WIN COOL PRIZES Subscribers, see page 4 of the Christmas in July special section inside today's newspaper

Horvath resigns from P-CCS board

By Joanne Maliszewski d on ’t have any hard feelings Barrett accept­ for his ma n y years of co m m i t ­ H orvath’s letter said he wa s Staff Writer for anyone on the board.” ed Horvath’s m e n t to Plymouth-Canton Co m resigning with “profound re­ T h e Canton resident wa s resignation munity Schools. We wish hi m gret,” adding that his expertise Veteran Plymouth-Canton first elected to the P- C C S shortly after the luck in his ne w job and future w a s not education, “but the Board of Education mem be r B oa rd of Education in 1994. At letter wa s pro­ endeavors,” Barrett said. business of education and its M a r k Horvath resigned from the time, he credited his elec­ vided Monday M o r e than a mo n t h ago, operational success ” his post Monday, effective tion to the support of parents morning, said Horvath changed jobs and is District officials we r e brief immediately. at Miller Elementary, wh e r e Horvath Nick Brandon, working for a nu m b e r of in­ in their reactions to Horvath’s “I don ’t think I can continue his children attended, and the district spokes­ dependent testing labs as a resignation that followed a to do a good job without reli­ school district’s bargaining man. metallurgist. He has a long sometime contentious dis- able data and I a m not getting units. “T he Board of Education resume of operations experi­ it,” Horvath said Tbesday. “I School board President John wishes to thank Mr. Horvath ence in industry. See HORVATH, Page A5 Easing water rate hikes goal of talks

B y Darrell Cl e m Staff Writer

A i m i n g for long-term relief f r o m steadily increasing wa ­ ter rates, Canton leaders are continuing talks with Detroit KIMBERLY P. MITCHELL | MICHIGAN.COM INCREDIBLE SCIENCE MACHINE officials to possibly bu y or Steve Price of Ca n t o n gets a hu g after the Incredible Science Mach i n e Steve Price of Canton and his Rube Goldberg machine-building team lease part of a Detroit Wat er event Saturday at the Michigan Science Center. will ha v e to wait to learn if they set a Guinness Wo r l d Record. and Sewerage Department water-storage facility on Ca n ­ ton’s north side. The plan would allow Can­ ton to better ma n a g e its ow n water flow, ease peak-hour Guinness world record results spikes in usage and, ideally, soften the blow of future rate hikes. "It’s still not a done deal, pending for Canton ma n ’s team (but) it sounds encouraging,” township Supervisor Phil La- Joy said Tbesday. "W e ’re still By Darrell Cl e m T h e project, sponsored by Zeal Credit Union, un­ working on it. I think we ’re Staff Writer folded before a live audience at the Michigan Science going to do something.” Center after the global team, organized by Price, spent His re m a r k s ca m e after he A te a m of chain-reaction experts led by Steve Price days building the machine. It wa s enjoyable, but a little had a conversation Tbesday of Canton shattered the U.S. record Saturday for using nerve-wracking. with William Wolfson, D W S D the most dominoes to assemble a vast Rube Goldberg “T h e fun part really outweighed the nervousness,” general counsel, to continue machine. Price said. talks that beg an last year after Price’s 16 - m e m b e r te a m has to wait, however, to learn Ideally, Price and other builders would like to partici­ a D W S D team, including Di­ if the Guinness Wor ld Record wa s broken for building pate in a television sh o w that each year features a co m ­ rector Sue.McCormick, in­ the most steps into their Incredible Science Machine. petition for the biggest and best Ru b e Goldberg chain- dicated an interest in reaching " W e wo n ’t hear about that for a long time,” Price said, reaction machines. It’s a dream, one that’s not imp os ­ an agreement. because Guinness officials have to review video evi­ sible. T he plan would help Canton dence and eyewitness accounts. "I think all of us would do this full-time in a heartbeat and allow Detroit to save mo n ­ Price’s te a m built eno ug h steps in the Incredible Sci­ if we we r e paid to do it,” he said. ey by having Canton manage a ence Machine to topple the 300-step Guinness record set It’s not available yet, but Price said Saturday’s chain small portion of the vast sys­ in 2012 by the Purdue Society of Professional Engineers reaction, whi ch involved so m e 500,000 objects, will at tem, no w overseen by a new, Rube Goldberg Team. s o m e point will be available at regional Great Lakes Water P roblem is, not all of the steps wo r k e d during the veshS. Authority. chain-reaction event Saturday at the Michigan Science Tonya Matthews, the Michigan Science Center’s Canton resident James Center in Detroit - and official results on the world rec­ president and CE O , has said she hopes the Incredible Fausone, an attorney who ord are in the hands of Guinness officials. Science Ma c h i n e effort "will spark an interest in this chairs the Detroit Boa rd of Regardless, Price - wh o will be a mechanical engi­ great field” and inspire others to pursue similar goals in Water Commissioners, said neering senior this fall at Michigan State University - science, technology, engineering and math, or ST E M , T uesday that talks between said the experience is one he will never forget, mu c h projects. Canton and D W S D “remain on like his appearances in 2013 on America’s Got Talent. For mo r e on Price’s work, go to track.” "It wa s amazing,” Price said. "T h e best part wa s hav­ www.You' "It’s taking a little longer ing m y first opportunity to wo r k with all these great than we expected,” Fausone builders and create something like this.” [email protected] \ Twitter: @CantonObsen/er \ 734-972-0919 said, adding that the shift to a regional water authority has dominated much of D W S D ’s time. Fausone said a real estate appraisal of the Canton-based Shakespeare a bo o n for Canton Village Theater D W S D site near Joy and Mo r ­ ton Taylor roads has occurred, By Joanne Maliszewski INSIDE along with certain engineering studies. Fausone described Staff Writer More on the Michigan himself as "optimistic” that an Shakespeare Festival, B9 Jennifer Idbin likens the agreement can be reached arrival of the Michigan Sha ke ­ that could ease future water speare Festival at Canton’s "This raises the bar,” Tobin rate hikes. Village Theater to the thrill of said. "W e have had the Detroit "I think that’s certainly the Christmas. S y m p h o n y Orchestra here. We plan,” he said. "Ev e r y b o d y ’s "I don ’t kn o w wh e n I’ve are providing the highest expectation is that if you had been mo r e excited,” said Tb- quality for discerning patrons. (more) capacity, that would bin, Canton arts coordinator. It is also for our groups wh o keep a da m p e r on rate in­ Early this week, me m b e r s perform here. Th e y will be creases." of the Shakespeare company rubbing elbows with those at Moreover, Fausone said were moving sets and props the top of their gam e. ” regional control of the Detroit- into the local performing arts In its 21st season, the based water system could center at Ridge and Cherry Shakespeare Festival features eventually, gradually help to Hill roads in anticipation of a productions of William Shake­ lower costs not just in Canton, three-week run of perfor­ speare’s A Midsummer Night's but across the region. mances from July 29 through Dream and Henry IV, as well T h e latest developments Aug. 16. as Richard Brinsley Sheri- c o m e after Canton residents A n d it’s a first for the Vil­ Alan Ball as Bottom and Janet Haley as Titania in “A Midsummer's Night lage Theater and Canton. See THEATER, Page A5 Dream" — "What angel wakes m e from m y flowery bed?" See WATER, Page A2

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T -m R»:» lAPfi) « te s fry NCUA C? CFCU ORG AUTOS 877.937.2328 A 2 (C) 0 6 E Media | Thursday. July 23. 2015 LOCAL NEWS Canton first site in metro Detroit for senior facility By Darrell Cl e m one of the mo r e vibrant T h o m a s Paden said Glen Staff Writer areas economically," A b b e y will fill a need. mi K ra ay said Monday, add ­ “T h e y ’re beautiful Canton has been cho­ ing later, “We felt the facilities and I think that sen as metro Detroit’s market wa s deep enough Canton obviously is a first location for a senior and strong enough to growing community,” he assisted living center support (Glen Abbey)." said. "S o m e of our resi­ planned by a growing Moreover. Kraay said dents are aging and their Grand Rapids-based the facility will provide parents are aging. It’s company. an alternative for resi­ always a good idea to Glen Abb ey Assisted dents wh o need care and have businesses that can Living, whi ch officials are mo v i n g out of their cater to that de m o g r a p h ­ say places an emphasis homes, but wh o want to ic." on a smaller, upscale stay in Canton for what Leisure Living Ma n ­ facility, is expected to he called desirable am e ­ a g e m e n t started in 1995 open by fall of next year nities ranging fr o m arts * with just a few assisted after the parent company, to green space. living facilities and has Leisure Living Man ag e ­ “It’s a beautiful co m ­ branched into both rural ment, broke ground this munity," he said. and metropolitan areas s u m m e r at 455 N. Lotz, Glen Ab b e y will ac­ across Michigan. north of Cherry Hill. c o m m o d a t e single resi­ To learn mo r e about C o m p a n y president dents, couples and pets Glen Abbey, go to Neil Kr a a y said Canton with wh a t is billed as www.glenabbey s e e m e d a prime location spacious floor plans and For for Glen Abbey, which secure, landscaped walk­ m or e information on will offer 27 assisted ing paths. It ma r k s the Leisure Living Man ag e ­ living units and 14 apart­ c o m p a n y ’s 22nd senior m e n t go to m en ts for residents need­ c o m m u n i t y and the first ing care for me m o r y in metro Detroit. LEISURE LIVING M A N A G E M E N T issues. Canton Ch a m b e r of [email protected] Canton Ch a m b e r of Co m m e r c e President Th o m a s Paden (foreground) joins other officials to “W e kno w Canton is Commerce President Twitter @CantonObsen/er break gro u n d for the ne w Glen Ab b e y assisted living center in Canton. Lip sync battle is on at Canton library O B S E m m Practice those lyrics, Battle and wondered if as the Canton Public a w a r d e d to the top per­ r Published Sunday and Thursday by Observer & Eccentric Media perfect your expressions you have the chops, this Library hosts a Connect former. a nd get ready for an epic is your opportunity to Your Su m m e r Lip Sync C o m m u n i t y Office: Space is limited; par­ 29725 Hudson Drive • Novi Ml 48377 • 866-887-2737 lip sync battle in Canton. find out. Battle at 7 p.m. Thurs­ ticipants are required Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you enjoy watching Face off against other day, July 30. register and to email lip syncs on The Tonight contestants and compete Fire up your Dubs- their song selection to Show with Ji m m y Fallon to be na m e d Canton’s Editor Joanne Maliszewski Sports: Ti m Smith m a s h app and start re­ [email protected] by 248-396-6620 734-469-4128 or LL Cool J’s Lip Sync best lip sync performer hearsing. Prizes will be July 24. Email: [email protected] Email: tsmith@h om et ow nl if e. co m

' Subscription Rates: H o m e Delivery: b u y or lease one of WATER D W S D ’s storage tanks N e w s s t a n d price: $1.00 Thursday an d C u s t o m e r Service: 86 6- 88 7- 27 37 $1.50 Sunday Mon.-Frt 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. could prove signifi­ $8.25 EZ pa y per month After hours, leave voicemail Continued from Page A1 cantly cheaper than an $52.00 si* months Email: [email protected] alternate plan for the $104.00 per year are approaching quar­ $91.00 six mo n t h s mail delivery township to build its $182.00 per year mail delivery terly water bills of $400. o w n storage facility, T h e township board in such as a water tower, the spring approved an which could cost mil­ To Advertise: 8.6-percent water-sewer lions. Classified Advertising 8r Obituaries: 80 0- 579-7355 rate hike. Residents have long Legal Notice Advertising: 586-826-7082 Fax: 31 3- 49 6- 49 68 Email: oe a d s @ h o m e t o w n l i f e . c o m U n d e r that plan, Ca n ­ complained about water ton Municipal Services rate hikes, wh i c h De ­ Print an d Digital Advertising: Darnell Alleyne, 517-375-1372 Director Ti m Faas has troit officials have said Email: [email protected] said a typical residential w e r e nee de d to maintain customer using 32,000 a nd repair an aging, Advertising Policy: gallons of water every sprawling system in All advertising published in this ne w s p a p e r is subject to the conditions stated in the applicable rate carrd, copies of wh i c h are available fr o m the ad ­ three-month billing cy­ southeast Michigan. vertising department. W e reserve the right no t to accept an advertiser's order. cle has seen quarterly O u r ad-takers ha v e no authority to bind this ne w s p a p e r an d only publication bills ju m p fr o m $358 to [email protected] FILE P H O T O of an ad constitutes acceptance of the advertiser's order. $389. Twitter: @CantonObserver W a t e r rates are explained by Ca n t o n Municipal Services Efforts by Canton to 734-972-0919 Director Ti m Faas during an earlier public forum. Hello, Plymouth! We ’re here!

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* i i f j Church pantry helps area resident pay bills By Darrell Cl e m “W e don't just Staff Wrrter w a n t to be a Without help, Carolyn house on the side West would be forced to choose between paying of the road. W e her bills and buying food. w a n t to ma k e a “W h e n I get through paying my bills, I don ’t difference ” have enough money to REV. D A N SMITHERMAN stock up on my groceries pastor. Ab u n d a n t Life like I need to,” the 61- Church of God year-old Westland resi­ dent said. H e r situation wors­ ened after her Bridge supplies fr o m Gleaners Card benefits we r e re­ Community Food Bank, duced, so she has turned including frozen meat, for help to the Abu nd an t vegetables, canned soup, Life Church of Go d in pasta, bread and other Canton, which has started goods. A church volun­ a ne w food pantry to fight teer even ma k e s small hunger. bags of can dy for chil­ 8ILL BRESLER | STAFF P H O T O G R A P H E R “It’s very helpful,” said dren. D o n a t e d clothing is also available at the church. West, accompanied by “W e try to ma k e it a BILL BRESLER | STAFF PH O T O G R A P H E R grandsons Rashard, 5, well-balanced diet,” Pau ­ Carolyn West, with grandson Rashard by her side, and Kaiden, 1. lette Smi t h e r m a n said. "If said the ne w fo o d pantry is “very helpful." The church has it’s a larger family, they marked the second week get a larger box of food.” of its ne w food pantry, Private donors also open 2-4 p.m. each Thurs­ complement food sup­ day inside its building plies fr o m Gleaners. near Hannan and Palmer. Marlette Anquetil of Recipients need only to Canton stopped by Ab u n ­ s h o w a driver’s license dant Life of Go d Church and proof of residence. to pick up food Thursday Paulette Smitherman, for a Ply mo ut h family of food pantry adminis­ five wh o had no trans­ trator, has witnessed portation. Anquetil was metro Detroit’s hunger as helping through an online a ho m e care and hospice project, Sharing Is Car ­ nurse. She has gone into ing, started by a Bedford homes and seen empty w o m a n . refrigerators. “I’m a single mo m Smitherman said some myself. Go d only kn o w s if people, especially the I might ever need help,” elderly, are forced to Anquetil said. “Ne v e r say choose between buying never.” food or paying for their Referring to the fa m ­ prescription drugs. It’s a ily she wa s helping, she choice she said they said she felt heartbroken shouldn’t have to make. after hearing what a 10- BILL BR ES LE R | STAFF H e r husband Dan, the year-old child had said PHOTOGRAPHER church’s pastor, agreed. after eating canned food Paulette Smitherman “This is a wa y for us to day after day. Th e child coordinates the food pantry reach out and touch the simply asked the mother, for Abun d a n t Life Church of community,” he said. “We "Can we have so m e real God. d on ’t just want to be a food?” BILL BR ES LE R | STAFF house on the side of the Abu nd an t Life Church PHOTOGRAPHER road. We want to ma k e a of Go d had started a food Volunteer D e S h a w n Will difference.” pantry last year, but had brings fo o d to the front of Thu rs da y afternoon, to close do w n and get the church for pickup. volunteers had numerous better organized before boxes of food ready to go reviving it. Volunteers w h e n the church opened already had filled nu m e r ­ couraged to take. O p e n Do o r Ministry, D a n Smi th er ma n said tion,” he said. its doors. Th e project ous boxes of food as re­ T h e church intends to started by Canton’s Con- hunger is a problem that d r e w 18 families in its cipients beg an to arrive complement - not co m ­ nection Ch u r c h on Lilley, a ny church can help [email protected] first week, but already Thursday. pete with - other south of Michigan Ave- fight, Twitter: QCantonObserver had begun to expand by T h e church also has churches that have food nue. “It’s not a competi- 734-972-0919 the second week. s o m e donated clothing pantries. On e of the area’s T h e church picks up that its visitors are en- biggest is the longtime STATE-OF-THE-ART PRIMARY CARE IUlY25n.&26ih PRACTICE DELIVERING PREMIUM Artaffair on Main PATIENT CENTERED MEDICINE. Fine Art-Crafts-Live Entertainment Saturday 11a - 6p. Sunday 11a 5p " ^ • " ^ D o m t o w n Belleville Artaffair on Main is presented by: Sponsored by:

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PLYMOUTH CRIME WATCH B M W blocks intersection, three, then admitted to having stolen in April reported receiv­ Arrest Bike found driver arrested on DUI four, but said he wa s still under ing a suspicious notice fr o m a charge his limit, the report said. Police debt collection agency. A 23-year-old ma n wa s ar­ Two Mongoose brand moun­ said the ma n smelled of alco­ T h e notice wa s an attempt rested on two outstanding tain bicycles we r e found July A 43-year-old ma n wa s ar­ hol. to collect $190.37 she supposed­ warrants and for driving with 14 outside of a business on rested on a drunken driving After field sobriety tests, a ly ow e d a cellular phone co m ­ a suspended license after a Halyard in the township. charge early Su n d a y after preliminary breath test regis­ pany, a police report said, even July 14 fender-bender at Five A n employee found the police found hi m sitting in a tered a blood-alcohol content though, according to the wo m ­ Mile and Beck. bikes just before 7 a.m. and B M W in the intersection of level of 0.109, police said. Th e an, the co m p a n y said she only T h e collision wa s between a told police they had been left A n n Arbor TVail and Haggerty. m a n was arrested and taken to o w e d $112.48 and also said it Nissan Altima and a Chevrolet there since the day before, a It wa s shortly after 1 a.m. a medical facility in Canton had not yet turned over her bill TVailblazer, a police report police report said. w h e n a patrolling officer found Township, where blood was to a collection agency. said. Th e reported listed no T h e bikes we r e put into the man, northbound on Ha g ­ d r a w n for mo r e precise test­ T h e wo m a n told police she injuries. storage; police found no re­ gerty but blocking the inter­ ing. had never had an account with T h e driver with a suspended ports of those type of bicycles section, a Ply mo ut h Township that pho ne company, but that license also had no proof of having been stolen. Police Dep ar tm en t report said. Double fraud? she previously wa s aware that insurance, police said. The ma n admitted to drinking A township wo m a n wh o told an account with the company - By Matt Jachman t wo beers, then said he had police her identity had been had been opened in her name.

CANTON CRIME WATCH State police Witnesses say drunken Point mobile ho m e community, shortly before 4 p.m. Saturday. m a n vandalized hotel southeast of Michigan Avenue T h e wo m a n told police she laundry room and Haggerty Road, a report left the ho m e on Greenlawn, said. near Joy and 1-275, during the to focus on Canton police took a 28-year- T h e dispute erupted shortly dispute so that she could call old ma n into custody and cited before 7 p.m. July 14, wh e n the police. While she wa s away, she h i m for disorderly conduct suspect said she and her sister said, the boyfriend da m a g e d after witnesses say he broke had argued after the suspect the front door of her residence, into a laundry ro o m of a Canton had her boyfriend over for a cracked her flat-screen televi­ commercial driver hotel and began vandalizing it, visit, the report said. Th e sus­ sion and da m a g e d the rim of a apparently while he wa s drunk. pect’s 7-month-old daughter tire on her car. Police say the incident oc­ also wa s in the home. T h e investigation wa s con­ curred about 2:35 a.m. July 15 T h e older sister asked the tinuing and police advised the infractions at the Fairfield Inn, northeast suspect to leave and she w o m a n on ho w to get a personal of the Ford-Haggerty intersec­ agreed, but said she would be protection order. The Michigan State Po­ gan State Police Co m m e r ­ tion. taking with her so m e food that lice is taking part in a ne w cial Motor Vehicle Enforce­ Police went to the inn amid their mother had bought for D o g incident c a m p a i g n designed to de ­ ment Division. reports the ma n had broken t h e m before she departed for A 55-year-old wo m a n called crease the number of co m ­ T h r o u g h July, the C o m ­ into the laundry ro o m and was Atlanta. Th e older sister then police to report she had fallen mercial vehicle fatal cra sh ­ mercial Motor Vehicle En ­ vandalizing it before he at­ took the food and locked it in in the street and injured herself es. forcement Division of the tempted to flee and then fell to her bedroom, prompting the after she wa s running aw a y Speeding is the largest Michigan State Police be­ the floor of the hotel lobby, suspect to get a butter knife from a loose dog that ran to­ contributing factor in the c a m e the newest partner in w h e r e police found him, a re­ and pry open the door. ward her and another woman, accidents, followed by dis­ the nationwide traffic safe­ port said. T h e suspect also grabbed as if to attack them, a report traction or inattention and ty initiative "T o w a r d Zero T h e ma n accused officers of the older sister fr o m behind in said. then impairment, which Deaths,” which seeks to beating him and then mu m b l e d a choke hold, the report said. T h e incident happened about includes driving while fa­ significantly red uc e traffic statements that ma d e no sense, Police took the suspect into 9:15 p.m. Friday in the 47000 tigued or after consuming fatalities. the report said. He told police custody and su m m o n e d an aunt block of Glastonbury, southeast alcohol or drugs, according M S P mo t o r carrier offi­ he had been staying at the inn, w h o took temporary custody of of Cherry Hill and Beck. To research by the Federal cers will increase enforce­ but couldn’t say what room. He the 7-month-old child. Police T h e wo m a n told police she •Motor Carrier Safety Ad ­ m e n t in areas an d during admitted he had been drinking, also learned the suspect had a and the other wo m a n were ministration. times with the highest rate but refused a breath test. warrant for her arrest out of walking along a sidewalk whe n In 2014, 27 people wer e of crashes, as identified by T h e suspect wa s facing an Battle Creek for failing to ap­ a large br o w n dog - no further killed in Mi c h i g a n in c o m ­ c ra sh data. appearance in 35th District peal' in court there for an un ­ description - began running mercial motor vehicle- Officers will focus on Court for disorderly conduct. related incident. toward them. She said she • 'involved crashes in Mi c h i ­ moving violations by co m ­ m o v e d toward the street to flee gan. mercial motor vehicles, Sister fight Boyfriend trouble the dog, fell and injured her “The hardship and suf­ including speeding, driving Police took a 20-year-old A 25-year-old Canton wo m a n right wrist and knee. fering of even one family while fatigued and careless Canton wo m a n into custody for notified police am i d allegations T h e wo m a n called 9-1-1 after d u e to a preventable traffic driving that results fro m domestic violence after she her boyfriend, 24, destroyed she returned home. Police were x r a s h is too much,” said driver distraction. w a s accused of fighting with s o m e of her property after they trying to reach the dog owner. I ;Capt. Mi c h a e l Kr u m m , L e a r n mo r e at www . t o - her older sister and putting her b e c a m e embroiled in a dispute. ' ^commander of the Michi­ in a choke hold at the West T h e incident happened - By Darrell Clem celebrations matter WESTLAND SHOPPING CENTER Celebrate our 50th Birthday on Saturday, July 25th! The fun begins at 11:00am in East Court • Entertainment and live music with the Mo t o w n Experience & Rhythm Society Swing Orchestra • Giveaways and games • Face painting and balloon animals for the kids

50th Birthday Bash Gift with Purchase Spend $200 and get a $20 gift card! Mr. Horvath for his years m e m b e r s serve six-year suitable for ma k i n g the that the information he with data.*' Horvath said HORVATH of service to Plymouth- terms. His term would oversight decisions nec­ has previously requested following his resignation. Canton Community have been up in 2018. essary to be an effective f r o m district officials Using as an example Continued from Page A1 Schools. We wish him In his resignation board member," Horvath would be be available the recent reduction of well in his future endeav­ letter, Horvath said he wrote. "While I am sure "for true data-driven 5.5 plant man ag er s in the cussion and eventual ors,” Superintendent has spent the last three that ma n y feel the need decision ma k i n g ..." district — to help balance approval of a 2015-16 Michael Meissen said. years — following his for detailed data is “mi ­ H e also referred to the 2015-16 budget — balanced district budget The Board of Educa­ 2012 re-election — co m ­ cro-management,’ I re­ data leading to decisions Horvath said board me m ­ that included so m e $5.3 tion has 30 days — as mitted to improving oper­ m a i n convinced that we m a d e on redistricting bers we r e told district million in reductions, required by state rules — ational processes, while need this kind of accurate proposals, particularly officials would no w fol­ including staff and pro­ to fill the vacancy. Appli­ increasing accountability a nd precise data to ma k e for middle schools, as low a shared services grams. Horvath joined cations will be accepted in finance, facility optimi­ our school district suc­ well as the district budget model. "But there is no TVustee Michael Maloney a nd will be passed on to zation and transportation. cessful.” a nd even on the building model,” he added. is opposing the budget board members, wh o will “I continue to be Horvath also wrote of the ne w Liberty Mi d ­ adoption in JunS. choose an appointee, plagued by data being that he would not likely dle School.\ " O n behalf of P-CCS following interviews. provided that is in c o m ­ get support from other “I am an operations 248-396-6620 administration, we thank Horvath and other board plete, incorrect and un­ board me m b e r s to ensure guy. We do everything Twitter Qjmaliszews

2003, whi ch has allowed signing this aspect of the classical training.” m us ic that she has co m ­ is the place to try it,” THEATER for higher levels of tech­ productions to better fit H e counts the Shake­ posed, including a song Tobin said. nical and professional Canton. “They have some speare co m p a n y fortu­ for Henry /V.” While children cer­ Continued from Page A1 performances, as well as moving instruments here nate, not only in its ability Tobin is hoping Ply­ tainly ma y co m e to the audience comfort. w e didn’t have in the to mo v e the productions, m o u t h and Canton folks shows, Tobin said parents d an ’s The Rivals. That sa m e year, MS F other place,” Ball said. but for those working to will head in droves to the should be aw a r e of the Tickets are on sale for received designation as Artistic director Jan ­ provide the productions. Village Theater: “This is stories that will be the Canton perfor­ the Official Shakespeare ice L. Blixt and The Ri­ One such me m b e r is thrilling and will be such brought to life. If a child mances, including season Festival of Michigan by vals director Robert resident composer Kate a great experience.” is interested in literature flex passes, at www .c an - the state Legislature. Kauzlarich, wh o visited Hopgood. “She is a co m ­ N ot only will the festi­ a nd can sit for two or A T h e festival opened its the Canton theater, had a poser of so m e note,” Ball val be a chance to see three hours, "it would be flex pass will include one 2015 season at its ho m e at good idea of what would said. "She has co m p o s e d professional actors in fine. But this really isn’t ticket to each production; the Potter Center in Jack- be required to mo v e the all the mus ic for the festi­ well-known classics, but children’s theater.” sho w dates and times can son. Th e sets for the productions from Jack- val.” it provides a unique expe­ "It is a great adult be chosen at the time of three Shakespeare shows son to Canton. “T h e sho w That includes each of rience at the Village night out,” she added. purchase or at a later on tap this season were will be “re-teched” with the three productions Theater. “Ev e n if you date. Ticket prices range designed with the Potter props, music and lights,” coming to Canton, he have never tried so m e ­ [email protected] f r o m $16 to $40, dep en d ­ Center and the Village Ball said. "This is the added: “It is all original thing like this before, this 248-396-6620 ing on a patron’s age. For Theater in mind. In fact, nature of live theater.” m o r e information, go to Ball said the theaters are A s for Canton, this is a www.cantonvillagethea- similar, which ma d e plan­ first for the Michigan or call 734-394- ning a bit easier. Shakespeare Festival, but 5300. " O u r resident scenic it gives the co m p a n y a SUPERSUMMERSALE The Shakespeare Fes­ designer, Je r o m y Hop- chance to spread its im ­ tival’s arrival at the Vil­ good, designed the sets pact to audiences that lage Theater is a culmi­ for both theaters,” he m a y not have taken the ALL ANNUALS MAD MATS Outdoor Rugs nation of Tobin working said. "Both theaters we r e time to drive to Jackson behind the scenes. She designed by the same to see the productions. HALF $10 OFF had previously planted architect.” " W e are good,” Ball the seeds of encouraging T h e co m p a n y ’s resi­ said. "This is such a good OFF! 5’x8’ and G’xO’ the Shakespearean co m ­ dent lighting designer, company. Almost all of us Fill in an empty Outdoor rugs woven p a n y to consider Canton. Diane Fairchild, is rede­ — so m e 16 actors — have It took a bit of time. But space. from recycled plastic. technicians and design­ Finally get that UV-resistant color. ers are no w at the theater hanging basket! While supplies last! "re-teching the shows.” G reat Lakes D ermatology said Alan Ball, an artistic associate with the Michi­ M ichael R. Cohen, D.O. POTTERY g an Shakespeare Festi­ Board Certified Dermatologist CLEMATIS val. EMPORIUM "There has been a lot Specializing in Diseases Premium VINES of planning,” Ball said. w the Shin, Hair & Nails Glazed Pots " W e are fortunate to have Invites you to visit an d receive HALF our scenic designers.” the care you deserve. 40% F o u n d e d in 1995, the OFF Michigan Shakespeare • Skin Cancer • Eczema OFF Festival has performed • Moles • Warts Over 30 colors, in Jackson for mo r e than • Psoriasis • Hair Loss ^countless styles! PLYMOUTH 20 years. Starting as an • Ac n e BotOX # M u c h More outdoor festival in Ella Accepting Ne w Patients • A/I Ages NURSERY Sharp Park, the company 734-453-5500 H O M E & GARDEN 8HOWPLACE J Call for Appointment 24 8 - 3 2 4 - 2 2 2 2 Evening appts. available m o v e d indoors to its lewis Medical Office Centre,39475Lewis Drive, 9900 Ann Arbor Rd W current ho m e at the Pot­ § Mon -Thurs 9am-6pm □ ter Center on the ca m p u s Suite 150, Now, Michigan 48377 Fri 9am*7pm • Sat 9*6 • Sun 10*5 7 Miles West of 1-275 •11/2 Miles South of M l4 of Jackson College in 104006241231 [email protected] Offers Expire 7/29/15 Comer of Gotfredson Rd.

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Old Village residents and visitors took to the streets and sidewalks on one of the hottest days of the su m m e r Su n ­ day for Bumpers, Bikes and Bands, the annual car and motorcycle show and free concert in Ply mo ut h ’s oldest neigh­ borhood. T h e event brought out vintage m o ­ torcycles and cars, including a 1915 Ford Mo d e l T, a 1948 Chevrolet Fleet­ line and a 1969 Do d g e Dart Swinger, with the original paint job and wi n d o w sticker showing it wa s ma d e in Ha m - tramck. There we r e also vendors, a food truck with a Cuban-inspired me n u and live rock and blues by an ensemble m a d e up of me m b e r s of the Wiley Coyote Ba n d and other local bands. The main action was on Starkweath­ er, between Fa r m e r and the CS X Rail­ road tracks; parts of Liberty and Spring w e r e also blocked to traffic and re­ served for the festival. Local businesses got in on the action: the Liberty Street Br e w i n g Co. sold its brand of root beer, the Fu n k y Mo n k e y Boutique was open and the Re d Twig Gallery’s Cathy Doughty pushed an art cart through the crowd, offering small prints and sun shakers - decorative window-hangings that reflect the rays of the sun. T h e festival wa s a fundraiser for the Old Village Association, a group of residents and business owners. The m o n e y is to be used for neighborhood beautification projects, such as light- pole banners and tree-planting.

- By Matt Jackman MATT JACHMAN Matt Besey (from left), "the Rev." Ma r k Falconberry and saxophonist Joe LaBeau perform Su nday as part of the Wiley Coyote B a n d during Bumpers, Bikes an d Ba n d s in Old Village.

m a t t j a c h m a n Cathy Doughty hawked jewelry and "sun shakers" (window Mark Dault (left) on drums and Tony Sebastian on congas jam with the Wiley Coyote Band during a version of Dave Mason's decorations that reflect and disperse sunlight) from the Red "Peelin' Alright?" Su n d a y at the Bumpers, Bikes an d Ba n d s festival in Old Village. T w i g Gallery's art cart Su n d a y during Bumpers, Bikes and Bands.

MATT JACHMAN MATT JACHMAN A 1969 Do d g e Dart Swinger on display ha d its This 100-year-old Ford Mo d e l T, ow n e d by John and original paint job, in near-mint condition, an d Dorothy Grace of Westland, wa s probably the oldest MATT JACHMAN this logo, fo u n d on the rear fenders. Th e car vehicle on display Sunday during Bumpers, Bikes and The steering wheel an d instrument panel on Jeff Gysel's 1948 Chevrolet also ha d its original dealer's wi n d o w sticker, Bands, the Old Village street festival. Fleetline Ae r o sedan. s h o w i n g a retail price of S3,078.

MATT JACHMAN This restored 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline A e rosedan in coral and beige belongs to Jeff Gysel of Brighton. B u y Mi c h i g a n N o w Fest boosts state, its products By Julie Brown people are actively seeking out Michigan-based and wines, under sponsorship of the Northville products and companies,” she said. “I think our Chamber of Commerce. Beer and Wine Garden Staff Writer campaign and our website has had a lot to do hours are 4-10 p.m. Friday, 1-10 p.m. Saturday, with making that happen.” and noon to 4:30 p.m. Sunday. In 2007, Michigan’s ec o n o m y wa s in rough shape. Livonia resident Lisa Diggs wanted to help. Detroit’s been k n o w n for auto manufacturing The Buy Michigan N ow campaign can be for years, and s o m e companies like Jiffy are reached at P.O. B o x 511135, Livonia, M I 48151, “People recognize we all have a role in revitalizing household names, but Diggs finds festival visitors email F e s t @ B u y M i c h i g a n N o w . c o m . Its website the economy,” said Diggs, who launched Buy is Michigan No w that year. “Buying from Michigan- often learn about others. “T h e y see something they didn’t k n o w was m a d e here. I think people based businesses is one wa y we can contribute.” always discover something,” she said. [email protected] Twitter: @248Julie B u y Michigan N o w is a statewide initiative to There will be so m e 150-plus vendors this year at inform, educate and encourage organizations the festival in d o w n t o w n Northville. “It all just and consumers to boost Michigan’s economy by depends on what people are looking for,” she said. buying products and services ma d e in Michigan Y ou can learn about roof repairs at the festival, and from Michigan-based companies. b uy patio furniture or seek out smaller items. The seventh annual B u y Michigan N o w Festival will be July 31 through Aug. 2 in d o w n t o w n “W e ’ve got so m e from Traverse City,” Diggs said Northville. Hours are noon to 8 p.m. Friday, July of vendors, w h o will represent 70-plus different 31, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1, and 11 Michigan communities, “which is really cool.” a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2.

Northville offers great access to Detroit, A n n Arbor and Lansing, explained organizer Diggs. W h e n she started the campaign in 2007, “I w a s looking for personally h o w I could m a k e a “It’s an incredibly cute town,” she said, adding it difference. I decided to educate other people. It’s also boasts m a n y independent merchants of the one of the easiest things w e can do, where our variety Bu y Michigan N o w seeks to promote. dollars are going.” “W e hear nothing but positive feedback in terms If every Michigan household added $10 of what it does for those businesses,” Diggs said. a we e k to Michigan products, it wo u l d pu m p $38 “T h e y do very well, I’m happy to say.” million a we e k into our state’s economy, she said, Admission and parking to the Buy Michigan providing jobs and spin-off benefits for many. N o w Festival are free. Ma i n and T h e B u y Michigan N o w Festival will feature in the town square a selection of Michigan beers Center streets are closed in the middle of d o w n t o w n to ma k e it easy to shop and dine, while enjoying live entertainment from s o m e of Michigan’s top performers.

Diggs noted a part of Wi n g Street will also be closed this year, the seventh annual festival, indicating ho w the event has grown. “I think

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W/' H o r r y li n d e n C/tcer/otes. Mtonrty Pforji’ps H^rrr Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00 - 6:00; Sat. 9:00 - 4:00 DECORATING DEN 248-437-4168 Lisa Diggs takes a look at some Michigan-produced art at 22880 PONTIAC TRAIL a local business. Diggs is in charge of the Buy Michigan I N T E R I O R S' IN KING PLAZA • SO U T H LYON Now Festival that will be held July 31 through Aug. 2 in (248) 596-0300 www.flow downtown Northville. All Major Credit Cards Accepted JOHN HEIDER | NORTHVILLE RECORD Mike Miller Building Co m p a n y Supports T h e Bu y Michigan N o w Festival FRESH LoLt A / C W t The Sh o w r o o m of Elegance is getting a hoL" this su m m e r with ne w paint, displays and a brand ne w Pandora build out. Stop in during our hoi" SALE and freshen up your jewelry for a bargain M i k e Miller, President______now through July 31, 2015! Michigan 6018 N. CA N T O N CE N T E R RD. household CANTON, MICHGIAN 48187 734.207.1906 - spent $10 a week on Michigan products, together we would put $38 million into our local economy. Mike Miller Building Co m p a n y buy local. Northville, Michigan Ptaise note The Sho)*room of Elegance will be closed 248-797-7096 July 1st. 3rd. and 4th and July 21-2S (remodeling) Learn more at BUY MmUjGBN N0\M mD O mW N T m O W N m NORTHVILLE'S m ANNUAL FESTIVa E c ELEBRATING MICHIGAN ■ 1 9 Bu y Mic h i g a n N o w Festival hosting fundraising activities

KARL FREYDl, D O A meeting in late-September 2014 between S u p p o r t 2 1 5 E. M a i n Street, Suite 20 1 B u y M i c h i g a n N o w a n d M i c h i g a n Positivity Metro-Detroiters can offer their support via Northville, Ml 48 1 6 7 248.773.7964 Project founder Lisa Diggs and Michigan the following fundraising events scheduled. native and Days of Our Lives star S h a w n Northville's Premier Joint ant! Spine Center Christian started with a vision a n d is n o w • Shindig at the Shop (7-10 p.m. Friday, b e c o m i n g a reality. July 31): B u y M i c h i g a n N o w a n d A r r o w - Heart Ca m p s have partnered with Northville’s A n extensive In conjunction with the Seventh Annual Tipping Point Theatre for this one-of-a-kind selection of local B u y M i c h i g a n N o w Festival in d o w n t o w n creative evening. Mix, mingle and explore a n d international Northville July 31 to Aug. 2, Christian and Northville’s n e w Village Workshop, a multi­ arts an d gifts in a his Days of Our Lives co-star Arianne Zucker level h u b o f creativity a n d innovation while welcoming setting! will co-host three fundraisers during the B u y enjoying local foods a n d beverages, live M i c h i g a n N o w Festival. Proceeds will benefit S T A R R I N G entertainment, and watching creative projects A r r o w - H e a r t A d v e n t u r e C a m p s in Detroit, c o m e to life. E v e r y ticket c o m e s with a free 118 W. Main Street-Northville I 248-347-1642 which help at-risk children, and Th e Michigan souvenir ma d e on site at the Village Workshop. Positivity Project. Tickets for all w e e k e n d Parking is available in lots around the venue. events are n o w on sale. The Village Workshop is located at 455 E. 111 E. Du n la p St. • Northville C a d y Street. Tickets for Shindig at the S h o p s “I feel so privileged to work with these 248-344-4429 are S3 5 in ad v a n c e an d $4 0 at door. incredible organizations. Buy Michigan Free sh am poo , Free hot lather N o w , T h e M i c h i g a n Positivity project, a n d • Special movie screening of Spanners a n d neck shave, Free beverages the Outdoor Adventure Center’s generosity, Q & A with Shawn Christian (3 p.m. Saturday, Sports memorabilia, foosball kindness and confidence in Arrow-Heart A u g . 1): A unique opportunity for sci-fi mo v i e and flat screen TV’s!!! Adventure Ca m p s helps us toward our mission fans to catch a private screening of the film at to build a healthy and enriching community the Emagine Theatre Novi. Tickets (S12) are M o n T o ' e ^ALL AGES for teens in Detroit,” said Zucker, co-founder available for purchase online. Tues-Fri 8-7 ^ WELCOME! of Arrow-Heart Adventure Camps. Sat 9-5 • Toast of Michigan W i n e & Beer Tasting T h r o u g h the M i c h i g a n Positivity Project, (6-7 p.m. (VI.P.) a n d 7-10 p.m. (general Christian and Zucker were introduced to admission) Saturday, Aug. 1): Sample the Detroit’s n e w Outdoor Adventure Center and m a n y wine and beer offerings at the event Belle Isle, and as a result, they have worked space located inside Northville Square (133 INDIGO with Lisa Diggs and a dedicated team that W. M a i n Street). Tickets are S50 in advance Salon, Spa & Boutique believes in their mission to help bring their and $60 at the door and include light hors Canton, Ml 734.961.3243 amazing mentoring program to children in d ’oeuvres, eight tasting tickets, dessert bar, V'' Detroit. Ar r o w - H e a r t is co m m i t t e d to enriching live entertainment, an d a silent auction. the lives of young teens through challenging outdoor adventures and mentorship. They • Brunch with a Heart (10 a.m. to n o o n Award w Lia.p\Xpv0 styVict, V\ov^ttow\^ hospltflUty inspire kids to want to m a k e better choices Sunday, Aug. 2): Guests can enjoy brunch a n d to build character, confidence, credibility with Christian and Zuker in a more intimate M i d - W e e k Ge t a w a y Special! Pick 3 for ON L Y $99! a n d critical thinking skills. E a c h child is also setting at the Ga r a g e Grill & Fuel Ba r (202 W Eccentric Eyes Ma k e Up Application •Please note, valid for required to do service to their co m m u n i t y , as a M a i n Street). This unique 1940s era building Full Bo d y Airbrush Tan redemption Tuesday-Friday component of the program. was converted from a body shop to a cool 30-Minute Relaxation Massage between 9:00 AM -4:00 PM. restaurant with spectacular food. Brunch Spa Manicure Offer cannot be combined or used with or for other gift “As soon as I met Shawn and heard him Express Pedicure will b e served buffet-style in a private room. Gfds or promotions. Valid speak so passionately about h o w the Arrow- Tickets are $45 advance. There will be no day- Essential Facial with select technicians. Valid W a s h an d Style on same day services only. Heart program helped kids get exposure to of-event purchases available. the great outdoors while building character Best and leadership skills, I k n e w w e needed to A VIP weekend pass is also available for of ¥••»best f d S ^ LIST bring that program to Michigan and Detroit’s purchase for $200 and includes admission to n e w Outdoor Adventure Center provides the all three weekend events (Shindig, Toast and perfect h o m e for the program,” said Diggs. Breakfast). The weekend pass also includes access to the VI P reception on Saturday which “ I’m grateful for the inspirational forces o f will include drinks and light hors d ’oeuvres Theamnoa family and friends in Michigan wh o have given a n d a gift bag. W e have one of Michigan's m e the tools to experience the adventurous life biggest and best selections I have n o w as an actor and producer. I want to Individual tickets an d VI P We e k e n d Passtickets of high quality ne w an d used pay the adventure forward. I’m so proud of the can be purchased in advance at www.arrow- bikes at great low prices- team w e ’ve assembled to em p o w e r the Detroit For more information on save hundreds off of the youth through Arrow-Heart Adventure the B u y Michigan N o w Festival, visit w w w . retail price. C a m p s , ” said S h a w n Christian. W e carry Fuji, Oiamondback a n d Breezer. W e also carry a large selection of used Trek. Giant. Specializp4and wore. Call us no w to see if^ w e have what you're looking for. m b f i n a n c i a l f l l Check us out on Facebook b a n k for our dally specials

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MEMBER M B Financial Bank = = FDIC NMLS: 401467 MAIN STAGE LINEUP FRIDAY JULY 31ST U- B A R B E R S /A * /M 12:00PM-12:45PM Magician Chris Clark 545 W. 7 Mile Rd. ^ 'Oi % 248-349-2780 W 1 Chris Clark will be spreading laughter and joy with his puppetry and magic to kick off the Friday fun in To w n k A Square. Chris is a tremendous entertainer wh o often invites the kids on stage to bec om e part of the act. M o n - Fri & s Parents ma y want to bring a camera along. 8 am -7 pm ^ & 2:00PM-2:45PM Magician Chris Clark S a t ^ I 7?- Chris will return with a second sh o w featuring magic, puppets, and lots of laughs. 7 a m - 4 p m 3:00PM-4:30PM Jason Milan ytoomutq tAc tfa* TfoitAoitU (ox 50 yc&xo Songwriter and instrumentalist Jason Milan began picking and strumming wh e n he was eleven years old. Roughly w w w rorthvtUobarbers com two and a half decades after first picking up an acoustic guitar, he has blossomed into a truly gifted performer and technical virtuoso. His original instrumental compositions are experimental, spellbinding and spine tingling. Fans of guitar greats like Django Reinhardt, A1 Di Meola and Pat Metheny will surely appreciate the worldly jazz undertones that resonate while he navigates effortlessly over the frets. 5:00PM-6:30PM The Rebound Band (Beer and Wine Garden Opens at 5PM) moyfoir Styled in the classic roots-rock format of two interweaving lead guitars, with an acoustic guitar, bass and drum Voted Peoples Choice Winner For rhythm section, The Rebound Ba n d breathes ne w life into the greatest hits of the 60 ’s through the 90 ’s. They pay Best Real Estate Agent 2010,2011 & 2012 tribute to artists like Bo b Seger, Pearl Jam, Lynyrd Skynyrd, To m Petty and more. You ma y even find yourself singing LOCAL RESIDENT WITH A SOUTH LYON OFFICE along to these hits that everybody knows and loves. ottico: (248) 486-9227 • Ce//. (248) 939-6432 7:00PM-9:00PM Twistin’ Tarantulas T he Northville Friday Night Concert Series in To w n Square will be a party, under the musical guidance of long-time Detroit area favorites, Twistin' Tarantulas. This band journeys across the American musical landscape, playing mostly their ow n material. Th e y play a hybrid of Jump-Blues and Rockabilly for a truly unique and entertaining sound. v am mmm Family Owned & Operated 10:00PM Michigan Beer & Wine Garden Closes SATURDAY AUGUST 1ST 10:00AM-12:45PM Donna Holman 2 0 9 S. Lafayette (Pontiac Trail) 2 blocks S. of 10 Mile • Downtown South Lyon Musician, Do n n a Holman, writes and sings original songs and also performs a variety of classic hits from Norah Jones to James Taylor to Etta James. She has been nominated for several music awards, and has shared the stage with Kid Rock, Rascal Flatts and Travis Tritt. For this performance she’ll be joined on stage by

Bill Ad a m s and Co d y Scanlan. 8 3 1:00PM-2:30PM Darwin Mamassian and James Humphries (Beer and wine Garden opens at IPM) i.oaxo2»w'? Ease into your weekend with some folk, blues, and light rock courtesy of talented singer/songwriter, Darwin o n o n o o o 11 o Mamassian, wh o will be joined on stage by James Humphries on harmonica. The pair will treat you to so m e of your LafayCttC 101 South Lafayette favorite tunes as well as so m e original music. 3:00PM-4:15PM 3 R D Degree Byrnes Corner SoutJ8L£8n>MI These guys specialize in rocking blues with a blend of 60 ’s/70's rock and old school country. With Michigan natives C A F E ouaoooono Nick Byrnes on drums, brother, Kevin Byrnes on bass, and long-time friend, Chris Virzi providing vocals and keyboards. To w n Square will be buzzing. 4:45PM-6:45PM Holstein Highway Expect tons of energy and excitement from this Farmington-based Americana/Roots band that performs original W/ Purchase of any Pastry music mixed with intriguing twists on classic songs. Holstein Highway sounds like Jackson Br o wn e meets Marc expiration date 8/31/15 C o h n at a Traveling Wilburys reunion. 7:30PM-9:30PM Mainstreet Soul (/)ia/te V (/)o// f/fouxt- Back by popular de m an d for the sixth straight year, this 10-piece horn band consists of so m e of the finest talent Metro Detroit has to offer. Founded on the love of horn-driven music, Mainstreet Soul is dedicated to giving electrifying performances on stage. They provide the perfect backdrop for a fun su m m e r evening, playing songs from artists like Tower of Power, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Stevie Wonder, Chicago, Sly & the Family Stone, as well as hits from Motown, and mu c h more. 10:00PM Michigan Beer & Wine Garden Closes SUNDAY AUGUST 3RD 1 1:30AM-12:30PM Gerry Bee and the Bluescasters (Beer and Wine Garden opens at Noon) The forecast includes so m e serious Blues on Sunday, wh e n Gerry Bee and friends hit To w n Square. These guys are the so m e of the best guitarists in Metro Detroit! Th e y ’ll get your day off to a smooth start. 1:00PM-2:30PM Rare Standard Modern-progressive jazz for the modern-progressive world will hit To w n Square in the afternoon. Jazz is one of the purest forms of art and no one understands that better than Rare Standard. Becoming a leader in the Nu-Jazz revolution, they look to progress the art of jazz forward while making the old sound ne w again. 3:00PM-5:00PM David Gerald Band i V A Popular BM N F e s t favorites, the David Gerald Band will close the party out. This rockin’ blues band performs all across the US A , though they are based in Westland. Their show includes a wide variety of great blues covers t I J C M T as well as songs from their debut CD. JULY 31-AUGUST 2 *All events and performances are subject to change.

r ALL HOWARD MILLER CLOCKS 3 D ays O nly J u l y 31, Auc 1-2, during the Buy Michigan No w Fest!

Howard50% Miller is a made in Michigan Company,OFF* headquartered m Zeeland, Michigan GRAYLAND ALFORD (611-224) 89th Anniversary Edition 88th Anniversary Edition Plays Westminster Chimes Plays Westminster Chimes Height 86” Width 23" Depth 14" Height SI.25" Width 24" Depth 14.5" sugg. retail $4,104 sugg. retail $4,304 SALE $2,052 SALE $2,152 Michigan - a true commitment to ethics, quality and integrity. We have one of H O W A R D X MILLER. the finest repair and design facilities in ANTHONY Michigan, and represent many of the Plays Westminster and Ava Maria finest designers in the jewelry industry. Height 8.5" Width 15.75" Depth 5.2 ARENDAL sugg. retail $374 Serving Michigan residents for over Plays Westminster and Ava Maria 60 years, we support many Michigan Height :4" Width 9" Depth 4.5" SALE $187 sugg retail $5 IS organizations and employ 28 people. SPECIAL ORDERS EXCLUDED IN SALE! GARDEN CITY — ' SALE $259 29317 Ford Rood a? MOcSeDet 734 4227030 Northville Watch & Clock Shop NORTHVILLF Serving the Xorthville Community for oivr 45years ’Ao u m a y delay, but 101 East Ltan Street at Center 132 W. Dunlap • (248)’349-4938 ’ 243 349 6940 Benjaimn Franklm 8 1 ww w . errye-weie** co m Special Bus Michigan Now Festival Hours Hurry in..3 days only! Friday 94k 5ai 945 and Sunday 11-4 A10 (CP) JOANNE MALISZEWSKI, EDITOR THURSDAY. JULY 23. 2015 [email protected] OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC MEDIA 248-396-6620 HOMETOWNUFE.COM BUSINESS TWITTER: @JMALISZEWS Motivating a staff takes communication, caring

By Julie Brown Ford Mo t o r Co. staffer. w h e n their fans are all to mull failure of four Staff Writer His supervisor wanted to behind them. questions your employ­ fire him, but Bo r g urged B o r g also shared a ees have for you: Management consult­ the supervisor to sit story of magician Har ry » D o you like me ? ant To m Borg knows a d o w n for a cup of coffee Houdini, wh o visited a » D o you care about thing or two about moti­ with him, an offer that at M e x i c a n jail to try to m e ? vating employees. first raised suspicion. escape. Houdini picked » C a n I trust you? “W e can only create “H e told m e he had an the lock for a long time. » D o you know what the right environment autistic son at home," "The only thing that you are doing? w h e r e that individual B o r g said of that sur­ broke out was sweat on D o n ’t play favorites, . motivates themselves,” prised supervisor, wh o his forehead,” Bo r g told Borg added. said Borg, a Canton resi­ also learned his staffer the Rotarians. Houdini “That is a real motiva­ dent, wh o for me d his took pride in his bowling eventually passed out tion killer,” he said. “Not T o m Bo r g Consulting, prowess. Later, the recal­ and pushed the jail door a good wa y to run your L L C in 1982. H e told citrant wo r ke r sh o we d open. It wa s never organization.” Westland Rotarians at a up early - and even locked. Westland Rotary July 16 lunch that cre­ asked wh a t additional In addition to clear, President Paul Motz, a ating clear, ongoing co m ­ w o r k he could do to help. ongoing communication, Westland resident and munication is the basis Borg urges managers JULIE B R O W N Borg urges employers director of Westland of motivating staffers. to keep up with continu­ Consultant To m Borg (center), a Can t o n resident, visits with to: Youth Assistance, “Y o u ’ll find you have ing education and read Westland Rotarians Richard Strausbaugh (left) and Paul Motz. » Have weekly meet­ thanked Bo r g for speak­ a mo r e in-depth con­ trade publications. H e ings. ing. versation with the other told of going to a Detroit » D o n ’t finish the “S o m e t i m e s we just person,” he said of avoid­ Tigers ga m e with his he told so m e teens. Th e said. H e me t the wa v e other person’s sentences. need that extra step for ing "multi-tasking” wh e n wife in 1987. A ballpark Tiger Stadium visitor organizer that day, wh o »> Stop multi-tasking, motivation,” Mo t z said. meeting with a staffer. regular announced to w a s eventually able to told Borg, “I’m just cra­ instead focus on the B o r g Consulting, LL C Borg, wh o s e clients B o r g ’s section, “W e ’re get the entire cr o w d to zy en o ug h to do wh a t it other person. is online at include AT&T, Wayne going to do the wave.” do the wave. takes to get these re­ » Stop using the www.TomBorg State University and T h e first try wa s half­ “T h e entire stadium sults.” words “but” or "howev­ Detroit Metropolitan hearted, but the ma n bursts into applause The stadium crowd er,” instead substitute W a y n e County Airport, kept working. "Hey, that because they just did the motivator add ed he finds the wo r d “and.” [email protected] told of an unmotivated w a s a pretty good try,” w a v e together,” Bo r g the Tigers play better H e told the audience Twitter: @248Julie

BUSINESS BRIEFS Ribbon-cuttings ton Inn & Suites, 1950 N. Haggerty Road. No Apps open for political leadership program The Canton chamber charge for chamber will host a couple of members; non-mem­ Applications for the process an d analysis, month from February tion fr o m the website at ribbon-cuttings in the bers $10. Contact the Michigan Political Le a d ­ governance and cam­ through November, gen­ next few weeks: c h a m b e r for mo r e in­ ership Program at Michi­ paigning. erally beginning with MPLP/mplp_app.pdf. » Hearthland Health formation at 734-453- gan State University are Graduates take with dinner at 6 p.m. Friday Mail the completed ap­ Care Center of Canton, 4040. n o w available for indi­ them the knowledge and and meeting through 4 plication, along with open house 5-7:30 p.m. viduals wh o are interest­ skills needed to ma k e p.m. Saturday. supporting documenta­ a nd ribbon-cutting at 6 Just opened ed in enhancing their sound public policy deci­ Considerable financial tion, to Pr o g r a m Ad m i n ­ p.m., Thursday, July 30, TITLE Boxing Club leadership and political sions and to be effective resources and time are istrator, Linda Cleary, at the facility, 7025 N. in Canton has opened skills in order to better leaders of the future. donated to support each Michigan State Univer­ Lilley Road. and offers trainer-led serve communities, con­ Practical skills training fellowship, whi ch is sity, Michigan Political » S h o w r o o m of Ele­ boxing and kickboxing stituencies or causes. are emphasized. Fellows valued at $12,000. Th e Leadership Program, 509 gance will celebrate its classes. The program is adminis­ participate in te a m and fellowship covers the E. Circle Drive, Ro o m 15th anniversary and " W e chose Canton tered and supported by coalition-building activ­ participants’ lodging, 321, East Lansing, M I unveil a refreshing and because it is a great M S U ’s Institute for Pu b ­ ities to foster co m m u n i ­ meals and program 48824-1111. buildout of the store for community and we are lic Policy and Social cation and the exchange costs, however, accepted Applications must be a Pandora line. Stop by excited to be a part of Research in the College of ideas. Fellows are asked to pay received no later than at 4 p.m. Wednesday, it,” said Alice Kim, of Social Science. T h e M P L P faculty is an administrative fee of Friday, Sept. 11, for con­ Aug. 5, at 6018 Canton owner of TIT LE Boxing. Annually, a diverse c o m p o s e d of elected $1,000 to participate in sideration. Should you Center Road. TITLE Boxing Club group of 24 individuals officials, political activ­ this program. IVavel and have any questions re­ Canton is located at are awarded the opportu­ ists, M S U faculty, med ia some parking expenses garding the application After-hours mixer 5848 N. Sheldon Road. nity to participate in a and business profession­ are the responsibility of process or the MP L P T he next Canton For mo r e information, hands-on curriculum als from across Michi­ the participant. Program contact Linda Chamber of Commerce go to www.canton- that incorporates per­ gan. M P L P fellows are To apply for a M P L P Cleary, pr o g r a m ad m i n ­ m ixer is 5-7 p.m. Thurs­ sheldon.titleboxing sonal leadership devel­ required to attend one Fellowship, right click istrator, at clearyl® day, Aug. 13, at H a m p ­ opment, public policy weekend session per and download an applica­ m or 517- 353-0891.

Get M^Y^From Your Buy Michigan N o w event boosts state, its products

B y Julie B r o w n HOME Staff Writer In 2007, Michigan’s economy was in rough shape. Livonia resident w W Lisa Diggs wanted to help. "People recognize we all have a role in revital­ H o m e Equity Line-of-Credit I % izing the economy," said Diggs, wh o launched Buy Michigan N o w that year. "Buying from Michigan- based businesses is one w a y we can contribute.” 2 9 9 % ™ Buy Michigan No w is APR* a statewide initiative to inform, educate and INTRODUCTORY RATE encourage organizations a nd co n su me rs to boost the state’s ec o n o m y by Apply now and get up to 100% buying products and -SI services ma d e in Michi­ JO HN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER of your home value! gan and from Michigan- Lisa Diggs takes a look at so m e Michigan-produced art at a based companies. local business. Diggs is in charge of the Bu y Michigan N o w • No annual fee The seventh annual Festival that will be held July 31 through Aug. 2 in do w n t o w n B u y Michigan N o w Festi­ Northville. • Introductory rate on advances val will be July 31 through Aug. 2 in do w n ­ taken within the first 9 months N o t o w n Northville. Hou rs ing ho w the event has educate other people. It’s are noon to 8 p.m. Friday, grown. “I think people one of the easiest things • Stop by the Credit Union 7 days a week C l o s i n g July 31,10 a.m. to 8 p.m. are actively seeking out w e can do, wh e r e our Saturday, Aug. 1, and 11 Michigan-based products dollars are going.” • Call the Credit Union at 800.287.0046 . a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, a nd companies,” she If every Michigan Costs Aug. 2. said. “I think our ca m ­ household added $10 a Northville offers paign and our website w e e k to state products, it great access to Detroit, has had a lot to do with would pu m p $38 million A n n Arbor and Lansing, m a k i n g that happen.” a we e k into our state’s C o m m u n i t y A l l i a n c e Diggs noted. “It’s an Detroit has been economy, she said, pro­ incredibly cute town,” known for auto ma n u ­ viding jobs and spin-off EST 1966 CREDIT UNION she said, adding it also facturing for years and benefits for many. Ytour Gu i d e To Financial Su c c e s s boasts ma n y independent some companies like Buy Michigan No w merchants of the variety Jiffy are household will feature a selection of Buy Michigan N o w seeks names, but Diggs finds Michigan beers and wines, under sponsorship 37401 Plymouth Road Member Service & Lending Center to promote. “W e hear festival visitors often nothing but positive learn about others. of the Northville Ch a m ­ (At Newburgh) 39500 High Pointe Blvd., Suite 200 feedback in terms of There will be so m e ber of Commerce. Beer Livonia, MI 48150 Novi, MI 48375 what it does for those 150-plus vendors this and Wine Garden hours businesses. Th e y do very year. “It all just depends are 4-10 p.m. Friday, 1-10 well, I’m ha p p y to say.” on what people are look­ p.m. Saturday and noon Admission and park­ ing for," she said. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday. ing to Bu y Michigan No w “W e ’ve got some from The Buy Michigan (at are free. Ma i n and Ce n ­ Traverse City,” Diggs N o w campaign can be mm ter streets are closed in said of vendors, wh o will reached at P.O. Bo x the middle of downtown represent 70-plus differ­ 511135, Livonia, M I 48151, to ma k e it easy to shop ent Michigan communi­ email Fest@BuyMichi- Rale, subject to change wuhomprior notice, pjjfdime AP R will not exceed a nd dine, all while enjoy­ ties, “whi ch is really Its website 'uctory rate a'.aiiable for new home eqimylOieUne-df-cretUi loam and all advances made ing live entertainment cool.” is www.buymichigan ifirjt 9 months of loan origination. Ad\-ances after the 9-month period wiP. be from some of Michigan’s W h e n she started the at tHe current variable rate (Prime, i u.'ue and cam pa ig n in 2007, “I was •tess). 2.99* introductory offt top performers. [email protected] x Credit Union. Property andJorflood Diggs noted a part of looking for personally Twitter: @248Julie Mkkigaz. ' W i n g Street will also be h o w I could ma k e a dif­ closed this year, indicat­ ference. I decided to A 1 1 ( C P ) Our fundamental purposes are to enhance THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2015 the lives of our readers, nurture the OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC MEDIA hometowns we serve and contribute to the business success of ou r customers. HOMETOWNUFE.COM OPINION

LETTERS O U R VI E W Hunger at home Feeling obligated I normally wo n ’t co m m e n t on Protect topics wh e r e I don ’t have a dog in the fight. But I feel obligated to after watching a ne w s story about protestors on the steps of yourself, loved the South Carolina state house. T h e K K K fools we r e shouting and waving the Confederate flag. A counter group was shouting ones from and waving the green, black and red flag of the Republic of Ne w Africa. F or those wh o do n ’t know, the summer heat R N A was formed in 1968 by black radicals. Th e y de m a n d e d It’s be e n pretty wa r m recently. Temperatures the federal gov er nm en t turn hit the high 80s, low 90s with plenty of humidity over five southern states to last weekend. them. They would then form a D o n ’t be surprised. Right no w is the tail end of n e w country. Th e manifest to run the hottest weather for the year in Michigan, ac­ the ne w R N A sounded like it cording to 30-year averages calculated by the could have been written by the BILL BRESLER | STAFF P H O T O G R A P H E R National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra­ Taliban of today. Their leaders D e S h a w n Will carts fo o d to Marlette Anquetil, w h o volunteered to drive the items to a recipient in Pl y m o u t h w h o currently is without transportation. tion. were linked to violence and mu r ­ H e a t brings life, but it can also cause catas­ der. Sure se e m s like the RN A trophe if you aren’t careful. Th e National Disas­ and the K K K have more in co m ­ ter Medical Sy s t e m says that on average, heat- m o n then they think. SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS The Voiceless Generation related illnesses cause mo r e than 600 deaths ev­ I have always viewed the Confederate flag with disdain W e we l c o m e your Letter to the Years ago, there wa s a politi­ ery year and fro m 2001 to 2010 mo r e than 28,000 Editor. Please include your name, people w e r e hospitalized for heat-related ill­ a nd people wh o display it as cal saying describing citizens hillbillies and rednecks. address and phone nu m b e r for ver­ w h o we r e not actively engaged nesses. ification. W e ma y edit for clarity, space in civic discourse, and wh o sup­ Y o u can help keep yourself, your family and W h e n I see that green, red a n d content. Su b m i t letters by the posedly represented the basic others around you out of the emergency depart­ and black rag being waved, I following formats: will of the people. Th e y we r e m e n t by watching for signs of heat stress. think of a Detroit police officer m u r d e r e d by those separatists in Web: called the “Silent Majority.” All People suffering fr o m heat-related illnesses Mail: Letters to the Editor, Plymouth- m ay experience heavy sweating; weakness; 1969. sorts of political motivations Canton Observer, 29 7 2 5 Hu d s o n Drive, w e r e attributed to this ma s s of cold, pale, and c l a m m y skin; fast, w e a k pulse; T h e two groups of protestors should have joined hands, Novi, Ml 48377 unknowns. Ma n y crucial public and nausea or vomiting. Early signs include Fax: 248-668-4547 m u s cl e cramps, heat rash and fainting or near- m a r c h e d do w n Ma i n Street car­ policy decisions we r e ma d e in rying a banner that said "Idiots Email: jmaliszews@hometown- their name. fainting spells. If yo u believe so m e o n e is suffer­ ing fr o m a heat-related illness, he or she needs to Parade.” Today, on the 239th Birthday m o v e to a cooler location a nd lie dow n; apply James Huddleston of America, we are experiencing cool, wet cloths to the body; and have the person Canton complicated Proposal 1 was. another era, new er generations who, for the mo s t part, are not sip non-alcoholic fluids. Th e y should rem ai n in K e e p i n g it simple should be the truly en g a g e d citizens. Ne v e r the cool location until recovered. Ice cream, not roads best approach. W e can also hope Signs that someone might be T h e behavior of our state that it is re m e m b e r e d that every­ have young people had so ma n y suffering from the most se­ GOP-controlled House would be b o d y will benefit fr o m better technological marvels to co m m u ­ vere heat-related illness, hilarious if their incompetent roads, in varying degrees, not nicate their views to elected officials, but it se e m s they are heat stroke, include a behavior wa s not so serious. just those wh o ma y ow n a car body temperature above After a two -w ee k vacation, our and bu y gasoline. not taking advantage of them. Could it be that they do not have 103 degrees Fahrenheit; state Ho u s e representatives The Mackinac Center has adequate background informa­ hot, red, dry or moist returned for duty only this past stated that an increase of sales skin; rapid and strong Tfresday, July 14, wh e n they con­ tax and use taxes fr o m 6 percent tion provided to th e m in their pulse; an d “altered m e n ­ fronted the state Senate road to 7 percent would generate schooling to do so? As a result, tal status” that can range repair bill. Th e G O P Ho u s e lead­ $1,427 billion extra income. Un ­ there appears to be a growing f r o m confusion a nd agita­ ership me t for three hours be­ fortunately the Michigan Consti­ “Voiceless Generation” amongst the young. Wh y are there so tion to possible uncon­ hind closed doors and in secret tution requires that any change m a n y “voiceless” yo u n g people sciousness. deliberations. to the sales tax law requires a If you see someone ex­ After these deep and complex public vote. Th e attempt to do w h e n it co m e s to civic engage­ hibiting these e xtreme deliberations, they me t briefly that with the last complicated ment? proposal failed and cost the tax­ O n e big reason, I believe, is A fan provides a wind signs, call 9-1-1 i m m e d i ­ Wednesday, July 15 and declared payers millions of dollars. that our schools are simply not • chill effect, ma k i n g the ately; help the person July the ice cre am month. They promptly adjourned and will be O u r Legislature has the au­ getting the job done. Ou r young air feel a fe w degrees m o v e to a cooler environ­ thority to pass a tax bill that people are not being taught colder than it actually is. ment; reduce the per­ out of to w n all of last and this son’s body temperature week. could increase revenue ear­ "rootedness” about their co m m u ­ with cool cloths soaked A s already mentioned, this m a r k e d for road repair. This nity and the nation. It appears that they are not even being in ice w at er especially to head, neck, armpits m a y be comical behavior except process has been implemented taught the basics as to ho w a a nd upp er legs near the groin area wh e r e co m ­ the state GOP-controlled House m a n y times in the past, as an municipal government works. To bined 70 percent of bo d y heat can be lost, or even expresses cowardice and avoid­ “excise” tax on: cigarettes, gaso­ help re m e d y this situation, par- * a cool bath if you can stay with t h e m to avoid ance of a pe r ma ne nt solution to line, diesel fuel, beer, wine, air­ ents ma y want to take the time to drowning; and do not give th e m fluids. our crumbling roads and line tickets, tires, etc., all applied educate their children about Children are especially vulnerable to heat ill­ bridges. July is the official ice in addition to an existing sales c r e a m mo n t h by legislative de­ tax. Livonia’s proud history. nesses, an d can ’t always tell us wh a t is wrong. During the su m m e r break W h e n it’s hot outside, consider an y cha ng e in a cree, but no solution for repair of I n c o m e taxes, value added they can take their youngsters child’s behavior as heat stress. Additionally, in­ our roads. taxes, sales taxes and transfer on a visit to Livonia’s historic fants and children should never be left in a T h e construction season is taxes are examples of other G re en me ad , tour the old Wilson parked car, even if the win do ws are down. already half over and we are "excise” taxes, but are typically Barn, or take a trip to historic To help prevent heat-related illness, the U.S. faced with the winter of poor and not called excise taxes. N an ki n Mills and other venues to Department of Health and Hu m a n Services and worsening roads. If not in c o m p e ­ To avoid another complicated tence, cowardice and indiffer­ plan the Michigan House should learn about our area’s historical AlertID offer these suggestions: roots. Th e y could also educate » Stay hydrated: Th e rate at which the hu m a n ence, just what is the reason for take a simple approach that does b o d y can absorb fluids is less than the rate it los­ this inexcusable behavior by our not disrupt or cut any current their children about the wo r k ­ es during extreme temperatures. Drinking bev­ elected representatives? programs. Authorize a 1-percent ings of municipal gov er nm en t by taking their kids to a meeting of erages that contain sugar, caffeine or alcohol W ha t will happen whe n they excise tax to those transactions the Livonia City Council and will only further dehydrate the h u m a n body. return? W h o knows. Th e r e better that are no w at 6 percent and explain its workings. Th e y can D ri nk water regularly, ev e n before you are thir­ be a pe r ma ne nt fix to our cr u m ­ e a r m a r k the additional 1 percent bling infrastructure or they ma y for road repairs. However, in m y also take their children along to sty, as thirst indicates dehydration. voting precincts on election day » K e e p cool: If you d o n ’t ha v e A C at home, be on vacation permanently. view the 1 percent add-on should keep r o o m s as ventilated as possible. Consider Gerald Maxey expire in four years and be sub­ to see ho w their parents prepare going to a public pool, shopping mall or other air Farmington Hills ject to a renewal allowing for an the ballot and use the voting machine. These kinds of experi­ conditioned building. E v e n a f e w hours in air evaluation and review by the ences will help th e m get mo r e conditioning can help you stay cool before you KISS road plan Legislature. All proposals thus R e m e m b e r the saying: Ke e p far have not included a period e ngaged in later years. go ba c k in the heat. We a r cool, loose, lightweight Joe Neussendorfer clothing to stay as cool as possible. It Simple Stupid? As our legisla­ for review or an end date. » Limit outdoor activities: TVy to limit out­ tors in Lansing “w o r k ” on a solu­ Jim Brenner Livonia door activity to early mo r n i n g or evening hours tion to fix our roads, we can only Bedford a nd avoid strenuous activity during the hottest hope that they rem em be r how hours of the day. » Avoid harmful UVs: If it’s not possible to stay out of the sun, avoid harmful rays by we a r ­ GUEST COLUMN ing w i d e - b r i m m e d hats, sunglasses, a n d use a sunscreen with SP F 15 or higher. » Never leave someone or a pet in a closed Keeping Michigan families safe online vehicle: Th e temperature inside a closed vehicle can exceed 140 degrees within 30 minutes. D e ­ your neighbors to see you doing spite this clear and present danger, injuries and ^ ^ ■ o d a y ’s technology is evolv- it, don ’t do it online. People for­ deaths a m o n g children, seniors an d pets occur I ing at a rapid pace. Social I media, mobile devices, the get, but computers never do! every year. This is an especially important » C h e c k on elderly loved ones and those with "cloud” and e-commerce have special needs: Extreme heat without A C can be radically changed the wa y s in­ lesson to consider wh e n yo u ’re especially dangerous for elderly and those with formation is used, stored and using social media. "Overshar­ health issues, wh o are mo r e affected by the heat. protected. ing" can be tempting - especially A s people crank up air conditioning in the peak In a day and age wh e n even Jim Murray Mark Smith for you ng people - but it’s not usually a good choice. Parents time of s u m m e r , electrical grids can b e c o m e young children can be found should wo r k with their children overwhelmed, causing power outages. In power through a simple online search, to help th e m understand that outages, people w h o rely on electricity-depen­ families should be proactive in life, so just apply these sa m e discretion is an important part of dent medical devices, like ox y g e n concentrators thinking about keeping them­ jud gm en t skills online and you'll a n d electric wheelchairs, m a y ne e d assistance selves an d their personal in­ be wa y ahead of the game. safety. so check on your neighbors as the temperatures formation safe. » Use firewalls, passwords » Shut it d o w n sometimes. soar. O u r organizations, A T & T and a n d security software. It se e m s It’s not just good for your family » Pets: If pets need to stay outside, give th e m the Michigan Association for obvious, but m a n y families don't to po w e r down, it’s also good for plenty of shade and water. Consider a small pool Computer Users in Learning, take precautions to protect their your com pu te r system. Critical updates, virus protections and for the animal to stay cool. have seen the best and worst of h om e systems and data from Heat-related illnesses are dangerous, but cyber security practices. We hackers. Use multiple passwords other fixes are often applied they are also preventable, 'ftike s o m e time to want to help all Michigan fa m ­ and ma k e sure your information w h e n you reboot, so be sure to learn m o r e about w a y s to beat the heat so that ilies stay protected online, is safe fr o m prying eyes, ma l ­ disconnect frequently. you. your family, and your co m m u n i t y can have whether they’re studying, wor k ­ w a r e and other threats. You've got a big job, keeping a safer, healthier su m m e r . ing or just surfing the web. » Monitor your kids. B e sure your family safe in today’s digi­ A s with any activity, co m m o n to keep track of the websites tal world. For A T & T a nd M A - sense is the key to good cyber children visit. Their searches, C U L , our partnership looks to security. Ou r grandparents’ activities and eagerness to click help consumers - parents and CANTON reminders - "better safe than on pop-up windows can lead to their children - stay safe online. sorry" and "if it sounds too good some unexpected consequences, B y using your head, taking ad­ to be true, it probably is" - hold not just for your system, but for vantage of available resources true in the digital world. them. Yo u r vigilance can help and being a smart consumer, O b s e r v e r ensure their safety fr o m online you'll be sure to get the job done With that in mind, here are A G A N N E T T C O M P A N Y s o m e important online safety predators and cyber bullying, right. Joanne Maliszewski, Grace Perry, tips: plus provide an additional layer Editor j Director of » Click carefully. B e wa n * of of practical security for your Jim Murray is president of AT & T Susan Rosiek Ad\’ertising pop-up wi n d o w s and stick to home computer system. Michigan, and MarkSmitfi d executrve Executive Editor websites you trust. You're care­ » Be smart about managing ful to avoid sc a m s in your daily your privacy. If you don't want Joe’s Every Weekend ORGANIC PRODUCE SPECIALS G R I L L I N G H O U R S 1 Strawberries Raspberries Cucumbers ” $099 0/$K K/$K while supplies last. ^ ea fj fj/ I3152 I ^ ^ N^ ILE RD Red & Green Yellow Zucchini Livo\iA, mi Grapes Squash Squash

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USA HOCKEY ARENA IT FIGURES Hockey players get a

leg u p o n essential skills

By Tim Smith Staff Writer

T h e notion of hockey players working in the corners conjures up images of nasty puck bat­ tles. That’s not always the case, as demonstrated Monday at US A Hockey Arena in Plymouth Township, wh e r e 15-year-old hockey player B r o c k Mor ga nr ot h listened to his po w e r skating coach along the boards during a drop-in figure skating session. T h e coach, Nicole Reitz, patiently helped the Milford teen with just about every skill a hock­ ey player must have to succeed — balance, body alignment, stride, the ability to stop on a dime. A little while later during the session, Livo­ nia’s Joey Dean, 10, w h o plays for the Livonia Knights, “T h e y do a lot of received the sam e kind of coaching w o r k with attention fr o m Jen technique. ... / DeJohn. “I think Jen (De- think you can John) helps to im ­ see it in his prove his edges and his stride, gaining g a m e . ” speed and balance,” JENNIFER DEAN, said Joey’s mo m , J o e y ' s m o m Jennifer Dean. “T h e y do a lot of w o r k with technique, which helps. I think you can see it in his hockey gam e. ” During one drill, Joey pushed off one skate while lifting the other blade off the ice. He re­ peated the exercise to the opposite end of the rink and back again. “It’s nose over knees over toes,” said DeJohn, w h o regularly works with hockey players even though her title is director of figure skating at the arena. D e J o h n said the hockey-figure skating con­ nection doesn’t surprise as ma n y people as it used to. “I think the smart ones kn o w where to come; w or d gets around,” DeJ oh n said. “Because we g r e w up doing figures and we have quality edges and we kn o w ho w to teach quality edges, w e can transfer that to hockey stride, cross­ overs, sharp turns, quick starts.

See SKILLS, Page B2

Drop-in sessions offer cool fun during hot s u m m e r for dedicated figure skaters

By Tim Smith than drop-in figure skating ses­ ure skating director Jen DeJohn, Staff Writer sions at U S A Ho c k e y Ar e n a in provides ample opportunity for Plymouth Township. skaters of all ages — even those Figure skaters such as Canton’s “It started at 6:50 (a.m.) and I’ve w h o didn’t take up the sport until Kathryn McIntyre barely cut their been here since like 8 o’clock,” their teens or 20s — to sharpen up b a b y teeth before cutting sy m ­ McIntyre said with a smile during their mo v e s and literally get an metrical grooves in sheets of white M o n d a y ’s session. "I like skating in edge on those taking things a little ice. the morning, though, because I easier during their su m m e r vaca­ McIntyre, no w 15, wa s just 4 have m y whole afternoon to do tion. years old wh e n she laced on skates other stuff. I’m a mo r n i n g person DeJohn estimated that as ma n y for the first time. Mo r e than 10 anyway.” as 24 skaters — including hockey BILL BRESLER | STAFF P H O T O G R A P H E R years later, there’s no place she’d The 12-week sum me r program, Skating coach Jacque Lupinacci-Mooney is a former rather be on su m m e r mornings guided by US A Hockey Arena fig­ See SKATING, Page B2 hockey player for Livonia Ladywood.

PREP FOOTBALL Falcons ‘will be fine’ despite loss of top talent

By Dan O'Meara m o v e d to Waterford and trans­ ther earlier this Bechtel said. "Y o u take the ing with them wh e n two-a-days Staff Writer ferred to Mott Hi g h School. year. players you have and you do start and we see what we have. T h e senior-to-be is one of T h e 6-foot-2, your best. Wo u l d we like to W e ’re excited.” Farmington High School’s the top-rated players at his 192-pound Fitz­ have him? Yes. If he’s not Fitzpatrick caught 32 passes football team will adapt and position in the Mi d w e s t and patrick, wh o there, we don ’t worry' about it for 511 yards and scored a total m o v e forward in the 2015 sea­ m a y b e the country. Fitzpatrick also started at or dwell on it. of 11 touchdowns last season, son, according to coach John c ommitted to the University of cornerback on " W e coach the next kid. helping the 7-3 Falcons win the Bechtel, despite losing one of Louisville at the end of last Bechtel defense for the W e ’ve got a lot of good players. O A A Blue Division champi­ its best players. season. Falcons, did not W e ’ve got a lot of kids wh o can onship. T h e Falcons’ arsenal of Bechtel said he kn e w the return pho ne calls fr o m the fill in, and I’m sure they’re Mott will be the third high talent took a hit wh e n star wide m o v e wa s a possibility after Obsewer. going to be great. receiver De z Fitzpatrick talking with Fitzpatrick’s fa­ “It’s just like every season,” "I can ’t wait to start wo r k ­ See FALCONS. Page B2



«tit nil;nti nmMo ______M o ______M o . wmsm ^ 8 ; iCailMTIg nmnm viu-n*' nm nn asaanyreo 1*303 1?©R?0I37 8303 OQEB STklttXfcO S T » *5172 ^ STUS116 MHO 24 MO U T H ; 4 v o «- HAS* HAS MU A S l k *01 V-TTH I fiJBMi 4MLT I 3 ^ a c h a s im i Y ai c a m n * iu s < • M & Til. 9-9; Tue,rue, Ww & Fp 9-6 SKATING Continued from Page B1

players working on stride, balance and crossovers — populate the ice at any one time during the sessions. Th e y come from a number of co m ­ munities, including Livonia, Farmington, Novi, South Lyon a nd Milford, am o n g others. Something unique Because the Olympic-sized ice where the sessions normal­ BILL BRESLER | STAFF PH O T O G R A P H E R ly take place wa s out of co m ­ U S A Hoc k e y Ar e n a figure skating mission Monday, they skated director Jen De J o h n likes ho w on the arena’s smaller sheet s u m m e r business at the arena is (where the Ontario Hockey going. League’s Plymouth Whalers formerly played). "Figure skating’s alive and loved it, so I got a coach and well here,’’ De J o h n said. started taking private lessons. " W e ’re very ha p p y to be here " Th en I started in synchro­ and we have a growing pro­ nized skating, which is team gram.’’ skating. I’m still on an adult The arena on Beck Road team and we ’re going to be brings th e m in fr o m just training here.” around the corner, too. Ply­ Hayes was working with mouth’s Mikaela Hazergian her coach, Sheral Voelker, on w o r k e d on her jumps, spins "novice” moves. a nd twirls. "That’s working with your So did Canton Hi g h School edges and footwork," Hayes sophomore-to-be McIntyre, said. “That’s a lot of deep w h o playfully bla me d her edges, footwork. It’s so m e of g randmother (Jackie, a Ply­ the stuff that they’re also mouth Figure Skating Club showing the hockey players. board me m b e r ) for always BILL BRESLER | STAFF PH O T O G R A P H E R "There are twizzles, rocker bringing her to US A Hockey Susan Carlisle offers en c o u r a g e m e n t to 10-year-old daughter Leta. Th e y are from Canton. counters, inside 3-turns, loops A re na and “paying for it, so I a nd they’re pretty difficult, but have her to thank for all of I love it. I’ve been skating for this.’’ missing a beat despite the really fun to learn ne w things,” here every day skating and she like 30 years and I’ll keep go­ McIntyre wou ld walk to the recent sale of Co m p u w a r e to M a y a said. “An d I ma k e a lot of probably stays, like, two to ing as long as I can.” arena if she had to, though. U S A Hockey. friends on the ice. three hours. She ’d stay the “I love it. I love ho w it’s “It’s exciting and it’s excit­ “I like all the ju m p s and entire time if she could. She Keeping the passion different than other sports,” ing that it’s right in our co m ­ spins and ho w hard they are, loves it; she wants to skate Such enthusiasm amid a McIntyre said. "It’s very phys­ munity, that we don ’t have to it’s just really fun to do all the every single day.” challenging day on the ice is ical and a lot of people do n ’t travel so far for a high-quality spins, because I like the part Weighing in with a perfectly music to the ears of arena think it is. program,” Michaelann Hofner w h e r e you get kind of dizzy.” reasonable explanation for that skating coach Jacque Lupinac- “T h e y think you ’re just out said. “Everybody knows Arctic M a y a then let loose a trade­ w a s Ma y a , a little girl with a ci-Mooney of Canton. there on the ice, spinning and E d g e (in Canton) has great m a r k chuckle, obviously at her high-pitched voice wh o strings Lupinacci-Mooney, 33, whatever. But it’s very phys­ skaters and Ol y m p i c skaters, favorite place to be on a July sentences together as well as brings a unique perspective to ical. Yo u have to jump, you but that’s far. An d we ’ve got a morning. She loves to skate s o m e kids a decade older. the rink, because she also was have to breathe really hard. high-quality pr o g r a m with a nd have a great time doing it. “Y o u kn o w wh a t ’s the best a varsity player on Livonia It’s really different than any ­ really well-trained coaches Plus, she’s pretty good — about skating during the su m ­ Ladywood’s hockey team. thing else.” right here. helped along by instruction m e r ? ” Ma y a asked. “So m e ­ "Everything comes down to “M y daughter’s been co m ­ from skating coach Brandee times in su m m e r it gets super- w h e r e your body is positioned It's exciting peting since age 7, through Amick. duper, duper hot. An d I like to and your edge work,” Lupinac­ Northville’s Erica Hofner, Compuware and now US A "Yeah, I did three competi­ go on the ice ’cuz it’s really ci-Mooney said. "But then also 10, also wa s 4 years old wh e n Hockey Arena. We intend to tions so far and for all of th e m cold.” just developing you as an ath­ she took her first skating les­ stay here and stay with the I got first place,” Ma y a said. lete to be hap py to be on the ice sons at then-Compuware Are­ program.” "First one wa s at Co m p u w a r e , Never too late a nd wa n t to skate, even with­ na. She wa s out there on the ice whe re I skate now, the second T h e joy of figure skating is out a coach telling you to skate. M o n d a y not far fr o m wh e r e Youth is served one wa s at Westland and the something that ca m e later in To keep your heart in it." McIntyre and Hazergian were O n e of the younger skaters third one wa s An n Arbor.” life to Northville’s Ki m Hayes, Judging by the beaming getting after it. M o n d a y wa s 7-year-old North- That kind of success rate one of Mo n d a y ’s participants. faces wo r n by skaters at US A Meanwhile, Erica’s mo m , ville resident Ma y a Labonte, doesn’t surprise Amick, a Ca n ­ N o w 51, she wa s already 20 H o c k e y Arena, that shouldn’t Michaelann Hofner, couldn’t accompanied by her mom, Me g ton resident. w h e n she gave the sport a try. be a problem anytime soon. hold back her enthusiasm for Labonte. " M a y a is probably one of “I got hooked right away,” the rebranded program and “I really like it, because you the hardest-working students H a y e s said. “I started in a [email protected] that it is continuing without get to learn ne w things and it’s I’ve had,” Am i c k said. “She is Learn to Skate program and I Twitter: @TimSmith_Sports SKILLS FALCONS Continued from Page B1 Continued from Page B1

"We know the breakdown school Fitzpatrick has at­ a nd we kn o w ho w to coach, tended. He beg an his prep step by step, skating tech­ career at Harrison and nique.” transferred to Farmington Also on the arena’s skating before his sophomore year. staff is so m e o n e wh o played T h e Falcons, wh o will be high school hockey at Livonia back in the O A A White this Ladywood, Jacque Lupinacci- year with crosstown rivals Mooney. Harrison and North Far­ “M o s t people are starting to mington, have at least two see that there’s an art to skat­ other NC A A Division I ing,” the 33-year-old Canton recruits on their resident said. "A n d there’s an roster. art to skating that’s the pri­ Senior full­ m a r y emphasis in figure skat­ back and line­ ing. An d with hockey, so m e ­ backer David times you ’re distracted by Reese has co m ­ working on skills in terms of mitted to Michi­ p u c k skills. gan, senior run­ “But if you cannot skate, ning back/wide Dez then you ’re going to struggle in receiver/kick Fitzpatrick hockey.” returner Jakkar Lupinacci-Mooney nodded Jackson to Central Michi­ w he n asked about ho w her gan. unique ice experience helps Senior tailback Kyle her get the mo s t out of stu­ Brunson, who se brother, dents — whether their skates Curtis, plays at Univer­ have toe picks or not. sity, hasn’t decided on a "It ma k e s me, one, extreme­ school yet but is being ly marketable,” she said. “But recruited by D-I schools, two, mo r e than anything, it too. makes me understand every "I think we have a whole skater’s background, which we b un ch of scholarship kids,” all kn o w is going to be unique Bechtel said, citing receiv­ to each skater. ers Zeb Noble, An d r e Sar- “I can understand a figure foh and Justin Collins, tack­ skating perspective and un ­ le Andrew McLeod and derstand a hockey perspective, linebacker Philip Norris. also, and help promote the “A couple other kids growth of any athlete here.” could well be, too. We ’ve got a lot of really good players. BILL BRESLER | STAFF PH O T O G R A P H E R W e ’re highly optimistic. [email protected] Joey Dean, 10. of Livonia works on po w e r skating with Jen DeJohn at US A Hockey Arena. Twitter: @TimSmith_Sports W e ’ll be just fine.”

M U WOMEN'S Franklin, Canton alums a m o n g five recruited to play for Crusaders M ad on na University soft- ple to our program,” Ab r a h a m collegiate ca­ ability to hit the ball to all with po w e r and spray the ball ball coach Jerry Ab r a h a m has said. reer. Sh e ’s defi­ fields, is a power-hitting threat to all fields.” added five ne w student-ath­ A three-time all-Kensington nitely a player a nd se e m s to play best in pres­ Izworski lettered in basket­ letes for the 2016 season, in­ Lakes Activities Association w e ’re excited to sure situations. She is a qual­ ball, softball and volleyball. As cluding a pair of Observerland selection, Giacobbi earned a dd to our 2015 ity student-athlete fr o m Ca n ­ a catcher, she wa s a two-time recruits. three all-district selections recruiting ton Hi g h School, one of the all-Big North Conference se­ The Crusaders received a nd wa s na m e d her te a m ’s top class.” state’s best softball pro­ lection on the diamond. letters of intent fr o m Be c k y offensive player twice. She hit A b r a h a m W a r r e n grams.” T h a ye r wa s a four-year Giacobbi of Livonia (Frank­ .505 with 56 hits, including 11 played for for­ C o m a r z a n earned letters in varsity softball and lin). Halee Wa r r e n of Canton doubles, as a junior in 2014. m e r Madonna skipper A1 basketball, softball and volley­ player for the Big Reds. She (Canton), Kerstyn Co m a r z a n " B e c k y is a talented, all- White the last two seasons at ball for the Marauders. A also has extensive experience of Wyandotte (Gibraltar Carl­ around athlete,” Ab r a h a m Canton. She earned all-KLAA three-time all-Downriver se­ in travel softball. son), Haley Izworski of West said. "She has excellent base­ a n d all-district honors as a lection on the diamond, she T h e 2015 Crusaders (37- Branch (Ogemaw Heights) running speed, a strong glove senior. Wa r r e n hit five ho m e can play either shortstop or 14-1) wo n the Wolverine-Hoo- a nd Jordan Tha ye r of Clinton a nd the ability to play multiple runs and wa s second in batting third base. sier Athletic Conference reg­ Township (Chippewa Valley). outfield positions along with average for the Chiefs. “Kerstyn has good range ular-season title, qualifying “I think we have add ed five being a threat to steal. “Halee is a talented offen­ defensively and a powerful for the NA I A national tourna­ quality players and, mo r e "She has the skill set to sive and defensive standout,” throwing arm,” Ab r a h a m said. ment. importantly, five quality peo­ contribute right aw a y in her A b r a h a m said. "She has the "Offensively, she can attack 2015 ALL-AREA SOFTBALL TE A M All-Observer team loaded with college-bound talent

FIRST TE A M (mostly at third, although she did help ing 12 ga m e s to a knee injury. nie Volpe said. "She led the te a m in all to the University of Michigan next A l e x Sobczak, catcher, Mercy: out at catcher) an d tallied a .975 Yager, wh o as leadoff batter often the offensive categories yo u wa n t one year to play field hockey. Sobczak played every position on the fielding average. jump-started rallies for head coach Al of your best hitters to lead. "She's the hardest working girl I’ve field during a stellar four-year varsity Miller wa s na m e d to the all-KLAA, White, batted .542 with 12 extra-base "She's extremely coachable, which ever had as a fielder," Co m b s said. "In career an d wa s na m e d Miss Softball all-district all-region an d all-state hits, 14 RBIs an d 30 stolen bases. m a k e s her fun to have around. With four years she sprinted on-and-off the Position Player this year. She began teams. "She has the green light to run on Danielle on the team, we look for­ field. She wa s a tremendous worker." her senior season at third base and "Brittney is a true leader for the any pitch," Wh i t e said. "She is only w a r d to the potential we have to CO-COACHES OF YEAR m o v e d to catcher for the second half. Plymouth program," coach Lauren going to get better." g r o w as a program in the future." Alec Lesko, Mercy: In his first Sobczak, wh o will play for the Delapaz said. "She leads by example The junior, wh o carries a 4.0 grade- So p h i a VanAcker, outfield, season as he a d coach, Lesko led the University of Michigan, batted .440 a n d inspires her te a m to succeed with point average, has already committed Mercy: Th e so p h o m o r e left fielder Marlins (27-4) to their most successful with seven doubles, her actions an d words. to play softball at University of De- m a d e a major contribution to Merc/s season in nearly a decade. ^ five triples, six ho m e "Brittney has hit for the Wildcats troit-Mercy. successful season, batting .547 with Mercy wo n its first regional ch a m ­ ^ \ runs an d 33 RBIs. As all year with several key hits, like her Victoria Lupher, catcher, Ch u r ­ four doubles, three triples an d 30 RBI. pionship since 2007 an d advanced to the leadoff batter, h o m e run in the district championship chill: Th e senior enjoyed a spectacular In addition to so m e outstanding the semifinal round of the Division 1 she dr e w 39 walks - g a m e against Salem." season as she registered a team-high defensive plays, VanAcker also scored state tournament for the first time about half of which Miller will play Division I college .446 batting average while scoring 33 runs, had 11 since 2003. w e r e intentional. softball at Oakland University. scoring 32 runs an d knocking in 27. stolen bases and During the regular season, the II She also scored M i kayela Marciniak, pitcher, A n outstanding, % earned a Division 1 Marlins we r e ranked as high as No. 2 Alex Sobczak 58 runs and made Plymouth: Wh e n her team needed ~ Z 1 S S ^ ^ strong-armed catch- M -55? all-state honorable in the state and defeated No. 1 Por­ the Division 1 all- an offensive jolt senior Marciniak f er, she also clouted ■ mention. She had tage Central in the Ma t t a w a n tourna­ state first team. Her usually ca m e through — such as ( Z _ 1 four home runs with ^ ' " ^ H slugging and on- m e n t slugging an d on-base percentages drilling a ho m e run off the right field \ " i four triples an d 11 base percentages of V . Lesko, wh o w e r e .857 an d .625, respectively. scoreboard during a D1 district ga m e doubles. Last but .653 an d .581, re­ \ coached the Trenton "Alex wa s a tremendous leader," o n her ho m e field. i4 not least, she swiped Sophia spectively. ^ 1 varsity for 17 years, coach Alec Lesko said. "She wa s so m e ­ Marciniak, another four-year eight bases. V a nAcker "Sophia is a w a s an assistant one wh o gave confidence to every standout, also wa s a key contributor Victoria "Victoria wa s a gamer," Lesko said. coach last year and other player on the team. She did at second base or in Lupher three-year varsity "She really improved as a defensive replaced his da u g h ­ whatever we asked of her. the circle — she player, an d she led player. She batted in a tough spot ter, Sara McGavin, as "Being in the leadoff spot ma y a u g m e n t e d fresh­ us this season on nearly every offen­ between Alex and Abby. She handled Alec Lesko head coach. McGa- have hurt so m e of her numb e r s as far m a n Jenny Bressler sive category," said he a d coach Steve that perfectly. M e r c y coach vin remained on the as ho m e runs an d RBI. Bu t because to give the Wildcats Gentilia. "While she wa s a great "It put a lot of pressure on her staff as an assistant they walked her so ma n y times, we an excellent pitching player in the field, she wa s an even w h e n they would pitch around Alex with Nancy Malinowski and Jerry led off with base runners, an d that staff. better student earning a full academic a n d th r o w at her to avoid Abby. In Ashe. helped give us an advantage." 6 She delivered in scholarship to Oakland University." doing so, Sophia ca m e up with ma n y Mercy defeated Northville and A b b y Krzywiecki, first base, Mikayela all facets of her B e c k y Giacobbi, outfield, big hits throughout the year." Waterford Kettering to wi n the re­ Mercy: Th e junior standout makes Marciniak g a m e , hitting .498 Franklin: Headed to Ma d o n n a Uni­ Rachel Zerona, outfield, Ply­ gional at Novi and routed Clarkston in her third straight appearance on the with 16 doubles, five versity to play collegiate softball, mouth: Championship teams always a quarterfinal game. all-area te a m after batting .574 with ho m e r s an d 35 RBIs. Her pitching stats Giacobbi recorded a team-high .477 boast about strength up the middle, The season en d e d with a 5-2 loss six doubles, tw o triples an d 13 ho m e w e r e just as impressive: 15-3 record, batting average, .525 on-base per­ a n d that wa s the case with the Wild­ to Caledonia. Mercy's other three runs the past season. 1.53 eamed-run average an d 146 centage and scored cats, especially with Zerona patrolling losses we r e to Catholic League and D1 Krzywiecki, wh o committed to strikeouts in just under 115 innings. 38 runs. She ad d e d center field. state champion Wa r r e n Regina. South Alabama, is a Division 1 all-state For her efforts, Marciniak was six doubles an d tw o Zerona keyed the offense out of T h e Marlins lose four seniors and player. She also drove in 57 runs and n a m e d to the all-KLAA, all-district triples while playing the leadoff spot batting .410 with 43 will return 11 varsity players, including scored 23. Her all-region and all-state teams. the entire season hits an d 10 RBIs. Eight of her hits were six starters, for the 2016 campaign. slugging percentage " M i k is a te a m player," Delapaz without committing of the bunt variety. "I believed in this te a m right from w a s 1.030. said. "The coaching staff asked her to an error. A four-year In the outfield, the start," Lesko said. " W e had so m e Krzywiecki ha d a play several positions, and she stepped varsity player, she is the junior flagged tremendous seniors (Alex Sobczak, 1 10-1 pitching record u p and succeeded at every one." Becky a rare three-year down numerous Jordan Johnson, An n a Kiafoulis and with a 2.98 earned Marciniak will join Miller on the Giacobbi captain an d all­ would-be hits and Molly Murphy). Th e leadership on and .H ^ run average. She Oakland University softball te a m next district and all-KLAA finished with a .957 off the field an d in the classroom was had 73 strikeouts as season. honoree. fielding percentage. outstanding. Abby opposed to 21 Kaylen Glenfield, shortstop. "Becky will be re m e m b e r e d as one She also helped cut "I think our group going forward Krzywiecki walks. G a r d e n City: Glenfield posted on e of of Franklin's best softball players," said Rachel Zerona d o w n base runners got a little taste of this (tournament "Batting in the the most impressive stats lines in the head coach Linda Jimenez. "She is with a strong arm. success), an d I think the wo r k ethic is three spot, Ab b y wa s a very solid state this season, hitting .578 with right up there with Brittany and "Rachel is our going to continue to get higher. p o w e r hitter," Lesko said. "She con­ seven h o m e runs, 55 runs scored and Briauna Taylor in the Franklin softball spark plug," Delapaz said. "She is high We're going to fight to get back tinued to drive in runs, helping us to 56 RBI. She hit the ball hard almost record book. Like the Taylor twins, energy an d enthusiastic. She has a here." w i n games. every time she stepped in the batter's Becky has outstanding character. She passion for the ga m e of softball and it Lauren Delapaz. Plymouth: It "She wa s very, very go o d in the box, delivering 14 doubles an d 14 w a s selected by her teammates to s h o w s in every at bat. w o u l d be difficult to find any coach in circle as a pitcher. She wa s able to help triples. Along with posting an am a z ­ receive the 'Patriot' award, which is " W e are excited to see her im­ the history of Plymouth High School us offensively an d defensively. We're ing 1.156 slugging based on character an d leadership. At prove and ma k e a difference her w h o had a better rookie season than looking forward to her leadership ■P^ T percentage, she H o n o r Night she also received the senior year." Delapaz. next year." W ^ stole 12 bases. She Franklin 'Ke/ aw a r d for the Class of Zerona, wh o has committed to A standout player at the prep and A n d r e a Elmore, pitcher, Mercy: I has verbally commit- 2015 based on character an d academic play college softball at Oakland Uni­ college level, Delapaz mo v e d over to Elmore em e r g e d as a top-notch varsity / 1 ted to play col- achievement. She will be truly missed versity, wa s na m e d to the all-KLAA the Wildcats after serving as an assis­ pitcher the past season an d assumed u V v } legiate softball for but not forgotten." a n d all-district teams. tant softball coach at Canton. Ply­ the role of being the team's ace. The I 4a ' Western Michigan A l e x Ch e m e y , pitcher/first Kara Hutchison, catcher, Salem: m o u t h we n t on to post a 30-5 record, junior right-hander compiled a 16-3 University. base, N. Farmington: The junior The Rocks had a winning season and going undefeated in KL A A play, record an d ha d a 1.57 ERA. Kaylen "Kaylen had a all-star has been a three-year starter Hutchison's all-around play ha d plenty capturing division, conference, associ­ She posted 153 strikeouts and Glenfield 'monster' year for us and is a two-time all-area selection. to do with that. ation, district an d regional titles. issued just 27 walks by comparison. at the plate, driving She wa s the glue that held a yo u n g Hutchison's third season as Salem T h e Wildcats wo n a regional Elmore threw five shutouts and in over 60 runs an d having a slugging t e a m together. catcher wa s her best throwing out championship for pitched tw o perfect percentage of over 1.000," head coach Cherney posted base runners trying to steal, plus the first time in games. She is a Barry Patterson said. "Over the past a 1.95 ER A an d had blocking an d fram- school history and Division 1 all-state couple of seasons nobody has worked a strikeout-to-walk ing pitches to help m a d e the Elite Eight [ ^ 1 $ honorable mention. harder or put mo r e time into devel­ ratio of nearly 5-to-1 / get her team out of before being ousted by Mattawan at the "Andrea really oping their game. Kaylen has devel­ with 236 strikeouts f ^ jdms* r . c a m e into her ow n o p e d into on e of the premier short­ and 55 walks in 162 .. Jfl| The junior bat- University of Michi­ ’t * * this season," Lesko stops in the state an d has earned all i D innings. Her record m L “ / W ted a robust .472 g a n in a Division 1 said, adding Elmore the accolades she has received. I'm w a s 14-16; the te a m BM l' ' f l u with 17 doubles (to Lauren quarterfinal. Andrea has an outstanding very excited to see her take the lead­ Alexa w a s 16-21. lead the team) while Delapaz The future looks Elmore w o r k ethic. "She ership role in next year's team." C h e r n e y At the plate, Kara knocking in 38 runs. bright too, with the continued to gain M o r g a n Overaitis, shortstop, Cherney batted .317 Hutchison She was named 2015 junior varsity going 19-7. confidence in herself, an d it helped Salem: There were a number of with 33 hits, which included six do u ­ Salem's offensive Led by standout senior leaders her to be c o m e a mu c h better pitcher. incredible freshman players in Observ- bles and three ho m e runs. She ha d 22 MVP. w h o bought in to the ne w regime, "We're looking forward to her erland, an d Overaitis wa s at the top of RBIs. Her strong performance wa s duly Plymouth players never let up from leading us in pitching again next the list. "With the changes in our team, noted as she wa s na m e d to the all- start to finish. year." Already verbally committed to play going from a very experienced to a KLAA, all-district an d all-region teams. They brought it on the field while A l e x a Flores, first base, Lady- at the University of Michigan, Overai­ very inexperienced team, I thought “She reads the batters well and also displaying the kind of positive w o o d : Th e senior transfer from tis batted .520 with plenty of po w e r - Lex led the te a m as well as any player works with all the pitchers," Souther­ attitude an d enthusiasm Delapaz White Lake Lakeland, wh o signed 14 doubles an d seven homers - while could have," coach Dave Brubaker land said. "She's a real heads-up displays from the third-base coaches with Davenport driving in 52 runs. said. ballplayer.... Kara is finally getting her box. University, hit .445 She also wa s a "Not only with her pitching and d u e this year." "During tryouts, my coaching staff •fcjf en route to all- steady presence at hitting but also her off-the-field Hutchison has verbally committed and I kn e w we ha d a very special [ M V ^ i l t a League, all-district shortstop and leadership, which wa s key. She held it to continue her softball career at group of student-athletes," Delapaz said. "Coaching the girls ca m e very ; ; E and all-Region ' Jll *natP'tc^er together real well an d wa s the leader Davenport University. *B r accolades. -. when needed. I kn e w she was. That's wh y I ma d e her Kassidy Lipinski, shortstop, easy, as they all ha d great wo r k ethic "She’s got on e of Overaitis was a captain. S t e v e n s o n r A senior wh o started at a n d true passion to be successful." the nicest left- n a m e d Salem's MV P " W h e n the youngsters didn’t shortstop for three consecutive years Delapaz ad d e d that experience Alexa Flores h a n d e d swings Morgan and earned selec- m a k e a play, it didn't get to her. She at Stevenson, Lipin­ from her ow n softball career was y o u ’ll ever see," Overaitis tion to the all-KLAA would bear do w n and work even ski hit .385 from the something she wa s able to dr a w from Ladywood coach team. She also wa s harder. That wa s a big thing for her to leadoff spot an d she this season. Scott Co m b s said. "She hits to all fields n a m e d to the all-district, all-region overcome that an d give us the pitch­ led the te a m in " O n e thing I wa n t e d to instill in a nd has outstanding power." a n d all-state squads. ing performance we needed." fielding chances and our student athletes wa s hard wo r k Erika Selakow- " M o r g a n is an outstanding play­ Danielle Petras, catcher, Far­ at-bats. Lipinski will a n d attention to detail," she con­ skl, se c o n d base, er," coach Bonnie Southerland said. mington: The sophomore backstop continue her stellar tinued. "Being that I have ha d the fe Ladywood: The "She is quick, smart and does wh a t it a n d two-year starter batted an im­ softball career later opportunity to play at the elite level. I i f ~ M ^ junior hit .400 with takes to help her te a m win games. pressive .467 with 50 hits an d 30 RBI. Kassidy this year as she has k n e w that hard wo r k pays off. W e r, w o r k e d very hard at practice everyday 1 1 , I six homers while She’s our Cabrera, a threat no matter She ha d nine doubles, tw o triples and Lipinski accepted an oppor­ [ ik \ '• earning all-district, if she's on offense or defense. three ho m e runs. tunity to play for and I give a lot of credit to all the ■ ® ^ J i all-region and "I cant wait for these next three j __ 1 ^ z Petras also excelled Schoolcraft College's inaugural team. players on my team, wh o ca m e ready all-league recog- ______seasons. It's going to / defensively an d is an Christina Mey- to wo r k daily. Erika nition. r W W be amazing." all-region player. er, outfield, Lady- "I could not have asked for a mo r e Selakowski "Erika is very Elizabeth Yag- - 1 ** y * M r "Danielle ha d a Wf w o o d : Th e senior hard-working, dedicated group of powerful." Combs — H i or outfield. C a n great season on A , ^ . center fielder hit student-athletes to wo r k with my first said. "She works extremely hard and I ton: Fast and sure- M k r M H k both sides of the r U j' \ .350 with 26 stolen year. They jumped on board with my w a s our defensive player of the year." handed in center- ball, displaying ' ' bases, while making coaching style and welcomed me to Brittney Miller, third base. H i field. Yager proved Danielle tremendous leader- I ?1 M * all-Catholic. all­ their team." Plymouth: A dependable senior to be an all-around Petras ship defensively district an d all- Delapaz thanked her staff (assis­ standout for the regional champion Elizabeth catalyst for the with a very young Christina region honors. tant coaches Da n Bressler, P a m Ca m e r ­ Wildcats. Miller provided a powerful Yager Chiefs despite miss- defense in front of her." coach Stefa- Meyer Meyer is headed on. Am a n d a Bumard. Allison Rayiean bat as well as strong-armed defense at and Mychael Evans) and players fof the Observer co c oach of the year the hot comer. HONORABLE MENTION Jessica Hmtkay; Churchill: Elyse Baumgardner. Lauren St honor. The four-year C a n t o n : Hannah Shuler. Mackenna Payne. Sydney Dawson. Pierre. Erin Carpenter. Paige Hanson. Franklin: Sarah "I am very fortunate to receive this varsity player batted Olivia G r a m Peyton Philbeck. Nicole Clark. P l y m o u t h : Cram ton. Ashley Kent Ga r d e n City: Amber Swisher, honor after my first year coaching." .537 with 11 do u Jessica Tucci Whitney Holden. Rachael Ring. Mikayla Rose. Hannah Vera-Burgos. St e v e n s o n : Sarah Mesack. Natalie Delapaz emphasized. "I could not bles, four homers Gina Barber; Sa l e m : Emily Stewart Maranda Armstead, Moore. Laura Coleman. Luth. W e s t l a n d : Emily Hahn. have do n e it without the amazing and 42 RBIs to spark Kristin Mihahc. Ply. Christian: Leah Cann. Kathenne H u r o n Valley Lu theran: Bethany Schaffer. Anne St support of my assistant coaches as the Ptymouth team Spad.i L a d y w o o d : Rozlyn Price. Morgan Larkin Clar- John. Wa y n e : Kyara Watson. Ashley McGeorge. Rachel o to division, confer- well as the outstanding student- enceville: Emily Schwartz. Mia Sampson. Claudia Moore; Lefler Me g a n Mc C u n y Jo h n Gl e n n : Chelsea Gilbert athletes.- Brittney eoce. association. F a r m i n g t o n : Emify Motlanen, Robyn Banks, Lauren John­ Heather Gams; Re d f o r d Un i o n : Danna ArchoboW Mejia. Miller Division 1 district son; Me r c y : Can Padu a Shannon Gibbons. Anna Dixon. N. Cashmiere Jones, Sophie Kanar Re d f o r d Thurston: vex and regional ch a m ­ F a r m i n g t o n : Sarah Lynch. Kelsey tenter kenz»e D'Ascen- M a m a Rachel Pegouste. Chelsea W-lfan* Sydney Taykx pionships zq Ryan Walker. Sa m Chemey Harrison: less 0 Keefe. In the tiekt she started every ga m e P D L S O C C E R Bucks win another regular season championship

Team to host PDL Central the ninth minute after fin­ Hall of Fa m e t e a m tonight to win for several ishing an outstanding play reasons. With all that wa s at Conference tourney at from Russell Cicerone ( Buffa­ T h e highlight of the evening stake in the league and the lo). w a s the halftime celebration, playoffs, that wa s enough Ultimate Soccer Arenas The Bucks continued to when Bucks CE O Dan Duggan pressure. But to play before all dominate in the Lions end for inducted the class of 2015 into these great former players The Michigan Bucks co m ­ the entire first half, but had a the Michigan Bu c k s Hall of and Hall of Fa m e r s added a bit pleted their 20th Premier De ­ hard time breaking do w n the Fame. to the evening.” velopment League regular stingy Da y to n defense. Joining the club were Co ­ season in style Saturday night Lions goalkeeper Tyler lumbus Crew goalkeeper Steve Final four at Ultimate Soccer Arenas in Blackmer wa s under siege all Clark, Bu c k s coaching director The Central Conference Pontiac, wh e r e they defeated night long, while Bu c k s goal Gary Parsons and former final four begins Friday with the Da y to n Du t c h Lions 2-0, to keeper Dr e w Shepherd (West­ Bucks players Joe Malachino two semifinal games. The Des claim their record 12th Great ern Michigan) ma d e just one and Kenny Uzoigwe. Honoring M oi ne s Me n a c e will play the Lakes Division title. save the entire evening. J O H N KEMSKI | EXPRESS PH O T O this year’s class we r e Hall of winner of TYiesday’s Great T h e Bu c k s (11-1-2, 35 points) Blackmer was bombarded The Michigan Bucks, sh o w n from Fam e members Paul Snape, Lakes play-in ga m e between also claimed their record with 16 first-half Bu c k s shots action at the recent Canton Cup, Tino Scicluna (2003), Ji m Du g ­ F C London and K- W United in fourth P D L regular season on goal, but did a great job will host this we ekend's Central gan, Steve Bur ns (2007), Da n the first ga m e (5:30 p.m.), championship (2000, 2008, keeping the visitors in the Conference Championship Fitzgerald and Ti m Richey while the Bucks face the Th u n ­ 2012) and will host this we e k ­ match. tournament at Ultimate Soccer (2011). der Ba y Chill in the second end’s Central Conference In the 34th minute, defend­ Arenas. Duggan enjoyed the win m a t c h (7:30 p.m.). Championship tournament, er David Caban played a long and the reunion that brought T h e winners will play at also at Ultimate Soccer Ar e ­ ball over the top to a streaking back players fro m all 20 previ­ 7:30 p.m. Saturday, with the nas. Goldsmith, wh o corralled it at T h e Bu c k s took the 2-0 lead ous Bu c k s seasons. winner advancing to the PD L With everything on the line, the top of the 18-yard box. H e into halftime and the defense " W h a t a fantastic evening final four (venue to be deter­ the Bu c k s ca m e out flying m a d e no mistake and scored did the wo r k for the second all the wa y around,” Du g g a n mined). Tickets to each night Saturday. Th e league’s most his team-leading 10th goal of half. said. "The 2015 Bu c k s put on a are $10 adults and $7 youth (16 prolific offense (46 goals) was the season, which put hi m in Shepherd recorded the great sh o w and finished the a nd under) at the door. Ad m i s ­ on display early wh e n David the top three in goals scored eighth win and sixth shutout of season in style. The re wa s a sion is free for children ages 5 Goldsmith (Butler) scored in a nd points in the PD L . his rookie season. whole lot of pressure on the a nd under.

Grand champions! SPORTS ROUNDUP Plymouth YM C A For mo r e info, contact the Y M C A at 734-453-2904. » Y M C A Girls Volleyball C a m p registration is open for Lakers tryouts ages 8-12. Th e Y M C A will The Livonia Lakers 14U hosting a second session the travel te a m will hold w e e k of July 27. Ca m p runs tryouts fr o m 6-8 p.m. Mo n ­ from 9 a.m. to noon Mo n d a y day, July 27 at Livonia Frank­ through Friday at Risen lin Hi g h School. For mo r e Christ Lutheran Church. All information, email coach players receive a free T-shirt Aaron Rumberger at ccrum- along with learning and im ­ [email protected]. proving upon volleyball skills using drills and games. Salem wrestling » Y M C A Sports Sampler T he Salem wrestling team registration is open for ages will have an open skills ca m p 3-5. It is an intro to the vari­ for high school wrestlers and ous sports and breaks do w n incoming freshmen from 6-8 the basics of every sport p.m. July 27-30 in the Salem every offered through the wrestling room. Call 734-812- Plymouth YM C A . Sport Sam ­ 9588 to register. pler session runs fr o m 9 a.m. to noon Mo n d a y through Fri­ Churchill hockey COURTESY SHANNON CRAGGS d ay at Risen Christ Lutheran T h e Livonia Churchill For the first time in its five-year history, Plymouth-Canton P o m p o n earned Gr a n d Ch a m p s honors at the C h u r c h the we e k of Aug. 3. hockey ca m p will be held Mid-American Po m p o n Ca m p held June 27 at Davenport University. The team, comprised of girls in grades 6-8 from » Y M C A Indoor Soccer f r o m 8-9:20 p.m. Aug. 3-7 and the Plymouth-Canton area, received firsts in speed learning, kick line an d original routine. Te a m me m b e r s , listed C a m p registration is open for Aug. 10-14 at Eddie Edg ar alphabetically are: Julia Battaglia, Lydia Brandt, Lacey Courtney, Ca m e r o n Craggs, Kassidy Davis, Alii Glud, Maria ages 6-12. Th e Plymouth Arena. Th e cost is $175. For Hall, Allison Hawkins, Olivia Henry, Cordy Householder, Ko k o a Kaneko, Ha n n a h Kulp, Rachel Pierson, Rachel Y M C A is hosting one we e k of m o r e information, contact Provenzano, Erin Sugiura, Br o o k e Tyszkiewicz an d Janae Washington. Th e te a m is coached by Kristen Beyer, c a m p this summer, the week head coach Jason Reynolds at Arianna Bologna, Joslyn Covault and Chelsea Schroeder. of Aug. 10. [email protected].

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Q: I ha v e heard that there is a Michigan Borrower's Bill of Rights. Can yo u give m e any information? A: The Michigan Compiled L a w s gives you various rights which are ten in number. T he se include the right to shop for the best loan for you and c o m p a r e the charges of differ­ ent mortgage brokers and lenders. Also, the right to be informed about the total cost of your loan, including inter­ est-free points and other fees. T h e right to k n o w the rea­ son if your loan applica­ tion is turned d o w n and, among other things, your right to ask Robert questions Meisner about changes in loan terms that you do not understand. Y o u are best advised to see your mortgage broker and/or attorney so that you have a complete understanding of all of your rights. Q: M y wife is French- speaking and w e are thinking about moving to either Qu e ­ bec or Montreal for the su m ­ m e r mo n t h s . Ca n yo u tell m e w h a t the market conditions are of condominiums in both cities? A: In Montreal, if you want to bu y a single cubicle in a Caution's called for ar o u n d a h o m e sw i m m i n g pool, especially with yo u n g children, the Am erican Re d Cross says. unique condo that was estab­ lished for the ’67 Ex p o across the river, it is $600,000 per cubicle which ma y well be approximately enough for one family. If you want to live near Mount Royal, the homes range Red Cross: Keep your ho m e f r o m $500,000 to $6 million. However, there are nu m b e r of n e w condos being built do w n ­ town which are competitively priced. In Qu e b e c City, you will pool safe at all times find that you can purchase a church and convert it to a con­ Millions of us enjoy wa r m r e m o v e any ladders or steps age-appropriate water ori­ » Ensure everyone in the do or something else for $3 weather every year by swi m ­ used for access. Consider entation and learn-to-swim home knows how to respond million or by a ne w condo from m i n g in our backyard pools installing a pool alarm that courses from the Red Cross to aquatic emergencies by $165,000 to $1.5 million, again and relaxing in hot tubs. TVag- goes off if anyone enters the or another organization like having appropriate safety in the do w n t o w n area. In both ically though, over 200 young pool. the YM C A . equipment and taking water cities, commercial and resi­ children drown in backyard » Ke e p children under » Ke e p your pool or hot tub safety, first aid and CP R dential condo development is s w i m m i n g pools each year. active supervision at all water clean and clear. Ma i n ­ courses fr o m the Re d Cross. rampant and you are best ad­ The American Red Cross times. Stay in ar m ’s reach of tain proper chemical levels, The American Red Cross vised to consult with a local suggests own er s ma k e pool y o u n g kids. Designate a re­ circulation and filtration. and National Swimming Pool Realtor wh o obviously speaks safety their priority by fol­ sponsible person to watch the Regularly test an d adjust the Foundation® have partnered French. lowing these guidelines: water wh e n people are in the chemical levels to minimize to create an online H o m e Pool » Secure your pool with pool — never allow anyone to the risk of earaches, rashes Essentials course that de­ Robert M. Meisner is a lawyer and appropriate barriers. C o m ­ s w i m alone. Ha v e yo u n g or or mo r e serious diseases. scribes steps ho m e pool ow n ­ the author of "Condo Living 2: An pletely surround your pool inexperienced swimmers >» Establish and enforce ers can take to prevent trage­ Authoritative Guide to Buying, Selling with a 4-feet high fence or w e a r a U.S. Coast Guard- rules and safe behaviors, dy and keep a well-main­ and Operating a Condominium." He is barrier with a self-closing, approved life jacket. such as “no diving,” “stay tained pool or hot tub. Th e also the author of "Condominium self-latching gate. Place a » Ensure everyone in the a w a y from drain covers,” course is available at Operation: Getting Started & Staying safety cover on the pool or home knows how to swim “s w i m with a bu d d y ” and www.HomePool on the Right Track," second edition. hot tub wh e n not in use and well by enrolling th e m in “walk, please.” Visit [email protected]. This column shouldn't be construed as legal advice.


These are the area residential real 4700 Lahser Rd $2,675,000 29205 Glencastle Ct $205,000 20851 W Glen Haven Cir $133,000 BRIEFS estate closings recorded the we e k 740 Oakleigh Dr $144,000 28666 Green Castle Rd $153,000 NOVI 23849 Argyle St $545,000 of Ma r c h 2-6, 2015, at the Oa k land 838 Palms Rd $1,230,000 30250 Kimberly Ct $40,000 Short sales $225,000 24380 Venice Dr $355,000 Cou n t y Register of De e d s office. 1104 Park Place Ct $640,000 26071 Pillsbury St $455,000 28553 Wildwood Trl $280,000 24299 Weathen/ane Ct $165,000 Listed be l o w are cities, addresses, 4384 Sunningdale Dr If you ow e mor e than what COMMERCE TOWNSHIP FRANKLIN S O U T H LY O N a n d sales prices. your house is worth, you ma y 5694 Carroll Lake Rd $30,000 30455 S Greenbriar Rd $660,000 23546 Bristlecone Ct $480,000 be interested in a free informa­ BEVERLY HILLS 5481 Ford Rd $220,000 HIGHLAND 1078 Cantor Ln $328,000 tional seminar on short sale 16031 Buckingham Ave $201,000 6137 Nadeau St $252,000 1479 Blue Heron Dr $142,000 598 Covington St $153,000 $164,000 procedures. 31098 Rivers Edge Ct $318,000 2327 Palmetto $251,000 780 Scott Dr $250,000 61800 Richfield St Bonnie David, broker/owner 15771 W 14 Mile Rd $85,000 3696 Sandbar Dr $530,000 836 Troon $415,000 964 Stratford Dr $225,000 $50,000 SOUTHFIELD of Qu a n t u m Real Estate, is the BIRMINGHAM 5785 Strawberry Cir $485,000 1517 W Highland Rd presenter. It will be 6-7 p.m. LATHRUP VILLAGE 16950 Ne w Hampshire Dr $115,000 2598 Manchester Rd $340,000 FARMINGTON each Thursday at 129 N. La ­ 165 N Adams Rd $215,000 32314 Loomis Dr $140,000 27071 Eldorado PI $115,000 26440 Senator Blvd $230,000 22815 Power Rd $158,000 18861 Sunbright Ave $236,000 29191 Sharidale St $145,000 fayette, do w n t o w n South Lyon. 1610 S Bates St $525,000 Please call the office at 1288 Villa Rd $318,000 FARMINGTON HILLS MILFORD 26745 W Carnegie Park $75,000 600 W Brown St # 402 $230,000 27845 Berrywood Ln $70,000 1221 Old Plank Rd $210,000 Dr 248-782-7130 or email BLOOMFIELD HILLS 34477 Chantilly Ct $280,000 NORTHVILLE W H I T E LA K E [email protected] for 4045 W Ma p l e Rd # C203 $85,000 25674 Chapelweigh Dr $179,000 20775 Cambridge Dr $185,000 9156 Satelite Dr $121,000 your reservation or additional BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP 37416 Chesterfield Ct $240,000 24213 Chelsea Ct $125,000 8197 Sequoia Ln $185,000 information. 445 Fox Hills Dr N $111,000 29131 Creek Bend Dr $230,000 45115 Galway Dr $285,000 154 Hamilton Rd $735,000 28955 Glenarden St $169,000 55601 Lorals Wa y $515,000 Investors T h e Real Estate Investors Association of Wa y n e will have an open forum. Investors will HOMES SOLD/REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS-WAYNE COUNTY a ns we r questions and offer a These are the area residential real 6549 S Lambeth Ct $228,000 33593 Pondview Cir $74,000 14334 Brook Dr $183,000 market update. Meetings are $73,000 estate closings recorded the we e k 45890 S Stonewood Rd $290,000 14574 Riverside St $247,000 9045 Fenton at 6-9 p.m. the third Tuesday of 18650 Glenmore $42,000 of Ma r c h 23-27, 2015, at the Wa y n e 239 W Canford Park $380,000 38587 Tuscany Ct $183,000 each month at the Re d Lobster $100,000 26283 Southwestern Hwy $63,000 C o u n t y Register of De e d s office. 1443 Willard Dr $182,000 27406 Vargo St on Eureka in Southgate. $210,000 18847 Sumner $50,000 Listed be l o w are cities, addresses, 2596 Woodcreek Ct $280,000 14465 Westbrook St M e m b e r s are free, guests 43790 Yorktown St $190,000 31041 Westfield St $148,000 9112 Virgil $116,000 a n d sales prices. $20, which will be applied to GARDEN CITY 15321 Williams St $157,000 26345 W 7 Mile Rd $17,000 their membership. Th e Re d CANTON 28815 Block St $22,000 NORTHVILLE 26670 Wa d s w o r t h $64,000 Lobster is next to 7-11, near $70,000 44171 Brandywyne Rd $194,000 29529 Dover St $133,000 17090 Ab b y Cir $355,000 26032 Westfield TYenton Road. 44215 Candlewood Dr $217,000 6157 Harrison St $82,000 17369 Briar Ridge Ln $851,000 WAYNE A n y questions or concerns, 7332 Chichester Rd $210,000 29444 Ma r q u e U e St $92,000 17140 Cameron Dr $326,000 36836 Thinbark St $110,000 3424 Williams St $110,000 call Bill Beddoes at 734-934- 49803 Courtyard Ln $23,000 32644 Pardo St $35,000 19548 Ma n n Ct $140,000 9091 or Wa y d e Koehler at 313- 39736 Muirfield Ln $300,000 WESTLAND 44273 Craftsbury Ct $210,000 LIVONIA 819-0919. 7553 Embassy Dr $215,000 15116 Areola St $113,000 522 Rouge St $805,000 31461 Alcona Ct $12,000 34114 Avondale St $95,000 39990 Finley Dr $268,000 35284 Banbury Ct $272,000 45849 Tournament Dr $810,000 Seminar each Tuesday, 17940 Fairway St $250,000 16427 White Haven Dr $332,000 35603 Canyon Dr $115,000 50821 Geddes Rd $192,000 Thursday 47166 Glenhurst Dr $331,000 18587 Flamingo Blvd $165,000 16722 White Haven Dr $311,000 38548 Chestnut Ln $118,000 41474 Hanford Rd $208,000 31517 Gable St $165,000 PLYMOUTH 8039 Coventry St $23,000 A free seminar on govern­ 264 Harvard St $190,000 17819 Golfview St $246,000 11157 Chestnut Dr $204,000 213 Farmington Rd $117,000 ment-insured reverse m o n ­ 42135 Hystone St $180,000 15193 Haller St $191,000 12440 Howland Park Dr $425,000 31476 Glen St $83,000 gages is offered by Colonial 4050 Kimberly Dr $195,000 19351 Hillcrest St $167,000 352 Joy St $200,000 1750 Leslie St $80,000 M o r t g a g e Corp. at 6:30 pjn. 42715 Lilley Po m t e Dr $92,000 11304 Ingram St $120,000 10274 N Canton Center $315,000 355 Marigold Or $94,000 each Tuesday and at 2 p.m. 43563 Lotus Dr $225,000 37526 Jamison St $158,000 Rd 37445 Marquette St $69,000 each Thursday at various loca­ $125,000 6355 N HI lev Rd $172,000 28707 Lyndon St $146,000 44740 Oregon Trl $170,000 29735 Marshal! Dr tions. 41028 Northwind Dr $80,000 36535 Marler St $175,000 49467 Pointe Xing $135,000 5834 Morley St $134,000 R S \ T with Colonial Mo r t ­ 258 S Newburgh Rd $110,000 42419 Old Bridge Rd $230,000 17311 Mayfield St $199,000 46028 Rockledge Dr $300,000 gage at 800-260-5484. 7255 Peachtree Ct $284,000 28972 Minton St $155,000 1338 S Harvey St $160,000 37975 Stafford Ct $145,000 45166 Quaker Hill Dr $230,000 31789 Norfolk St $190,000 1070 Ytxk St $225,000 30763 Steinhauer St $40,000 208 Ro b y n Ct $202,000 27871 Pembroke St $128,000 REDFORD TO PLACE YOUR AD Chevrolet THE OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC MORTGAGE MONITOR Chevy NH R 2007 MICHIGAN AD NETWORK Retro style ba c k e d with SOLUTIONS CLASSIFIED 1-800-579-7355 s u b s t a n c e an d 98 , 0 3 0 Mites' Eag e r to satisfy! FOR SALE INSTRUCTION, SCHOOLS STOP OVERPAYING FOR YOUR •P22191A $8,988 NMLS# 3 0 Yr. Pts. 1 5 Yr. Pts. MISCELLANEOUS PRESCRIPTIONS! NORTH BROTHERS AVIATION 8S5-667-9S60 SAWMILLS 1 3 8 5 6 0 (734) 459-0782 3 . 8 7 5 0 3 Chevy Impala IS 2011 0 Imperial Blue, 59 . 0 0 0 Miles. R o o m y Sedan That Wo n t Break The Bank' IP22183 $13,983 Accurate Mortgage Solutions 1 5 4 5 1 1 (800)593-1912 3.875 0 3 C A N Y O U DIG IT? 0 NORTH BROTHERS HELP WANTED 8S5-667-9860 TRUCK DRIVER AFI Financial 2431 (810)588-4424 3.875 0 2.99 0 Chevy ImpaULS 2012 Only 56,000 Miles. Powerful $5000 SIGN O N BONUS! MISCELLANEOUS STEEL BUILDINGS Engine a n d in Gr eat Condition' •P22185 $13,988 PIONEER POLE BUILDINGS Ameriplus Mortgage Corp. 127931 (248) 740-2323 3.875 0 3 0 THIS CLASSIRED SPOT FOR NORTH BROTHERS S A L E . SOJ flfNT PBCttU 855-667-9660

Chevy Impoln LT2012 I Crosscountry Mortgage 3029 (248) 282-1602 4.125 0 3.375 Triple Black With P o w e r 0 Options and Only 61.000 Miles *14C8263A $13,988 Garage/Moving Sales Bargain Buys Trucks for Sate NORTH BROTHERS Dearborn Federal Savings Bank 399721 (313)565-3100 4 0 3 . 2 5 0 855-667-9860

If you’re selling an item for Chevy Silverado 2006 Chevy Impala in 20 1 3 $100 or less RU N YO U R AO 5 3. V8. Auto. 52,000 Miles, Black Leather Fifth Th i r d Ba n k 403245 (800) 792-8830 4 . 1 2 5 0 3 . 3 7 5 0 UNDER BARGAIN BUY CLASS 56,000 Miles, *1608065A Interior With He a t e d Seats' $ 1 1 , 9 8 8 7200 AT A SPECIAL RATE Loaded! •P22144 Garage Sale Cruisin’ $ 1 5 , 4 8 8 NORTH BROTHERS Is Coming! Observer & Eccentric 855-667-9860 NORTH BROTHERS Zeal Credit Union 408356 (734) 466-6113 4.25 0.25 3.25 0 Call 800-579-73S5! 855-667-9860 It s starting to w a r m up. •S om e restrictions ma y apply Vans which means everyone H H R LT Sport 2009 will be looking for A b o v e Information available as of 7/17/15 an d subject to ch a n g e at anytime. Rates are based on a Lawn Garden 5 9 , 0 0 0 M.los, P o w e r

G A R A G E SALESII & Sn o w Equip I ( Y . f CHEVY 2000 Options and Groat ^ — *Conv.>rebrttrans For Everyday Uso!l $200,000 loan with 2 0 % do w n & credit score of 74 0 or above. J u m b o rates, specific payment N o w is the time to n e w radiator 7 pass., runs' ■P22166 $11,988 L T 20 0 0 G e t your ad Into: drives great. 6cyl, 120k. mi. Craftsman lawn NORTH BROTHERS MICHIGAN.COM $6000 248-756-0401 tractor 42" with 855-667-9860 calculation & mo st current rates available Fridays after 2:00 P.M. at w w w . r m c r e p o r t . c o m Observer 4 Eccentric mulcher, bagger 4 Accessories, Dodge 2003 Deluxe High $500. 313-657-1710 Top Handicapped Van Chrysler-Ptymouth All Lenders are Equal Opportunity Lenders. Lenders to participate call (734) 922-3032 A s k about our special w/side lift 4 wheelchair. g a r a g e sale ad rates! 1 2 , 5 0 0 orig miles, dir malnt. Misc. For Sale Chrysler 200 Limited 2013 excel con d , tike ne w ! Nev e r Gray Mist With Plenty of ©2015 Residential Mortgage Consultants, Inc., All Rights Reserved Contact us at driven In sn o w . Ice or salt. Options! 20,000 Milesl 1-800-5797355 $7900. 734-722-6665 Portable Craftmans Gencr - ■ P 2 2 1 8 1 $ 1 7 , 9 8 8 ator 4 2 0 0 watts - $225 Help V/anted - General Food - Beverage NORTH BROTHERS Uvonia: absolutely big sale T h o m a s v i l l e full-size o a k br Ford E250 Cargo Van 2014 855-667-9860 very old to brand ne w set $400 248-790-8664 O n l y 11 , 0 0 0 Miles. Saturday - 7/28 9-4:00 pm Like Brand New'! Sunday • 7/29 9-3:00 pm Tools •P22172 $25,988 Chrysler 200 Limited 2013 BARTENDER 14795 Melrose______Airplanes NORTH BROTHERS quite comfortable, a n d of­ Part-Time fer a g o o d list o f f e a t u r e s 855-667-9860 for the money, 29.000 For studio bar Uvonia: ESTATE SALE. Pressure W a s h e r - S 1 0 0 Yard Miles, » P 2 2 0 9 6 $15,988 o p e n i n g late Au g u s t Thurs-Sat July 23-25 Tods, V a c c u m $ 1 0 0 , Air co m p r e s s o r Hunting, La w n , Furniture, $50. E dg e r T r i m m e r $1 0 0 . T a ­ 4 Wheel Drive NORTH BROTHERS Dishes. Everything goes. ble S a w $100. 734.459.7973 N O W HIRING! 855-687-9860 W e are currently taking 1 4 8 3 7 Park. Enter off Yale on AAAAAAAAAAAAAA R v e Mile, between Leven- D odge Nitro SE 2009 applications for an energetic: W a nt ed to Buy Farmlngton Road SELL YOUR CAR FOR 4x4, Power Options. One Chrysler 200 L X 2012 Management' W e s t l a n d Dlgtial O w n e r , Bright Silver Metallic! Silver Metallic, 68,000 •Pastry Sous Chef C i n e m a 16 - Frl. 7/ 2 4 No o n - XP22085 $12,988 Miles. Quality. Construc­ Uvonia CASH PAID or CONSIGNMENT ONLY $35.00'! 6800 N. W a yne Rd. tion & Practicality! •Head Cashier 6pm. Sat 7/25 10am-4pm for Vintage, Antique a n d Other Apply at Theatre NORTH BROTHERS • 14C9572A $13,988 •Assistant Deli Ma n a g e r 31330 Hathaway Household Valuable Items. Single items to A r e y o u looking to sell your Mon-Thurs. t-8pm. 855-667-9860 Perfect for a High School Garageftools Baskets. So m e storage units to entire estates used vehicle an d would like NORTH BROTHERS furniture 4 Collectibles, linen, a n d estate sales. Professional, to reach over 140,000 po­ Ford Escape SEL - 4x4, 855-667-9860 Student, after school: 4 lots of Wise C A S H ONLY. courteous, fair, honest dis­ tential bu y e r s a n d h a v e it a Great For Michigan Winters! • P M Office Help COOKS NEEDED N o Early Birds Please creet older g entle m a n . I drive nationwide website to even Only 44,000 Miles! Chrys. T o w n & Country •Grocery P M Stock Full 4 part time to you. Coins, costume and widen the opportunity of S15C8235A $24,988 LIVONIA-July 23-26. 9-5p 2012- White Gold, •Pastry P M Packager Please apply In person fine Jewelry, knl c k knacks, selling It? 34401 Capitol. 4 Family Sale 40,000 Miles, S t o w N Go! M o n - F n f r o m l l a m - S p m . military, collections, books, NORTH BROTHERS rmsc Items, china, applis, "P22126 $20,988 toys, stereos, instruments, Then MICHIGAN.COM Ob­ 855-667-9860 BEANS & CORNBREAD clothing, TV. too m u c h to list e p h e m e r a , clothing, Christ­ server 4 Eccentric/ NORTH BROTHERS 29508 Northwestern Hwy. S o m e t h i n g for everyone' Ford Explorer 2006 •Meat Counter mas, more. References. Hometown Media Is the 855-667-9860 •Bread Counter Southfield Ml Richard, BSE, M B A Eddie Bauer. 4x4,72.000 Multi-Family 38 3 7 2 place to advertise It! Please call 24 8 . 2 0 8 . 1 6 8 0 Uvonia: (248)795-0362 Miles, Fully Loaded' Roycroft a Fri./Sat. 8-5 [email protected] ■P22204 $14,988 Dodge Experienced Required. p m . To o l s , h o u s e h o l d Package Includes: Please apply in pe r s o n at: Items. Hurry! 734-718-2014 •Ad in all 13 community NORTH BROTHERS 3 3 1 5 2 W 7 Mile Rd . Livonia 855-667-9860 D o d g e Caliber 2011 H o m e s n e w s p a p e r s for 2 we e k s NOVI • M oving Sale . •14 days on - Onfy 67 , 0 0 0 Miles,

Frl 4 S a L 1 0 - 4 p m . , with enhanced features! Cadillac Automatic. Great MP G 2 2 0 3 6 Sh a d y b r o o k Or. IP22145 $11,988 Livonia - Va c a n t 1 acre QUALITY You can now add the Whispering Mead o w s Sub, residential property on rav - photo to the ad on NORTH BROTHERS INSPECTOR E / Me a d o w b r o o k . S/ 9 Mile. Ine lot $69,900 c a r s . c o m ! CADILLAC 2005 STS V-8 855-667-9860 248-476-7710 Drywall •Extra $5 ad d a photo to be NORTHSTAP. Gold. Ex Cond, A Troy. Ml based Aerospace Novi: Sat 9-4 & Su n 11-3, Florida Car. Sunroof Loaded, 28477 Summit Included in print ad. Dodge Dart SXT 2013 R O Y A L OA K (North) - p a n s manufacturer is In 142k Miles, $6,500. Westland • S h o e off sale* M o d e m furni­ 20,000 Miles, Sporty 4 Sleek 2607 Carman Ave., COMPLETE ORYWALL SRV. search of an Inspector to ad d (734)421-4075 ture 4 h o m e decor. E x p a n d a ­ * 4 line m i n i m u m ($2.00 for With Performance To Match! 2 7 0 0 sQ/it. 3 bdrm.. 3 bath, Plaster Repair. AJIJobs we l ­ to ou r Quality Department. ble glass-top dining r o o m ta­ e a c h additional line). • P 2 2 2 0 1 $ 1 7 , 4 8 8 larger ma s t e r suite, n e w Gr a n ­ c o m e d ! lic/lns. Free Es L 31yrs Requirements: ble. m o d e m bookcases, Chevrolet ite counter tops, att gar., exp. Mark 313-363-6738 •Detailed Individual sectionals. JansZen speakers. NORTH BROTHERS great n e i g h b o r h o o d nicely •Wor k s well with others Small appliances, h o m e decor, 855-667-9860 l a n d s c a p e d c o m e r lot. Call for Landscaping • G o o d communication skills stereo 4 record player, tons of Chevy Cruzo 2LT 2014 apptat 248-691-4399. •Complete understanding office e q u i p m e n t (latscreen S u m m i t White, OnStar. Heated Dodge Grand Caravan 2013 of GD 4 T TVs, 2 0 yrs Detroit G r a n d Prix ^ O & E Media Seats. R e m o t e Start. Only 66,000 Miles, Plenty of WESTLAND Claytons Landscaping since •Experienced with posters, outdoor furniture, Bluetooth, 38.000 Miles Space. Clean 4 Spacious 3 bdrm., 1.5 bath, sauna Classifieds 1 9 7 0 • L a n d s c a p e updating 4 A S 9 100 requirements yard tools. M e c h a n i c s d r e a m •P22202 $16,988 Interior! HP 2 2 1 8 8 $1 6 , 8 7 7 In bsmt, 2 car gar., o n Design. Renovation, a n y size • G o o d co m p u t e r skills air co m p r e s s o r s , hydraulic Justa quick call away... Fern wood, could use s o m e NORTH BROTHERS NORTH BROTHERS proiect 734.425.9246 •5 years minimum equipment, shop vacs, tod 800-579-7355 updates, seller somewhat 855-667-9860 855-667-9860 quality experience chests, shop press, Motorcycle motivated. 734-878-0708 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING H a v e the abJityto: & ATV jack. Weatherguard truck t o d box. trailer, ladders, BY LACOURE SERVICES •Discern requirements h o s e reels, g a s cans, a n d Cemetery Lots Clean-ups. landscaping, grad - •Perform ga g e calibration M U C H m or e ' Visit w w w . s u c h a f ing, sodding, hydro-seeding, •Perform First Piece, Announcements for retaining walls, Ins. work. In-Process an d Final & Notices F O R E S T L A W N - 4 P lots, pictures 4 details. brick wa l k s 4 patios Product Inspections Dogs HLKELLARGGMAILCOM Drainings 4 la w n Irrigation •Generate C of Cs. Will the g e n t l e m a n w h o w a s 979-716-4261 systems, lo w foundations built Plymouth - Moving Sale - Inspection an d FA) reports involved In the accident near up. Weekly lawn Mainte- July 24-26th 9am-4pm 729 Menards on Middlebelt Rd GLEN EDEN MEMORIAL nance Haul away unwanted Forest, furniture, h o u s ehold Please su b m i t re s u m e to the P l e a s e call 2 4 8 - 4 7 6 - 4 0 4 2 . P A R K U v o n i a 4 plots, In the Items. Co m m . Res. 42 yrs exp. Hems, decor, garden/lawn G a r d e n of the g o o d S h e p h e r d Lie. 4 Ins. Fr e e Est ■tRuiFKjjn tools, 4 m u c h mo r e Health Nutrition SltOO/ea. orS4000/ali & Weight Loss 734-752-1966 248-489-5955, 248-521-8818 H R department: Plymouth: Subdivision Country Cl u b Village Off An n Arb o r Rd. or FA X to: 248-583-4750 LOSE UP TO 30 POUNDS IN Paint Decorating Paper 30 DAYS! 11 248-506-6703 West of Ridge 7-23 thru 7-25 9am-4pm. RETAIL SALES CLERK PAINTING BY ROBERT FulVParl-Time REOFORO: GARAGE SALE! ENHANCE YOUR AD WITH • Wallpaper Removal 'Ini App l y in pe r s o n at: Lots of go o d stuff! •Ext • Plaster/Drywall Repair July 23-26th, 9-5pm. A PH O T O The Teacher Store •Staining. 2 5 yrs exp. Free 1 7 7 0 1 Denby. You can add photos to your 16911 MiddlebclL Lvonla. e s t 2 4 8 - 3 4 9 - 7 4 9 9 . S. of 7 Mile, just E. of Inkster. classified ads fo sh ow what 734-464-8147 you are selling, in addition to South Lyon: Gargage Sale - Sales 8 3 4 W e s t Hills D r i v e Furni­ ad copy. Ads will appear QUALITY PAINTING iMdlTilMHi- ^ riaj ture, h o m e go o d s , kids stuff, whenever you want them to Int/Ext. W o r k myself, free est. N O W HIRING etc. Lots of go o d stuff! run, under the classification Reasonable (248)225-7165 CANTON LOCATION (248) 486-9229 you choose. The cost for the photo Will be $10. plus the cost Immediate Sales Positions South Lyon: Multi ho m e Major/ Small Appliance. Garage Sale. 7/25-7/26 of the ad copy based on the AudkV Video Sales Highest 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. number of lines used. Email or c o m m i s s i o n . Full medical 12842 Walnut Ridge mail your 3x5 or 4x6 photos benefits, 4 0 1 K. Profit shar­ R a m or Shin' Call for addresses. Photos will ing, E m p l o y e e di s c o u n L Full training. W Bloomfield MULTI-FAMILY not be returned. Prepayment App l y in pe r s o n - Sale Thur 7/23-7/25. 1637 required/no refunds. To place See Manager I0am-7pm Petrdia 9 - 4 p m . Clothes b ab y - your ad & get mo re info call 4 3435 Ford Rd. plus size adult household, MICHIGAN.COM Canton Twp. Ml. 48187 sports, party (balloons, figur­ E.O.E. ines, frames, etc. closed store) Observer & Eccentric 800-579-7355 Homefinder Household Goods Mon. thru Fri., 8:30-5pm t o m Veterinary Tech/ S o m e restrictions ma y apply Assistant Absolutely Free • 5 TV/IN Sheet sets N o w taking names! C a n t o n 4 Nortnviiie Animal •Twin wooden Absolutely beautiful G e r m a n Hospital M u s t b e e x p ’d. Apartments For Rent headboacVfootboard, ma t ­ S h e p h e r d p u p p i e s for sale. Please email resume Fantastic working dog pros­ IN N E E D O F - A F ree Full, tresses 4 bo x springs SOLD IT Queen or King Complete •All only 5 mo n t h s old pects Both parents c o m e from or Fax (248) 348-0369 mattress. 734-744-9016 • G r e a t condition $ 2 5 0 for s c h u t z h u n d lines: W h e l p e d FARMINGTON HILLS everything 734-331-6112 6/10 a n d rea d y for n e w ho m e s M A P L E RIDGE APTS. 8/10 Shots will be started at 6 Help V/anted - N E E D E D 2x, 3x or 4x Spacious 2 bdrms. w e e k s W o r m e d al 2,4 a n d 6 Office Clerical W o m e n ' s clothing. Milford - T w o w i n g b a c k for­ 2 baths, c/a. $660 w / sp e ­ 734-744-9016 w e e k s of a g e Started o n sot- m a l chairs R o s e fla m e stitch ids a n d o n p a p e r potty train­ cial 5 0 % off!si2 mas with pattern Great Cond $75 ing A K C registration p a p e r s In approved credi EACH 248-330-1483 ______Estates Sales h a n d a n d r e a d y to g o Both FAST Help Wa n t e d - General SECRETARIAL IN THE 248.4735180 parents ca n be se e n onsite. F U L L - T I M E - G o o d benefits. N0RTHV1LLE - Custom sofa Puppies Still Available M u s t ha v e office ex p , Livonia Antique Mid-Cenl b y Berne great cond., 84' long G A R D E N CITY: Lg 2 bdrms 3 bik/lan females Carpenter- Apprentice manual bookkeeping, M o d e m Toys Sports w a s $3 0 0 0 . a s k i n g $ 3 0 0 C a n appb.. headwater Free 4 sable females W a n t e d immediately for well computer, accounting, filing. Estate Liquidation Sale email photo - 248-840-1783 SS600 * secunty deposiL 1 blk tan ma l e established local remodleing M U S T APPLY IN PERSON: 31007 Monger. Sat-Sun 10-5 734-464-3847. 734-513-4965 Remodeling Sale: Every 2 saWe males c o m p a n y Please can or email Br os e Electrical Very clean/organized Fine More puppy pictures can be J o e D o m p i e r r e at 37400 W. 7 Mile. Uvonia quality ite m s in excellent thing (ike n e w ' GEProfile In­ MILFORD LUXURY -Newly seen here, http//cnbgsd.wtx.c 248-514-1193 Jennifer. (734) 484-2211 condition All fair 4 reasonable duction range ($1800). 2 remodeled spacious watedront om/germanshepherds offers accepted Aggressive Quoizel overhead hallway CLASSIFIEDS S t u d U n e s 2 b d r m 1 bath Ap t m a s t e r lights ( $ 4 0 both). 2 w hi t e oval discounts S u n d a y All M u s t Go! http-7/w w w . p e d i g r e e d a t a b a s e w/wafc in. Dishwasher dose porcelain b ath sinks ( $ 5 0 ea). Help Wanted-Medical Pics at cstatesales nel No d_dog/dog.htmr’ld^2392091 - to town. StOOO'mo. no pets JDOMPIERRE 1 white ndged porcelain Oath early birds please. Ca s h Only cutter-von-concordta 248-302-8629 sink ($50). 3 ch rome and nick­ Street nu m bers honored. D a m Lin e s el Oath faucets ($ 5 0 ea). 2 Pot­ Richard: 248-795-0362. http 7/ w w w . pedigreedatabase GENERAL LABORERS tery Bam shelves 6' 6 9 Commercial - Industrial FRONT DESK d dog/dog.html7id=2392t00- M o exp req Email resume (best). g a r d e n cultivator SELLING YOUR STUFF 1 belle-von-keilhammer akcebowmanO ADMISSIONS Garage/Moring Sales ($60). 1 tabletop glass ($20). Please Contact P a m @ 517- c u s t o m v alances for 9 ’ 4 6' Westland Joy Rd. Comm, 9 3 6 - 1 2 7 4 or at Psmrthnursing CaD 248-943-6941 d o o r w a y s (best), heavy-duty prop Lease/Sale 1ST. 4200 Canton- Community Yard ©gmail co m $900 each. w wv» trugreenjobs co m g a r d e n h o s e ($35). g r e e n o ut­ s q ft. s t o p & o ft c e w / C h a m S a l e - O v e r 1 5 fa/nikes. Fn- d o o r shelving unit ($40) white fafis. grate sys. Air Co m p r . s y v Sun. July 24th-26th 9 a m - 5 p m TRUGREEjf T e a m RehaWitaDon has fua knobs 4 white 4 chrome S l 9 9 S m o 2 N D H O O s q ft Cherry H iO Point C o n d o s . Lotz 4 part-bme positions for d r a w e r pulls ($1. ea) Pictures shop 4 office $4257110 EOE/U/F/V/D/AA rd off of C herry Hills R d. Lots Front De s k Admissions al our available (734)420-2269 JAMES 313-304-6697 of treasures to se e fr o m A to Z WANT TO GENERAL ctmpe t o r v e salary. exceSent Canton: Estate Sale - Appliances USE Media OFFICE ASSISTANT bene'; package 4 bonuses Everything yo u ca n think of. CLEAN Apply online at i great ooportixvry far cn e wh o 4 5 0 3 7 Patrick Drwe. Canton Classifieds IS S I M P L E Juty 23 - 2 5 , 1 0 a m - 5 p m G E a d e b y side refrigerator. Oft white/Nory OUT YOUR Work Hardl Commerce Twp - Huge Ga­ ice m aker 4 water dispenser. Physical Therapist r a g e S a l e 2 1 7 1 G O L D F I N C H E x c e O e n t condition HOUSE? Jirfy 2 3 r d to 2 5 t h 9 - S p Fun a - Very dean. 25 cuff Asking Technicians tire. O o b u n g . H o u s e h o l d $300 00(248,231-0955 cxodccts. and mu c h more garreCqGembaromati ccm f f e P L Y M O U T H S a l 7 7 2 5 4 S u n Pools Sp as & Hot Tubs ■ p ~-i 7/26 Sam-5pm. Uwig Rocm set Map»e dmuig table w/ 6 T e a m Refawtabcxi has epen- IMPERIAL SPA O a k U c a t e n e t OeCnxxs. SOO-S79-7355 m g s tar fe«-ftae a n d parl- bgrara. Drexet bedroom set s m e pfiyscaf theracet Tech- artwert. washer/dryer-too 734-591-9069 m a n y flems to Es t 4 2 5 8 8 Pty- W e c*ier a ccrrp e t t v t saary. rcwT. ffcdo* Dr in C a t 734-261-BOO rjzetert berdt oacxage O’anfwccd Ccntte arCttrcsfr, Apctyonfene KAKOYl^CAfrarTBtS | RECYCLE^ Ptece *n »d with APPRENTICES O&E Media Obierrtr AEcwntrc Ue & > O b s e r v e r & E c c e n t r i c THIS ind let the Ctouiledi ^ O & E Media Classifieds hometownlife v Classifieds NEWSPAPER V las D O Y O U R W O R K ! - M E D I A Call today! Just a Quick C*B . Just a quick call a*ray~. A G A N N E T T C O M P A N Y BOO 573 7355 800-579-7355 Cj Cj Cj 800-579-7355 88aS73 735S Challenging fun for ALL ages It's Garage Sale Season!

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Dearborn-313.562.5900 B l o o m f i e l d Hills - 24 8 . 6 4 5 . 0 3 0 0 Hammarskjold A u b u r n Hills - 24 8 . 2 7 6 . 9 0 4 0 40 Blockhead ShelbyTwp.-568.566.1233 41 Life Novi-248.675.0881 of the party 42 Santa — winds 43 Resinous Ford Saturn deposit 44 Opposite L of bra z e n Saturn 1 9 % Stick shift - FIND A JOB 2 1 9 k m i Black. N e w tires a/c 45 Spring mo. great power, red ext ., gray works. 1 owner. Canton. Ml IIEUE 46 Tolstoy’s n a m e m t , Mu s t sell. $ 2 2 0 ( V 0 B 0 SlOOO/obo 352-777-2839 49 Wide shoe 248-459-0993

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He a t e d Seats, Ford teiy, wat e r p o m p , roar shocks, newspapers Is subject lo the Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine Sync. 68K Ml •P22048 quick call windshield wiper motor & $ 2 0 , 9 8 8 conditions stated In the appfi- 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each spark plugs & m a n y more n e w caNe rale cardjs). Copies are NORTH BROTHERS parts $2,800 734-326-5215 away... row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, available from the classified 855-667-9860 O & E Modlo Classifiods column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will LINCOLN - 2007 Town Car advertising department 6200 Ford Focus 2012 Signature. 4dr. Superior Con- 800-579-7355 Metropolitan Pkwy. Sterling appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The Talk About A Gas Saver! dlbon. 734-455-0922 Heights Ml 48312, or call more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! 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JULY SOCCER CAMP Details: Mothers of Preschool­ Details: Addiaion No More Time/Date 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 6:55 p.m.; support group 7 p.m. COMMONGROUND Time/Date: 1-2:30 p.m. Aug. 3-7 ers (MOPS) is aimed at mothers offers support Monday-Friday Thursday of infants through kindergart- Location: Crossroads Church, at Contact: 313-255-2222. Ext. 244 Location: 11771 Newburgh, Time/Date 7-10 p.m. J u f y 24 ners Location 555 S. Lilley, Canton Sacred Heart Conference Center, » Farmington Hills Baptist Livonia Location: Connection Church. Contact Ethanie Defoe at Details: Take Off Pounds Sen­ 29125 Six Mile. Livonia Church Details: Fireside Adult Day 3 8 5 5 Sheldon. Canton 248-227-6617 and Jody Fleszar at sibly Details: Soccer Ca m p for boys Ministry activity-based program Details: This girl's night out 734-658-2463 Time/Date 7-9 p.m. second Contact: Margaret at 734-838- “with focus" draws wo m e n and girls, 5 and up, any skill Tuesday of the mo n t h except for dependent adults, specializ­ 0322 level. Nonrefundable fee is $25 Dunning Park Bible Chapel January. July and August ing in dementia care. Not a from throughout the metro area » Unity of Livonia per student. Includes water Time/Date: 9*30-11:30 a.m. first Location: 28301 Middlebelt drop-in center and includes worship, inspira­ Time/Date: 7 p.m. Thursday tional teaching, appetizers, bottle, instruction, snacks, and a and third Tuesdays between 12 Mile and 13 Mile in Contact: 734-855-4056 or giveaways, coffee bar, and book T-shirt. Register at www.cross- Location: 24800 W. Chicago Farmington Hills 734-464-0990, www.firesidecho- Location: 28660 Five Mile, launch for a women's devotion­ Road. Bedford Details: Western Oakland; or email to adm@fire- between Middlebelt and Inkster, Livonia al. Brave Girl Boots. The group Contact: info@crossroad- Details: M O P S is a place where Parkinson Support Group or pastor Steve at Details: Overeaters Anonymous will collect 5 5 coffee gift cards m o m s can build friendships, Contact: 248-433-1011 » St. Andrew's Episcopal from Tim Hortons. Starbucks, 248-890-5718 receive mothering support, Church » Merriman Road Baptist Contact: 248-559-7722, McDonald's and other restau­ practical help and spiritual hope. for additional STUDY SERIES Church Time/Date: 10 a.m. to noon rants. to give to parents of Contact: A m y at 313-937-3084 Saturday information Time/Date: 6 p.m. Sunday, Time/Date: 1-3 p.m. second and elementary school students on beginning Aug. 2 or Kristen at 734-542-0767 Location: 16360 Hubbard, WORSHIP the first day of school fourth Thursday Location: Faith Community PET-FRIENDLY SERVICE Livonia » Adat Shalom Synagogue Contact: 734-397-1777 Location: 2055 Merriman, Wesleyan Church, 14560 Merri- Time/Date: 1 p.m. Sunday Garden City Details: A weekly drop-in Food Time/Date: 6 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m. HOSANNA PALOOZA man, Livonia Location: D u n k N Dogs, 27911 Cupboard (nonperishable items) and 9 p.m. Saturday; 7:30 a.m. Details: Metro Fibromyalgia is available Time/Date: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Details: The Fault Lines series, Five Mile, Livonia support group meets; donations and 8:30 a.m. Sunday; and 6 Saturday, July 2 5 an eight-week study, will focus Contact: 734-421-8451 p.m. weekdays Details: All Creatures ULC Contact: www.metrofibro- Location: Hosanna-Tabor on life's periods of upheaval and sponsors the service, which is »> St. Thomas a' Becket Location: 29901 Middlebelt h o w they can either ma k e you; or call Ruthann with Lutheran Church, 9600 Leveme, conducted in an informal set­ questions at 734-981-2519 Church Farmington Hills Bedford better or worse, depending on ting. Pet blessings are available » Fireside Church of God Time/Date: Weigh-in is 6:15- Contact: 248-851-5100 Details Free Christian music h o w you respond. The series after the service. looks at ho w "G o d forms you festival and arts and crafts fair Contact: 313-563-0162 includes 10 musical acts in 10 best where life's breaks go deep" PRAYER hours, crafters and vendors will View Online Contact: pastor Roger at 313- St. Edith Church be on site 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 3 p.m. gift drawings 682-7491 Time/Date: 7-8:30 p.m. Thurs­ PassagesObituaries, Memories fir Rcmembcrances Contact: 313-937-2424 VACATION BIBLE day LECTURE SERIES SCHOOL Location: Parish office, 15089 Newburgh, Livonia Time/Date: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Time/Date: 6-8:30 p.m. Mo n - h o w to reach us: July 28 day-Friday. Aug. 3-7 Details: Group meets for sing­ 1-800*579-7355 • fax 313-496-4968 • Location: St. Michael Lutheran ing, praying and short teaching. Location: Congregation Beth Fellowship with snacks follows Ahm, 5075 W. Maple, West Church, 7000 N. Sheldon, Canton Deadlines: Friday. 4:00 p.m. for Sunday papers • Tuesday. 4:00 p.m. for Thursday papers Bloomfield Details: T h e m e is Market Place Contact: Parish office at 734- Holiday deadlines are subject to change. — Jerusalem AD; for kids age 464-1223 Details: Ho w a r d N. Lupovitch, C R O C K E R , director of the Cohn-Haddow 4-grade five. Register at vbs.con- Contact: 734-464-1223 St. Michael Lutheran Church JACQUELINE Center for Judaic Studies at (nee B R A Z E A U W a y n e State University, wraps Contact: 734-459-3333 Time/Date: 6-7 a.m. Monday- and formerly RITCHIE) up a series on the Jewish pres­ Friday ONGOING Friday July 17,2015. Age 88 ence on television with the topic Location: 7000 N. Sheldon, following a long and brave Beyond the Yiddishe Ma m a . CLASSES/STUDY Canton battle. Predeceased by loving Free for Beth Ah m members. Our Lady of Loretto Details: Praying silently or husbands. Jack Ritchie a n d Earl i ^ Cost is $15 per lecture for non­ aloud together; prayer requests Crocker; beloved son. Douglas members. Advance registration Time/Date: 6:30-7:30 p.m. welcomed. Ritchie; sister, Vivian D u r h a m ; requested, but walk-ins accept­ M o n d a y and dear friend. Harold Burton. H A L L , C A P JAHR, LILLIAN ANNA ed Location: Six Mile and Beech Contact: 734-459-3333 for Survived by and beloved mother A g e 100, died o n July 17, 2015 (FREDRICK) Contact: Alison Blau at 248-851- Daly, Bedford Township additional information of Gale Anne (Ralph) Gartner at Sunrise Senior Living in 96 of Wavcrly, Iowa, formerly of Bloomfield Hills. Michigan. Cap 6880 or email [email protected] Details: Scripture study SINGLES and Michelle Jeannine (Ryan) Strawberry Point, died on Robinson; grandchildren and his wife of 63 years, Carolyn Contact: 313-534-9000 Detroit World Outreach M o n d a y evening. July 13. 2015, OUTDOOR WORSHIP Stephanie (Jeff), Sarah (Bryan). Vo s b u r g Hall, were active part­ at the Bartels Lutheran Retire­ Time/Date: 11 a.m. Sunday, Faith Community Wesleyan Time/Date: 4-6 p.m. Sunday R y a n Jr, Rylee. Kelly (Steve), ners in raising their family an d in ment Community in Wavcrly. through Aug. 23 Time/Date: 4-5 p.m. every Location: 23800 W. Chicago, a n d Eric (Nicole); and great­ community involvements. Father Funeral services will be held on of Randall (Lori), Claudia Stroud Location: Grounds of the Saturday Redford, Ro o m 304 grandchildren, Jonathan. Austin, M o n d a y , July 27, 2 0 1 5 at 11:00 Gabriella, M a t h e w , a n d Alex; (Douglas) a n d Garrett (Joan). Cherry Hill Village Schoolhouse, Location: 14560 Merriman, Details: Divorce Overcomers a.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran sister, Connie (Bob) Wilder; and Proud grandfather of Hattie, at Ridge and Cherry Hill roads, Livonia group is designed for individuals C h u r c h in Wavcrly, with Pastor many nieces and nephews. Bradley, Ross. Jackson and Canton going through divorce, those Joyce Sandberg officiating. Details: This informal class Memorial Mass Wednesday, Sandy. A s a teenager. C a p Burial following the lunch in the w h o are divorced or separated. Details: St. Michael Lutheran includes fellowship, discussion July 22 at 10 a m. Sanctuary at played the c o m e t in the 60- Cass Township Cemetery, Church holds worship services in and question and answers. All Contact: The facilitator at Bellbrook, 875 W . A v o n Rd., member Veterans of Foreign Strawberry Point. Public visita­ a casual, outdoor setting. In case ages welcome. Bibles available if 313-283-8200; [email protected] Rochester Hills, Ml. In lieu of W a r s b a n d that traveled to tion will be held o n Sunday. July of inclement weather, service you don't have one First Presbyterian Church flowers, please consider W a s hington to play for President 26th from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 donations to American Cancer Hoover. H e lettered in fencing at will be held at the church, 7000 Contact: pastor To m Hazel­ 7-7:15 p.m., social p.m. at Kaiscr-Corson Funeral Time/Date: Society or Salesian Missionaries. O h i o State University, taught en­ N. Sheldon Road, Canton w o o d at 734-765-5476 time; 7:30 p.m., announcements; Home in Wavcrly. Memorials Please sign the online guestbook gineering at Rice University a nd m a y be directed to Ema n u e l Contact: 734-459-3333 7:30-8:30 p.m., program; 8:30-9 CLOTHING BANK at earned his master's degree in sci­ Lutheran Church Strawberry SOCCER CAMP Time/Date: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. last p.m. ice cream social, Thursdays. ence and engineering at the U n i ­ Point or Bartels Lutheran Retire­ Time/Date 6:30-8 p.m. July Saturday of the month Location: 200 E. Main St., versity of Michigan. H e spent 44 ment Community Chaplaincy years with the Ethyl Corporation 27-30 Location: Canton Christian Northville Fund. Online condolences may Research Labs in Detroit and be left at Location: Christ Our Savior Fellowship, 8775 Ronda Drive, Details: Single Place Ministry; traveled the world as their corpo­ Lutheran Church, 14175 Far­ Canton cost is $5 Kaiscr-Corson Funeral H o m e in rate air conservation expert, of­ Wav c r l y is assisting the family. mington Road, Livonia Details: N o documentation Contact: 248-349-0911 or visit ten a c companied b y Carolyn. 319-352-1187. Details: For boys and girls 5-12 needed Cap's secret to a long life w a s simply “keep moving." It was of any skill level. Cost is 525 per Contact: [email protected] Steve's Family Restaurant student and includes water advice he took to heart over the EXERCISE Time/Date: 9 a.m. second and years. C a p met Carolyn at bottle, instruction, snacks and a fourth Thursday soccer ball to take home. Regis­ Time/Date: 6:45-7:45 p.m. Adams Castle where he lived Location: 15800 Middlebelt, V4 with 13 other bachelor engineers. ter at Tuesday and Thursday mile north of Five Mile, Livonia DINGELDEY, He and artist Carolyn made Clarenceville United Contact: 734-522-6830 Location: G E O R G E L. m a n y wonderful friends in the Methodist Church, 20300 Mid- Details: W i d o w e d me n of all ages ma y attend the Wi d o w e d George was bo m in Canton on arts c o m m u n i t y a n d we r e f ound­ AUGUST dlebelt, south of Eight Mile, ing m e m b e r s o f the B i r m i n g h a m Friends Men's breakfast. This is June 27, 1939. H e wa s the fourth Livonia Bloomfield Art Center. F r o m DEMENTIA SERIES an informal "peer" group where of nine children from a longtime Details: Instructor We n d y 1971 - 1974, C a p w a s president Time/Date: 6-8:30 p.m. We d n e s ­ m e n have an opportunity to Canton family. O n Monday, July CERTO, DOMINICK Motta, a seven-year Zu m b a o f the B B A C . Carolyn a n d C a p day, Aug. 26 meet with others. 20, 2015, G e o r g e e n d e d his July 19, 2015 Age 92 Loving practitioner, teaches Zu m b a battle with complications from divided time between homes in husband of the late Lydia. 313-534-0399 Location: St. John Ne u m a n n through drop-in classes. Each Contact: Alzheimers, but passed peaceful­ Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and Loving companion of Betty Parish, 44800 Warren Road. costs $3. Participants should S O N G CIRCLE ly with family and the caring Sarasota, Florida. Cap's quick Venable. Cherished father of Canton wit a n d generosity of spirit will bring water, a towel and wear Congregation Beth Ahm staff of St. Mary's M e r c y hospi­ Sandra (Russ) Popp, Dona (the Details: Fourth session on athletic shoes. For more in­ tal in Livonia. Those of us w h o long be r emembered. A celebra­ late Bob) Mazziotti and Time/Date N o o n to 12:30 p.m. tion o f Cap's life will take place dementia in a series of educa­ formation, email Motta through were close to George knew he D o m i n i c k (Peggy) Ccrto. Proud every Shabbat at the B i r m i n g h a m Bloomfield tional meetings sponsored by w a s a jokester with an incredible grandfather of Joey Popp, Katie Location: 5075 W. Maple, West sense of humor. H e deeply loved Art Center, 1516 S. Cranbrook Popp-Jilck, Sarah Popp, Marisa the Northwest Wa y n e Vicariate, Contact: 313-408-3364 Road. Birmingham, Michigan focuses on ending the social Bloomfield spending time with his family Mazziotti, Gabriella Certo, Gina FAMILY MEAL and friends. H e was proud and from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Mazziotti and N i c k y Certo and stigma and isolation of someone Details: Sing zemirot (Shabbat July 26. Memorial donations 5-6 p.m. every passionate about his 3 2 years of great-grandfather of Liliana with dementia and empowering Time/Date: songs) and celebrate Kiddush m a y be ma d e to the B i n n i n g h a m Thursday following morning services. e m p l o y m e n t at Delta Airlines. Jilck. Memorial Gathering the person wh o still is there H e enjoyed spending time at his Bloomfield Art Center at Friday July 31 from 3-8 p.m. Lyrics are provided in trans­ Contact: Sue Massey at 734-455- Location: Salvation Army, vacation h o m e in Florida, loved L e a v e a tribute with Rosary Service 7 p.m. and literation as well as the original 5910; [email protected] 27500 Shiawassee, Farmington travel, tractors and his gardens. at on Saturday, A u g u s t 1, 10 a.m.- Hebrew. FREE STUFF Hills H e wa s preceded in death by: his 12 n o o n at the Harry J. Will Details: Free meal Contact 248-737-1931 or email parents Philip a n d Bea STERNIK, MICHAEL Funeral Home. 37000 Six Mile Time/Date: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. [email protected]. Dingeldey w h o were long time A g e 89, July 18. 2015. O f Rd. In Livonia. Memor i a l M a s s Saturday, Aug. 15 Contact: 248-477-1153, Ext. 12 SUPPORT C a n t o n farmers; his deceased Farmington Hills, Saturday August 1 at 12:30 p m Location: Unity of Livonia, HEALING SERVICE wife of 39 years, Bonnie Shade, w\vw.mccabe at St. Kenneth Catholic Church. 28660 Five Mile. Livonia Time/Date: Arabic service, 3-4 Apostolic Christian Church a n d t w o brothers, B u d a n d Jim. 14951 Haggerty Rd in Plymouth. Details: Clothes, ho m e and yard p.m. first Tuesday of the month; Time/Date: 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. H e is survived by: his siblings, In Me m o r i a m goods, pictures, jewelry, toys English service, 3-4 p.m. third daily Jake, Bill, Richard. Billy, Karen, a n d Diane; his beloved a n d kind REBENTISCH, and more. Take what you need. Tuesday of the month Location: 29667 Wentworth, ARLENE CARL TON Livonia partner Judy Wilkin; children, N o charge Location: The Antiochian Michelle, D e b b i e and Scott A resident of the W a y n e Contact: 734-421-1760 Orthodox Basilica of Saint Mary, Details: Adult day care program (Nicole). H e w a s a proud G r a n d ­ /Westland area since the early 18100 Merriman, Livonia MOTORCYCLE RIDE at the church's Wo o d h a v e n pa to Nick, Tyler, Zach. Hannah, 1940s passed a w a y at the age of Details: The service includes Retirement Community. Hailee, K a m r e y , N o l e n and 91, o n July 15, 2 0 1 5 at the Time/Date: Building tours at prayers of petition and in­ Isabelle. Funeral Services will Westland Convalescent Centre. 9:30 a.m., ride departs at 11 a.m., Contact: 734-261-9000; tercession, hymns, Scripture www.woodhaven-retire- take place Thursday. July 23, She is survived by daughters Saturday, Aug. 22 Jane Vcrdrager of New readings and the anointing of 2015 at Schradcr-Howell Funeral Location: The Salvation Ar m y the sick. Offertory candles are Home. 280 S. Main St.. H a m p s h i r e a n d Janice Purcell of Connection Church Tennessee, as well as three Plymouth Corps, 9451 Main, available for a free will offering Plymouth. H e will be laid to rest BRIAN HINZMAN brothers. S h e w a s predeceased Plymouth in the vestibule of the church. Time/Date 7 p.m. Friday at Sheldon Cemetery in Canton 3/16/81 ~ 7/27/07 by t w o sisters and six of her Details: Ride for the Red Shield Location: 3855 Sheldon, Canton next to his beloved wife. Contact: Rev. George Shalhoub Donations in his honor can be W c love and miss you very mu c h brothers, her first husband, Dick is a motorcycle ride to benefit Celebrate Recovery is a at 734-422-0010 or email Stacey Details: m a d e to the Canton Historical a n d wc arc thinking about you Carlton, her second husband, the Salvation Ar m y of Plymouth Badeen at [email protected] Christ-centered recovery for all Society. every day. Hugo Rcbcntisch, as well as and Downriver. The group will hurts, habits and hang-ups. MOMS Love, Your Family Josephine Carlton Carney, her depart from Plymouth and ride Child care is available for free youngest daughter, w h o passed to the Downriver Corps in Christ Our Savior Lutheran Contact: Jonathan@Connec- a w a y June 25. 2015. Arrange­ Church Wyandotte. Cost is $20 per rider or 248-787-5009 ments handled by Vcrmeulcn- Sajcwski Funeral Home, West- by July 31, $25 after, and $15 per Time/Date: 9:30-11:30 a.m. Detroit World Outreach passenger. Includes a T-shirt second Tuesday, September-May land. T o share a m e m o r y , please Time/Date: 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday Contact: Sandy Kollinger at Location: 14175 Farmington visit 734-453-5464. Ext. 24 Road, Livonia Location: 23800 W. Chicago. Redford; Ro o m 202 Your Invitation to Worship


ST. A N N E ’S R O M A N c/i Cfiiircfi for P o L ^ S hUT n Ha I AH RU eR h C EH *301 W. Ann Ro»0 • (73* CATHOLIC CHURCH i t i S 8 M i n i s t r i e s v v o r i d w i d e Seasoned Saints Surday School - 9:45 A.M. Tridentine Latin Mass Sunday School ------9 : 1 5 a.m. S u n d a y W o r s h i p - 1 1 rO O A M . Sunday Worship Service* St. Ann*?’* A c a d e m y - G r a d e * K-8 Sunday Evens-g - 6 IX) P.M. j 8 a m | 9 30 a m | 11am. Sunday Worvhrp Service---- V).00 a m OPEN ARMS CHURCH * a**e*T*-* e w e f r o m de t v c to m o d e m 2 6S O O Gr a n d River, Bedford 38100 F i v e Mile Hoad F a m f l y N i g m - W e d . 7 : 0 0 P . M . | Livonia. M I 4 8 1 6 4 • '734.) 462-3200 Worship: " vrtVA/ ward c h u r c h org 313-533-1956 M a w Schedule-. Sunday 10:30 am i w v ^ d r t r o m nh i sprrvci* 1 455-3195 < Pint Friday 7J» pa. Wednesday 7 pm Saturday Ma** 11 In *un. Sunday Mawr. 730 4 \W,ia. Pastor Grady Jensen Confcanon* Heard Prior to Each M*** & Music Minister Abe fazzim Mother of Perpetual Help Derotiona For Information regarding this Directory, Toevday. at 7«t P3L please call Sue Sare at 248-926-2219 248.471.5282 or e-mail: [email protected] o Church As You Remember it! B9 (CP) OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC MEDIA


By Sharon Dargay I didn’t think it’s phenomenal.” Staff Writer Eva portrays Egeus in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Bardolph in Henry IV. E g e u s is an “an­ [ ick Ev a will wo r k both sides of the gry gu y ” character in a light-hearted play and Bar ­ stage at the Michigan Shakespeare dolph is “funny and fun” in a drama. He also takes ! I Festival in Canton. on a third character in the second half of Henry IV. I Eva, a seven-year veteran of the | Jackson-based festival, will act in two Tough competition productions — /I Midsummer Mghf’s T h e cast includes actors from around Michigan Hi Dream and Henry IV. A s an assistant a nd fr o m out of state, as well as the metro Detroit technical director for the Village Theater at Cherry area. Hill, the Canton ma n also will lend a hand back Eric Eilersen of Rochester Hills plays Flute in stage while the co m p a n y prepares for its three- Midsummer, a nd Peto in Henry IV. H e joined the w e e k run in his hometown. high school tour in 2013 after graduating from “That’s the life of a theater artist. I’m an actor in Rick Eva of Canton will Eric Eilersen is am o n g the Michigan State University. This is his second su m ­ the festival, so wh e n I have calls for that I have to perform in Michigan actors from southeastern m e r with the co m p a n y ’s regular season. be there as an actor, but I can co m e in and help be a Shakespeare Festival's "A Michigan acting in this “I’m incredibly lucky. Th e y audition in Chicago, technician for the third show,” he said, referring to M i d s u m m e r Night's Dre am " season's Michigan Jackson and Detroit. Th e festival garners a crazy Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s The Rivals. “I’m only in and "Henry IV." Shakespeare Festival. reputation being the official Shakespeare festival of t wo shows. I’m not in The Rivals.' the state. Th e wo r k they do attracts a lot of people. The company wrapped up its two-week run in At the audition, you have to bring your best because Jackson on Sunday, and will reopen with The Rivals, Jackson College. Artistic Director Janice Blixt add ­ a lot of people are coming.” at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 29, at the Village Theater. ed a high school tour five years ago and expanded Eilersen likes the idea that actors “live and Other performances of The Rivals are 2 p.m. Aug. 1 the festival, no w in its 21st season, to Canton this breathe” the plays for a fe w we e k s while in rehears­ and 7:30 p.m. Aug. 6, 8 and 14. A Midsummer Night's year. al for the ne w season. Cast me m b e r s not only re­ Dream runs 7:30 p.m. July 30-31, and Aug. 15-16, and E v a couldn’t be happier the festival is on his hearse together, but “ha n g out” wh e n they’re not on 2 p.m. Aug. 8-9 and 12. Henry IV performances are h o m e turf. stage. 7:30 p.m. Aug. 1, 7, and 13 and 2 p.m. Aug. 2,5, and “I’m ecstatic. I’ve been pushing Jan to do this for H e ’s also thrilled about the festival’s expansion to 15. a few years. I keep telling her we ’ve got this great Canton. Tickets range fr o m $36-$40 for adults, $33-37 for theater in Canton and it wou ld be great to do stuff “I hope it brings a mu c h bigger audience of peo­ seniors and are $16 for youth. Th e r e ’s also a pass for there. I think this is going to be great for Canton. ple wh o have heard about it for years but didn’t t wo and three sho ws that runs $96-$108 for adults “It’s professional theater. It’s Shakespeare. I can ’t want to drive to Jackson,” he said. and seniors. Th e theater is located at 50400 Cherry recall that (co mm un it y theater) groups do a lot of E v a said his family and a handful of friends have Hill Road. Shakespeare out here and if the quality is on the watched hi m perform in one of the festival plays in level we ’re bringing,” he said. “W e ’re bringing Jackson every year. This season, he has higher ex­ Professional theater award-winning directors and designers wh o wo r k pectations. T h e Michigan Shakespeare Festival is a nonprof­ all over the place. I think it’s something special. I “W e ’re in Canton. I’m hoping they’ll see every­ it professional theater co m p a n y that initially per­ want people in Canton to co m e and see it. I kn o w a thing this year.” f or me d outdoors in Jackson’s Ella Sharp Park, be­ lot of people go to Stratford, but this is literally in For ticket information, visit michiganshakespea- fore finding a ho m e at the Ba u g h m a n Theatre at our back yard now. 1 wo u l d n ’t do this seven years if Or

GET OUT! CALENDAR ANIMALS Canton Location: 44425 12 Mile, Novi Location: 17360 Lahser, just north of Details: “Healing Art." includes works Details: “Mission: Impossible'" M o n ­ Grand River Avenue in Detroit DETROIT ZOO by photographers Michelle Malloch and day; "Mission: Impossible II," Tuesday; Details: The Shawshank Redemption, Tlmo/Date: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. dally A m y Lockard and fiber work combined “Missikon: Impossible III," Wednesday; $5 Location: 1-696 service drive and with painting by Kelly Darke and "Mission: Impossible- Ghost Proto- Coming up:: Mildred Pierce, 8 p.m. W o o d w a r d . Royal Oak Accepting entries: Deadline to enter cal," Thursday. Admission is free Aug. 7 and 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Aug. 8 Details: Admission is $14 for adults the 23rd annual Canton Fine Arts Contact: 248-468-2990 Contact: 313-898-1481 15-61, $10 for senior citizens 62 and Exhibition is Aug. 24. The exhibition will PENN THEATRE S U M M E R DRIVE-IN older, and for children ages 2-14; chil­ run Oct. 2-31. Interested artists can visit Time/Date: 7 p.m. and 9:10 p.m. Friday- dren under 2 are free. Parking for cars or call 734- Time/Date: Films screen at dusk, night­ Saturday, July 24-25, and 4:30 p.m. and and vans is $5. Detroit Zoological Soci­ 394-5300. Ext. 8 ly through Sept 6 7 p.m. Sunday, July 26 ety me m bers get free admission and Contact: 734-394-5300 Location U S A Hockey Arena, 14900 parking Location: 760 Penniman, Plymouth Beck. Plymouth Wild Summer Nights: Concerts run COMEDY Details: Pitch Perfect 2, $3 Details: Double features on three 6:30-8 p.m. and include Mr. Seley & the JOEY'S CO M E D Y SHOP Coming up Tomorrowland, 7 p.m. screens. Visit we e k ­ Troublemakers. July 29, Taylor Taylor, Friday, July 31, and 4:15 p.m. and 7 p.m. ly for updated film list Admission is $10 Aug. 5, The Verve Pipe, Aug. 12. Detroit Time/Date 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, Saturday-Sunday. Aug. 1-2 for adults. $8 for children 4-12 and free July 23-25 Children’s Choir, Aug. 19; Candy Band. Summer Cinema Raiders of the Lost for children 3 and under. Aug. 26 Location: 36071 Plymouth Road. Livo­ Ark, July 23; The Sound of Music, July Contact: 734-927-3284 Contact: 248-541-5717 nia 30; Back to the Future, Aug. 6, Willy Details: Chris Barnes, tickets are $25 for W o n k a & the Chocolate Factory, Aug. FUNDRAISER ARTS AN D CRAFTS dinner and sh o w and $12 for sh o w only 13; The Goonies. Aug. 20; The Muppets PNA CENTENNIAL DANCERS O R C H A R D LAKE FINE ART o n Thursday; $29 for dinner and show Take Manhattan, Aug. 27 and $16 for sh o w only Friday-Saturday Time/Date Polski Festival runs noon to Tlme/Dato: 10 a m. to 6 p m Saturday. Contact 734-453-0870 6 p.m and dancers perform at 2 p.m.. Contact July 25. and 10 a m. to 5 p.m Sunday. 3:30 p.m and 4 p.m. Sunday. July 26 July 26 M A R K RIDLEY'S CO M E D Y POPCORN TUESDAY Location Buddy’s Pizza. 33605 Ply­ CASTLE S U B M f T T t D Location 6900 Orchard Lake Road. See four movies in the "Mission: Time/Date Tuesday through Aug. 25 m o u t h Road, Livonia West Bloomfield Tlme/Date 8 p.m. Thurday-Friday. July Impossible" series free at Emagine Location: M J R Digital Cinemas, in­ Details: Polski Festival will ndude 23-24 and 8 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. Sat­ Details Works for sale by 140 artists; $5 Novi. The screenings celebrate the cluding Westland Grand D gital Cinema performances by the PN A Centennial urday. July 25 Dancers, the debut of the restaurant's admission, free tor children 12 and release of "Mission Impossible: 16. 6800 N. Wa y n e Road. Westland under Location: C o m e r of Fourth and Troy- Hamtramck Pizza, and a Poltsh-themed Rogue Nation" on July 31. Details A n y size popcorn is free; Contact: hotworks org Street do w n t o w n Royal Oak includes one refill menu. A portion of proceeds will bene- VILLAGE THEATER Details Dave Dyer tickets are $10 Contact mjrtheatres-com Thursday and $18 Friday-Saturday Contact 734-261-3550 TtmWDate 10 a m to 2 p m Monday FILM REDFORD THEATRE Friday and during public performances, Contact EMAGINE NOVI Time/Date 8 p.m. July 24 and 2 p m. through July 30 and 8 pjn. July 25 TlmfeDate 7 p.m. Ju S 27-30 Location 50400 Ch e n y H II Road. See GET OUT. Page BIO GET OUT Continued from Page B9

HISTORY KELSEY MUSEUM Time/Date 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, and 1-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, t h r o u g h July 26 Location: 434 State St, An n Arbor Details: 'Rocks, Paper. Memory: W e n d y Artin's Watercolor Paintings of Ancient Sculptures" features paintings of ancient Greek and Ro m a n sculptures along with objects from the Kelsey's collection Kari Holmes & The Mo d e r n 734-764-9304 Contact SUBMITTED D a y Drifters perform July 30 PLYMOUTH George Benson performs July at Stars in the Park in HISTORICAL MU S E U M 28 in Plymouth. Farmington Hills. Time/Date 1-4 p.m. We d n e s ­ day, Friday-Sunday Location. 155 S. Main, Plymouth Location: Heritage Park, ad­ Time/Date: Most shows start at Details: Admission is $5 for jacent to the Canton Public 8 p.m., doors open at 7:30 p.m. adults, $2 for ages 6-17. Free Library on the campus of Su m ­ Location: 38840 W. Six Mile, m u s e u m admission for active mit on the Park, 46000 Summit Livonia Parkway, Canton duty military personnel, in­ Details: O p e n Stage, Aug. 4 and cluding National Guard and Details: The Phoenix Theory, 18; Hayley Reardon, July 24; Reserve and their families, from July 23; Allen as Tim and the Martyn Joseph, Aug. 14. Most Memorial Day through Labor Dance Hall Rockers. July 30; Greg tickets $15, and $12 for sub­ Jaqua with an Elvis Presley Day scribers. Only cash and checks Exhibit: The Fair That Changed Tribute, Aug. 6; and The Dan MUSIC IN THE PARK accepted Rafferty Band, Aug. 13 CHILDREN'S SERIES America runs to Nov. 1. and Contact: 734-464-6302 for focuses on the 1893 World's Fair Contact: Time/Date: N o o n to 1 p.m. additional information in Chicago, III. Ma n y contempo­ CONCERT IN THE PARK Wednesday, through Aug. 26 rary, commonplace objects were Time/Date: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Location Kellogg Park in THEATER introduced at this World's Fair, through Aug. 11 downtown Plymouth including the Ferris wheel. FARMINGTON PLAYERS Location: Handy Park, 26650 Details: The Chautauqua Ex­ Contact: 734-455-8940 Time/Date: 6:30 p.m. regis­ Capitol at Hemingway, Redford press, July 29; Joel Tacey’s Tip tration, 7 p.m. start, Aug. 19-20 Township Top Entertainment, Aug. 5; MUSIC Gemini, Aug. 12; Barbara Bailey Location: Farmington Players Details: Concerts at Handy Park Hutchinson, Aug. 19; Saline Barn, 32332 12 Mile, Farmington BLUES@THE ELKS include Stardusters Big Band, Fiddlers Philharmonic, Aug. 26 Hills Time/Date: 7-10 p.m. the second July 28; Terry Bar & No Left Turn, Contact: Details: Auditions for "The 25th Tuesday of the month Aug. 4; Persuasion, Aug. 11 Annual Putnam County Spelling Location: Plymouth An n Arbor Contact: 313-387-2650 RHYTHMS IN RILEY Bee," are Aug. 19 for youth, Elks Lodge 325,41700 An n Arbor JAZZ@THE ELKS PARK ages 12-16, and Aug. 20 for ages Road, Plymouth Time/Date 7-10 p.m. the last SUBMITTED Time/Date 7-8:30 p.m, Friday, 16 and over. Participants will Details: Bring your dancing Tuesday of the month P N A Centennial Dancers will dance July 26 at Buddy's Pizza in through Aug. 28 sing a short excerpt from one of shoes. $5 donation Livonia. the songs from the play. The/ll Location Plymouth Ann Arbor Location D o w n t o w n Farming- Contact: 734-453-1780 ton learn a short dance combination Elks Lodge 325,41700 An n Arbor and will audition the dance CANTON COLOR TOUR Road, Plymouth Details: 2 Dayz Gone, July 24; Detroit in August DetailsJhe Millionaires, July 23; moves in a small group. They'll Time/Date: 7-9 p.m. Friday, Details: The George Benson The Luddites, July 31; Allie Steve King and the Dittilies, July Louise, Aug. 7; Hullabaloo, Aug. also read a monologe from the through Aug. 21 Quartet performs July 28. $10 Details: Motown, M a m m a Mia show and More! will celebrate the 30; Motor City Soul, Aug. 6; Billy 14; Twisted Root Revival, Aug. Location: A different parking donation at the door includes music of the 1960s-’70s by such Mack & the Juke Joint Johnnies, 21; Thiurd Coast Kings, Aug. 28 Contact: lot each we e k along Ford Road hors d'oeuvres artists as The Supremes, Stevie Aug. 13; Cosmic Groove Band, PAULS PLAYERS in Canton Contact: 734-453-1780 or email Contact: downtownfarming- Wonder, The Rolling Stones and Aug. 20; Thomas & Kentucky Time/Date: 7:30 p.m. July 30-31 Details: The Brothers Groove, [email protected] Strait, Aug. 27 The Temptations. Local vocalists STARS IN THE PARK and Aug. 1 July 24, Gerard Gibbs "R.Y.Z.," JAZZ IN THE PARK Kathryn Calzone, Lauren Norris Contact: July 31, Yancyy, Aug. 7. All Time/Date: 7-8:30 p.m. Thurs­ Location: St. Paul's Presbyterian Time/Date: 4-7 p.m. Sunday, and Taylor Wallis will join the MUSIC IN THE AIR Church. 27475 Five Mile, Livonia perform at the Super Bowl, July-August Michigan Philharmonic on the day through Aug. 27 located between Canton Center Time/Date: 7-9:30 p.m. Friday Details: Tickets for "Fiddler on Location: Band shell at Kellogg M a m m a Mia finale. Concerts are Location Heritage Park, 24915 and Sheldon. Charles & Gw e n free. through Sept. 4 Farmington Road, Farmington the Roof" are $12 for adults and Scales perform Aug. 14 at JCPen- Park in do w n t o w n Plymouth $10 for seniors Contact: 734-451-2112; michi- Location: Kellogg Park in Hills ney, located between Morton Details: Three different jazz downtown Plymouth Contact: 248-347-4134 acts perform each we e k at this Details: Howlin Mercy, July 23; Taylor and Sheldon. Urban Jazz Details: Global Village, July 24; free concert. Held most sum m e r MUSIC FROM THE Kari Holmes & The Modern Day PENNY SEATS THEATRE Coalition, Aug. 21, will be at Mainstreet Soul, July 31; The Drifters, July 30; Sonic Freeway, Kroger, at Ford Road and Can­ Sundays. HEART Time/Date: 7 p.m. July 30-31, D a n Rafferty Band, Aug. 7; Aug. 6; Farmington Community Aug. 1, 6-8 and 13-15 ton Center. Contact: Time/Date: 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Phoenix Theory, Aug. 14; The Chorus, Aug. 13; Kathy Kosins, Contact: MICHIGAN through Aug. 27 Randy Brock Band, Aug. 21; Aug. 20; L'USA, Aug. 27 Location: The West Park band shell, 215 Chapin, An n Arbor CANTON CONCERTS PHILHARMONIC Location: Livonia Civic Center Magic Bus, Aug. 28; Steve King Contact: 248-473-1848 grounds. Five Mile and Farming- & The Dittilies, Sept. 4 Details: Tickets are $7 and $10 Time/Date: 7:30-9 p.m. Thurs­ Time/Date: 6:15 p.m. Aug. 29 TRINITY HOUSE for "Urinetown, the Musical." day, through Aug. 13 ton Road, Livonia Contact: Location. Grand Circus Park in THEATRE Contact:


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^ Mow m a y be surprised to learn that cooking with olive oil is a simple w a y to ad d heart-healthy “go o d ” fats to your diet. In fact, the health benefits, flavor an d versatility of olive oil are all go o d reasons that OLIVE OIL POACHED TUNA OLIVE OIL ICE CR E A M WITH olive oil is a staple in ma n y kitchens. WITH CRISP RO M A I N E SALAD GRILLED PINEAPPLE Serves: 6 Not only can yo u replace other oils in recipes with olive oil (or extra vir­ Serves: 4 2 romaine hearts, cleaned and leaves V* cup extra virgin olive oil gin olive oil for ad de d flavor), in ma n y recipes you can also replace butter separated Vi teaspoon kosher salt 4 hard-boiled eggs, cut into quarters 3 tablespoons honey with olive oil to reduce saturated fat, cholesterol an d calories. 25 Haricot Vert/French green beans, 2 teaspoons Srlracha chili sauce blanched 1 golden pineapple T h e s e recipes help yo u get the mo s t out of your veggies, an d enjoy a dec­ 4 Olive Oil Poached Tuna portions, recipe Olive Oil Ice Cream, recipe follows follows Mint sprigs adent dessert too. Learn mo r e at Sliced strawberries Courtesy of Family Features 4 yellow potatoes, peeled Salt and pepper to taste C o m b i n e extra virgin olive oil, salt ho n e y 20 Kalamata olives, pitted a n d Sriracha. Set aside. 12 grape or cherry tomatoes, washed 8 lemon quarters Cut top and bottom off pineapple and r e move outer skin. Turn pineapple on side and Prepare romaine, eggs and green beans, cut even slices ab o u t A-inch thick leaving the a n d chill the day before. Poach tuna an d let core in. Place cleaned pineapple slices in large cool to ro o m temperature. resealable bag, po u r ma rinade over them, an d Boil potatoes until tender an d drain. Sea­ gently rotate ba g to distribute. Marinate son potatoes with salt an d pep p e r while still overnight or at least four hours. hot. Let potatoes cool to ro o m temperature, Heat charcoal or gas grill for direct grilling. cover with plastic an d reserve. Use sharp round cutter to remove core before Arrange romaine, eggs, green beans, grilling, if preferred. (This is optional; yo u can olives, tomatoes an d potatoes on four dinner eat the core an d it is easier to grill with it GRILLED FLATBREAD PIZZA plates. Break an d flake tuna on top an d driz­ intact.) Brush grill grates an d wi p e with rag HIDDEN VEGETABLE TOMATO zle with olive oil fr o m poaching. Sque e z e on e SAUCE WITH HIDDEN VEGETABLE soaked with olive oil. Grill pineapple on each lemon we d g e on each plate and season with side ab o u t three minutes. A cup extra virgin olive oil SAUCE fresh pe p p e r an d salt. Serve with another Transfer grilled pineapple to plate an d top 2 cups peeled and small diced eggplant Serves: 1 lemon wedge. with scoop of Olive Oil Ice Cream. Garnish 1 cup small diced onion with sliced strawberries an d mint. 1 cup small diced carrot 1 largo slice peasant bread cut A- H-inch 1 cup small diced celery thick, or any type artisan/ crusty bread OLIVE OIL POACHED TUNA 2*3 garlic cloves, chopped Extra virgin olive oil 4 tuna portions (5 ounces each) OLIVE OIL ICE CR E A M 3 quarts canned crushed tomatoes Salt and pepper to taste 2 cups extra virgin olive oil 2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme Hidden Vegetable Tomato Sauce, recipe 12 ounces heavy cream Kosher salt to taste 1 vanilla bean, split and scraped 2 tablespoons fresh basil exit in long, thin follows Black pepper, freshly ground to taste 2 pinches ground cinnamon strips Mozzarella, grated 3 garlic cloves, minced Aounces milk 1-2 dry bay leaves Parmesan Reggiano, grated 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary Salt and pepper to taste Acup egg yolks Heat ov e n to 350°F an d heat gas grill or 4 tablespoons parsley cut in long, thin A-A cup honey In large (5-quart or bigger) thick-bottomed grill pa n to me d i u m high. strips A cup extra virgin olive oil. delicate/frulty 2 lemons, zested and juiced p o t heat extra virgin olive oil over me d i u m Brush bread generously with extra virgin flavor profile heat. Ad d eg g plant onion, carrot celery an d olive oil an d season with salt an d pepper. Grill Drizzle tuna with extra virgin olive oil. In pot. scald cream, vanilla, ci n n a m o n an d garlic, and saute gently (not browning vegeta­ bread crisp on each side an d transfer to ba k ­ Season tuna generously with salt pepper, milk. In bowl, wh i p yolks an d honey. Te m p e r bles or garlic) until vegetables start to be c o m e ing sheet lined with baking paper. Top each garlic, rosemary, parsley an d le m o n zest. Place whipped mixture with scalded cream mixture. tender. Ad d tomatoes, herbs an d bay leaves. slice with to m a t o sauce. Cover with grated tuna in 12-inch pot an d cover with extra virgin Pour tempered mixture back into pot and Simmer, uncovered, for about on e hour, then mozzarella an d sprinkle with grated Pa rmesan olive oil an d juice of lemons. He a t over m o d ­ c o o k until it coats the back of a spoon. Do n ’t season to taste with salt and pepper Puree Reggiano erate heat until tuna poaches to me d i u m rare, boil. Strain mixture an d cool. Stir in olrve oil until all vegetables are hidden in to m a t o B a k e until cheese is melted, ab o u t 10-15 approximately seven-10 minutes depending Cool and freeze in ice cream machine sauce Chill an d reserve to ma k e quick pizzas. minutes. Cut into we d g e s an d serve o n thickness of tuna R e m o v e from heat Freeze un u s e d sauce in smaller portions for allow tuna to continue to poach an d cool to future use room temperature ALL ROADS LEAD TO o TS+ma = S s a | 63 S a Q I i | ) V a U S S s ® SfioS I o o S a=S H'S ' H S O P as i g s ^ g 1? H I s ' o Q) S > 0 = a K - U g U e w w — a e S - T l e f » » F-tg^SS s F I • & r 52 HU ss 5! r « a>e 2 m q j u £ r a B i a i « I §« iz 0 s *0

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