
The Byword

A Village Magazine for Byfield

February/March 2020

Magazine and Parish Information A magazine published by Holy Cross Church, Byfield, for all the residents in the village. The magazines are issued in February, April, June, August, October and December. Contributions are always welcome: copy to the Editor by the first Sunday of the preceding month, please.

Editor: Miss Pam Hicks ([email protected]) Tel: 261257 Advertising: Mrs Lyn Grennan, 35 The Twistle Tel: 261596 Distribution: Mrs Lyn Grennan, 35 The Twistle Tel: 261596

Parish Church of Holy Cross: Rector Revd. Stevie Cross Tel: 260204 Associate Priest: Revd. Geoff Moore Tel: 264927 Lay Reader Mrs Lesley Palmer Tel: 264374 Churchwardens: Mrs Chris Cross, 28 Bell Lane Tel: 260764 Mrs Lyn Grennan, 35 The Twistle Tel: 261596

Hon. Treasurer: Miss Pam Hicks, 1 Edwards Close Tel: 261257 Deputy Treasurer: Mrs Diana Charters Tel: 261725 Services: Details on back cover. Baptisms, Banns, Marriages, Funerals: Contact Revd. Stevie Cross as above Choir Practice: Wednesdays at 7.00pm. Organist: Choir Mistress: Mrs Alison Buck ([email protected]) Tel: 260977 Bell ringing Practice: Fridays at 7.30pm. Tower Captain: Mr James Grennan Tel: 261596 Methodist Church: Minister: Revd. Lin Francis ([email protected]) Tel: 01295 262602

R.C. Church of the Sacred Heart, Main Street, : Parish Priest: Father James Evans, The Presbytery, Aston le Walls Tel: 01295 660592

Stagecoach () 01865 772250 TRANSCO Gas 0800 111 999 Useful Telephone Numbers Anglian Water 0800 771 881 Byfield Medical Centre 01327 265841 Thames Water (sewers) 0845 9200 800 Urgent medical concerns 24/7 111 Environment Agency Floodline 0845 9881188 Rural Wheels 01327 263627/260878 Powergen (general) 08455 191523 Byfield School 01327 260349 (emergencies) 0800 056 8090 Byfield Nursery 01327 264230 E.ON 0904 545 0286 District Council 01327 871100 Western Power 0800 6783 105 Or www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ Samaritans – free national 116123 Daventry Library 0300 1261000 Samaritans – Banbury 01295 270000 Police (non-emergency) 03000 111222 Fire Headquarters 01604 797000 To report an abandoned vehicle: Ambulance Headquarters 01604 230555 Call ELVIS on 08456 121 999 Horton Hospital 01295 275500 N’pton Gen Hospital 01604 634700 Northants County Council 0300 126 1000 Danetre Hospital 01327 708800 Rugby Hospital 01788 572831


We’ve enjoyed our Café & Co Sunday afternoons since October, with our rotating band of ‘Helping Hands’ available to fix your IT issues, do some small mending or even wrap your Christmas Pressies! If you’re free the last Sunday of the month between 2 & 4pm, why not pop in for free tea & cake and find out what’s going on?

We’re happy to connect neighbours who can help each other out as circumstances change, temporarily or as needed:

Following a brief medical mishap, *Ava found her recovery could be made much easier with a couple of bits of equipment, but she didn’t want to invest in them permanently, as she was on the mend. We were pleased to be asked to find a Good Neighbour who had several items that Ava could use for a few weeks, such as a frame to help steady her as she got out of bed. Ava says, “it’s been a real help, and I haven’t had to waste money on something I only needed for a short while! I have some other items that the Good Neighbours might be able to offer someone else when they need them, so I feel that I can support the Good Neighbours & other villagers, as well as knowing where to turn in the future if I need a bit of help” * Not her real name

Why not speak to Good Neighbours if you have something useful that one of your neighbours might find helpful for a short period? Or, if you are getting rid of a perfectly useful bit of kit, perhaps one of your neighbours could benefit from it, rather than the tip! We will always keep your information securely, and all our volunteers are checked, so you know you can trust every official Good Neighbour you meet.

Don’t forget !!

Byfield Good Neighbours can offer you regular friendly contact– call us to arrange a helping hand if: • You’d like to join in a Byfield activity or attend an event but want a bit of company to begin with. • The dark nights mean you can’t get to your favourite activity. • You could be a Good Neighbour by having a regular chat – in person or on the phone – with one of your neighbours.

Last Sunday of the month, 2-4pm in the Village Hall Feb 23rd Mar 29th


Join hundreds of residents lowering their energy bills

People are being urged to sign-up for the Big Switch to help ensure they are on the best deal for their gas and electricity this winter.

Around 90% of residents who signed up to the last scheme in the autumn were offered a better energy deal, providing the opportunity to make savings of about £240 per year on average. The winter auction process has now launched and Daventry District residents are urged to sign-up before registration closes on 10th February. Everyone who signs-up before the deadline will be entered into a national collective, with energy companies then invited to bid for their custom in an auction.

Because the auction is an opportunity for energy companies to secure thousands of customers in one go, the deals they offer in a bid to win that auction are often better than those advertised to the general public. The sign-up process is quick and easy, with just an annual bill or indication of annual energy usage required.

Following the end of the registration period, everyone who signed up will be sent an offer indicating any savings they could make. There is no obligation to accept that offer and no fees or charges involved, whether people decide to switch or not. People who switched providers through last winter’s auction are particularly encouraged to register again, as their fixed-term contract will be coming to an end and this is an opportunity to secure another good deal through the scheme.

Big Switch Daventry District is a joint effort between Daventry District Council (DDC) and its switching partner iChoosr.

People are urged to sign up by visiting www.daventrydc.gov.uk/bigswitch or phoning 01327 871100.

For further information please contact: Ian O’Pray, Media Officer at Daventry District Council, on 01327 302310 or email [email protected]



The Parish Council has its own website www.byfieldparishcouncil.org.uk/ where all agendas, minutes and useful documents can be seen. The Parish Council normally meets on the second Thursday of the month in the meeting room of the village hall starting at 1930 hrs. Members of the press and public are always welcome to attend.

Chairman’s Report

The many displays of trees and lights around the village looked lovely this year, thanks to everyone who makes such special efforts to brighten our community. Just before Christmas a number of Parish Councillors were joined by all classes from the School to plant bulbs around the attenuation pond at the top of Clock Meadow, the children also did a litter pick and later a small march around the village to protest about climate change. (It’s all go in Byfield).


The Parish Council is grateful to villagers who trim grass, plant shrubs or otherwise maintain public areas near their property, it is a neighbourly thing to do. No one should place themselves at any risk doing this and of course it does not create any exclusive rights of access or ownership to a piece of land.

Heavy rain saw the car park by the Scout HQ and Pavilion flooded and more distressingly the Scout building itself under water again. Many came and helped and the Parish Council will look at what can be done to prevent this in the future.

Pocket Park and New Wood

The Working Party continues to do sterling work, they meet monthly and anybody is welcome to join on an informal basis. Each month we have a working party in Pocket Park. Recent activities have included wild flower seed sowing, bulb planting, and clearing of brambles. We usually meet on the third Thursday of the month, but will be having a break in January, as the weather is usually against us. Hopefully you can still come along when we start again, it’s friendly, informal and no specials skills or knowledge is required, Tools can be provided, gloves are a good idea. We meet at 10.00 am at the Burial ground off the Farndon Road with coffee and cake provided and work for around about two hours, or whatever time you feel comfortable with. If you would like to get involved please contact Cllr Boddington for more information [email protected]

Speeding Traffic / Speed Watch

The Speed Indicator Devices will continue to monitor vehicle movements and speeds and provide useful supporting evidence for road safety measures. The police will continue to monitor and prosecute offenders on two sites in the village and the community team will be out again in the spring when the equipment is available.



If you are interested in renting an allotment please contact the clerk [email protected] Byfield Parishioners have priority on the waiting list.


We continue to monitor the local footpaths and to engage with the landowners (who have responsibility for things like gates and stiles). Please report any problems to the clerk and follow the country code by cleaning up after your dog.

Just before Christmas we were appalled to see that a parcel delivery vehicle tried to drive up the footpath to the western side of Clock Meadow causing a lot of unnecessary damage to the ground and distress to the residents. Again, the Parish Council will look to see what can be done to avoid a repetition.

Lights and Utilities

A number of new LED lights have been installed around the village and the PC will gradually extend these to all areas. Cllr Davis is the first point of call for any faulty light in the village: email [email protected].

Burial Ground

Families and friends of those interred are politely reminded of the rules around items left on graves. Christmas wreaths will be removed at the end of January, if families or friends do this, please, do not put them in the compost bins – they should go as general waste since many of the constituent parts will not decompose.

HS2 Has Money Please remember that there are substantial grants available from HS2 to support local groups, events, clubs and organsiations. Please don’t be shy, we will endure much during the construction so a grant may make some small recompense for the inconvenience.

Social Media

Thanks for everyone who has liked or followed our Byfield Parish Council Facebook page (@byfieldparishcouncil). We now have over 130 followers (and growing!), and this is proving to be a valuable communication channel between the Parish Council and the local community we are serving, letting you know what we're doing and also listening to your comments and feedback. Please continue to like and share! And of course, we also have our own website www.byfield-pc.gov.uk

Planning At the time of writing the planning application for a new medical centre and housing remains under consideration by Daventry District Council. A decision is due at a Planning Committee meeting on 15th January so the outcome is now known. (i.e. that the decision has been deferred). The 6

Parish Council remains very conscious that this is a major development for Byfield and it is vitally important that we continue to take an overview to ensure that any planning permission produces the best possible outcome for everyone in the parish. In particular, those who are directly affected by the extra traffic and all those pedestrians, parents with buggies and others with mobility impairments who must continue to use the Fiveways junction.

All other planning applications, parish council comments and the record of decisions can be found in the Parish Council minutes on our website. Items of interest recently include:

• Remove 1.2m long section of driveway wall and remove gates – Banbury Lane

• Single storey rear extension including two new ground floor windows and first floor velux windows – Potters End

• Siting of detached summerhouse to rear garden for use for beauty treatments – Lovett Road

If you are considering making a planning application in order to extend or improve your property you might find it helpful to contact the planning office at Daventry District Council. The advice they give could save time and help to ensure that your application proceeds as quickly as possible. It is also helpful to inform your neighbours of your plans so that if they have any concerns, these can be discussed.

Brightwell Recreation Ground

The Brightwell has seen much use this year. This facility is used by many villagers and also those from other communities who drive here to exercise their dogs or bring their children to play on the equipment or take part in one of the many activities that Byfield hosts including scouts, guides, football and cricket. The Brightwell Recreation Ground Association and Parish Council are proud of this area and continue to work for improvements to benefit everyone.

John Gillic - Chair - Byfield Parish Council

Clerk to the Council – Mrs Angela Weller, 18 Church Street, Byfield, Daventry NN11 6XN Tel 01327 260022 e-mail – [email protected] or [email protected] Website - www.byfield-pc.gov.uk ______COUNCILLORS


John Gillic 01327 262917 Council CHAIRMAN 28 Banbury Lane [email protected] Burial Ground Closed churchyard Village hall trustee


Sally Boddington 01327 263745 Pocket Park 31 Bell Lane [email protected] Allotments Environment

Michael Buckley 01327 262628 Website 4 Farebrother Close [email protected] Risk Assessment Charities trustee Lindsay Clark not available 39 Lovett Road [email protected] Rights of Way Allotments co-ordinator

Santon Crowshaw not available Highways High Street [email protected] Planning

Christl Davis 01327 261504 Council Property 20 Westhorpe Lane [email protected] Street lights Charities trustee

Barbara Ridyard 01327 612482 Playground The Old Chapel [email protected] Trees The Green

Simon Shepherd 01327 262177 General maintenance 19 The Twistle [email protected]

Mike Taylor not available Communicating with Church Street [email protected] parishioners Recreation Ground

District Councillor - Rupert Frost, The Hall, Manor Road, Staverton NN11 Tel: 01327 700198 e-mail [email protected]

County Councillor - Robin Brown, Leadership Support, NCC, County Hall, Northampton, NN1 1AT Tel 01604 367 813 rwbrown@.gov.uk

Meeting dates 2020

February Thursday 13th Full Council Thursday 27th (Planning)

March Thursday 12th Full Council Thursday 26th (Planning) + Annual Parish Meeting.

April Thursday 9th Full Council Easter weekend 10th-13th April Thursday 23rd (Planning)

May Thursday 14th Full Council incl Annual Meeting Thursday 28th (Planning)


Letter from the Rectory When you read this, we will sadly have said goodbye to Rev. Geoff Moore and his wife Sue. They have been part of this benefice for 9 years and many of you will have got to know them. Geoff is retiring and they are moving back to Deanshanger where I am sure he will find plenty to do. It has been good to work alongside Geoff in this Benefice and he has done a lot of work especially in with the church and school. He will be missed and we all wish them well in this new phase of life. Some of you will have heard that I too am retiring later this year. No date has been agreed yet with the Bishop. Thank you for making my last Christmas so much fun and I will be walking with you on the journey through Lent to Easter and beyond. Time passes so quickly; it doesn’t seem 20 years since I watched a very young choir boy set fire to his service sheet at the Midnight Millennium service. I cannot exist without my diary and you will see some of the things coming up in this magazine. Thank you to everyone who does so much at Holy Cross church and the other churches in the benefice. Our diaries have been filled with carol services (with mulled wine), Christmas, a concert, Burns Night. Big breakfast is on 1st Feb and now we are looking forward. Lent starts with Ash Wednesday on 26th February when we will have our usual morning service at Byfield and evening service at Eydon. However, before that, comes Shrove Tuesday. Ever wonder why we eat pancakes just before Lent? The tradition dates back to Anglo-Saxon times, when Christians spent Lent in repentance and severe fasting. So on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the church bell would summon them to confession, where they would be ‘shriven’, or absolved from their sins, which gives us Shrove Tuesday. At home, they would then eat up their last eggs and fat, and making a pancake was the easiest way to do this. For the next 47 days, they pretty well starved themselves. Pancakes feature in cookery books as far back as 1439, and today’s pancake races are in remembrance of a panicked woman back in 1445 in Olney, Buckinghamshire. She was making pancakes when she heard the shriving bell calling her to confession. Afraid she’d be late, she ran to the church in a panic, still in her apron, and still holding the pan. Flipping pancakes is also centuries old. A poem from Pasquil’s Palin in 1619 This Photo by runs: “And every man and maide doe take their turne, And tosse their Pancakes up for feare they burne.” Some people have noted that the ingredients of pancakes can be used to highlight four significant things about this time of year: eggs stand for creation, flour is the staff of life, salt keeps things wholesome, and milk stands for purity.

However before we get out the frying pans there is 14th February, which I fear has become over commercialised. The Beatles’ song ‘All you need is love’ is very popular as we mark St Valentines’ Day. If love is all we need, what does real love look like? We need look no farther than the Love that God has for each of us. There are so many verses in the bible about God’s love that it is hard to choose one. The 1st letter of John chapter 4 is all about love and verse 16 says “So we have known and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.” I pray that you will know God’s love at this time as we look to the future. Stevie


Royal British Legion

A new decade dawns, seeing us with a new Chairman, Chris Kiely and a new President, John Russell BEM, both positions being filled after the sad loss of Russ Mallace late last year. Chris is ex-service, a Member of our Branch for many years and still our Standard Bearer, so he is well positioned to take-over command. John is also very experienced with the formalities of office, having organised our Poppy Appeal for a dozen years past and been a prominent Councillor before that; he will serve us well in his new role. However, Chris will find the tasks of bearing our Standard and officiating as Chairman conflict, so we need someone to take-over our Standard Bearer’s responsibilities.

This is a call for volunteers. It’s a formal position and needs someone who is happy with tradition and ceremony. Who is prepared to wear the trappings of the order and to undertake periodic training with others from Branches near and far, so that uniformity prevails. If you like the sound of the job and are not already one of our Members, please don’t let that prevent you stepping forward, it takes but a moment, and seventeen quid of your cash to sign-you up.

We had a delightful “end of term” last year, with five Junior Schools in our District taking part in our 2019 Christmas Card Competition. We had 125 entries, which were judged by our members Joy and Alison and independently by Tony Head and Allan Foot, the latter a retired commercial artist from “out of town”. The winners from each school were presented with prizes by John, resplendent in his chain of office, and Terry, at the school’s respective end of term assemblies, where other prizes were also given out by the Head Teachers. The whole exercise was very refreshing, especially as it was enthusiastically embraced by both school staff and students alike.

Just prior to that we held our annual quiz, which was well attended. As Russ usually organised that the reins needed picking-up and we are pleased that this was done; the whole event went smoothly, even if some wondered if they had stumbled into University Challenge. We hope to do better to cater for all this coming November. Then there was our Christmas Party. A good time was had by everyone in The Plough in Boddington with fine food and real ales plus some good wine to compliment the meals. It was an excellent precursor to Christmas. And by the time you read this we will be well into the New Year. Richard Buck and friends will have entertained many of us at his instrumental concert in Byfield’s Church, we’ll have had our first meeting of the year, where John will have made provision to hand over his Poppy Appeal duties to Major Tom from Chipping Warden, and we’ll have experienced our first speaker, Bert Manton of Woodford Halse – and we’ll have lunched at the Red Lion in Culworth; our monthly lunches at different pubs in our district are now a well-established ritual.

So, what will the new decade bring? We hope to continue to keep our profile in the forefront of Royal British Legion activities in the County by attending local events and raising funds for our two prime recipients, the RBL’s Galanos House Care Home in Southam and their Battle Back Centre up in Shropshire, and the Poppy Appeal, which keeps the Legion as a whole going. Of course, for all that we need your continued help and support, for which we thank you in advance, and for times past.

Byfield & District Branch of the Royal British Legion http://branches.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/byfield-district-branch-in-rural-sw-northants-uk


Christingle in Byfield

During the last two weeks in December we held three Christingle services in the village, sending £50 to The Children’s Society from our Church service and £74 from the School Christingle to the Save the Children Fund. We had great fun at school on Christingle day. Penguin Class made 100 Christingles in the morning for the children in school and their siblings who came to the service in the afternoon. They were all very good and resisted the temptation to eat the sweets which went on the ends of the cocktail sticks! In the afternoon we all gathered in the hall with the children sitting in a big horseshoe and many parents joining with them. Some of the young people from Owl class read for us and helped to build the big Christingle as its meaning was explained. The knowledge and understanding of the children was inspiring, as was the joy with which they sang to us. How many of you know all the actions for the 12 days of Christmas?! Each child was then given a Christingle, parents joined their children bringing younger brothers and sisters with them. The Christingles were lit and held with such care. We sang the Christingle song as the candles burned brightly around the hall – a magical moment. The following Sunday Rev Stevie and I held a Christingle service at Solden Hill for the residents who had not yet gone home for the holiday. Simon asked us to pray for his father who was unwell, and we prayed for Jane whose Mother had recently died. Matthew helped us to construct our Christingle and Brian conducted the singing. There was another magical moment when every resident held their Christingle lit with a glow stick and we sat quietly in a circle with the lights turned off.

Rising Stars! Our meeting in November had to be moved from the Scout Headquarters to the Church as the HQ had been flooded. To help the children get to know the church we had a ‘Treasure hunt’, the only problem being that we couldn’t find some of the answers because in the dark we couldn’t see the stained glass in the windows even when we issued torches!! We really needed someone outside with a spotlight!

Our reading from Luke contrasted the darkness of Jesus’ death on the cross with the glimpse of paradise that Jesus promised to the robber being crucified with him. We made a jam jar lamp decorated with spooky shapes and then a collage of what would be paradise for us, a beach and sea for some of us, animals in the wild or animals as pets for others. We finished the evening with a hot dog and some Rocky Road cake.

We meet on the third Thursday of the month, on 27th February and 19th March at 6pm in Holy Cross Church, Byfield. If you are aged between 7 and 12, come and join us! If you have any questions ring Lesley or text 07941 328535. KA, LG, SC, LP


Little Angels

Little Angels is a group for babies and pre-school children with their parents, grandparents or carers. We meet on the third Monday in the month in term time from 2 – 2.45pm in Holy Cross Church, Byfield. In November we began to think ahead to Advent, the time when we prepare for Christmas. The Sunday before Advent is called ‘Stir up’ Sunday and traditionally the day when people used to make their Christmas puddings. We ‘stirred up’ chocolate chip cupcakes instead: Jesus stirred up a lot of different people during his life. First of all he stirred up Joseph (margarine) who was not expecting his fiancé, Mary, to become pregnant, then it was the shepherds (sugar) who were peacefully sleeping on the hillside when they were woken by the angels telling them to go to Bethlehem, then King Herod (egg)who definitely did not want another King to take over his Kingdom. The Wise men (cocoa) were ‘stirred up’ and travelled hundreds of miles to Bethlehem following a star. Later when Jesus started his ministry, he stirred up those who became his disciples (flour), leaving their homes and jobs to follow him, then the Jewish teachers (chocolate chips) by telling them he was God’s Son and the Jewish people (baking powder) as he did not come to save them from the Romans and finally the Gentiles, all of us( hundreds and thousands), by bringing us the Good News that God’s love is for everyone, whoever we are.

Lacey, Theodore and Laurie put in all the ingredients and then gave the mixture a good stir. They divided the mixture into muffin cases and we cooked the cakes in the microwave. After a few minutes they were cooked and once they were cooled we shared them remembering how much Jesus loves us and wants us to ‘stir up’ the lives of others by loving and caring for them and helping them to get to know Him too. We will meet again on Monday 17th February and 16th March. Do come and join us! If you have any queries please contact Lesley on 07941 328535.

Byfield Village Hall


Friday 6th March

7pm for 7.30pm start

£12 per team of 4 people

Raffle and the usual bacon butties .


At Holy Cross Church, Byfield Sunday 16th February and 15th March from 11am.


What is Café Church? Café Church is a short informal time set around refreshments served in a café style, with plenty of time to chat with friends. The service follows a traditional pattern with confession, an affirmation of faith, Bible teaching, prayers and simple activities for adults and children to take part in together, with hymns led by our excellent music group.

Mothering Sunday

Sunday, 22nd March at 10am

Come and join us at Holy Cross Church for a simple service to celebrate Mothering Sunday. Come to remember your Mum or the person who cares for you. Come and celebrate their love and give them a small posy of flowers.

Spring Initiatives at Byfield Tennis Club

For Children FREE five week course for those in Reception/Year 1 & 2 who have not previously attended a course at the club. Fridays: 24/4/20 – 22/5/20 – 4.00pm – 4.40pm Racquets supplied. To book a place(s) please email your child’s name, DOB & a mobile contact number to: [email protected]

For adults the club will be running a five week Rusty Racquets course over the same 5 weeks 8.30pm until 9.30pm at a cost of £35 for the course. These courses run by LTA Qualified Licensed coaches.

And for any adults at starter level who want more practice, we are currently running a ‘Saturday Club Morning’ (9-10.30). This is a popular session and can help you get into/back into this great game. It’s ideal to combine with Rusty Racquets coaching. The 1st 3 sessions will be free, so what are you waiting for? Email [email protected] for further details For any other details about what’s on offer at the club contact Sue on 07773092180



NEED A CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS AN UNEXPECTED FINANCIAL NEED FOR YOURSELF OR A GROUP? Then you fill in the form attached to this page and give it to one of the Trustees listed. It would help if you can give a copy of a receipt or quote. We try to help by giving at least some of the money you are asking for and it comes in cheque form. The next meeting of the Trustees is on 20th March so applications need to be in by 16th March. ------Application Form for Funding Do you wish to apply for funding for yourself?

Name ------

Address ------Phone ------

Someone else?

Name ------

Address ------

A Byfield organisation?

Name of group ------

Applicant ------Phone ------

What is the funding for?

Signature ………………….. (Give or post to a trustee listed)

Byfield Combined Charities Trustees: Michael Buckley, 4 Farebrother Close … Chris Cross (Chairman), 28 Bell Lane … Rev. Stevie Cross, The Rectory, Church St. … Christl Davis, 20 Westhorpe Lane … Lyn Grennan, 35 The Twistle … Pam Hicks (Treasurer), 1 Edwards Close … Rosemary Johnson (Secretary), The Corner House, 34 Bell Lane … Angela Weller, 18 Church St.


Film Night at the Priors Hall BIG BREAKFAST

st Friday 21 February Dates for 2020

st Downton Abbey February 1 2020 th Year of Release: 2019 March 7 2020 th Running time: 2 hours 2mins April 4 2020 Certificate: PG Adults £7 and children £3 As usual doors open at 7:00pm and the films start at 7:30pm


Unit 1c, Green Acres, Catesby Rd, Staverton NN11 6JP

Come and relax, unwind and let your creative side unleash itself!

Learn to throw on a Potter’s Wheel Have a go at different hand building techniques Taster sessions, group or one-one sessions available Bring your family during school holidays Gift vouchers available

Call Catherine Walton on 07923537874 or email [email protected]

What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between us, something smells!

What did one plate say to the other plate?

Dinner is on me!

Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9


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Gentle Yoga for Overall Wellbeing Beginners and Improvers Every Monday Morning 9.30-10.30am Every Wednesday Evening 7.30-9.00pm

For More Information: Contact Lisa Mobile: 07976 785053 Email : [email protected] Angie Goswell

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Diary for the Fiveways Benefice of Aston le Walls, Boddington, Byfield, Eydon and Woodford Halse for February and March 2020 FEBRUARY MARCH Sunday 2nd February Sunday 1st March 8.30am BCP Holy Communion at Byfield 8.30am BCP Holy Communion at Byfield 9.30am Parish Communion at Boddington 9.30am Parish Communion at Boddington in in village hall village hall 9.45am Café Church at Woodford Halse 9.45am Café Church at Woodford Halse 10.30am Café Church at Eydon 10.30am Café Church at Eydon 6pm Evening prayer at Aston le Walls 6pm Evening prayer at Aston le Walls

Sunday 9th February Sunday 8th March 9.30am Parish Communion at Aston le 9.30am Parish Communion at Aston le Walls Walls 10am All Age Communion at Woodford Halse 10am All Age Communion at Woodford 11am Parish Communion at Byfield Halse 4pm BCP Communion at Eydon 11am Parish Communion at Byfield 6pm Time for Reflection at Boddington 4pm BCP Communion at Eydon 6pm Time for Reflection at Boddington Sunday 15th March 8.30am BCP Holy Communion at Aston le Walls Sunday 16th February 9.15am Parish Communion at Eydon 8.30am BCP Holy Communion at Aston le 9.45am Café Church at Woodford Halse Walls 10.30am All Age Communion at Boddington in 9.15am Parish Communion at Eydon village hall 9.45am Café Church at Woodford Halse 11am Café Church at Byfield 10.30am Café Church at Boddington in village hall Sunday 22nd March – Mothering Sunday 11am Café Church at Byfield Each church in the benefice will have a service at 10am for Mothering Sunday Sunday 23rd February 10am Benefice Service at Eydon Sunday 29th March 10am Benefice Service at Boddington Wednesday 26th February 9.45am Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday at Byfield 6.30pm Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday at Eydon Bereavements We offer our condolences to the family and friends of: Every Wednesday 9.45am Holy Communion at Byfield. Gladys Lorraine Sallie Noden Margaret Lamb Spire Light Lesley Imrie

If you want to have the Church spire lit

for a special occasion – birthday, The deadline for the next Byword anniversary, etc. please contact Chris (April/May) will be Sunday 1st March Cross on 260764 or Pam Hicks on 261257. The cost is £5 20