E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2017 No. 76 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was number of America’s priorities, achiev- mains when it comes to strengthening called to order by the President pro ing important things that would not our border infrastructure and stem- tempore (Mr. HATCH). have been possible under the previous ming the tide of illegal immigration. f administration. We know more work remains when it Let’s take the border. President comes to restoring our military’s com- PRAYER Trump and the Republican Congress bat readiness and meeting the full The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- made securing the border a priority, needs of the force. fered the following prayer: and this funding bill acts on it. After But this legislation represents a step Let us pray. years of an administration that failed in the right direction in both of these Our Lord and God, we would not jour- to get serious on border security, this areas, and it advances conservative pri- ney through this day without contact bill provides the largest border secu- orities in many others. It adheres to with You. Increase our faith, hope, and rity funding increase in a decade. the spending caps, it reforms bureauc- love, that we may receive Your prom- Passing this bill means updating ises. physical border infrastructure. It racy, and it consolidates, eliminates, Be merciful to our lawmakers and fill means enhancements in surveillance or rescinds funds for more than 150 gov- them with Your hope. May they be technology. It means increasing sup- ernment programs and initiatives. fully persuaded in their minds about port for border personnel. It means fi- It supports the implementation of receiving guidance from You for the nally providing resources to end the the Every Student Succeeds Act, which decisions they make. practice of catch and release. shifts control of education out of Wash- Lord, deliver them from a reluctance On securing our border, this bill obvi- ington, and it extends an important to respect honest differences as they ously makes a departure from the school choice program. It helps tackle remember their ultimate account- Obama years, and it is an important terrorism, fight crime, support vet- ability to You. Provide them with Di- step forward. erans, protect life, reform the IRS, and vine insights as they grapple with com- Let’s take defense. President Trump freeze funding for it. plexities that require nuanced choices. and the Republican Congress made re- It cuts funding for the EPA, prohibits May their ultimate goal be to serve building our military a priority, and funding for President Obama’s climate You by doing what is best for our Na- this funding bill acts on it. After years slush fund, and advances an all-of-the- tion and world. of an administration that drew down above energy policy that prioritizes re- We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. our conventional force structure and search on technical advancements in f failed to address increasing threats across the globe, this bill provides a nuclear, natural gas, and coal power PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE critically needed downpayment on re- generation. The President pro tempore led the building our military. Passing this bill This research funding, along with the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: means allowing our force to retain bill’s support for troubled coal mining I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the higher levels of end strength. It means communities and dislocated miners, is United States of America, and to the Repub- funding the largest military pay raise important for States like mine, as is lic for which it stands, one nation under God, in 6 years. It means replacing muni- the provision I was proud to secure indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tions used in the fight against ISIL. It that will permanently protect f means finally ignoring the Obama-era healthcare benefits for thousands of re- demand of requiring defense funding tired coal miners and their families. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY increases to be equally matched to This bill also extends resources for a LEADER nondefense increases. pilot program I worked with Congress- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. On rebuilding our military, this bill man HAL ROGERS to secure, which will PAUL). The majority leader is recog- obviously makes a departure from the nized. Obama years and is another important fund the reclamation and development of abandoned mine sites. f step forward. These are notable wins, and they wouldn’t have happened with- Moreover, this bill also provides sig- GOVERNMENT FUNDING out this administration’s tireless work nificant new resources to tackle the LEGISLATION in conjunction with the Republican prescription opioid and heroin epi- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, Congress. demic that continues to ravage com- later today, the House will vote to pass Of course, there is further to go in munities in Kentucky and across our a funding agreement that advances a both areas. We know more work re- country.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.000 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 The many achievements in this bill to provide private sector employees re- of our economy. The resolution before resulted from countless hours of com- tirement programs that do not’’—I re- us will repeal a regulation that Presi- mittee work and bicameral negotia- peat, do not—‘‘have the same high- dent Obama apparently personally or- tions. I want to recognize again the ap- level protections as other private em- dered Labor Secretary Tom Perez to propriators, our Members, and this Re- ployer-sponsored plans.’’ So, as they draft as a gift to certain blue States. publican administration for the tireless put it, ‘‘passage of [the legislation be- The regulation eliminated long- effort that made this bill possible. fore the Senate] would ensure that all standing Federal protections for the re- The President and his team should be retirement plans’’—all of them—‘‘for tirement savings of private sector commended for their efforts in working private sector workers are subject to workers, specifically giving States a with the Republican Congress to ad- equal consumer protections under the ‘‘safe harbor’’ from the protection that dress many important needs for our law.’’ workers have had for decades under country in this bill. I look forward to That is why we will vote today to ERISA if the State requires employers the House passing the bill today so overturn this regulation, which under- to either set up a retirement plan or that we can take it up and send it to mines a private retirement savings sys- enroll its employees in a State-run President Trump for his signature tem that millions of Americans have plan. soon. counted on for decades. By blocking These State plans do not have to be f this State-run retirement regulation— portable, nor do they have to permit as we already did with a similar regula- workers to withdraw their savings at CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ACT tion aimed at municipalities—we can any time. States like California, Or- RESOLUTION empower families in making their own egon, Connecticut, Maryland, and Illi- Mr. MCCONNELL. Now on to the leg- decisions when it comes to saving for nois are already using this authority to islation we will turn to today. the future. impose new mandates on both large In recent months, the Republican So I want to recognize Senator and small employers, including startup Congress has voted to provide much HATCH, the Finance Committee chair- businesses. Some of the mandates needed relief to the American people man, who has been leading the charge apply regardless of the size of the busi- from Obama administration regula- on this important issue. We look for- ness. tions pushed out the door at the elev- ward to sending this resolution to the The regulation not only encourages enth hour. We have voted to eliminate President’s desk very soon. States to impose conflicting and bur- 13 harmful regulations already, using densome mandates on private sector f the tools contained in the Congres- businesses, but it also encourages sional Review Act, and we will vote to RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME States to bar private workers’ access eliminate another later today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under to their retirement accounts, and it Too often, the Obama administration the previous order, the leadership time would let States invest private work- pursued regulations that grew govern- is reserved. ers’ retirement assets, ignoring provi- ment at the expense of jobs, wages, and sions in Federal pension law that re- economic growth. Too often, under the f quire prudent pension investment prac- guise of helping ordinary Americans, MORNING BUSINESS tices and that ban kickbacks and self- the administration was really just dealing. helping to expand the reach of govern- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Some States have already made it ment. the previous order, the Senate will be clear that once they take control of That is certainly the case with the in a period of morning business, with the private worker assets, they intend regulation we are considering today. Senators permitted to speak therein to invest them just like they invest President Obama’s Department of for up to 10 minutes each. their State pension plan assets. Labor issued regulations that would The Senator from Utah. For anyone who is following our Na- impose new burdens on employers and f tion’s current public pension crisis, employees when it comes to saving for that is not a pretty picture—and that CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ACT their retirement. These regulations is being kind. Put simply, States like RESOLUTION would give State officials the power to California and Illinois shouldn’t get a force employers to enroll their employ- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, as we pass on investing potentially billions of ees into government-run savings plans. continue this historic effort in Con- dollars in private worker retirement Though the State-run plans might gress to repeal harmful regulations, I assets without having to follow Federal not seem too bad on the surface, what rise today in support of H.J. Res. 66. rules requiring prudent investment they really add up to is more govern- Due to the aggressive regulatory pos- practices—rules designed to protect re- ment at the expense of the private sec- ture taken by the Obama administra- tirement nest eggs of hard-working tor and American workers. tion in its final months, Congress has Americans. They would provide government-run had to spend a significant portion of I am all for increasing coverage for retirement plans with a competitive time repealing regulations under the employees and workplace retirement advantage over private sector work- Congressional Review Act, and our programs. I have been working with place plans, while providing fewer basic level of success has been unprece- my colleagues on both sides of the aisle consumer protections to the workers dented. to address this issue. who would be forced to contribute to Before 2017, only one CRA resolution For example, last Congress, the Sen- them. had ever been successfully passed by ate Finance Committee, which I chair, As I mentioned when we voted on re- Congress and signed by the President. unanimously approved the Retirement lated regulations concerning munici- If passed and signed, H.J. Res. 66 would Enhancement and Savings Act of 2016, palities, States always had the power be the 14th CRA resolution enacted a bipartisan bill designed to increase to set up these plans, but until this this year. That is remarkable. It is un- voluntary retirement savings. regulation, they had to actually follow fortunate that we are in this situation, My bill and others like it provide Federal laws that protect the workers no doubt, but our success in rolling workable, voluntary solutions to give who would be automatically enrolled. back harmful regulations is a positive more workers access to retirement In other words, States preferred that step, in my view and in the view of so plans. I emphasize the word ‘‘vol- the basic retirement protections that many others. untary.’’ In America, we have a vol- apply to those who manage private sec- There is a growing consensus here in untary defined contribution retirement tor retirement plans not apply to the Washington and throughout our coun- system for private businesses, and the government as well. try that the U.S. economy—our work- voluntary approach with appropriate As a coalition of employers and ers, businesses, and job creators—are incentives for workers and employers human resource managers recently horribly overregulated. Regulations is far better than the one taken by the pointed out, the Obama administration promulgated by the executive branch Obama administration and former was ‘‘encouraging State governments take hundreds of billions of dollars out Labor Secretary Tom Perez, which

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.001 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2689 would take us down the path toward be open debate? Why wouldn’t there be the first 100 days misreads what they government-mandated and govern- discussion? I hope, if the bill gets to are and history, when compared to ment-run retirement plans. That is not the Senate—I don’t know if it will. I many other Presidents. Most of them, really hyperbole. That is essentially hope it doesn’t, but if it does, I hope we to boot, even worse, rather than bene- the stated purpose of these types of will not mimic the House, have no fiting the American people, just benefit regulations. committees, no hearings, no CBO score, large, wealthy, special interests—not The current retirement savings sys- not much debate. That would be very just this one but just about all of them. tem clearly demonstrates the superi- wrong. They are not for working people. They ority of the free market over govern- Third, even if the new version of are not for middle-class Americans. If ment mandates when it comes to gov- TrumpCare passes the House—we hope there is some narrow special interest ernment savings. Private retirement it doesn’t—its chances for survival in that doesn’t like it, then this Repub- savings vehicles, like 401(k)s and IRAs the Senate are small. We don’t even lican-led Congress goes along. It is not that have been encouraged but not know if the new version would survive right. Let me give a few examples. mandated by Federal laws have pro- under the rules of reconciliation. The Republicans passed a CRA that duced nearly $14 trillion in wealth and The amendment to allow States to removed protections for our waters and savings for the middle class. drop preexisting condition require- streams from the harmful pollution Let me repeat that. Private retire- ments, for instance, very possibly vio- that comes from the runoff of mining ment savings vehicles, with encourage- lates the Byrd rule. If the moderate sites. Why? Large mining companies ments and investor protections but not group in the House gets an additional wanted it. The American people mandates, have produced nearly $14 amendment to deal with the very same weren’t crying out for it. trillion in wealth and savings for mid- issue, that may violate the Byrd rule This Republican Congress passed a dle-class Americans. as well because if Republicans try to CRA that would make it easier for the I agree that we need to enhance this throw money at their problem, as it adjudicated mentally ill to purchase system to give more workers access has been reported, they may end up firearms—a priority of the gun lobby, and incentives to participate, but there violating the budget instructions to re- certainly not of the American people. is absolutely no justification for any duce the deficit, and they will not even They even passed a CRA that allowed effort to reinvent the retirement sav- know if it does violate the Byrd rule large oil, mining, and gas companies to ings system in order to give primacy to because, again, they will not have a make payments to foreign govern- government-run plans. I can only won- CBO score. ments—essentially bribes—without der why States think they will be able As my friend, the Republican Senator even having to disclose them. to produce better results than the pri- from South Carolina, Mr. GRAHAM, That is not the America we know. vate retirement savings system, which said, talking about the TrumpCare bill, That is not the Shining City on the has been an unqualified success. I have ‘‘I just don’t see how you square the Hill. That is not the lady in the harbor to wonder how some of my colleagues circle here. Some of the things the with a torch. who value consumer financial protec- Freedom Caucus wants probably won’t Today, the Republican majority is tion, as I do, would want to see aban- make it through the Senate.’’ going to have a vote on another CRA. donment of rules, under the guise of a The same is true for the group of This one may be the worst of all be- safe harbor, that erode protections for moderates who are angling for more cause it would block initiatives by the savings of workers and future retir- changes to the bill right now. States to provide alternative retire- ees. The reality is, TrumpCare cannot ment savings options for millions of We can do our part to undo this pass the Senate. So to my moderate Americans. Is that because Americans harmful regulation by passing H.J. Res Republican colleagues in the House, I are clamoring: Take away my ability 66. Toward that end, I urge all of my ask: Why would you risk a ‘‘yes’’ vote for retirement if my company doesn’t colleagues to vote in favor of this reso- for a bill that is devastating to your give me one. No, we haven’t heard a lution. constituents and has virtually a minus- peep about that. It is because the pri- Mr. President, I yield the floor. cule chance—probably no chance—of vate financial institutions—Wall f becoming law? Street—that manage retirement plans Now, we Democrats—as we have said don’t want to see any competition from RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY time and time again to both the Presi- city or State retirement plans. This is LEADER dent and to our Republican col- just another giveaway to the wealthy The PRESIDING OFFICER. The leagues—are willing to work with you special interests that will hurt working Democratic leader is recognized. on ways to improve the Affordable Care Americans who should have more low- f Act and our healthcare system in gen- cost choices when it comes to their re- eral. Drop repeal, and then come talk tirement. TRUMPCARE to us about finding a bipartisan way We all know our Nation faces a seri- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, a note forward. We are always willing to work ous retirement security problem. Pen- on healthcare. in a bipartisan way, but, again, to re- sions, often a guarantee for large num- As the House Republican caucus con- peat, ‘‘bipartisan’’ means talking to bers of Americans, are vanishing. New tinues their effort to revive both sides and taking things from both employers often don’t provide pensions. TrumpCare, I just want to remind my sides, not just throwing a bill down and Older employers’ pension plans are run- friends in the House of a few things. saying you have to support it. That is ning low. People who used to feel, when First, for all the significant changes what bipartisanship is. they retired, there would at least be House Republicans are proposing to the f something there so they could live bill, it would still cause premiums and their final years in dignity, are wor- deductibles to rise, it will still jack up CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ACT ried, as they should be. Fifty-five mil- the costs on low-income and older RESOLUTION lion working Americans do not have a Americans, and, most importantly, it Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, let me way for retirement to save through doesn’t change a thing about the 24 talk about the retirement CRA, the their employer. That is nearly half— million fewer Americans who would get vote that is coming before us quite half—of all private sector workers aged healthcare. It may actually increase soon. 18 to 64. It is a huge concern. that number, but it certainly will not So far this Congress, the Republican So what did the Obama administra- decrease it. majority has passed 13 CRAs—Congres- tion do in its last few months? Wisely, Second, it is unwise and irresponsible sional Review Act resolutions—all on they said States could set up initia- to rush through a brandnew bill with- party-line votes. Far from being a tives for employees to save through out a new CBO score, without com- major accomplishment, these CRAs their employers’ payroll systems. The mittee hearings, and without any de- just overturn rules passed at the very Obama administration acted to allow bate on the floor of the House. If this end of the Obama administration. To States to pursue these initiatives by thing were so good, why wouldn’t there make them a major accomplishment of exempting them from overreaching

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.003 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2690 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 Federal regulations and then provided argument against what the Obama ad- commitment to Jesus Christ was em- necessary consumer protections. That ministration did. There is no good ar- bedded in her values and made her the is what people want. Now, maybe some gument against letting workers decide great woman we will remember. Her of these big financial interests don’t on their own volition that they want a ability to pass these values to friends want it because the plans the States retirement plan and are willing to put and family will live on as a part of her head up will be a lot cheaper than the some money into it. legacy. private sector plan, but we have to This CRA is another test. If our Rose Landry Long will be remem- adapt to the 21st century. Any way we President and our Republican col- bered as a great mother, grandmother, can help people with security in their leagues were truly a champion of work- and wife, but more than anything, as golden years with retirement savings, ing men and women, they wouldn’t someone who served others by loving we should. support this resolution. If President others. Here is another issue. We hear a lot Trump were truly a champion of work- Mr. President, I yield back. from our colleagues on the other side ing men and women, he would veto this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- of the aisle about States’ rights. This resolution. We call on him to do so. ator from Connecticut. regulation doesn’t force the States to Mr. President, I yield the floor. f do it. It allows the States to do it. It I suggest the absence of a quorum. CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ACT gives them a choice. This CRA vote The PRESIDING OFFICER. The RESOLUTION would re-regulate the States. clerk will call the roll. Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I am on My Republican friends—who spare no The assistant bill clerk proceeded to the floor today to talk about the CRA opportunity to decry regulation and call the roll. resolution pending before the Senate exhort States’ rights—will impose a Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, I ask today. new regulation on States from Wash- unanimous consent that the order for I really can’t keep track of when my ington. My Republican friends talk the quorum call be rescinded. colleagues on the Republican side are The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- about increasing Americans’ freedom for State innovation and when they are of choice in all sorts of matters. What TON). Without objection, it is so or- against State innovation. about their choice in terms of retire- dered. When it comes to , the Re- ment, one of the most important f publicans seem to be very willing to things to the American people. Middle- REMEMBERING ROSE LANDRY hand a bunch of money over to the class incomes are squeezed in so many LONG States, no strings attached, and let different directions. It is harder to them figure out what to do with it. Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, I rise scrape and save for retirement when That is the essence of the bill that cuts the cost of college, medicine, and other to pay honor to Rose Landry Long. $800 billion from Medicaid that is pend- essentials go up while take-home pay is This past week, the State of ing before the House of Representatives stagnant. It makes sense to give Amer- lost a caring mother, loving grand- today. When it comes to retirement, icans a choice to start saving earlier, mother, supportive spouse, and, to me, right now we are engaged in a debate at a lower cost, for retirement. That is my wife, and so many back home, a that would rip away from States the why 23 State Treasurers from States dear friend. Rose Landry Long left us ability to innovate on behalf of their across the political spectrum—across too soon, but she will always be re- constituents to try to get them access Utah and Kentucky, our two speakers membered. My wife Laura and I had to retirement savings. before me—have written to their Sen- the pleasure of knowing Rose and her I can’t figure out when my Repub- ators opposing this CRA. Red States wonderful family for over 10 years. We lican friends want States to innovate and blue States alike want to pursue taught two of her grandchildren in our and when they want to take away from this option. Polling shows that across Sunday school class. States the ability to deliver results to party lines, 77 percent of voters sup- Rose was born in Natchitoches, LA, their constituents. port State-facilitated retirement sav- to a French-speaking Cajun family. Let’s be honest. We have a retire- ings, but Republicans want to block it. English was her second language. She ment crisis in this country right now. We haven’t heard one good reason—one graduated from Gueydan High School The majority of Americans barely have good reason. We know the real reason. and became the first person from her enough money saved to last 2 or 3 years Financial institutions don’t want com- family to attend college. There she met after they retire. Everybody knows petition, particularly if it is a little her husband, Gerald Long, at North- this. And the people who are affected cheaper for the worker. western State University. by this retirement crisis aren’t exclu- Another example of special interests A sidenote about Gerald: He is a sively Democrats. They aren’t exclu- taking hold of the Republican agenda: member of the famous , sively Republicans. They aren’t just Almost every one of these CRAs has which includes , , liberals. They aren’t just conserv- been at the behest of a narrow special , Jimmy Long, and many atives. No matter where you live, interest over the interests of working others—respectively, Senators, Gov- today you are more likely than not to Americans. Unfortunately, it is a met- ernors, Congressmen, and State elected not have enough money in order to re- aphor for both the new Trump adminis- officials. tire. So States have figured this out. tration and how our Republican col- When Gerald was elected to the Lou- My State is one of them. leagues are marching in lockstep to isiana Senate, Rose came to Baton Many States have recognized that support the wealthy—people doing Rouge and befriended everyone, Repub- one of the biggest barriers to retire- great—over the middle class and work- licans and Democrats alike. Just out of ment savings today is the fact that if ing people who need help. being so concerned and loving toward you work for a small employer, you President Trump promised over and others, she quickly became the center probably don’t have an employer-spon- over again in his campaign to stick up of activity and encouragement for so sored retirement plan. In fact, there for working Americans. He said he many. Rose had a way of reaching out are over 50 million Americans today would be their voice and their cham- to people, connecting with them and who do not have, through their em- pion. Since he has taken office, Presi- making them understand how much ployer, a retirement plan available to dent Trump sure hasn’t governed that she cared for them. You could see each them. way. He is pursuing policy after policy person respond to that care and love. Why is that a big deal? Well, it is a that would help the wealthy and hurt Rose was a tremendous woman of big deal because that is the most likely the middle class, breaking promise God. She loved the Lord and was al- way you save today. In fact, for those after promise after promise to working ways interested in sharing her love for 50 million Americans who don’t have Americans. I ask him to veto this legis- Him with others. She led Bible studies access to retirement through their em- lation. in every town in which she lived. In ployer, only 5 percent of them are Leader PELOSI and I are putting out a Baton Rouge, she led a Bible study for going outside of their employer to set statement that asks just that. Stand Senate staff, legislators’ spouses, up a retirement plan. There are a vari- up for working people. There is no good which my wife Laura attended. Her ety of reasons for that. Sometimes,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.004 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2691 people who are working for a company stand whether that is going to actually retirement companies—except for the that doesn’t offer retirement are mak- be able to pay for their expenses when big Wall Street companies that in- ing such a small amount of money, they retire. We can’t even get that vented, in their minds, that they would they simply don’t have the means to piece of legislation passed through the be losing business to these State inno- save, but many more simply look at Congress. That is just a transparency vations whereby individuals would get the private retirement savings indus- provision. enrolled in private accounts through a try as so convoluted and confusing, so Let’s be honest. The industry is not State-endorsed conduit. opaque, that they don’t even attempt providing answers either. The industry There are two problems with that. to intersect with it. has had decades to try to figure out First, the States are not running these So we know we have a problem on how to be more relevant for individuals retirement plans. All the State is doing our hands. We know there are all these who don’t have an employer-sponsored is providing access for individuals to a Americans who cannot get retirement plan. That number is still at 5 percent. privately run fund. Second, it is not through their employer, largely be- So the industry, maybe hamstrung by taking any business away from these cause they work for small employers. Federal rules or State rules, has not retirement plans because these people We know that if you don’t get your re- been able to fill this void. were not going to private retirement tirement through your employer, you So we have this massive number of plans in the first place. Only 5 percent are unlikely to go out and get it on people who don’t have anywhere near of people who did not have retirement your own. the money necessary to retire. The through their employer were finding a Employers would love to do more for Federal Government is not providing way to a privately run plan them- their employees. This isn’t about em- any answers and private industry is not selves. So there was no risk that Wall ployers not wanting to provide a retire- providing enough answers, so States Street or these big retirement funds ment plan for their employees. The have begun to pick up the ball. were going to lose business. problem is that for an employer who Here is what States are doing. I We don’t need to do this just because only has 3 or 4 or 5 or 10 or 15 employ- think there are about 12 States that the big retirement companies have ees, it is prohibitively expensive to have either adopted this kind of pro- imagined in their minds that they are provide a retirement plan. gram that I am about to describe or are not going to have access to a set of A recent op-ed from an Oregon busi- in the process of adopting it. States business that they were not offering in ness owner showed that for him, it like Connecticut have said: OK. Here is a way that was relevant or cost-effec- would cost about $1,100 per employee what we are going to do. For employees tive. just in fees to establish a retirement who don’t have an employer-sponsored You know, Republicans are either for State-based innovation or they are not. plan. That is not even counting any plan, we are going to allow for those You can’t be for State-based innova- possible contribution the employer employees to enroll in a private retire- tion when it aligns with a special inter- would make. So you can see that for a ment plan, with the State as the con- est, and then be against it when it small restaurant owner or a small re- duit. misaligns with a special interest. tail grocer, they are not likely to pro- If the employer can’t do it because States are innovating to solve a prob- vide a retirement plan to their six em- the fees are too much, then we will lem that we are not solving. Con- ployees when it costs them $1,000 per give those employees the option to en- necticut—we are representative of employee to do it. Their employees are roll in a private retirement plan, have other States that have done this. a portion of their earnings withheld on their own. Again, very few of them The consequences of what we are are actually going and setting up their with the State as the conduit. OK. about to do are real. You are talking own retirement. States are deciding to do this. It is sup- about 600,000 people in my State who Why does this matter to us? Well, it ported by constituents across the ideo- had access to retirement savings who matters to us first because I think we logical spectrum. I looked at a survey will have it ripped away from them if have a policy obligation to try to help the other day that said that amongst this CRA passes. That is real. When people save for retirement, but it also self-identified conservative voters, you combine all of the States together matters to us here in Washington be- three-quarters of them wanted States that have passed these innovative re- cause to the extent people don’t have to be able to have the ability to set up tirement plan programs, the number is retirement, they are going to be more these conduit accounts for people who 12 million. likely dependent on the programs that don’t have retirement through their If your State does not want to do it, are already busting our budget, like employer. Connecticut has done this; a they don’t have to. If Arkansas does Social Security and Medicare and Med- handful of other States have done it. not want to do it or Wyoming does not icaid. If you don’t have any retirement The Federal Government needed to want to do it, if Tennessee does not savings, then you are going to go on clarify, through regulation, how want to do it, they don’t have to. But Medicaid much earlier, meaning the ERISA rules would apply to these why take away from the people of Con- Federal expenditure that we are all on State innovations. Why? Well, because necticut the ability to set up a way for the hook for, and all of our constituent ERISA is really designed to regulate employees of very small businesses to taxpayers are on the hook for, starts the relationship between an employer save for retirement? Why do you care getting spent earlier. So, just as a mat- and the plan they sponsor and the em- what we do in Connecticut if that is ter of fiscal prudence, we should be ployee. But in the case of these State- what my constituents want? Is it just helping people pile up private retire- backed retirement plans, there is no because the big retirement companies ment savings because it will result in traditional employee-employer rela- told you that they were going to lose less liability for public retirement pro- tionship between the person who is en- business? That is not true. But even if grams. Yet we are not doing that. rolled in the plan and the State of Con- it is, it should be up to the people of We talk a lot about trying to help necticut, in this instance, which is pro- Connecticut as to whether we innovate people save for retirement, but we are viding the access to the private plan. in a way to try to provide more retire- not passing any groundbreaking legis- So a regulation was proffered by the ment savings to the people of our lation that helps Americans to save for Obama administration that clarified State. It does not hurt Republican retirement. Senator ISAKSON and I have that ERISA rules will not apply to Members if Connecticut does it or Cali- this small little bill that says on your these plans in the same way they apply fornia does it. retirement statement it should just to the traditional employer-sponsored It feels as if we are scraping the bot- tell you that if you continue to save at retirement plans. tom of the barrel when it comes to a current amount—this is for people ERISA is just a mismatch for this these CRAs. It feels as if we are going who have employer-sponsored plans— State-based innovation. It seems like a out and asking every special interest this is how much you will get per year pretty routine regulatory function— group whether they have any remain- when you retire, just so there is some the Federal Government clarifying how ing problems, minor as they may be, transparency, so that people can look ERISA rules should apply to those with regulations that were passed at at the amount they are putting away State-based innovations. Nobody had a the end of the administration and and be able to clearly and easily under- problem with this, except for the big opening the floor to any and all.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.005 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2692 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 I know there are Republicans who are very clear message, on top of many Gillibrand Markey Schumer Harris McCaskill Shaheen going to vote no. I know there are others in the last 100 days. They are Hassan Menendez Stabenow some Republicans who have a deep listening to Wall Street rather than Heinrich Merkley Tester problem with the fact that the Con- working families. Heitkamp Murphy Udall gress is taking away from States the This rule—all it does is clarify an ex- Hirono Murray Van Hollen Kaine Nelson Warner ability to innovate on the question of isting safe harbor that affords flexi- King Peters Warren retirement. bility to States that want to give Klobuchar Reed Whitehouse I hope there are enough that this workers more options for their retire- Leahy Sanders Wyden CRA goes down because the con- ment. It is not complicated. It would Manchin Schatz Young sequences to many of our States will be do a lot of good for families across the NOT VOTING—1 big. Frankly, it will chill any State’s country, including in my home State of Durbin interest in trying to solve this problem Washington. The motion was agreed to. because you are telegraphing that any- I will have a lot more to say this f time a State tries to step in and deliver afternoon, as I know many of our col- more access to retirement, if it slightly leagues will, but this is about taking DISAPPROVING A RULE SUB- rubs the big retirement companies the away the options for people’s retire- MITTED BY THE DEPARTMENT wrong way, you are going to step in ment security. I hope the Senate will OF LABOR and take that power away from them. turn this down. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The So why would a State step in ever I yield the floor. clerk will report the joint resolution. again to try to do something for people The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- The legislative clerk read as follows: who need access to retirement? jority leader. A joint resolution (H.J. Res. 66) dis- If my Republican friends are coming approving the rule submitted by the Depart- f to this floor with a really sound plan to ment of Labor relating to savings arrange- replace the plan that we developed in DISAPPROVING A RULE SUB- ments established by States for non-govern- Connecticut—if Republicans said: Do MITTED BY THE DEPARTMENT mental employees. you know what? I don’t think that it OF LABOR—MOTION TO PROCEED The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- makes sense to do this in a patchwork ator from Ohio. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. PORTMAN. The Republicans way, this State innovating this way, move to proceed to H.J. Res. 66. this State innovating that way; we are yield back 4 hours of the majority’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time. going to come in and pass a really com- clerk will report the motion. prehensive approach to giving people The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- The senior assistant legislative clerk jority has 1 hour remaining. who work for small companies access read as follows: to retirement. That is a reasonable Mr. PORTMAN. We have 1 hour re- conversation to have, but you are not. Motion to proceed to H.J. Res. 66, dis- maining. We will keep our hour. approving the rule submitted by the Depart- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Republicans are not offering the peo- ment of Labor relating to savings arrange- ple of my State any alternative. All ERNST). If no one yields time, the time ments established by States for non-govern- will be charged equally. they are doing is robbing from 12 mil- mental employees. The Senator from Maine. lion Americans the ability to get ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The UPWARD BOUND PROGRAM cess to retirement. This is a crisis. If question is on agreeing to the motion. we are not going to deal with it and the Mr. KING. Madam President, around Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I here we often discuss bureaucracy and industry is not going to deal with it, ask for the yeas and nays. let States deal with it. regulation and overreach and govern- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a ment getting out of the way. I want to This is a terrible, terrible thing that sufficient second? we are doing later today. I think it is point out and bring to the attention of There appears to be a sufficient sec- the Senate and the American people going to be a really close vote because ond. I think there are Republicans who one of the most ridiculous actions of The clerk will call the roll. any government at any level that I know it. I hope there are a few more The senior assistant legislative clerk who think about the message being have ever encountered. called the roll. There is a wonderful program that sent to the States. Think about the Mr. SCHUMER. I announce that the fact that on one day you are for State- provides support for students going on Senator from Illinois (Mr. DURBIN) is to college, particularly low-income based innovation, and the next day you necessarily absent. are against it. students and particularly in rural The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- We have time to allow for States to areas. Every year our colleges and col- LIVAN). Are there any other Senators in continue these innovations. I hope we leges across the country file applica- the Chamber desiring to vote? will take advantage of it. tions for this program called Upward The result was announced—yeas 51, I yield the floor. Bound. It is one of the most successful The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- nays 48, as follows: programs of the Federal Government ator from Washington. [Rollcall Vote No. 119 Leg.] that I have encountered. I have met Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I YEAS—51 the students in Maine and from other thank the Senator from Connecticut, Alexander Fischer Murkowski parts of the country. It is a program who frames this exactly correctly on Barrasso Flake Paul that helps these students make the Blunt Gardner Perdue the vote that we are about to take on Boozman Graham Portman transition from their communities to a motion to proceed to yet another Burr Grassley Risch colleges and to gain a college edu- CRA that will be another broken prom- Capito Hatch Roberts cation. ise on the part of President Trump and Cassidy Heller Rounds Applications are necessary, and ap- Cochran Hoeven Rubio Republicans. President Trump said Collins Inhofe Sasse plications have rules about the size of that he would help workers and put Corker Isakson Scott the paper and that kind of thing. What them first. But the legislation we are Cornyn Johnson Shelby has happened in this case, on the appli- Cotton Kennedy Strange about to move to will get in the way of Crapo Lankford Sullivan cation of the University of Maine at our States’ efforts to expand access to Cruz Lee Thune Presque Isle—affectionately called retirement savings programs, which is Daines McCain Tillis UMPI—the University of Maine at something that so many workers in Enzi McConnell Toomey Presque filed its application, which was Ernst Moran Wicker this country really need. 65 pages. They met all the require- President Trump said that he would NAYS—48 ments, but they made a terrible mis- drain the swamp, but by rolling back Baldwin Cantwell Cortez Masto take. The rules of the Department of this rule in question, as Republicans Bennet Cardin Donnelly Education say that the application Blumenthal Carper Duckworth are proposing today, President Trump Booker Casey Feinstein must be double-spaced. Indeed, the ap- and his party are sending yet another Brown Coons Franken plication is double-spaced, except for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.006 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2693 an exhibit on page 21, which is single- versity of Maine at Presque Isle and As strong supporters of the TRIO programs, spaced. It is double-spaced in the body their students. we were particularly troubled to learn that of the application, and there was one All I am asking is for the Depart- UMPI’s applications were ruled ineligible ment of Education and the Secretary of due to an unintentional, minor formatting other infographic in the application oversight, which UMPI has not been given an which was a space and a half—1.5 in- Education to look at this obvious, ri- opportunity to correct. According to UMPI, stead of 2—and the application was re- diculous bureaucratic mistake, correct the Department’s decision risks, over the jected for that reason alone. it, and correct it for those who have next five years, denying 960 disadvantaged This is preposterous. This isn’t a been prejudiced by it. It is not just the high school students the chance to fulfill game. This isn’t ‘‘gotcha.’’ This is University of Maine at Presque Isle; I their academic potentials. about real people. At the University of understand there are a number of oth- The Notice Inviting Applications for New Maine at Presque Isle, it is 129 real peo- Awards (Notice) for the Upward Bound Pro- ers across the country whose applica- gram competition, published in the Federal ple, and it is about their access to tions were kicked out for similar rea- Register on October 17, 2016, includes for- higher education, their access to a bet- sons. matting criteria not mandated by Congress. ter life, their ability to achieve suc- I understand there has to be some They are arbitrarily drawn, entirely unre- cess. The application of their univer- uniformity. It has to be written in lated to the substance of the application, and sity was rejected because this little English. It has to be on reasonable do not provide any recourse for applicants to piece on one page and a similar piece paper that you can read, and it is not correct minor, unintentional, non-sub- stantive mistakes. on another page was 11⁄2 spaces instead to be handwritten. To reject an appli- UMPI has applied for two Upward Bound of 2. This is nonsense. This is the kind cation involving 129 young lives in my Program grants, and both have been deemed of thing that makes people hate gov- State because a little piece out of a 65- ineligible for the same reason. We under- ernment. This is the kind of thing that page application has 11⁄2 spaces instead stand that the Department has relayed to makes people say: What are they of 2—give me a break. UMPI that a line-spacing error, appearing thinking down there? What is wrong This is something that can and within two info-graphics on two of the appli- with Washington? Why can’t they get should be fixed, and I assume and be- cation’s 65 pages, is the cause of the ineligi- something so simple as looking at the lieve the Secretary of Education and bility determination, as these two pages do substance of the application instead of the people in charge at the Department not comply with the Notice’s double-spacing requirement. These info-graphics are in- applying what can only be character- of Education will find a way to fix it tended to help the reader review the applica- ized as a bureaucratic rule? and prove to the people of Maine that tion efficiently and more easily and contain I am not one of these people who at- the government in Washington is not text that is 1.5 line spaced instead of double tack bureaucrats and Federal workers. crazy, that we can make reasonable de- spaced. It is obvious that the figures merely In my experience, they are good people cisions, and that when we make a mis- supplement a well-prepared narrative. Were who are trying to do the right thing, take—and they acknowledged last they removed, or were UMPI permitted to and they make enormous contributions week that it was a mistake, that it was adjust the line spacing on these two pages, to our country. In this case, somebody not good policy, and they have rec- the application would easily warrant the De- partment’s review. Yet unbelievably, the De- somewhere in the Department of Edu- tified it going forward. But let’s admit partment refuses to review UMPI’s applica- cation made a dumb decision, and it is the mistake and relieve those who have tion and has provided no opportunity for one that is going to impact my people been impacted by that mistake of its UMPI to correct this trivial mistake. We in Maine. I can’t just keep quiet about weight, of the obstacle that it places in strongly urge the Department to reconsider it. the way of young people’s opportuni- its decision and to allow UMPI’s application Last week, after letters from the ties. to be read and scored. Maine congressional delegation, which I understand that this issue has aris- We appreciate that the formatting stand- ards issued by the Department are intended I will place into the RECORD, the De- en in Montana, Wisconsin, Arkansas, to prevent applicants from attempting to partment of Education announced: West Virginia, New Jersey, Ohio, Wash- gain an unfair advantage by using clever for- Well, it probably wasn’t the right thing ington, Delaware, Alabama, Illinois, matting strategies. When the application is to do. This wasn’t a very good policy. I California, New York, Massachusetts, reviewed as a whole, it is clear that UMPI is guess we made a mistake. Florida, and Maine. It is time for it to not seeking to mislead the Department or to The problem is, it doesn’t help UMPI; be addressed. It ought to be very sim- gain any unfair advantage. In fact, the error it only helps people in the future. I ple, and it ought to be taken care of in was so insignificant that UMPI could not im- have worked with my colleague Sen- a matter of days—not weeks or mediately identify it and had to seek addi- tional guidance. Now, the Department’s in- ator COLLINS on this. She has done re- months, but in a matter of days—so search. Her office has discovered prece- flexible and bureaucratic decision could re- that those young people and our uni- sult in the elimination of a longstanding, dents where indeed this kind of thing versity can plan and implement and successful, and greatly needed program on has happened before and they fixed it. move forward in their mission to en- the basis of a non-substantive error before They fixed it so that the application rich and enable the lives of our citi- the application is even read. could be considered. zens. The Department has not identified for By the way, the decision on these ap- Madam President, I ask unanimous UMPI any other errors in its application. To plications around the country has not deny UMPI’s application a reading because consent to have printed in the RECORD two figures do not meet an arbitrary typo- been made yet. We are not prejudicing the letter submitted to the Department anybody. We are not making a change graphical format ignores the spirit of the Up- of Education by the Maine congres- ward Bound Program, is antithetical to con- after the fact. All they have to do is go sional delegation on this subject. gressional intent, and would seriously jeop- to page 1 of the UMPI application and There being no objection, the mate- ardize the future success of hundreds of stu- read it and forget about the fact that it rial was ordered to be printed in the dents in Maine. 1 The Upward Bound Program at UMPI is 1 ⁄2 spaces in this little exhibit in the RECORD, as follows: middle of the double-spaced applica- serves 129 high school students across Aroos- CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, took County, Maine, and has a strong and tion. In fact, we can fix it. We will Washington, DC, April 14, 2017. make this double-spaced. I feel silly long record of success in sending local low- Re University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Up- income, first-generation students to college. even coming to the floor of the U.S. ward Bound Grant Applications Since 1980, it has helped students with great Senate talking about this double-space, #P047A170346 and #P047A170352. needs access the promise of higher edu- 11⁄2 spaces. What are we doing here? Hon. BETSY DEVOS, cation. Again, the reason I am so passionate Secretary, U.S. Department of Education, We strongly urge the Department to apply about this is that these are real peo- Washington, DC. some common sense to the Upward Bound ple’s lives. These are 129 young people DEAR SECRETARY DEVOS: We are writing to Program competition and read and score who will not be able to take part in support the applications submitted by the UMPI’s applications. this program, and very likely their en- University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI) Sincerely, for two grants under the fiscal year 2017 Up- SUSAN M. COLLINS, tire lives can be compromised by this. ward Bound Program competition and to ex- U.S. Senator. This is a big deal for them. It may be press our strong concern that the Depart- BRUCE POLIQUIN, a little deal for the Department of Edu- ment of Education has determined that these Member of Congress. cation, but it is a big deal for the Uni- applications are ineligible for consideration. ANGUS S. KING, Jr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.009 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 U.S. Senator. volunteer and provide them the train- ginia Bar Association, Virginia Trial CHELLIE PINGREE, ing in cases like housing cases and oth- Lawyers Association, Virginia Associa- Member of Congress. ers that might not normally be part of tion of Defense Attorneys, Old Domin- Mr. KING. Madam President, I be- their practice. The Legal Services Cor- ion Bar Association, Virginia Women’s lieve this is a simple case that could be poration is very critical to the vindica- Attorneys Association, and the Vir- easily rectified, and I am confident—I tion of rights. There is an engraving ginia Hispanic Bar Association. And 160 am almost confident that it will be. I over the Supreme Court Building of the Nation’s top law firms have trust that common sense will prevail across the street: ‘‘Equal Justice Under urged this body and urged the White and the well-being of our students will Law.’’ That is supposed to mean equal House not to defund Legal Aid, and 185 be put above minor technical issues in justice regardless of who you are, your general counsel’s offices from pre- an application that is so important. gender, your race, your national origin eminent American companies—Disney, Thank you, Madam President. but also whether or not you can pay. HP, American Express, and GE—have I suggest the absence of a quorum. The article III branch, just like the ar- weighed in and said we need Legal Aid. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ticle I or article II branches, is sup- Many of Legal Aid’s clients in Vir- clerk will call the roll. posed to be open to all. So Legal Serv- ginia are veterans because we are home The bill clerk proceeded to call the ices Corporation is critical to pro- to such a huge number of Active-Duty roll. viding legal services to people who oth- servicemembers, their families, and Mr. KAINE. Madam President, I ask erwise wouldn’t be able to pay it: elder- veterans. LSC helps veterans, Active- unanimous consent that the order for ly, veterans, low-income families, dis- Duty military and their families access the quorum call be rescinded. abled Americans, victims of domestic housing, deal with consumer financial The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without violence. It does so on a fairly min- challenges, or deceptive trade prac- objection, it is so ordered. iscule Federal budget. tices. Central Virginia Legal Aid re- LAW DAY The entire funding for legal services cently dealt with a client, an elderly Mr. KAINE. Madam President, I rise is less than one ten-thousandths of the disabled veteran, who received a notice today in honor of Law Day earlier this Federal budget. Yet President Trump of involuntary transfer or discharge be- week, May 1. Law Day is an annual tra- is proposing to eliminate it. Legal cause an insurance company deter- dition that is celebrated around the Services Corporation maintains 133 mined that his health had stabilized, United States, usually at local bar as- independent nonprofit programs in despite the fact he was not even ambu- sociation luncheons. It has been a tra- every State. My colleague from Maine latory and incontinent as well. Central dition for over 40 years as a day to rec- was an attorney with one of those pro- Virginia Legal Aid worked with his in- ognize the rule of law. The 2017 theme grams and is on the floor today. It surance company to demonstrate this for Law Day was the 14th Amend- funds the operation for 903 separate of- veteran had continuing physical needs, ment—a post-Civil War amendment, fices in the country. They served 1.8 and he needed to have in-home care which for the first time in the Con- million people in 2015. Of the nearly without further burdening his family, stitution defined what an American 756,000 cases that they successfully and were able to find a resolution. This citizen was, the definition of citizen- worked on and closed that year, 129,000 is the kind of case that Legal Aid ship, but it also provided a protection of the clients were people over age 60. works on every day. for all citizens as an entitlement to the More than 500,000 of the clients were fe- In conclusion, I want to say this. The privileges and immunities of all the males. Women comprised 70 percent of budget proposal that we will grapple laws in all the States, and all persons the Legal Services Corporation client with—my colleague from Maine, who is were entitled to equal protection of the base and 116,000 of the cases were cases here, is on the Budget Committee, as laws, as well as no deprivation of life, about domestic violence. The offices well—proposes to eliminate funding for liberty, and property without due proc- around the country did as my wife’s of- Legal Aid. That would be a very bad ess. It is a powerful and important fice did—they relied on these private idea. It would not help the economy. It amendment to the Constitution. attorneys, bringing in and training would hurt vulnerable people who have I want to talk about Law Day be- more than 91,000 private sector attor- nowhere else to turn. I was in the cause there is a matter that is soon to neys who volunteered during 2015 to Shenandoah Valley at a senior center be pending before the body: a proposal help a Legal Aid client working with a about 10 days ago. This was the story in President Trump’s fiscal year 2018 local office, and they continue to do that a local Legal Aid lawyer put on budget to eliminate funding for the more. the table, as I conclude. A 90-year-old Legal Services Corporation, the effort They partnered recently with Micro- woman in Waynesboro, VA, was ripped that was begun more than four decades soft to develop Pro Bono Net, a state- off by a traveling salesmen who sold ago to try to provide free legal services wide legal portal for individuals to ob- her $10,000 of frozen meat she could not for indigent people on matters in the tain direct legal assistance specific to afford—virtually all of her savings. She civil courts that could affect their their needs. They established the Lead- realized very quickly she had been lives, liberty or property. ers Council, comprised of leaders, not bamboozled by a fast-talking salesman: I will say, I am standing here as an necessarily leaders in the legal commu- Why did I do this? I can’t afford it, but attorney who practiced for 17 years and nity but others to promote the value of I have given him my money. What do I practiced with Central Virginia Legal what they do. LSC in 2016 launched the do? This is the kind of case no private Aid and saw the value of their work. I Rural Summer Legal Corps—30 law stu- lawyer will take. You are not going to am familiar with their work across the dents working in rural areas to address be able to get a legal fee for this. This Commonwealth and country, and I also challenges these communities encoun- is the kind of case that involves knowl- have a bit of a personal bias that I have ter. edge of particular consumer protection to disclose. My wife Anne was a Legal It goes about its mission in an apo- statutes that Legal Aid is well trained Aid lawyer from 1984 until 1998—14 litical manner. Legal Services Corpora- to do. And the Legal Aid lawyer who years’ worth of Central Virginia Legal tion is not allowed to lobby. It works was representing this 90-year-old Aid Society, trying cases, big and in blue and red States, works in urban woman who had been ripped off by small, but also doing something I will and rural communities. It works every- somebody said: Look, if I wasn’t here use as a theme in my comments. She where and for everybody. The legal for this person, nobody would be here. helped start an award-winning program community is strongly in support of And that is what you get when you get at Central Virginia Legal Aid to get the continuance of the Legal Services Legal Aid. That is what you would lose private lawyers to do voluntary work Corporation—the American Bar Asso- if the Legal Aid was defunded. for indigent clients. ciation and most State bars. In Vir- I just put it on the table to my col- Legal Aid operates like small law ginia, just in Virginia, seven statewide leagues. Many in this Chamber are at- firms in all these communities, but bar associations have pledged their torneys. Many have worked directly much of what they do is not just rep- support for the continuation of Legal with Legal Aid offices in their States resent people in court. They bring pri- Aid. Many of them visited me in my of- around this country and know the vate attorneys in who are willing to fice last week: Virginia State Bar, Vir- value of the program. We need to make

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.002 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2695 sure this program continues. In honor make them real. So I commend the We all understand there is a savings of Law Day this week, I just want to Senator for his comments. crisis in the country. The typical say, I hope my colleagues will join me Mr. KAINE. Madam President, might American who works hard and brings in my effort. I respond to my colleague? home a paycheck every week or two is Mr. KING. Will the Senator yield for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- struggling to get money set aside for discussion? ator from Virginia. their retirement. Mr. KAINE. I will be glad to yield. Mr. KAINE. I honor his service at Just think of the economic chal- Mr. KING. I say to the Senator from Pine Tree Legal Assistance in Maine. lenges these families are up against Virginia, 48 years ago this summer I We take a little bit of pride in it be- every day. Millions of young people are joined the national legal services pro- cause he probably got a good orienta- buried under student debt, so the pros- gram and went to the State of Maine, tion to be a great public servant by pect of saving for retirement feels like where I served people in a very rural going to the University of Virginia a dream and will remain so for years area with a whole range of problems. Law School. None of the Virginia Sen- and years. What I came to realize during that ators were smart enough to get into Parents raising kids are faced with time was that the promises of our de- the University of Virginia, but our steep home loans and everyday bills. mocracy, the promises inherent in the Maine Senator was. At the same time, it can seem as if the American idea, are not self-executed. The Senator talks about it as related sticker price of a 4-year college edu- Every morning we pledge allegiance to our constitutional system. We have cation can match the GDP of a small to this flag, and the last phrase is crit- three branches. There is an article I island nation. ical: ‘‘with liberty and justice for all.’’ branch, the legislative branch. People The numbers on the savings crisis are That is a promise made to the people of can participate in the article I branch just alarming. More than half of work- this country. But the U.S. Supreme by voting for Members of Congress or ers approaching retirement have noth- Court has found repeatedly, as the Sen- Senators. The article II branch is the ing. That means zero set aside in re- ator knows, that you can’t achieve jus- executive branch. People can partici- tirement accounts like IRAs or 401(k) tice if you don’t have representation, pate in the executive branch by voting. plans. Tens of millions of Americans do particularly in an age of an overlap- There used to be poll taxes. You could not have access to retirement plans at ping and complex legal system. not participate if you could not pay work. In my view, addressing these So I believe this is not just another something. Those were stricken down kinds of challenges ought to be a bipar- government program. This is part of so everyone can participate. tisan priority, a priority where both the essence of the American idea. I re- The article III branch is supposed to sides of the aisle get together and re- member being up in Maine in this be coequal, the judiciary. If you are on spond. In response to this crisis, my home small town of Skowhegan, ME. I met a trial for a criminal offense, under State, along with a few others, has woman who was visiting from England. many circumstances, you are entitled, looked to find a fresh approach to deal She said: What do you do? constitutionally, to have an appointed with retirement savings. We want I said: Well, I work for this group attorney. But what about a civil case? working people and middle-income that provides legal services to low-in- What if you are threatened with the families—particularly those who don’t come people in this region. termination of your rights as a parent have access to a savings plan today—to She said: How is it funded? to ever see your child again? That is a have more opportunities in the future I said: By the government. civil case. She said: Do you ever have to sue the to set money aside. You are not entitled constitutionally My home State found a way to do it. government? to have an appointed attorney. But it Oregon found a way to do it in a kind I said: Yes, of course. That is one of is those kinds of cases where legal serv- of Oregon tradition that eliminates a the things that you occasionally have ices comes in and provides an oppor- lot of hassle. We are one of a handful of to do in order to protect the rights of tunity for people to participate in the States that has passed what is called your client. article III branch. an auto-IRA law. At home, we call it She was amazed that in this country We should not have a branch of gov- OregonSaves, and we are going to be we would fund the legal support of peo- ernment and block people from partici- launching it in just a few months. ple who might actually occasionally pating in it, without the ability to re- What it means for Oregon workers is bring cases against the government ceive assistance of counsel on matters that when you get a job, you are going itself. She thought that was wonderful dear to your life. You are essentially to get a retirement account, so that is and really epitomized the idealism of blocked from participation in one of not really complicated. When you get a this country. So I commend the Sen- the three branches of government. job in Oregon, you are going to get a ator for raising this issue during Law That is why this is so important. retirement account. You can start set- Day to talk about the importance of I suggest the absence of a quorum. ting aside a little bit with every pay- this in terms of its relationship to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The check. overall idea of America. clerk will call the roll. By the way—and I want to emphasize We talk a lot about justice. As you The senior assistant legislative clerk this—it is not mandatory. People have point out, across the street it says: proceeded to call the roll. the right to opt out. So when people ‘‘Equal Justice Under Law.’’ But that Mr. WYDEN. Madam President, I ask say: Oh, government is going to force often means you have to have com- unanimous consent that the order for people to do this and that and some- petent and professional advocacy and the quorum call be rescinded. thing else, the Oregon plan is just the representation. The Legal Services The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without opposite. It is voluntary in all particu- Corporation is not a big part of the objection, it is so ordered. lars. budget. It has not grown exponentially Mr. WYDEN. Madam President, for What it means for business owners— over the years. In fact, I suspect in real the second time in an administration particularly small business owners—is dollars, it is smaller today than when I that has just crossed the 100-day that they can offer a savings plan with- entered the service 48 years ago. threshold, Republicans in the Congress out crippling fees or the hassle of deal- But I know it is important. It is im- have teed up legislation that is going ing with redtape. portant in Maine, with the Pine Tree to make it harder for working Ameri- OregonSaves, what we are about to Legal Assistance, the Volunteer Law- cans to save. This time, there is a pro- bring out of the starting gate, is sim- yers Project, and the volunteers from posal in front of us that goes after a ple. It is easy to understand. In my law firms around our State who volun- brandnew program that my home State view, it is exactly the kind of innova- teer to give their time for pro bono of Oregon is just now getting ready to tive program we need to combat the legal assistance. But the hub of it is launch. savings crisis that has hit all parts of the National Legal Services Program. Let me make my views on this pro- the country. To me, it epitomizes our commitment posal clear, quickly. This legislation Over the years, I have often heard to effectuate the promises of American puts the special interests before work- Members come to the floor and glow- life, not just to talk about them but to ing people, and it is just that simple. ingly describe the States as the place

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.011 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 where the action is. They call them the I urge my colleagues to oppose this they want to talk to me about. They laboratories of democracy. The theory, legislation. wanted to talk about the story of Na- of course, is that States ought to be Madam President, I suggest the ab- than Wylie. empowered to come up with new ways sence of a quorum, and I ask unani- Nathan Wylie was a happy 13-year- to tackle challenges. mous consent that the time be equally old boy. He was a Cincinnati Bengals I have to tell you, it is a head- divided between both sides. fan. His goal in life was to be a profes- scratcher why the majority here in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sional football player. He wanted to Senate would want to make it harder objection, it is so ordered. play for the Bengals one day. He had for innovative States like Oregon to The clerk will call the roll. his whole life ahead of him. put in place a savings program that is The senior assistant legislative clerk Nathan’s dad, according to police re- voluntary in nature. proceeded to call the roll. ports, is a heroin user. One day a few So after all these speeches I hear Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask weeks ago, Nathan got into his dad’s about the States and States’ rights and unanimous consent that the order for heroin, and he overdosed. His dad took that the States are the laboratories of the quorum call be rescinded. him to the fire station and first re- democracy, when it comes to a pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. sponders did what they could. They gram that is voluntary in nature, the TILLIS). Without objection, it is so or- took him to Dayton Children’s Hos- majority here still seems to think what dered. pital, but it was too late. Nathan died we ought to do is say no. OPIOID EPIDEMIC of an overdose at age 13. I know the Presiding Officer cares Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I rise Two weeks ago, a 14-year-old girl in deeply about how policies relate to to talk about an issue that affects Dayton was mowing the lawn at the rural areas. This is going to be espe- every single Senator in this body and apartment complex owned by her cially hard on rural parts of the coun- all of us as Americans, and that is this grandparents, and she came upon a try. epidemic of drug use—opioids—which body on the ground. It turns out that it I talked first about this issue during would be heroin, prescription drugs, was a 25-year-old young man who had a debate a few weeks ago. Several em- the new synthetic heroins, like died of an overdose. ployers had written my office to say fentanyl, carfentanil, and U–4. It is This is what is happening in our com- how important OregonSaves would be devastating our communities. This is munities. Just a few hours after this young for them. I shared a handful of those the worst drug crisis we have ever had man who died of an overdose was dis- stories on the floor, and it was striking in this country. That is my view, but it covered by this girl, Dayton Police re- how many of those employers said that is also the view of a lot of experts. I sponded to a car accident on Route 35 this would be a sea change for rural have been involved in this issue for where a man had driven through a bar- businesses in terms of recruiting work- over 20 years, and I have never seen rier and knocked over a street light. ers. Thanks to OregonSaves, they anything like it. That is why I have Police arrived and found the driver would be able to compete when it come to the floor to talk again today. passed out with a used needle on the comes to job benefits. The bill we are This is the 34th time that I have spo- floor of the car. In this case they saved considering now would put in doubt ken on this issue on the Senate floor in his life. They used this miracle drug that program that employers said the last year or so. called naloxone, or Narcan, which re- I come with sadness in my heart be- could make a big difference, particu- duces the loss of life because it reverses cause it is not getting better. Based on larly in rural areas. the effects of overdoses. It doesn’t al- OregonSaves and programs like this the statistics I have seen from my ways work, but it works the vast ma- involve years of discussion, years of ef- home State of Ohio and around the jority of the time if you get there in fort to work with the Department of country for the first quarter of this time. He was revived, and he said that Labor. There has been a lot of con- year, it looks like the number of he not only just used heroin, but that sultation between the Federal Govern- deaths and overdoses from drug abuse he was on his way to get more when he ment and the States to get the legal are increasing, not decreasing. Part of overdosed and almost died. roadblocks out of the way. Now that it is because of these new drugs coming So I could go on. We see these head- work is in danger with this vote. in, particularly synthetic drugs, in- lines every day, not just in Dayton, So, colleagues, what I would like to cluding fentanyl, carfentanil, and U–4— OH, where I talked about these three do in wrapping up is to just step back things that are produced in a labora- cases, but all throughout our State and for a minute and talk about what this tory by some evil scientist somewhere our country. That is why people are body has been working on. and shipped into our country. starting to take action to turn the Even though the majority party has So the need to act has grown only tide, and I commend them for it. unified control of the government, we more urgent. Every day we are now los- Last week, more than 500 religious are not exactly at this point churning ing 144 Americans to drug overdoses. leaders across northeast Ohio banded out bill after bill—certainly not land- Think about that. Every single day, 144 together and said: We are going to do mark legislation that responds to the Americans are dying of drug overdoses. something about this. They took to challenges facing American families. It has now far exceeded the number of their pulpits all at once to speak about Mostly to this point, there have been people who are dying in car accidents this issue. A lot of them talked about votes on nominations and bills tossing in my home State of Ohio and it is ex- National Prescription Drug Take-Back out a bunch of Federal rules that pro- ceeding that number around the coun- Day, which was this past Saturday that tect the people who have no power or try. it occurred. Father Bob Stec of St. Am- clout in America. Millions more are not dying of brose Parish in Brunswick, OH, gave An awfully large share of the busi- overdoses but are seeing their lives and his parishioners a three-part action ness of this Congress comes down to their futures ruined, and millions of plan. No. 1, get educated. Learn about taking steps like the one we are look- us—those of us who are not drug ad- these opioids. Learn about the connec- ing at today, making it harder for the dicted but who have friends, family, tion between prescription drugs and American people to save. I don’t think and neighbors who are—are watching heroin. With many heroin addicts, this is just a step in the wrong direc- loved ones as they fight this addiction. their use started with prescription tion; this is a sprint in the wrong direc- Maybe they have lost a job. Maybe drugs. tion. That is what we are dealing with they have broken relationships with No. 2, throw out unnecessary medica- today in the Senate. families and friends. Maybe they have tions from your medicine cabinets. It is Programs like OregonSaves are a committed a crime like theft, shop- unbelievable the number of people I commonsense response to a national lifting, or fraud to pay for their habit. have run into who have said they start- savings crisis. The Congress should not Maybe they have just given up hope. ed because they took prescription be passing legislation threatening Just last week, I met with some com- drugs, and they got their prescription those programs, making the savings munity leaders from Dayton, OH. As it drugs—in one case, a young man told crisis even worse in communities happens, no matter where I am in Ohio, me—from his grandmother’s medicine across the land. this issue comes up and this is what cabinet.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.013 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2697 No. 3, he said, was to pray for our end actually includes a lot of good leg- ment, for opioid prescribing and alter- first responders. God bless them, be- islation to help with this crisis. It fully natives to potentially addictive cause they do save lives every day—in funds the Comprehensive Addiction and opioids. Ohio, 16,000 lives last year. Without Recovery Act I talked about earlier, or This is really important. Think them, the death toll would be far high- CARA. This legislation is the first about it. Four to five heroin addicts er and the damage to our community comprehensive reform to Federal ad- started with prescription drugs. Still, would be far greater. They are as frus- diction policy in 20 years. It treats ad- when you go to the doctor and you trated as anybody, by the way, by this diction like a disease, which it is. It fo- have an injury or an accident, it is not epidemic. They want to get to the bot- cuses on prevention, education, treat- unlikely they will give you some pills— tom of it, to be able to focus more on ment, and recovery and helping our prescription drugs—and they will be prevention and treatment and recov- first responders with Narcan. It is very addictive. ery. They don’t want to keep applying comprehensive because that is the only We have to be sure we do everything Narcan to the same person again and way to get at this issue—to do it in a we can to come up with nonaddictive again. comprehensive way. forms of medication, right? If we don’t So I want to thank Father Stec and The legislation we will vote on today do that, we will continue to have the all of the other religious leaders for and tomorrow also fully funds the 21st problem. We need to stop overpre- being willing to roll up their sleeves Century Cures Act, which includes scribing. We have made some progress, and to get involved. If they prevented more funding that goes directly to the but not enough. When a young man or even one addiction from starting, then States to deal with opioid addiction. a young woman goes to get their wis- they have made a permanent impact on In the funding bill, we have funded dom teeth taken out, they should not the community. I am convinced that the CARA programs now at over $200 be given opioids. This has happened too those 500 pastors, ministers, and rabbis million for this fiscal year. That is many times. I have met two families have saved lives. more than the bill authorizes, and that from Ohio, one whose loved one died People in Ohio are taking action in is good news because we need it. from an overdose because as a teenager other ways too. People are forming It includes $103 million in grants he went in to get his wisdom teeth groups, particularly parent groups. from the Department of Justice for taken out and was given a bunch of Those who have lost a child are band- drug courts, veterans courts, and pre- these pills—60 Percocets in 1 case—and ing together and talking about how scription drug monitoring programs. It then, because he got physically ad- they cannot just console one another also includes $114 million for Health dicted, he ended up going to heroin as and support one another but put in and Human Services grants for Med- a cheaper and more accessible alter- place plans to help others. icaid assistance treatment, treatment native and ended up overdosing. That I was at a treatment center recently for pregnant and postpartum women, shouldn’t happen. when there were a couple of families and for supplying naloxone—again, this So this is an important part. It can there, and they spoke up. They are in- miracle drug can actually reverse an be done right now. Let’s get this up and volved in the center. They come every overdose—also known as Narcan, and going and let’s push back on overpre- day. They are there because they lost a this will help our first responders. It scribing. Let’s find ways for the phar- son or a daughter to overdose. God also provides training for them to be maceutical companies to produce medi- bless them for stepping forward. able to use it effectively. cation that actually is not addictive The Federal Government needs to do It also includes $50 million author- that can help with regard to pain man- more too. We need to take action be- ized by CARA for the Department of agement. cause we can be a better partner with Veterans Affairs to treat and prevent Second, we haven’t started the public States, local communities, and fami- opioid addiction at the VA, as well as awareness campaign about the dangers lies. It is not going to be solved in funding CARA’s recovery services—the of opioid abuse and the link between Washington. Washington is not the so- first time any Federal law has ever fo- these prescription drugs and heroin and lution, but it is part of the solution by cused on recovery, not just for treat- other synthetic drugs like fentanyl. being a better partner. We can take ment but for longer term recovery. Let’s do it. best practices from around the country By the way, when there is a good re- In the legislation we have authorized as an example, as we did in the Com- covery program, the rate of success is an amount of money for the Federal prehensive Addiction and Recovery dramatically increased—much im- Government to do a national awareness Act, which passed this Chamber last proved. So it is important that Con- campaign that lets people know about year, and spread those around the gress is being a better partner with re- this, because most of my constituents country so that every community has gard to recovery. don’t know about it. When the doctor the opportunity to make a bigger dif- Last week, the Department of Health prescribes those pills, they think that ference. and Human Services also announced because the doctor prescribed them, it Last week I met with Governor Chris that $26 million will also go out as part must be the right thing to do. Instead Christie of New Jersey. He has a pas- of the Cures Act I spoke about to the of taking maybe one or two, they are sion for this issue. He is leading the State of Ohio. Every State in the fine with having their kid or their President’s Commission on Combating Union applied for that money, and brother or sister or mother or father Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. I States are getting money, and it will take the whole dose when they aren’t thought it was a very good meeting. be very helpful. I know our Governor needed, perhaps, because they don’t Governor Christie is serious about this. and our legislature will put it to good know about the link. They don’t know I think he is going to be a constructive use. these pills are addictive. Just getting partner with the Congress and with our These are important steps. But I will that information out there is going to President to help turn this tide. I am tell my colleagues—and I said this to save lives, and it is an important part glad he was selected, and I am glad he Governor Christie—that by my count, of turning the tide. Let’s do it. This has the Commission going. there are at least six provisions of the public awareness campaign can be im- I will tell you, though, that my mes- Comprehensive Addiction and Recov- plemented now. sage to him was twofold. One, I am ery Act that have not been imple- The Department of Health and glad you are doing this, but, second, mented yet by either the previous ad- Human Services has not yet released let’s take action. We don’t need an- ministration or this administration. information on alternative treatment other commission to study this prob- By the way, this is 9 months after options for youth sports injuries and lem to know that this is an area where CARA was signed into law. Let’s get about how parents and kids can seek Congress and the administration can these programs all up and going. treatment if they become addicted as a work together to take action. We haven’t set up the Pain Manage- result of a prescription. Why wouldn’t In fact, this agreement that we will ment Best Practices Interagency Task that make sense? Let’s do that. Let’s vote on in the Senate this afternoon Force yet. What does that mean? We do it now. and again tomorrow to fund the gov- need a strategy for figuring out what I have had, unfortunately, many in- ernment between now and the year’s the best practices are for pain manage- stances of talking to parents about a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.015 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 kid who was injured in high school darn tempting. The cost of one pill is naloxone, to get people who are over- through a sports injury and who was about $80 on the street. So think about dosing and save their lives and then get prescribed opioids and, again, the par- that. Get rid of those pills. Take them them into treatment—not just save ents and the kids didn’t have the infor- to a drugstore where they have a recep- their lives but get them into treat- mation to know how dangerous this tacle now or take them to the police ment. All of that together will make a can be. department where they have a recep- difference. There is a guy I worked with a lot on tacle. Be involved in these drug take- I believe we can turn the tide. I be- prevention who goes to colleges and back programs. lieve we can save lives. I believe we high schools and talks about this. He Almost every community in America cannot just save lives of those who oth- talks about his son Tyler. He was a participated on Saturday. There were erwise may overdose and die as a result football player. He must have been a tons of drugs—and I mean tons—that of their overdose, but we can help all great kid; I wish I had met him. He had were disposed of. That is a good thing those who are addicted—the hundreds an injury, and, of course, the coach and that is going to save lives, but, of thousands of people in Ohio, the mil- said to play through it, and the doctor again, the Department of Justice can lions of people across our country—to said: If you take these pills, you can expand that program. Under our legis- be able to achieve their dreams by get- play through it. He became physically lation, they are authorized to do it. ting them into treatment programs. addicted. Again, he later turned to her- Let’s do it. This is something that can There is good news here because oin as a less expensive alternative be- be done right now. These are steps that there are so many examples of people cause the pills were too expensive. He HHS, DOJ, and others can take right who have gone into treatment and overdosed and died. His dad, by the now under the authorities already longer term recovery and turned their way, is channeling his grief into some- given them. It will make a difference. lives around, many of whom are now thing really constructive. God bless Again, this crisis is getting worse, not helping others to do the same, many of him. better. To turn the tide, we have to do whom are back at work, back with The FDA has not yet announced its all these things and more. their families, back being the kind of action plan on approving new opioids. I also wish to mention that in addi- citizens who contribute to our society The legislation we wrote, the Com- tion to these important parts of CARA in so many ways. That is the hope, and prehensive Addiction and Recovery and other actions the administration that is what can happen if we work to- Act, says the FDA has to seek rec- can take is that the Secretary of Hous- gether to implement this legislation, ommendations from an advisory com- ing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben to do everything possible to have this mittee before approving any new Carson, can increase access to sober broad, comprehensive approach to turn opioid, and they have to label any housing for people coming out of treat- the tide. opioid that is going to be used by ment. I know Dr. Carson well enough The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator from Maryland. kids—label it. The FDA is also sup- to know he has a passion for this issue Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I posed to issue guidance to educate pre- and he wants to address it. This is one come to the floor with a simple ques- scribers on this issue. They have not way to address it. tion for my colleagues, especially my Under the previous Obama adminis- yet done that. Let’s do it. That action Republican colleagues: Why is it that tration, sober living facilities lost pri- plan of approving new opioids is some- this Senate is working to pass a law ority if they had a zero tolerance drug thing we can do. We don’t need another which will deny millions of our fellow policy. To me, that makes no sense. Dr. study or a commission to do it. Let’s Americans access to the kind of retire- Carson has the authority to change do it. ment saving plans which we have ac- The National Institutes of Health that and to make it easier for folks cess to as U.S. Senators? Why are we hasn’t begun CARA’s clinical research who are in recovery to stay clean over doing that? into alternatives to opioids for treating the long term. Again, I hope the ad- I know all of us recognize that we chronic pain. NIH should do that. Now, ministration will take that step and have a retirement savings crisis in this they may say after hearing this speech these other important steps. Whether country. Too many Americans are sav- that they are starting to do it. That is it is FDA, whether it is NIH, whether it ing too little for their retirement great. Let’s do it. Let’s get that infor- is DOJ, whether it is HHS, whether it years. We should be making it easier mation out there. Let’s use the NIH is Housing and Urban Development, we for people to put aside some savings for and all the great researchers we have have opportunities without new legis- their retirement rather than making it there and the great tools we have there lation. This is either already author- harder. Yet this legislation will indis- to come up with alternatives that are ized or actions they can take. Let’s go putably make it harder for millions of not addictive. ahead and do it. Let’s do everything we Americans to put aside the kind of sav- The Department of Justice has not can. ings for their retirement that Members yet expanded the prescription drug None of these individually is a silver of the U.S. Senate enjoy. take-back program. As I mentioned, bullet. There is no silver bullet. This All of us know there are really about National Prescription Drug Take-Back issue is ultimately going to be decided three legs to the retirement stool. The Day was last Saturday. This is where in our communities, in our families, fundamental basic piece is the Social you can dispose of your prescription and in our hearts. We all have to get Security savings. That is the bedrock drugs in a safe way. You know it is involved. All these will help. All these of the retirement system, but we all going to go into a safe receptacle where will help to ensure that we are respond- know that living off of a Social Secu- some trafficker is not going to take the ing to a true crisis in our community. rity retirement benefit by itself is very drugs and spread them around our com- If we do all these things, I believe next difficult. After all, the average month- munity, which, by the way, has hap- year can be better. This year is going ly Social Security benefit as of Janu- pened. This is a really important pro- to be worse. All the data shows that ary of this year was $1,360 a month. gram to get these painkillers off of the the number of overdoses and deaths—in That is the average. That means there bathroom shelf. I mentioned the young my State of Ohio, in your State—are are a lot below it and a lot above it. I man who got his grandmother’s pain increasing this year compared to the can tell you, $1,360 a month and below pills, and that is how he started his ad- last year. is really difficult for somebody to get diction. It doesn’t have to be this way. All by on in terms of housing costs, med- So get them off your shelves. If you these actions taken together on pre- ical costs, and other costs people are are listening today and you haven’t vention and education, better treat- facing today. That is why we need to taken this action, I urge you to do it. ment, longer term recovery, sober strengthen Social Security, not weak- Somebody is going to be at your home, housing, ensuring that we are moving en it. maybe fixing your plumbing, or some- away from overprescribing and pro- The second leg of the retirement body is helping to clean your home or viding alternatives to addictive pain stool for most Americans for much of something else; or kids might be in medication, ensuring that we do pro- our history in the postwar period was a your home, or maybe some friends of vide our first responders with the defined benefit plan through our em- your kids, and those pills are just too training they need on Narcan and ployers, where employers—especially

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.016 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2699 large employers—would provide their land, we have hundreds of thousands of ing on at 5 o’clock today because I employees a retirement benefit of a set Marylanders who were signing up for have heard a lot of our colleagues on amount over a fixed period of time dur- these—a lot of people work for small both sides of the aisle justifiably talk ing retirement. So that was something businesses, a lot of people work for about the retirement crisis we have in people could rely on. As we all know, startups, a lot of younger workers who this country. Yet this Senate is poised we have seen that leg of the three- are mobile and going from one place to to vote on a piece of legislation that legged stool be dramatically cut down. another—because this allows them, no will make saving for retirement more It is not the practice of most busi- matter which employer they go to, to difficult for tens of millions of Ameri- nesses today to offer defined benefit make sure they can access that vehi- cans. plans. cle. All it requires is the employers to So exactly what is it we are going to The third leg of that stool has been sign up for this platform which makes vote on? Well, the Obama administra- personal savings, the ability of people this retirement savings easier. tion wanted to make it clear that to put aside a little money for their fu- What is really strange here is that in States had the authority to establish ture. Just a few years ago, we had a big Maryland, this has been a totally bi- these platforms to help with savings wake-up call from the General Ac- partisan exercise—totally bipartisan. because there was some ambiguity countability Office, where they looked We had Republican State senators, under Federal retirement law whether at retirement around the country and Democratic State senators, members of States could do it. They adopted a rule concluded that almost 50 percent of our house of delegates, our Republican that made it clear that States would households of age 55 and older have no Governor signing the bill because ev- have this option, and States have retirement savings in vehicles such as eryone recognized that this was kind of moved ahead. Now this Senate is talk- 401(k) plans and IRAs. That same GAO a good thing to encourage these sav- ing about undoing the rule that pro- report found that 57 percent of work- ings opportunities to more Maryland- vided clarity so the States could move ers’ entire household savings and in- ers. forward and offer these retirement So why in the world would we, in the vestments was less than $25,000. More platforms. U.S. Senate, be passing a resolution striking was that almost one-third of I really hope this Senate will not which knocks down the ability of American workers had less than $1,000 vote today to take away this ability of States to provide these kind of savings in total savings. One-third of American States to help millions of our fellow platforms? I have to say I have not workers had less than $1,000 in total Americans provide more money for heard an answer on the floor of the savings. their retirement savings. We also know that 55 million Ameri- Senate. In fact, I have heard very few I will close where I started. How can cans today do not have access to tax- Senators coming to defend the vote we any Member of this Senate look their benefited, tax-incentive retirement are apparently going to take at 5 constituents in the face and say to plans like 401(k)s enjoyed by those who o’clock. their constituents that they voted to I know for sure that Candidate Don- work for major businesses. In fact, as take away a retirement savings option ald Trump did not campaign on the all of us know, Members and employees from their constituents when they idea of making it more difficult for of the U.S. Senate have access to 401(k) have that savings option here as Sen- hard-working Americans to save for plans. If you work for a large business ators? In the U.S. Senate, like a lot of their retirement. That was not some- other large organizations, we have re- or a corporation of the United States, thing he talked about on the campaign chances are you are going to get a tirement savings plans and we have trail. In fact, I thought a lot of his 401(k) plans. So it is difficult to under- 401(k)-type plan which allows you to campaign message was how he was deduct immediately through your pay- stand how in good conscience Senators identifying with struggling working who enjoy the benefit of that kind of check funds for the purposes of your re- families and wanted to make life easier tirement savings. Of course, many plan can pull the plug on the ability of for those working families. That is States to offer that same kind of sav- businesses also have some matching what States like Maryland are trying ings plan—in fact, not even as good, and incentive for those savings. to do—make it easier for people who but at least that savings platform to So when we have a situation where 55 work for small businesses and medium- million Americans don’t have access to millions of our fellow citizens and say sized businesses to put aside a little bit to small- and medium-sized businesses those kind of savings plans—which are of their savings for their retirement be- an increasingly important part of re- that want to offer this benefit but find cause, as I indicated, right now, if you it a little too costly—to deny them the tirement security because of the fact look at the different pillars of retire- that defined benefit retirement has option of signing up for these State ment, you have Social Security and plans. gone down so dramatically—most peo- you have very little or a dwindling So I hope every Senator will examine ple would ask: How do we incentivize? amount through a defined benefit. his or her conscience on this and make How do we incentivize more savings? Really, what we are left with are per- the decision that they want to make One innovative solution is in a growing sonal savings. sure their constituents can have access number of States, as of now, five It is pretty alarming to see people in to at least some kind of the same ben- States, including the State of Mary- this Senate charging ahead to try to efit they have as a U.S. Senator. land. What the State of Maryland and eliminate the ability of States to do I urge my colleagues to vote against other States determined was that it is this. A few weeks ago, this Senate the resolution. not that small employers or medium- voted to deny municipalities the abil- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- sized employers don’t want to provide ity to do this. That was a very bad de- TON). The Senator from Illinois. their employees with access to these cision. Let’s not compound a bad deci- Ms. DUCKWORTH. Mr. President, our plans. They do. They want to be able to sion by taking this right away from Nation faces a retirement savings cri- offer that kind of benefit, but there is the States. After all, I hear from my sis. Too many seniors live in poverty a cost, an infrastructure cost. There is colleagues all the time that States are after a lifetime of hard work, and too a burden to providing those kind of the laboratory of democracy. This is many people are facing retirement who tax-preferred vehicles for retirement where experimentation should take have not been able to put away the savings to their employees. That is place. This has been a successful exper- adequate savings they will need. That why they are not provided. iment. It has been a successful experi- is a problem not only on a human level So what the States have done is, they ment in five States. It also doesn’t cost and on a moral level but on an eco- have developed platforms which allow the Federal taxpayer one dime—not nomic level. those small businesses or medium-sized one dime. It is a very low-cost option When seniors are forced to live in businesses, on a totally voluntary for the States that enact these through poverty, that hurts all of us and is a basis, to sign up so their employees can their own democratic process in the strike against our Nation’s values. As benefit from these tax-preferred sav- States. As I said, this has been a bipar- more people have to spend money to ings vehicles—just like Members of the tisan process in these States. take care of their retired parents and U.S. Senate, just like most people who I really hope people will take a deep- relatives, that hurts our economy. Mil- work for large corporations. In Mary- er look at what we are going to be vot- lions of seniors do not have family

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.018 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 members who can spend those re- It is a pragmatic solution to address leagues, and I thank the Senator from sources, so it is taxpayers who will a real-world problem. Other States Illinois for her comments on pensions, have to make sure seniors have a place have since followed our lead in estab- but there is another battle that a lot of to live, food to eat, and medicine to lishing other similar programs. That is us have been down here for a number of keep them healthy. That is why we why I find it so ironic that my Repub- times over the last couple of years; must do everything we can to help peo- lican colleagues, who frequently speak that is, how do we make sure this ple save for retirement themselves and about the need to protect States’ country honors its promise and pro- not have to rely on the taxpayer, to rights, are using this resolution we are vides a permanent fix for our Nation’s help them put a little bit of money voting on today to try to block States coal miners, particularly in terms of a away while they still can. as culturally and politically different promise that was made back in the late At the very least, the Senate should as Illinois and Arizona from offering or 1940s by then-President Truman in stay out of the way of our States that even having the freedom to offer these terms of healthcare for miners? are taking action to address this loom- plans. Instead of allowing States to be The last few months have been filled ing crisis, but that is not what the Sen- the laboratories of democracy they so with an awful lot of uncertainty about ate is doing here today. Instead, we are often talk about, Republicans are try- whether the promise of healthcare for debating a resolution that would make ing to limit States’ flexibility and, in miners, retirees, widows, and others it harder for people to save for retire- the process, increase regulatory bur- would be kept. As a matter of fact, ear- ment. We are debating whether to limit dens on employers. That is quite a role lier this year, 22,000 coal miners or the ability of State governments to reversal. their dependents received notices that help people save for their retirement. Why is there this push to block the their healthcare benefits would be ter- While some Americans are fortunate States from trying to help their resi- minated at the end of April. enough to work at companies that offer dents better save for retirement? One After months of uncertainty and their employees retirement plans, reason could be that it would pad the fighting, we stand ready later this many more do not. That is significant financial industry’s bottom line. That week to pass a bill that would make because research shows that the best is because many investment brokers sure America kept its promise. We way for people to save for retirement is don’t want increased competition, and have spent a lot of time on this floor through a retirement plan at work. they are worried that programs like arguing for causes, but rarely in the 8 Without one, workers are less likely to Secure Choice that are run by States years I have been here have I seen any invest in an IRA or a 401(k) savings will offer people who are saving for re- Member of the Senate be more en- plan. That is why it is so worrisome tirement a better deal. gaged, more obsessed, more of a pain in that there are 55 million Americans News reports have indicated that mu- the neck—and a pain in other parts of right now in this country who do not tual fund companies are worried that bodies—on this issue than my great have access to a retirement plan they will lose customers to State-based friend, the Senior Senator from West through their jobs. As the baby boomer plans, even though the entire purpose Virginia, . The truth is, generation approaches retirement, that of efforts like Secure Choice is to help without JOE’s tireless work and leader- is a serious problem. the millions of Americans who are not ship, I am not sure the miners in West President Obama proposed estab- currently saving for retirement. Other Virginia or Virginia or Pennsylvania or lishing a national individual retire- news outlets have reported that finan- other States that were affected would ment account program to help these 55 cial analysts on Wall Street are wor- be able to look at this piece of legisla- million Americans, but Republicans ried that State plans will be trans- tion and know that their healthcare said no. In the absence of congressional parent about hidden fees, which means benefits are going to be maintained. action, both red States and blue States that financial analysts may be forced This didn’t come easily. If nothing took the lead. They did so by coming to reveal that they are charging fees else, this shows again the power of per- up with a way for Americans to better that are perhaps a little too high and sistence. JOE first raised this issue in save for retirement. One solution that will have to lower how much they July of 2015, when he introduced the has gained momentum over the last charge. Miners Protection Act. Since then, he few years is to establish retirement Instead of encouraging greater com- has brought it up—I ask my colleagues programs at the State level to give petition that will help 55 million Amer- to contradict me if it is not the case— people the chance to have retirement icans save money for retirement, some in every public meeting or private contributions deducted out of their of my colleagues are listening to Wall meeting. Whenever there were more paychecks into that plan if their com- Street lobbyists who want less com- than two or three Senators engaged in pany doesn’t already offer a retirement petition and who want to take away a any topic, JOE would come bursting in program. It would give every worker retirement savings option from hard- and say: We have to take care of the across this Nation the same access to working Americans. And here I was miners. the tax breaks those lucky enough to thinking that the conservatives believe Well, there are a lot of times here in have access to an employer-sponsored competition produces better outcomes this Chamber that those kinds of ef- plan receive. for the American people. forts are not recognized or rewarded. I In my home State of Illinois, we were At the end of the day, we as Senators just wanted to be one of the first to say one of the first to do this. A few years must do everything we can to make it on behalf of all the miners in Vir- ago, our State created the Secure easier for people to save for retire- ginia—but more importantly to the Choice Program. It is an innovative ment, not harder. We must look out for 22,000 miners who otherwise would have program that is poised to give 1.3 mil- the constituents who sent us here to lost their healthcare—that many of us lion Illinoisans the opportunity to save represent them, not for Wall Street or played some small role, but we for retirement when it launches next for special interests. That is why I urge wouldn’t be having a permanent fix to year. It is important to note that not my colleagues to stand by the States the law without the absolute leader- only is Secure Choice innovative, it that have led the Nation in creating re- ship, dedication, and determination of does not impose any burdensome man- tirement plans, States as different as JOE MANCHIN. dates. It is optional. People can deduct Illinois, Arizona, California, Maryland, Before I turn it over to my colleague up to 3 percent of their wages, and it Oregon, Connecticut, Washington, and from Pennsylvania to make a comment applies only to businesses with at least New Jersey. Please do not take the op- or two, I know that at times Senator 25 employees that have been in exist- portunity to save for retirement away MANCHIN, as a former Governor, has ence for 2 years. Secure Choice is also from 55 million hard-working Ameri- wondered: Can you really get stuff done portable, so people can take their sav- cans. here? Well, there are a lot of issues we ings with them if they switch jobs. It is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- still have to work on; there are a lot of estimated that it will save taxpayers ator from Virginia. things we haven’t gotten done. But for almost $243.8 million in the first 10 COAL MINERS HEALTHCARE BENEFITS a whole lot of miners, their widows, years because retirees will not need to Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise and dependents, without the Senator’s rely as much on Medicaid spending. today to join with a number of my col- leadership, America wouldn’t have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.019 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2701 kept its promise. Because of his leader- this current result on healthcare, we I can’t tell you how fun it is to cele- ship and work, those miners, at least in still have a lot of work to do for min- brate getting something done. terms of their healthcare, can rest ers, especially when it comes to their We bail out everybody around here. easy. pensions. That is the second half of the We bail out Wall Street. We bail out With that, I yield the floor to my promise. banks. We bail out corporations. We friend from Pennsylvania. So I remind everyone again, these are busy figuring out how we can cut The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- miners kept their promise. They kept the wealthiest’s taxes, as we speak. It ator from Pennsylvania. their promise to their company to is all about making it easier for folks Mr. CASEY. I thank my colleague. work in the darkness and danger of a who have plenty. Why is it so hard to Mr. President, I rise to speak about coal mine, sometimes for decades, not help the people who don’t have any- what the Senior Senator from Virginia just years. They kept their promise to thing—who depended on a promise, just just spoke about, and that is the min- their families to support them in the to have the basics in their lives, and ers’ healthcare. We have complete ac- most difficult job imaginable. And put in long days of work for years as tion at long last. This should have been many of them have served in combat or their part of that bargain? done in December, when we were plead- served in the military, in one war or I am so proud of JOE MANCHIN. I can’t ing with the majority leader at the another. They kept their promise to imagine how proud the coal miners in time to get it done then. their country. It is time we fulfill the his State must be of him. I am glad we But we are happy we are at this point entire promise, and that means getting had an opportunity to stand with him now, where one of two—one promise pensions done as well. as he stood for something. I am proud has been fulfilled, and that is the prom- We are grateful to be part of this, and that we got it done. ise of permanent, guaranteed let’s keep the momentum going for Now we have another big task be- healthcare for thousands, tens of thou- pensions for all of the retired miners. cause there is another bunch of people sands of miners across the country. In I yield the floor. out there; really, we are running my home State, the last count was The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- roughshod over them, and that is a 1,955. Let’s round it off to 2,000—a lot of ator from Missouri. bunch of truck drivers, truck drivers in families. We are grateful we are at this Mrs. MCCASKILL. Mr. President, point. there is a question Americans should my State who have driven trucks for I do want to reiterate what Senator be asking all of us every day: Who are 35, 40, 45 years, understanding that at the end of that long period of time, WARNER said about our colleague from you fighting for? We should be asking they would have a pension. It is not West Virginia, Senator MANCHIN. He is ourselves that. Who are we fighting their fault that the pension is not right. JOE MANCHIN brought this up at for? every meeting over the course of many, Here is who JOE MANCHIN is fighting there for them. I have to tell JOE that I have to sign many months and several years. We are for—Senator MANCHIN, my colleague grateful for the leadership he dem- from West Virginia, and my other col- him up. I want Senator MANCHIN as the onstrated and grateful that he kept us leagues who are here on the floor: Billy captain of the team as we now go on to all focused. I thank all of our col- Hull. He is a retired coal miner with 30 fight for the pensions these people have leagues who worked on this. years of working at the Peabody Coal earned. I think, initially, going back years Mine near Montrose, MO. He wrote me If we can bail out everybody we are ago, before Senator MANCHIN was in the a letter earlier, about 6 months ago, bailing out, if we can cut taxes by $7 Senate, Senator Rockefeller was rais- saying in part: trillion, surely, we can find the money to make good on these promises. ing this issue. This really has been My wife and I, married 59 years fall under around a long time—for at least 5 the Patriot Coal Companies Voluntary Em- Thank you, Mr. President. years. We heard this morning from ployees Beneficial Association. My wife I yield the floor. Cecil Roberts, president of the United Earlene is a 2 time cancer survivor and I suf- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mine Workers of America, who talked fered a stroke in 2012. If we lose our benefits ator from Minnesota. about this 5-year fight. it will be hard for us to afford our medicine Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Thank you, Mr. I commend and salute Senator cost. President. MANCHIN. I also thank the committee So these folks were made a promise I join my colleague, Senator MCCAS- dynamic here, the Finance Com- by—I am accused of being a fan girl of KILL from Missouri, in her comments mittee—several members on the com- this guy, and I am a fan girl of Harry about the Central States Pension mittee—with Senator WYDEN helping Truman. I think he was plain-spoken. I Fund. We have over 14,000 workers and us get this bill, the Miners Protection think he was earnest, honest, and kept retirees in our State affected by this as Act, through the Senate Finance Com- people like Billy Hull in the front of well. mittee and the leadership of Senator his mind 24/7—good, salt-of-the-earth, But I really stand here today to SCHUMER, as well, in focusing our cau- hard-working people who play by the thank Senator MANCHIN for his work cus on getting this done. rules. Mr. Hull played by the rules. and to thank our leaders, Senator I just want to make two additional Thousands of coal miners in our State MCCONNELL and Senator SCHUMER, as points. One is a negative note, but I played by the rules, and their widows well as Chairman COCHRAN and Vice think it is important to point this out. played by the rules. Chairman LEAHY for their ability to There was a story yesterday in the pub- The promise made by Harry Truman put partisanship aside and get this deal lication, ThinkProgress. Here is what deserved to be kept. The promise de- done. It meant everything from fund- the headline was: ‘‘Trump administra- served to be kept. So my friend, Sen- ing for the COPS Program to helping tion admits it used miners’ healthcare ator JOE MANCHIN, decided he wasn’t to combat the opioid epidemic, Capital as a bargaining chip.’’ That was the going to go with the flow around here. Investment Grants, and medical re- headline. Then the subheadline was: He was going—I think he said at one search. ‘‘Coal miners were just pawns in a larg- point on the floor, I think his quote But for one guy here, it was all per- er game.’’ That is what the headline was: If you don’t stand up for some- sonal, and that is JOE MANCHIN. He and subheadline said. thing, we don’t stand for anything. And fought long and hard to protect I am not sure I have read a more dis- he decided that he was going to get healthcare benefits for his coal miners. turbing headline in a long time, where this done. Think about this: In October, 12,500 re- the healthcare of coal miners—retired Now, I have to tell you the truth. For tired coal miners and widows received coal miners, who were promised this about 2 years, everywhere you went, notices telling them that their decades ago, would be used as pawns in you would walk behind JOE, and JOE healthcare benefits would be cut off at a debate about a spending bill. Unfor- would be trying to talk to somebody the end of the year. Then, in Novem- tunately, that is at least what has been about the miners. After he would walk ber, another 3,600 notices went out. reported. I hope we don’t ever see a off, people would whisper: You know, it That is over 16,000 people. headline like that again. is never going to happen. We are never I don’t have coal miners in my State, Going forward, the problem for us going to get this done. It is not going but do you know why I knew about now is, as much as we are happy about to happen. those notices? Because JOE MANCHIN

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.021 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 made sure that I knew about those no- It is a good example of what Congress lies. That is all I knew. My Little tices and because the other Senators can do when we work in a bipartisan League coach was a coal miner. My who spoke here, who have coal miners manner. I thank all of my colleagues Boy Scout leader was a coal miner. A in their States—they stood up and on both sides for being part of this. lot of my teachers were coal miners, made sure we knew about those no- Many people worked hard to secure the basically, off and on, trying to supple- tices, and they worked tirelessly to get passage of this fix. Part of it was an ment their incomes. My teammates this done. amazing group of folks who came to whom I played ball with through high For me, mining is not about that visit us on a constant basis, our friends school became coal miners. My grand- black coal dust. It is about red dust. It from back home, the miners from Vir- father was a coal miner. My uncle was is about iron ore. As Senator MANCHIN ginia and from West Virginia and from a coal miner who lost his life in a 1968 knows, my grandpa worked 1,500 feet Indiana and from Ohio and from all mine explosion. My next-door neighbor underground in the mines in Min- around this country who—if you re- in 1954—I remember I was 7 years old, nesota. He got his first job as a team- member, my colleague JOE MANCHIN and I wanted to throw a ball all the ster when he was only fifteen. He had was there that hot day this summer time. to quit school and go to work and help when it was 100 degrees outside. I would come home from school, and raise his eight, nine brothers and sis- All of these retired miners—many in Pinchy would be there. He would throw ters. One of them died. His parents their seventies, eighties, some in their a ball with me. I can still remember died. He worked underground his whole nineties—were here on one of the hot- this so vividly. One day I was ready to life. He went down that shaft and that test days of the year. Under extraor- play ball and Pinchy did not come cage every single day, just to support dinarily difficult conditions, they home. I asked Mercia, his wife: Mercia, his brothers and sisters. Then he mar- stayed and sat in the Sun and in the where is Pinchy? ried my grandma and supported my dad heat because, they said: We are here for She said: JOE, honey, he is going to and his brother. our brothers and sisters. They said: We be a little late today. Do you know what? I wouldn’t even know you are here for us too. Well, we just had a mine explosion. I did not know anything about the mine be here in the Senate today if he didn’t Our leader was JOE MANCHIN. He lived have the pension benefits that came this every single day, every single con- explosion, but I knew there was no out of the job he had—and healthcare. versation that we had. We were in it Pinchy to throw a ball with. So the JOE MANCHIN understood that about together. We told our miners: We will second day, I asked: Mercia, where is the people he represents. Those miners never stop until we get this done, and Pinchy? Well, they still didn’t know the out- earned those pensions, and they earned we have the permanent healthcare fix come. The rescue was going on. They their retiree healthcare benefits. That done. It was a wonderful team to work did not know if they lost their lives or is why what he did, and what all those with, but there is no question that the Senators who represent the coal miners not or what had happened. So they captain of our team was a fellow from were still in limbo. did, is more than just about those West Virginia. States and about those miners. It is She said: JOE, Pinchy has to work To my colleague JOE MANCHIN, we are about a promise we made to our work- over again tonight. so proud of you and so proud of you for That was her explanation to me, the ers. keeping us moving forward. As one former Congresswoman, Bar- little boy. The third day, she—by that I yield the floor. time they knew. She had to tell me. So bara Jordan from Texas, once said: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- What Americans want is something simple. she is probably—I know Mercia had to ator from West Virginia. labor with this. How is she going to tell They want a country that is as good as its Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, first of promise. this 7-year-old neighborhood kid who all, I cannot express how humbled I am played ball with Pinchy? I thank Senator MANCHIN for ful- and how proud I am of all of us, and my filling that promise. She said—this is a tough one. She colleagues here, my dear friend Sen- I yield the floor. said: He is not going to come home. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator WARNER. We were Governors to- When you think about the hard- ator from Indiana. gether. We split the Virginias—Vir- working people who suffered—she never Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, I ginia and West Virginia. We worked to- had anything. If it was not for thank my colleague from Minnesota gether. He has the same constituency healthcare and if it wasn’t for a pen- for her wonderful remarks and for her base I have in West Virginia, in South- sion, Mercia would have had nothing. wonderful comments about those peo- west Virginia, and all of West Virginia. So I know the families and I know the ple who go down into the mines every He knows the mining industry. He sacrifices. What you all saw was my day. knows the hard-working people. passion for the people I grew up with. I acknowledge the permanent To Senator DONNELLY from Indiana, So when I say thank you, I thank the healthcare fix we have for our miners we have been there together with the President for supporting miners— and their families that was included in coal miners and the people who moved President Trump—I thank my Repub- the fiscal year 2017 appropriations leg- the coal and do the hard lifting. To lican colleagues, and I thank all 48 islation. This was a promise made by Senator MCCASKILL from Missouri, Democratic Senators who never Harry Truman. It was a promise that Senator CASEY from Pennsylvania— wavered. was our obligation to keep, and the Pennsylvania has a rich tradition in A lot of them don’t even know a coal keeper of the flame for making sure it coal mining—Senator KLOBUCHAR and miner. What they know today, after 5 got done was my colleague, Senator everyone who has spoken, and I want years that we have been talking about JOE MANCHIN from West Virginia. to thank the Presiding Officer too. He this and working toward this, is that As he knows, my State, the State of was an original cosponsor from Arkan- you would not have the country you Indiana, the Hoosier State, has thou- sas. So this is truly bipartisan. From have today if it hadn’t been for those sands of miners as well. They go to Arkansas, the Presiding Officer under- people who sacrificed, who worked work in the dark, and they come home stands hard-working people. He signed hard, never asked for a thing, gave ev- in the dark. They work in grueling con- on to the bill without hesitation. I erything they could back, took care of ditions and have done so for decades. want to thank him. So it was really a their families but took care of their Part of it was the promise that was team effort. country. made to them that they and their fam- People have been talking about all of Basically, the energy they produced ily would have healthcare, a promise the things and the passion we have for gave us the country. People, whether made by Harry Truman that is our ob- different things. My passion comes in California today, wherever they may ligation to keep. When the lights were from the people I was born and raised be, understand that coal miners pro- starting to flicker and it was getting and grew up with in the coal mining duced the energy that allowed us to dimmer on this promise that it would towns. So all I ever saw in my life was win World War I, World War II, and ever be kept, we fought for years. JOE people around me who nurtured me and every war we have been in, that sup- MANCHIN led the fight, led the crew, guided me and taught me who were ported the industrial might that we and we got this done. truly coal miners or coal miner fami- have that built the middle class.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.022 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2703 I am so thankful for all of that. I get and protected the people who gave when you make a promise to them, you choked up when I think about it be- them everything they needed to be the need to keep that promise. Thank you cause that is what we were fighting for. superpower of the world. That is what for leading this fight and to everyone They never asked for a thing. My we fought for. who made this happen because we need grandfather was run out of the mines So there is enough praise and enough to reassure Americans that when we in 1927 because he was trying to orga- accolades for everyone to take home say we are going to do something, we nize and say: We can’t make it. and say: We all did it, and we all did a actually follow through and we do If you have ever heard the song lyric, job well done. We do have pensions that. So thank you for making that ‘‘I owe my soul to the company store,’’ now. These are not big pensions. These happen. my grandfather owed his soul. He never are $300, $400, $500 pensions. It supple- Now, Mr. President, it is dis- had any money. He had script. He said: ments the way of life that is not ex- appointing that actually on the issue We have to do something different. We travagant by any means. So we are that is before the Senate right now, can’t live like this. going to start working as soon as this this effort to change the labor rule on They blackballed him. On Christmas is finished this week, and next week we retirement, that we are actually going Eve, 1927, my grandmother was preg- will start on that. to take something away from Ameri- nant with my uncle. She already had To the 22,600 miners and their fami- cans. States across America have been four children. My dad was the oldest. lies who say thank you—I have heard developing and implementing innova- They came to the house and threw from most of them—to all of the people tive, low-cost retirement savings op- them out of a company house in the who came up here, they were coming tions to improve their citizens’ retire- middle of a snowstorm. That happened up here, a lot of them every week driv- ment security. in 1927. ing just to be here, to be part of it and That is really important at a time So we know it. We lived it. In 1946, put a face, put a family, put basically when we have so many people who have they talked about the history. In 1946, the challenges they would have being not been able to save for retirement, the Krug-Lewis amendment—Krug was able to even exist or live without this who are worried about what might hap- Secretary of the Interior and John L. healthcare—they made it possible. I pen if something happens to them and Lewis was at the United Mine Workers, want to thank all of them. they can’t work into the retirement and they said: You have to give those To Cecil Roberts, president of United age. Sadly, the misguided legislation people something so they have some- Mine Workers, who was so diligent on that is before us would shut down these thing to live for. They have no health this, Phil Smith, all of the people who efforts and effectively take away from care. They have no pension. They have worked so hard, I thank them, but real- States the right to establish retire- given you everything they have. ly thank all of our Senators and the ment options for workers. Harry Truman said: We are going to Congressmen. My congressional delega- Now, across the country we have had take care of them. You can’t go on tion, I am appreciative of them, our Republican and Democratic State strike because if you do, our economy Republicans and Democrats on the treasurers join with groups, including collapses. This is in 1946. So that is how House side who voted. They are voting the AARP and the Small Business Ma- this came about. Now, people said: now as we speak. The Senate is poised jority, to oppose this effort. I want to Well, I have heard this. They are going tomorrow for us to vote and support join them in asking two what I think to bail them out. We are not asking for this. are obvious questions. a bailout. You understand, these people I know President Trump will sign it. First, why do the sponsors of this res- basically made an agreement that People are saying they used it, played olution want to deny Americans new, every ton of coal that was mined from bargaining games with it. I am not attractive retirement savings options? 1946, the United Mine Workers basi- going to get into that because I don’t Second, why in the world are they cally, there would be an amount of know how you could ever sincerely doing this at a time when the United money set aside that came from every mean that you were using people’s live- States faces a growing retirement sav- sale of a ton of coal that went into this lihoods and the healthcare for them ings crisis—a crisis that threatens to fund. and their families as a bargaining chip. strand millions of seniors without any Every union contract negotiation, I don’t think anybody meant to do personal savings and at risk of falling they contracted and they left money in that. Maybe it came out in something into poverty? And why do this when it their contract to pay for their benefits that should have not been said, but doesn’t include any mandates and of healthcare and pensions and did not with that, we have to forget all of that. there is no cost to taxpayers either at take money home to their families Let me just say thank you. To the the Federal level or, in most States, at that they could have used. They made Presiding Officer, to all of my col- the State level? This is something that all of these sacrifices for all of these leagues, thank you. Thank you for a is paid for by people who are looking to years. It wasn’t their fault that the job not only well done but basically get a pension. bankruptcy laws that were passed in very appreciated that it was done, and Facts matter, and we shouldn’t ig- Congress allowed companies to walk people’s lives will be different because nore them. Some 55 million Americans away and leave them high and dry. of what we did. God bless each and lack access to a workplace retirement It was not their fault. They did ev- every one of you. Thank you. plan, and 45 percent of households erything. So finally we have all come The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- don’t have any retirement account as- together to do the right thing that ator from New Hampshire. sets—zero savings. Polls show that should have been done. It shouldn’t be Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I more than three-quarters of private played politics with today. Everyone came to the floor this afternoon to sector workers fear not having enough says we have winners and losers. We speak to the CRA legislation before us money to live comfortably in retire- are all winners. If you can get some- that would overturn the Department of ment. thing like this accomplished and be Labor rule designed to help Americans To address this nationwide crisis, part of it, then you have to feel good save for retirement, but before I speak many States have stepped up to the about it. It gives you a reason to even to that, I just want to join all of my plate, experimenting with public-pri- be here. colleagues on the floor in applauding vate partnerships to help small busi- That is what I am so appreciative of. what has happened to support the min- nesses provide low-cost, turn-key pay- I am so proud of everyone who has ers and to get them health benefits and roll deduction options. The legislation stood together on both sides, my col- to thank my colleague JOE MANCHIN for being debated today would abruptly league , a dear his leadership. compromise the future of these State friend of mine, a Republican. I am a I know how personally he has fought initiatives. Democrat. You know what, we are for this, as so many people who spoke In my State of New Hampshire, near- Americans and we are West Virginians. on the floor have. You know, we don’t ly 99 percent of our employers are con- That is what we were fighting for. That have any coal miners in New Hamp- sidered small businesses. That number is the winner today. The winner is this shire, Joe, but we have hard workers. is hard to believe. They employ over 50 great country that basically stood up We have people who understand that percent of New Hampshire’s workers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.023 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2704 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 Nearly 43 percent of Granite Staters the previous administration, while dis- Nearly 60 million working Americans work for an employer that does not regarding the impact these changes do not have access to a workplace re- offer a retirement plan. will have on American workers and tirement plan. These are workers who As the ranking member of the Small families. are trying to put something away for a Business Committee, I talk to small When you hold a belief that anything comfortable retirement and build a business owners regularly, and as a done by a Federal agency is bad, cut- stable financial future for their fami- former small business owner myself, I ting programs seems like progress, but, lies. They simply demand some solu- understand the challenges they face. unfortunately, it is not that simple. tions, and they certainly deserve them. For many, it is a challenge just to I am all for streamlining government Families don’t care if it is a Demo- meet payroll and to keep the doors of and making the process of doing busi- cratic solution or a Republican solu- their businesses open. I know that ness easier, but some rules—rules that tion, nor do they care if it is a Federal many of them would like to offer a keep workers safe, for example, or to Government idea or their local State’s company retirement plan because they protect consumers or to keep our air idea. They simply want and need access want to do right by their employees, and water clean—are protections that to a plan that allows them to build a but they just can’t afford it. make sense. better future. A Pew Foundation survey found that In their ideological zeal, the major- So this leads to a very important three-quarters of owners of small and ity has time and again made the deci- question. If the States are working to medium-sized businesses across the sion to roll back important policies re- do their part to find solutions to this country support the idea of these gardless of the impact on American problem, why would we in the U.S. State-run options because they offer a people. Senate work to block them? way for employees to save for retire- So far this year, just to name a few, These safe harbors provided by the ment at little or no cost to the em- the majority has rolled back environ- Department of Labor are the perfect ployer. mental protections for clean water and example of allowing the States to do So these programs are sort of like allowed internet service providers to what they do best, which is taking an starter plans for small businesses. A sell your personal browsing history to active role as laboratories of democ- company that is still trying to gain its the highest bidder. The majority has racy. financial footing can offer this option also reversed rules that make work- As I have said, we need big ideas, we to its employees. Then, once the com- places safer and has even made it easi- need small ideas, and, frankly, we need pany gets on more solid ground and it er for corporations to bribe the govern- all of the ideas that we can get. But I needs to attract and retain talent, it ments of developing countries. am saying here today that I am willing can transition to a more ambitious re- Now today, as the window closes on to work with any of my colleagues on tirement plan that allows it to con- the majority’s ability to rush through a plan—big or small—to help Ameri- tribute to its employees’ retirement legislation under the Congressional Re- cans move toward a secure retirement. A secure retirement cannot become a savings. view Act, we are again facing a vote relic of the past, but this piece of the It is especially troubling to me that that could harm American families and American dream will only be true for the Senate is even considering whether make it harder for people to save for this generation of workers if we start to deny Americans this retirement op- retirement. working on these solutions now. We tion at the same time that we are see- As I have said on this topic before, certainly should not stand in the way ing leaders on the House side trying to for the people of Michigan, the Amer- of States working on innovative ways pass a healthcare bill that would make ican dream can take on many forms. to help the citizens of their respective it more expensive for many preretire- But no matter who you are, there are a few fundamentals that I truly believe States. ment seniors and for people with pre- I urge my colleagues to vote no on cut across the entire American society. existing conditions to purchase health the resolution. coverage. One small piece of the American dream I suggest the absence of a quorum. Again, I would ask: Why would we is the ability to retire with dignity and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The want to deny this new, innovative re- save enough to be able to pass along clerk will call the roll. tirement option to millions of employ- something to the next generation. The senior assistant legislative clerk ees who work for small businesses The measure under consideration proceeded to call the roll. without retirement plans? Why would today, which would repeal the Depart- Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, I ask we want to deny small businesses the ment of Labor’s safe harbor for States unanimous consent that the order for choice of offering these options? Why developing retirement plans, would be the quorum call be rescinded. should the Federal Government stand a step backward, and it would make it The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without in the way of States and small busi- harder for people to save for a secure objection, it is so ordered. nesses that want to take positive steps retirement. Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, I rise in to address the retirement crisis and It is no secret that the American opposition to the Congressional Review help their citizens? economy has changed in the last gen- Act measure to overturn the Depart- I think this legislation is misguided. eration. One of the most profound ment of Labor’s rule that gives States It is legislation in search of a problem, changes for working families has been the flexibility to help small business and, worse than that, it would put a the dramatic shift from defined benefit workers save for retirement. massive roadblock in the way of States pension plans to defined contribution Every American who has worked and small businesses that are striving plans. Our current system of IRAs and hard throughout their life deserves the to solve the real and growing problem 401(k)s work well for many people, but ability to retire, knowing that they of inadequate retirement savings. it is unfortunately leaving millions of will be financially secure. But it is So I urge my colleagues to really Americans behind. clear that we are on the verge of a re- take a look at what would happen in If you work for a large, stable em- tirement crisis. More and more Ameri- their home States. I urge them to ployer—like those of us privileged to cans are retiring every day without the stand up for America’s small busi- work for the U.S. Senate—you will economic security they need, and we nesses, to vote no on this legislation. more than likely have access to a re- are beginning to see the harmful im- Let’s ensure that Americans have tirement plan. Americans, when they pacts of what happens to a generation more, not fewer, options to save for re- have access to these types of plans, that was not afforded the opportunity tirement. make smart, prudent financial deci- to participate in a traditional pension I yield the floor. sions. plan. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Over 90 percent of Americans with The AARP has estimated that 55 mil- ator from Michigan. access to a workplace plan report sav- lion Americans, including roughly Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, Con- ing for their retirement. But not every- 230,000 Granite Staters, do not have ac- gress has spent the first 4 months of one works for a large employer, and for cess to a retirement plan at their this year using an arcane, expedited those who do not, the system has very workplace, and participation in retire- procedure to roll back policies from large, gaping holes. ment plans has dropped over the past

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.025 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2705 several years. Few low- and middle-in- voting to limit the ability of States gram is $35,000, and 80 percent of eligi- come families have retirement ac- and localities to innovate and craft ble workers earn less than $50,000. counts. For families who fall into the policies—something they often say We are in a time of deep income in- lowest 25 percent of household incomes, they support in other areas. equality and must stand up for pro- fewer than 10 percent have retirement Additionally, retirement plans spon- grams that support the middle class, savings accounts. Even among families sored by States help save taxpayer dol- like Secure Choice. Nationwide, the where the primary wage earners are be- lars. Greater retirement security would bottom 90 percent of households have tween the ages of 56 and 61, those who result in fewer older Americans falling seen their income drop compared to are nearing retirement, the median re- into poverty, reducing the number of what it was in 1970. Meanwhile, the top tirement account balance for all fami- citizens who would be forced to access 1 percent has seen their household in- lies, regardless of income, was only social safety net programs. come triple. $17,000—far less than what those fami- This Department of Labor rule is ex- As workers struggle to make ends lies will need to live on in retirement. actly the type of commonsense, bipar- meet, it is appalling to me that Con- Therefore, we should be doing every- tisan proposal we should all support, gress would actively take away a key thing possible to support these future and I am willing to work with my col- resource for financial planning. retirees and to look for opportunities leagues on both sides of the aisle in Californians want to ensure that all to help them save now. order to address the retirement needs employees have access to a retirement The Department of Labor rule that of Granite Staters and all Americans. savings program. The Department of we are debating today supports States’ Undoing the States’ progress on this Labor’s rule clears the way for Cali- efforts to enter into innovative public- front by voting in favor of this measure fornia to set up programs like Secure private partnerships that would in- would limit the ability of more Ameri- Choice by clarifying employers’ obliga- crease personal savings rates for em- cans to save for their retirement. tions to the accounts. ployees of small businesses. The rule I will vote against this measure, and This rule would also help small busi- makes clear that small businesses will I urge my colleagues to do the same. nesses compete for qualified workers experience no operational burden for Thank you, Mr. President. who expect and deserve access to a these plans, and workers have the op- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, workplace retirement savings program. portunity to opt out of these plans if today I rise to express my strong oppo- Small Business California supports the they choose. Already we have seen five sition to H.J. Res. 66. This resolution Department of Labor’s rule paving the States adopt their own plans based on would overturn a rule issued by the De- way for these programs, and opposes this guidance, and additional States partment of Labor that is essential to this resolution. are considering similar programs that providing increased access to retire- Finally, in California, our State best match the retirement needs of ment savings programs. chapter of the Chamber of Commerce their citizens. We are starting to see Among all working families in Amer- specifically asked for an opinion from results. Research has suggested that ica ages 32 to 61, the median family in the Department of Labor on employer employees with access to retirement America had only $5,000 saved in 2013. obligations. Once the Department of plans from their employers are 15 times This indicates to me that we are clear- Labor’s rule was issued, CalChamber no more likely to save for retirement. ly facing a retirement savings crisis. Unfortunately, too many of my col- longer opposed the California bill. In California, 7.5 million workers In fact, the legislation that passed in leagues on the other side of the aisle don’t have access to a retirement sav- are pushing this Congressional Review California requires the State board to ings plan through their jobs, including Act measure to roll back the progress report a finalized rule from the Depart- 3.4 million women. Of those without a States are making and to limit a ment of Labor. Overturning the De- workplace retirement savings plan, al- State’s ability to decide to facilitate a partment of Labor’s rule ignores the ef- most 5 million are individuals of Color critical service to their citizens. If this fort and care taken in California to and over 3.5 million are Latino. measure passes today, the 12 million craft a program that works for both The good news is that, when a person Americans who have already benefited employees and employers. has access to a retirement savings pro- from their States entering these part- Nationally, almost half of working- gram through their workplace, they nerships will see their retirement plans age households do not have retirement impacted, and the other States consid- are 15 times more likely to save for re- savings accounts, and 55 million people ering these measures will have to stop. tirement. don’t have access to a workplace re- As a former Governor, I understand In California, legislators have been tirement plan. This is shocking. how decisions made here in Congress working for more than 4 years to cre- According to the Economic Policy In- have the ability to impact a State’s ate the Secure Choice program as a stitute, the median retirement account ability to innovate and grow, and it is way of addressing the retirement crisis savings for families ages 56 to 61 was unacceptable that Republicans would we face. This program allows workers only $17,000 in 2013. This is only slight- vote to limit a State’s authority to to easily save for retirement through a ly higher than the 2016 poverty thresh- help their citizens save. deduction made directly from their old for a household of two people aged In States across this country, there paycheck. 65 and older. It is inconceivable that a is broad bipartisan support for State- Those who need access to a work- family could afford to finance their re- facilitated retirement plans. Recent place retirement program the most, in- tirement with only $17,000 in savings. surveys have found that 80 percent of dividuals with lower incomes, are far Supporting retirement savings is not private sector workers support State- less likely to have that access. These a partisan issue. In fact a bipartisan facilitated plans to help them save for are the people who stand to gain the group of State treasurers oppose this retirement, and 80 percent of small most from the Secure Choice program resolution, as does the National Con- business owners say they support the and lose the most by Congress halting ference of State Legislatures. basic concept behind these plans. The its progress. We are facing a retirement savings bipartisan National Council of State Let me share some examples of the crisis in our country, and the Depart- Legislatures said passage of the CRA people who would be impacted. Most el- ment of Labor’s rule is a commonsense will ‘‘result in an unwarranted preemp- igible employees work for small busi- guideline that makes it easier for indi- tion of state innovation’’ and will ‘‘re- nesses that might not be able to offer viduals to save for retirement. strict the ability of millions of hard- retirement savings plans on their own. I strongly urge my colleagues to working Americans to save for retire- Nearly half of eligible workers work in stand up for American workers and ment.’’ The AARP has written that ‘‘a the retail, hospitality, healthcare, and support their access to retirement sav- Congressional Review Act resolution to manufacturing industries. ings programs by opposing this resolu- overturn this rulemaking represents This program supports lower and tion. significant overreach by the federal middle-class workers by providing ac- Thank you. government.’’ cess to the tools they need to control Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, while the I find great irony in the fact that their financial future. The average Senate is on the topic of retirement many of my Republican colleagues are wage of workers eligible for this pro- savings, I would like to call attention

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.026 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 to a policy that I have worked to ad- at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it’s accomplished more.’’ As evidence for vance for many years. I believe policies going to be so easy.’’ this claim, the President referred to permitting the existence of pooled pro- He promised to build a wall so fast the 28 bills that he has signed into vider plans, which passed the Senate that ‘‘your head will spin’’ and that law—laws to rename a VA clinic in Finance Committee to this past Sep- Mexico would pay for it. ‘‘Just rely on American Samoa, laws to make it easi- tember by a vote of 26 to 0, should be me,’’ he said. er to hunt bears out of helicopters, to enacted as soon as possible to ensure He promised to be the ‘‘greatest jobs improve weather forecasts, to appoint the ability of Americans working for President that God ever created,’’ to members of the Smithsonian Board of small businesses to have quality access ‘‘bring us all together,’’ and to create a Regents. Those were in the 28 laws. to retirement savings. ‘‘unified Nation—a Nation of love,’’ he Missing from that list, however, is any A critical challenge in enhancing the said. legislation that fulfills a single cam- retirement security for all Americans He predicted: ‘‘We’re gonna win so paign promise that he made, including is expanding plan coverage among much that you may even get tired of his promise to repeal ObamaCare. small businesses. To address this, I be- winning, and you’ll say, please, please, In the absence of fulfilling the prom- lieve we need to make retirement plans it’s too much winning, we can’t take it ises that he made at Gettysburg and on less complicated, less intimidating, anymore. Mr. President, it’s too the campaign trail, he has also taken and less expensive for those entities. much.’’ credit for a series of Executive orders That is exactly what pooled provider He outlined that winning plan in no even though, during the campaign, he plans accomplish. other place than Gettysburg last Octo- railed against President Obama for This proposal is nonpartisan. In the ber. There, on that hallowed ground, using them. Candidate Trump said: past Congress alone, I held bipartisan where Lincoln reflected on his own ‘‘We have a President that can’t get HELP Committee roundtables with the ‘‘poor power’’ and wondered whether anything done, so he just keeps signing junior Senator from Vermont and the the world would little note nor long re- executive orders all over the place.’’ In senior Senator from Massachusetts, member what he said there, President fact, history shows that President and in a prior Congress, I worked with Trump—the man who said: ‘‘I alone can Obama turned to Executive orders only Senator Harkin—all to discuss the best fix it’’—outlined his 100-day action after years of unprecedented obstruc- way to craft and implement this pro- plan to make America great again and tion and after he passed legislation posal. I am very proud of the bipartisan restore honesty, accountability, and through this Chamber and through the work that has been done to this point, change to Washington. On that day, he House. and I thank my colleagues on both the promised that, on his first day, 18 dif- President Trump turned to executive HELP and Finance Committees for ferent accomplishments would be orders in the first 100 days despite con- their support, but now it is time for achieved. He delivered just two of trolling both Houses of Congress. With the full Senate to pass the measures al- those. a Republican President, a Republican lowing the existence of such plans. Over his first 100 days, he promised majority in the Senate, and a Repub- I look forward to the day in which to introduce and fight to pass 10 major lican majority in the House, he has to the retirement gap in America is pieces of legislation. That included a revert to the very same instrument closed. I believe we will take a very bill to ‘‘grow the economy 4 percent that he was so appalled by in the hands large step towards closing that gap per year and create at least 25 million of President Obama, and he still has no with the passage of policies that per- new jobs.’’ It included a bill to ‘‘spur $1 major legislative accomplishments to mit pooled provider plans. trillion in infrastructure investment show for it. That is not fake news. That Thank you. over 10 years.’’ It included a bill to is the truth. Ms. HASSAN. I suggest the absence ‘‘make 2- and 4-year college more af- While we are on the subject, it bears of a quorum. fordable’’ as well as bills to ‘‘clean up noting, I think, that President Obama The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. corruption in Washington’’ and ‘‘dis- used his Executive orders to advance TOOMEY). The clerk will call the roll. courage companies from laying off rights and opportunity for the Amer- The senior assistant legislative clerk their workers.’’ ican people. President Trump has used proceeded to call the roll. Today, more than 100 days into the them to discriminate against refugees Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I ask Trump Presidency, where are we? and immigrants in an unconstitutional unanimous consent that the order for So far, the President’s ‘‘great’’ team travel ban, to weaken American com- the quorum call be rescinded. has not yet been assembled. There are petitiveness by reversing fuel effi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 465 vacancies for which there are not ciency standards for our cars, to weak- objection, it is so ordered. even nominees yet. You cannot blame en protections for our national monu- THE PRESIDENT’S FIRST ONE HUNDRED DAYS that on anything going on around here. ments and endanger our economy and Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, reflect- There are 465 slots that still do not our environment by undoing the Clean ing on his accomplishments to date in have nominees. Of the 10 pieces of leg- Power Plan. his administration, President Trump islation that he proposed on that day Not only has President Trump failed recently said: ‘‘I think we’ve done more in Gettysburg, he has passed zero— to keep his promises—it is actually than, perhaps, any President in the none. worse than that—but he has actually first 100 days.’’ Throughout the cam- In his first 100 days, amidst the Great proposed or supported legislation that paign and since coming to office, Presi- Depression, FDR stabilized the banks would do just the opposite of what he dent Trump has repeatedly attacked and put 250,000 Americans to work has promised. politicians who are ‘‘all talk, no ac- through a new Civilian Conservation Look at healthcare. I hope I am not tion.’’ It seems to be appropriate that, Corps. Ronald Reagan rallied the coun- in need of any right now. Over the now that the first 100 days have passed, try behind his agenda for taxes and course of the campaign—I do not need we should apply the President’s stand- spending. Facing an economic col- to tell anybody in America this; we all ard. lapse—the likes of which we had not saw it—Candidate Trump attacked Over the course of the campaign, seen since the Great Depression— ObamaCare over and over. He described Candidate Trump promised to replace Barack Obama cut taxes and made his- it as a ‘‘disaster’’ that is ‘‘imploding.’’ the ‘‘very stupid people’’ in our govern- toric investments in infrastructure, So he promised: ‘‘On day one, we will ment who ‘‘don’t know how to win’’ clean energy, and education in 100 ask Congress to immediately deliver a with the ‘‘greatest minds’’ and the days. full repeal of ObamaCare’’ and replace ‘‘best people.’’ Notwithstanding this history—these it with ‘‘something terrific.’’ He He said that the Presidency was facts—President Trump has repeatedly pledged to ‘‘take care of everybody,’’ to ‘‘going to be easy’’ and that the ‘‘jobs claimed in interviews and broadcasts champion what he called the ‘‘forgot- are coming back, folks; that’s going to how well the administration has done ten man,’’ and he assured America that be easy.’’ during the first 100 days. In fact, on ‘‘everybody’s going to be taken care of He promised a ‘‘beautiful,’’ ‘‘terrific’’ day 90—he did not even need to get to much better than they’re taken care of plan to provide ‘‘such great health care 100—he said: ‘‘No administration has now.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.004 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2707 More than 100 days after taking of- body in Washington was soft, and he pace to exceed in his first year what fice, President Trump has not only was going to fix it. Then he sat down the previous administration cost the failed to fulfill that promise, failed to with Chinese President Xi for 10 min- American taxpayer in eight. repeal ObamaCare—the House has not utes and ‘‘realized it’s not so easy.’’ A better idea than repeating this yet even had a vote on it, as far as I When he was running, the President next 100 days for the 100 days that are know—but the White House has actu- said: ‘‘Maybe NATO will dissolve, and coming would be to actually drain the ally helped to write—and he endorsed— that’s OK.’’ He called it ‘‘obsolete.’’ swamp, as he said during the campaign. a proposal that would throw 24 million Then he sat down with the NATO Sec- He could start by releasing his tax re- people, many of them poor and middle retary General and realized that it was, turns, which during the campaign he class folks, off of their health insur- in fact, ‘‘not obsolete’’—his words. falsely claimed he could not release be- ance, while slashing $300 billion in At a time when NATO faces new pres- cause of a ‘‘routine audit.’’ There was taxes for the top 2 percent. sure from Russian aggression and no prohibition on his doing the same That is what is in the bill that they American troops are deployed to East- thing that every candidate in the his- are considering in the House right now. ern Europe to support our partners and tory of America for the Presidency has That is not a healthcare bill. That is a our allies in the region, including the done. tax cut for the wealthiest Americans soldiers whom I met 2 weeks ago from Now that he has put out a healthcare that is masquerading as a healthcare Colorado’s Fourth Infantry Division, bill that slashes taxes by hundreds of bill. That is not the promise that he they need a steady voice and a clear vi- billions of dollars for the wealthiest made to the people who voted for him. sion from Washington. Americans and proposed tax reforms That is not the promise that he made We need an administration that can that would further deepen income in- to the forgotten man. It seems that in face reality instead of one that spins equality in this country, the least he the first 100 days the forgotten man re- its own. This is not a campaign any- could do is show the ‘‘laid-off factory mains forgotten, unless by ‘‘forgotten’’ more. This is governing. workers, and the communities crushed President Trump meant millionaires During the campaign, by our horrible and unfair trade deals’’ who can avoid dealing with America’s promised: ‘‘There will be no lies. We what the President stands to gain and health insurance system by paying will honor the American people with what they stand to lose from his pro- cash for their medical expenses with the truth and nothing else.’’ Over its posals. While he is doing that, he should their having the benefit of the tax cut first 100 days, the administration has focus on dealing with Americans’ rising that President Trump has proposed to honored the American people—it has healthcare costs instead of trying to give them. been recorded—with 488 false or mis- My point—and I want to be clear leading claims, nearly 5 a day. Some take health insurance away from mil- about it—is not to ask the President to people have actually lost count. It has lions of Americans, making it harder fulfill these promises, most of which I honored them with 100 days of dog-and- for them to see a doctor and take care of their families. He should focus on ex- opposed when he was running. I am pony shows of CEOs, campaign rallies, panding opportunities in our commu- simply pointing out that what he has and photo-ops in semi-trucks on the nities with investments in infrastruc- said is not what he has done, including South Lawn. It has honored the Amer- ture and on helping people compete in his promise to build a ‘‘great, great ican people with empty theatrics where the global economy and reducing the wall on our southern border’’ and force Donald Trump, the President, donates national debt crushing the next genera- Mexico to pay for that wall. Instead, he a portion of his salary to the National tion of Americans. That is why he was asked Congress for $1.4 billion in tax- Park Service, hoping no one would no- elected President. To some degree, that payer money to start construction. tice his proposal to slash $1.4 billion in is why all of us are here. I was part of the Gang of Eight in the funding for the Department of the Inte- At the start of his first 100 days, Senate that negotiated the immigra- rior. This administration needs a reset for President Trump promised in his inau- tion bill—four Democrats and four Re- gural address that ‘‘America will start publicans—over 8 months. We had $11 the next 100 days and the next 100 after that. The President needs to focus on winning again, winning like never be- billion of border security. By the time fore.’’ More than 100 days later, it is what the American people need and we passed the bill in the Senate, there really not clear what we have won, but what he said he would provide them in- was $40 billion of border security in it is clear what we have lost—civility stead of attacking the independent ju- that bill. It was paid for, unlike a lot of in our politics, facts in our policy, con- diciary and the free press and blaming stuff we do, and it was not the tax- fidence in ourselves, and 100 days that ‘‘fake news’’—his so-called fake news— payers who were paying for it. It was should have been used to bring this in an effort to obscure a reality that he the immigrants who were paying for it country together to confront our great doesn’t want to deal with. He needs to in their fees to this country. challenges. Why is that not a better way of doing focus on the next generation instead of The next 100 days must be better it? his daily approval ratings. He needs to than the last because, as our President Mexico is not going to pay for it. It focus on the future instead of com- once said, the American people are has said it is not going to pay for it. He plaining about how unexpectedly hard ‘‘tired of being ripped off by politicians continues to say that it is going to the job is or how great his previous life that don’t know what they’re doing.’’ happen, but it is just another broken was. On this, at least, I completely agree. promise. Instead, he went to the tax- And one more thing—a small thing. I yield the floor. payers and hoped nobody would notice Candidate Trump loved to criticize The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- that he was asking for $1.4 billion for President Obama for playing golf. He ator from New Hampshire. the wall. Fortunately, both Repub- tweeted about it at least 26 times with Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask licans and Democrats alike in the lines like ‘‘Can you believe that, with unanimous consent to engage in a col- House of Representatives and in the all the problems and difficulties facing loquy with the Senator from Idaho. Senate rejected it—in particular, Mem- the U.S., President Obama spent the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without bers of the House of Representatives day playing golf.’’ Well, President objection, it is so ordered. who represent border States or rep- Trump has spent 19 days playing golf NATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS WEEK resent the border, who actually know so far—even with all of these vacancies Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I am what is going on down there. in this administration—more than pleased to come to the floor today to I am sad to say that this inconsistent Presidents Obama, Bush, or Clinton. join my colleague, who is the chair of and erratic approach has spilled over to But that is not the only record he has the Small Business Committee—and I our foreign relations. On North Korea, broken for the first 100 days, which in- am the ranking member—to celebrate President Trump bragged that the cludes an average of more than five National Small Business Week. United States would easily ‘‘solve the tweets a day, over a month he spent in This is an opportunity for all Ameri- problem’’—his language—without this 100 days at Trump properties, and cans, regardless of party affiliation or China, which he called a currency ma- over $20 million in taxpayer dollars to geography, to come together and sup- nipulator and on which, he said, every- finance his personal travel, which is on port the small businesses that drive

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.029 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 the American economy and make such Congress and the new administration budgets, attracting workers, finding an enormous contribution to our local are working hand in hand to undo the customers, and complying with local, communities and culture. regulatory burden that has been ham- State, and Federal regulations. I am pleased to be able to work with pering small business growth. It is no As you pointed out, and I certainly Senator RISCH. We have enjoyed a ter- secret that the excessive regulatory agree, our committee works in a bipar- rific working relationship. We are burdens our Nation’s entrepreneurs tisan way not only on supporting pub- there, at this moment in the com- face places them at a disadvantage. We lic policy to help small businesses but mittee, to try to make a difference for hear this every day from our position also supporting the Small Business Ad- the small businesses of not only our on the Small Business Committee. ministration, which has programs that States of New Hampshire and Idaho but When asked what the biggest challenge help nurture our small businesses and throughout the entire country. they face is, it is almost always the address their unique concerns. I ask my chairman if he would like to regulatory burdens they are operating On Monday, I visited one of those start out and then turn it back to me, under. small businesses. I was kicking off and we can talk a little bit about what America’s small business owners Small Business Week in New Hamp- we see happening on the Small Busi- want to comply with a reasonable and shire, and I visited a company in ness Committee. appropriate regulatory structure; how- Dover, which is a neighboring commu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ever, the time and money they spend nity to where I live. The company is ator from Idaho. complying with layers of regulations called Popzup, spelled just like it Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, first of from a myriad of agencies hampers sounds. It is a family-owned business all, I want to return the sentiments of their ability to focus on what truly that created an innovative microwave Senator SHAHEEN. There was so much matters, and that, of course, is running popcorn box without harsh chemicals, written and talked about today in the their business. plastic, or silicon. The company’s pop- meeting about the poisoned atmos- My Senate colleagues and I will con- corn that goes in that box is environ- phere and the lack of bipartisanship, tinue to work with the administration mentally friendly. It comes from but I can tell my colleagues that work- on rolling back regulations that don’t American farms that don’t use GMO ing with Senator SHAHEEN on the make sense. We will take a closer look products. It is great. They also have all Small Business Committee has been an at other issues facing the diverse small of these seasonings that go on the pop- honor and a privilege, and it certainly business community. Just last week, corn, everything from a seasoning has been anything but troublesome. We Senator SHAHEEN and I held a hearing called Everything Bagel to one that is work together closely. Both of us hav- on the many challenges that exist for maple syrup. So it is a unique com- ing been Governors, we understand how rural entrepreneurs. As it turns out, pany. important small businesses are to our these challenges are not much different Its founders, Julie and Marty States—in fact, to all the States. from those that exist for entrepreneurs Lapham, launched the company in 2015. With that, I would like to take a few in more populous areas, except the They have received a lot of support minutes, with the concurrence of the challenges are amplified for business from the Small Business Development ranking member, to honor America’s owners who operate without broadband Center in New Hampshire. In fact, small businesses and their owners and internet or a traditional storefront on Julie told me about preparing for a the impact they have on our economy Main Street. ‘‘Shark Tank’’-style competition she and our communities and the vital role The shared challenges amongst most was participating in and how she got small businesses play in America entrepreneurs, such as access to cap- tremendous help from the SBDC in her today. ital, trade opportunities, and cyber se- presentation. She said: Without that America’s small businesses are truly curity threats, among others, are at help, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. the engine that keeps our economy the forefront of the minds of those of She actually won first prize in the running. They create two out of every us in Congress who are committed to competition—$10,000—because the three jobs in America. Let me say that delivering the relief small business SBDC had helped her sort through fi- again. Small businesses create two out owners have been waiting for. nancing options, and she and her hus- of every three new jobs that are cre- Despite these challenges, America’s band continue to work with them as ated in America today. Our Committee 28 million small business owners and they grow the company. on Small Business and Entrepreneur- their employees set out every day to ship knows that Congress has a respon- pursue their dreams and contribute to As we look at Small Business Week sibility to help this engine roar by get- their communities. Their entrepre- this week, it is important to also rec- ting the government out of the way of neurial spirit is nothing short of inspir- ognize the great work SBA does with our Nation’s small businesses and thus ing. outstanding entrepreneurs from all 50 providing small businesses with the op- I want to give an example from States and territories. portunity to do what they have done to Idaho—in fact, more than one example I know you have some similar exam- make this the greatest country in the from Idaho—but I yield to Senator ples of small businesses in Idaho. world for the last 240 years. SHAHEEN at this moment for her com- Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, I thank We know that small businesses are ments and perhaps to tell us a little bit Senator SHAHEEN. vital to our economy, employing near- about what she took away from the We do, and I want to tell a story of ly half the American workforce and meeting we recently had on rural small an example of the inspiring spirit small making up 99.7 percent of all employers businesses. businesses bring to us. This is the story in this country. It is because small Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I of a small family business in Idaho businesses are so important to our thank Senator RISCH. Falls, ID, called Fin Fun. It began economy that Washington needs to do As you point out, we were both Gov- when its founder, Karen Browning, was all we can for businesses to start and, ernors, so we had a chance to see small asked to make a mermaid costume for more importantly, to survive and grow. businesses from the perspective of the her granddaughter. That doesn’t sound We have seen a steady and well-docu- States and how States can be involved like a very ostentatious beginning, but mented decline in startups and a per- in supporting small businesses. But we it was the beginning. This simple re- sistently low GDP over the past dec- also have been small business owners quest was the catalyst of a much larger ade. Despite this, small businesses’ op- and operators ourselves. My husband operation that experienced over a 3,000- timism has hit record-high levels in re- and I had a family-owned seasonal re- percent growth over a 3-year period, cent months. Small business owners tail business, and you operated a fam- now employing 75 full- and part-time are more confident than ever. National ily-run ranch in Idaho. So I am sure employees in Eastern Idaho. The Small Business Week—this week—is a you share with me the challenges of Browning family contributes greatly to fitting time to not only celebrate our small business owners, the things that the community and makes all of us in Nation’s small businesses but also to kept me awake at night and that I Idaho proud with their continued suc- assure them that greater relief is com- know keep other small business owners cess, having been named by the SBA as ing. awake: meeting payroll, balancing Idaho’s Small Business of the Year.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.031 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2709 Stories like Fin Fun underscore the They were founded in 2008. They are a save for retirement through a work- optimism that can be found in all cor- biotech startup that identifies early- place retirement account. For years, ners of our country as small business stage medical technologies and pro- the Republican-controlled Congress has owners everywhere take the large leap vides financing and business guidance done nothing to help the 55 million into the American dream. to move lifesaving products from uni- Americans who don’t have an em- I ask all Senators to join me this versity laboratories to high-potential ployer-provided retirement plan to week in supporting and thanking the medical companies. They really show save for their retirement—nothing—so small businesses in our home States all that entrepreneurship can be a positive seven States have actually stepped up. across America. Senator SHAHEEN and force to cure disease and save lives. They passed legislation to provide re- I, of course, as part of the jurisdiction During their startup, Celdara secured tirement accounts to their constitu- of our committee, have oversight re- funding through the SBA’s SBIR Pro- ents, and 23 more States are currently sponsibilities with the SBA. I have gram, the Small Business Innovation considering proposals like this. Massa- been very impressed over the years as Research Program, which was extended chusetts has stepped up, too, passing to the focus of the SBA on small busi- last year—thanks in large part to the legislation to allow workers in small, nesses. work of the committee—for 5 years be- nonprofit organizations to save for re- One of the things I think Senator cause of its great track record, ena- tirement in a State-administered plan. SHAHEEN shares with me is supporting bling entrepreneurs across the country These State efforts are a big deal. an increase in the Office of Advocacy. to participate in R&D to keep us at the The actions of just those first seven We all know the Federal Government vanguard of innovation. They were also States could expand coverage to 15 mil- passes regulations at a stunning rate, assisted by the SCORE counseling net- lion Americans who don’t currently have an employer-sponsored retire- which most people really don’t com- work, which provides mentors to small ment account. These efforts would go a pletely understand. But the job of the businesses. long way toward starting to chip away Office of Advocacy is to act as an inde- There are so many things we can do at the retirement crisis in our country, pendent voice for small businesses to support our small businesses, and and both Republicans and Democrats when the Federal Government actually that is the goal of the Small Business should be applauding the efforts of the proposes a regulation. The Office of Ad- Committee. We also want to continue Governors, State treasurers, and State vocacy is supposed to stand up and say: to support a modern and flexible SBA legislatures who are doing this impor- Wait a minute. Let me tell you how that can respond quickly to economic tant work. But instead of passing legis- this is going to affect small businesses. conditions that confront small busi- lation to incentivize States to continue We all know that if the Federal Gov- nesses in this global economy. their innovative work or instead of ernment, in any one of the agencies, Like you, I thank all of our col- bringing up a bill on their own encour- enacts a regulation, it does affect busi- leagues who are going to help us recog- aging companies to offer retirement nesses of different sizes differently. In- nize small businesses throughout the accounts to their workers, Republicans deed, if it is a large business, they gen- country. I also thank the Appropria- are voting on a bill that would pull the erally have an army of lawyers, com- tions Committee for its bipartisan rug out from underneath these State pliance officers, and accountants who work on the omnibus bill to fund the plans, jeopardizing all of the States’ re- can deal with the regulations rel- SBA and our critical rural development cent progress. atively easily and absorb the cost. On programs. We have heard about many Republicans are constantly saying the other hand, if it is a one-, two-, or of them at the rural hearing you talked they are the party of federalism, de- three-person business, just filling out about. Hopefully the spirit of coopera- regulation, and State flexibility. Over the forms the agencies require is some- tion we share on the committee will and over again for the past several times a real burden. It is important spread throughout the Congress. months, my colleagues across the aisle that this Office of Advocacy in the SBA So happy Small Business Week to all have come down to the floor to over- be encouraged, be expanded where pos- of our small businesses, and I thank all turn regulation after regulation be- sible, and be a real, true independent of the entrepreneurs in New Hampshire cause they claim those regulations voice for small business in America. and Idaho and across the country for ‘‘limit the role of State and local gov- And I know Senator SHAHEEN shares their hard work, for their innovation, ernments.’’ So why on Earth are they my enthusiasm for continuing to sup- and for their grit. They have our grati- now passing a bill to run roughshod port that enterprise within the SBA. I tude and our respect. over the States? am always happy to work with any of Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I look for- The States certainly aren’t asking my colleagues to make it easier for ward to the good work we will continue them to take it up. The National Con- Americans to start and grow a busi- to do for small businesses in this coun- ference of State Legislatures—the bi- ness. try. partisan organization representing the Happy National Small Business Mr. RISCH. Likewise. legislatures of all 50 States—sent a let- Week, and thank you to our Nation’s Mrs. SHAHEEN. I yield the floor. ter urging Congress not to pass this entrepreneurs and small business own- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- bill because ‘‘it will result in an unwar- ers who are the real backbone of our ator from Massachusetts. ranted preemption of state innovation, Nation and our economy. Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, we will restrict the ability of millions of I yield to Senator SHAHEEN. have a retirement crisis in this coun- hardworking Americans to save for re- Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I very try. Today, among working families on tirement, and will prove costly to fed- much thank Senator RISCH. I share his the verge of retirement, about a third eral and state budgets.’’ And 23 State enthusiasm for the Office of Advocacy have no retirement savings of any kind treasurers and top budget officials, and all of the programs SBA admin- and another third have total savings both Democrats and Republicans, from isters and appreciate the good work of that are less than one year’s annual in- Idaho to Mississippi, wrote urging Re- the new Administrator there, Linda come. publican leadership to ‘‘protect the McMahon. Let’s be blunt. Social Security alone rights of states and large municipali- You bragged a little bit on your is not enough for a secure retirement. ties to implement their own, unique Small Business of the Year in Idaho, Hitting retirement with little or no approaches . . . to address this growing and I would like to do the same. Our savings means spending those last retirement savings crisis.’’ New Hampshire Small Business Person years hovering around the poverty line, No, the State legislatures didn’t ask of the Year is Dr. Jake Reder, who is with little or no money for important the Republican Congress for this bill, the cofounder and CEO of Celdara Med- purchases, like dental care or hearing and the American people are certainly ical in Lebanon, NH. aids, or extras, like buying a birthday not calling their Senators asking that I think it is important to point out gift for a grandchild. they overturn the rules to help them that small businesses create 16 times There are a lot of different reasons save for their retirement either. Sev- per employee the number of patents people hit retirement with no savings, enty-two percent of Republicans and 83 that large businesses do, and Celdara but one big reason is that 55 million percent of Democrats support the work Medical is a great example of that. Americans don’t have the ability to the States are doing.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.032 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2710 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 If it is not the State legislatures and Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, like so begun to step up to help workers save it is not the State regulators and it is many, I spent the weekend reflecting for retirement through savings pro- not the American people who want this on what the past 100 days have meant. grams. bill passed, why are Republicans push- And from President Trump—aided by As I previously talked about on the ing it forward? Why are we voting for congressional Republicans—it has been floor, these savings programs simply this legislation? 100 days of broken promises, 100 days of allow employers to automatically en- Four words—national chamber of far too much division, and 100 days of roll workers while giving workers the commerce. The national chamber of attacks on women and workers and opportunity to opt out. These pro- commerce has been fighting tooth and seniors. It has been 100 painful days for grams only apply to businesses that do nail to kill these retirement initia- many, no doubt about it. not currently offer retirement plans. tives. Their armies of lobbyists are It is not surprising then that to kick They in no way limit an employers’ swarming over Capitol Hill. They are off their next 100 days, President ability to seek out and offer their own peddling misinformation about what Trump and Republicans have employer-sponsored plan. these plans do, all because the giant fi- prioritized today, sending a clear mes- These plans are worker and business nancial firms that pump money into sage to Wall Street that the Trump ad- friendly. There is little paperwork re- the national chamber of commerce are ministration remains open for business quired for workers to participate in the worried that the State plans will offer and is committed to standing with program, and there are no added bur- better investment products with lower them and not with working families. dens to small businesses. In fact, in fees for customers. That can be the only possible message, these programs, employers are strictly Yes, the giant financial firms are since today, Senate Republicans have required only to serve in administra- right to be worried. States probably advanced another one of their favorite tive capacity. will not award investment contracts to tools this Congress—yet another CRA— Last year, Democrats working with the companies with the highest fees or to thwart efforts by States to simply the Obama administration pushed for to the companies offering kickbacks provide their workers access to retire- guidance to provide certainty to States and prizes to make the sale. They are ment savings program. that have launched their own retire- going to award contracts to companies In March, Senate Republicans voted ment programs. This guidance simply that can provide the best product at to overturn a rule that would allow clarifies an existing safe harbor allow- the lowest cost. That is how a competi- major cities the flexibility to start ing employers to establish payroll de- tive bidding process works. their own retirement savings pro- duction IRAs, which gives States clar- The financial firms hiding behind the grams. No doubt, the negative impact ity they need that these programs will chamber of commerce don’t want com- of this reversal has already been felt not be preempted by Federal retire- petitive bidding, they don’t want trans- across the country. Today’s effort by ment law. parency, they don’t want to fight on a Republicans to target State programs This guidance merely provides flexi- level playing field, and they are willing would have even more far-reaching bility to cities and States to move for- to spend a whole lot of money to make consequences now and in the long ward with these programs, and in fact sure they don’t have to. In fact, the term. it was requested by the States and Chamber is so serious about keeping If Senate Republicans jam through local officials. This is pretty common the system rigged that they have sent this CRA that is on the floor today, sense. In fact, it is the kind of proposal letter after letter to every Member of they will be pulling the rug out from that Democrats and Republicans have Congress and their staff, letting them numerous States nationwide, leaving agreed on for several years. know they are watching this vote. over 15 million workers, which includes As much as my colleagues on the Just in case you can’t read between nearly 2 million workers in my home other side of the aisle may not like to the lines, for extra emphasis, in bold State of Washington, without any easy recall now, many of them have been on and underlined typeface, their letters option to save for their retirement. the record previously supporting just warned that they will be ‘‘consider[ing] This is going to have a significant, these kinds of efforts. Really, it is not . . . votes on, or in relation to, [this] chilling effect across our retirement hard to understand why. As I have said, resolution[] in our annual How They system for our workers, for our Gov- it is very clear who President Trump Voted scorecard.’’ Whoa. The chamber ernors, for State legislators, and State and Republicans are standing with on of commerce is going to score who treasurers. this. Working families across our coun- votes to help the big financial corpora- As AARP said this week, it would try are seeing clearly that on any tions and who doesn’t, and they are send the political message that Con- chance to move the ball forward for going to make sure that all those po- gress is opposed to State flexibility to them and their retirements, Repub- tential campaign contributors know increase retirement savings. We would licans are now standing in the way and about the vote. likely see a number of States delay ac- choosing instead to put the interests of This is what gives Washington such a tion or legislation to offer workers Wall Street first. terrible reputation. The American peo- more savings options because of the This is a critical vote. Families are ple didn’t send us here to work for perceived congressional prohibition. watching. If you say you stand with giant financial institutions and their This cannot and it should not happen. working families, you vote against this armies of lobbyists and lawyers. I don’t Fifty-five million workers today in resolution. If you want to meaningfully care what kind of threats the chamber our country lack access to a workplace address our retirement crisis, vote of commerce puts out; it is wrong to retirement plan through their em- against this resolution. pass a law to kick people in the teeth ployer. That is about one-third of all of I urge our colleagues to reject this when they are trying to save for their our workers in this country. Our retire- harmful repeal. I urge them to stand retirements. The lobbyists may be ment savings gap has continued to with our States and our working fami- watching this vote, but the American worsen, and it is true for most States lies who just want to provide economic people are watching, too, and they are across this country. It is true for my retirement security for the families in ready to fight back. home State of Washington, despite their States. Mr. President, I yield the floor. progress and steps in the right direc- Mr. President, I yield the floor. I suggest the absence of a quorum. tion over the past few years. I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Today, fewer than half of all Wash- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The GARDNER). The clerk will call the roll. ington State workers participate in a clerk will call the roll. The bill clerk proceeded to call the retirement plan at work, and nearly The senior assistant legislative clerk roll. 90,000 Washington small businesses proceeded to call the roll. Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask offer no retirement arrangement. This Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for is too common all across our country. unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. Because Congress has been unable to the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without come together to address this retire- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. ment savings crisis, States have now objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.034 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2711 Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, seeing flowing, and stem the tide of contra- of political courage on the part of the none of my Democratic colleagues on band and illegal immigration. President and those of us in the Con- the floor seeking to speak, I ask unani- When we talk about border security, gress but something we really cannot mous consent to speak on the Demo- it is also important to recognize the continue to put off day after day, week cratic time. important economic and trading rela- after week, year after year. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tionship we have with Mexico. Roughly This Omnibus appropriation bill objection, it is so ordered. 5 million American jobs depend on bi- funds the procurement of new warships GOVERNMENT FUNDING LEGISLATION national trade with Mexico, which is and aircraft and increases funding to Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, this another reason I have been paying such help modernize our ancient nuclear de- week the Senate continues to consider close attention to the administration’s terrent programs and includes re- the government funding bill, which I discussion about updating NAFTA and sources to counter radicalism and in- hope we will decide to vote on tomor- other important trading agreements. stability in the developing world. row afternoon. I want to highlight a More than half of the entire border be- I am also glad this legislation in- few ways that this legislation is good tween the United States and Mexico is cludes funds to help our veterans and for America. It addresses important in Texas so this is critical to Texas and their families transition into the civil- priorities, and it is particularly good to Texans and necessary to keep our ian workforce, and it will better equip for those 28 million people I have the people safe. Texans working in military installa- privilege of representing in Texas. Fortunately, this funding deal will tions across the State, keep our mili- I know people say we don’t want to also strengthen our Nation’s defense at tary ready, and funds resources for the do an omnibus appropriations bill, and a time when, under the Obama admin- battlefield. frankly this is not the best way to do istration, we saw a 20-percent cut in So while there is a finger-pointing business, but when our Democratic col- defense spending. As former Director of and blame game or credit-seeking leagues objected to us processing indi- National Intelligence James Clapper game going on here in Washington— vidual appropriations bills, this is the liked to say—well, maybe he didn’t like and I guess if the blame game were an only alternative, other than perhaps a to say it, but he did say it: In 50 years Olympic sport, Washington would win continuing resolution. in the intelligence community, he had that—but this is too important to be A continuing resolution would con- never seen a more diverse array of talking about in terms of political win- tinue Obama-era policies and frankly threats in his entire career. So our ners and losers. The truth is, the Amer- wouldn’t end up saving any money be- country does face multiple threats all ican people will be the winner if we cause both of them are subject to the over the world. keep the government running, if we do same spending caps under the Budget This legislation includes more than our job, and particularly if those of us Control Act. $20 billion for defense—a real impor- who are fortunate enough to be in the Here we are. The House will undoubt- tant plus-up in defense spending for the majority after this last election will edly pass this agreed-upon bill, the first time in a long time. This bill also simply govern. That is what they elect- first negotiated bill with the Trump includes new funding to support our ed us to do, along with the President of White House, with a Republican major- military men and women deployed the United States. ity in the House and the Senate, and abroad in the fight against ISIS, for ex- On a different note—I want to close with Democratic participation and ample, and it includes a pay raise for on this. Yesterday, I spoke about the input as well. our troops as well. We have an All-Vol- terrible storms and tornadoes that First, as I mentioned yesterday, this unteer military that has been whipped through East Texas over the bill provides significant funding to stressed—really, unlike any other time weekend. Fortunately, we were able to shore up security at our international in our Nation’s history—with the long- secure additional disaster relief fund- border with Mexico. This is a particu- est continuous time at war, particu- ing in this omnibus package that will larly important Texas issue because larly in Afghanistan and Iraq and now play a big part in helping communities obviously we share a 1,200-mile com- in other places around the world. So in rebuild, not only from floods and bad mon border with Mexico, but it is also an All-Volunteer military, it is really weather we have had in the past but a national issue. It is an important important for us to make sure that we also this current tragedy with loss of issue President Trump ran on and one treat our troops right when it comes to life and loss of property. It will help of the reasons I believe he was elected. pay and living conditions in an All-Vol- our communities rebuild, recover, and Attention to securing the border is unteer military. prepare for the next storm. long overdue. I have always contended Fortunately, this bill will also begin This legislation will also bring us that border security is first and fore- to tackle a major problem that I spoke closer to a solution to mitigate damage most a matter of political will because about just last week; that is, our readi- from hurricanes and storm surges we know how to do it. The question is, ness—readiness of our military to face along the gulf coast in the Gulf of Mex- Do we have the political will to accom- the new and evolving threats around ico. This is particularly an important plish it? Rio Grande Valley Border Pa- the globe. issue in Houston and along that gulf trol chief Manny Padilla likes to say— I would just pause here to note that coast region, which is a huge, vital eco- he served in numerous capacities all some people have said we can solve the nomic center for our country. By fund- across the border, from Arizona, Cali- disparity in our needs or the threats ing an Army Corps of Engineer study, fornia, and now in the Rio Grande Val- and the amount we have been able to we can best find a way forward that ley in Texas. He likes to say that there fund for national security by just keeps more Texans safe from the next are really three legs to the stool of bor- tweaking the Budget Control Act of big hurricane, which we know is com- der security. There is technology, there 2011. Well, the fact is, Congress only ing, and the question is just a matter is personnel, and then there is infra- appropriates about 30 percent of the of when. structure, what some people like to money that the Federal Government This bill also dedicates resources to call fencing or walls. Each area along spends. Well, 70 percent is on autopilot improve and strengthen waterways the border depends—the mixture will because of the Budget Control Act. We that will help maintain Texas ship depend on what makes sense, what is have been able to keep discretionary channels so they can handle more com- actually effective. It is obviously im- spending, which includes defense spend- merce and provide better flood control portant to get the advice and input of ing, relatively flat since 2011, when the for susceptible areas. professionals of Border Patrol who Budget Control Act was passed, but the I will close by pointing out that this work day in and day out to secure the fact is, mandatory spending is growing legislation also appropriates funds for border. With this omnibus bill, we will at a rate of about 5.5 percent. In my bipartisan bills we passed last year. I see the strongest increase in border se- own view, we are never going to be able know frequently—if you read the news- curity funding in nearly a decade. That to fund our priorities—including na- paper or if you watch cable news—you means more resources to help Customs tional security—adequately, unless we may think that nothing ever happens and Border Patrol, among other agen- revisit all of that 100 percent of Federal here, but actually even under the cies, to enforce our laws, keep trade spending, which is going to take an act Obama administration, Republicans

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.035 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 worked in a bipartisan way to accom- would want as the perfect bill, but I we are all, I believe, committed to plish important things like the Every know people are frustrated by that be- making on behalf of the people we rep- Student Succeeds Act, the follow-on cause they say: Why couldn’t we do resent. from No Child Left Behind, and one more? Why couldn’t we get more of Mr. President, I suggest the absence that actually does things that conserv- what we wanted, and why did we have of a quorum. atives think is important and pushes to give up something that other people The PRESIDING OFFICER. The more authority back down to the wanted in order to agree to pass this clerk will call the roll. States and out of Washington when it legislation? Well, that is the way our The senior assistant legislative clerk comes to our schools. It makes sure system was designed. That is the way proceeded to call the roll. that the States, local school districts, our Founding Fathers created the leg- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I parents, and teachers have a say when islative branch and made it a require- ask unanimous consent that the order it comes to the best quality and the ment that in a country as big and di- for the quorum call be rescinded. best way to teach our children in K–12 verse as ours, that we needed to build The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without schools. So we will fund much of that consensus in order to pass legislation, objection, it is so ordered. effort in this legislation. and that means Democrats and Repub- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I I know many of our colleagues rep- licans, Congress and the White House, am here to talk about 55 million Amer- resent areas of the country that have working together to come up with an icans who presently lack the authority been devastated by the opioid crisis, as acceptable consensus product. That is to save for retirement directly from well as heroin crisis, which unfortu- what this is. It is a product of bipar- their paychecks. I am here to talk nately seem to go hand in hand. We tisan give-and-take. It includes many about preserving, protecting, strength- worked closely together, in a bipar- conservative priorities that I like— ening retirement savings for all Ameri- tisan way, to fund the Comprehensive that we have been talking about for a cans, and I am here to talk about pro- Addiction and Recovery Act signed year—that benefit communities across viding State and local governments into law last year under President my State. It provides for our national with the tools they need to expand ac- Obama to help tackle the opioid epi- defense, and it will make our country cess to retirement savings accounts in demic running rampant throughout healthier and safer, and it does that at order to reach that goal. many parts of the country. It also in- the same time as we consolidate or I am here to oppose H.J. Res. 66. This cludes resources that help eliminate eliminate more than 150 outdated and misguided proposal would tear down the rape kit backlog, one that I have unnecessary programs and initiatives. ongoing efforts at the State and local been working on for some time, to That is why it is important we pass levels to help families achieve financial make sure—the Debbie Smith Act, this omnibus, as opposed to another stability in retirement after years of which is in excess of $100 million that continuing resolution, which, by the hard work and sacrifice. These ongoing is available in funding to forensic labs way, makes it nearly impossible for efforts at the State level should be en- all across the country to eliminate the our national security agencies and our couraged, not deterred. rape kit backlog. The power of DNA intelligence community to actually The numbers here tell a dramatic testing through these rape kits to iden- plan. When we fund government for a 6- story. Many private sector employees tify the perpetrator of sexual assault, month period of time, they don’t know have the option to set up and con- as well as to exonerate the innocent, is what is going to happen after that. So tribute to their own individual retire- really something to behold. So in this it is really important that we put our ment accounts, often called IRAs. We funding, the rape kit backlog will be shoulders to the wheel and we work to- know them well. But fewer than 10 per- reduced and we will bring to justice gether, on a bipartisan basis, to give cent of workers without access to a victims of crimes and vindicate those them some more certainty, to give workplace plan contribute to a retire- who were accused but who are in fact them a longer flow of revenue, so they ment savings account. This lack of re- innocent. can do planning and spend the tax dol- tirement savings often leads to ruins— This legislation will also help provide lars that are appropriated efficiently. life-transforming disasters at ages funds for victims of human trafficking An important point that has been when nobody deserves them, jeopard- to recover, and it will help train law lost as we discussed and debated this izing access to adequate meals, hous- enforcement to handle an active shoot- bill is, it finally sets the country in a ing, healthcare, and other necessities er situation via something we passed new direction—one that leads away for older Americans across the coun- last year, on a bipartisan basis, called from the Obama administration’s pri- try. the POLICE Act. As the Presiding Offi- orities, which existed under the con- In response to this catastrophic pos- cer knows, police changed their tactics tinuing resolution and was reflected by sibility for so many Americans, in Au- when it comes to active shooters. I be- endless cycles of continuing resolu- gust of 2016, the Department of Labor lieve it was Columbine where the tac- tions. That is the past. We entered a promulgated what has become known tic was still used to surround an area new era of a stronger defense, less reg- as the State-sponsored auto-IRA rule. near a school and to make sure nobody ulations for job creators, and a more This rule provides basic, critical guid- comes in or goes out, but our police streamlined and efficient government. ance for States on how to administer and first responders learned to be very This is the first major piece of bipar- programs designed to improve access to resourceful and innovative and indeed tisan legislation negotiated with the retirement accounts among private are training now. According to the PO- new White House, and it proves that we sector employees. These State-facili- LICE Act, Federal funds go to State can come together when we must, that tated programs allow State govern- and local law enforcement and first re- we can govern, and that we can deliver ments to provide automatic enrollment sponders to help the police train to en- results. It will also serve as a good in State-sponsored IRAs, with the op- gage an active shooter to stop the kill- blueprint moving forward with a care- portunity, importantly, to opt out at ing but also to train the first respond- fully thought-out strategic budget as any time. ers, typically the EMS officials, to stop we look ahead to the fall. The rule that has been promulgated the dying. So you can stop the killer, This legislation isn’t perfect, but it by the Department of Labor, which was but unless you have EMS or emergency does represent progress. It does rep- also expanded to include a limited medical service personnel trained resent an important watershed with number of larger cities and counties, along with the police department, you this new administration, where we made it clear that any auto-IRA pro- may stop the killing, but you will not have all come together and reached gram established by a State or munic- stop the dying, and that is the goal of agreement on a piece of legislation ipal authority must limit the employ- this important bill. This legislation that we feel is beneficial to the entire er’s role in the program. In addition, helps fund that. country. If we are not going to engage the rule clarifies any ambiguity re- So here is the bottom line. Legisla- in that sort of activity, but we are just garding the application of the Employ- tion is always a compromise, so it going to vote no on everything because ment Retirement Income Security Act. never ever meets anybody’s individual it is not perfect, we are not going to be It makes clear the conditions under expectations in terms of what they able to make that kind of progress that which ERISA does not apply.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.036 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2713 The misguided proposal before us I yield the floor. to impossible for municipalities to cre- today seeks to overturn all of this crit- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ate such a plan for their citizens, but ical rulemaking, carefully devised and ator from Oregon. the plans probably made more sense at developed. If it is passed, the resolution Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, it the State level. will cripple efforts at the State level to looks as though we are at it again. In- Now come my friends across the aisle ensure that retirement savings oppor- stead of fighting to make things even a to say: It is not enough. It is not tunities are more readily available for little bit better for hard-working, mid- enough that we hit them once by stop- all workers. dle-class Americans, Members of this ping the municipalities from providing I have always assumed that my col- body just want to make life harder for a plan. We are going to hit them leagues across the aisle were in favor of those hard-working, middle-class again—kick them while they are down. State initiatives and State authority Americans. That is the attitude of this provision and State experiments and States ad- We have had the debate on Capitol that is before the Senate. dressing the issues of their citizens di- Hill about how to strip healthcare from What we are really talking about is rectly. These are basic States’ rights— 24 million Americans. We have had a denying the American dream to mil- but not so much in this case. conversation on Capitol Hill on how to lions of citizens across the land who H.J. Res. 66, in fact, will be particu- reduce the taxes phenomenally on the work for employers that don’t have re- larly harmful in States like Con- very richest Americans. We have seen tirement plans or who run small busi- necticut, which has already begun to the President’s one-page description of nesses and don’t have the administra- bridge the retirement savings gap for a tax plan that consisted of a goody tive overhead to be able to set up a nearly 600,000 people who lack access to bag for the richest Americans, the plan. This rips away the certainty that employer-based savings for retirement multimillionaires and the billionaires. comes with knowing that if you work in our State. The Connecticut Retire- But here we have another provision hard and play by the rules, you auto- ment Security Authority has pioneered just trying to sucker punch hard-work- matically save through one of these this effort. I am very proud to say, ing Americans because those hard- plans and you get a certain level of se- Connecticut is among several States working Americans work for compa- curity and a certain level of dignity in that have made real progress toward nies that often don’t have a retirement your golden years. expanding secure pathways to retire- plan, so they do not have a convenient Isn’t it our job here in the Senate, as ment savings for their private sector way to put funds away to prepare for representatives of our citizens and our employees. retirement. States, to do everything we can to pro- By leveraging State facilitation with Along came the States. The States vide a ladder of opportunity, to lift up private providers, these plans allow said: You know, for those workers who the men and women of this country? workers access to secure, low-cost re- don’t have a retirement plan at their It isn’t our job to say: Well, the tirement savings which, in turn, allow work, why don’t we design one, present States provided a ladder of oppor- more workers to adequately prepare for one, so that they could automatically tunity; so let’s go tear it down. Let’s retirement, improving life for those sign up and have their wages—a small take a buzz saw and saw up that ladder workers and also reducing the burden amount of them—put away for retire- of opportunity, because, wow, why on taxpayer-funded services. In fact, ment automatically? would we want the States to help out encouraging increased retirement sav- Then they would go to a different our citizens? Isn’t that not our job—to ings yields important savings for Fed- job, and that job would not have a re- try to destroy opportunity? eral and State budgets in the future, tirement plan. Well, then, in that new But here we are with my colleagues not just now. job, they could have a little bit of their Studies have shown that expanded re- saying: Well, as to these folks who wages put away automatically for re- tirement savings programs could po- don’t have a retirement plan set up by tirement—not in a manner that re- tentially reduce Medicaid expenditures their employer, we are going to make in Connecticut by over $65 million in quires people to save. They could it as hard as possible for them to save the first 10 years after implementation. ‘‘unsign’’ themselves up. This is called money for retirement. That $65 million in savings on Medicaid automatic opt in. They could say: I I hear the same folks come down here is for Connecticut alone. Think of the don’t want that 3 percent put into a re- and say: Well, you know what; whole country. Think of the savings in tirement plan. Make it 2 percent, make wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone Medicaid and other critical service pro- it 1 percent, make it 5 percent, or make saved more for retirement? grams that go to aid our seniors. They it 0 percent. They would have the con- Well, yes, it would be. So why don’t would much rather save for them- trol, but when they first start the job, we make it easier for them to do so, selves. it automatically puts away a little bit not harder. A plan that puts no imposi- I ask my Senate colleagues who be- for retirement. tion on the small business—doesn’t lieve we ought to be spending our time I think about my son and daughter— that make a lot of sense? Isn’t that a expanding, not limiting, access to se- my son who is 21 and my daughter who win-win? Isn’t that a blow in favor of cure retirement solutions to join me in is 19—and they have worked a whole se- helping out working people, rather opposing this legislation. There are ries of modest little jobs, from pouring than a blow that knocks them down? many of our Republican colleagues who coffee to coaching sports teams to Today, apparently, we have a slim have long called for reduced govern- working as a lifesaver and so on and so majority that says: No, knock them ment spending and in increased auton- forth. down. omy for State governments. They What if for every single job in those Furthermore, there is apparently a should be joining in opposing H.J. Res. companies that were not providing slim majority that likes to preach on 66. those retirement plans, workers auto- States’ rights. But when it comes to There are many of our Republican matically had 3 percent of their funds States trying to address a problem, you colleagues who have long advocated put away toward retirement in a low- have a powerful special interest come giving people the freedom and the op- cost option—the same kinds of low-cost to Capitol Hill and say: Don’t let it portunity to plan for their own future. options that U.S. Senators have when happen because, after all, maybe one of They ought to be joining in opposing they come here to the Senate, the same them someday will be a customer of H.J. Res. 66. types of low-cost options that every ours, and we wouldn’t want them to be I ask all of us now to join me in vot- Federal employee has? Why not give able to get help from their State while ing no on H.J. Res. 66 because States that same opportunity to ordinary they are waiting for us to help them. ought to have the flexibility and the working Americans? That is what we A powerful special interest comes opportunity to implement proven are here talking about. here, and suddenly States’ right are strategies to support hard-working We already made it harder to set up out the door, States’ rights are out the Americans who wish to prepare them- such stand-in plans—plans that stand window. selves for retirement. Give them that in when there is no retirement plan The conversation during the Presi- opportunity. Do not destroy it in H.J. provided by the employer. In March, we dential campaign was that we heard Res. 66. passed another CRA making it difficult about electing a President who will

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.038 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2714 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 fight for workers. Well, that was yes- savings accounts for small business It is good for taxpayers. It is good for terday, because today we are passing a employees that currently aren’t able to States. It is good for business. It is bill that Members of the Senate expect participate in a workplace retirement good for the workers. The only thing it the President himself to sign to take a plan because the workplace doesn’t is not good for is for some powerful buzz saw to the ladder of opportunity have one. Twenty-five States are look- special interest that has failed to offer for working people—the President of ing at this. Even if only one State were plans to these workers but says some- the United States, I am talking about, looking at it, shouldn’t we give that day it might and it doesn’t want the to take an ax to the program that State the opportunity? Five States are competition—a powerful special inter- makes it easier for Americans to save looking at it—and power to them be- est coming here to Capitol Hill to rip money for their retirement. cause maybe one of the five will figure down a ladder of opportunity for work- Now, don’t we know that public pen- out a way to make it work and the ers. sions are disappearing and private pen- other States will learn from that. Is the President going to sign that sions are disappearing? What we are Twenty-five States are looking at after he campaigned on helping work- left with is Social Security. If workers this because there is such an urgent ers? Well, yes, apparently he is because don’t have pensions through their jobs, need for their citizens. Seven of those that was yesterday in a campaign, and and all they have is Social Security, it 25 States are already at work imple- today is the reality of governing. Ap- is going to be pretty rough in retire- menting plans. parently, a powerful special interest is ment. I am very proud that Oregon, my talking to the President of the United There is another option: to make it State, is one of those seven. It plans to States, and he is helping that interest, easier for workers to save. According launch a voluntary pilot group later rather than the workers of America. to one study from 2013, 40 percent of this summer. If that goes well, it was He is fighting for a Federal blockade small business owners had no retire- planning to expand that plan over the rather than for States to be the labora- ment savings, 75 percent had no plans next 2 years, and if that goes well, it tory of innovation and experimen- for funding their retirement, and 55 was planning to make it available to tation. He is fighting for the billion- million Americans—nearly half of the individuals working in any job in Or- aires, rather than for the working peo- private sector workers in America—are egon where there wasn’t a retirement ple of our Nation, and that is just a ter- employed in jobs that do not offer any plan. rible development to see. form of retirement savings or pension That is very thoughtful. Start with a Colleagues, you can change that plan. little group, expand it to a few more, right here. We are going to have a close Well, that is a lot of Americans who and see if it is still working. If it is a vote. So come down to this floor and are only going to have Social Security good model and the feedback is good place your vote with States’ rights. unless they save. and you need to make some changes, Come down to this floor and place your We know that it is much easier for you can make it on a small scale. When vote in ladders of opportunity. Come them to save if they have a workplace it is ready to roll, if it is doing a good down to this floor and place your vote plan and funds go into that plan auto- thing for America’s workers, for Or- on the side of an average working matically, and the individual worker egon’s workers, give every Oregon American. can change the amount, the set-asides. worker that opportunity to easily save You might live in a bubble. You They can increase it. They can de- for retirement. might live in a gated community. You crease it. They can stop it. They can There is so much interest from the might live in a fancy world as a Sen- reactivate it. But because it is set up States, so much interest from the busi- ator, but these are the workers of automatically, most workers choose to nesses in those States for the possi- America who have employers who pro- stay in it once they are there. bility of experimenting with these vide no retirement plan. That is who Workers don’t want to have a dif- plans. Last year, the Department of we are talking about here. ferent retirement plan for when they Labor set up the safe harbor rule that So get out of your bubble. Get out of worked at this company and then an- helps to clarify a piece of ERISA, our your elite frame of mind. Come down other one at this company and another Federal retirement law, to make it pos- to this floor and fight for the workers one at that company, or companies sible for States to pursue this. That is of America. Vote no on this blockade that didn’t have a plan so they had to what is before us today. Are we going to the States’ addressing a funda- set up something on their own. to undo the protection to let States ex- mental need, providing a fundamental The idea is that this plan is portable, periment? opportunity for the workers of America that you can take it from employer to The AARP likes to point out that to save for their retirement. employer. These are the things that these State-sponsored plans would like- I suggest the absence of a quorum. are appealing to our State govern- ly increase the number of workers sav- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ments, which are saying: That is what ing for retirement. That is because, as clerk will call the roll. will work well for the citizens of our they enter the workforce, they would The assistant bill clerk proceeded to State. be automatically enrolled. They would call the roll. Shouldn’t we enable the States to be be able to continue using that plan Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask a laboratory of invention, a laboratory even if they change jobs within the unanimous consent that the order for of innovation? Shouldn’t we enable State. That would be helping them the quorum call be rescinded. them to test run whether this works or from their very first day of employ- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). doesn’t work, instead of our taking and ment in the workforce. Without objection, it is so ordered. destroying that pilot project, destroy- Imagine your son or daughter, age 15 Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask ing that laboratory of innovation, de- or 16, getting that first summer job or unanimous consent to engage in a col- stroying that experiment at the State evening job or early morning job, and loquy with the Senator from West Vir- level to see if this would help make already they are starting to save for ginia, my friend and colleague, Senator American citizens better off? retirement. It makes a big difference CAPITO. This would all be done at the State over their working years, which might The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without level at no cost to businesses. In fact, cover four decades or more. It makes a objection, it is so ordered. that is what businesses have liked big difference, whether they have any- COAL MINER HEALTHCARE BENEFITS about it. That is why they have lobbied thing to back them up other than So- Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I wish their State legislatures to say: Hey, cial Security. to thank my friend from West Virginia, maybe you would like to do this. We It is good for small businesses be- my colleague, Senator CAPITO, for her are too small. It is too difficult for us cause not only does it free them from support and leadership in our fight to to set up a retirement plan. Maybe you feeling badly that they hadn’t set up a keep the promise made in President all would like to design one that would plan, but it makes their workers Truman’s White House more than 70 be available. happier, more productive employees, years ago. At this moment, 25 States are consid- and the businesses get to have all that For the past two Congresses, Senator ering legislation to create retirement by bearing no additional costs. CAPITO has been an original cosponsor

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:15 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.040 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2715 of the Miners Protection Act with me, by the Patriot VEBA, and I expect that The clerk will call the roll. and I am proud to say that the these rules will continue to be applied The assistant bill clerk called the healthcare portion of that bill is in- in the same manner by the 1993 plan. roll. cluded in the Omnibus appropriations Mr. MANCHIN. Let me say that both Mr. SCHUMER. I announce that the bill that we are set to vote on later of us representing the great State of Senator from Illinois (Mr. DURBIN) is this week. Before sending this perma- West Virginia from both sides of the necessarily absent. nent fix to the President’s desk for his aisle—a main purpose has been pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. signature, I want to confirm our spe- tecting the people who did all the TILLIS). Are there any other Senators cific understanding of how the lan- heavy lifting in this great country and in the Chamber desiring to vote? guage would apply to the eligibility for gave us the energy we needed to be the The result was announced—yeas 50, benefits of the former employees of Pa- superpower of the world. nays 49, as follows: triot Coal, Alpha Natural Resources, I know that Senator CAPITO is as [Rollcall Vote No. 120 Leg.] and Walter Energy. proud as I am. I am proud to be work- YEAS—50 Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, I cer- ing with her to make this happen. This Alexander Flake Paul tainly appreciate the kind comments is truly a bipartisan effort. It is the Barrasso Gardner Perdue from my friend and fellow Senator way legislation used to be done, and it Blunt Graham Portman from West Virginia, Mr. MANCHIN, who is the way it should be done, and hope- Boozman Grassley Risch has been a champion of this issue. It Burr Hatch Roberts fully we can start something anew Capito Heller has been a pleasure to work together Rounds here. I thank my colleague. Cassidy Hoeven Rubio and to have it all work out. We have Mrs. CAPITO. There is nothing like Cochran Inhofe Sasse Collins Isakson worked closely together for the past Scott seeing the faces of our miners as we did Cornyn Johnson Shelby several years to advance a permanent in our offices the other day and I have Cotton Kennedy Strange solution for the retirement benefits of seen in my office throughout this Crapo Lankford thousands of miners in our State and Cruz Lee Sullivan time—or when it was at the 100-degree Thune across the Nation. I appreciate Senator Daines McCain rally out on the lawn last fall—to real- Enzi McConnell Tillis MANCHIN’s hard work and leadership on ize the human faces behind what we are Ernst Moran Toomey this; I really do. talking about. Fischer Murkowski Wicker I would be happy to discuss what I Senator MANCHIN is right. It is a bi- NAYS—49 believe is our shared understanding of partisan issue, and it is the right and the intent behind miners’ healthcare Baldwin Harris Peters fair thing to do. Bennet Hassan Reed language in the omnibus bill that origi- It has been a pleasure to work with Blumenthal Heinrich Sanders nated in the Miners Protection Act. Booker Heitkamp Senator MANCHIN and with the UMWA Schatz Mr. MANCHIN. The language states Brown Hirono Schumer and our other colleagues to see this that anyone who would have received Cantwell Kaine Shaheen legislation through. Cardin King retiree healthcare coverage from one of Stabenow Mr. MANCHIN. I think we have both Carper Klobuchar Tester Casey Leahy these three companies, but for the or- Udall been able to educate not only our fel- Coons Manchin ders entered in their bankruptcy pro- Van Hollen low colleagues, our Senators, but basi- Corker Markey ceedings terminating the employer’s Warner cally the entire country on the hard Cortez Masto McCaskill obligations to provide these benefits, Warren work the miners have done and what Donnelly Menendez becomes a participant in the UMWA Duckworth Merkley Whitehouse they have provided for this country for Wyden 1993 Benefit Plan. Feinstein Murphy us to be the superpower of the world— Franken Murray Young I understand that the language en- Gillibrand Nelson compasses anyone who would have re- to respect the work they have done and ceived such coverage from the bank- continue to do. NOT VOTING—1 rupt employers and not just those who With that, I am so proud of every- Durbin body who worked so diligently on this meet the 1993 plan’s general eligibility The joint resolution (H.J. Res. 66) issue and this effort, for the Repub- requirements. This includes miners or was passed. licans, our President, and our leaders widows who might have been specifi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- on both sides, Democratic and Repub- cally bargained into the plan, such as jority leader. lican, making sure this was first and the miners who worked at the ill-fated f Upper Big Branch Mine. We all know foremost the main obligation for us to the drastic situation of those great accomplish. I thank my colleagues. HIRE VETS ACT Mrs. CAPITO. I thank my colleagues. miners. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Also included are miners who do not Mr. MANCHIN. With that, Mr. Presi- ask the Chair to lay before the body meet the 1993 plan’s general eligibility dent, I yield the floor. the message to accompany H.R. 244. requirements because their employers I suggest the absence of a quorum. The Presiding Officer laid before the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The rejected their collectively bargained Senate the following message from the clerk will call the roll. obligations and withdrew from the House of Representatives: UMWA 1974 Pension Plan but who The assistant bill clerk proceeded to call the roll. Resolved, That the House agree to the would have become eligible if their amendments numbered 2 and 3 of the Senate service for the bankrupt employer or Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I to the bill (H.R. 244) entitled ‘‘An Act to en- its successor were included in deter- ask unanimous consent that the order courage effective, voluntary investments to mining their eligibility. for the quorum call be rescinded. recruit, employ, and retain men and women Mrs. CAPITO. I wholly share Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without who have served in the United States mili- MANCHIN’s understanding of this key objection, it is so ordered. tary with annual Federal awards to employ- provision of the legislation. All time has expired. ers recognizing such efforts, and for other By adopting the language from the The joint resolution was ordered to a purposes.’’ and be it further Miners Protection Act that is included third reading and was read the third Resolved, That the House agree to the in the Omnibus appropriations bill, we time. amendment numbered 1 of the Senate to the aforementioned bill, with an amendment. intended to cover any miners, sur- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint vivors, and dependents who would have resolution having been read the third MOTION TO CONCUR received or continued to receive Fed- time, the question is, Shall the joint Mr. MCCONNELL. I move to concur eral retiree healthcare benefits from resolution pass? in the House amendment to the Senate one of these bankrupt employers had it Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I amendment to H.R. 244. not gone through the bankruptcy proc- ask for the yeas and nays. CLOTURE MOTION ess, without regard to the 1993 plan’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a I send a cloture motion to the desk usual eligibility rules. sufficient second? on the motion to concur. I understand that these individuals There appears to be a sufficient sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- are eligible under the rules as applied ond. ture motion having been presented

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:15 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.049 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2716 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 under rule XXII, the Chair directs the The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- of time, the Senate vote on confirma- clerk to read the motion. NELL] moves to refer the message to accom- tion of the nomination; and that, if The legislative clerk read as follows: pany H.R. 244 to the Committee on Health, confirmed, the President be imme- Education, Labor, and Pensions with in- diately notified of the Senate’s action. CLOTURE MOTION structions to report back forthwith with an We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- amendment numbered 212. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the objection, it is so ordered. The amendment is as follows: Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby f move to bring to a close debate on the mo- At the end add the following: tion to concur in the House amendment to ‘‘This act shall be effective 3 days after en- MORNING BUSINESS actment.’’ the Senate amendment to H.R. 244, an act to Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I encourage effective, voluntary investments Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask for the yeas ask unanimous consent that the Sen- to recruit, employ, and retain men and and nays on my motion. ate be in a period of morning business, women who have served in the United States The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a with Senators permitted to speak military with annual Federal awards to em- sufficient second? ployers recognizing such efforts, and for therein for up to 10 minutes each. other purposes. There appears to be a sufficient sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mitch McConnell, Thad Cochran, Orrin ond. objection, it is so ordered. G. Hatch, , , The yeas and nays were ordered. f Lamar Alexander, , John AMENDMENT NO. 213 TRIBUTE TO GARY RANSDELL Thune, , Susan M. Collins, Mr. MCCONNELL. I have an amend- , , Richard ment to the instructions. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, C. Shelby, , , today I wish to celebrate the retire- Roger F. Wicker, Shelley Moore Cap- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ito. clerk will report. ment of my friend, Dr. Gary A. The legislative clerk read as follows: Ransdell, who, since September 12, MOTION TO CONCUR WITH AMENDMENT NO. 210 The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- 1997, has served as the ninth president Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I of Western Kentucky University. move to concur in the House amend- NELL] proposes an amendment numbered 213 to the instructions of the motion to refer the During his nearly two decades lead- ment to the Senate amendment to H.R. message to accompany H.R. 244. ing WKU, Gary has overseen a com- 244, with a further amendment. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous plete transformation of the school. An The PRESIDING OFFICER. The consent that the reading of the amend- alumnus of the school himself, grad- clerk will report the motion. uating in 1973 with a bachelor of arts The legislative clerk read as follows: ment be dispensed with. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without degree in mass communications and The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- objection, it is so ordered. again in 1974 with a master of public NELL] moves to concur in the House amend- service degree in public administra- ment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 244, The amendment is as follows: with an amendment numbered 210. Strike ‘‘3 days’’ and insert ‘‘4 days’’. tion, Gary said that ‘‘[s]erving my alma mater has been a dream come Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask for the yeas true.’’ consent that the reading of the amend- and nays on my amendment. Under Gary’s leadership, the school ment be dispensed with. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a has grown into a prominent university The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sufficient second? with an international presence. Since objection, it is so ordered. There appears to be a sufficient sec- 1997, enrollment has increased from The amendment is as follows: ond. The yeas and nays were ordered. 14,500 to 21,000, with strong improve- At the end add the following: ments in graduation numbers, the ‘‘This Act shall take effect 1 day after the AMENDMENT NO. 214 TO AMENDMENT NO. 213 date of enactment.’’ number of applicants, and student re- Mr. MCCONNELL. I have a second-de- tention. WKU has attracted hundreds Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask for the yeas gree amendment at the desk. of millions of dollars in private dona- and nays on the motion to concur with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tions, completing two major capital amendment. clerk will report. campaigns under Gary’s guidance. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a The legislative clerk read as follows: Those funds have revitalized the cam- sufficient second? The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- pus and created state of the art build- There appears to be a sufficient sec- NELL] proposes an amendment numbered 214 ings and classrooms. ond. to amendment No. 213. Students at WKU have a world of The yeas and nays were ordered. The amendment is as follows: education within their reach. New un- AMENDMENT NO. 211 TO AMENDMENT NO. 210 Strike ‘‘4’’ and insert ‘‘5’’. dergraduate degree programs focusing Mr. MCCONNELL. I have a second-de- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, for on mechanical, electrical, and civil en- gree amendment at the desk. the information of all Senators, the gineering and doctoral degree programs The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Omnibus appropriations bill is now in education, nursing, physical ther- clerk will report. pending. I filed cloture to ensure that apy, and psychology promote research The legislative clerk read as follows: the Senate can pass it and send it to and prepare students for their careers. The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- the President for his signature before The university is also committed to NELL] proposes an amendment numbered 211 transferring its technology into the to amendment No. 210. the end of the week. It is my hope that we can enter into an agreement to vote Kentucky workplace to help develop Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous on the omnibus tomorrow rather than the State’s economy. WKU’s regional consent that the reading of the amend- running out the clock into the week- campuses throughout Western Ken- ment be dispensed with. end. tucky make education accessible to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without f many Kentuckians for the first time. objection, it is so ordered. The creation of the Gatton Academy of The amendment is as follows: UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- Math and Science, which reached a Strike ‘‘1 day’’ and insert ‘‘2 days’’. MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR milestone in 2014 when the school was MOTION TO REFER WITH AMENDMENT NO. 212 Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ranked as the No. 1 high school in Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I sent that following leader remarks on America for its 3rd year in a row by move to refer the House message on Monday, May 8, the Senate proceed to Newsweek, has helped Kentucky stu- H.R. 244 to the Committee on Health, executive session for the consideration dents blossom into scholars and future Education, Labor, and Pensions with of Calendar No. 38, the nomination of leaders. instructions to report back forthwith Heather Wilson to be Secretary of the During Gary’s time at WKU, the with an amendment numbered 212. Air Force. I further ask that there be 4 school successfully transitioned into The PRESIDING OFFICER. The hours of debate on the nomination, Conference USA and, in the 2014–2015 clerk will report the motion. equally divided in the usual form; and school year, set a record with eight The legislative clerk read as follows: that following the use or yielding back conference championships. The WKU

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.051 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2717 football program is nationally recog- On vote No. 120, had I been present, I The Secure Choice program allows Il- nized and won two consecutive bowl would have voted nay on passage of linois businesses that do not offer a re- games. The Hilltoppers—named be- H.J. Res. 66. tirement plan and have been in busi- cause of the school’s scenic location A few weeks ago, after their failed at- ness for 2 or more years to either offer atop ‘‘the Hill’’—are strong student- tempt to dismantle our Nation’s their own retirement plan or automati- athletes both on the field and in the healthcare system, Republicans cally enroll their employees in the Se- classroom, leading Conference USA in launched a full-scaled attack on retire- cure Choice program. Contrary to the academic performance. ment savings by rolling back an impor- false narrative offered by Republicans Gary is especially engaged in WKU’s tant rule that would have allowed local that this imposes a burden on busi- international outreach. He and his governments, as well as small busi- nesses, businesses in Illinois are large- wife, Julie, herself a WKU alumna, nesses, to expand access to a retire- ly supportive and the administrative have led students into new learning ex- ment savings plan. Rolling back that burden is small. This program gives perience around the world in England, rule will make it nearly impossible for businesses the opportunity to help France, Italy, China, Ecuador, Iceland, working-class families to save for re- their employees save for retirement Scandinavia, and Africa. The school is tirement. without being subject to additional also home to Kentucky’s first Confu- Today Republicans voted to roll back Federal regulations under ERISA and a similar rule that allows States, in- cius Institute and only Chinese lan- without being subject to the costs that cluding Illinois, to provide access to a guage flagship program and has been are preventing them from offering a re- retirement savings account to millions recognized as a top producer of Ful- tirement plan in the first place. Under of working American families. Their bright scholars. the program, all employers have to do actions here today are misguided and Gary has been at the center of each is share information about the program will hurt, not help, many working class of these significant accomplishments. that is provided by the State with their The growth in campus infrastructure, families. We are facing a crisis. Tens of mil- employees. Employers do not have to academic prestige, and community and lions of Americans have very little sav- find plans or investment vehicles, and alumni engagement at WKU have bene- ings for retirement. Half of households employers make no investment deci- fited Kentucky students and are in age 55 and older have little to no re- sions. These State programs provides large part due to Gary’s work. With his tirement savings, and some 55 million businesses with a no-worries, low-cost nearly 20 years of service, he is cur- working Americans, including 1.5 mil- way to enable retirement savings. rently the longest serving university lion in Illinois, work for an employer There are also claims that imply that president in Kentucky. that does not offer a retirement plan. States will manage these funds like I have enjoyed every opportunity to There was a time when Americans their State pension assets or other work with Gary over the years and sup- were able to depend on the proverbial State funds. This is simply not true. port his vision for higher education in ‘‘three-legged stool’’ to support them Funds under the Secure Choice pro- Kentucky. We have partnered together in their retirement: their pension, So- gram will not be comingled with other to secure Federal funding for worth- cial Security, and their personal sav- State funds. These funds, which are while projects like WKU’s mobile ings. However, with the decline of pen- owned by the employee, will be man- health unit and the agricultural re- sion plans and the inability of working- aged by a private investment company, search service Federal research lab. He class Americans to personally save for they will be separate from the State’s is a dedicated public servant com- retirement, that three-legged stool is budget and pension funds, and they mitted to student success. In addition now a pogo stick. Pensions once pro- cannot be used for any other purpose. to all of the work that Gary and I have vided a promise of security in retire- Once an employee is enrolled, 3 per- collaborated on, I am proud to call him ment, but they are becoming a thing of cent of their paycheck is automati- a friend. Along with the WKU commu- the past. Of those that remain, many cally deducted and placed into an IRA. nity, I am sad to see Gary leave his are struggling to pay the benefits they The employee has complete control alma mater at the end of this school promised, creating uncertainty and over how the money is invested. The year, but I am deeply grateful for his fear for those who have worked hard employee can take the plan with them passion and leadership. their entire lives. should they change jobs and they may After a brief sabbatical, Gary will Decades of stagnant wages, increas- choose to opt out at any time. continue working to connect students ing income inequality, and job losses The Department of Labor’s rule with an international education. Start- from the recession have made it dif- under attack gives State and local gov- ing next year, Gary and Julie begin ficult for workers to keep up with ev- ernments’ certainty to develop these their next adventure, as he becomes eryday costs such as housing and food, programs that make it easier for em- the president and CEO of Semester at let alone save for retirement. Social ployers to provide access to retirement Sea, a global study abroad program Security is the only guaranteed source savings plans. This rule has allowed that uses a ship as a traveling campus of retirement income most Americans the States to step in where the private around the world. I wish him the best have, and, sadly, this is nowhere near market has failed. By voting to strike of luck as he continues his passion for enough. Since there is no simple solu- this rule, Republicans have created un- higher education in this next chapter, tion to addressing this crisis, we have certainty for retirement savings pro- and I wish him and his family con- to consider every option that will grams that could help the 55 million gratulations on a remarkably success- make saving for retirement easier. Americans otherwise without access ful career at Western Kentucky Univer- In Illinois, 1.5 million workers do not the means to secure their financial fu- sity. have access to a retirement plan ture. (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the through their employer. These employ- In Illinois, the consequences are following statement was ordered to be ees are more likely to earn less money great as this will make it unneces- printed in the RECORD.) and work for a smaller employer. To sarily difficult for 1.5 million working- f make it easier for employers to offer class Illinoisans to access one of the access to retirement savings plans and only viable means they may have to VOTE EXPLANATION help workers save more easily, States save for retirement. With the country ∑ Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I was began developing State-based indi- facing a retirement savings crisis, the necessarily absent for the votes on the vidual retirement accounts or IRAs. last thing we need to do is stymie motion to proceed and passage of a My home State of Illinois, under the States’ efforts to explore innovative joint resolution disapproving the rule leadership of Illinois State Treasurer policy solutions. submitted by the Department of Labor Michael Frerichs, led the way by being These resolutions are just the latest known as the State Automatic IRAs the first State in the Nation to create chapter in Republicans’ assault on Rule, H.J. Res. 66. a State-based IRA called the Secure working families. I am afraid this story On vote No. 119, had I been present, I Choice Savings Program, making re- will continue before there is a happy would have voted nay on the motion to tirement a financially viable option for ending in sight. What we should be proceed to H.J. Res. 66. Illinois families. doing is working together to remove

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.047 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 the fear of retirement and give workers REMEMBERING AMEDEO ‘‘ARMIE’’ to Washington, DC, from rural Georgia the tools they need to retire with dig- C. MEROLLA and I left rural Wyoming to tackle the nity. I am willing to do that, and I Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I pay challenge of my own college education ∑ hope my colleagues will join me. tribute to a great Rhode Islander and at GW, I don’t think either one of us knew what a great impact those 4 f patriot, BG Amedeo ‘‘Armie’’ C. Merolla, Rhode Island Army National years would have on us and how our NATIONAL DRUG COURT MONTH Guard, RIARNG, retired, who passed college experience would change our away last week at the age of 88. lives forever. It was a purely random Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, as part thing, but when the administration of of National Drug Court Month, I want Mr. Merolla was born in Providence and graduated from Mount Pleasant George Washington University decided to honor a program that has directly which rooms we would use as freshman, and indirectly benefited so many High School before attending Brown University and Harvard Law School. At they assigned Skip and me to the same Americans and American families. dorm. We became friends pretty quick- In my hometown of Marietta, GA, we Brown, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, beginning what would ly. Then, when we pledged the same had the good fortune of having a driv- fraternity, we became brothers as well. ing under the influence, or DUI, court become a 36-year career in service to our country marked by distinction and Skip is the only real brother I have program, established nearly 10 years ever had, and I have relied on him and ago in 2008. Since that time, the Cobb numerous decorations. In 1955, Mr. Merolla enlisted in the enjoyed that same kind of friendship County DUI court program has saved and relationship ever since. our Cobb County Sheriff’s office more RIARNG and was later commissioned as a first lieutenant in the Judge Advo- Our room was a pretty interesting than an estimated $3 million in incar- place to be. I was a night person, ceration costs alone. cate General Corps. The U.S. Senate approved Mr. Merolla’s appointment to studying accounting and business However, these accountability courts issues that would become my first have saved much more than just the rank of brigadier general in 1984, making him the first Italian American major career. Skip, on the other hand, money. For example, there is the little was a morning person, interested in girl who was living with parents in ac- to become a general officer in the RIARNG. Indeed, he was part of a gen- reading whatever he could to sharpen tive addiction who now has a sober fa- his knowledge and understanding of ther who was able to gain custody of eration of Italian Americans who served with distinction, bringing great foreign relations. He had a dream even her and raise her in a stable home envi- back then that he would someday be an ronment. We have seen parents, chil- pride to this community while becom- ing an integral part of the fabric of our ambassador for the United States. dren, and entire families saved through As I watched him pursue his dream, I State. He was subsequently appointed recovery and restored through the learned that Skip was an interesting assistant adjutant general and deputy healing work of counseling. guy, very smart, dedicated, and deter- commanding general—Army of the More than 300 individuals have been mined to be the best he could possibly RIARNG. Even after his retirement in saved from addiction, crime, recidi- be at his chosen field. He helped me 1987, Mr. Merolla continued to serve. vism, unemployment, and incarcer- learn to expect the same of myself. ation by the structure, accountability, He was appointed commander of the Soon, our college years were over, and tough love approach of the DUI Rhode Island State Defense Force, and we each went our separate ways, court program. These individuals have where he served until 1997, and to the keeping in contact, pursuing our life’s been able to move forward with their honorary rank of major general in the dreams and taking advantage of every lives as productive, tax-paying citi- Rhode Island Militia in 2005. opportunity that presented itself. Soon zens. Through drug and DUI court pro- Mr. Merolla’s military service was Skip was making his way through our grams, the cycle of probation and ad- considerable and noteworthy, as was Nation’s diplomatic and foreign service diction is broken and history rewrit- his legal career and contributions to system. For my part, what began as a ten. The number we can’t count is the his community and our State. He held small business soon had me working number of lives potentially saved from numerous positions, including as legal my way through Wyoming’s political fatal accidents and other tragic events counsel to several Rhode Island offi- system on the local, State, and na- that were prevented through partici- cials and agencies. He was also a tional levels. pants’ recovery. former president of the Rhode Island As the years went quickly past, Skip It is such a special opportunity for Trial Lawyers Association, chairman and I continued to follow a similar me to write to many of the graduates of the Warwick School Committee, path in life as we both met and married of the drug and DUI court programs in president of the Boys & Girls Clubs of our special wives. Our kids were even our State and think of the strength of Warwick, and trustee of St. Gregory born about the same times. Skip found these individuals who are turning their the Great Church, among many other in his wife, Peggy, and I found in my lives around to live free of drug and al- leadership roles. wife, Diana/, the kind of support and cohol addiction. I applaud their efforts, I offer my heartfelt condolences to assistance it was going to take if we and I always remind them that, while Mr. Merolla’s wife, Norma, and their were to achieve the kind of success we getting off drugs or alcohol may be the four children: Katherine Merolla, Julie were both hoping for. For Skip, Peg- hardest thing they will ever do, it is Merolla, Major Sandra Merolla, gy’s encouragement and guidance has also the most important thing they USARNG, retired, and Warwick City helped him to be a force for the United will ever do for themselves and their councilman Steve Merolla, as well as States and to serve our country all families. to the rest of his family and friends. over the world. For my part, Diana has On May 2, 2017, the Cobb DUI court f been exactly what I needed to serve the program hosted its 30th graduation people of Wyoming at every oppor- ceremony. Graduation day is such a TRIBUTE TO EDWARD GNEHM, JR. tunity. special one not only for these grad- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I greatly For Skip, one of the greatest mo- uates, but for the staff who work tire- appreciate having this opportunity to ments of his career had to be his serv- lessly in trying to save lives. That is share with my colleagues the presen- ice as our Ambassador to Kuwait. He the day where they see the long hours, tation of an award that means a great was nominated to that post when Sad- the countless emails, the midnight deal to me for a number of reasons. It dam Hussein came calling with his phone calls, and the reams of paper- is the president’s medal that will be army and attempted to set up shop work pay off. They can look at where a presented by Steven Knapp, the presi- there. Fortunately, Skip had what it defendant used to be and see how that dent of The George Washington Univer- takes to face up to a challenge like man or woman’s life has changed. On sity, GW. Its recipient, Edward Gnehm, that with great courage, bravery, and graduation day, lives are reformed and has been a friend of mine ever since we determination. Those who knew him new ones begin. were college freshmen at GW. weren’t surprised. We knew he had it in I applaud all those fighting to change When Edward Gnehm, Jr., or ‘‘Skip’’ him, and when our Nation emerged lives for the betterment of all. as everyone came to know him, came from that challenge, our President,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.048 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2719 George Bush, knew he had chosen wise- Thank you. nized, while the KU Cancer Center ly when he selected Skip Gnehm for f achieved National Cancer Institute des- that difficult post. I got to watch on ignation and is now taking an impor- television as Skip raised the American ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS tant step in pursuing a ‘‘Comprehen- flag at the recaptured U.S. Embassy in sive’’ status designation. Kuwait. REMEMBERING JAMES AND JOE In her 8 years at KU, Chancellor I could go on at length about some of PRATT Gray-Little has advanced the univer- his other posts and the places he has sity’s mission to educate leaders by im- ∑ served to promote and protect U.S. in- Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, today I plementing new admissions standards, terests. He has been our Deputy Per- would like to remember two brothers launching a new undergraduate cur- manent Representative to the United from my hometown of Marietta, GA, riculum, strengthening scholarship of- Nations. He has also served as our Am- James and Joe Pratt, whose lives were ferings, prioritizing retention and grad- bassador to Australia and to the cut short in a tragic accident on April uation rates, growing the freshman Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, pre- 24, 2017. class for 5 consecutive years, reinvigo- senting his credentials on 9/11 and then James and Joe were upstanding stu- rating the academic environment, and flying to peace meetings with the King dents in their community and at making the university a true ‘‘commu- of Jordan. He still has special contacts Lassiter High School, where they were nity of scholars.’’ throughout the Middle East. both members of the Junior Reserve The university’s growth under Chan- Over the years, Skip received a num- Officers Training Corps. They were cellor Gray-Little’s administration is ber of awards for his work overseas, in- loved by their family, and they were plainly visible in the number of ren- cluding the Secretary of State’s Distin- beloved by their friends, advisers, and ovations that have taken place and the guished Service Award for his service coworkers. new buildings on campus. Support for in Jordan and Superior Honor Awards James, called ‘‘Jim’’ by those who Capitol Federal Hall, the Health Edu- for his service in Kuwait and Riyadh. knew him, was 18 years old and just a cation Building, Self and Oswald Halls, Skip has also been an active force for few weeks shy of high school gradua- the Central District Redevelopment the betterment of The George Wash- tion. He was the JROTC unit’s morale Project, the DeBruce Center and the ington University in a number of dif- and wellness officer, and Jim had al- Earth, Energy & Environment Center, ferent capacities. He has been a mem- ready enlisted in the U.S. Marine as well as major renovations to ber of the board of trustees, the vice Corps. He was looking forward to be- Swarthout Recital Hall, the Spencer president of the general alumni asso- ginning boot camp in a short time and Museum of Art, and Jayhawk Boule- ciation, and the faculty representative later to attending Kennesaw State Uni- vard, all stand as testaments to her vi- to the board of directors. versity. sion for the future of KU. Skip is currently on the faculty of Joe was a 14-year-old freshman and, While her term as chancellor will be the Elliott School of International Af- in addition to attending school, served remembered for her numerous suc- fairs where he is inspiring our next in the JROTC unit and was known for cesses and achievements, Chancellor generation of foreign policy advisers helping keep his friends’ spirits light- Gray-Little will also be remembered as and experts by sharing his own experi- hearted with his knowledge of trivia the first female and first African- ence borne from a lengthy career in our and sense of humor. American chancellor in the univer- foreign service. Thanks to Skip, we can Their unit of the JROTC, the sity’s history. rest assured that our future diplomatic Lassiter-Pope-Kell Navy JROTC, Chancellor Gray-Little has led the efforts will be in good hands armed exhibition drill team has per- university with remarkable dignity, Looking back to those days years ago formed annually at our Georgia con- grace, and humility. She serves as a when Skip and I were spending another gressional delegation’s Military Acad- role model and an inspiration to stu- night hitting the books for the next emy Day. Out of respect for these dents, staff, faculty, and colleagues day’s class or exam, I don’t think ei- young men, their unit did not perform throughout the State and Nation. I am ther one of us could have dreamed how at this year’s event, held last Satur- grateful to have worked with her to well things would turn out for the two day, April 29, and instead, we held a improve the University of Kansas and of us. I have been given an opportunity moment of silence in their honor. our State, and I wish her well as she to represent the people of Wyoming as Lassiter High School and our com- moves on to new endeavors.∑ munity is in mourning over the loss of mayor, member of the State legisla- f ture, and now as a U.S. Senator. I was these fine brothers. My deepest condo- always proud to work on Skip’s con- lences go out to the entire Pratt and AMERICA AT THE CROSSROADS firmation to these different postings. Lago families and to our community, ∑ Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I want Skip has had an impact all over the and my wife, Dianne, and I hold them to share a poem and song titled ‘‘Amer- world and touched more lives than we in our prayers.∑ ica at the Crossroads,’’ written by my will ever be able to count. f dear friend and fellow Floridian, Jo- Simply put, I couldn’t be more proud Anna O’Keefe. She conveys a message TRIBUTE TO BERNADETTE GRAY- of Skip and all he has accomplished of unity and patriotism that I believe LITTLE over the years. I don’t think anyone is is important for Congress and our Na- more deserving of the president’s ∑ Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, today I tion as we tackle many challenges at medal that he will receive from The wish to honor University of Kansas home and abroad. Mrs. O’Keefe’s work George Washington University’s presi- Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little, a won her the George Washington Honor dent Steven Knapp. Steven is doing chancellor who has made a significant Medal by the Freedoms Foundation at great work to promote GW and ensure impact on both the university and our Valley Forge this year, and I am hon- its future will be even better than its State. ored to share it with my Senate col- past. This summer, Chancellor Gray-Little leagues. This is a great honor for Skip, and I will step down from her 8-year term The material follows: am sure he couldn’t be more appre- serving as the 17th chancellor of KU. AMERICA AT THE CROSSROADS ciative of this recognition. It rep- Serving since 2009, she has expanded (By JoAnna O’Keefe) resents a lifetime of achievements for important research opportunities, ele- We the people him and an amazing list of accomplish- vated the university’s national stature, Are on opposite sides; ments. As the title of the classic film and transformed the way KU serves the We’ve lost sight of the middle reminds us, Skip has had a ‘‘wonderful State, and the world. Where Resolutions reside. life’’ of which both Skip and GW can be Under Chancellor Gray-Little’s direc- If Jefferson were here right now truly proud. He represents what a tre- tion, research has increased and pro- He would pick up his pen. mendous advantage an education at vided greater opportunities for our On parchment he’d write: George Washington University can be Kansas students. KU’s Alzheimer’s Dis- Be Patriots again! when placed in the right hands. ease Center became nationally recog- Look into the eyes

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.033 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2720 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 Of your sisters and brothers. rent efforts to modernize its grant manage- S. 331. A bill to remove the use restrictions Be Americans! ment system includes applicant accessibility on certain land transferred to Rockingham Respecting one another. and transparency, and for other purposes. County, Virginia, and for other purposes No outside force (Rept. No. 115–39). Will ever take this land. At 5:08 p.m., a message from the S. 432. A bill to designate the Cerro del But a ‘‘house divided,’’ House of Representatives, delivered by Yuta and Rio San Antonio Wilderness Areas Cannot stand. Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, in the State of New Mexico, and for other announced that the House agree to the purposes (Rept. No. 115–40). Blood has been shed S. 466. A bill to clarify the description of For this land of the Free amendments numbered 2 and 3 of the certain Federal land under the Northern Ari- Be Americans! Senate to the bill (H.R. 244) to encour- zona Land Exchange and Verde River Basin Embrace your destiny. age effective, voluntary investments to Partnership Act of 2005 to include additional Be that ‘‘City on a Hill.’’ recruit, employ, and retain men and land in the Kaibab National Forest (Rept. Be that Light! women who have served in the United No. 115–41). Lay down your anger. States military with annual Federal S. 501. A bill to amend the Wild and Scenic ∑ Americans! Unite! awards to employers recognizing such Rivers Act to designate certain segments of f efforts, and for other purposes; and, East Rosebud Creek in Carbon County, Mon- tana, as components of the Wild and Scenic RECOGNIZING TACTICAL MEDICAL further, that the House agree to the Rivers System (Rept. No. 115–42). SOLUTIONS amendment numbered 1 of the Senate By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on ∑ Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, in South to the aforementioned bill, with an Foreign Relations, with an amendment in Carolina, there are approximately amendment. the nature of a substitute: The message further announced that H.R. 534. An act to require the Secretary of 400,000 small businesses operating State to take such actions as may be nec- throughout the State. They represent the House has agreed to the following concurrent resolution, in which it re- essary for the United States to rejoin the 97 percent of all employers and have Bureau of International Expositions, and for had an amazing impact on the econ- quests the concurrence of the Senate: other purposes. H. Con. Res. 53. Concurrent resolution pro- omy. Tactical Medical Solution, f TacMed, in Anderson County is cer- viding for a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 244. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND tainly a testament to that and epito- JOINT RESOLUTIONS mizes the very best our State has to f offer. MEASURES REFERRED The following bills and joint resolu- tions were introduced, read the first Ross Johnson, a former Army Spe- The following bills were read the first and second times by unanimous con- cials Forces medic, founded TacMed in and the second times by unanimous sent, and referred as indicated: 2003. Mr. Johnson started the company consent, and referred as indicated: because he wanted to make sure as By Mrs. CAPITO: H.R. 1366. An act to amend the Investment S. 1013. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- many servicemembers made it home as Company Act of 1940 to terminate an exemp- enue Code of 1986 to provide tax benefits for possible. He made it his company’s tion for companies located in Puerto Rico, investments in gigabit opportunity zones; to mission to create the best tactical the Virgin Islands, and any other possession the Committee on Finance. medical equipment available, so our of the United States; to the Committee on By Mrs. FISCHER (for herself and Mr. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. brave men and women in uniform and BOOKER): H.R. 1679. An act to ensure that the Fed- first responders are better equipped to S. 1014. A bill to direct the Secretary of eral Emergency Management Agency’s cur- handle their day-to-day missions. Veterans Affairs to make grants to eligible rent efforts to modernize its grant manage- organizations to provide service dogs to vet- Johnson says that today his company’s ment system includes applicant accessibility erans with severe post-traumatic stress dis- products help ‘‘the soldier on the bat- and transparency, and for other purposes; to order, and for other purposes; to the Com- tlefield, the officer on patrol, and the the Committee on Homeland Security and mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. civilian caught in an unfortunate situ- Governmental Affairs. By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. ation.’’ f DONNELLY): Over a decade later, TacMed has REPORTS OF COMMITTEES S. 1015. A bill to require the Federal Com- added 40 jobs to our State’s economy munications Commission to study the feasi- and has become one of the largest sup- The following reports of committees bility of designating a simple, easy-to-re- pliers of high-quality medical trauma were submitted: member dialing code to be used for a na- kits and components for the military, By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee tional suicide prevention and mental health law enforcement, and first responders. on Energy and Natural Resources, with an crisis hotline system; to the Committee on In honor of National Small Business amendment in the nature of a substitute: Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Week, as well as Military Appreciation S. 35. A bill to transfer administrative ju- By Mr. SCHATZ (for himself, Mr. WICKER, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. CARDIN, Month, I am excited to recognize Tac- risdiction over certain Bureau of Land Man- agement land from the Secretary of the Inte- Mr. THUNE, and Mr. WARNER): tical Medical Solutions for helping to rior to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for S. 1016. A bill to amend title XVIII of the keep our bravest citizens safe as they inclusion in the Black Hills National Ceme- Social Security Act to expand access to tele- take on dangerous jobs. Whether it is tery, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 115– health services, and for other purposes; to our neighborhoods’ first responders or 35). the Committee on Finance. those fighting for our freedoms over- By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee By Mr. HOEVEN (for himself and Ms. seas, TacMed’s dedication to saving on Energy and Natural Resources, without HEITKAMP): S. 1017. A bill to designate the Red River lives everyday makes me incredibly amendment: S. 99. A bill to require the Secretary of the Valley Agricultural Research Center in proud they have decided to call South Interior to study the suitability and feasi- Fargo, North Dakota, as the ‘‘Edward T. Carolina home to their growing busi- bility of designating the President James K. Schafer Agricultural Research Center’’; to ness.∑ Polk Home in Columbia, Tennessee, as a unit the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, f of the National Park System, and for other and Forestry. purposes (Rept. No. 115–36). By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee RUBIO, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. At 10:28 a.m., a message from the on Energy and Natural Resources, with an MENENDEZ, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. NELSON, House of Representatives, delivered by amendment in the nature of a substitute: Mr. KAINE, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN): Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, S. 189. A bill to modify the boundary of the S. 1018. A bill to provide humanitarian as- Fort Scott National Historic Site in the sistance for the Venezuelan people, to defend announced that the House has passed State of Kansas, and for other purposes democratic governance and combat wide- the following bills, in which it requests (Rept. No. 115–37). spread public corruption in Venezuela, and the concurrence of the Senate: By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee for other purposes; to the Committee on For- H.R. 1180. An act to amend the Fair Labor on Energy and Natural Resources, without eign Relations. Standards Act of 1938 to provide compen- amendment: By Mr. BLUMENTHAL: satory time for employees in the private sec- S. 287. A bill to update the map of, and S. 1019. A bill for the relief of Luis Barrios; tor. modify the maximum acreage available for to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 1679. An act to ensure that the Fed- inclusion in, the Florissant Fossil Beds Na- By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. eral Emergency Management Agency’s cur- tional Monument (Rept. No. 115–38). REED, Mr. KAINE, Mr. WHITEHOUSE,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.031 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2721

Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, By Mr. KING (for himself and Mr. By Ms. HEITKAMP (for herself, Mr. Mr. MANCHIN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. FLAKE): LANKFORD, Mrs. MCCASKILL, Mr. WARREN, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. MERKLEY, S. 1030. A bill to require the Federal En- JOHNSON, Mr. CARPER, Mr. TESTER, and Ms. HIRONO): ergy Regulatory Commission to submit to Mr. PETERS, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. S. 1020. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Congress a report on certain hydropower BLUMENTHAL, Mr. LEAHY, Mrs. FEIN- enue Code of 1986 to provide for the proper projects; to the Committee on Energy and STEIN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. CARDIN, Mrs. tax treatment of personal service income Natural Resources. SHAHEEN, Mr. KING, Mr. SANDERS, earned in pass-thru entities; to the Com- By Mr. DAINES: Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. KAINE, Mr. WAR- mittee on Finance. S. 1031. A bill to amend provisions in the NER, Mr. COONS, and Mr. VAN HOL- By Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Mr. securities laws relating to regulation LEN): BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. BOOZMAN): crowdfunding to raise the dollar amount S. Res. 153. A resolution expressing the S. 1021. A bill to require the Secretary of limit and to clarify certain requirements and sense of the Senate that, during Public Serv- the Treasury to mint coins in commemora- exclusions for funding portals established by ice Recognition Week, public servants should tion of the United States Coast Guard; to the such an Act; to the Committee on Banking, be commended for their dedication and con- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Housing, and Urban Affairs. tinued service to the United States; consid- Affairs. By Mr. ROBERTS: ered and agreed to. By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Ms. S. 1032. A bill to amend the Cooperative f DUCKWORTH, and Mr. CORNYN): Forestry Assistance Act of 1978 to provide S. 1022. A bill to amend the Public Health for good neighbor agreements to conduct au- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Service Act to facilitate assignment of mili- thorized restoration services on National S. 128 tary trauma care providers to civilian trau- Forest System land; to the Committee on ma centers in order to maintain military Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, trauma readiness and to support such cen- By Mr. ROBERTS: her name was added as a cosponsor of ters, and for other purposes; to the Com- S. 1033. A bill to amend the Healthy For- S. 128, a bill to provide provisional pro- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and ests Restoration Act of 2003 to provide for tected presence to qualified individuals Pensions. stewardship contracting projects, and for who came to the United States as chil- By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Mr. other purposes; to the Committee on Agri- dren. BURR, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. UDALL, culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. S 168 and Mr. SCHATZ): By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. . S. 1023. A bill to reauthorize the Tropical LEAHY, Mr. BENNET, Ms. HIRONO, and At the request of Mr. WICKER, the Forest Conservation Act of 1998 through fis- Ms. HARRIS): name of the Senator from Pennsyl- cal year 2021, and for other purposes; to the S. 1034. A bill to improve agricultural job vania (Mr. TOOMEY) was added as a co- Committee on Foreign Relations. opportunities, benefits, and security for sponsor of S. 168, a bill to amend and By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. aliens in the United States, and for other enhance certain maritime programs of BLUMENTHAL, Mr. TESTER, Mr. purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- the Department of Transportation. DAINES, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. UDALL, Mr. ary. KING, Ms. BALDWIN, and Mr. KAINE): By Mr. HEINRICH (for himself, Mr. S. 223 S. 1024. A bill to amend title 38, United MURPHY, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. WYDEN, At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the States Code, to reform the rights and proc- Mr. DURBIN, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. name of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. esses relating to appeals of decisions regard- HASSAN, Mr. CARPER, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, ERNST) was added as a cosponsor of S. ing claims for benefits under the laws admin- Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. 223, a bill to provide immunity from istered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, HARRIS, Mr. BENNET, Mr. WHITE- suit for certain individuals who dis- and for other purposes; to the Committee on HOUSE, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. Veterans’ Affairs. DUCKWORTH, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. close potential examples of financial By Mr. FLAKE (for himself and Mrs. CARDIN): exploitation of senior citizens, and for SHAHEEN): S. 1035. A bill to amend the Employee Re- other purposes. S. 1025. A bill to reform the Federal Crop tirement Income Security Act of 1974 with S. 236 Insurance Act and reduce Federal spending respect to the scope of employee pension At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the on crop insurance; to the Committee on Ag- benefit plans; to the Committee on Health, riculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Education, Labor, and Pensions. name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. KING, SULLIVAN) was added as a cosponsor of WYDEN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. GILLI- Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. SCHATZ, and Ms. S. 236, a bill to amend the Internal BRAND, Mr. UDALL, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. HIRONO): Revenue Code of 1986 to reform tax- CARPER, and Mr. BLUMENTHAL): S. 1036. A bill to promote research, devel- ation of alcoholic beverages. S. 1026. A bill to amend the Federal Fund- opment, and demonstration of marine and S. 241 ing Accountability and Transparency Act of hydrokinetic renewable energy technologies, 2006 to require full disclosure for entities re- and for other purposes; to the Committee on At the request of Mrs. ERNST, the ceiving Federal funding; to the Committee Energy and Natural Resources. name of the Senator from Alabama on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- f (Mr. STRANGE) was added as a cospon- fairs. sor of S. 241, a bill to prohibit Federal By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND funding of Planned Parenthood Federa- WYDEN, Mr. CRAPO, Ms. CANTWELL, SENATE RESOLUTIONS tion of America. Mr. RISCH, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. DAINES, The following concurrent resolutions S. 260 Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. GARDNER, Mrs. and Senate resolutions were read, and FEINSTEIN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the TESTER, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. BENNET, referred (or acted upon), as indicated: name of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. and Mr. MERKLEY): By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. RUBIO, ERNST) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 1027. A bill to extend the Secure Rural and Mr. WYDEN): 260, a bill to repeal the provisions of Schools and Community Self-Determination S. Res. 150. A resolution recognizing the Patient Protection and Affordable threats to freedom of the press and expres- Act of 2000; to the Committee on Energy and Care Act providing for the Independent Natural Resources. sion around the world and reaffirming free- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Ms. dom of the press as a priority in efforts of Payment Advisory Board. BALDWIN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, and Mr. the United States Government to promote S. 275 BENNET): democracy and good governance; to the Com- At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the S. 1028. A bill to provide for the establish- mittee on Foreign Relations. name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. ment and maintenance of a National Family By Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mrs. DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor Caregiving Strategy, and for other purposes; MCCASKILL): to the Committee on Health, Education, S. Res. 151. A resolution commending the of S. 275, a bill to allow the financing Labor, and Pensions. Northwest Missouri State University by United States persons of sales of ag- By Mr. KING (for himself and Mr. Bearcats on their National Collegiate Ath- ricultural commodities to Cuba. FLAKE): letic Association Division II national cham- S. 292 S. 1029. A bill to amend the Public Utility pionship victories; considered and agreed to. At the request of Mr. REED, the Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to exempt By Ms. HEITKAMP (for herself and Mr. names of the Senator from New Jersey certain small hydroelectric power projects CASEY): that are applying for relicensing under the S. Res. 152. A resolution expressing support (Mr. BOOKER), the Senator from Maine Federal Power Act from the licensing re- for the designation of April 2017 as ‘‘National (Ms. COLLINS), the Senator from Maine quirements of that Act; to the Committee on Donate Life Month’’; considered and agreed (Mr. KING), the Senator from Delaware Energy and Natural Resources. to. (Mr. COONS) and the Senator from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.008 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 Georgia (Mr. PERDUE) were added as co- S. 770 KLOBUCHAR) was added as a cosponsor sponsors of S. 292, a bill to maximize At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the of S. 976, a bill to restore States’ sov- discovery, and accelerate development names of the Senator from Missouri ereign rights to enforce State and local and availability, of promising child- (Mrs. MCCASKILL) and the Senator from sales and use tax laws, and for other hood cancer treatments, and for other New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) were purposes. purposes. added as cosponsors of S. 770, a bill to S. 1001 S. 326 require the Director of the National In- At the request of Mr. HELLER, the stitute of Standards and Technology to At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the name of the Senator from Arkansas disseminate resources to help reduce name of the Senator from Colorado (Mr. COTTON) was added as a cosponsor small business cybersecurity risks, and (Mr. BENNET) was added as a cosponsor of S. 326, a bill to amend the Internal for other purposes. of S. 1001, a bill to amend title XVIII of Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the S. 829 the Social Security Act to modernize tax-exempt financing of certain gov- At the request of Mr. MCCAIN, the payments for ambulatory surgical cen- ernment-owned buildings. names of the Senator from Maryland ters under the Medicare program, and At the request of Mr. NELSON, the (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) and the Senator for other purposes. ENENDEZ name of the Senator from Maryland from New Jersey (Mr. M ) were S. 1002 (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor added as cosponsors of S. 829, a bill to of S. 326, supra. reauthorize the Assistance to Fire- At the request of Mr. MORAN, the S. 428 fighters Grants program, the Fire Pre- name of the Senator from West Vir- At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the vention and Safety Grants program, ginia (Mr. MANCHIN) was added as a co- name of the Senator from South Caro- and the Staffing for Adequate Fire and sponsor of S. 1002, a bill to enhance the lina (Mr. GRAHAM) was added as a co- Emergency Response grant program, ability of community financial institu- sponsor of S. 428, a bill to amend titles and for other purposes. tions to foster economic growth and XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act S. 832 serve their communities, boost small to authorize States to provide coordi- At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the businesses, increase individual savings, nated care to children with complex name of the Senator from Connecticut and for other purposes. medical conditions through enhanced (Mr. MURPHY) was added as a cosponsor S. 1004 pediatric health homes, and for other of S. 832, a bill to enhance the trans- At the request of Mr. KAINE, the purposes. parency and accelerate the impact of name of the Senator from Minnesota S. 534 programs under the African Growth (Mr. FRANKEN) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the and Opportunity Act and the Millen- sor of S. 1004, a bill to amend the Carl names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. nium Challenge Corporation, and for D. Perkins Career and Technical Edu- MERKLEY) and the Senator from Michi- other purposes. cation Act of 2006 to support innova- gan (Ms. STABENOW) were added as co- S. 881 tive approaches to career and technical sponsors of S. 534, a bill to prevent the At the request of Ms. WARREN, the sexual abuse of minors and amateur names of the Senator from Wisconsin education and redesign the high school experience for students by providing athletes by requiring the prompt re- (Ms. BALDWIN) and the Senator from students with equitable access to rig- porting of sexual abuse to law enforce- Oregon (Mr. MERKLEY) were added as ment authorities, and for other pur- cosponsors of S. 881, a bill to reduce orous, engaging, and relevant real poses. risks to the financial system by lim- world education through partnerships with business and industry and higher S. 693 iting banks’ ability to engage in cer- education that prepare students to At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the tain risky activities and limiting con- names of the Senator from Delaware flicts of interest, to reinstate certain graduate from high school and enroll into postsecondary education without (Mr. COONS) and the Senator from Alas- Glass-Steagall Act protections that the need for remediation and with the ka (Ms. MURKOWSKI) were added as co- were repealed by the Gramm-Leach- sponsors of S. 693, a bill to amend the Bliley Act, and for other purposes. ability to use knowledge to solve com- plex problems, think critically, com- Public Health Service Act to increase S. 905 municate effectively, collaborate with the number of permanent faculty in At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the palliative care at accredited allopathic name of the Senator from Vermont others, and develop academic mindsets. and osteopathic medical schools, nurs- (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor S.J. RES. 17 ing schools, social work schools, and of S. 905, a bill to require a report on, At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the other programs, including physician and to authorize technical assistance name of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. assistant education programs, to pro- for, accountability for war crimes, ERNST) was added as a cosponsor of S.J. mote education and research in pallia- crimes against humanity, and genocide Res. 17, a joint resolution approving tive care and hospice, and to support in Syria, and for other purposes. the discontinuation of the process for the development of faculty careers in S 910 . consideration and automatic imple- academic palliative medicine. At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the mentation of the annual proposal of S. 708 name of the Senator from Vermont the Independent Medicare Advisory At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor Board under section 1899A of the Social name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. of S. 910, a bill to prohibit discrimina- Security Act. KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. tion against individuals with disabil- 708, a bill to improve the ability of U.S. ities who need long-term services and S. RES. 60 Customs and Border Protection to supports, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. DAINES, the interdict fentanyl, other synthetic S. 957 name of the Senator from North Da- opioids, and other narcotics and At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the kota (Ms. HEITKAMP) was added as a co- psychoactive substances that are ille- name of the Senator from Delaware sponsor of S. Res. 60, a resolution des- gally imported into the United States, (Mr. CARPER) was added as a cosponsor ignating May 5, 2017, as the ‘‘National and for other purposes. of S. 957, a bill to amend title 10, Day of Awareness for Missing and Mur- S. 766 United States Code, to ensure that dered Native Women and Girls’’. At the request of Mr. MANCHIN, the women members of the Armed Forces name of the Senator from North Da- and their families have access to the S. RES. 136 kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- contraception they need in order to At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the sponsor of S. 766, a bill to amend titles promote the health and readiness of all name of the Senator from Massachu- 10 and 32, United States Code, to im- members of the Armed Forces, and for setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- prove and enhance authorities relating other purposes. sponsor of S. Res. 136, a resolution ex- to the employment, use, status, and S. 976 pressing the sense of the Senate re- benefits of military technicians (dual At the request of Mr. ENZI, the name garding the 102nd anniversary of the status), and for other purposes. of the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. Armenian Genocide.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.010 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2723 STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED HOPE4UTAH. HOPE4UTAH is a dy- that those seeking help are just one BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS namic peer-to-peer program designed positive interaction away from giving By Mr. HATCH (for himself and to empower students in groups called life another chance. As Utah State Senator Daniel Thatcher said: Mr. DONNELLY): Hope Squads. Hope Squads identify S. 1015. A bill to require the Federal warning signs of depression in teen- If you talk to someone, they live. If you Communications Commission to study agers and offer help to those in need. connect them to support, they live. the feasibility of designating a simple, Wendy Nelson, principal of Utah’s Laura Warburton, a Utah mother easy-to-remember dialing code to be Syracuse High School, recently told me who lost her daughter to suicide, said used for a national suicide prevention how Hope Squads have helped students that the day her daughter died, she had and mental health crisis hotline sys- at risk of suicide to connect with attempted to make one last call to her tem; to the Committee on Commerce, therapists that the school has made therapist and could not get through. Science, and Transportation. available on a regular basis. The high While this is a complex problem with Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I rise school has since partnered with a local no simple, immediate answer, there are today to discuss the epidemic of sui- community health center for help in steps we can take to help. Today, we cide—a growing crisis that has dev- addressing the need for help in this are taking those critical first steps to astated millions of families across our particular area and, of course, the need prevent future tragedies from taking Nation. Over the past 8 years, the rate for mental health professionals in place. of deaths by suicide in our country has schools. This shortage of mental health In response to what I learned during the suicide roundtable in Utah, I have tripled. Let me repeat that. It has tri- counselors is a serious problem, not joined Senator in intro- pled, and the problem is particularly only in Utah but in schools across the ducing the National Suicide Hotline severe among young adults. Nation. It is a very, very serious prob- According to the Centers for Disease lem. Improvement Act, a bipartisan pro- Control, for youth between the ages of In our December roundtable discus- posal that will make it easier for 10 and 24, suicide is now the third lead- sion, we learned that teen suicide is Americans of all ages to get the help ing cause of death. In other words, something schools, parents, and mental and treatment they need when they are more of America’s youth die each year health professionals cannot address in- experiencing suicidal thoughts. The from suicide than cancer, heart dis- dividually. Instead, a continuum of current suicide prevention lifeline sys- ease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneu- care must exist for each child from the tem and veterans crisis line are in des- monia, influenza, and chronic lung dis- first day of school to graduation. We perate need of reform. Our bill will re- ease combined. must all work together to ensure that quire the Federal Communications Commission, in consultation with the This crisis shows no signs of abating. our children feel safe. Consider that each day in our Nation, Educators play a vital role in main- Department of Health and Human there are an average of over 5,400 sui- taining an infrastructure of support for Services and the Department of Vet- cide attempts by young people in teenagers struggling with mental ill- erans Affairs, to study the current na- grades 7 to 12. In my home State of ness. Because educators are often the tional suicide hotline system and make Utah, the statistics are particularly first to identify warning signs in vul- recommendations to Congress on how alarming. Every 14 hours, a Utahn nerable students, hundreds of teachers we can improve it. Across our great Nation, there are commits suicide, resulting in an aver- in Utah receive training in how to millions of people, especially young age of 630 deaths each year. The prob- identify and respond to these signs. people, who are alone and suffering in lem is so acute that Utah now has the Once we know a teen is suffering, par- the shadows of depression. Many of fifth highest suicide rate in the Nation. ents and mental health professionals them are bombarded by suicidal This troubling trend is particularly can step in to provide ongoing care. thoughts and have no idea where to pronounced among Utah’s youth. Even Building community partnerships that turn for help. To make matters worse, though Utahns from ages 10 to 17 com- involve everyone and that focus on evi- the national suicide hotline number, 1– prise only 13 percent of the State popu- dence-based practices can save hun- 800–273–TALK, is not an intuitive or lation, they represent nearly 23 percent dreds, if not thousands, of lives. easy number to remember, particularly of all suicide attempts. Suicide is now My main purpose in organizing the for those experiencing a mental health the leading cause of death among roundtable discussion was to find ways emergency. Utah’s teenagers. I could help prevent suicide on a na- Fortunately, the success of the 911 To stem the tide of teenage suicide in tional level. Increasing access to men- emergency system provides a model for Utah, I convened a roundtable discus- tal healthcare has been a fixture of my addressing this problem. My bill will sion in Salt Lake City last December Senate service. Nearly 20 years ago, I require the Federal Communications that included community leaders, convened the Senate Finance Commit- Commission to recommend an easy-to- healthcare professionals, high school tee’s first hearing dedicated to mental remember, three-digit number for the principals, and parents from across the health. More recently, I focused my national suicide prevention hotline. I State. There we discussed proven meth- legislative efforts on fighting prescrip- believe that by making the national ods that destigmatize mental illness, a tion drug abuse, an epidemic that has suicide prevention lifeline system more critical first step in addressing the sui- only accelerated our Nation’s mental user-friendly and accessible, we can cide crisis. We also discussed the links health crisis. I played a leading role in save thousands of lives by helping peo- between bullying and depression. passing the Comprehensive Addiction ple find the help they need when they In an effort to prevent teen suicide, and Recovery Act and helped to draft need it most. the effect of bullying cannot be over- the 21st Century Cures Act, which In introducing this legislation, I wish looked. A recent study in the Journal President Obama signed into law in De- to thank my fellow Utahn, Congress- of the American Medical Association cember. Both bills take aim at the man CHRIS STEWART. Congressman finds that kids who are bullied are opioid epidemic that is ravaging entire STEWART has been an invaluable part- more than twice as likely to consider communities across the Nation. ner in offering some of the most impor- suicide. In my home State of Utah, doz- As a legislative body, we have set tant measures of this bill. Addition- ens of community leaders have drawn aside partisan differences in recent ally, I would like to thank the Amer- attention to the pernicious effects of months to combat the opioid crisis as ican Foundation for Suicide Preven- bullying. The foremost among them is part of a broader effort to address tion. I also wish to express my appre- Dr. Greg Hudnall, a nationally recog- growing rates of mental illness and ciation for the support we have re- nized expert in suicide prevention. Dr. death by suicide. ceived from the Utah State Legisla- Hudnall found that between 8 and 12 But there is more we can do to help. ture, Utah’s attorney general, and the percent of all suicides are committed To begin, we need to provide better and Utah Department of Health Services, by young people who have been bullied. more immediate access to counseling as well as several groups from the law To discourage bullying and to help our and mental health services. This is one enforcement community. teenagers who are suffering most, Dr. of the main takeaways from last year’s This proposal transcends party lines Hudnall led in the development of roundtable discussion. So often we hear and stands to save thousands of lives.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.012 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 We cannot delay this effort to prevent The average caregiver is a 49-year-old tion crowdfunding to raise the dollar suicide. So I call on my colleagues in woman. She is caring for a 69-year-old amount limit and to clarify certain re- both the House and the Senate to act relative living with a long-term phys- quirements and exclusions for funding quickly to pass this bill. Your support ical condition. That relative is often a portals established by such an Act; to for this legislation represents your parent. She has been providing care for the Committee on Banking, Housing, commitment to preventing future trag- four years on average, spending 24.4 and Urban Affairs. edies. I ask all of you today, regardless hours a week. She may be raising her Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I ask of your party affiliation, to cosponsor own children and working full time. unanimous consent that the text of the this legislation. In doing so, you can Other caregivers are seniors. One bill be printed in the RECORD. third of family caregivers are age 65 or help us help those who need our help There being no objection, the bill was older, and even more susceptible to the most. There is absolutely no time ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as to lose. putting their own health at risk. I am, therefore, introducing legisla- follows: By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Ms. tion with my colleague from Wisconsin S. 1031 BALDWIN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, and that would lead to the development of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. BENNET): a national strategy to recognize and resentatives of the United States of America in S. 1028. A bill to provide for the es- support family caregivers. Titled the Congress assembled, tablishment and maintenance of a Na- Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. and Engage, or RAISE Family Care- tional Family Caregiving Strategy, and This Act may be cited as the for other purposes; to the Committee givers Act, the legislation is based on a ‘‘Crowdfunding Enhancement Act’’. on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- recommendation of the bipartisan SEC. 2. CROWDFUNDING VEHICLES. sions. Commission on Long Term Care. It is Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise modeled after a law that I co-authored (a) AMENDMENTS TO THE SECURITIES ACT OF in 2010 with then-Senator Evan Bayh 1933.—The Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. today to introduce legislation with my 77a et seq.) is amended— colleague from Wisconsin, Senator that created a coordinated strategic (1) in section 4A(f)(3) (15 U.S.C. 77d–1(f)(3)), BALDWIN, that would require the Sec- national plan to combat Alzheimer’s by inserting ‘‘by any of paragraphs (1) retary of Health and Human Services disease. through (14) of’’ before ‘‘section 3(c)’’; and to convene a panel to develop a na- The RAISE Family Caregivers Act (2) in section 4(a)(6)(B) (15 U.S.C. tional strategy to recognize and sup- directs the Secretary of Health and 77d(a)(6)(B)), by inserting ‘‘, other than a port the more than forty million fam- Human Services to establish a National crowdfunding vehicle (as defined in section ily caregivers in the United States. I Family Caregiving Project to develop 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a–2(a))),’’ after ‘‘any investor’’. am pleased that Senators MURKOWSKI and sustain a national strategy to sup- (b) AMENDMENTS TO THE INVESTMENT COM- and BENNET have joined us as cospon- port family caregivers. The bill would PANY ACT OF 1940.—The Investment Company sors. create a Family Caregiving Advisory Council comprised of relevant Federal Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a–1 et seq.) is amend- The United States’ population is ed— aging. Every day, 10,000 baby boomers agencies and non-federal members. It (1) in section 2(a) (15 U.S.C. 80a–2(a)), by turn 65 years old. Americans 85 and would include representatives of family adding at the end the following: older—our oldest old—are the fastest caregivers, older adults with long-term ‘‘(55) The term ‘crowdfunding vehicle’ growing segment of our population. care needs, individuals with disabil- means a company— This is the population that is most at ities, employers, health and social ‘‘(A) whose purpose (as set forth in its or- risk of multiple and interacting health service providers, advocates for family ganizational documents) is limited to acquir- ing, holding, and disposing securities issued problems that can lead to disability caregivers, state and local officials, and others with expertise in family by a single company in 1 or more trans- and the need for round-the-clock care. actions and made pursuant to section 4(a)(6) At the very time that our population caregiving. The Advisory Council would be of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. is aging, birth rates are declining. 77d(a)(6)); charged with making recommendations While the need for care and support is ‘‘(B) that issues only 1 class of securities; to the Secretary. The strategy and increasing, the numbers of professional ‘‘(C) that receives no compensation in con- plan would be updated to reflect new and informal caregivers is shrinking. nection with such acquisition, holding, or developments. The plan would include In the future, more people will have to disposition of securities; an initial inventory and assessment of ‘‘(D) no associated person of which receives rely on fewer caregivers. federally funded caregiver efforts. It any compensation in connection with such Families will likely continue to be would then identify specific actions acquisition, holding or disposition of securi- the most important source of support that government and communities ties unless such person is acting as or on be- for people with long-term care needs. could take to support family care- half of an investment adviser registered We must do more to support the more under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (15 givers. U.S.C. 80b–1 et seq.) or registered as an in- than 43 million family caregivers in The Project would be funded from ex- the United States who make remark- vestment adviser in the State in which the isting funding appropriated for the De- investment adviser maintains its principal able sacrifices to care for their loved partment of Health and Human Serv- ones. While it is impossible to put a office and place of business; ices. No new funding is authorized and ‘‘(E) the securities of which have been dollar amount to the value of the devo- it would sunset in five years. issued in a transaction made pursuant to tion, time, and services that these Family caregivers are an invaluable section 4(a)(6) of the Securities Act of 1933 caregivers provide, it is estimated that resource to our aging society. Chances (15 U.S.C. 77d(a)(6)), if both the crowdfunding in 2013 family caregivers provided $470 are that, sooner or later, we will all ei- vehicle and the company whose securities it billion in uncompensated long-term ther be family caregivers or someone holds are co-issuers; care. This figure nearly equals the an- ‘‘(F) that is current in its ongoing disclo- who needs one. The RAISE Family sure obligations under section 227.202 of title nual sales of the four largest United Caregivers Act will launch a coordi- States tech companies combined. 17, Code of Federal Regulations; nated, national strategic plan that will ‘‘(G) the company whose securities it holds Family caregivers provide tremen- help us to leverage our resources, pro- is current in its ongoing disclosure obliga- dous value, and they also face many mote innovation and promising prac- tions under section 227.202 of title 17, Code of challenges. Caregivers experience high tices, and provide our nation’s family Federal Regulations; and levels of stress and have a greater inci- caregivers with much-needed recogni- ‘‘(H) is advised by an investment adviser dence of chronic conditions like heart tion and support. Our bipartisan legis- registered under the Investment Advisers disease, diabetes, and depression. Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80b–1 et seq.) or reg- lation is widely endorsed by aging and istered as an investment adviser in the State Caregiving can be an isolating experi- disability organizations. I urge all of ence. Last week, the Aging Committee in which the investment adviser maintains our colleagues to join as cosponsors. its principal office and place of business.’’; held a hearing highlighting that social and isolation is a serious risk factor for de- By Mr. DAINES: (2) in section 3(c) (15 U.S.C. 80a–3(c)), by pression, anxiety, dementia, functional S. 1031. A bill to amend provisions in adding at the end the following: decline, and even death. the securities laws relating to regula- ‘‘(15) Any crowdfunding vehicle.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.039 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2725 SEC. 3. CROWDFUNDING EXEMPTION FROM REG- President Barack Obama in 2010, expanded (A) to preserve and build upon United ISTRATION. the annual Human Rights Reports of the De- States leadership in freedom of the press, on Section 12(g)(6) of the Securities Exchange partment of State to include the examina- the basis of First Amendment protections; Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78l(g)(6)) is amended— tion of freedom of the press; (B) to improve the means by which the (1) by striking ‘‘The Commission’’ and in- Whereas, the 2016 World Press Freedom United States Government rapidly identifies, serting the following: Index, published by Reporters Without Bor- publicizes, and responds to threats against ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Commission’’; ders in April 2016, indicated ‘‘a climate of freedom of the press around the world; (2) by striking ‘‘section 4(6)’’ and inserting fear and tension combined with increasing (C) to urge foreign governments to conduct ‘‘section 4(a)(6)’’; and control over newsrooms by governments and transparent investigations and adjudications (3) by adding at the end the following: private sector interests’’; of the perpetrators of attacks against jour- ‘‘(B) TREATMENT OF SECURITIES ISSUED BY Whereas, the 2016 World Press Freedom nalists; and CERTAIN ISSUERS.—An exemption under sub- Index identified a decline in media freedom (D) to highlight the issue of threats paragraph (A) shall be unconditional for se- across all indicators, especially the destruc- against freedom of the press in the annual curities offered by an issuer that had a pub- tion of media infrastructure, like the facili- Human Rights Reports and year round. lic float of less than $75,000,000 as of the last ties and equipment of media, and the adop- business day of the issuer’s most recently tion of legislative frameworks that unjustly f completed semiannual period, computed by penalize journalists for doing their work; multiplying the aggregate worldwide number Whereas, according to the Committee to SENATE RESOLUTION 151—COM- of shares of the issuer’s common equity secu- Protect Journalists, in 2016, the three dead- MENDING THE NORTHWEST MIS- rities held by non-affiliates by the price at liest countries for journalists were Syria, which such securities were last sold (or the Yemen, and Iraq, with more than half of the SOURI STATE UNIVERSITY average bid and asked prices of such securi- journalists killed in combat or crossfire, for BEARCATS ON THEIR NATIONAL ties) in the principal market for such securi- the first time since the Committee to Pro- COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- ties or, in the event the result of such public tect Journalists began keeping records; TION DIVISION II NATIONAL float calculation is zero, had annual reve- Whereas, according to the Committee to CHAMPIONSHIP VICTORIES nues of less than $50,000,000 as of the issuer’s Protect Journalists, in 2016, 48 journalists most recently completed fiscal year.’’. were killed in cases where the motive was Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mrs. confirmed to be related to their reporting, 28 MCCASKILL) submitted the following f journalists were killed in cases where the resolution; which was considered and SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS motive was unconfirmed, and 2 media work- agreed to: ers were killed; S. RES. 151 Whereas, according to the Committee to SENATE RESOLUTION 150—RECOG- Protect Journalists, impunity for the mur- Whereas, on December 17, 2016, the North- der of journalists remains systemic, with the west Missouri State University football team NIZING THREATS TO FREEDOM defeated the University of North Alabama by OF THE PRESS AND EXPRESSION killers going free in 9 out of 10 cases; Whereas, according to the Committee to a score of 29 to 3 in the National Collegiate AROUND THE WORLD AND RE- Protect Journalists, as of December 1, 2016, Athletic Association (referred to in this pre- AFFIRMING FREEDOM OF THE 259 journalists worldwide were in prison, the amble as the ‘‘NCAA’’) Division II national PRESS AS A PRIORITY IN EF- highest number recorded since the group championship game in Kansas City, Kansas; FORTS OF THE UNITED STATES began systematically tracking imprisonment Whereas the victory was the sixth Division GOVERNMENT TO PROMOTE DE- in 1990; II national championship for Northwest Mis- MOCRACY AND GOOD GOVERN- Whereas, according to the Freedom House souri State University since 1996 and the fourth since 2006; ANCE report ‘‘Freedom of the Press 2017’’, only 13 percent of the world’s population enjoys a Whereas the Bearcats have won 55 games Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. RUBIO, Free press, meaning ‘‘coverage of political and lost 2 games over the past 4 seasons, and Mr. WYDEN) submitted the fol- news is robust, the safety of journalists is with 30 straight victories over the last 2 lowing resolution; which was referred guaranteed, state intrusion in media affairs years; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- is minimal, and the press is not subject to Whereas former head coach Adam Dorrel is 1 of just 3 head coaches in Division II foot- tions: onerous legal or economic pressures.’’; Whereas freedom of the press is a key com- ball to win 3 national titles, and athletic di- S. RES. 150 ponent of democratic governance, activism rector Mel Tjeerdsma has the distinction of Whereas Article 19 of the United Nations in civil society, and socioeconomic develop- being 1 of the other coaches to accomplish Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ment; and that feat; adopted in Paris, France, on December 10, Whereas freedom of the press enhances Whereas, on March 25, 2017, the Northwest 1948, states, ‘‘Everyone has the right to free- public accountability, transparency, and par- Missouri State men’s basketball team de- dom of opinion and expression; this right in- ticipation: Now, therefore, be it feated Fairmont State University in the cludes freedom to hold opinions without in- Resolved, That the Senate— NCAA Division II national championship, a terference and to seek, receive and impart (1) expresses concern about the threats to first in the history of the Bearcats basket- information and ideas through any media freedom of the press and expression around ball program; and regardless of frontiers.’’; the world; Whereas the Bearcats men’s basketball Whereas, in 1993, the United Nations Gen- (2) welcomes the celebration of World team finished the 2016–2017 season with a 29- eral Assembly proclaimed May 3 of each year Press Freedom Day 2017 on May 3, 2017; 1 record, earning coach Ben McCollum his as ‘‘World Press Freedom Day’’ to celebrate (3) commends journalists and media work- third Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics the fundamental principles of freedom of the ers around the world for their essential role Association Coach of the Year award; press, evaluate freedom of the press around in promoting government accountability, de- Whereas Bearcat guard, Justin Pitts, was the world, defend against attacks on the fending democratic activity, and strength- named— independence of the media, and pay tribute ening civil society, despite threats to their (1) Division II Player of the Year by the to journalists who have lost their lives in the safety; National Association of Basketball Coaches; exercise of their profession; (4) pays tribute to journalists who have and Whereas, on December 18, 2013, the United lost their lives or liberty carrying out their (2) Division II Bulletin Player of the Year; Nations General Assembly adopted a resolu- work; and tion (United Nations General Assembly Res- (5) calls on governments abroad to imple- Whereas Northwest Missouri State Univer- olution 163 (2013)) on the safety of journalists ment United Nations General Assembly Res- sity became the first Division II school to and the issue of impunity, that unequivo- olution (A/RES/68/163) by thoroughly inves- win championships for football and men’s cally condemns, in both conflict and noncon- tigating and seeking to resolve outstanding basketball in the same academic year: Now, flict situations, all attacks on and violence cases of violence against journalists, includ- therefore, be it against journalists and media workers, in- ing murders and kidnappings, while ensuring Resolved, That the Senate— cluding torture, extrajudicial killing, en- the protection of witnesses, and by reporting (1) commends Northwest Missouri State forced disappearance, arbitrary detention, on the status of investigations; University for their Division II national and intimidation and harassment; (6) condemns all actions around the world championship victories in football and men’s Whereas the theme for the 2017 World Press that suppress freedom of the press; basketball; Freedom Day, is ‘‘Critical Minds for Critical (7) reaffirms the centrality of freedom of (2) recognizes the athletic prowess, hard Times: Media’s role in advancing peaceful, the press to efforts of the United States Gov- work, and dedication exhibited by the play- just and inclusive societies’’; ernment to support democracy, mitigate ers, coaches, support staff, and student body Whereas the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the conflict, and promote good governance do- of Northwest Missouri State University; and Press Act of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2151 note; Public mestically and around the world; and (3) congratulates the city of Maryville, Law 111–166), which was passed by unanimous (8) calls on the President and the Secretary Missouri, and Bearcat fans and alumni consent in the Senate and signed into law by of State— around the world.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.014 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President: This organs outweighs the supply of organs made and women who meet the needs of the United year, Northwest Missouri State Univer- available each day; States through work at all levels of govern- sity set a record when it became the Whereas, in 2016, a record was set for the ment and as members of the uniformed serv- first Division II school to win the number of organ transplants performed in a ices; single year, yet every 10 minutes, 1 person is Whereas millions of individuals work in men’s basketball and football cham- added to the national transplant waiting government service, and as members of the pionships in the same season. list; uniformed services, in every State, county, It also became the first Division I or Whereas an organ donation from a single and city across the United States and in hun- II school in the past decade to win ti- deceased donor can benefit up to 8 individ- dreds of cities abroad; tles in both those sports in the same uals; Whereas public service is a noble calling year. Whereas a living donor can donate a kid- involving a variety of challenging and re- Located in Maryville, about one hun- ney or a portion of a lung or the liver to save warding professions; dred miles north of Kansas City, North- the life of another individual; and Whereas the ability of the Federal Govern- Whereas April is traditionally recognized ment and State and local governments to be west Missouri State University was es- as ‘‘National Donate Life Month’’: Now, responsive, innovative, and effective depends tablished in 1905. therefore, be it on the outstanding performance of dedicated With five NCAA championships al- Resolved, That the Senate— public servants; ready under their belt, Bearcats foot- (1) supports the goals and ideals of Na- Whereas the United States is a great and ball began their 2016 season with the tional Donate Life Month; prosperous country, and public service em- goal of adding another title to their (2) supports promoting awareness of organ ployees contribute significantly to that great program. Under head Coach donation by increasing public awareness; greatness and prosperity; (3) encourages States, localities, and terri- Adam Dorrel, they finished their Whereas the United States benefits daily tories of the United States to support the from the knowledge and skills of the highly record-setting year with a victory over goals and ideals of National Donate Life trained individuals who work in public serv- the University of North Alabama in the Month by issuing a proclamation to des- ice; brutally cold Division II championship ignate April 2017 as ‘‘National Donate Life Whereas public servants— game last December. The Bearcats Month’’; (1) defend the freedom of the people of the have now gone 55–2 over four seasons, (4) commends each individual who— United States and advance the interests of and their 30 straight victories over the (A) is a registered organ donor who may the United States around the world; last two years is the longest current have a positive impact on the life of another (2) provide vital strategic support func- individual; or tions to the Armed Forces and serve in the win streak in all of NCAA football. (B) indicates a wish to become an organ National Guard and Reserves; But the men’s basketball team gave donor; (3) fight crime and fires; Bearcats fans plenty more to cheer (5) acknowledges the grief of families who (4) ensure equal access to secure, efficient, about. After a very successful regular face the loss of loved ones and commends the and affordable mail service; season, the Bearcats entered the Divi- families who, in their grief, choose to donate (5) deliver benefits under the Social Secu- sion II tournament with a 29–1 record. the organs of deceased family members; rity Act (42 U.S.C. 301 et seq.), including ben- And on March 25, they defeated Fair- (6) recognizes the generous contribution efits under the Medicare program under title XVIII of that Act (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.); mont State in the NCAA Division II made by each living individual who has do- nated an organ to save the life of another in- (6) fight disease and promote better health; championship game, a first in the pro- dividual; (7) protect the environment and parks in gram’s history. (7) acknowledges the advances in medical the United States; Finishing the year with a near per- technology that have enabled organ trans- (8) enforce laws guaranteeing equal em- fect record, Coach Ben McCollum plantation with organs donated by living in- ployment opportunity and healthy working earned his third MIAA Coach of the dividuals to become a viable treatment op- conditions; Year honor. And the Bearcats’ guard, tion for an increasing number of patients; (9) defend and secure critical infrastruc- (8) commends the medical professionals ture; Justin Pitts, earned several honors and (10) help the people of the United States re- was named the DII Bulletin Player of and organ transplantation experts who have worked to improve the process of living cover from natural disasters and terrorist at- the Year. organ donation and increase the number of tacks; Congratulations to Northwest Mis- living donors; and (11) teach and work in schools and librar- souri State University on a phe- (9) salutes each individual who has helped ies; nomenal year. Fans across the state to give the gift of life by supporting, pro- (12) develop new technologies and explore are excited for another great year as moting, and encouraging organ donation. the Earth, the Moon, and space to help im- prove knowledge on how the world changes; the Bearcats spend the off-season pre- f (13) improve and secure transportation sys- paring to defend their hard fought SENATE RESOLUTION 153—EX- tems; championship titles. PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE (14) promote economic growth; and f (15) assist veterans of the Armed Forces; SENATE THAT, DURING PUBLIC Whereas members of the uniformed serv- SENATE RESOLUTION 152—EX- SERVICE RECOGNITION WEEK, ices and civilian employees at all levels of PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE PUBLIC SERVANTS SHOULD BE government— DESIGNATION OF APRIL 2017 AS COMMENDED FOR THEIR DEDICA- (1) make significant contributions to the ‘‘NATIONAL DONATE LIFE TION AND CONTINUED SERVICE general welfare of the United States; and TO THE UNITED STATES (2) are on the front lines in the fight to de- MONTH’’ feat terrorism and maintain homeland secu- Ms. HEITKAMP (for herself and Mr. Ms. HEITKAMP (for herself, Mr. rity; CASEY) submitted the following resolu- LANKFORD, Mrs. MCCASKILL, Mr. JOHN- Whereas public servants work in a profes- tion; which was considered and agreed SON, Mr. CARPER, Mr. TESTER, Mr. sional manner to build relationships with to: PETERS, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, other countries and cultures in order to bet- Mr. LEAHY, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. BROWN, ter represent the interests and promote the S. RES. 152 Mr. CARDIN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. KING, ideals of the United States; Whereas, in April 2017, over 118,116 individ- Whereas public servants alert Congress and Mr. SANDERS, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. KAINE, uals were on the official waiting list for the public to government waste, fraud, and organ donation managed by the Organ Pro- Mr. WARNER, Mr. COONS, and Mr. VAN abuse, and of dangers to public health; curement and Transplantation Network (re- HOLLEN) submitted the following reso- Whereas the individuals serving in the uni- ferred to in this preamble as the ‘‘national lution; which was considered and formed services, as well as the skilled trade transplant waiting list’’); agreed to: and craft employees of the Federal Govern- Whereas, in 2016, 33,606 transplant proce- Whereas the week of May 7 through 13, ment who provide support to their efforts— dures were performed with organs from 27,628 2017, has been designated as ‘‘Public Service (1) are committed to doing their jobs re- deceased donors and 5,978 living donors, yet Recognition Week’’ to honor employees of gardless of the circumstances; and 6,303 candidates for transplantation died the Federal Government and State and local (2) contribute greatly to the security of the while waiting for an organ transplant; governments and members of the uniformed United States and the world; Whereas, on average, 22 people die each day services; Whereas public servants have bravely while waiting for an organ donation; Whereas Public Service Recognition Week fought in armed conflicts in the defense of Whereas over 130,000,000 people in the provides an opportunity to recognize and the United States and its ideals, and deserve United States are registered to be organ and promote the important contributions of pub- the care and benefits they have earned tissue donors, yet the demand for donated lic servants and to honor the diverse men through their honorable service;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.016 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2727 Whereas public servants— and retain men and women who have fiscal year, the pay of each Member of Con- (1) have much to offer, as demonstrated by served in the United States military gress may not be paid for each day following their expertise and innovative ideas; and with annual Federal awards to employ- that October 1 until the date on which both (2) serve as examples by passing on institu- ers recognizing such efforts, and for Houses of Congress approve a concurrent res- tional knowledge to train the next genera- olution on the budget for that fiscal year and tion of public servants; and other purposes; as follows: all the regular appropriations bills. Strike ‘‘1 day’’ and insert ‘‘2 days’’. Whereas the week of May 7 through 13, SEC. l04. NO PAY WITHOUT CONCURRENT RESO- 2017, marks the 33rd anniversary of Public LUTION ON THE BUDGET AND THE Service Recognition Week: Now, therefore, SA 212. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an APPROPRIATIONS BILLS. be it amendment to the bill H.R. 244, to en- (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any Resolved, That the Senate— courage effective, voluntary invest- other provision of law, no funds may be ap- (1) supports the designation of the week of ments to recruit, employ, and retain propriated or otherwise be made available May 7 through 13, 2017, as ‘‘Public Service men and women who have served in the from the United States Treasury for the pay Recognition Week’’; United States military with annual of any Member of Congress during any period (2) commends public servants for their out- determined by the Chairpersons of the Com- standing contributions to the United States Federal awards to employers recog- nizing such efforts, and for other pur- mittee on the Budget and the Committee on during Public Service Recognition Week and Appropriations of the Senate or the Chair- throughout the year; poses; as follows: persons of the Committee on the Budget and (3) salutes government employees, and At the end add the following: the Committee on Appropriations of the members of the uniformed services, for their ‘‘This act shall be effective 3 days after en- House of Representatives under section unyielding dedication to, and enthusiasm actment.’’ ll05. for, public service; (b) NO RETROACTIVE PAY.—A Member of (4) honors government employees and SA 213. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an Congress may not receive pay for any period members of the uniformed services who have amendment to amendment SA 212 pro- determined by the Chairpersons of the Com- given their lives in service to their country; posed by Mr. MCCONNELL to the bill mittee on the Budget and the Committee on (5) calls upon a new generation to consider H.R. 244, to encourage effective, vol- Appropriations of the Senate or the Chair- a career in public service as an honorable untary investments to recruit, employ, persons of the Committee on the Budget and profession; the Committee on Appropriations of the (6) encourages efforts to promote public and retain men and women who have served in the United States military House of Representatives under section service careers at every level of government; ll05, at any time after the end of that pe- and with annual Federal awards to employ- riod. (7) supports efforts to promote an efficient ers recognizing such efforts, and for SEC. l05. DETERMINATIONS. and effective public service that serves the other purposes; as follows: people of the United States. (a) SENATE.— Strike ‘‘3 days’’ and insert ‘‘4 days’’. (1) REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATIONS.—On Octo- f ber 1 of each year, the Secretary of the Sen- SA 214. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an ate shall submit a request to the Chair- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND amendment to amendment SA 213 pro- PROPOSED persons of the Committee on the Budget and posed by Mr. MCCONNELL to the amend- the Committee on Appropriations of the Sen- SA 210. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an ment SA 212 proposed by Mr. MCCON- ate for certification of determinations made amendment to the bill H.R. 244, to encourage NELL to the bill H.R. 244, to encourage under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of para- effective, voluntary investments to recruit, effective, voluntary investments to re- graph (2). employ, and retain men and women who cruit, employ, and retain men and (2) DETERMINATIONS.—The Chairpersons of have served in the United States military women who have served in the United the Committee on the Budget and the Com- with annual Federal awards to employers mittee on Appropriations of the Senate recognizing such efforts, and for other pur- States military with annual Federal shall— poses. awards to employers recognizing such (A) on October 1 of each year, make a de- SA 211. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an efforts, and for other purposes; as fol- termination of whether Congress is in com- amendment to amendment SA 210 proposed lows: pliance with section ll03 and whether Sen- by Mr. MCCONNELL to the bill H.R. 244, supra. Strike ‘‘4’’ and insert ‘‘5’’. ators may not be paid under that section; SA 212. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an (B) determine the period of days following amendment to the bill H.R. 244, supra. SA 215. Mr. HELLER submitted an each October 1 that Senators may not be SA 213. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an amendment intended to be proposed by paid under section ll03; and amendment to amendment SA 212 proposed him to the bill H.R. 244, to encourage (C) provide timely certification of the de- by Mr. MCCONNELL to the bill H.R. 244, supra. terminations under subparagraphs (A) and effective, voluntary investments to re- SA 214. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an (B) upon the request of the Secretary of the amendment to amendment SA 213 proposed cruit, employ, and retain men and Senate. by Mr. MCCONNELL to the amendment SA 212 women who have served in the United (b) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.— proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL to the bill H.R. States military with annual Federal (1) REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATIONS.—On Octo- 244, supra. awards to employers recognizing such ber 1 of each year, the Chief Administrative SA 215. Mr. HELLER submitted an amend- efforts, and for other purposes; which Officer of the House of Representatives shall ment intended to be proposed by him to the was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- submit a request to the Chairpersons of the bill H.R. 244, supra; which was ordered to lie lows: Committee on the Budget and the Com- on the table. mittee on Appropriations of the House of At the appropriate place, insert the fol- f Representatives for certification of deter- lowing: minations made under subparagraphs (A) and TEXT OF AMENDMENTS TITLE ll—NO BUDGET, NO PAY (B) of paragraph (2). SEC. l01. SHORT TITLE. (2) DETERMINATIONS.—The Chairpersons of SA 210. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an the Committee on the Budget and the Com- amendment to the bill H.R. 244, to en- This title may be cited as the ‘‘No Budget, No Pay Act’’. mittee on Appropriations of the House of courage effective, voluntary invest- SEC. l02. DEFINITION. Representatives shall— (A) on October 1 of each year, make a de- ments to recruit, employ, and retain In this title, the term ‘‘Member of Con- termination of whether Congress is in com- men and women who have served in the gress’’— pliance with section 03 and whether United States military with annual (1) has the meaning given under section ll Members of the House of Representatives Federal awards to employers recog- 2106 of title 5, United States Code; and may not be paid under that section; nizing such efforts, and for other pur- (2) does not include the Vice President. (B) determine the period of days following poses; as follows: SEC. l03. TIMELY APPROVAL OF CONCURRENT each October 1 that Members of the House of At the end add the following: RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET AND THE APPROPRIATIONS BILLS. Representatives may not be paid under sec- ‘‘This Act shall take effect 1 day after the If both Houses of Congress have not ap- tion ll03; and date of enactment.’’ proved a concurrent resolution on the budget (C) provide timely certification of the de- as described under section 301 of the Congres- terminations under subparagraphs (A) and Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an SA 211. sional Budget and Impoundment Control Act (B) upon the request of the Chief Administra- amendment to amendment SA 210 pro- of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 632) for a fiscal year before tive Officer of the House of Representatives. posed by Mr. MCCONNELL to the bill October 1 of that fiscal year and have not SEC. l06. EFFECTIVE DATE. H.R. 244, to encourage effective, vol- passed all the regular appropriations bills for This title shall take effect on February 1, untary investments to recruit, employ, the next fiscal year before October 1 of that 2019.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.019 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO today: S. Res. 151, S. Res. 152, and S. fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- MEET Res. 153. sent that it stand adjourned under the Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I have 7 There being no objection, the Senate previous order, following the remarks requests for committees to meet during proceeded to consider the resolutions of Senators HATCH, WHITEHOUSE, and today’s session of the Senate. They en bloc. MORAN. have the approval of the Majority and Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Minority leaders. consent that the resolutions be agreed objection, it is so ordered. Pursuant to Rule XXVI, paragraph to, the preambles be agreed to, and the The Senator from Utah. 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- motions to reconsider be considered (The remarks of Mr. HATCH per- ate, the following committees are au- made and laid upon the table, all en taining to the introduction of S. 1015 thorized to meet during today’s session bloc. are printed in today’s RECORD under of the Senate: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and objection, it is so ordered. Joint Resolutions.’’) COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND The resolutions were agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- TRANSPORTATION The preambles were agreed to. ator from Kansas. The Committee on Commerce, (The resolutions, with their pre- f Science, and Transportation is author- ambles, are printed in today’s RECORD ized to hold a meeting during the ses- under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) SEVERE KANSAS WEATHER sion of the Senate on Wednesday, May f Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, I come 3, 2017, at 10 a.m. in room 253 of the to the floor this evening to talk about NATIONAL DAY OF AWARENESS Russell Senate Office Building. winter storms that hit Kansas and sur- FOR MISSING AND MURDERED COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC rounding States over the weekend, de- NATIVE WOMEN AND GIRLS WORKS stroying crops and killing livestock. The Committee on Environment and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I We face many challenges, and the Sen- Public Works is authorized to meet ask unanimous consent that the Judi- ator from Utah just described a serious during the session of the Senate on ciary Committee be discharged from circumstance for many people in this Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at 10 a.m. in further consideration of and the Senate country. I applaud his efforts to try to room 406 of the Dirksen Senate office now proceed to the consideration of S. find the solution. building. Res. 60. The challenges that we face in Kan- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sas after this weekend are another The Committee on Foreign Relations clerk will report the resolution by vivid reminder of the difficulties that is authorized to meet during the ses- title. each day our farm families and ranch- sion of the Senate on Wednesday, May The legislative clerk read as follows: ers face trying to produce a crop or 3, 2017 at 5:10 p.m., to hold a business A resolution (S. Res. 60) designating May 5, raise cattle. A farm family’s economic meeting. 2017, as the ‘‘National Day of Awareness for situation can change in a moment’s no- Missing and Murdered Native Women and COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY tice. What happened over the weekend Girls.’’ The Committee on the Judiciary is was 17, 18, 20 inches of snow and high authorized to meet during the session There being no objection, the Senate winds with a devastating blizzard, and of the Senate, on May 3, 2017, at 10 proceeded to consider the resolution. it was preceded by temperatures into Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous a.m., in room SD–226 of the Dirksen the twenties. The consequence to the consent that the resolution be agreed Senate Office Building. wheat crop is dramatic. to, the preamble be agreed to, and the A weekend weather event like this is SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMERGING THREATS AND motions to reconsider be considered CAPABILITIES often just an inconvenience for most made and laid upon the table. people. However, it is the difference be- The Subcommittee on Emerging The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tween having a crop to harvest or hav- Threats and Capabilities of the Com- objection, it is so ordered. ing nothing to sell. It is the difference mittee on Armed Services is authorized The resolution (S. Res. 60) was agreed between earning a living and not earn- to meet during the session of the Sen- to. ate on Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at 10 The preamble was agreed to. ing a living. It is the difference be- a.m., in open session. (The resolution, with its preamble, is tween staying on the farm or ranch and SUBCOMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL printed in the RECORD of February 13, not being able to. The Subcommittee on Personnel of 2017, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) While the extent of the damage is being assessed—and we don’t know ex- the Committee on Armed Services is f authorized to meeting during the ses- actly what that will be—it is clear that sion of the Senate on Wednesday, May ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, MAY 4, many wheat producers will likely have 3, 2017, at 2:30 p.m., in open session. 2017 lost their entire crop. We have about 7.5 million acres of wheat planted in SUBCOMMITTEE ON MULTILATERAL INTER- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, MULTILATERAL IN- ask unanimous consent that when the Kansas, and many of those acres—per- STITUTIONS, AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC, Senate completes its business today, it haps up to about half—were harshly ENERGY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY adjourn until 9:30 a.m., Thursday, May impacted by this snowstorm and winter The Committee on Foreign Relations 4; further, that following the prayer conditions. Subcommittee on Multilateral Inter- and pledge, the morning hour be Having a bountiful production is es- national Development, Multilateral In- deemed expired, the Journal of pro- pecially important for farmers at times stitutions, and International Eco- ceedings be approved to date, the time of low commodity prices. That is what nomic, Energy, and Environmental for the two leaders be reserved for their we are in now. The price of wheat, and Policy is authorized to meet during the use later in the day, and morning busi- the price of cattle, the price of corn, session of the Senate on Wednesday, ness be closed; finally, that following they are historically low. These are al- May 3, 2017 at 10 a.m., to hold a hearing leader remarks, the Senate resume ready challenging times. While the entitled ‘‘Global Philanthropy and Re- consideration of the House message to overall farm income, as a result of mittances and International Develop- accompany H.R. 244; finally, that at that, has been cut in half since 2013, ment.’’ 10:30 a.m., Senator YOUNG be recog- Kansas producers fortunately were able f nized for up to 20 minutes. to overcome that, to some degree, be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cause we had bountiful harvests, great RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED TODAY objection, it is so ordered. crops, high yields. Yet the number of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I f bushels these producers will have to ask unanimous consent that the Sen- sell now as a result of these storms is ate now proceed to the en bloc consid- ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT clearly in question. eration of the following Senate resolu- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if With low prices, we need high yields tions, which were submitted earlier there is no further business to come be- and large harvests. We clearly will not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.022 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2729 have that. Those of us from ag States the very last minute, not because of nessman and philanthropist Trammell often talk about the importance of the merits of the proposals but because Crow, who has been bringing Repub- crop insurance and farm programs for of unrelated issues with dairy policy licans and Democrats together to com- producers. This storm reminds us, once that were not resolved. I, too, want to bat climate change since 2011. So for again, the importance of that safety strengthen the protection provided for my 165th ‘‘Time to Wake Up’’ speech, I net. A farmer who lost an entire wheat dairy producers in the farm bill. Kan- want to thank all of those folks who crop over one weekend cannot afford to sas is one of the fastest growing dairy- made their voices heard these past few continue to farm without crop insur- producing States in the Nation. weeks in the streets or online. ance to help cover the losses. Helping cotton farmers ought not be With the Trump administration These farmers in Kansas would either contingent on issues with dairy policy. locked into tone-deaf climate denial, go out of business or require ad hoc dis- I have heard from a number of Kansas these marches mattered. And how aster assistance, something that used cotton producers about the importance tone-deaf this administration is. Data to happen during my earlier days in of this proposal, and my message to from Yale’s program on Climate Congress. Every time there was a snow- them remains the same: I understand Change Communication shows national storm, a freeze, a drought that dev- the economic hardship that they are support for climate action across a astated a crop, Congress was asked to facing, and I am committed to working broad range of questions. Nationally, 71 provide ad hoc disaster assistance to with the new Secretary of Agriculture percent trust scientists about climate make up for that challenge. to find a solution to the cotton prob- change—right here; trust climate Giving farmers the ability to pur- lems and issues they face, as well as science about global warming, 71 per- chase affordable crop insurance means many others facing farmers and ranch- cent. So many folks came out to the they have the ability to survive, to ers today. Science March to show that. farm for another year. It is critical I ask my colleagues to keep in their A majority of Americans, 53 percent, that we continue to promote and pro- thoughts and prayers those farmers believe climate change is caused most- tect crop insurance in the upcoming and ranchers across the Nation who, ly by human activity. That compares farm bill. through no fault of their own, are to 9 percent—9 percent of the Repub- Cattle producers and feeders also ex- struggling today because of weather lican caucus here in a vote taken just perienced losses due to this storm. and fire. last Congress. History will have to look About 75 percent of the cattle on feed I yield the floor. back and explain why 53 percent of the in the country—75 percent of the cattle The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- American people say that is the case that are being fed in this country, ulti- ator from Rhode Island. and only 9 percent of our Republican mately for consumption in the grocery Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I caucus was able to recognize that. stores or restaurants, are located in ask unanimous consent to speak as in Eighty-two percent of Americans the area hit by this winter storm. Feed morning business for up to 18 minutes. want research into clean and renewable lots are reporting the loss will total The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without energy sources. Seventy-five percent into the thousands of head of cattle. objection, it is so ordered. want us to regulate carbon dioxide as a This impact comes only weeks after f pollutant, and 69 percent—right here— wildfires in Kansas, Texas, and Okla- want strict CO limits on existing coal- CLIMATE CHANGE 2 homa destroyed ranches and killed fired powerplants. thousands of cattle just a few weeks Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, The President is disparaging the back. the last two weekends have surged Paris climate agreement, but 7 out of Farmers and ranchers are some of with political activism. Around the 10 registered voters say the United the most resilient people. They remain world, millions of people took to the States should stay in. Republicans optimistic in times of very difficult streets to stand up for science and to favor staying in the Paris agreement circumstances. Facing potential dis- call attention to the global crisis of by 2 to 1. This chart shows that support aster and adversity every year, these climate change. This past weekend, my for research into renewables is strong men and women continue to bear the wife and I marched here in Washington, across the country, even in coal coun- burden of producing food, fuel, and alongside 200,000 people from across our try: 79 percent in Kentucky, 81 percent fiber for our country and for the world. country in the People’s Climate March. in West Virginia, and 82 percent in Wy- I would offer my prayers to those I joined faculty and students from oming. farmers and ranchers harmed by the Rhode Island’s Greene School, an envi- It is the same in the oil patch. Sev- snowstorms and these prairie fires, and ronmental charter school named after enty-nine percent of Texans support re- I would, once again, express my com- the great Nathanael Greene. The Pre- search into renewables. Despite this mitment to making sure they have the siding Officer may well know that Na- overwhelming public support, even in tools necessary to survive this and fu- thanael Greene worked his way the reddest and most fossil fuel States, ture weather disasters. through the Presiding Officer’s State President Trump is proposing massive In discussing the challenges cur- during the course of fighting the cuts to this research—clearly, tone- rently being faced by farmers, I also Southern Revolutionary campaign and deaf. It is the same for emissions limits want to take a moment to mention my that General Cornwallis wrote to his on coal plants. In all 50 States, in all disappointment that the budget-neu- wife that ‘‘that damn Greene is more 435 red, blue, and purple congressional tral cotton provision was left out of dangerous than Washington.’’ So we districts, there is majority support for the omnibus legislation that was re- are very proud of Nathanael Greene in emissions limits. leased earlier this week and we expect Rhode Island and of the school that Every single congressional district in to vote on tomorrow or the next day. bears his name. the country has majority support for As a result of the 2014 farm bill, cotton The kids who came down traveled emissions limits. Of course, in some, it farmers, including those cotton farm- overnight, through the night, to par- goes up into huge numbers like over 75 ers in Kansas, were no longer eligible ticipate in that march. Joined by 375 percent here in Vermont, but the base- to participate in title I of the farm pro- sister marches worldwide, we came to- line is that every single congressional grams. gether with one voice to demand lead- district, a majority want emissions Without an effective safety net, cot- ership in the fight against climate limits, but of course tone-deaf Presi- ton producers have especially felt the change. The Science March in Wash- dent Trump has directed his EPA Ad- impact of the downturn in the farm ington over Earth Day weekend, led by ministrator to look at dismantling the economy due to those low prices. For a nonpartisan group of scientists, was Clean Power Plan. over a year, the cotton industry has joined by people in 600 satellite A majority of Americans in every worked with both authorizers and ap- marches around the world. single State and in every single con- propriators to fix the issues stemming I went to Earth Day Texas, a truly gressional district, which obviously in- from the 2014 farm bill. impressive event, with 150,000 people, cludes every Republican congressional So it is really discouraging when making it the largest Earth Day event district, agree that climate change is their proposals met with resistance at in the world. It is the passion of busi- happening. Whether you break it down

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.061 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 by State or break it down by congres- won’t determine the fate of our ability Grid, Novartis Corporation, PG&E, Rio sional district, the results are the to meet our Paris commitment.’’ Tinto, Schneider Electric, Shell, Unilever, same. From here—50 percent and Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Walmart. sent to have both of these letters print- down—are various shades of blue. From DEAR PRESIDENT TRUMP, MEMBERS OF THE here—50 percent and up—are various ed in the RECORD. US CONGRESS, AND GLOBAL LEADERS: We, the shades of orange. As you can see, there There being no objection, the mate- undersigned members in the business and in- is not a remaining speck of blue on this rial was ordered to be printed in the vestor community of the United States, re- map. The American people have settled RECORD, as follows: affirm our deep commitment to addressing this question in their minds. APRIL 26, 2017. climate change through the implementation of the historic Paris Climate Agreement. Here is what, by the way, the next Hon. DONALD J. TRUMP, We want the US economy to be energy effi- President of the United States, The White generation of Republicans think. The cient and powered by low-carbon energy. House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Thomson Reuters Foundation surveyed Cost-effective and innovative solutions can Washington, DC. 21 college Republican clubs, of whom help us achieve these objectives. Failure to DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: We write to express half said their members believe human our support for continued participation by build a low-carbon economy puts American activities are changing the climate. the United States in the Paris climate prosperity at risk. But the right action now will create jobs and boost US competitive- ‘‘The people that are in power right change agreement. now, for whatever reason, don’t have Climate change presents U.S. companies ness. We pledge to do our part, in our own operations and beyond, to realize the Paris that same global view,’’ said Grace with both business risks and business oppor- tunities. U.S. business interests are best Agreement’s commitment of a global econ- Woodward, the president of the David- omy that limits global temperature rise to son College Republicans. served by a stable and practical framework facilitating an effective and balanced global well below 2 degrees Celsius. We call on our elected US leaders to She continued: ‘‘When our generation response. We believe the Paris Agreement strongly support: is in power, we will take climate provides such a framework. change much more seriously.’’ I am not 1. Continuation of low-carbon policies to Companies based or operating in the allow the US to meet or exceed our promised sure we have the time for that, but I United States benefit from U.S. participa- national commitment and to increase our appreciate Grace’s sentiment. tion in the agreement in many ways: nation’s future ambition. Kent Haeffner, president of the Har- Strengthening competitiveness—By requir- 2. Investment in the low carbon economy vard University Republican Club, said ing action by all parties, developed and de- at home and abroad in order to give financial he, too, believes it will eventually be- veloping countries alike, the agreement en- decision-makers clarity and boost the con- sures a more balanced global effort, reducing fidence of investors worldwide. come politically unviable for Repub- the risk of competitive imbalances for U.S. licans to keep dismissing climate 3. Continued US participation in the Paris companies. Agreement, in order to provide the long-term change. He said: ‘‘I think that the folks Supporting sound investment—By setting direction needed to keep global temperature that are our age are going to have to clearer long-term objectives, and by improv- rise below 2°C. reshape the party and take it in a dif- ing transparency, the agreement provides Implementing the Paris Agreement will ferent direction.’’ It sounds like these greater clarity on policy direction, enabling enable and encourage businesses and inves- future leaders of the Republican Party better long-term planning and investment. tors to turn the billions of dollars in existing Creating jobs, markets and growth—By low-carbon investments into the trillions of are putting their elders on notice. committing all countries to action, the It is not just a majority of the Amer- dollars the world needs to bring clean energy agreement expands markets for innovative and prosperity to all. ican people and it is not just young clean technologies, generating jobs and eco- We support leaders around the world as leaders of the Republican Party who nomic growth. U.S. companies are well posi- they seek to implement the Paris Agreement don’t buy President Trump’s tone-deaf tioned to lead, and lack of U.S. participation and leverage this historic opportunity to climate agenda; corporate America is could put their access to these growing mar- tackle climate change. not buying it either. In the lead-up to kets at risk. 18 Rabbits, Inc.; 22 Designs; 2pp; 3P Part- Minimizing costs—By encouraging market- ners; 3rd Rock Data; 3Sisters Sustainable the inauguration, more than 630 com- based implementation, the agreement helps panies and investors, representing Management, LLC; 475 High Performance companies innovate to achieve environ- Building Supply; 900 Degrees Neapolitan Piz- nearly 2 million employees and more mental objectives at the lowest possible zeria; Adobe Home Furnishings; Abt Elec- than $1 trillion in annual revenue, cost. tronics; Abundance Food Coop; Acer America wrote to Donald Trump, counseling Reducing business risks—By strengthening Corporation; Active Minds LLC; Addenda him to follow through on U.S. commit- global action over time, the agreement will Capital; Adidas Group; Adobe, Inc; Adopt-A- ments to combat climate change. reduce future climate damages, including watt; AdventureCORPS, Inc.; Aegis Renew- Food giants Kellogg’s, Campbell’s, physical harm to business facilities and op- able Energy; AGF Investments Inc.; Agrar- erations, declining agricultural productivity ian Ales; AjO; Akamai Technologies, Inc.; and Mars, clothing brands Nike and and water supplies, and disruption of global Levi’s, and other corporate Aker Wade Power Technologies; Allagash supply chains. Brewing Company; Allianz; Allumia; heavyweights like Monsanto and John- As businesses concerned with the well- AlphaFlow, Inc.; Alta Ski Area; Altiz Or- son & Johnson urged the incoming being of our customers, our investors, our chard; Amalgamated Bank; Amber Kinetics; President to maintain national efforts communities, and our suppliers, we are AMD; Ameresco, Inc. to reduce emissions, invest in the low- strengthening our climate resilience, and we American Licorice Co.; American Outdoor carbon economy at home and abroad, are investing in renewables, efficiency, nu- Products, Inc.; Amherst College; Amicus and keep the United States in the Paris clear, biofuels, carbon capture, sequestra- GBC, LLC; Anchor; Ankrom Moisan; Archi- tion, and other innovative technologies that tects; Annie Card Creative Services; Annie’s, Agreement. can help achieve a clean energy transition. Just last week, 13 of the largest and Inc.; Anthesis Group; Anthropocene Insti- For this transition to succeed, however, gov- tute; Applied Sustanability Group. most successful companies in America ernments must lead as well. We urge that Appraccel; Appropriate Technology Group, wrote to the President to, and I quote the United States remain a party to the LLC; Apricus Inc.; Aradia’s Temple; them here, ‘‘urge that the United Paris Agreement, work constructively with Arapahoe Basin; Archer Capital Advisors; States remain a party to the Paris other nations to implement the agreement, Agryle Brewing Company; Arjuna Capital; Agreement, work constructively with and work to strengthen international sup- ARTEMIA Communications. other nations to implement the agree- port for a broad range of innovative tech- Artemis Water Strategy; ArtforScience; As nologies. You Sow; Aslan Brewing Company LLC; ment, and work to strengthen inter- We believe that as other countries invest Aspen Brewing Company; Aspen Skiing Com- national support for broad ranges of in- in advanced technologies and move forward pany; Assured Medical Billing, Inc.; Astra novation technology.’’ with the Paris Agreement, the United States Women’s Business Alliance; Athena Sustain- I don’t know how the business com- can best exercise global leadership and ad- able Materials Institute; Athens Impact In- munity could state its position much vance U.S. interests by remaining a full vesting. more clearly. That group included BP, partner in this vital global effort. Athens Impact LLC: Socially Responsible DuPont, General Mills, Google, Intel, We appreciate the opportunity to share our Financial Services; Athens’ Own; Auralites Microsoft, National Grid, Novartis, views and would welcome the opportunity to Inc.; Aurental Consulting; Autodesk, Inc.; provide further input as the Administration Aveda; Avery and Sun; Avery Dennison; PG&E, Schneider Electric, Shell, continues to shape its climate policies. Axialent USA; Azzad Asset Management. Unilever, and Walmart. Sincerely, B2B4ME; Baker Office Supply; Baldwin As former New York City mayor Mi- Apple, BHP Billiton, BP, DuPont, General Brothers Inc.; Bambeco; Bana´ n; Baroco Cor- chael Bloomberg put it, ‘‘Washington Mills, Google, Intel, Microsoft, National poration; Barrett International Technology;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.062 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2731 Basic Solar & Renewables; Bath Natural COULSON; Craft Brew Alliance; Creative Fa- GreenBeams, LLC; GREENPLAN Inc.; Market; Bean Capers Inc.; Beanfields PBC; cilitating and Coaching; Creekwood Energy Greentown Labs; Greenvest/FWG. Beautycounter; Belay Technologies, Inc.; Partners; Crossbow Strategies; Crystal Hackensack Meridian Health; BELKIS Consulting, LLC; BELT; Ben & Jer- Mountain; CTA Architects Engineers; Curren Hammerschlag & Co. LLC; Hanging Rock ry’s Homemade, Inc.; Bent Paddle Brewing Media Group; Cyclone Energy Group. Animal Hospital, Inc.; Hannon Armstrong; Co. Dahlman Ranch, Inc.; Dana Investment Ad- Happy Family Brands; HarborWest Design; Bergsund DeLaney Architecture & Plan- visors; Dana Lund Landscaping; Dannon Harmony Acupuncture, LLC; Harvest Power ning; Bespoken Corporate Communications; Company, Inc.; Dansko Inc; Daughters of LLC; Hasty Hickock, LICSW private prac- Big Dipper Wax Works Inc.; Big Kid Science; Charity, Province of St. Louise; DayQuest tice; HeartPath Acupuncture, LLC; Big Path Capital; Biodico; Biogen, Inc.; Bio- Life Counseling & Healthy-Mind Services; Hello!Lucky; Hemp Ace International LLC; habitats, Inc.; BioJam Industrial Research & DBL Partners; Debra’s Natural Gourmet; De- Hempy’s American Made Fine Hemp Goods; Development Global, Inc.; Bioroot Energy, coding Sustainability with Matthew Henry and Marty Restaurant; Hewlett Pack- Inc.; Biositu, LLC; Biosynthetic Tech- Yamatin; Deep Green Inc; Deer Valley Re- ard Enterprise; Hey and Associates, Inc.; nologies. sort; Della’s LLC; Deschutes Brewery; De- High Plains Architects, PC; Hilary’s; Hilton; Bisbee Food Co-op; BKW III, LLC; Black tour; DIESEL, A Bookstore; Dignity Health; Historic Properties LLC; HJKessler Associ- Oak Wind Farm; Blacklin Associates; Distance Learning Consulting; Do Good In- ates; Holiday Valley Resort; Blacktorne S&D Consulting; Blogs for vesting, LLC; Domini Impact Investments Hollender Sustainable Brands, LLC; Home Brands; Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachu- LLC; Dominican Sisters of Hope; Dominican Green Home; Horse & Dragon Brewing Com- setts; Blue Moon Wellness; Blue Mountain Sisters of Mission San Jose; Dominican Sis- pany; House Kombucha; HP Inc.; Humanity, Solar Inc.; Blue Phoenix Media, Inc.; Blue ters of Peace; Dominican Sisters of San Inc; Hummingbird Wholesale; HydroCycle Star Integrative Studio; Blueprint Public Af- Rafael; Dominican Sisters of Sparkill; Engineering; HydroQuest. fairs; Boardwalk Capital Management; DoneGood; Donna M. Carr, M.D.; Dorothea iBark; ICCR (Interfaith Center on Cor- Bonnaire Enterprises LLC; Bora Architects; Leicher NCpsyA; Douglas Elliman; Drew porate Responsibility); Ideal Energy Inc; Boreal Mountain Tahoe/Soda Springs Ski Re- Maran Construction, Inc.; Ducoterra LLC; IDEAS For Us; IKEA North America Services, sort. DuPage Psychological Associates; DuPont; LLC; Impact Bioenergy, Inc.; Impact Infra- Borst Enginerring & Construction LLC; Durange Compost Company; DynoForms. structure, Inc.; Impact Investors; Impax Boston Common Asset Management; Boston Eaglecrest Ski Area; Earth - Bread + Brew- Asset Management; Independence Solar; Organics; Bowling Green LLC; Box Digital ery LLC; Earth Essence; Earth Friendly Independent Natural Food Retailers; Indigo Media; Box Latch Products; BR+A Con- Products (ECOS); EarthKind Energy; Natural Marketing and Sales; Indosole; sulting Engineers; Breathe Deep; Brendshann Earthprints; Earthshade NAtural Window Indow; Infer Energy; Information Tech- Construction Co Inc.; Brewery Vivant; Fashions; Ebates; eBay; Ecco Bella; Echo nology Industry Council; Innovative Power Bright Common Architecture; Brit + Co; Credits; Echo Mountain; Eco Latch Systems, Systems; Inntopia; Inovateus Solar; INTE- Broadside Bookshop; Brooks Sports; Buglet LLC; Eco-Products; Ecodeo; Ecogate; GRAL GROUP; Integrated Choices, LLC; Solar Electric Installation; Bumbleride; EcoPlum; ecoShuttle; Ecosystems Group, Intel Corporation; IntelliparkUS, Inc.; Inter- Bump’n Grind; Bunk House at ZION; Bed & Inc; EcoTienda La Chiwinha; Ecotone Serv- dependent Web LLC; Interface; Interfaith Breakfast; Buoy Beer Company; Burness; ices, Inc; Edgewood Garden LLC; Power and Light; Intersection; Intex Solu- Burton Snowboards; Burtt & Associates; Eighty2degrees LLC; EILEEN FISHER; EKI tions, Inc.; iPlay; ISOS Group; iSpring; Itty Business Climate Leaders; Business Wisdom; Energy Services Limited; Eleek, Inc.; Ele- Bitty Inn. ByFusion. phants Delicatessen; Ellenzweig; Elloian J. Ottman Consulting; J&B Importers, Inc.; C+C; CA Healthy Nail Salon Cooperative; Law; Emerge Interactive; Emerger Strate- Jackson Hole EcoTour Adventures; Jackson CA Technologies; Cali Green Life; Califia gies; Emmy’s Organics, Inc.; Empowerment Hole Mountain Resort; Jacoby Architects; Farms; California Clean Energy Fund; Cali- Solar LLC; Endosys; Energy Optimizers, Janji; Jantz Management LLC; Jazzie Beans fornia Public Employees’ Retirement System; USA; EnergyWorks. LLC; Jefferson Veterinary Center; JF California State Teachers Retirement Sys- Entercom Communications Corp.; Environ- Pontzer, LLC; JGE Global LLC; Jilbert Win- tem; Calvert Investments; Calypso Commu- ment & Enterprise Strategies; EOS Climate; ery; Jimbo’s...Naturally!; Jiminy Peak nications LLC; Cambridge Energy Advisors; Epic Capital Wealth Management; Equal Ex- Mountain Resort, LLC; JJ McNeil Commer- Camp Encore/Coda; Campbell Soup Company; change Inc; Equinox Consultancy LLC; Erin cial; JLens Investor Network; JLL; JMJ Con- Cantabrigian Mechanics; Canyon Market; Austin Law; Eskew+Dumez+Ripple; Espresso struction Group; Johnson & Johnson; Jona- Cappello’s; Captus Group LLC; Carbon Light- Parts LLC; Essex Timber Co. LLC; ETG book than Rose Companies; Joule Energy; house; Care2. cafe; Ethical Bean Coffee; Ethical Markets JoyWorks Communications; JSA Financial Carlsbad Feed Store; Carolina Biodiesel, Media Certified B Corp.; Etho Capital; ETM Group; JTN Energy; Jupiter Aluminum; Just LLC; Case Medical; Catalyst Paper Corpora- Solar Works; Eva Realty, LLC; Evari GIS Business; Just in Time Direction; Justice tion; Catalyze Partners; CDI Meters, Inc.; Consulting; Everence & the Praxis Mutual Commission of the Sisters of the Presen- CEO Pipe Organs/Golden Ponds Farm; Funds; Evolution Marketing; Exact Solar. tation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Aberdeen, Cerego; CEVG; Chambong Industries; Charge Fairhaven Runners, Inc.; Faller Real Es- SD. Across Town; Che Qualita Enterprises, Inc.; tate; Farmers Union, Inc.; Feel Good Salsa K2 Sports; Karen Beall, Inc.; Kayak Media; ChekFaxx Corporation; Cherly Heinrichs Ar- LLC; Felician Sisters of North America Inc., Keene Advisors; Keinomari Consulting; Kel- chitecture; ChicoEco, Inc DBA; ChicoBag Leadership Team; Fetzer Vineyards; logg Company; Kelly Services; KERBspace; Company; Choices Natural Market; Chosen Fiberactive Organics; Filtrine Mfg. Co.; First Kimberton Whole Foods; King Arthur Flour; Futures; Christopher Reynolds Foundation; Affirmative Financial Network; Flink En- Kirksey Architecture; KL Felicitas Founda- Church Investment Group; City Brewery; ergy Consulting; FOG Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; tion; Klean Kanteen; Kleynimals; KLW Con- Clarion Group Live, Inc.; Clean Agency; Fort George Brewery and Public House; Four sulting Inc; Kostis Kosmos Inc.; Krull & Clean Edge, Inc.; Clean Energy Collective; Twenty Seven; Framework LLC; Franciscan Company; Kuity Corp.; KW Botanicals Inc. Clean Energy Investment Management; Sisters of Allegany, NY; Franciscan Sisters L’Oreal USA; Lamey-Wellehan; Lancaster Clean Technology Partners, LLC; Clean of Perpetual Adoration; Fred Thomas Re- General Health; Law Office of Nancy D. Yield Asset Management; CleanCapital. sort; Fremont Brewing; Friends Fidicuary Israel; Lawrence R. Jensen & Assoociates; Clear Blue Commercial; Clif Bar & Com- Corporation; Future Made. Lazarus Financial Planning, LLC; Le Pain pany; Climate Clean, Inc.; Climate Coach Gaia Herbs; Gale River Motel, LLC; Gap Quotidien; Leadership Team Sisters of St. International, LLC; Climate First!; Climate Inc.; Gara Landscapes, LLC; Garmentory Francis of Tiffin, OH; Leadership Momen- Ready Solutions; Cloudability; Coelius Con- Inc.; Gauthereau Group; CGI General Con- tum; LEEDerGroup.com; Leisure Wheels sulting; Coerver Analytics, LLC; Columbia tractors; Geek Werks; Genentech, Inc.; Gen- Quadracycles; Leslie Lawton Connected Green Technologies; Columbia Sportswear eral Mills, Inc.; Gerding Edlen Development; Communications; Levi Strauss & Co.; Lex Company; Communitas Financial Planning; Gerry Fortin Rare Coins; Ginkgo Leaf Con- Machina; LifeSource Natural Foods; Community Capital Management, Inc.; Com- sulting; Gladstein, Neandross & Associates; LifeWise Community; Liftopia, Inc.; pass Natural LLC; Compass(x) Strategy; Global Energy Inc.; Global Organics; LightWave Solar; Lin Industries, Inc.; Linear Compression Institute; Comunicaciones Globetrans EC; GloryBee; GO Box; Going Be- City Concepts; LiveNeighborly; Livingston Kokopele; Comverge; Confluence Sustain- yond Sustainability; Good Company; Good Energy Innovations; LM Holder III FAIA; ability; Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes; Energy Guild; Good Neighbor Health Clinic; Locksley, Inc.; Long Wind Farm; Longhorn Congregation of St. Joseph. Goodmeetsworld; GPM Global; Grady Solar; Lookout Pass Ski & Recreation Area; Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Britton; Granlibakken Management Com- Cleantech Incubator; Lotus Funds; CONTEMPL8 T-SHIRTS LLC; Con- pany; Great Green Content; Green Alliance; Foods, Inc.; Louis Berger; Lumenomics, Inc.; tent Creation Services; Continuum Indus- Green Canyon Apothecary; Green Century Luna & Larry’s Coconut Bliss; Lutsen Moun- tries, Inc.; Convex Technologies Inc.; Cool Capital Management; Green Concierge Trav- tains Corporation; Lyft; Lynne Rudie Graph- Energy, Inc.; Cooper Spur Mountain Resort; el; Green Faith; Green Hammer; Green Heron ic Design. Copper Mountain Ski Resort; Copyrose Mar- Tools, LLC; Green Ideals; Green Knight En- M.A. Mortenson Company; M&E Engineers; keting & Communications; Corn Board Man- vironmental Inc.; Green Media Ventures; Macomb Food Cooperative; MacroclimateR; ufacturing, Inc.; Cornerstone Capital Group; Green Pod LLC; Green Retirement; Green Magnetic Threads; Mammoth Mountain and Cornucopia Community Advocates; Star; Greenability; Greenbank Associates; June Mountain; Manhattan Holistic Chamber

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.036 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2732 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2017 of Commerce; ManpowerGroup; marianne RADAR, Inc.; Re-Nuble, Inc.; ReachScale; Big league sports is engaged too. ieone llc; Mars Incorporated; Martha’s; Mar- REBBL, Inc.; Rebel Writer; Recreational Major League Baseball stadiums and tin 4 Investments, LLC; Martin Rehearsal Equipment, Inc.; Region VI Coalition for Re- National Basketball Association arenas Studios; Maryknoll Sisters; Mazzetti + GBA; sponsible Investment and Sisters of the Hu- have installed wind turbines to gen- Melina/Hyland design group; Mennonite Edu- mility of Mary; ReGrained, Inc; ReGreen cation Agency; Mercatus, Inc.; Mercer Road Inc.; RenewWest; Replenishing the Earth; erate their own low-carbon energy, or Farm; Merck Family Fund; Mercury Press RetroFuture; Remodeling; Reynders, solar panels, like the Red Sox’s International; Mercy Health; Mercy Invest- McVeigh Capital Management, LLC; Rey- Fenway Park. ment Services; Meridian Ecosystems, Inc.; nolds Foundation; Rio Grande Renewables, The National Hockey League has Metropolitan Group; Metrus Energy; Michael LLC; Riverina Natural Oils; Rivermoor En- partnered with ENERGY STAR and the W. Grainey Consulting LLC; Microgrid Sys- ergy; RL Investments; Roanoke Mountain Natural Resources Defense Council to tems Laboratory; Midwest Capuchin Francis- Adventures, LLC; Robert Bates Company; make its facilities more energy effi- Rockford Brewing Company; Room & Board cans; Midwest Coalition for Responsible In- cient. Salt Lake City’s Major League vestment; Mightybytes; migration.mobi; INC; Roots Realty; Royal DSM; RPM Bank; MilkCrate; MILLC; Millennium Microgrid; Ruffwear; Rune’s Furniture and Carpet; Rus- Soccer stadium built one of Utah’s Miller/Howard Investments; MindEase Bill- sian River Vineyards; Rutherford + Chekene. largest solar panel arrays, providing ing; Minerva Consulting; Mirova; Mission S CAP Consultancy; s2 Sustainability Con- more than 70 percent of that facility’s Cheese; MissionCTRL Communications sultants; Safari Energy; Salesforce.com; energy. (m2c); Mithun; Mobile Data Labs; Modavanti; Sarah Mae Brown Consulting LLC; Saris Cy- The National Football League has a Monadnock Food Coop; Mondele¯z Inter- cling Group; Sasaki Associates; Saunders program to reduce overall greenhouse Savenia; Savii Group; national; Monsanto Company; Montanus En- Hotel Group; gas emissions during every Super Bowl, ergy; Moore Capital Management; Scentsational Scrubs; Schneider Electric; School Sisters of Notre Dame Cooperative which has resulted in the planting of MooreBetterFood; Mount Bohemia; Moun- over 50,000 trees in Super Bowl host tain Gear, Inc.; Mountain High Resort; Investment Fund; School Sisters of St. Mountain Mel’s Essential Goods; Mountain Francis; SCIEFrameworks, LLC; Scoville communities. Rider’s Alliance, LLC; Mountain Rose Herbs; Public Relations; Scrivo Communications; In 2016, outdoor retailer REI hit 100 mphph design; mphpm design; Mrs. Green’s SEA Builders LLC; Sealed Air Corporation; percent renewable energy for the World; Mt. Hood Meadows; Mulago Founda- Seamans Capital Management; Seattle City fourth consecutive year, and they just tion; mvWiFi, LLC; MyFlightbook. Light; Sefte Living; Seismic Brewing Com- opened a new net-zero energy distribu- Namaste´ Solar; Nancy Deren Financial pany. Sequent Management, tion center in the Arizona desert. Counciling; National Co+op Grocers; Na- SEIU Staff Fund; Inc.; Servants of Mary; Starbucks announced plans to power tional Foundry; National Latino Farmers & Seventh Generation; Seventh Generation CRI; Severn Consulting 116 stores in Washington State on re- Ranchers Trade Assn; National Ski Areas As- SFMG; SharePower Responsible Investing, newable energy. Patagonia created an sociation; National Small Business Network; Inc.; SheerWind; Sheng Ai International, incentive program for employees who Native American Natural Foods; Natixis LLC; Shift Advantage; Sidel Global Environ- Asset Management; Natural Habitat Adven- commute to work without driving, sav- mental; Sidel Systems USA Inc.; Siegel & ing more than 25,000 gallons of fuel last tures; Natural Habitats; Natural Invest- Strain Architects; Sierra Club Foundation; ments; Natural Logic; NEI Investments; Sierra Energy; Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.; year, and it invested more than $50 Neighborhood Sun; Neil Kelly; Nettleton Sierra Real Estate; Sigma Capital; Silicon million to purchase 2,500 residential Strategies; New Belgium Brewing; New Cen- Ranch Corporation; Simply Perfect Beauty; solar units. tury Productions, Inc.; New Horizon Finan- Sisters of Bon Secours USA; Sisters of Char- And it is not just the business com- cial Strategies; New Summit Investments; ity of Leavenworth; Sisters of Charity of munity that makes things; financial New York City Comptroller’s Office; New New York; Sisters of Charity, BVM; Sisters firms are urging their clients to factor York State Common Retirement Fund; Nia of Saint Francis, Rochester, Minnesota; Sis- climate change into their investment Global Solutions; Nightshade Fine Gar- ters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Phila- dening; NIKE; Nomadix; North Highland decisions. delphia, PA; Sisters of St. Dominic of Last year, the investment firm Worldwide Consulting; North Ridge Invest- Caldwell; Sisters of St. Dominic, Racine, ment Management; North Sound Energy Re- Wisconsin; Sisters of St. Francis of Philadel- BlackRock, with more than $1 trillion model, LLC; North Star Coaching; phia; Sisters of St. Joseph; Sisters of St. Jo- in assets under management, issued a NorthFork Financial, LLC; NorthStar Asset seph of Boston; Sisters of the Humility of report titled ‘‘Adapting Portfolios to Management, Inc.; Northwest Coalition for Mary; Sisters of the Precious Blood; Sisters Climate Change,’’ which describes Responsible Investment; NRG Energy, Inc.; of the Presentation of the BVM; Sisters of ‘‘how investors can incorporate climate Numi Organic Tea; nurx; Nutiva. the Sacred Heart of Mary WAP; Skanska factors to reduce risk and seize oppor- Oasis Montana Inc.; Octagon Builders; Of- USA Inc.; Skibutlers; Smarter Shift Inc.; fice of the General Treasurer of Rhode Is- tunities.’’ SMMA. The Asset Owners Disclosure Project land; OgreOgress productions; OhmConnect; For the full list of signatories, please see: OLAVIE; Old Bust Head Brewing Company; http://lowcarbonusa.org/business. Signatories last week reported that ‘‘[s]ixty per- OM Properties, LLc; Omnidian, Inc.; On in bold >$100 million in annual revenues or cent of the world’s 500 biggest asset Belay Business Advisors Inc; Oregon State >$5 billion in assets under management. owners, with funds worth $27 tril- Treasurer; Organic India USA; Organic Val- Mr. WHITEHOUSE. These companies lion’’—hold your breath on that—‘‘now ley; Organically Grown Company; Orion Re- know that climate change could dis- recognized the financial risks of cli- newable Energy Group; Orly Zeewy Brand rupt their supply chains, make water mate change and opportunities in the Architect; Oroeco; Our Earth Music, Inc.; or commodities more costly, or even low carbon transition and are taking Outdoor Industry Association; Outdoor Project; Outerknown; Outpost Natural Foods roil international markets. So they are action.’’ Co-op; Owens Business & Cnsltg., LLC. moving ahead whether the President Bill Gates, along with more than 20 Pacific Gas and Electric Company; Page and congressional Republicans are with of the world’s most successful Paladino and Company; PaleoBOSS Lady; them or not. businesspeople, launched a $1 billion Papertide Publishing; Parenting Journey; Mars, the maker of M&Ms and Snick- investment fund in late 2016, Break- Parnassus Investments; Patagonia; Pax ers bars, has pledged to eliminate through Energy Ventures, to reduce World Funds; Payette; Pearson; PeopleSense greenhouse gas emissions from its fa- greenhouse gas emissions by financing Consulting; Pepper Sisters, Inc.; cilities by 2040. When asked by the New clean energy technology. Perkins+Will; Personal Beast Inc.; Peter L York Times if President Trump’s These clear-eyed assessments of the Villa Fine Art; Pick My Solar; Pilotwear & business effects of climate change are Diecast Airplane; Pitchfork Communica- threats to leave the Paris accord had tions; Planet Cents; PlanGreen; PLC Repair; any effect on Mars’ plans, global sus- not entirely new. Back in 2009, Donald Plum Organics; Portfolio Advisory Board, tainability director Kevin Rabinovitch Trump joined business leaders to warn Adrian Dominican Sisters; Portland Con- replied: ‘‘This doesn’t change our com- us about the ‘‘catastrophic and irre- sulting Group; Prairie Ventures, LLC; Pres- mitments. . . . We’re doing this be- versible effects of climate change.’’ byterian Church U.S.A.; Preserve; Priests of cause we see a real business risk.’’ There advertisement read: ‘‘There will the Sacred Heart; Principled Investing LLC; Walmart, which already has set a be catastrophic and irreversible con- Priority Veterinary Management Consult- goal of deriving half its energy from re- sequences for humanity and our plan- ants; Prisere LLC; Product World USA; Pro- newable sources by 2025, recently an- et.’’ That was then, I guess. fessional Building Consultant Group; Pro- The country is moving on without jector.is, Inc.; PromptWorks, LLC; Proterra, nounced Project Gigaton, an initiative Inc.; PTI Global Solutions; Pulp Pantry; to eliminate 1 gigaton of carbon emis- President Trump and without the Re- Pure Strategies, Inc. sions by 2030 from its entire supply publican Party. State and local offi- Queridomundo Creative; Quest; Quri. chain. cials are on the march, leading their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.035 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2733 communities on a path to reduced car- the past 2 weekends demonstrated, ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. bon emissions. Companies are on the there is no going back. TOMORROW march, greening their operations and I realize it is hard for my Republican The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under supply chains. And on campuses across colleagues to go against the fossil fuel the previous order, the Senate stands the country, young Republicans and cartel, but it is not too late for them to adjourned until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. young Democrats are on the march, finally say enough is enough, to wake Thereupon, the Senate, at 6:50 p.m., coming together to prepare for a clean- up and to join the march. adjourned until Thursday, May 4, 2017, er future. As the marches and events of Mr. President, I yield the floor. at 9:30 a.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 May 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03MY6.064 S03MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE