ISSN 2309 - 4605 Volume 10. Number 2. May 2017 SSMJSouth Sudan Medical Journal Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in South Sudan • Maternal near-miss in Chad • Trust in medical professionals • How to read liver function tests • RTAs in Juba Vol 10. No 2. May 2017 25 South Sudan Medical Journal CONTENTS EDITORIAL South Sudan Medical Journal ISSN 2309 - 4605 Sustainable Development Goals SSMJ implementation in the context of South Volume 10. No. 2. Sudan Lul Riek ................................ 27 A Publication of the South Sudan Doctors’ Association EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ORIGINAL RESEARCH Dr Edward Eremugo Luka South Sudan Doctors’ Association Maternal Near-miss in N’Djamena Mother and Child Hospital, Chad Gabkika Bray Ministerial Complex Madoue, Saleh Abdelsalam, Doumbia Juba, South Sudan Madjouma Badara Aliou, Adoum Of, Sabre
[email protected] Twitter: @eremugo Emile, Ehdjolbo Pallai, Askemdet Obelix . 28 ASSOCIATE EDITORS What causes patents to trust medical Dr Wani Gindala Mena professionals? Insights from mothers in Juba Department of Ophthalmology Rachel Ayrton with Christne Mori Lado and Juba Teaching Hospital, Edward Eremugo Luka ....................... 33 PO Box 88, Juba South Sudan Causes of road trafc accidents in Juba
[email protected] Akway M. Cham, Anthony Lasuba, Riing Y. Chan, Angelo L. Jockmet, Asmaa S. Korokon, Dr Eluzai Abe Hakim Malong A. Aguer, John L. Otwari ......... 37 Department of Adult Medicine & Rehabilitation St Mary’s Hospital, Newport, MAIN ARTICLE Isle of Wight PO30 5TG, UK
[email protected] How to interpret liver functon tests Christna Levick ................................ 40 EDITORIAL BOARD Dr James Ayrton SHORT ITEMS
[email protected] Dr Charles Bakhiet Case Report: From traditional birth
[email protected] attendants to hospital: a maternal Professor James Gita Hakim near-miss Ogunlaja OA, Fehintola
[email protected] AO, Ogunlaja IP, Idowu A, Abiola OO, Dr Ayat C.