Ordinary People, Extraordinary God Lots of people who know me now might not think I am that ordinary. I seem to have everything that everyone would want. People think I have everything but they have no idea of where I came from or what I was like pre-Jesus or even pre-Berry family.

I came into the family of Jesus about 4 years after I came into the Berry Family. Probably would've helped if it had been the other way round! But our extraordinary God knows it all.

I lived a very ordinary life, but even as I say that, of course it wasn't. An extraordinary God was surely there way before I knew Him or was aware of Him. Although I came from an ordinary family in Bermuda, He prepared me all along for the extraordinary life I would lead knowing Him. The extraordinary life I now lead here in the Lakes with Simon, the next of . That's pretty extraordinary.

So yes, God is extraordinary, but His great desire is to help us all to know how extraordinary we are. To know the extraordinary lengths Jesus went to, so that we could know that we too are extraordinary in Him. You see it's not to be extraordinary, but to know we are, that is what makes all the difference to us and to the world around us.

God bless, Diana Berry

September at Lakes All are invited to the next F3 Lakeland Sports and BBQ at Cockshott Point at 6pm on Saturday 2nd September. Please bring your own drinks and food for the BBQ, let Phil and Janette know you're coming, and invite your friends along to join in the fun! (Helpers are welcome to arrive at 5pm to assist with set-up.)

Our Church Bible Study titled 'The The next Men's Breakfast is taking Upper Room with Jesus' starts on place on Saturday 9th September at Thursday 7th September at 7.30pm The Westmorland Inn. Meet at in the Coffee Lounge. Join us as we 8.30am in the LCC Coffee Lounge study John 13 -17 over 7 weeks. for a short testimony beforehand.


Young Adults are planning on Guys, you're invited to get together watching an Ice Hockey game at for Men's Bible Study & Prayer on Blackburn Ice Arena for their next Friday 29th September, 7am - 8am, social on Saturday 23rd September! in the Church Coffee Lounge.


New Sunday Series

We are looking forward to our new Sunday Series titled 'Ordinary People, Extraordinary God' looking at a group of various people that God worked through in amazing ways. We pray that this series encourages you in your own individual walk with our Lord.

Home Groups

Home Groups are an integral part of life at Lakes Christian Centre and we really recommend everyone taking part in one. We have different groups across the South Lakes, so if you're not already in a Home Group and would like to be, then please speak with Pastor Mike.

One Another

As part of Arise Women's Ministry, we will be starting a new group for the ladies of LCC this autumn. It will run for 12 weeks and will be called ‘One Another’ to reflect the Biblical teaching that we should love, pray for, care for, build up and encourage ‘one another’ as well as sharing one another’s burdens.

We will plan our programme together at our first meeting, an ‘Open House’ from 11am – 3pm on Wednesday 20th September in the Coffee Lounge. Tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits will be provided but please bring a packed lunch with you if you plan to join us over lunchtime. We will always meet on Wednesdays at various times between 10.30am and 4pm and expect most events to last 2-3 hours, either in the morning, over lunch or early afternoon but we may have one or two longer sessions. Each week will be different – chatting, praying, studying, eating, reading, ‘crafting’, discussing, maybe even walking, cruising or shopping – but the aim will always be to get to know ‘one another’ better, share our daily walk with Jesus with ‘one another’ and enjoy our time with ‘one another’. Please email the Office or ask Maggie for more details.

Coming Soon...

Looking ahead to early October, the next F3 social will take place at 1pm on Sunday 1st October after our 11am church service. It will be a fun Walking Treasure-hunt around Windermere. Please remember to bring your own packed lunch to eat at church first in the Coffee Lounge.

Unite Autumn will take place on Sunday 22nd October at 6.30pm. Come along for an evening of praise and worship, prayer for healing, and encouragement through a short message and testimony. This is a great night to invite those along who need a healing touch from God.

House of Prayer

Please continue to pray for Joe, Kay and Ian who were baptised in Lake Windermere last month. It was such a joyful special evening celebrating with those who have committed their hearts and lives to following Jesus. God bless them to overflowing!


A big congratulations to Peter and Judith Bell who were recently married on the 12th August in Harrow. It was a wonderful occasion and God certainly blessed their special day. Please keep them in your prayers as they embark on life as a married couple in Manchester. Thank you for your perseverance in prayer as we move forward in our journey to buy the church building from the Bowness Methodists.

Walk 4 Freedom Windermere

'The Walk for Freedom on Saturday 14th October 2017 will be a fantastic day to be a part of. We walk silently through Windermere and Bowness to give a voice to those who are trapped in some form of slavery across the UK and worldwide. Our part in it seems small but our slogan 'One step at a time, one life at a time', is at the heart of the gospel. Jesus came to die for the world and to bring freedom to the captives. Please register via the A21 website and join us as we walk again to raise awareness more determinedly, until we see this crime exposed and dealt with, and more people rescued.' Julie Ross.

The Noah Initiative News

Recently we have attended multiple prayer days. These are events organised by the schools to dedicate their Form 4's to God before their final exams. They pray for good results but also, wisdom and favour for the students, both in their exams and after they leave school. For some of the boys we are their parents and for others we are supporting their parents, so it is a great honour to stand with them during this time of dedication and prayer.

The Noah Initiative is planning to start two new groups of boys in January. If you would like to support us in this, your donation will be matched (doubled) by another UK based foundation, then please email [email protected].

Blessings, Ell & Mety Berry

Lakes Gospel Choir Concert Video Weekly Thank You!

A big thank you to the Carter family, Denise and Hannah, Julie, and Phil and Janette who recorded our recent church notices. Everyone is welcome to present the notices, so if you'd like to have a go, please email the Office.

Connected There's plenty to read, listen and watch on our Lakes Christian Centre website and Facebook page. Enjoy having a look for yourself via the links below. God bless and thanks for reading our newsletter.

Website Facebook

Lakes Christian Centre Lake Road, Bowness-on-Windermere. LA23 3AP 015394 88298 [email protected] www.lakeschristiancentre.co.uk

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