Of the European Communities 19 July 1985

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Of the European Communities 19 July 1985 ISSN 0378 - 6978 Official Journal L 187 Volume 28 of the European Communities 19 July 1985 English edition Legislation Contents I Acts whose publication is obligatory II Acts whose publication is not obligatory Council 85 / 350/ EEC : Council Directive of 27 June 1985 concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Directive 75 /268/EEC (Ireland ) 1 2 Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period . The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk. 19 . 7 . 85 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 187 / 1 II (Acts whose publication is not obligatory) COUNCIL COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 27 June 1985 concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Directive 75 / 268 / EEC ( Ireland ) ( 85 / 350 / EEC ) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES , Whereas , pursuant to Article 2 ( 1 ) of Directive 75 / 268 / EEC , the Government of Ireland , has informed the Commission that it wishes a number of areas to be included Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European in the Community list of less-favoured farming areas ; Economic Community , whereas it has supplied information concerning the characteristics of the areas in question ; Having regard to Council Directive 75 / 268 / EEC of 28 April Whereas the following criteria of the presence of infertile 1975 on mountain and hill farming and farming in certain land , as referred to in Article 3 ( 4 ) (<i ) of Directive less-favoured areas ('), as last amended by Directive 75 / 268 / EEC , were used to define each of the zones in 82 / 786 / EEC ( 2 ), and in particular Article 2 ( 2 ) thereof , question : percentage of ploughed area less than 7,8 % and a stocking rate of less than one adult bovine livestock unit per forage hectare ; Having regard to the proposal from the Commission , Whereas the concept of economic results of farming Having regard to the opinion of the European appreciably below average , as referred to in Article 3 ( 4 ) ( b ) Parliament ( 3 ), of Directive 75 / 268 / EEC , was defined in terms of family farm income per male farm worker not exceeding 80 % of the national average ; Whereas C ouncil Directive 75 / 272 / EEC of 28 April 1975 concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming Whereas low population density , as referred to in Article areas within the meaning of Directive 75 / 268 / EEC 3 ( 4 ) ( c ) of Directive 75 / 268 /EEC , was defined as not more ( Ireland ) ( 4 ), indicates which areas in Ireland are included in than 27 inhabitants per square kilometre ( national and the Community list within the meaning of Article 3 ( 4 ) of Community averages being 49 and 163 inhabitants per Directive 75 / 26 8 / EEC ; square kilometre respectively); whereas the minimum percentage of the total working population engaged in agriculture is 30% ; Whereas , pursuant to Article 2 ( 1 ) of Directive 75 / 268 / EEC , the Government of Ireland has requested an Whereas the type and level of the abovementioned criteria extension , via a redefinition , of its less-favoured areas ; used by the Government of Ireland to define the areas whereas Directive 75 / 272 / EEC should therefore be communicated to the Commission comply with the replaced by this Directive ; characteristics of less-favoured farming areas referred to in Article 3 ( 4 ) of Directive 75 / 268 / EEC ; (») OJ No L 128 , 19 . 5 . 1975 , p . 1 . ( 2 ) OJ No L 327 , 24 . 11 . 1982 , p . 19 . Whereas the areas adjacent to and contiguous with the ( 3 ) OJ No C 175 , 15 . 7 . 1985 . Western Region should form part of the Western Region ( 4 ) OJ No L 128 , 19 . 5 . 1975 , p . 68 . within the meaning of this Directive , No L 187 / 2 Official Journal of the European Communities 19 . 7 . 85 HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE : Article 3 Article 1 This Directive is addressed to Ireland . The areas of Ireland listed in the Annex hereto shall be included in the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Article 3 ( 4 ) of Directive 75 / 26 8 / EEC . Done at Luxembourg, 27 June 1985 . For the Council Article 2 The President Directive 75 / 272 / EEC is hereby repealed . A. BIONDI 19 . 7 . 85 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 187 / 3 BILAG - ANHANG - ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ - ANNEX - ANNEXE - ALLEGATO - BIJLAGE LESS-FAVOURED AREAS WITHIN THE MEANING OF ARTICLE 3 ( 4 ) OF DIRECTIVE No 75 / 268 / EEC 1 . The Western Region All of the counties of Donegal , Cavan , Monaghan , Sligo , Mayo , Galway , Leitrim , Roscommon , Longford , Clare and Kerry and that area of County Cork comprising the former Rural Districts of Bantry, Castletown , Schull and Skibbereen and the District Electoral Divisions of Aultagh , Bealanagarry , Bealock , Carrighoy , Coolmountain , Dunmanway North , Garrown and Milane in the Rural District of Dunmanway . The District Electoral Divisions of Clonfert East and Clonfert West , Kilmeen , Knockatooan , Rowls and Williamstown in the Rural District of Kanturk . Bealanageary , Candroma , Cleanrath , Clondrohid , Derryfineen , Gortnatubbrid , Inchigeelagh, Kilberrihert , Kilnam artery , Rahalisk , Slievereagh and Ullanes in the Rural District of Macroom . The District Electoral Divisions of Caherbarnagh , Coomlogane and Drishane in the Rural District of Millstreet . The District Electoral Divisions of Barnacurra , Glenlara and Meens in the Rural District of Kanturk . District Electoral Count } Townlands Division Cork Doonasleen Ummeraboy West Ummeraboy East Islandbrack Urraghilmore West Urraghilmore East Doonasleen South Doonasleen North Doonasleen East Loumanagh North Loumanagh South Knocknagree All townlands Ballyhoolahan Gortearagh Killaseragh Knockmanagh Boherboy Acres Gortateeboy Knockiagh Baunaneel - Glantanmacarthy Rea-Allen Knocknacurragh lslanday Urraghil Beg Tooreenavuscaun Knockeenacurrig East Knockeenacurrig West Dromskarragh Beg Dromskarragh More Kippagh Crinaloo Beenragh Carragraigue Carrigduff Crinaloo South Brookpark No L 187 / 4 Official Journal of the European Communities 19 . 7 . 85 District Electoral County " Townlands Division C<>rk Kilcorney Firinanfieid (cont'd ) Horsemount Mountain i Horsemount South Mushera Derragh Derragh Knocknageeha North Knocknageeha V est Lisheenafeela Cullen Glantane Beg Glantane More Knockduff Lower Knockeenadallane Knocknashannajh Lisnaboy Lower Lisnaboy Upper Meenagloghrane Knockeenagearagh Newmarket Mountkeeffe Barleyhill Meenroe Knockskehy Knockskavane Gooseberryhill Clashroe Meeneeshal Barleyhill Knockduff Lower Knockduff Uppe r Tuilylease Cahernagh ( Leh nd ) Knockawillin Knockearagh Dromore Glandine Beenalaught Illl Boola Beennamwell East IIIl Beenamwell West Ballyboght Knockavaddra \\ Glanoge II Shanavoher Knockdrislagh Kilshannig Gneeves Gleannaharee East li Gleannaharee West Caherveelane Glennaknockane Esk South Tincoora Charlesfield Nadd Glentaneatnagh North Glentaneatnagh South Inchamav North Inchamay South Knock Nadanuller Beg Mountrivers Annagannihy Glenaglogh North Knocknagoun 19 . 7 . 85 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 187 / 5 District Electoral County Townlands Division Cork Manch Acres (cont'd) Dromerk \ Gortnamucklagh ||ll Gorteenasowna Knockduff Cahermore Carrigagrenare I \ Carrigfadda I Maulatanvalky l Derry Barleyhill West l | Benduff II \ Cregg I Rouryglen I l Killeenleagh II II Keamnabricka I Reavilleen l Drinagh Currabwee l II Drinagh West I Kippagh ll Ballingurteen Tullyglass l Il Ballingurteen I Il Farlehanes II II Knockawadra I Milleenagun I All islands off the coasts of Counties Donegal , Sligo , Mayo , Galway , Clare , Kerry and West Cork . Parts of County Limerick , comprising : ( a ) the District Electoral Divisions of Kilfergus and Kilmoylan in the Rural District of Glin ( b ) the District Electoral Divisions of Abbeyfeale , Caher , Dromtrasna , Templeglental , Glenagower , Glensharrold , Mountcollins , Port , Rathronan and Rooskagh in the Rural District of Newcastle ( c ) the District Electoral Divisions of Dunmoylan West , Mohernagh in Rathkeale Rural District ( d ) Doon West and Glenstal in Limerick No 1 Rural District together with Bilboa in Tipperary No 2 Rural District . No L 187 / 6 Official Journal of the European Communities 19 . 7 . 85 I District Electoral I County Townlands Division I imerick Ardagh Glenstar Kerrikule Dunmoylan East Glendiheen Garryduff Sugarhill Glennagowan Garryduff Monagay Glendarragh Ballymurragh East Rathcahill East Lissurland Glenmore East Glenmore West Glenquin Glengort All townlands Gleanglass Cleanglass North Cleanglass South Gortnaclohy Mauricetown l Tooreennagreana Ballintober Ballagh Mount Plummer Banemore \ Glenduff l Dromdeeveen Mountplummer Boola All townlands Doon South Doon South Doon North Lisowen Il Cooga Upper II Cooga Lower II Dark Island II Gortavalla North Il Gortavalla South Il Gortavalla East || Pullagh Il Castlegarde I Clogher Gortmanna \ Gortnagarde Knocknacarriga Ballycoshown Cappamore Farnanefranklin l Cappamore \ \ Gortn a scarry \ Turagh Dromsallagh Dromcluher Abington Mongfune Moher | Liscreagh Ballyvorheen Gortavacoosh I Knockaneery || Cappanouk Rathwood 19 . 7 . 85 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 187 / 7 District Electoral County Townlands Division Limerick Clonkeen Annagh (cont'd) Coolbreedeen Clonloughna Knocknagorteeny Farnane Ardagh All townlands Meath Carrickleck Boynaghbought Aghaloaghan Ballynalurgan Carrickleck Cordooey Cornacarrow Ervcy Lislea Raloaghan Corrakeeran Boynagh Kilmainham
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