Four Powers Protest Acts of Httlerites
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HOSPITAL StIE SELECTED FOR WARMRIAL Fairmont, W. Va., Oct 1$.— (A P )—For seven days and seven nl^ts, without food or water, and groping in utter Granite Base and Bronze darkness, Charles Montgomery» 64, wandered helplessly through Tablet to Be Permanent an abandoned section of a coal mine at nearby Downs. Hardly able to walk, Ms shoe Monmnent to Those Who cut to pieces by the jaggered ffis Wife Seidswel slate in the old mine tunnels, the weary miner was rescued PartTIniTeokbtti^ Served in World Conflict last night far from the point at vdilch he had entered the work ings. "Give me a drink of Wsshlngton, Oct 12.—(AP)— no New Haven KklBaHHii Plot — K A e i Final approval of HanohMtar*i water,'^ was Ms first cry after * . • IRfSMoqr fitispdng on i |S,000,000,- ICamorlal to Ita World War dead two members of the rescue 000 eoals today was t o s ' admlnla- Six Serving LHe SeSteseol waa given 3reeterday by the Per- party found him. Hailroad Station Fhtfenn His condition was reported as tetkm program for raLdiag ready Boanent Amlitloe Day oommlttee, not serious. proponents of the plan to erert a JsaiA and refunding 81,878J)M,000 from Wm L m Same C u e . permanent monument o n ' the of toe Fotuto liberty loan lame. grounds of the Manchester Memo A saw lame of 12-yaar bonds, I* yL.' "i rial Hospital. The oommlttee au- paying 4 ^ par oant to# first year R^dgspbrt. Oct 12.—(AP)— A Okltomma City, Get 12.^(A F)'— thortsid the contract for the bronae POLICE SPOL puBd 8% toaraaftar, provided the George (Machine Gun) KeUy and- tablet andiwown granite base which maana of aecompllahlng toe douMa buUpt-sofirrsd young ?nah of 19, who will be pinaed in position on the purpose of operation. ain>frsnt]lF.^ survlvsd ths death- Ms wife, Kathryn, wets aenteneed hospital lawn and dedicated on ’Ilia'exact amount of toe lama dealing spray of a machine gun a to Ufe Imprlaonmant today, a few Armlstlee Day. PLOT TO RAH) .• ' .• -{N . wak undetermined, but |800;000,000 year ago on& to face death now mtoutea after a Federal Jury bad For the past few years action to worth will be sold for oimh at place a distinctive memorial on the from a seemnily trivial out on toe oonvleted them under the *Tind> lO lH . Bubacrlptlons open lifonday. hand presented detectlvee liere with bergh law” of kidnaping Cbarlee F. hospital lawn to replace the memo- A R M m iN P A . '.V . .. -VW. -yt. X 8 4 m t a » VVtoodl.\ lald toe 1600,- rial trees planted uortly after the a strange m]rstitii7 early today when Unmhel, Oklahoma City oil million* hospital was built has been dis 000,000 aale would provide cash for be bollapsed on the New Haven rail al^. cussed. Several erf the tress have currant needs, and the refunding road station platform. Hs was re The maximum sentriieea were been replaced and those planted In Khaid Shirts of America would “ affect a materia* reduction ported near derito in Bridgeport pronounced by Judge Edgar S. front of the hospital are too close In the annual interest charge of hospital from tstsnus as doteetives Vaught, 16 d i^ after toe cuture together. Removal of some of these iNEA the public debt.” under Captain John Regan and of the KeUya at Memphis, Tenn., Is necessary. Upon the dedication Meant to Steal Ammani Lieutenant James Bray wOrksd to and <mly three days after they went of the monument, this will follow In refunding explained. determine Ms sxaot ideraty! and the to trial. • Seven persons were kiUed,’ two of them women, when the traneoonttoental plane to wMoh thev were riding . Thus, six of toe nine pereons oon^ order to allow expansion of others. crashed to fiames near Chesterton. Ind. The wreckage of the sMp, which exploded to mld-alr, la pictured Washington, Oct 12.—(AP)—If olroumstanrces conneeted with Ms Establish Ceremony tion for Its March on you own a Fourth liberty Bond, vlcted for the $200,000 kldnapinf above. coming to Bridgeport from Omaha, By vote of the committee the get It out and take a look at Its Neb., where he said Ms horns Is. conspiracy have been ordered to annual observance at the hospital serial number. If it begins with Meanwhile hospital offlolsls wers prison for the rest of toslr llyss. will consist of the reading of the Washington. toe letter A and ends In the digit wamng' upon m ^ ea l supply houses, Also iindef Ufe sentences are Har Memorial ritual of the American one, begins in J and ends In 9, or ihyrioiens end other hcNRitaU for vey BaUey, the JaU-breaker; Albert Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, K and O, or If It carries no letter Bates, Kel^s aide In toe actual kid- ASKS SURRENDER ;00,000 units of anti-tetanus serum, nZplng, end Mr. and Bfrs. R. G. Disabled American Veterans of the PMladeliAla, O ct 12.— (AP) — FOUR POWERS PROTEST and ends In toe Uglta 1, 9 or 0, It in the battle to save tha young World War and the British War Loaded pistols and a number of baa been “ called” toe Treasury. ah^rmnp, operators of toe Paradlsa, men’s life. Texas, “Xkmap farm” where UradiM Veterans and the placing ol' knives and clubs were seised by This means that the government wreaths from each organisation on OFNRAEMBLEMS wants to redeem that particular The man told the deteotivee soon was imprisoned. Mrs. ShaiiTwm -M the monument, properly Inscribed police today in raids on three head ACTS OF HTTLERITES bond and has given notice that after after be waa takm to ths hoqfital Katimyn Kelly’s motow. atwt emblemlsed. The first such quarters of the Khaid Shirts of April 16 toe bond vfiU stop drawing that Ms nams Is EJdward Foley and Fedmral agents planned to tsfea servlee will be conducted by the America while members of the o> lifterest In exchange you can have that he Is 19 yean rid and lives in KeUy by plane to toe Atlanta Fed respective post officers on the com ganlsatlon were massing for New Rochdie, N. Y ., Finns cash or another bond, one of a new Omaha. On Ms trouser belt, how eral nenltentiary. ing Armistice Day. • ever, and insoribed on the fly leaf H ls^ e Is to serve her sentenoi march on Washington. Ceramny Told Asanlb Oq SEC. PERKINS 0 . K.’S issue. ^ n e Manchester Memorial will ’The usual way of making toe ^ a prayer book he carried, the at thS women’s Federal prison hi 'cost approKlmately $400 complete, Twenty-one prisoners wars taken Are (barged With Violat- transfer le to take your Liberty officers found toe name “Edward West Virginia. « and wUle not large or yery ln4>o»> in the raids and police said the Tkeir Cttizan Moot Stop R oon^.’’ Quick Verffict ^ Ing, wlB he In a centfally located coup nipped m the bud a plot to bemd to your bank and tell toe lat' The jury’s verdict was reachfll m ^£ECH PLEA ter what you want In almost sJl ’The tetanus which causes lodc|aw, position, mfle to be seen by an those storm me armory of the 111th ing the Code. apparently resulted from a out oa last Mght after ,drilberation of omF vlsltliu' the Instltiitlon. Manches- Regiment, Pennqrlvania MaUonal or Stnmer S t ^ Will Be cases, toe banks make a. practice one hour. Uhder toe couri^’xlnstruQ- of arranging toe Whole transaction, Ms left hand betweett toe thumb and( ter’sR oD of Honor, two massive Guard, and seise ammunltiott stored first finger. Barbed wire la beUevOd tion hOWaver'. It was seaUd, and no$ bronse tablets contalnlag the names there. then notifying the bondholder of returned until court leaned to a Taken. Ordos Labor Offidals Not Washington, Oct. 12.— (AP) — toe status. to have caused toe wound. o f men and women from this town In m the meantime, polies were The most mysterious aspect a t morning. service during the Worid War, are for Art J. Smith, self- T'OtA offidals today withheld an< However, If you want to attmd The Kellys recrived toe vaxdbA located In the corridor of the hospl-< commander In chief of the isouBcemsnt as to what steps they to It 3muraelf, take toe bond to any toe case and toe factor wU^ oane- ed detectives to Investigate, are the Amd sentence without changing sm> tal and are rarely seen. SMrts. Beriln. Opt 12.r—(A P )-r. Four to Interfere WiA News- wputo take to enforce surrender of Federal Raaecve bank or branch or Funds to pay for the memorial was estimated sevend hundred to toe Treiaaavy In WaslMagtom numerous scan m ‘ toe man’s body, powers, have served notice on the B ^ IDagle Insignia by toe two puhetureif were toitod itoa/frimt gpw o f _ will be securM thsmgh subscrip members of thejym q) had moMllied . paper Editeiidn. ’The Ixurfl glvm you In tatiduati P ixO m ^ : 86-year-crfd, daughter^ tion lists olrcuMted-wira the ex- for Ihe trip to Wgihln'gshlngtcir|did wij^ Germn goverpment that assaults ,tp to Msw R hdu^^^J^ FlU bam fh e asiBa Intarait ’aa yooF service men of the terWA. No gen- for on toelr dtisetns must cease.or tke . tbs dmt; forithe first 8 .re-employnMBit agreement. ^aenLspiiaal to oMber elaiEnefr>Fia Jm moat serious eonsequenoes consen- yaar^ bu$ ^ ylrid- will The acStMT&tiazad tb* -room nade, although voluntary contribu tn annoimoing plaM fMr the jou^ TallasMe, Ala., OoL 12.—(A P)— •but torfibatloim were some definite be 8 1-4 per cent.