THE GAZETTE, 25ra DECEMBER, 1981 1225

Copies of the Order may be obtained on request from compensate for the repeal of the controls over roads the offices of the Department of the Environment, Roads accesses and roadside development in Section 18 of the Service Headquarters, Commonwealth House, 35 Castle Roads Act () 1980. Street, Belfast, or of the Department's Roads Service Copies of the Order may be obtained from the. Govern- Division, Hydebank, 4 Hospital 'Road, Belfast BT8 8JL. ment Bookshop, 80 Chichester Street, Belfast BT1 4JY. PLANNING (N.I.) ORDER 1972 Listed Building Applications for planning permission listed below may be DEPARTMENT OF MANPOWER examined at 1st floor Bedford House, 16-22 Bedford SERVICES Street, Belfast, between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 4.30 The Department of Manpower Services, in exercise of the p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. powers conferred on it by Article 4 of the Industrial on Friday. Written comments may be made to the Planning Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 and paragraph Officer within the next 14 days. 2(l)(b) of Schedule 1 to the Northern Ireland Act 1974, Address Proposed Development hereby appoints Mr. Brendan G. Harkin to be Chairman 12 May Street, Demolition of vacant of the Labour Relations Agency to hold office until 31st BT1 (1537) building March 1985. A. R. Ingrain, Divisional Planning Officer. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ACT An application for Listed Building Consent has been made (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1964 in respect of Alterations to Courthouse at Cookstown. Written comments may be made to the Divisional Planning Food and Drink Industry Training Board Officer at County Hall, Omagh within 14 days from the In pursuance of the powers conferred on it by section 1 date of the advertisement. of and Schedule 1 to the Industrial Training Act (Northern Ireland) 1964, the Department of Manpower Services An application for Listed Building Consent has been made hereby appoints the following person to be a member of in respect of Alterations and Improvements to 4 No. dwell- the Food and Drink Industry Training Board, that is to ings at Lindsayville, Tullyhogue, Cookstown. Written com- say: ments may be made to the Divisional Planning Officer at H. B. Hawthorne, Esq., ' County Hall, Omagh within 14 days from the date of the Processing Personnel Manager, advertisement. Moy Park Ltd., Meeting Street, PLANNING (GENERAL DEVELOPMENT) Moira, (AMENDMENT NO. 2) Craigavon. The term of office of the aforesaid member shall term- ORDER (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1981 No. 385 inate on 31st March 1982. This Order which comes into operation on 1st January Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department 1982, makes certain changes in the scope of permitted L.S. of Manpower Services for' Northern Ireland development in Article 3 and Schedule 1 to the Planning this 14th day of December, 1981. (General Development) Order (Northern Ireland) 1973 to T. R. McKnight, Assistant Secretary. Public Notices In the Matter of Dermot A. Dobbin, residing at and carry- REGISTRATION OF PLACES OF ing on business at 86 Ballyhornan Road, , WORSHIP FOR MARRIAGE Co. , Builder, Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that the building known as A sitting of the Court for proof of debts in this matter Gospel Hall situated in Main Street, Clough, Ballymena, will be held in Chambers at the Royal Courts of Justice, in the Parish of Dunaghy and County of Antrim, was on Chichester Street, Belfast on 21st day of January, 1982, 17th day of December 1981, duly registered for the solem- at 11.00 a.m. nisation of Marriages therein pursuant to the Marriages Creditors who have not already submitted proofs of debt (Ireland) Act 1844, Section 27, as amended. should send them to The Official Assignee, RAC House, M.- Wilson, Registrar of Marriages for 79 Chichester Street, Belfast BT1 4RS as soon as possible Ballymena District. before the sitting. Dated 17th December, 1981. NOTICES UNDER THE Robert B. Logan, Official Assignee. BANKRUPTCIES ACTS IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN In the matter of Cecil Bruce, residing at 1 Ardis' Avenue, NORTHERN IRELAND Belsize Road, , County Antrim, and formerly In Bankruptcy .carrying .on business at 77, Sloan Street, Lisburn In the Matter of Thomas Stuart, residing at Knocknahinch, aforesaid, Shopkeeper, Bankrupt. Armoy, Co. Antrim, Pensioner, Bankrupt. Take Notice that a meeting of creditors will be 'held before A sitting of the Court will be held at the Royal Courts the Court at the Royal Courts of Justice, Chichester Street of Justice, Chichester Street, Belfast on 6th January 1981, on the .10th day of February 1982 at 11.00 a.m. to consider at 11.00 a.m. to audit the.Official Assignee's account and the following offer of composition toy the bankrupt: To to declare a dividend. pay all prescribed Court fees, expenses of the Official. Dated 21st December 1981. Assignee, all claims which are preferential, under the law Robert B. Lagan, Official Assignee. of Bankruptcy and a dividend of lOOp in the pound (given credit for the sum of £275 or there abouts presently in In the Matter of James Stevenson, residing at and carrying the hands of the Official Assignee) to all ordinary, un- on business at The Bungalow, Ballyworkan, Portadown, secured and partly secured creditors by one payment in Co. Armagh, and formerly residing at and carrying cash within six weeks from the date of approval of this on business at 60 Street, , Co. Down, offer by the Court or such further time as the Court may Builder, Bankrupt. allow. A sitting of the Court will be held at the Royal Courts If three fifths in value of all creditors present at this of Justice, Chichester Street, Belfast on 6th January, 1981, meeting in person or by "proxy and three fifths in number at 11.00 a.m. to audit the Official Assignee's account and of' these creditors who have proved debts of at least-£20 to declare a dividend. so present agree ttf accept such offer of composition or any Dated 21st December, 1981. modification thereof made with leave of the Court, the Robert B. Logan, Official Assignee. Court,' unless it shall be shown' that the offer is not reason-