HOW CULTURE SHAPES THE SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH PRACTICES AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN EASTERN EQUATORIA, SOUTH SUDAN Chowdhury, Reajul;McKague, Kevin; ; © 2018, SOUTH SUDAN MEDICAL JOURNAL This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction, provided the original work is properly credited. IDRC Grant: 108033-002-Health Workers' Incentives in South Sudan (IMCHA) ISSN 2309 - 4605 Volume 11. Number 3. August 2018 SSMJSouth Sudan Medical Journal Preventing Diarrhoea Mothers’ knowlege and practices • Mental health ticking time bomb • Reproductive health practices in E Equatoria • Ultrasound in eye injuries evaluation • Bentiu international health symposium • Pica as an eating disorder 53 South Sudan Medical Journal Vol 11. No 3. August 2018 CONTENTS EDITORIAL South Sudan Medical Journal Mental health in South Sudan: a ticking time bomb SSMJ ISSN 2309 - 4605 Sieta Adhieu Majok ........................................ 55 Volume 11. No. 3. A Publication of the South Sudan Doctors’ Association ORIGINAL RESEARCH EDITOR-IN-CHIEF How culture shapes the sexual and reproductive Dr Edward Eremugo Luka health practices among adolescent girls in Eastern South Sudan Doctors’ Association Equatoria, South Sudan Reajul Chowdhury and Kevin Juba, South Sudan McKague ..................................................... 56
[email protected] Twitter: @eremugo Mothers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices on preventing diarrhoea in Juba, South Sudan Panom ASSOCIATE EDITORS Puok Duoth Kier and Ying-Chun Dai ................... 60 Dr Wani Gindala Mena Department of Ophthalmology Importance of ultrasonography in evaluating eye Juba Teaching Hospital, injuries: data from Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria Monsudi PO Box 88, Juba Kehinde Fasasi and Musa Haruna Salihu ............