12 January 2017 To: Members of the Greater Cambridge City Deal Joint Assembly: Dear Sir / Madam You are invited to attend the next meeting of GREATER CAMBRIDGE CITY DEAL JOINT ASSEMBLY, which will be held in THE GUILDHALL, CAMBRIDGE, CB2 3QJ at South Cambridgeshire Hall on WEDNESDAY, 18 JANUARY 2017 at 2.00 p.m. Requests for a large print agenda must be received at least 48 hours before the meeting. AGENDA PAGES 5. Petitions 1 - 260 Please find attached the two petitions received at the Greater Cambridge City Deal Joint Assembly meeting on 3 November 2016 and deferred to this meeting: Petition by Pete Howard regard the Cambridge access and congestion scheme. Petition entitled “Keep Cambridge Open for Business” by Neil MacKay regarding the Cambridge access and congestion scheme. Democratic Services Contact Officer: Democratic Services 03450 450 500
[email protected] This page is left blank intentionally. Agenda Item 5 Recipient: Councillor Lewis Herbert Letter: Greetings, In late September I heard from a client who was concerned about how we, Grabbit and Run couriers, were going to be able to service them once the changes the Council are planning for Cambridge by way of peak time congestion charging were implemented. Firstly, I was dumbfounded as I had no knowledge of the plans. My husband then attended a meeting at Wolfson College where he was staggered to learn that the consultation was not about ‘if’ we wanted the changes, but rather ‘where’ we wanted them – which frankly doesn’t seem much of a consultation. Once I mentioned this to other ‘business owners’ it became clear that they too had no idea this was happening.