University of Southern California Tailgater Trivia!

1. Since 2008, the Trojans have averaged more than (how many) yards per play each season?

2. How many times has USC gone to the Rose Bowl?

3. How many times has USC won the Rose Bowl?

4. True or False? USC is the only school in the FBS to never have had nameplates.

5. How many former Trojans have won the MVP Award?

6. Who are the former Trojans who have won the Super Bowl MVP Award?

7. Who was the first player from USC to receive the All-American?

8. When Reggie Bush played at USC, he had a nickname. What was his nickname?

9. In the early 2000s, USC had a streak of consecutive seasons of winning the Pac-10 football title. How many seasons was the streak?

10. In 2006, the Trojans had a winning streak of how many games?

11. What college defeated USC in 2006, ruining their incredible winning streak?

12. In the rivalry game of USC against UCLA, what does the winner take possession of?

13. In order for USC to retire a jersey number, a player must have done what?

14. In what year did a Trojan return three punts for a ?

Bonus! To a USC fan, what is the perfect day?

University of Southern California Trivia Answers!

1. 6 yards 2. 33 times 3. 24 times 4. True 5. Three former players 6. Malcolm Smith, Lynn Swann, 7. Brice Taylor 8. The President 9. Six Seasons 10. 27 games 11. Oregon State 12. The Victory Bell 13. Win the Heisman 14. 1952 15. Bonus: When USC wins and both UCLA and Norte Dame lose.