1. Letter to Lilavati Asar 2. Letter to Prabhavati1
1. LETTER TO LILAVATI ASAR POONA, August 30, 1945 CHI. LILI, I do not remember having answered your letter. Just now, after the prayer, I have taken out the old letters. This is just to tell you that I think of you. Continue your studies and pass. Do not lose courage. Do not spoil your health. There is no time to write more. Sardar’s treatment is going on. I am well. Blessings from BAPU From a photostat of the Gujarati: C.W. 10206. Courtesy: Lilavati Asar 2. LETTER TO PRABHAVATI1 POONA, August 30, 1945 CHI. PRABHA, I do not at all remember whether I have written to you. Your letter of the 1st is lying in front of me. I am writing this after the morning prayer. I hope you keep good health. You may come when you can. Just now I shall have to stay with Sardar in Poona. I may have to be here for three months. After that I shall be touring. You should stay in the Ashram. If there is suitable work for you there and you enjoy peace of mind and keep good health, settle down there. Do as you please. How is Father? Blessings from BAPU From a photostat of the Gujarati: G.N. 3579 1 The letters are in the Devanagari script.S VOL. 88 : 30 AUGUST, 1945 - 6 DECEMBER, 1945 1 3. LETTER TO PRABHAVATI1 August 30, 1945 CHI. PRABHA, A letter from Priyamvada is enclosed. I think you should join it2 Get yourself enrolled. About the work, we shall see after you have rested in the Ashram.
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