the current controversy in their the school's accreditation. the nursing students had been As for a solution to the problem support of the SNOS association. school. In regards to nursing, Shelton told. Shelton said he wasn't sure there SNOS President Candy Vest Students charged the Uni- said, "the derisions for a pro- WHEN ASKED how the cur- was one at this point. and Shelton, who had been versity administration and the gram to be two plus Iwo to admit rent sitnatirm affects WSU SHELTON SAID that ulti- elected to the position in a special Vice-President for Health Affairs predominantly junior students, to students. Shelton said. "From mately" nursing should be held meeting last week, led the with demonstrating a lack of have a clinical emphasis, end to the different people 1 have talked accountable to nursing and not conference which facultly mem- understanding of the needs of have a philosophy not congruent to. be it the (Ohio State Board necessarily to Health Affairs." bers were encourage to attend. nursing and nursing education. with existing School of Nursing" people. National League for Torres recently resigned after WSU Vice-President for Health shows a lack of understanding on Affairs. John Beljaa, the Board fo the part ot' administration. Trustees, and the University THAT WOULD put the School Ohio committee approves marijuana use President Robert Kegerreis are of Nursing deans and faculty in working on the proposed program "untenable" positions since their which would allow nursing work will be needed in the new students with two and three year program. Shelton said. COLUMBUS UP1 - The Chic administer the four-year experi- relieve pressure on the eyes of associate degrees to finish a "If School of Nursing facultly House Judiciary Committee Wed- mental program through the Ohio glaucoma victims, and to elimi- bachelor of science in nursing were to teach in the new program, nesday approved legislation per- Slate University College of Medi- nate nausea associated with can- degree at Wright StsJe. they would be reporting to two mitting the limited use of mari- cine. cer-killing drugs. The administration has "stated different vice-presidents, and ap- juana un&r strict medical super- Under en amendment added in The lone opponent. Rep. Mat- that the current BSN program's parently teaching under two vision to treat glaucoma and committee a special patient re- thew J. Hafchadoriin. R—May- accreditation will not be jeo- different philosophies," he con- relieve cancer patients of the side view board also could elect to field Village, said he understands pardized by the proposed nursing tinued. effects of chemotherapy. establish the experimental pro- the state can already participate prog.am," said Tom Shelton, Cooperating with the program The Senate-passed measure gram elsewhere in the state. in a federal program for dis- SNOS media representative. would put faculty in a position of was recr nmender! on a 16-1 vote The legislation provides for the pensing the substances and that a He added that the NLN's contributing to the jeopardy of the and sent OP to the Bubs acquisition of marijuana and state program would be duplica- 1 accreditation guidelines state that acrreditation which they hnve Committee for scheduling for a other controlled substances from tive. one baccalaureate program in recently received. floor vote. the National Institute of Drug "There is ,ilso some question nursing should be sufficient fcr SHEITON TOLD the media THE BILL' sponsored bv Sen.. Abuse for use on selected as to whether the federal program undergraduate students in a that he was supposed to have a Jerome Siano. D-Parma. requires patients. is working." said Hatchadorian university. meeting with Beljan Wednesday the state director of health >o THE SUBSTANCES are said to SHELTON SAID that Kegerreis about about evidence Beljan says Thursday

RTA proposes bus service to WSU Weather

Chance of snow flurries today with highs from 15 to 20. Gear By MIKE MILLER on April 18. would force Mont- utilize the system also. tonight and Friday. Lows from five above to five below. Highs Guardian Staff Writer gomery County residents to >iy a "Our taxing routes arc in Friday from 15 to 20. one-half of one percent salts I*' Montgomery County." he com- Wright State may gain across as funding for the project. mented. "but «iu> our routes to another transit system by next Fred Dner. general manager extending beyond the county fall. of the Miami Valley RTA said the oilicis will be able to ride alac. Lectures postponed The Miami Valley Regional new bus route would begin We are only assuming everyone tiding the bus will be Mont- Transit Authority's levy proposal, runnir.g 90 days after the ballot, if The Liberal Arts Lectuie/presentatn hurles Wendeltcn- gomery County residents." which would include bus service it passe* WiMson and Sarah Johnson, schedule, riday, February 1, He said buses wili be running to WSU. is being placed on a Ht said the notes would be 1980, at 12:00 noon, in 141 CAC. has been postponed. It will be special ballot this spring after the expanded to additional areas if to WSU until 10 p.m. Monday rescheduled at a later date. Montgomery Board of Trustees the demand is great enough through Thursday and until 6:10 approved It Tuesday. DYEB SAID that people out- p.m. on Fridays. No weekend THE LEVY, which >*ill be voted side Montgomery County csn bus service wiU be available 2 DAILY GUARDIAN Jsjnary )!, 1M0 'The Runner Stumbles'then falls to the ground

By DEAN LEONARD The picture, now showing at Van Dyke. Gaartilaa EalwdliMil Writer the Dabel, can kindily be called Consider that at one point camp. he's called upon to kiss Quinlan in What did have WHAT WITH its high-school a moment of passion, and then - on hit mind when he made The histrionics, antique cinematic de- inexplicably - he starts to strangle Runner Stumbles? vices. just-plain-silly dialogue, her. followed by another kiss, as Entertainment if nothing had happened. You Could he actually have meant and remarkably inappropriate for ut to take thi* musty score, the whole thing reeks of figure it. melodrama with a straight face? amateur night. As for Miss Quinian. she's a IT IS, after all. a little hard to Based by on his beautiful young woman and a suppress a snicker at the spec- 1976 stage play, the film is set in gifted actress who has had the tacle of Dick Van Dyke trying like a small, turn-of-the-century min- THE MOVIE opens with Van Her carefree ways are quickly misfortune of appearing in hell to look serious as a priest, ing town, where a priest Is about Dyke sitting in the slammer, deemed "radical." clinkers. and Kathleen Quinlan spouting to go on trial for allegedly killing a describing his case to his court- Van Dyke and Quinlan are HERE, SHE'S the victim of her cute aphorisms as a singing nun. nun ».':h whom he'd fallen in appointed lawyer (Beau Bridges, attracted to each other despite vehicle, just as she was last year Kramer has made some fine love. who supplies the picture's only their ideological differences, in the disastrous The Promise. films in the past (The Defiant If that sounds like heavy stuff, credible performance). which make for many a conflict - In the supporting cast. Ones. Ship of Fools, and Guess it isn't. Stitt's scenario purports Kramer unfolds the plot in a ana. as the story builds (rather, Maureen Stapleton, a fine ac- Who 's Coming to dinner among to explore the strictures of Roman series of flashbacks, employing, drones on) they begin to take long tress. is reduced to bug-eyed them), but his latest is an unholy Catholicism, but all we get is a some of the most self-conscious strolls together, and other such frenrv as an illiterate house- mess. whodunit as dopey as it is dull. transitions you're likely to comc taboo ihings. keeper. and Tammy Grimes is ar^jss. reduced to nothing as a frumpy Miss Quinlan plays the nun in CONDOLENCES arc in order townswoman. question, an eihaustingly chippcr for Van Dyke. Proving all too The movie is supposed to young thing who's just arrived at clearly that his forte lies in function as a mystery even more the parish to serve as the new comedy, Van Dyke turns in an than as a melodrama but the school teacher. embarrassing performance. accent is on the suds, and He fails to illuminate his there's no suspense whatever. WHEN SHE'S not eipressing character to any degree - all he NOR IS there any pacing. An her wise and provocative gives us is an irritating enigma. eternity has passed before we thoughts, she's frolicking - and A: times his delivery is so reach the film's ridiculous de- singing - on school grounds with stilted, you hope it's all just a nouement. And if you think the 1 butler doesn't do it anymore, her adoring students (I kept put-on. waiting for her to break into I HASTEN to add, however, think again. i Do-Re-Mi). that not all the blame belongs to It all adds up to travesty time. HOURS PAR I Y M Th 1111 TRAYS F & S 11-12 Troopers to slow speeders Sun 12 10 BALLS DELI STYLE SANDWICHES COLUMBUS UPI — With an THE PROJECT will provide the "The trooper patrolling our increase in Ohio's fatality ac- highway series as a visible ALL MEATS AMD CHEESES AVAILABLE BY THE POUND Highway Patrol with increased cident count, state Highway enforcement hours by putting deterrent against traffic violations We Fraiure: Patrol troopers have resumed troopers on duty on an overtime and it is hard to imagine what our MUMVOtO f HOMEMADE POTATO CHIPS their Project OASIS - Ohioans basis. speed, accident and death rates NEW VOtK CM 11 St CAKE Against Speeding In Our Sttte. "We are starting this year's would be if that officer were not SOfT MINKS CAMOTCAK! Patrol Superintendent .lack OASIS program sooner than there." sai

Make extra money donating piasma! Help wauled apply now 24 openings S6.10 -SI 1.50 per Courteous and competent medical staff and physician on hour on the average. Flexible hours. Call 435-4398 between duty at all times. 12:00 noon w4 3.00 p.m. Buckeye Biological Inc.

128-132 South Ludlow Dayton 223-5779 • Hours: 7:30 am-3:00 pm Mon.-Pri. • Bring this add with you for extra cash! "Bonuses Avateble" Bring I.D. January 31, 1980 DAILY GL AJUMAf 3

Newe (ham an a •ervfee oflerad by Tht Deify Guardian la I im|»l "• tar*aiK1. For further hfiwatlia er submission of Newe Skorta, News SSorta a boa Id be contact Bob Myara, News News Shorts typed, doable-spaced aa editor, a! Thr Daily Guardian, neuncementa of hrtereet to the 046 UC or exteaaloa 2505. University conanalty. Tke Daily Guardian reeen ea tive Sundays at the PE build- Also, New Shorts are pri- the right to edit for etyW and ing on the Wright State Early Muak Group marily tor the aae ef non-profit spare considerations. FRIDAY campus. The program will On Sun . Feb. 3. at 3 p.m.. the Department of Mus,;r of involve skin diving skills, basic Phi Alpha Theta Chlmaera SCUBA skills, buddy breath- WSU will present a recital by The 1980 Ckimaera editorial Liberal Aita Lecture the Early Music Group in the Dayton Philharmonic Or- ing. emergency situation hand There will be short business committee is still accepting ling, and openwater rescue Concert Hall of *he Creative works for the first issue of the chestra Conductor Charles Arts Center. meeting of Phi Alpha Theta. Wendelken-Wilson will be the skills. There will also be the History honors society, to magazine to be published this classroom sessions for review Two members of the Early year. guest speaker when Wrigh! Music Group are on the Music plan activities for the Winter and discussion of current All works of fiction and State University's Liberal Arts Faculty at Wright State Uni- Term. The meeting will be on SCU8A diving theory. The poetry, as well as research and lecture series presents "Gus- versity. Wednesday. Feb. 6. at 3:oo tav Mahlar in Song and FRfcc Pefresher Clinic is open p.m.. in the History Depart- opinion papers submitted by .Symphony." at noon on Fri- to any nationally certified ment Conference Room any Wright State undergrad- diver beginning Sun., Feb. 3 uate student will be very much day, February 1, in room 141 Volunteers Needed (W40l A Millett Hall). Anyone from I p.m. to 4 p.m. Some appreciated and carefully con- of the Creative Arts Center on The grey gloomies are here, interested in joining Phi Alpha equipment is available, on a sidered by the committee. the WSU main campus. Free the winter months leave most Theta is invited. Requirements reservation basis, at a nominal 1 If you have questions, con- and open to the public, the of us suffering from the are: ( ) minimum of 21 quarter fee of SI per week. tact the editor. Martha Scholl lecture and recital presenta- dreaded "cabin fever." For hours in History; (2) a GPA in Interested divers are en- (mailbox K384) or stop by the tion will feature singing by some folks in our community History of 3.4 or better. So couraged to contact the in- Honors Office (163 Millett). Sarah Johnson of WSU's mu- cabin fever is a way of life. long as you have taken at least structor of the WSU SCUBA With your help the up- sic department, accompanied Many older people are unable 21 quarter hours in the sub- Program. Dan Orr, for regist- coming issue of Chimaera will by Wendelken-Wilson. More to venture out only in the ject. you need not be a History ration information. Call 873- be the most interesting and information about this event is winter but year round. They major to join. More informa- 3223 or 873-2402. informative one to date. available by calling 873-2145. are lonely and isolated. They tion can be had from Martin need to hear a voice other than Abagi. W4II Millett Hall, Student ID Carda Scholarship Deadline Typing Lab Scheduled their own. or to see smiling extension 2909. February 1 st is the deadline face. Student ID cards have been placed in the student mailbox- for filing applications for in- The College of Education is If you can spare a few hours Omega Psl Phi es in Allyn Hall Lounge. All coming student scholarships to offering a typing lab this a month you can be a friend to Wright State University. A a homebound or disabled new students Winter Quarter winter in 341 Millett. Times Omega Psi Phi Fraternity wide variety of opportunities person. Better still, they can should have received the cards are: Inc. will present a formal Rush arc available to new students be a friend to you. Cabin fever The card must be used in Monday - 8:00-10:00, 3:00- for all interested person. The who have demonstrated aca- can be cuied. conjunction with the student 4:45. meeting will be held Feb. 5. demic excellence, creative abi- Call Volunteer Services Pro- validation card. Tuesday - 9:00-11:00. 2:10- 1980 from 7:30-8:30 in room lity and involvement in extra- gram—Montgomery County Any question regarding the 4:45. 155C of the University Center. curricular activities. Available Wednesday - 3:00-4:10. Welfare Department, 224-911^. card should be referred to Admissions Records. 124 Stu- scholarships range from WOO Thursday - 9:00-11:00. 2:10- ext. 3%. Ask for the Friendly dent Services. to $800 per year. 4:45. Visitors Program. Some of the scholarships Friday - Closed. available include those for Ohio Academic Scholars. Na- tional Merit Finalists. Honors Scholarships. Chemistry Scho- lishenlt} Division WORK STUDY STUDENTS: larships. Dr. William H. Sells Spring Quarter early regist- and Family Memorial Scholar- ration for University Division ships. University Scholarships students ONLY will begin on and Creative Talent Scholar- February 4. Stop by the ships. University Division in room Do you have 8 hours left over each Further information and ap- 131 Student Services or call plication forms are available 873-2945 to make an appoint- by calling Misry Winchell at ment with your academic week after working your regular the WSU financial aid office, adviser. Advisers will .Have 873-2321. advance versions of the the Spring schedule available on on-campus job? If so, and if you have this date. WEEKEND access to a car, apply at The Daily Winter Interpersonal Saint OUT Choir Communication Lab The Wright State University Having problems communi- Guardian, 046 University Center, for Artist Series presents the cating? The Student Develop- Saint Olaf Choir on Saturday. ment Winter Lab will focus on February 2. at 8 p.m.. at the iterpersonal communication the position of Circulation Manager. Victory Theatre in downtown with plenty c4 excrcises and Davton. Under the direction of small group attivities to prac- Kenneth Jennings, the choir tice or r?m-w these skills. It's approximately 4 hours work has a rich tradition of "a Topics covered will include cappella" singing and per- self-disclosure. risk-tdung. formance of choral literature. feedback, assertivenss train- each week at twice the hourly pay. The choir has made annual ing. and stress management lours since 1912 and har, Cost for the t»b is only $20. performed at prominent music which includes a weekend of festivals all over the world. good food, lodging, and trans For tickets and information, portation to scenic PUgriro call the WSU Hollow Tree Box Hills Camp. Scholarships will Office at 873-2900. also be awirded according to The Daily Guardian also needs a work- need and meri'. 1980 Scuba Refresher Clink Open to all Wright State HPS Program students, the lab will be held study copy editor. You must be In the interest of safe Feb. 22-24. The deadline for diving, the HPR Program at registration is Feb. 15. Appli- WSU announces its 1980 cations can be obtained ai the available 10 to 20 hours a week. FREE SCUBA Refresher Clin- Studept Development Office ic. The 3rd Annual clinic will Allyn Oe conducted oyer 4 consecu- 4 DAILY GUAKMAN immmy 31,MM Welch knows the secret for winning basketball

"MY SHOTS are beginning to Roman played hit high school either dancing, playing racquet- %j CHUCK AIBAUGH feel better when I release them." ball at South Plantation High in ball. or just "sitting around my G«u41an Sports Writer he commented, "Lately, people Ft. Lauderdale. apartment, and listening to my have been trying to keep the ball music." Junior forward Roman Welch away from me on defense. HE PROVED his versatility as Being such a fine one-on-one knows the secret ingredient to "But in the last couple of an athlete by competing and player himself, it is only natural enable the men's basketball team games. I've had the shot oppor- excelling in three different sports: that Welch mentioned the names to continue their winning ways tunities. and my touch is coming football, basketball, and track. of Julius "Dr. J" Erving. David this seascn. back." Having such an eitensive back- Thompson, and Kareem Abdul- But for a change, the secret Welch, although he didn't play ground in athletics and recrea- Jabbar as his favorite pro ath- does not concern rebounding, organized ball until the tenth tional activities, it is only natural letes. team ploy, or tetter shooting. grade, got interested in playing that Welch would shape his Welch views the sky as the basketball at a very young age future arvund athletics. limit concerning the Raider's "THE KEY to our continued while living in Fort Lauderdale. Roman, a Physical Education post-season hopes this season. success lies in our pre-game Florida. major, hopes to teach P. E. on the "THIS TEAM is so much meals." said Welch. "We won't high school level in the near different from the junior college lose another game this year if our "WHEN I was in elementary future. team that I piayed on." Welch pre-game meals improve ill the school, in the sixth grade." he said. "On that team, we only had overall that I don't see us having future." said. "I lived right across the WELCH ENJOYS spending one or two quality players. to lose any more games this Welch is a very easy-going, street from a park. I would play what little leisure time he has "This ball club is so talented year." joviai type of person off of the basketball there after school and court. But when he's on the court. on weekends." Welch is ail business. "It was playing there where 1 Roman is just returning to the met Rayfteld Henderson. He was brilliant form he was in before the one of the men involved in the holiday break, when he was the part league, and he realty taught leading scorer on an unbeaten me a lot about the game. I owe Racquetball tournament set, ball club. just about everything to him." I B S. TAX SERVICES Whales to meet February 4 1206 A 1208 N. Main Davton. Ohio 45405 Smb. Onb Meeting versity 2 building I rgirning Feb. 4. CERTIFIED & BONDED 2««>09 The Wright Whales will be Tournament winners will be groups. TAX REFUND! TAX REFUND! holding their next meeting on awarded T-shirts. Entry deadline Man., Feb. 4 in room 173 is Friday. Jan. 25; no entry fee CLAIM IT NOW! Millett between 7 and 9 p.m. You may be getting money from the government if we help you is ni:4. advantage of all good deductions. We are nationally recogniied The Co-Rec Rarqweiball Dou- later than two daya to adraaco, and bonded to prepare taies. We guarantee our services - Cafl bles Tournament, using a single News akarvs are pafcfcbsil and «WH tothdo mty pottl- 224-0009 or vlalt oar offices. If yeu so choose, bring your W-J form elimination process, will be held every Tneaday and Itantfay to our branch offices in any Goldman'*, stores in the Dayton area. Mondays through Thursdays by Tht Daily GmmnUam aa a For only S7.00 we will prepare your federal income tax (short from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the P.E. service to Wright Stole Uni- form), and you receive and keep all the REFUND! Hurry in and Reminder: this Sat beat the crowd! W© US6 VICTORYTHEATRE COMPUTERS to firgure out your Taxes 8pm CALL NOW The St. 224-0009 Olaf Choir tickets at873-2900 t ELISANDRO'S 1874 So. Maple or at the door HAIR DESIGNERS Fairbons. OH 45324 Mon-Sa:. Sun. Presented by the 878-6767 8 am-10 pm 10 am-5 pm WSU Artist Series

specializing in: rrs YOUR MOVE ... cuts...penn3„..weavir« tints If you're interested in a com- pany that spent more than a billion fashion dollars last year in the exciting field of ladies and girls fashions. rrs YOUR MOVE ... If you wanl to grow with K mart Apparel, expanding your career with America's largest discounter v.jth de- partments in owr 1S00 K mart Stores nationwide For more information, see our brochures, and review our ad in 1980 College Placement Annual. U FLORIST® If you think this is a good Without your help, we can't afford to winmov e tor your future, let's talk 1876 S. Maple St. about it. 879-1800 Make check payable to U S. Olympic Committee. Fairborn, Ohio 45324 PO St** 1980-P. Cathedral Station. Boston. MA 02118 CONTACT *r Wade Gowns, veils, shoes, inviations, Name mother of the bride gowns, WHO WILL BE ON CAMPUS accesories, gifts, floral shop Address Fob, 8, BBoj City 78-7304 COUPON COUPON State Zip MLmcrt APPAREL CORP 10% 10% Please send me the symbol of support checked below ELISANDRO'S FAIR BRIDAL contribution H Stickpin ($10* O Tote Bag (525) • Oesk Spinne- An Equal Opportunity Cmployi-r Expires 2-T-80 Expires 2- is enclosed Pe>Tl*n; ($?5) • ViscrCap(J25) ($50) cwgm i»r» *>" COr.lnftolO" * Ua HMKtiM