Name of Claire Curtis Group Labour Councillor

Ward Dyfan, Barry Date Last May 2012 Elected

Council Positions / Committee Memberships Held (May 2012 – May 2013)

Economy and Environment Scrutiny Committee Member Housing and Public Protection Scrutiny Committee Member (Vice Chair 2012- 2013) Community Liaison Committee Member

I am also a member of, and contribute to the work of, the following Outside Bodies, School Governing Bodies and Partnerships :

Council representative

Buttrills Community Centre

Other (e.g. WLGA capacity)

Governor Primary School (as the Minor Authority Representative for Barry Town Council)

Ysgol Gynradd Sant Curig - (as the Minor Authority Representative for Barry Town Council

Trustee of Children Centre

Treasurer of Friends of Barry Beaches

Member Development/Members Annual Reports/2012-13 C Curtis

Constituency Activity and Achievements

Monthly advice surgeries in Dyfan Ward

Ward-wide newsletters

Case work for residents

Attend Compass Residents meetings

Attend Colcot Residents Meetings

Attend Dyfan PACT meetings

Organised public meeting with Persimmon Homes to discuss White Farm Development

Supported HOPE campaign group

Learning and Development

This section covers your Personal Development in your role as a councillor. You should include all training events that you have participated in and any developmental events that you have attended.

1. Members Induction 2. Introduction to Local Government Finance 3. Data Protection 4. Questioning Skills 5. Planning and Licensing 6. Equalities 7. Code of Conduct 8. Social Media

Priorities For The Year Ahead

Continue to meet with residents and listen to their views Represent residents as individuals or as groups Continue to deal with casework for residents Ensure WHQS is delivered to our tenants in a satisfactory manner Continue to liaise with Persimmon Homes and residents over White Farm development and organise future public meeting as required Work to establish the White Farm Conservation Group with fellow Councillors Continue to support the idea of a park/allotments at Cemetery Approach Continue to support the Colcot Sports Centre Monitor the condition of the highways and pavements in the ward

Member Development/Members Annual Reports/2012-13 C Curtis

Signature Of Councillor: Claire Curtis Date: 12 June 2013

Member Development/Members Annual Reports/2012-13 C Curtis