Morning Tears Head Office / International Secretariat


Room 810, Tower 4, Sun City, 18 Xinzhongjie, Dongcheng District, 100027, PR China

中国北京东城区新中街 18 号阳光都市 4 号楼 810 室 邮政编码: 100027

Telephone number/电话/传真: (+86 10) 84473770

Please contact us before visiting


新中街 18 号阳光都市


Two closest metro stations are Dongsishitiao () and (Lines 2 and 13).


From Dongsishitiao Station: 10 minute walk. Leave via Exit B of the station and walk around the Poly Theatre onto Workers’ Stadium North Road. Xinzhong Jie will be the third main street to your left about 450m down the road. Then walk around 200m and the main entrance to the Sun City compound will be on your right. (See blue arrows on attached map).

From Dongzhimen Station: 10-15 minute walk. Leave via Exit C of the station and walk onto Dongzhimen Outer Street. Walk for about 400m before turning right onto Xinzhong Jie/Shizipo Jie. Follow this street for around 650m and you will find the main entrance to the Sun City compound on your left. (See red arrows on attached map).

From Sanlitun: 20 minute walk. Leave Sanlitun Area via Workers’ Stadium North Road walking towards Dongsishitiao Metro Station. Continue down Workers’ Stadium North Road for just over 1km until Xinzhong Jie. Turn right into Xinzhong Jie and the main entrance to the Sun City compound is around 200m on your right. (See green arrows on attached map).


The Morning Tears Office is in Building 4 which can be found towards the right-back corner of the complex when entering from the main gate entrance. The elevators are situated in a corridor to the left once in the building. Usually the doors to the elevator area are open but if not then push 0810 and one of the staff members will come downstairs to open. The office is on Floor 8 in Room 810. It’s to your right / straight ahead once you leave the elevator.