
ST. ’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 550 Ridgewood Road Maplewood, New Jersey +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


February 2020 ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPA L CJURCH Maplewood, NJ and ACOLYTE MANUAL (February 2020 Edition)

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GENERAL GUIDELINES Prayer for Historic Roles of Acolytes General Norms for Acolytes Scheduling Dress and Equipment Order of Procession

8:00am HOLY SERVICE Subdeacon Responsibilities

10:30am CHORAL EUCHARIST SERVICE Subdeacon Responsibilities Thurifer Responsibilities – Server Responsibilities Torchbearer Responsibilities

9:15am FAMILY EUCHARIST SERVICE Subdeacon Responsibilities


ILLUSTRATIONS How to Tie a Rope Sample Schedule

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Prayer for Acolytes O God, our gracious Father: Bless the servers of your church that they may so serve before your earthly in reverence and holiness, that they may attain, with all your and angels, the joy of serving you and worshipping you before your Heavenly Altar, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

HISTORIC ROLE OF ACOLYTES One of the foundations of Episcopalian theology focuses on . The term “liturgy” comes from a Greek word meaning “the work of the people” and goes back to the early days of . This focus does not stem from having a fixation or wanting the service to be pretty, but because it is the lived-out expression of what we believe, offered in praise and glory to God. For as long as people have been worshipping in churches, there have been acolytes who prepared these sacred spaces and assisted the before, during and after the services. The word “acolyte” comes from the Greek word, akolouthos, which means follower. But the role of an acolyte is more than just being a follower or server. Acolytes are a critical ministry and your dedication, leadership and faithfulness enhances our worship services. Your quiet visibility contributes to the creation of a holy space to allow others to praise adore and worship God. As described by Dennis G. Michno in A Manual for Acolytes: The patron of those who serve at the altera is Vincent, and Martyr, He lived in the third century, was martyred in the year 304, and is commemorated in our calendar on January 22, Vincent is remembered for his love of God, his faithfulness to his , and his unswerving loyalty to his responsibilities. These traits – love, faithfulness and loyalty – are virtues for all who are privileged to serve at the altar should cultivate. Remember: our purpose is rooted in our love of God, our faithfulness is seen in our willingness to serve responsibly, and our loyalty is demonstrated on how carefully we carry out our duties. Love, faithfulness and loyalty are the virtues we seek to perfect. The server’s aim is to be as steadfast as St. Vincent.

GENERAL NORMS FOR ACOLYTES Consequently, your role an acolyte comes responsibility. You participate and help lead worship in a respectful and dignified manner, without behaving in a way that calls attention to you. Such distractions will distract others from their worship experience and time with God. However, we understand that mistakes can happen (even the make mistake) – the goal will be to act as though it was supposed to happen and not draw attention to it. Most parishioners are in their sacred zone and will not even notice it. Consider it as a gift and learn from it. Acolytes general responsibilities include: 1. Be on time, neat and ready to serve. 2. Assist in getting the church ready for worship as per our roles.

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3. Serve quietly and do not talk among yourselves during the liturgy. 4. Avoid unnecessary movements, such as swinging your cincture (rope belt). 5. Handle on liturgical equipment with reverence. 6. Understand the different parts of the service and anticipate what happens next so that are ready. 7. Do not reverence the Altar table if carrying liturgical equipment. 8. Be leaders in worship by joining the congregation in the prayers, singing and sitting/ standing at the appropriate times. 9. Do not get so caught up in the process or next activity that you do not find the opportunities to worship and praise God – this should enhance your spiritual experience and not take away from it.

SCHEDULING Most communications within the acolyte ministry will be through email using the acolyte google group (st-georges- [email protected]). At regular intervals during the year, you will receive an email from the Director of Acolytes notifying that the next schedule covering 2 to 3 months is being prepared so that you can share your unavailable dates so that you will not be scheduled. The completed schedule will be distributed via email, posted on the church website and posted on the Parish Lounge bulletin board. See sample schedule in the Illustrations section of this manual. If conflict arises after you receive the completed schedule, it will be your responsibility to find a substitute. This may be accomplished by reaching out to the acolyte google group or using the contact information (email and telephone numbers) included at the end of each acolyte schedule. You should notify the Director of Acolytes of the substitution. An email reminder will be sent via email during the middle of the week that you are scheduled and requesting confirmation of your attendance. Special instructions, such as rehearsals, will be included in the email.

DRESS and EQUIPMENT While there is no specific dress code for acolytes, you are reminder that you are leader in the worship experience and as such, you should dress in an appropriate manner. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes as you will be moving throughout the service. Acolyte remind of us of the garments worn by Jesus and the disciples and should be treated with respect. For most services at St. George’s , acolytes wear the white robes with hoods and (white twisted robes) at the waist (see the Illustrations section at the end of this manual for guidance on tying the cincture). The length shall be just above the ankle. For Good Friday, Tenebrae and services, acolytes wear the black and white cotta; the scheduled subdeacon for these services will provide guidance on these vestments. Make sure that your vestments are not torn or soiled. If they are torn or soiled, do not rehang the alb but notify the subdeacon. Always make sure the buttons are fastened at the neckline so that it does not fall off the hanger. Before the service starts, check on your liturgical equipment to verify that it is in presentable and usable condition. All liturgical equipment be treated in with respect and reverence as each represents very special meaning and contributes to our worship experience.

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The liturgical equipment assigned to each acolyte is as follows: Role Equipment used before, during and after the service ü with aluminum foil lined inside ü Boat with spoon and filled with ü Mortar and pestle (to grind the incense) Thurifer ü Paper towels to line Altar Guild counter ü Box with charcoal bricks ü Tongs ü Candle with matches ü Bulletin (Order of Service) ü Decorative brass (note plain brass processional cross Crucifer – Server used during ) ü Alms basin ü Bulletin (Order of Service) ü Brass candle lighter/ snuffer and matches Torch Bearers ü Processional torches ü Bulletin (Order of Service) ü ü Book Subdeacon ü Altar Book ü Chancel furniture ü (verify set-up) ü Bulletin (Order of Service)

ORDER OF PROCESSION The typical order of procession for liturgical services is as follows: Thurifer (Festive Choral only) Crucifer – Server Torchbearers (Side -by – Side) (in pairs) Subdeacon Deacon (if different than Celebrant) Con-Celebrants (if present) Celebrant

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Subdeacon Responsibilities (Note: No acolytes at this service)

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PRIOR to the SERVICE v Arrive 20 minutes before the service and get vested. v Turn the lights on in the Chancel, Aumbry and Narthex. v Unlock the front door of the church. v Verify that the sound system in on. v Facing the reredos, place two chairs in front of the altar table on left for Celebrant and Subdeacon and place one chair in front of the altar table on right for Deacon. v Put out bulletins on acolyte pew table and on each service participant’s chair. v Verify the credence table is set properly as per the photos in the v Verify the Altar Book is set with the ribbons and is available on the lower shelf. v At 15 minutes before the service, retrieve the brass candle lighter/ snuffer from the Acolyte Room and proceed to light the candles as follows: o Process to the front of the Altar table, facing the narthex and reverence towards the Altar table. Light left first, then light the right altar candle. o Reverence towards the Altar table and return the brass candle lighter/ snuffer to the Acolyte Room. v Return to Sacristy for prayer with Celebrant.

DURING the SERVICE v Lead Celebrant and Deacon to the altar, facing the congregation sitting in the choir. Reverence towards the Altar table following the Celebrant’s lead and go to your chair next to the Celebrant. v During the Peace, remove all chairs to the asides. v Set the altar table as follows: o Set the Altar Book angled to the left of center. o Bring the veiled set to the Altar table and remove the burse, chalice and pall. o Remove the from the burse and lay the corporal out with the cross closest to Altar table edge. o Set square pall on the upper right corner of the corporal. o Set the large glass with the regular wafers in the middle left of the corporal, closest to the Altar book. Set the small paten with the gluten free water above the large paten closest to the congregation. o Set the silver chalice and glass juice chalice to the right of the patent in a single row. o Return the burse and chalice veil the to the credence table. o Bring the and water pitchers to the Celebrant at the altar table. v Sit in the acolyte pew. v Receive the offering plate from a parishioner and turn to the Celebrant to bless the offering. Return the offering to the bottom shelf of the credence table.

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v Proceed to the Celebrant with the bowl, towel on left forearm and water pitcher without the stopper and wash the Celebrant’s fingertips. Return everything to the credence table and return to the acolyte pew. v As the Celebrant invites all to receive in a circle around the altar, stand to the right of the Celebrant. v Turn the pages of the Altar Book but do not need to follow the text along with your finger. v Receive the bread and wine from the last parishioner in the circle. Administer the bread and wine to the Celebrant. v After all have received communion, return any extra bread, wine and juice along with all communion vessels to the credence table. Do not consume the extra bread, wine and juice and do not wash the communion vessels. v Stand to the left of the Celebrant during the Post Communion Prayer, Blessing and . v Reverence following the Celebrant’s lead and lead the Celebrant and Deacon to the Sacristy. v Receive a prayer from the Celebrant in the Sacristy.

FOLLOWING the SERVICE: v Retrieve the brass candle lighter/ snuffer from the Acolyte Room and proceed to extinguish the candles as follows: o Process to the front of the Altar table, facing the narthex and reverence towards the Altar table. Extinguish right altar candle first, then extinguish the left altar candle. o Reverence towards the Altar table and return the brass candle lighter/ snuffer to the Acolyte Room. v Hang the alb in the Acolyte Room, including fastening the buttons at the neckline so that the alb will not fall off the hanger. Drape the cincture over the clothes rod. v Retrieve the collection and place in the pink bag in the locked closet in the Sacristy. Return the offering plate to the shelf on the acolyte pew table. v Thank the participants for the service.

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Subdeacon Responsibilities Thurifer Responsibilities (Festive Choral Eucharist Services Only) Crucifer – Server Responsibilities Torchbearer Responsibilities

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PRIOR to the SERVICE v Arrive 30 minutes before the service and get vested. v Verify that the bulletins are in the front and back of church. v Set the Readers Book on the eagle lectern. v Set the ribbons in the Altar Book in Solemn Tone and place on the lower shelf of the credence table. v Set the and stand the Gospel Book in front of the altar candle on the Gospel side. v Facing the Narthex, place two chairs in behind the Altar table on right for Celebrant and Subdeacon and place one chair in behind the Altar table on left for Deacon v Verify that the sound system is on. v Place a cup of water for Celebrant on lower shelf of table next to acolyte pew. v Check the Parish Lounge bulletin board for acolytes and schedules. Verify all acolytes and readers have arrived and know their assignments. Find subs if required. v Arrange for 4 Chalice Bearers (one scheduled, crucifer/ server & 2 from the congregation). v Verify the credence table is set properly as per the photos in the Sacristy. v Verify that the chancel party is properly dressed (including microphones for Celebrant and Deacon). v Check with the Celebrant to determine if any special instructions and if so, communicate it to the ushers, acolytes and choir.

DURING the SERVICE v Process behind choir and stop between the communion rail to reverence towards the Altar table with the Celebrant and Deacon to the right. After reverencing, proceed to your seat adjacent to the Celebrant’s chair. v During Hymn follow torches to line up facing the Altar table. Turn when the Deacon turns and process to the center of nave and hold Gospel Book for Deacon. Return to sanctuary upon the completion of the Gospel reading. v During the Peace, close the Readers Book on the eagle lectern and turn off the light. v Set the Altar table as follows: o Remove the Gospel Book to the lower shelf of the credence table. o Bring the dressed chalice set to the Altar table and remove the burse, chalice veil and pall. o Remove the corporal from the burse and lay the corporal out with the cross closest to Altar table edge. o Set square pall on the upper right corner of the corporal. o Set the large glass paten with the regular wafers in the middle left of the corporal, closest to the Altar Book. Set the small paten with the gluten free water above the large paten closest to the congregation. o Set the silver chalice to the right of the patent. o Return the burse and chalice veil the to the credence table. o Get the Reserve Sacrament from the Aumbry if needed and place on the credence table.

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v During the Presentation Hymn, go to communion rail with the Deacon to receive the gifts of bread, wine and juice. v During the consecration, stand on Celebrant’s left to turn pages of the Altar Book but do not follow the text with your finger. v Following the Invitation to Communion, receive the bread and wine from the Celebrant. Follow the Celebrant to administer wine to acolytes, chalice bearers and healers. Distribute the remaining to the chalice bearers. v Clean up the Altar table during communion, keeping the Reserve Sacrament on the corporal if needed. v After the congregation has received communion, proceed to the communion rail to retrieve the glass paten from the Celebrant. Administer the bread to the Celebrant and Deacon kneeling at the communion rail. v Return both to the credence table. Do not consume the extra bread and wine. Return all the extra to the credence table where the bread will be placed in the Reserve Sacrament and the wine and juice will returned to the earth following the service. v Stand on Celebrant’s left during the Post-Communion Prayer. v Follow choir out after the Blessing. v Following the Dismissal, retrieve the Celebrant’s (and other clergy, if present) vestments, bulletins and microphones in the Narthex.

FOLLOWING the SERVICE: v Hang the alb in the Acolyte Room, including fastening the buttons at the neckline so that the alb will not fall off the hanger. Drape the cincture over the clothes rod. v Retrieve sermon from (or music stand) and verify that the Preacher signs Church Record Book in Sacristy. v Remove used bulletins, cup and any other items in the chancel placed before the service. v Close all books. v Turn off the sound system. v Turn of the lights (if the church is empty). v Thank the participants for the service.

SPECIAL NOTE: For Services containing Baptism, stand by the baptismal table and hand the water pitcher, towel, anointing oil and candle (in that order) to the Celebrant. Following the Baptism, give the Baptismal Certificate to either the parents or godparents. Assist the acolytes in removing the baptismal table and vessels.

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PRIOR to the SERVICE v Arrive 30 minutes before the service. v Line the thurible with aluminum foil and crush incense using the mortar and pestle to fill the boat. v Verify that a chair has been provided next to the acolyte pew table and place bulletin on chair. v Set up Thurifer prep area on the Altar Guild Room counter as follows: o Line counter with paper towel to contain mess from getting on linens later. o Provide candle, box with charcoal bricks, matches and tongs on paper towel. v At 10:15am, light 4 charcoal bricks and place in the thurible. Open one window in the Altar Guild Room. v Get vested. v At 10:30am, proceed to the Celebrant in the Parish Lounge to charge the thurible . v Join clergy and choir for prayer in Parish Lounge and lead procession into the church.

DURING the SERVICE v Stand by the drum set to lead the procession down the side aisle. Processional is as follows: o Move at the first sung words of the Processional Hymn. o Process down the side aisle and then up the center aisle. o Stand between the open communion rail, facing the congregation while the torchbearers, choir, subdeacon and clergy performs Festive procession (i.e. split at front pew and lead another processional loop down the side aisle and up the center aisle the second time). o When torchbearers reach the front pew the second time, turn and lead the procession into the sanctuary. Process to the right around the Altar table and stand by Thurifer’s chair. v At the beginning of the Gloria, proceed to the Celebrant to charge the thurible. The next steps during the singing of the Gloria are as follows: o Hand thurible to Celebrant and reverence towards the Celebrant. o Retrieve the thurible from the Celebrant after the Celebrant has censed the Altar table and reverence towards the Celebrant. o Return the thurible to the Altar Guild Room. o Add one charcoal brick. v Return to seat. v At beginning of Second Reading, retrieve the thurible from Altar Guild Room. v At the beginning of Sequence Hymn, proceed to the Celebrant to charge the thurible for the Gospel procession. Next steps during the Gospel are as follows: o Proceed to bottom step facing the choir, slightly swinging thurible left to right. o When the Deacon lifts the Gospel Bool and turns toward the congregation , turn in same direction to lead the Gospel procession down the center aisle to the shorter pew location. o Step to the side to allow the Torchbearers and Deacon to pass. Page 19 of 39 ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPA L CJURCH Maplewood, NJ SUBDEACON and ACOLYTE MANUAL (February 2020 Edition)

o Hand the thurible to Deacon to cense the Gospel Book and reverence towards the Deacon. o Retrieve the thurible and reverence towards the Deacon. o Stand behind Deacon and slightly swing the thurible left to right. o At conclusion of Gospel reading, lead procession back to the chancel. Turn left at the communion rail and go up the side steps. o Return the thurible to Altar Guild Room and add one charcoal brick. o Return to seat. v At the beginning of the Presentation Hymn, retrieve the thurible from the Altar Guild Room. v Once the Deacon and Subdeacon puts the elements on the Altar table, proceed to the Celebrant to charge the thurible. Next steps during the Presentation Hymn are as follows: o Hand thurible to Celebrant and reverence towards the Altar Table. o When Celebrant completes censing the altar table, retrieve the thurible from the Celebrant, reverence towards the Celebrant and proceed the front of the Altar table, facing the reredos. o Facing the Celebrant at the Altar table, reverence towards the Celebrant and cense the Altar table 2 times to the center, 2 times to the left and 2 times to the right. Reverence towards the Celebrant. o Proceed to the opening in the communion rail. Reverence towards the congregation and cense the congregation 2 times to the center, 2 times to the right and 2 times to the left. Reverence towards the congregation. o Return the thurible to the Altar Guild Room. o Add one charcoal brick (if needed). v Return to seat. v Following the Invitation to Communion, receive communion with the chancel party in the arc formed behind the Altar table. v During the Post Communion Prayer, retrieve the thurible from the Altar Guild Room. v Following the Blessing, proceed to the Celebrant to charge the thurible. The next steps during the Processional Hymn are as follows: o Proceed to bottom step facing the Altar table, slightly swinging thurible left to right. o When the choir reaches the Altar table, turn to lead the chancel party down the center aisle. o Process up the side aisle. o Stop by the pulpit for the Crucifer-Server to step in front of you and slightly swing the thurible left to right. v Following the Dismissal, return the thurible to the Altar Guild Room.

FOLLOWING the SERVICE: v Hang the alb in the Acolyte Room, including fastening the buttons at the neckline so that the alb will not fall off the hanger. Drape the cincture over the clothes rod. v Return all supplies to the shelves in the Acolyte Room

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v Fill a water pitcher with water and dump the hot charcoal bricks in the parking lot next to the dumpster and completely extinguish all charcoal bricks with water. Put the aluminum foil from the thurible into the dumpster. v Return the thurible to the Altar Guild Room and close window.

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PRIOR to the SERVICE v Arrive 30 minutes before the service and get vested. v Using the decorative brass processional cross (note the plane brass cross in used only during Lent), join the clergy and choir for prayer in Parish Lounge and lead procession into the church.

DURING the SERVICE v Stand by the drum set to lead the procession down the side aisle. Processional is as follows: o Process at the first sung words of the Processional Hymn. o During typical Choral Eucharist, process up the center aisle, stopping at the 4th pew from the back to allow the acolytes and choir to pair up and then process up the side aisle into the chancel area. Bear to the right of the Altar table and stand behind the Altar table facing the congregation. o During Festive Choral Eucharist (when incense is used), follow the Thurifer and process up the center aisle and stand between the open communion rail, facing the congregation in front of the Thurifer. When the Thurifer turns to go into the chancel, follow the Thurifer and stand behind the Altar table as noted above for a typical choral Eucharistic service. v When clergy reverence the Altar table, process behind the clergy chairs and place processional cross in stand at end of acolyte pew. v Take seat in the acolyte pew. v During the Presentation Hymn, bring the water pitcher from the credence table to the Deacon and reverence towards the Deacon. Stay at the Altar table for the Deacon to give back the water pitcher and reverence towards the Celebrant. v During the Presentation Hymn, retrieve the brass alms basin off the column and process to the opening in the communion rail. Ushers will place the plates in the alms basin and reverence towards the ushers. v Bring the alms basin to the Altar table and lift it up high for the Celebrant to bless. Place the alms basin on the lower shelf of the credence table. v Immediately proceed to the Celebrant with the lavabo bowl, towel on left forearm and water pitcher without the stopper and wash the Celebrant’s fingertips. Return everything to the credence table and remain standing by the credence table. v During the Anthem, retrieve the glass paten and silver chalice with purificator from the credence table and place on corporal on the Altar table. Retrieve the two glass chalices with purificators from the credence table and place them on corporal on the Altar table. Retrieve the Reserve Sacrament from the credence table if directed by the Deacon. v Return to your seat in the acolyte pew. v Following the Invitation to Communion, receive communion with the chancel party in the arc formed behind the Altar table.

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v Administer the chalice, if requested. v At the beginning of the Processional Hymn, retrieve the processional cross from the end of the acolyte pew and proceed to bottom step facing the altar table. During Festive Choral Eucharist, follow the Thurifer to your place on the bottom step. The sequence is as follows: o When the choir reaches the Altar table, turn to lead the chancel party down the center aisle. o Process up the side aisle and stop by the pulpit. v Following the Dismissal, return the processional cross to the Acolyte Room.

FOLLOWING the SERVICE: v Hang the alb in the Acolyte Room, including fastening the buttons at the neckline so that the alb will not fall off the hanger. Drape the cincture over the clothes rod.

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PRIOR to the SERVICE v Arrive 30 minutes before the service and get vested. v At 15 minutes before the service, retrieve the brass candle lighter/ snuffer from the Acolyte Room and proceed to light the candles as follows: o Process to the front of the Altar table, facing the reredos and reverence towards the Altar table. Light both altar table candles (note if only one Torchbearer is available, then light right altar candle first, then light the left altar candle) o Process to the reredos and light any candles present. o Process down the side stair or ramp to each of the healing stations and light the candles. o Return to the center between the opening in the communion rail and reverence towards the Altar table. o Return the brass candle lighter/ snuffer to the Acolyte Room. v Using the processional torches, join the clergy and choir for prayer in Parish Lounge and follow the Crucifer- Server into the church.

DURING the SERVICE v Stand by the drum set behind the Crucifer-Server and process single file down the side aisle. Procession is as follows: o Process at the first sung words of the Processional Hymn. o During typical Choral Eucharist, process single file down the side aisle up and pair up to process up the center aisle, stopping at the 4th pew from the back to allow the choir to pair up. When reaching the Altar table, turn left and put the processional torches in the brass stand. o During Festive Choral Eucharist (when incense is used), process single file down the side aisle up and pair up to process up the center aisle. When reaching the first pew, one torchbearer turns left and one torchbearer turns right. Process down the side aisle, with the choir following, and return up the center aisle. When reaching the Altar table, turn left and put the processional torches in the brass stand. v Take seat in the acolyte pew. v At the beginning of Sequence Hymn, retrieve processional torches and proceed to the broad step (middle step), facing the Altar table (note during Festive Choral Eucharists, torchbearers will follow the Thurifer to the broad step). Procession continues as follows: o When the Deacon turn, turn inward to lead the Gospel procession to the wider aisle (note during Festive Choral Eucharist, follow Thurifer down the center aisle to the shorter pew location). o Step to each side to allow the Subdeacon to pass. o At conclusion of Gospel reading, lead procession back to the chancel. Turn left at the communion rail and go up the side steps (note during Festive Choral Eucharist, follow Thurifer down the center aisle to the shorter pew location). o Return processional torches to the stand. o Return to seat.

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v Following the Invitation to Communion, receive communion with the chancel party in the arc formed behind the Altar table. v At the beginning of the Processional Hymn, retrieve the processional torches and proceed to broad step (middle step) facing the Altar table (note during Festive Choral Eucharist, follow the Thurifer to your place on the broad step). The sequence is as follows: o When the choir reaches the Altar table, turn inward to lead the chancel party down the center aisle (or follow the Thurifer during Festive Choral Eucharists). o Process up the side aisle and continue to the Acolyte Room to return the processional torches. v Retrieve the brass candle lighter/ snuffer from the Acolyte Room and proceed to extinguish the candles as follows: o Process to the front of the Altar table, facing the reredos and reverence towards the Altar table. Extinguish both altar table candles (note if only one Torchbearer is available, then extinguish left altar candle first, then extinguish the right altar candle) o Process to the reredos and extinguish any candles present. o Process down the side stair or ramp to each of the healing stations and extinguish the candles. o Return to the center between the opening in the communion rail and reverence towards the Altar table. o Return the brass candle lighter/ snuffer to the Acolyte Room.

FOLLOWING the SERVICE: v Hang the alb in the Acolyte Room, including fastening the buttons at the neckline so that the alb will not fall off the hanger. Drape the cincture over the clothes rod.

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Subdeacon Responsibilities (Note: No acolytes at this service)

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PRIOR to the SERVICE v Arrive 30 minutes before the service and get vested. v and distribute the food pantry donations into baskets and bags in the Narthex. v Verify that the bulletins are in the front and back of church. v Verify that the altar is set correctly with the vessels and Altar Book. v Verify that the sound system is on. v Find readers for the First Reading and Psalm. v Find ushers to take up the collection. v Arrange for 4 Chalice Bearers (4 from the congregation). v At 15 minutes before the service, retrieve the brass candle lighter/ snuffer from the Acolyte Room and proceed to light the candles as follows: o Process to the front of the Altar table, facing the reredos and reverence towards the Altar table. Light right altar candle first, then light the left altar candle. o Reverence towards the Altar table and return the brass candle lighter/ snuffer to the Acolyte Room. v Verify that the chancel party is properly dressed (including microphones for Celebrant and Deacon). v Serve as an usher and distribute bulletins in the Narthex.

DURING the SERVICE v Note that there is no formal procession. v Assist the children in reading the Prayers and the Confession at the eagle lectern. v Count the number attending. v Gather the children in the Narthex to collect the food pantry donations. Lead the children with the offertory plates and food pantry collection to the Altar table. v During the consecration, stand on Celebrant’s left to turn the pages but do not follow the text with your finger. v Following the Invitation to Communion, receive the bread and wine from the Celebrant. Follow the Celebrant to administer the chalice to the chalice bearers. Distribute the chalices to the chalice bearers. v Clean up the Altar table during Communion.

FOLLOWING the SERVICE: v Request the children to carry the food panty collection downstairs to the bins near the parking lot doors. v Hang the alb in the Acolyte Room, including fastening the buttons at the neckline so that the alb will not fall off the hanger. Drape the cincture over the clothes rod. Tidy up the chancel and church for the following 10:30am Choral Eucharist. Page 29 of 39 ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPA L CJURCH Maplewood, NJ SUBDEACON and ACOLYTE MANUAL (February 2020 Edition)

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GLOSSARY OF TERMS: ABLUTIONS The cleaning of the Eucharist vessels following communion. ACOLYTE ROOM The small room where the acolytes gather to vest before the liturgical services. ALB A long white garment that covers from the neck to the ankles worn by all participants in the liturgy and is tied at the waist with a cincture. ALMS BASIN The large brass plate that receives the ushers’ small offertory plates and lifted up by the Crucifer-Server at the Altar table to be blessed by the Celebrant. ALTAR CANDLES The candles on the Altar Table that burn during liturgical services. ALTAR GUILD ROOM A small room where additional liturgical objects are stored, such as candles, Altar table linens and flower arrangement supplies. AUMBRY A cupboard in the side chapel to store the consecrated bread and wine and is identified with the burning sanctuary candle above it. BOAT A small brass covered bowl with a spoon to hold the incense. BURSE Two squares of stiff material hinged or bound together along one side to form a case to contain the corporal. The burse is covered in the liturgical color of the day and is placed on top of the veil of the dressed primary chalice set. CASSOCK A long black garment that covers from the neck to the ankles and is fastened with snaps or buttons down the front. This is worn only on Good Friday, Tenebrae and Evensong services. CELEBRANT The officiating at or in charge the service. CHALICE A large stemmed silver or glass cup that hold the wine (silver) or juice (glass) during communion. CHALICE VEIL A square of material in the liturgical color of the day that covers the chalice and pall of the primary chalice set (i.e. the first set that is consecrated during communion). CHANCEL The area in the front of the church where the clergy, acolytes and choir sit around the altar table (also referred to as the Sanctuary). A sleeveless outer garment in the liturgical color of the day worn by the Celebrant during communion. A covered vessel used to hold the consecrated bread in the Aumbry.

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CINCTURE A long braided rope with knots at the end that is tied around the waist when wearing an alb. COMMUNION RAIL The wood railing on either side of the steps to the chancel where people stand or kneel to receive communion. COPE A long cape-like garment in the liturgical color of the day (often hooded) worn by the Celebrant in ceremonial processions. CORPORAL The large white square linen embroidered with a cross placed on the Altar table during Holy Communion to place the communion vessels and elements. COTTA A waist length white garment with full sleeves that is worn over the cassock. CREDENCE TABLE A small table that holds the vessels and items for the Eucharists. CRUCIFER-SERVER The acolyte that carries the processional cross and leads the procession (if Thurifer is not present). He/ she also assists the Celebrant in preparing for communion. A small covered pitcher that holds the wine, juice or water. DISMISSAL The words said at the end of Eucharist by the Deacon (if present) or the Celebrant. ELEMENTS The bread, wine and juice used for Holy Communion. The bread recalls the work of human hands required to harvest the wheat and make the bread and the companionship of sharing. The wine or juice recalls the festivity and celebration, along with the sacrifice. SIDE The right side of the altar when looking from the nave. EUCHARIST The service of Holy Communion. GOSPEL SIDE The left side of the altar when looking from the nave. INCENSE Certain woods and resins give off a fragrant smoke when burned over hot charcoal bricks. LAVABO BOWL with TOWEL A small bowl used to wash and dry the hands of the Celebrant. MORTAR and PESTLE A small ceramic bowl with a bulbous stick to crush or grind the incense. NARTHEX The entrance to the church, inside the exterior door and before the nave. NAVE The largest part of the church where the congregation sits. Offerings of the bread, wind and water for Holy Eucharist. OFFERTORY PLATES The large brass plates used by the ushers to collect the offering.

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PASCAL CANDLE A large white candle that is first lit at the Easter Vigil and burns for 50 days of Easter, baptisms and funerals. PATEN A small glass or silver plate on which the bread is placed for communion. PROCESSIONAL TORCH A candle mounted on a large pole during processions to enhance the solemnity and festivity of worship. PURIFICATOR A small white cloth to wipe the chalice after each parishioner drinks from the chalice. REREDOS The ornamental sculptures lining the rear wall behind the choir. REVERENCE Stopping and bowing from the waist towards the altar table. RESERVE SACRAMENT Consecrated bread and wind may be kept in reserve in the Aumbry for future use. BELLS A set of small bells or chimes rung during communion. SACRISTY The small room where the liturgical objects, altar linens and clergy vestments are kept. SANCTUARY The area inside the communion rail surrounding the altar table (also referred to as the Chancel). SANTUARY LAMP The candle in the red globe that hangs above the Aumbry to announce the presence of the Reserve Sacrament. A long strip of cloth in the liturgical color of the day draped over the shoulders to signify the ordained order of deacon or priest. TORCHBEARER One of two acolytes who carry the processional torches in procession and follow the Crucifer-Server. THURIBLE A small metal pot on chains in which the incense is burned (sometimes called a ) and is carried in procession by the Thurifer. THURIFER The acolyte who carries the boat and swings the thurible and leads the processions. Any of the garments worn by those participating in the liturgy.

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How to Tie a Rope Cincture Sample Schedule

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St. George’s Episcopal Church Maplewood, New Jersey SAMPLE ACOLYTE SCHEDULE (Date – Date)

SERVICE DATE TIME SUBDEACON CRUCIFER/ SERVER TORCH BEARERS NOTES SEASON Sunday, 8:00am ? ------Month- Day 9:15am ? ------Family Service 10:30am ? ? ? ? SEASON Sunday, 8:00am ? ------Month - Day 10:30am ? ? ? Rehearsal at 10am ? (Thurifer) ? Festive Procession SEASON Sunday, 8:00am ? ------Month - Day 10:30am ? ? ? ? SEASON Sunday, 8:00am ? ------Month - Day 9:15am ? ------Family Service 10:30am ? ? ? ? SEASON Sunday, 8:00am ? ------Month - Day 10:30am ? ? ? ? SEASON Sunday, 8:00am ? ------Month - Day 10:30am ? ? ? ?

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ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 550 Ridgewood Road Maplewood, New Jersey

(973) 762-1319 www. stgeorges-maplewood.org

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