Murder Suspect Search Continues GLENN GANNAWAY Police Believe Eric Monroe and Appalachia Police, Virginia State POST NEWS EDITOR Police and U.S

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Murder Suspect Search Continues GLENN GANNAWAY Police Believe Eric Monroe and Appalachia Police, Virginia State POST NEWS EDITOR Police and U.S Sports| Page 7| Spartans shoot down Falcons. Homespun| Page 9| Lots of holiday activities planned. FRIDAY the December 2, 2016 Vol. 105 • No. 97 14 Pages NORTON, VA 24273 USPS 120-120 $1.00 A ProgressiveA Progressive Newspaper Newspaper Serving Serving Our Our Mountain Mountain Area Area Since Since 1911 1911 PROGRESS Murder suspect search continues GLENN GANNAWAY Police believe Eric Monroe and Appalachia police, Virginia State POST NEWS EDITOR Police and U.S. Marshals Service were Jones is getting assistance working the case, Oakes said. The ex-husband of an Appalachia to elude capture. Jones is considered armed and dan- town employee found murdered Sunday gerous, the sheriff’s office said, warning has now been charged with first degree people to not approach or try to appre- murder and additional charges. bation violation stemming from a previ- hend him. Anyone with information on Wednesday, arrest warrants were ous charge of attempted murder for Jones’ whereabouts is encouraged to issued against Eric Monroe Jones, 46, hire. call 911 or the Wise County Sheriff’s on the murder charge along with The search continues for Jones, the Office at 276/328-3756. charges of possession of a firearm by a ex-husband of the murdered Janina According to online Wise County convicted felon and use of a firearm Gina Lorraine Jefferson, a single moth- court records, Jones was scheduled to during the commission of first degree er, artist and public servant who was appear in court Monday on the proba- murder, according to Wise County remembered as “a joy to be around.” tion violation. Jefferson was murdered Sheriff Ronnie Oakes. As of press time Wednesday, the Wise Jones is also wanted for felony pro- County Sheriff’s Office, Big Stone Gap MURDER, PAGE 2 Eric Monroe Jones Case made for water rate increase JEFF LESTER NEWS EDITOR A federal funding agency’s standards COEBURN — A recent analysis of the would put an average town’s water operation adds to arguments for customer’s monthly bill raising water rates in about $10 too low. the near future. Art Mead, of the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise, presented council Monday night with an overview of how When will Coeburn’s water rates compare to others locally and to the expectations of project funding agencies. Mead also laid out operating cost issues that contribute to the it end? rationale for a rate hike. Not any time soon, according The numbers add up to suggest that the average in- to the Virginia Department of town water customer will need to be paying about $10 Transportation. Estes more per month, according to Mead. Brothers Construction Inc. is Council already faces the need for an eventual rate replacing this deteriorating hike after accepting a federal Rural Development fund- bridge on the western end of RATE, PAGE 2 downtown Coeburn that con- nects to a three-way inter- section. Last month, traffic began to be detoured to Tate Street NE and Laurel Expansion to Avenue. The work is set for completion in August 2017. create 14 jobs JEFF LESTER PHOTOS A local welding and NorrisBuilt provides fabrication business has been awarded a welding services for $250,000 loan to assist Cop complaint yields arrest an expansion at its a variety of metal Norton-based operation. types, including Tables were turned Wednesday on a tion and called 911. “He reported to dis- The Virginia man who called Wise County 911 to patch that there were two knucklehead Coalfield Economic stainless and report “two knucklehead cops” at a cops that didn’t know what they were Development Authority Pound gas station. doing, and that he was a lawyer and on Nov. 15 approved the aluminum and Police were speaking to an individ- knew the law better than the police,” loan to the Wise County ual outside of the Wildcat gas station Baker said in the release. Industrial Development mild steel. when Danny Lee Mullins Jr., 44, of While Mullins was inside the store, Authority to assist Highland Avenue, Pound, attempted to Officer Richard Carter checked to see NorrisBuilt Fabrication September meeting interfere with police, according to a if Mullins had any outstanding war- LLC in expanding oper- requesting that VCEDA report from Pound Police Chief Tony rants and was notified there were two. ations to better accom- approve the loan. Its Baker. Officer Chris Strange advised The officers then placed Mullins under modate its growing busi- receipt represents the Mullins to leave the area while they ness, according to a Nov. second expansion for were conducting police business. 29 VCEDA newsletter. the company in the past The IDA approved a So Mullins went inside the gas sta- Danny Lee Mullins Jr. ARREST, PAGE 2 resolution at its JOBS PAGE 2 Advent concerts start Saturday The Advent Music and INSIDE: SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION HERE SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION Meditation Concert Series at All Saints Episcopal Church in Norton was founded by Rector • Illegal Emerita Fran McCoy in 1995 to give the community the opportu- logging nity to take time from the hectic month leading to Christmas to lis- penalty. ten and reflect, to find a few • Miners moments of peace and joy, and to prepare heart and mind and soul Protection for the coming of the Christ Child. Act. Advent is that season of the church year in which we are • Trump encouraged to prepare ourselves and coal. for the coming of Christmas. All Saints invites the communi- • Holiday ty to attend a series of four con- Hannah Wunsch Ryan Peter Ryan certs beginning this weekend shopping with a concert at 7:30 p.m. on D. Michael Donathan, organist, Hannah Wunsch Ryan is assis- scams. Saturday, Dec. 3 with Peter and on Sunday, Dec. 18 at 7:30 p.m. tant professor of Music at the Hannah Ryan and at 7:30 p.m. on All Saints Episcopal Church is University of Virginia’s College at • Deer Sunday, Dec. 4 with Ron and Joan located at 1015 Virginia Avenue, Wise, where she is director of Short. across from the Norton City Park, choral and vocal activities disease Two additional programs will the red brick church with double and directs the Concert Choir, response. be presented later in the month red doors. All the Advent con- Highland Chorale and Madrigal by Joy Smith Briggs, organist, on certs are free and open to every- Sunday, Dec. 11 at 4 p.m. and by one. ADVENT, PAGE 2 PAGE 2 Friday, December 2, 2016 The Coalfield Progress Norton, Virginia 24273 r Murder FROM PAGE 1 late Sunday night. Oakes confirmed that Jones was scheduled to make a court appearance Monday. Oakes also said Jones was free on bond on another charge. The exact charge could not be con- firmed by press time, but Oakes recalled it involved an assault on Jefferson. Janina Jefferson Wise County Commonwealth’s Attorney Chuck Slemp said Wednesday morning that his office had opposed bond in that case, which was pre- sented in juvenile and domestic relations court. Oakes said law enforcement officers are speculating that Jones “had a plan.” And, the sheriff said, “we think somebody’s helping” Jones. “We don’t know that for sure . We’ve canvassed neighborhoods and talked to GLENN GANNAWAY PHOTO everybody we can talk to in Appalachia and Big Stone . The Wise County Sheriff’s Response Team, supported by other law enforcement agen- . We think he’s had a plan and followed it through pret- ty good.” cies, issued search warrants at an Italy Bottom home Monday as the manhunt for Eric Jefferson, 38, a resident of Big Stone Gap’s Monroe Jones intensified. Beamontown section and a water plant operator for Appalachia, was shot to death Sunday night at her been working very hard, long hours and two children escaped the house. dolences to Jefferson’s family, workplace, the water treatment plant below since that day to try to find Jones claimed that they meant to which he said includes children in Appalachia’s Ben’s Branch Reservoir. She was working answers,” Slemp said. scare Martin, not kill her. elementary school, high school and alone. According to court records, Jones and Patterson were acting college. Jefferson was frequently seen in downtown Big Jefferson was awarded a final on behalf of Dorthea Mitchell With the town government being Stone recently as she painted “How the Grinch Stole divorce decree from Jones last Hampton, who wanted revenge such a small operation, all workers Christmas” scenes on many downtown windows for the September. The two were married because Martin was dating her ex- are like family, Luntsford said. “To town’s Whoville Christmas festivities. on Aug. 10, 2013, according to Post boyfriend. Hampton paid Jones in lose one of our own is very difficult Jefferson, said Appalachia Town Manager Fred files. Jefferson had an active protec- crack cocaine. Hampton received a to take,” he said. Luntsford, “was just a joy to be around. Janina was just tive order against Jones. 53-year sentence, with 38 years sus- The Wise County Sheriff’s a bubbly type person. She always had a smile on her Jones grew up in Big Stone Gap pended. Patterson got a total of four Response Team, Big Stone Gap face. She was very intelligent and a very hard worker.” and has faced several criminal years, all suspended, on charges of Police and Virginia State Police con- An Appalachia police officer discovered Jefferson’s charges, including attempted mur- attempting to burn personal proper- verged on a home in Big Stone’s body early Monday morning after her family reported der for hire.
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