Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Vision and Works on Education – Relevance to Our Times

on 14-15 July 2017

VENUE: The Hotel Plaza, 6-3-870, Tourism Plaza, Begumpet, Phone: 040-4949 5959 Mobile: 9553833318 ORGANISED BY: Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), Government of Telangana State

Organising Committee Conveners Prof. T. Papi Reddy Prof. M. Channa Basavaiah Chairman, TSCHE Director, ICSSR-SRC, Hyderabad

Prof. K. Venkatachalam Prof. R. Limbadri Vice-Chairman, TSCHE OSD,

Seminar Director Prof. D. Ravinder Prof. Mallesh Sankasala Principal, University PG College, Vice-Chairman, TSCHE INTRODUCTION Bharat Ratna, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was a great scholar, educationist, constitutionalist, social reformer, champion of the downtrodden. He waged a life-long struggle for social equality and justice. He made an outstanding contribution towards the advancement of education in the country. He fi rmly believed that education should lead to Pragna (Understanding), Karuna (Compassion) and Samatha (Equality), which would, in turn, contribute to social transformation, based on the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. He highlighted the importance of primary education and stressed on spending more money on primary education. Dr. Ambedkar was convinced that “Education is something which ought to be brought within the reach of everyone”. His views on higher education are very much relevant for the promotion of higher . He stressed on the importance of research in the universities, wherein he said, “It is obvious that where research is divorced from teaching, research must su er”. He also laid emphasis on the importance of giving autonomy to the Universities. Thus, education was assigned a revolutionary role in Ambedkar’s conception of social progress and in his vision of a just and equal society.

BACKGROUND The state of Telangana was formed as the 29th state in the Republic of India on 2nd of June 2014. The formation of a separate state of Telangana, as a result of vibrant, democratic and popular movement, has raised the aspirations of people at many levels. There are many challenges before the new state government to bring out reforms in higher education, in terms of providing access, quality, quantity, equality, infrastructure, human resources, funding, and so on. The Telangana State Council of Higher Education, in its endeavour to promote quality higher education in Telangana, proposes to organise seminars on the vision and contributions of our great national leaders. As a fi rst in the series, the State Council is organising a two day National Seminar on: “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Vision and Contributions to Education: Relevance to our times”. This event is appropriate to mark Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s 126th birth anniversary and also in the context of centenary celebrations of Osmania University. This great visionary had special relations with Osmania University, the only Indian university to confer an Honorary Doctorate on him. In the context of the formation of new state and its eff orts to provide quality higher education to all, a critical appreciation and dissemination of Dr. Ambedkar’s contributions and vision on education are considered most timely and of topical interest.

OBJECTIVES • To understand the relevance of the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s vision, mission, thoughts, ideology and ideas on education in the current educational scenario in India. • To bring together academicians, researchers, policy-makers, and other stakeholders to deliberate upon the relevance of Dr. Ambedkar’s vision and educational philosophy in the present scenario so as to bring in fresh vistas for framing the policies for higher education in the state of Telangana. SUB THEMES • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s vision of education • Critical appreciation of People’s Education Society: Approach and contribution • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s contribution to education in • Education for Social Empowerment • Education for Democratic Governance • Constitutional Vision of Education • Education as Universal Right • Inclusive Education/Equity in Education • Democratisation of Higher Education in India • Quality of Education: Ambedkar’s Perspective • Role of Faculty and Students in Democratisation of Education

IMPORTANT INVITED SPEAKERS Prof. Sukhadeo Thorat Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; and Former Chairman UGC and ICSSR

Dr. Raja Sekhar Vundru, IAS Senior I.A.S Offi cer Government of State

Prof. Anand Teltumde Senior Professor Goa Institute of Management, Goa

Prof. Vimal Thorat Professor of Hindi (Retd.) Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi

Prof. Vivek Kumar Prof of Sociology School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Dr. S.N. Sahu Joint Secretary, Rajyasabha, New Delhi

Prof. Sudhanshu Bhushan Professor & Head Department of Higher & Professional Education (DHPE) National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA)

Prof. Ramesh Bairy T.S. School of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Bombay About Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), Government of Telangna State The National Educational Policy, 1986, recommended that state level planning and coordination of Higher Education shall be done through councils of Higher Education and that the University Grants Commission (UGC) and these Councils will develop coordinative methods to keep a watch on standards. The UGC constituted a committee to make recommendations regarding setting up of State Councils of Higher Education as per the aforesaid National Policy. The said committee recommended that there is a pressing need for effective machinery for promotion and co-ordination of Higher Education at the state level and co-ordination of state level programmes with those of the UGC. The UGC has laid down the guidelines for setting up State Councils of Higher Education as recommended by the said committee. Different State Governments have accordingly constituted State Councils of Higher Education as recommended in the National Educational Policy of the Government of India and as recommended by the committee constituted by the UGC. The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) came into existence by the Order of the State Government of Telangana by adopting the APSCHE Act 16 of 1988 as per the provisions of the AP Reorganization ACT 2014. The Telangana State Council of Higher Education is primarily a coordinating body between the University Grants Commission (UGC), the State Government and the Universities. It is the general duty of the Council to coordinate and determine standards in institutions of Higher Education, Research, Scientific and Technical Institutions in accordance with the guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission from time to time. The Act 16 of 1988 envisages three distinct functions (a) Planning and Coordination, (b) Academic Functions and (c) Advisory Functions.

For correspondences and enquiries please contact

Seminar Director Prof. Mallesh Sankasala Vice-Chairman, Telangana State Council of Higher Education Mobile : 07032710426

Seminar Consultant Dr. Jacob Kalle ICSSR-SRC, Hyderabad Mobile : 09493393199

Email : [email protected] For detail visit :