Scott. J. Shackelford*

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Scott. J. Shackelford* 1 FRAGILE MERCHANDISE : A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PRIVACY RIGHTS FOR PUBLIC FIGURES Scott. J. Shackelford* ABSTRACT Over a century after Warren and Brandeis first presented the right to U.S. jurists for their consideration, privacy has become a central player in U.S. law. But nations around the world, in particular the common and civil law nations of Europe that share similar legal cultures with the United States, are grappling with how best to strike a balance between the competing rights of privacy and freedom of expression—both of which are critical to the functioning of democratic society. Existing literature has not fully drawn from this reservoir of international experience to inform the debate about U.S. privacy rights. This Article addresses this omission by using comparative case studies from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany to analyze areas of convergence and divergence in privacy rights. The focus of each case study will be the right of privacy afforded to public figures, particularly those at the cusp of the classic definition, i.e., involuntary or temporary public figures. Though some semblance of a bright-line rule has evolved for voluntary public figures, involuntary public figures in the United States are accorded spotty protection varying by jurisdiction. Lacking guiding Supreme Court precedent, this has led to divergent practice especially regarding the definition of “public interest,” which is fundamental to defining the limits of freedom of expression. Thus, this Article draws from the comparative analysis to build a proposal for a clarifying definition of the public interest that helps delineate privacy rights, as well as arguing for the adoption of a graduated structure of privacy protections for public figures along the lines of the German and European Court of Human Rights models. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2 I. Defining Privacy Rights in Cultural Context ........................................................................ 10 II. The Right of Privacy for Public Figures in the United States ............................................... 17 A. Development of U.S. Privacy Law ................................................................................. 17 B. The Birth of Robust First Amendment Protections for the Media in U.S. Case Law .... 22 C. The Status of Voluntary Public Figures in U.S. Law ..................................................... 26 D. The Status of Involuntary Public Figures in U.S. Law ................................................... 30 i. Definition of “News” and the Scope of Legitimate Public Interest in U.S. Courts........ 32 ii. Defining the Bounds of Involuntary Public Figures in U.S. Law ............................... 37 iii. Defining “Public Interest” in U.S. Privacy Law ......................................................... 40 iv. Why Seeking Media Attention is the Death Knell of Invasion of Privacy Suits ........ 42 E. Summary of U.S. Privacy Law for Public Figures ......................................................... 45 III. The Right of Privacy for Public Figures in the United Kingdom ...................................... 48 A. The Gradual Development of an Implicit Right of Privacy in British Law ................... 50 i. Slowly Towards a Right of Privacy: Recent Jurisprudence on British Privacy Law ..... 52 ii. The Role of the English Press in Inhibiting a British Right of Privacy ...................... 54 B. The Development of Privacy Protections for Public Figures in Britain ......................... 57 Electronic copy available at: 2 A. Balancing the Competing Interests of Privacy and Freedom of Expression in British Law ........................................................................................................................................ 61 IV. The Right of Privacy for Public Figures in France ............................................................ 63 A. The Development of French Privacy Law ...................................................................... 65 i. The Role of ‘Delict’ in the Evolution of French Privacy Law ....................................... 67 ii. The Rachel Decision as the First Incarnation of French Privacy Law ....................... 68 iii. Article 9 of the 1970 Civil Code: the Foundation of Modern French Privacy Law ... 69 B. Modern Privacy Rights of Public Figures in France ...................................................... 72 i. Limitations and Exceptions to Privacy Protections for French Public Figures Focusing on the Public Interest ............................................................................................................. 73 C. Remedies Available Under French Privacy Law ........................................................... 79 D. A Note on Quebec Privacy Law ..................................................................................... 81 V. The Categorization of Public Figures in German Privacy Law ............................................ 81 VI. European Court of Human Rights Privacy Jurisprudence and the Convergence of European Privacy Law .................................................................................................................. 85 A. ECHR Article 8 Case Law.............................................................................................. 87 B. Prominent ECHR Cases Defining Privacy Rights for Public Figures in Both Private and Public Places ............................................................................................................................. 90 i. PG and JH v. the United Kingdom ................................................................................. 91 ii. Peck v. The United Kingdom...................................................................................... 92 iii. Von Hannover v. Germany ......................................................................................... 95 C. Public Interest (Un)defined: Balancing Article 10 Freedom of Expression with Article 8 Privacy Rights in ECHR Case Law ....................................................................................... 96 VII. Summary and a Proposal for Reforming U.S. Privacy Law ............................................ 100 A. Redefining Public Figures in U.S. Privacy Law ........................................................... 101 B. Reconsidering the Public Interest ................................................................................. 106 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 110 Introduction Should a politician’s sex life be protected under privacy law? Is it in the public interest? How far does the media’s freedom of expression extend, and does it include the right to report on a mother of octuplets? 1 Does a heroic firefighter deserve to have a longstanding drug addiction exposed? Answers to these questions depend on the legal system in which one resides, though many jurisdictions themselves often give contradictory answers. Once rather parochial *Scott J. Shackelford received his J.D. from Stanford Law School in 2009, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in international studies at the University of Cambridge. 1 Octuplets Mom Spurning Offer Of Free Care? , CBS NEWS , Feb. 20, 2009, (last visited Mar. 17, 2009). Electronic copy available at: 3 understandings of privacy are now being reinterpreted in the face of two contemporary forces. The first is the emergence of both international treaties 2 and national laws that have increasingly recognized a right to privacy. 3 Second is increasing rates of privacy violations, facilitated by new advanced surveillance technologies. 4 As a result of these dual factors, privacy rights are constantly being challenged in legal systems around the world. We live in a time in which the very definition of privacy itself is being rewritten, often in a conflicting fashion. In an era in which the willingness of millions of people to sacrifice their personal privacy online is made manifest by the explosion in social networking, recently faced a wave of criticism from its 175 million users and backed down from proposed changes to its user agreement that would have made it nearly impossible to delete user profiles and protect private information. 5 And while a growing number of people are choosing to broadcast every intimate detail of their lives through blogs, other more infrequent users face privacy violations due to court rulings requiring to hand over information about its clients’ viewing habits. 6 Thus, while some individuals wish to promote their freedom of expression even at the expense of their privacy, many others do not. Despite this disparity, the current U.S. legal regime often maximizes freedom of expression at the expense of privacy in most circumstances. And at the same time technology has made it easier than ever to breach the 2 See for example Human Rights Consultation Comm., Vict., Report: Rights, Responsibilities and Respect § 13(a) (2005); Human Rights Act, 2004, AUST . CAP . TERR . Laws A2004-5 § 12(a). See also An Act to give further effect to rights and freedoms guaranteed under the European Convention
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