WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2011 Bracing for frosh surge The College of Liberal Arts plans to hire around 35 new tenure-track faculty members next fall. By CAITLIN FRY
[email protected] Officials plan to accommodate continu- ally increasing enrollment at the Univer- sity of Iowa, though they don’t know yet how big next year’s jump will be. For starters, they intend to add 200 beds in the dorms and hire 35 new tenure- track faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Roughly 16,800 poten- tial students have sent ZOEY MILLER/ THE DAILY IOWAN applications this year, a 9.1 A snowplow preparts to dump snow into a truck near City Hall on Tuesday. The snow will be transported to the Iowa City Bus Barn near Highway 6, across from percent increase from the the Iowa City Municipal Airport. Local trucking companies are still hauling truckload after truckload of snow away from downtown after last week’s storm . 15,400 applications received by February 2010. Applications will contin- ue coming in until April, Barron Snow fun, snow business and officials will know admissions director expected enrollment num- bers in May. “Obviously, we are a place that is attrac- An official says the UI could go over its $120,000 snow-removal budget. tive to students,” said UI Director of Admis- sions Michael Barron. “But how many we By ALLIE JOHNSON DAILYIOWAN.COM Nearly a week after a mas- McGowan, the owner of Leif will ultimately offer admission to and who
[email protected] Log on to check out a sive blizzard, trucking compa- McGowan Trucking.