The geometry of characters of Hopf algebras Geir Bogfjellmo and Alexander Schmeding Abstract Character groups of Hopf algebras can be used to conveniently describe several species of “series expansions” such as ordinary Taylor series, B-series, aris- ing in the study of ordinary differential equations, Fliess series, arising from con- trol theory and rough paths. These ideas are a fundamental link connecting Hopf algebras and their character groups to the topics of the Abelsymposium 2016 on “Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control”. In this note we will explain some of these connections, review constructions for Lie group and topological structures for character groups and provide some new results for character groups. Our main result is the construction and study of Lie group struc- tures for Hopf algebras which are graded but not necessarily connected (in the sense that the degree zero subalgebra is finite-dimensional). Key words: infinite-dimensional Lie group, pro-Lie group, character group of a Hopf algebra, regularity of Lie groups, continuous inverse algebra MSC2010: 22E65 (primary); 16T05, 43A40, 58B25 (Secondary) 1 Foundations: Character groups and graded algebra . ...................... 4 2 Geometry of groups of characters . ..................... 7 3 Appendix: Infinite-dimensional calculus . ....................... 18 4 Appendix: Characters and the exponential map . ..................... 21 References ......................................... ............................ 23 arXiv:1704.01099v4 [math.GR] 27 Sep 2017 Geir Bogfjellmo Chalmers tekniska h¨ogskola och G¨oteborgs universitet, Matematiska vetenskaper, 412 96 G¨oteborg, Sweden e-mail:
[email protected] Alexander Schmeding NTNU Trondheim, Institutt for matematiske fag, 7491 Trondheim, Norway e-mail:
[email protected] 1 2 Geir Bogfjellmo and Alexander Schmeding Character groups of Hopf algebras appear in a variety of mathematical contexts.