
Biology and Management of Invasive Terrestrial Weed Species of Trinidad

Dr. Puran Bridgemohan Ph.D

Kimberly Singh MSc.

Renaldo Lewis MSc.

November 2015

Preface Invasive Weed Species possess the potential to devastate and spread rampantly through fields, plantations, agricultural plots and domestic gardens and also pose health problems to both humans and animals. The need to identify and control these species is very evident, influencing the genesis of this publication.

“Biology and Management of Invasive Terrestrial Weed Species of Trinidad” is a manual which contains detailed biological descriptions of the major characteristics of the some weed species found in Trinidad. Suggested methods of management are also included in the descriptor to aid in control of the invasive weed.

A principle component of the manual is the photographs, both in field and in laboratory, of each weed species. The whole , root systems, leaves, flowers and seeds are captured in order to assist in the proper and accurate identification of each weed.

The invasiveness of each weed has been ranked according to the “ Assessment Protocol: Evaluating Non-Native for their Impact on Biodiversity”, which was developed by L.E. Morse, J.M. Randall, N. Benton, R. Hiebert and S. Lu of Arlington, Virginia.

The authors wish to thank all the personnel that assisted in the preparation of this Manual. In particular, special thanks go to Pooran Jaikaran and Lakeraj Balroop, who made great efforts in sourcing weed specimens for observation and photography.

This project was funded by CABI / GEF through The University of Trinidad and Tobago and was facilitated by the University’s Waterloo Research Campus, Waterloo Estates, Waterloo Road, Carapichaima.

Dr. Puran Bridgemohan Associate Professor [ Weed Scientist ] , The University of Trinidad and Tobago

Kimberly Singh Environmental Analyst/Research Technician, The University of Trinidad and Tobago

Renaldo Lewis Environmental Analyst/Research Technician, The University of Trinidad and Tobago December 2015


Table of Contents Preface ...... i Objectives ...... 2 Approach ...... 3 Chapter 1: Invasiveness ...... 5 Chapter 2: Weed Biology ...... 6 Weed Propagation Methods ...... 6 Weed Dispersal Mechanisms ...... 7 Chapter 3: Impacts of Invasive Weed Species ...... 8 Chapter 4: Allelopathy...... 10 Chapter 5: Management of Invasive Weeds ...... 11 Biological Survey ...... 12 Compressus - Savannah Grass ...... 13 mutica - Paragrass ...... 16 Commelina diffusa - Watergrass ...... 19 Cyperus rotundas - Nut Grass ...... 22 Echinocjloa colonum- Jungle Rice ...... 25 Eleusine indica - Fowl Foot ...... 28 Parthenium hysterophorus - Whitetop ...... 31 conjugatum - Buffalo Grass ...... 34 Paspalum fasciculatum - Bamboo Grass ...... 37 Rottboellia cochinchinensis - Corn Grass ...... 40 poiretiana - Gamalot ...... 43 indicus - Tapia Grass ...... 45 - Birdseed-grass ...... 48 Urochloa maxima - Guinea Grass ...... 50 Summary Table of I-Rank Invasiveness ...... 53 References ...... 54 Glossary ...... 56 Appendix ...... 59


The objectives of the manual titled “Biology and Management of Invasive Terrestrial Weed Species of Trinidad” are as follows:

 To provide a biological description of important invasive weeds throughout Trinidad  To provide visual aids to assist in the identification of invasive weed species  To rank the invasiveness of weed species in Trinidad to allow for prioritization of management efforts  To provide information on the management options available to treat with invasive weed species



The tool used to assess invasiveness in this manual is referred to as the “Invasive Species Assessment Protocol: Evaluating Non-Native Plants for their Impact on Biodiversity”, which was developed by L.E. Morse, J.M. Randall, N. Benton, R. Hiebert and S. Lu of Arlington, Virginia (see Appendix 1). The invasiveness of the identified weed species was assessed using twenty (20) assessment questions which are grouped into four sections, describing their ecological impact, both trends and current distribution and abundance and management difficulty.

In all cases, each question was scored on a scale of “A” to “D” with “A” indicating the greatest negative effect on native species and natural biodiversity followed by B, C and D answers, corresponding respectively to lesser degrees of impact. For each question, an attempt was made to select one precise answer (single-letter answer) that best characterized the species being assessed.

Numerical values were pre-assigned to the letter answers for each of the 20 questions. Within each of the four sections, the letter answers chosen were equated to their corresponding numerical values and tallied to determine the “sub-rank” value (see Table 1) of the section. The “sub-rank” value was used to rank each section in terms of its significance as high, medium, low or insignificant.

The significance of the sub-rank values were then equated to pre-assigned numerical values (see Table 2) which were used to determine the “I-Rank” of the species being assessed. The “I-Rank” categorizes the species’ negative impact on natural biodiversity within the region as high, medium, low or insignificant. Finally a text comment summarizing the key information underlying the species’ sub-ranks and its I-Rank was used to describe it invasiveness.

Table 1: Sub-Rank Intervals

Sub-section Sub-rank Interval

I. Ecological Impact 78 -102 High 52 – 77 Medium 27 – 51 Low 0 – 26 Insignificant

II. Current Distribution and Abundance 28 - 36 High 19 – 27 Medium


10 – 18 Low 0 – 9 Insignificant

III. Trend in Distribution and Abundance 55 -72 High 37 – 54 Medium 19 – 36 Low 0 – 18 Insignificant

IV. Management Difficulty 39 - 51 High 27 – 38 Medium 14 – 26 Low 0 – 13 Insignificant

Table 2: I-Rank Significance

I – Rank Interval Significance

76 – 100 High

51 – 75 Medium

26 – 50 Low

0 - 25 Insignificant

All weeds were sourced in the field and photos were taken in-field and in the laboratory to depict the whole plant, seeds, flowers and root system. All photos were captured by Kimberly Singh and Renaldo Lewis.


Chapter 1: Invasiveness Species which are considered to be invasive are usually non-native, abundant and known or suspected to cause significant reductions in native species populations, severe alterations of native ecological communities, or significant changes in ecosystem processes and parameters (Randall et.al, 2008). The National Invasive Species Management Plan 2001defines invasive species as “a species that is non-native to the ecosystem under consideration and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.”

Characteristics of invasive plants Successful invasive plants often share a few traits that allow them to out-compete indigenous plants. Invasive plants may have any of the following characteristics (Gould 2000, Mehrhoff 1998):

 Rapid growth allows invasive exotics to take advantage of uninhabited patches of the landscape.

 Early maturity allows a plant to produce seed, and thus invade areas, at a young age

 Production of large quantities of seeds and fruit for a large number of offspring which can establish in un-colonized areas.

 Effective seed dispersal methods help invasive plants spread over wide ranges.

 Some species do not need to be pollinated because they spread through vegetative reproduction wherein new plants sprout from roots or stems of the parent plant.

 Utilization of local pollinators so that they can produce seed in foreign environments.

 Different phenology to native plants means that they can often leaf out earlier, stay green longer, or bloom at an earlier or later time of year.

 Generation of dense shade is a trait of invasive plants that allows them to reduce competition by reducing available light to undergrowth. Dense root mass also allows invasive plants to become dominant by preventing other plants from establishing roots.

 Allelopathy which is the production of chemicals that inhibit the growth of other plants.

 Pest-free because they have managed to migrate to a new environment without the natural predators from their home environment. Ecologists are continuing to develop characteristics of invasive plants. No set of characteristics covers all invasive plants and no one plant has all of the characteristics. The following manual serves to identify and describe invasive weed species found in Trinidad. The Invasive Species Assessment Protocol (Randall et.al, 2008) acts as the cornerstone of the manual as it was used to rank the invasiveness of the weed species examined. It is critical that we be able to determine which species are causing significant biodiversity impacts so we can prioritize the most harmful species for prevention and management to protect ecological communities.


Chapter 2: Weed Biology Weeds are recognized worldwide as an undesirable, economic pest, especially in agriculture. A common and acceptable explanation for a weed is a plant growing where it is not wanted. Weeds can also be defined as plants with the potential to establish, proliferate, spread and cause broadly defined detrimental consequences in the ecosystems which they are established.

Weeds can be placed into three main groups based on the classification of weeds by Life History: 1. Annuals: An annual plant completes its life cycle from seed to seed in one year or less. 2. Biennials: Biennials usually emerge and survives the first year in a rosette stage, produce seeds and die in the second growing season. 3. Perennials: Perennial plants live for longer than two years and may reproduce several times before dying. These plants are characterized by renewed vegetative growth year after year from the same root system.

The following table provides taxonomies of characteristics that are used to describe weeds.

Table 1: Descriptive Characteristics of Weeds

Anthropogenic Characteristics Biological Characteristics  Germination requirements fulfilled in many  Growing in an undesirable environments location  Discontinuous germination and great longevity of  Competitive and aggressive seeds behavior  Rapid growth through vegetative phases to flowering  Persistence and resistance to  Continuous seed production, for as long as growing control conditions permit  Appearing without being  Cross-pollination by a wide variety of agents or wind sown or cultivated  Adaptations for short and long distance dispersal  Unsightly  If perennial, vigourous vegetative reproduction or regeneration from fragments  Ability to out compete other plants by special means (rosettes, choking growth, allelochemicals)

Weed Propagation Methods The basic objective of plant propagation is to produce offspring that will be exactly similar to the original plant. Whether by vegetative methods or sexual breeding, the aim of propagation is to transfer all desirable characteristics of the mother plant to its offspring.

The result of sexual propagation are seeds whereas asexual / vegetative propagation can take many different forms which include budding, division and suckers. Weeds reproduce by forming:


 Seed: a seed is a mature ovule. Weeds produced by seedlings, generally live longer, bear more heavily and are hardier than asexually propagated weeds.  Tubers: tubers are thickened portions of rhizomes or roots, serving for food storage and also for propagation. Growth arises from buds at the top (crown) of the root mass.  Corms: A corm is a short, vertical, swollen underground plant stem that serves as a storage organ to survive winter or summer drought and heat. A corm has one or more internodes with at least one growing bud, surrounded by protective papery skins or tunics.  Rhizomes: these are underground stems that can emit roots from the lower side and leafy stems from the upper side.  Bulbs: A bulb is a short underground vertical shoot that has thickened leaves used as food storage organs by a dormant monocot plant. A modified stem forms the base of the bulb, and plant growth occurs from this basal plate. Roots emerge from the underside of the base, and new stems and leaves from the upper side.  Stolons / Runners: are aboveground stems that grow horizontally and take root at the nodes to develop new plants.

Weed Dispersal Mechanisms Dispersal mechanisms refer to the methods used to facilitate the movement or transport of propagules away from the parent plant. Plants have limited mobility and consequently rely upon a variety of dispersal vectors to transport their seeds, including both abiotic and biotic vectors. The seeds of weeds are primarily dispersed by the following mechanisms:

 Gravity dispersal: seeds fall off and roll away from the parent weed.  Wind dispersal: the seeds produced by weeds are almost weightless and this enables them to be carried long distances by the slightest breeze. The seeds are often covered with hairs that assist in catching the wind.  Water / Buoyancy dispersal: weeds which make use of this mechanism produce light seeds which float, or there may be fluff that helps buoyancy.  Animal dispersal: the seeds of such weeds are either eaten by animals and deposited in their dropping or snag onto their hides and eventual drop off during transport or grooming.  Human dispersal: some weeds have adaptive features which allow them to easily snag onto clothing while the seeds of others get trapped in the sole of boots and thereby transported from site to site when eventually knocked off.  Machinery dispersal: the movement of agricultural equipment and machinery from one field to another serves as an ideal vector for weed dispersal especially if proper cleaning and bio-security protocols are not followed.


Chapter 3: Impacts of Invasive Weed Species

According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Executive Order 13112, an invasive species is defined as “an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.” Invasive species, including those that are terrestrial, are known to have phenomenal impacts on different aspects of society. Some of these impacts are as follows:

Human Health

 Respiratory infections which lead to increased medical costs and decreased productivity due to absence from work  Poisonous plants have been reported to cause inflammation of muscles, fevers/chills, chest pains, shortness and breath, among other symptoms. This may lead to hospitalization, medical expense and lost productivity due to absence from work.

Recreational Opportunities and other Human Values

 Decreased property values  Altered business opportunities  Altered ecosystem and recreational opportunities

Natural Resources / Ecological

 Declines in biodiversity, wildlife habitat and timber production  Decreased soil stabilization and interrupted forest succession  Changes in wildlife frequency and intensity  Excessive use of resources and suppression of native plants  Alteration of entire ecosystems and their functions through toxic and parasitic properties, competition for resources  Increased risks to endangered and threatened species  Displacement of native plants that wildlife and fish depend on for food  Increases in soil erosion and major damage to streams and other wetland areas that provide habitat for native fish, plants, and animals  Increases in the frequency and risk of wildfires  Reduction of agricultural production/yields and property values



 Direct costs due to production loss in agriculture and forestry, and management costs.  Losses through recreational and tourism revenues.  Medical costs  Costs associated with the loss of productivity at work.


Chapter 4: Allelopathy

The term allelopathy was coined by plant physiologist, Professor Hans Molisch, in 1937 via the combination of the Greek words ‘allelon’ meaning ‘each other’ and ‘pathos’ meaning ‘suffering’ (Bhadoria, 2010). Allelopathy can be defined as the effect(s) of one plant on other plants through the release of chemical compounds in the environment (Rice, 1984). The International Allelopathy Society in 1996 broadened its definition to refer to any process involving secondary metabolites produced by plants, microorganisms, viruses and fungi that influence the growth and development of agricultural and biological systems. Chemicals that impose allelopathic influences are called allelochemicals or allelochemics. The readily visible effects of allelochemicals on the growth and development of plants include inhibited or retarded germination rate; darkened and swollen seeds; reduced root or radicle and shoot or coleoptile extension; swelling or necrosis of root tips; curling of the root axis; discoloration, lack of root hairs; increased number of seminal roots; reduced dry weight accumulation; and lowered reproductive capacity (Bhadoria, 2010). In order to have any effect on the target plant the allelochemicals have to be released from the donor plant. This can happen in different ways:  Runoff and leachate from leaves and stem of plants  Volatile phytotoxic compounds from the green parts of a plant  Phytotoxic compounds from decomposing plant material, such as rye (Secale cereale) when used as a mulching material  Phytotoxic compounds released from the plant roots Many weeds are now achieving importance as an agent of weed control for having special types of allelochemicals (Bhadoria, 2010). These allelochemicals are capable of suppressing germination and growth of several other weeds, some of which are resistant to herbicides. There are however many limitations in using allelopathy as a weed management tool. Various abiotic and biotic factors, such as plant age, temperature, light and soil conditions, microflora, nutritional status, and herbicide treatments influence the production and release of allelochemicals. (Duke, 1985; Hoagland and Williams, 1985).


Chapter 5: Management of Invasive Weeds

Weed management varies according to plant life cycles, infestation size, environmental parameters and management objectives. Successful weed management requires proper plant identification, selection of effective management methods and monitoring the effects over time. Several methods exist for the control of invasives:

 Chemical Control Chemical control involves the use of herbicides, which can oftentimes provide the most effective and time-efficient method of managing weeds. Herbicides control weed plants either by speeding up, stopping or changing the plant's normal growth patterns; by desiccating (drying out) the leaves or stems; or by defoliating the plant (making it drop its leaves). A table listing common herbicides and their properties is attached in Appendix 2 of this manual.

 Mechanical Control Mechanical control consists of methods, usually employing powered tools and machinery, to kill or suppress weeds through physical disruption. Such methods include pulling, slashing, felling, digging, disking, plowing and mowing. Success of various mechanical control methods is dependent on the life cycle of the target weed species. However, care should be taken to avoid disturbing the soil or spreading weed seeds from machinery used in the process. Disturbing the soil can increase the likelihood of weed seed germination. Native vegetation may also be damaged in the course of mechanical control.

 Biological Control Biological control involves the use of living agents to suppress vigor, size, competitiveness, health and the spread of weeds. Bio-control agents can be insects, bacteria, fungi, or grazing animals such as sheep, goats, or horses. These agents are usually from the same country of origin as the weed species. When using biological controls, strict measures are to be employed to ensure that these agents do not negatively affect native plants and animals or crops. In reality, insect bio-control cannot completely eradicate a weed species but can significantly limit distribution, density and abundance of the target weed species to a level that is no longer considered detrimental to the desired plant community. Hence, biological control works best in conjunction with other control methods.

 Manual Control Manual control is the use of the hands or handheld tools to deal with weeds. An advantage of manual control is that it minimizes soil disturbance, and decreases the likelihood of erosion and weed seed germination. It includes controls such as hand pulling to remove the entire weed including its roots from the soil and grubbing or chipping which requires weeds to be dug out using a mattock or chip hoe.


Biological Survey



Axonopus Compressus - Savannah Grass BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Gramineae (Sw.) P.B. Savannah grass, Broadleaf carpetgrass, Flat jointgrass, DESCRIPTION A creeping perennial with flattened rather hairless shoots up 30cm tall. Leaf blades usually 5-20 cm long and about 1cm wide, bright green with a crinkled hairy margin and the tip narrowly rounded. Life Form □ annual □ tufted stoloniferous spreading perennial rhizomatous

Culm 15-50cm tall □ erect branching geniculate rooting at the nodes

Leaf Blade 8-14 (-25) cm long 6-8 (-12) mm wide } 10-20 x as long as wide linear lanceolate

Ligule 0.3-0.5mm □ hairy ring membranous truncate fringed

Inflorescence Description: 1 or 2 peduncles, excreting from the final sheath each composed of 2-5 ascending each 4-8 (- 13) cm long main axis straight branch-axis small Spikelets 1 – flower 2.2 -2.8 (-3.5)mm long ~ 1mm wide} ~ 2.5 x as long as wide □ binate solitary □ sessile □ ternate sub-sessile

Glumes g1 absent g2 equalling the spikelet Lemmas l1 ± equalling the spikelet Hairiness Culm nodes

Leaf upper side □ underside margin mouth only

Sheath □ on lower leaves sheath-margin

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods Sprigs □ Tubers

DISPERSAL MECHANISM Wind □ Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector

Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals

INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs Parasitic □ Toxic □ Hosts for pests/pathogens Fecundity/Reproduction Produces large quantity of seeds Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire

ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Successfully and quickly invades pastures and outcompetes other species HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops □ Perennial crop Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes

MANAGEMENT Control □ Manual □ Mechanical □ Chemical Biological: Grass webworm (Herpetogramma licarsisalis, Lepidoptera, pyralidae)


Scientific Name: Axonopus Compressus Common Name: Savannah Grass

Whole Plant – In Field Whole Plant – In Laboratory

Seeds on Plant Rooting System

Seeds- In Laboratory


Scientific name: Axonopus compressus Common name: Savannah grass A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide Parameters 0 12 Insig Impact on Ecological Community Structure 6 . I. Ecological Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species (negative impacts) 0 Conservation Significance of the Communities and Native Species 0 Threatened Current Range Size in Region 0 2 Insig. II. Current Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively Impacting 0 Distribution Biodiversity And Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded 1 Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in Region 1 Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 6 10 Insig. Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 1 Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 3 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 0 Distribution and Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species 0 Abundance Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 0 Reproductive Characteristics 0 General Management Difficulty 6 12 IV. Insig. Minimum Time Commitment 5 Management Difficulty Impacts of Management on Native Species 0

Accessibility of invaded areas 1

Sub-rank Values I-Rank Intervals I- Section Points High Medium Low Insignificant Rank I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 0 76 – 100 High 0 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 0 Insig. Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 0 Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 0 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Axonopus compressus or Savannah grass has no perceivable impact on abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters; however it can moderately change density of the ecological community structure. It is currently present in a few (less than 20%) bio-geographic units within a small number (2 – 3) of habitats. Its range is stable since long-distance dispersal is rare. The management of Savannah grass is relatively easy and inexpensive. Control is required for 2 – 5 years. The invasiveness of Axonopus compressus is ranked “Insignificant”.


Brachiaria mutica - Paragrass

BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Gramineae Brachiaria mutica Paragrass, Mauritious grass, Scotch grass

DESCRIPTION A perennial grass with thick, decumbent clums producing ascending or erecting secondary culms Life Form □ annual perennial □ tufted spreading stoloniferous, up to 4m long □ rhizomatous

Culm 100 – 200 cm tall erect □branching geniculate rooting at the nodes

Leaf Blade 10-30 cm long 5-20 mm wide linear lanceolate

Ligule 1-1.5mm long □ hairy ring membranous □ truncate fringed

Inflorescence Description: 12 – 20 cm long; composed of 9-20 branches; each 5-20 cm long branch-axis winged, 1mm wide, villosulous at the base Spikelets 3-5 mm long 1.5-2 mm wide } 2 – 2.5 x as long as wide □ solitary □ sessile binate subsessile □ ternate pedicelled

Glumes g1 up to 1/3 x as long as the spikelet, 3-5-nerved g2 equally the spikelet, 5-7-nerved Lemmas l1 ~ g2, 5-nerved l2 crustaceous Hairiness Culm nodes

Leaf □ upper side □ underside □ margin mouth only

Sheath on lower leaves sheath-margin

Axis □ main axis branched-axis

Spikelets □ with short hair/bearded callus pedicel

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs □ Tubers

DISPERSAL MECHANISM □ Wind Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals

INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs Parasitic □ Toxic □ Hosts for pests/pathogens

Fecundity/Reproduction □ Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization Persistence attributes Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire

ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Forms dense monocultural stands deteriorating the growth of neighbouring plants HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland Aquatic biotopes

Only on moist places; common in ditches, swamps and along riverbanks MANAGEMENT Control □ Manual Mechanical: Repeated and aggressive tillage

Chemical: Herbicides; disadvantage: causes non-target damage

Biological: Cattle grazing


Scientific Name: Brachiaria mutica Common Name: Paragrass

Whole plant – In Field Seeds – On Plant


Rooting System


Scientific name: Brachiaria mutica Common name: Paragrass

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System- 15 41 Wide Parameters Low Impact on Ecological Community Structure 6 I. Ecological Impact Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal 6 Species [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities 8 and Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 5 12 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is 5 Low Negatively Impacting Biodiversity II. Current Distribution Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units 1 And Abundance Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems 1 Invaded in Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 6 31 Proportion of Potential Range Currently 2 Low Occupied Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within 3 III. Trend in Distribution Region and Abundance Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 6 Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas 2 and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 6 General Management Difficulty 12 33 Med IV. Management Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 10 Impacts of Management on Native Species 10 Accessibility of invaded areas 1

Sub-rank Values I-Rank Intervals I- Section Points High Medium Low Insignificant Rank I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 17 76 – 100 High 37 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 8 Low Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution 15 10 5 0 5 and Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 7 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Brachiaria mutica or Paragrass has medium to high significance in terms of its alteration to abiotic ecosystem process and system-wide parameters. It is currently wide-spread, occupying greater than 30% of the region in which it is found. However, it generally invades a single habitat or ecological system. The range of Paragrass is stable with long-distance dispersal rare in occurrence. Its reproductive characteristics are moderately aggressive exhibiting quickly spreading rhizomes. Management of Paragrass requires major short-term or moderate long-term investment which may cause a moderate impact on the persistence of native species. The invasiveness of Brachiaria mutica has been ranked “Low”.


Commelina diffusa - Watergrass BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa Watergrass; Climbing dayflower; Spreading dayflower DESCRIPTION Succulent creeping herb with trailing stems several meters long Life Form annual □ tufted □ stoloniferous spreading perennial □ rhizomatous

Stem up to 100cm long □ erect branching creeping rooting at the nodes

Leaf Blade 1.5 - 8cm long 0.5 – 2 cm wide □ linear lanceolate ovate

Inflorescence Description: upper cyme with 1 to several flowers; lower cyme with several flowers

Flowers opening in the morning □ actinomorphic □ sessile zygomorphic □ subsessile pedicelled Perinath compoased of 2 whorls sepals 3;1 free, green lower 2 united at base petals 3 free, blue, the lower much reduced □ united stamens 6 (or 5); 3 fertile and 3 (or 2) sterile filaments glabrous □ hairy pistil of 3 carpels ovary 3-celled, 5-ovulate Fruit a 3-celled capsule, 5-seeded, 4-5 mm long Seeds dark brown, reticulate, 2-2.5 (-3) mm long PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms Cuttings Seeds □ Sods Sprigs □ Tubers

DISPERSAL MECHANISM □ Wind □ Buoyant Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals

INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic □ Toxic Hosts for pests/pathogens Fecundity/Reproduction □ Produces large quantity of seeds Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire

ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Forms carpet in wet pastures/natural areas, displace grasses in pastures and native plants in humid forests/wetlands HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland Aquatic biotopes

MANAGEMENT Control □ Manual □ Mechanical Chemical: bentazone, molinate, oxyfluorfen, bifenox □ Biological


Scientific Name: Commelina diffusa Common Name: Watergrass

Whole Plant – In Field Whole Plant – In Laboratory

Flower – On Plant

Rooting System


Scientific name: Commelina diffusa Common name: Water-grass

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 15 50 Parameters Low Impact on Ecological Community Structure 12 I. Ecological Impact Impact on Ecological Community Composition 8 Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 5 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and 10 Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 8 19 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is 8 Med II. Current Negatively Impacting Biodiversity Distribution And 2 Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 1 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 8 26 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 1 Low Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 3 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 3 Distribution and Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and 2 Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 3 Reproductive Characteristics 6 General Management Difficulty 10 24 IV. Management Low Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 3 Impacts of Management on Native Species 10 Accessibility of invaded areas 1

Sub-rank Values I-Rank I- Section Points High Medium Low Insignificant Intervals Rank I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 17 76 – 100 High 37 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 8 Low Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 5 Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 7 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Commelina diffusa or Watergrass significantly alters ecosystem processes and influences ecological community composition. It currently occupies a substantial part of the region, between 10 - 30%, negatively impacting 20 – 50% of the species within the area. It has moderately aggressive reproductive characteristics. The management of watergrass requires a major short-term or a moderate long-term investment which will have moderate impacts on native species. The invasiveness of Commelina diffusa had been ranked as “Low”.


Cyperus rotundas - Nut Grass BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Cyperaceae Cyperus rotundus L. Nut Grass DESCRIPTION A perennial herb with thin rhizomes bearing tubers in series Life Form □ annual perennial □ tufted spreading □ stoloniferous rhizomatous

Stem 10 – 70 cm Tall Base thickened 1 – 2 mm Wide □ Base not thickened

Leaf Blade □ Reduced Well developed

5 – 20 cm Long 3 – 6 mm Wide Sheath Sometimes fibrous Inflorescence Description: A simple umbel, up to 15 x 10 cm Involucral bracts: 3 – 6, obliquely patent, up to 30cm long Primary rays 3 – 8, unequal, 3 – 10 cm long Secondary rays

Spikelets 10 – 40 flowered 10 - 40 mm Long □ All flowers strictly unisexual 1 – 2 mm Wide Bisexual flowers present

Flattened □ Rounded Sessile □ Subsessile □ Pedicelled

Rhachilla Persistent, broadly winged □ Deciduous

Glumes □ Spirally arranged Distichous, 3 – 3.5 mm long, 5 – 7

nerved, keeled, keel green, sides purplish-brown Perianth Absent □ Present

Stamens 3 Style □ Dilated at the base Not dilated at the base 3- branched

Nut □ Crowned by the persistent style-base Not crowned by the persistent style-base

Trigonous, 1.5 mm long □ Biconvex

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root Bulb Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs Tubers


Wind Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals

INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs Parasitic Toxic Hosts for pests/pathogens

Fecundity/Reproduction □ Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally Self-fertilization

Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire

ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL The roots of Cyperus rotundus release substances that are harmful to other plants HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes

MANAGEMENT Control □ Manual □ Mechanical Chemical: fumigants; herbicides □ Biological The difficulty in controlling its spread is due to the intensive system of underground tubers and its resistance to most herbicides. In addition, tubers can survive very harsh conditions.


Scientific Name: Cyperus rotundas Common Name: Nut Grass

Whole Plant – In Field Whole Plant – In Laboratory

Rooting System Seeds


Scientific name: Cyperus rotundus Common name: Nut-grass

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 11 45 Parameters Low Impact on Ecological Community Structure 6 I. Ecological Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 6 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and Native 16 Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 5 19 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively 10 Med II. Current Impacting Biodiversity Distribution And 2 Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 2 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 6 35 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 1 Low Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 3 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 6 Distribution and 4 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 9 General Management Difficulty 18 35 IV. Management Minimum Time Commitment 5 Med Difficulty Impacts of Management on Native Species 10

Accessibility of invaded areas 2

Sub-rank Values I-Rank Intervals I- Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points Rank I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 17 76 – 100 High 46 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 17 Low Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 5 Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 7 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Cyperus rotundus or Nutgrass influences the abiotic ecosystem processes and moderately influences the structure and ecological community composition in the region. It currently occupies a small part of the region between 0.1 – 10%, negatively impacting 20 – 50% of the species within the area. It has extremely aggressive reproductive characteristics. The management of Nutgrass requires a major long-term investment, which would have moderate impacts on native species. The invasiveness of Cyperus rotundus has been ranked as “Low”.


Echinocjloa colonum- Jungle Rice BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Gramineae colonum Jungle rice, Shama , birds rice, swamp-grass DESCRIPTION A semi-postrate, but ascending, much branched annual grass. Life Form annual tufted □ spreading □ perennial

Culm 30 - 60 cm tall erect □branching geniculate □ rooting at the nodes

Leaf Blade 10 - 15cm long 3 – 8 mm wide linear □ lanceolate

Ligule Absent Inflorescence Description: 5 – 15 cm long, composed of 3 – 10 false spines; each 1 - 2 cm long branch-axis Small Spikelets Inconspicuously pubescent with fine short hairs 1- 3 mm long; 1 - 1.5 mm wide} 20 - 30 x as long as wide □ sessile subsessile □ pedicelled

Glumes g1 half as long as the spikelet

g2 equalling the spikelet

Lemmas l1 similar to g2

l2 equalling the spikelet, shiny Hairiness Culm nodes

Leaf □ upper side □ underside □ margin mouth only

Sheath □ on lower leaves □ sheath-margin Axis □ main axis □ branched-axis Spikelets with short hair/bearded callus □ pedicel

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs □ Tubers

DISPERSAL MECHANISM □ Wind □ Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals

INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic □ Toxic Hosts for pests/pathogens

Fecundity/Reproduction Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization

Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire

ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Grows higher above other plants and competes with them for sunlight HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop □ Grassland Aquatic biotopes (Rice Fields)

MANAGEMENT Control Manual: Hand weeding or use of a hoe during early stages of the weed

□ Mechanical □ Chemical □ Biological


Scientific Name: Echinocjloa colonum Common Name: Jungle Rice

Rooting System

Whole Plant – In Field

Seeds – On Plant

Whole plant – In Laboratory Seeds


Scientific name: Echinochloa colonum Common name: Jungle Rice

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 22 60 Parameters Med Impact on Ecological Community Structure 12 I. Ecological Impact on Ecological Community Composition 12 Impact Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 6 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and 8 Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 5 14 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively 5 Low II. Current Impacting Biodiversity Distribution And 2 Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 2 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 12 42 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 2 Med Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 8 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 6 Distribution and 2 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 6 General Management Difficulty 18 40 IV. Management High Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 10 Impacts of Management on Native Species 10 Accessibility of invaded areas 2

Sub-rank Values I-Rank Intervals I-Rank Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 33 76 – 100 High 61 II. Current Distribution and Abundance 25 17 8 0 8 Med III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 10 51 – 75 Medium Abundance IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 10 26 – 50 Low

0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Echinochloa colonum or Jungle Rice causes significant alteration to ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters in the areas in which it inhabits. With regard to current distribution and abundance, this species had a small range size of 0.1 – 10% of the region and this range size impacts negatively on 5 – 20% of biodiversity. Jungle Rice has the potential for frequent long- distance dispersal. Once an established stand, Jungle Rice required a major, long-term investment for its management or it may not even be possible to manage with available technology. The invasiveness of Echinochloa colonum has been ranked “Medium”.


Eleusine indica - Fowl Foot BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Gramineae Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Fowl foot, Iron, Yard, Goose Grass DESCRIPTION An annual tufted grass, erect or sometimes decumbent at the base. Life Form annual tufted stoloniferous spreading □ perennial □ rhizomatous

Culm 35 – 90 cm tall erect branching geniculate □ rooting at the nodes

Leaf Blade 5 – 30 cm long 3 – 8 mm wide } 20 - 40 x as long as wide linear □ lanceolate

Ligule 0.6 – 1 mm □ hairy ring membranous □ truncate fringed

Sheath compressed

Inflorescence Description: Composed of 3 – 10 subdigitately arranged spikes; each 4 – 15 cm long, ±5 mm wide main axis Spikelets with 3 – 9 fertile flowers 3 – 6 mm long sessile □ subsessile □ pedicelled

Disarticulation above the glumes and between the florets □ below the glumes

Glumes winged on the kneel, g1 1 – 2 mm long, 1 – nerved; g2 3 – 4.7 mm long, 3 – 7 - nerved, acute

Lemmas ~ g2 awnless

Grain oblong Hairiness Culm □ nodes Leaf upper side □ underside □ margin mouth only

Sheath □ on lower leaves sheath-margin

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs □ Tubers

DISPERSAL MECHANISM Wind □ Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals Internally by other animals

INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic Toxic Hosts for pests/pathogens

Fecundity/Reproduction Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Under certain conditions, produces hydrogen cyanide HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes

MANAGEMENT Control □ Manual Mechanical: tillage Chemical: herbicides □ Biological


Scientific Name: Eleusine indica Common Name: Fowl Foot

Whole Plant – In Field Whole Plant – In Laboratory

Rooting System Seeds – On Plant

Seeds – In Laboratory


Scientific name: Eleusine indica Common name: Fowl foot

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 22 59 Parameters Med Impact on Ecological Community Structure 12 I. Ecological Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 3 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and 16 Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 5 14 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively 5 Low II. Current Impacting Biodiversity Distribution And 2 Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 2 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 12 62 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 2 High Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 9 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 18 Distribution and 6 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 9 General Management Difficulty 6 23 IV. Management Low Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 5 Impacts of Management on Native Species 10 Accessibility of invaded areas 2

Sub-rank Values I-Rank I-Rank Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points Intervals

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 33 76 – 100 High 59 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 8 Medium Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 15 Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 3 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Eleusine indica or Goose Grass causes significant alteration to ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters, substantially changing the density or total area of coverage. Its range size is small within the region, however present in many bio-geographic units. Its range is capable of increasing by 10 – 30% if not prevented from spreading. The management of this species is relatively easy and inexpensive, causing moderate impacts on native species. The invasiveness of Eleusine indica has been ranked “Medium”.


Parthenium hysterophorus - Whitetop

BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Asteraceae Parthenium hysterophorus Whitetop, White Weed DESCRIPTION It is a fast-maturing annual herbaceous plant with a deep taproot and an erect stem that becomes woody with age

Life Form annual □ tufted □ stoloniferous □ spreading □ perennial □ rhizomatous

Culm 30 - 75cm tall □ erect branching □ geniculate □ rooting at the nodes

Leaf Blade 8-20 cm long 4-8 cm wide Lobed □ linear □ lanceolate

Inflorescence Description: A loose terminal panicle of flattish, 5-angled flower heads Flowers are white, 4mm across and produce four or five black wedge shaped seeds that are 2 mm long with thin white scales.

Hairiness Culm □ nodes

Leaf upper side underside □ margin □ mouth only

Sheath □ on lower leaves □ sheath-margin

Axis □ main axis branched-axis

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Cor s □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs □ Tubers

DISPERSAL MECHANISM Wind Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector Machi ery

Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals

INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs Parasitic Toxic □ Hosts for pests/pathogens Fecundity/Reproduction Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire

ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Water soluble phenolics and sesquiterpene lactones occur in all parts of the plant and significantly inhibit the germination and subsequent growth of a wide variety of crops HABITAT Waste places □ Rotation crops □ Perennial crop □ Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes

MANAGEMENT Control □ Manual □ Mechanical Chemical Biological


Scientific Name: Parthenium hysterophorus Common Name: Whitetop

Rooting System

Whole Plant – In Field

Flowers – On Plant

Whole Plant - In Laboratory Seeds


Scientific name: Parthenium hysterophorus Common name: White Top

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide Parameters 33 Impact on Ecological Community Structure 18 Impact on Ecological Community Composition I. Ecological 18 99 Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 6 Impact High [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and Native 24 Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 10 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively 10

II. Current Impacting Biodiversity 26 Distribution And Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded 3 High Abundance Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 3 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 12 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 2 Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 9 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 12 59 Distribution and Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other 6 High Abundance Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 9 Reproductive Characteristics 9 General Management Difficulty 18 IV. Management Minimum Time Commitment 10 40 Difficulty Impacts of Management on Native Species 10 High Accessibility of invaded areas 2

Section Subrank Values Points I-Rank Intervals I-Rank High Medium Low Insignificant

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 50 76 – 100 High

II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 25 51 – 75 Medium Abundance III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 15 26 – 50 Low 100 Abundance HIGH 0 – 25 IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 10 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Parthenium hysterophorus or Whitetop aggressively colonises areas with poor groundcover and exposed soil such as wastelands, roadsides and overgrazed pastures. Whitetop is present in bio-geographic units occupying more than 20% of the region in which it is found. This species is a severe threat to native species and ecological communities. The invasiveness of Parthenium hysterophorus has been ranked “High”.


Paspalum conjugatum - Buffalo Grass BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Gramineae Paspalum conjugatum Berg. Buffalo grass, carabograss, hilograss DESCRIPTION Pernnial mat-forming grass, glabrous or even hairy Life Form □ annual □ tufted stoloniferous perennial spreading □ rhizomatous Culm 20 - 60cm tall erect branching geniculate rooting at the nodes Leaf Blade 8 – 20 cm long 5 -15 mm wide } 10 - 15 x as long as wide linear lanceolate Ligule 0.5 mm □ hairy ring membranous truncate □ fringed Inflorescence Description: Composed of 2 -3 branches; each 5 – 12 cm long

branch-axis narrowly winged (0.8 mm wide)

Spikelets solitary □ sessile □ binate subsessile □ ternate □ pedicelled mm long Glumes g1 absent g2 equalling the spikelet, 2-nerved

Lemmas l1 equalling the spikelet, 2-nerved l2 not strongly indurate Hairiness Culm nodes Leaf upper side underside margin □ mouth only Sheath □ on lower leaves sheath-margin Axis □ main axis □ branched-axis

Spikelets silky-fringed □ with short hair/bearded callus □ pedicel PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods Sprigs □ Tubers DISPERSAL MECHANISM □ Wind □ Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic □ Toxic □ Hosts for pests/pathogens Fecundity/Reproduction Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL

HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes MANAGEMENT Control Manual: Close cutting and heavy grazing □ Mechanical Chemical: Herbicides □ Biological


Scientific Name: Paspalum conjugatum Common Name: Buffalo Grass

Whole Plant – In Laboratory Rooting System



Scientific name: Paspalum conjugatum Common name: Buffalo grass

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 11 42 Parameters Low Impact on Ecological Community Structure 6 I. Ecological Impact Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 3 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and 16 Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 5 13 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is 5 Low II. Current Negatively Impacting Biodiversity Distribution And 2 Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded 1 in Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 6 33 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 2 Low Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 6 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 6 Distribution and 4 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 3 Reproductive Characteristics 6 General Management Difficulty 6 12 IV. Management Insig. Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 5 Impacts of Management on Native Species 0 Accessibility of invaded areas 1

Sub-rank Values I-Rank Intervals I- Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points Rank

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 17 76 – 100 High 30 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 8 Low Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 5 Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 0 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Paspalum conjugatum or Buffalo-grass influences abiotic ecosystem processes and wide-spread parameters and may occasionally threaten one or more rare or vulnerable native species or ecological communities. It occupies a small part of the region within a small number (2-3) of habitats or ecological systems. Its range is stable and long-distance dispersal is infrequent. The management of Buffalo-grass is relatively easy and inexpensive. The invasiveness of Paspalum conjugatum has been ranked “Low”.


Paspalum fasciculatum - Bamboo Grass

BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Gramineae Paspalum fasciculatum Bamboo grass, Bull grass DESCRIPTION A course perennial with extensively creeping and sometimes climbing stems several meters in length

Life Form □ annual □ tufted stoloniferous spreading perennial rhizomatous Culm 15-50cm tall □ erect □ branching □ geniculate □ rooting at the nodes Leaf Blade 50 cm long 1-3 mm wide } 10-20 x as long as wide linear □ lanceolate Ligule ? mm hairy □ membranous □ truncate □ fringed Inflorescence Description: openly fanlike with up to 20 branches 7-17cm long. main axis straight branch-axis small Spikelets 1 – flower 4mm long ~ 1mm wide} ~ 2.5 x as long as wide □ binate □ solitary □ sessile □ ternate □ pedicelled □ subsessile Glumes g1 absent g2 equalling the spikelet Lemmas l1 ± equalling the spikelet Hairiness Culm □ nodes Leaf upper side □ underside margin □ mouth only Sheath □ on lower leaves sheath-margin

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings □ Seeds □ Sods □ Springs □ Tubers

DISPERSAL MECHANISM □ Wind □ Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals

INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic □ Toxic □ Hosts for pests/pathogens

Fecundity/Reproduction □ Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization

Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production □ Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire


HABITAT Waste places □ Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes MANAGEMENT Control □ Manual □ Mechanical □ Chemical □ Biological


Scientific Name: Paspalum fasciculatum Common Name: Bamboo Grass

Whole Plant - In Field Whole Plant - In Laboratory

Seeds – In laboratory Seeds – On Plant


Scientific name: Paspalum fasciculatum Common name: Bamboo-grass; Bull-grass

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 11 65 Parameters Med Impact on Ecological Community Structure 12 I. Ecological Impact on Ecological Community Composition 12 Impact Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 6 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and 24 Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 10 29 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is 15 High Negatively Impacting Biodiversity II. Current Distribution And Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded 2 Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 2 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 6 34 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 2 Low Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 6 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 6 Distribution and 2 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 6 General Management Difficulty 12 29 IV. Management Med Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 5 Impacts of Management on Native Species 10 Accessibility of invaded areas 2

Sub-rank Values I-Rank I-Rank Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points Intervals

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 33 76 – 100 High 70 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 25 Medium Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 5 Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 7 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Paspalum fasciculatum or Bamboo Grass influences abiotic ecosystem processes, significantly altering the ecological community composition where it is found. It is partially distributed within the region, however negatively impacts on more than 50% of the biodiversity where it is found. Its range can be described as stable or expanding slowly nut has the potential to expand to other habitats and ecosystems not currently occupied. The management of Bamboo Grass requires major short-term or moderate long-term investment which will have moderate impacts on native species. The invasiveness of Paspalum fasciculatum has been ranked “Medium”.


Rottboellia cochinchinensis - Corn Grass

BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Gramineae Rottboellia Corn grass, Guinea-fowl grass, Itchgrass, Kelly grass, Kokoma cochinchinensis grass, Raoul grass DESCRIPTION Annual or perennial tufted grass, culms simple or branched in old plants Life Form annual □ tufted □ spreading □ perennial Culm 0.3 – 3.0 m tall erect □branching □ geniculate □ rooting at the nodes Leaf Blade 20 – 60 cm long 2 cm wide linear □ lanceolate Ligule 2 mm □ hairy ring membranous □ truncate □ fringed Inflorescence Description: Cylindrical , 3 – 15cm long

Spikelets awnless; 3.5 – 6 mm long; 2.5 – 3 mm wide □ binate □ similar □ ternate □ dissimilar sessile pedicelled □ reduced Glumes g1 3.5 – 5mm long g2 3 – 5mm long; keel narrowly winged toward the tip Hairiness Sheath □ on lower leaves sheath-margin PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs □ Tubers DISPERSAL MECHANISM □ Wind Buoyant Bird Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals Internally by other animals INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic □ Toxic Hosts for pests/pathogens

Fecundity/Reproduction Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization

Persistence attributes Prolific seed production □ Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Important fast growing annual; Vigorous plant HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland Aquatic biotopes MANAGEMENT Control Manual: Burning, ploughing and burying seeds Mechanical: Early in the growing season Chemical: Herbicides (Resistant to certain herbicides) Biological: Fungi; Rust; Smut


Scientific Name: Rottboellia cochinchinensis Common Name: Corn Grass

Whole Plant - In Field Whole Plant - In Laboratory

Rooting System Seeds


Scientific name: Rottboellia cochinchinensis Common name: Corn-grass

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 11 46 Parameters Low Impact on Ecological Community Structure 6 I. Ecological Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 7 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and Native 16 Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 10 19 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively 5 Med II. Current Impacting Biodiversity Distribution And 2 Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 2 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 12 43 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 2 Med Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 6 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 6 Distribution and 2 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 9 General Management Difficulty 12 28 IV. Management Med Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 5 Impacts of Management on Native Species 10 Accessibility of invaded areas 1

Subrank Values I-Rank I-Rank Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points Intervals

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 17 76 – 100 High 51 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 17 Medium Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 10 Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 7 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Rottboellia cochinchinensis or Corn Grass influences abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters, impacting on at least one layer of the community structure. Its current distribution and abundance is substantial (10 – 30%) of the region and negatively impacts 5 – 20% of the surrounding biodiversity. The range of this species is increasing in some but not all directions, with the potential to increase 10 – 30% of the region if not prevented from spreading. The management of Corn Grass requires a short-term or moderate long-term investment over a period of 5 – 10 years. The invasiveness of Rottboellia cochinchinensis has been ranked “Medium”.


Setaria poiretiana - Gamalot

Botanical Name Common Name Family: Gramineae Setaria poiretiana (Schult.) Gamalot

Description Perennial caespitose erect herb, turgid, glabrous or hispid near nodes. Life Form □ annual □ tufted □ spreading perennial Culm 1m tall erect □branching □ geniculate □ rooting at the nodes Leaf Blade 1m long 10 cm wide □ linear □ lanceolate

Ligule 1 - 2mm hairy ring □ membranous □ truncate □ fringed

Inflorescence Description: Panicle densely flowered on a long stalk, up to 60 cm long and 10cm broad; Branches numerous and often drooping to one side. main axis branch-axis jointed □ not jointed

Spikelets □ binate □ similar □ ternate □ dissimilar □ sessile, and □ pedicelled □ reduced mm long

Hairiness Culm □nodes Leaf □ upper side □ underside □ margin □ mouth only Sheath □ on lower leaves sheath-margin Axis □ main axis □ branched-axis Spikelets □ with short hair/bearded callus □ pedicel Propagation □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods Sprigs □ Tubers

Dispersal Mechanism □ Wind □ Buoyant Bird Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals Internally by other animals Invasiveness Undesirable Traits Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic □ Toxic □ Hosts for pests/pathogens

Fecundity/Reproduction Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization

Persistence attributes Prolific seed production □ Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire Allelopathic Potential

Habitat □Waste places □ Rotation crops □ Perennial crop □ Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes Management Control □ Manual □ Mechanical □ Chemical □ Biological


Scientific name: Setaria poiretiana Common name: Gamalot

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 22 59 Parameters Med Impact on Ecological Community Structure 9 I. Ecological Impact Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal 6 Species [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities 16 and Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 5 13 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is 5 Low Negatively Impacting Biodiversity II. Current Distribution Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units 1 And Abundance Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems 2 Invaded in Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 6 44 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 2 Med Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 9 III. Trend in Distribution Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 12 and Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and 4 Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 5 General Management Difficulty 12 28 Med IV. Management Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 10 Impacts of Management on Native Species 5 Accessibility of invaded areas 1

Sub-rank Values I-Rank Intervals I-Rank Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 33 76 – 100 High 58 II. Current Distribution and Abundance 25 17 8 0 8 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 10 51 – 75 Medium Abundance IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 7 26 – 50 Low

0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Setaria poiretiana or Gamalot causes significant alteration to ecosystem processes. This species is currently wide-spread in the region and negatively affects more than 50% of the biodiversity in its range. It has great potential for frequent long-distance dispersal. The management of Gamalot will require major short-term or a moderate long-term investment over a period of 5 – 10 years. The invasiveness of Setaria poiretiana had been ranked as “Medium”.


Sporobolus indicus - Tapia Grass

BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Gramineae Sporobolus indicus Tapia, Drop seed, Hay grass

DESCRIPTION A tufted perennial with erect wiry stems up to about 60cm tall in flower Life Form □ annual □ spreading perennial tufted Culm 30 -100cm tall erect □ branching □ geniculate □ rooting at the nodes Leaf Blade 20-30 cm long 1.5-6 mm wide } 50-100 x as long as wide linear □ lanceolate Ligule 0.2-0.5mm □ hairy ring membranous, ciliate Inflorescence Description: a spike-like, but interrupted panicle 10-40 cm long, composed of ∞ ascending branches, each 1-5cm long Spikelets 1 – flower 1.5-2mm long Glumes g1 ~ 1mm long g2 ~ 1mm long, acute Lemmas l nerved awnless Floret with [2] 3 stamens

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs □ Tubers DISPERSAL MECHANISM □ Wind □ Buoyant □ Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic □ Toxic □ Hosts for pests/pathogens Fecundity/Reproduction □ Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self- fertilization Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production □ Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Reduces pasture productivity; Aggressive in wet and swampy soils HABITAT Waste places □ Rotation crops □ Perennial crop □ Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes MANAGEMENT Control Manual: Removed manually □ Mechanical Chemical: Herbicides □ Biological


Scientific Name: Sporobolus indicus Common Name: Tapia Grass

Rooting System

Whole Plant - In Field

Seeds – On Plant

Whole Plant – In Laboratory Seeds


Scientific name: Sporobolus indicus Common name: Tapia

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide Parameters 7 30 Impact on Ecological Community Structure 6 Low I. Ecological Impact Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species [negative 3 impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and Native 8 Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 0 1 II. Current Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively 0 Insig. Distribution And Impacting Biodiversity Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded 1 Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in Region 0 Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 6 32 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 1 Low Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 3 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance Distribution and 6 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other 4 Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 6 General Management Difficulty 12 23 IV. Management Minimum Time Commitment 5 Low Difficulty Impacts of Management on Native Species 5 Accessibility of invaded areas 1

Sub-rank Values I-Rank Intervals I-Rank Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 17 76 – 100 High 25 Insg. II. Current Distribution 25 17 8 0 0 51 – 75 Medium and Abundance 26 – 50 Low III. Trend in Distribution 15 10 5 0 5 and Abundance 0 – 25 Insignificant

IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 3

I-Rank Summary: Sporoobolus indicus or Tapia has minimal influence on abiotic ecosystem processes, rarely threatening rare or vulnerable native species. Tapia is present in few bio-geographic units occupying less than 20% of the region in which it is found. Its range is usually stable with areas of contraction balancing areas of expansion. The management of this species requires a short-term or a moderate long-term investment for a period of 2 – 5 years. The invasiveness of Sporoobolus indicus has been ranked “Insignificant”.


Urochloa fusca - Birdseed-grass

BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Poaceae Urochloa fusca syn. Birdseed grass, Top millet, Browntop signalgrass fasciculatum / maximum DESCRIPTION An annual or short-lived perennial grass with spreading or ascending tufts. Life Form annual tufted spreading perennial Culm 30 - 100 cm tall □ erect □branching □ geniculate □ rooting at the nodes Leaf Blade 10 - 30 cm long 6 – 20 mm wide □ linear □ lanceolate

Ligule 1mm hairy ring membranous □ truncate □ fringed Inflorescence Description: Panicles 5 – 20 cm, with raceme-like, ascending branches

main axis branch-axis □jointed □ not jointed

Spikelets □ binate □ similar □ ternate □ dissimilar □ sessile pedicelled □ reduced 2 – 2.8 mm long Hairiness Culm □nodes Leaf upper side □ underside margin □ mouth only Sheath □ on lower leaves sheath-margin Axis □ main axis □ branched-axis Spikelets □ with short hair/bearded callus pedicel

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs □ Tubers DISPERSAL MECHANISM □ Wind □ Buoyant Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic □ Toxic □ Hosts for pests/pathogens Fecundity/Reproduction □ Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization Persistence attributes □ Prolific seed production □ Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL

HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes MANAGEMENT Control □ Manual □ Mechanical □ Chemical □ Biological


Scientific name: Urochloa fusca Common name: Birdseed-grass

A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 11 34 Parameters Low Impact on Ecological Community Structure 6 I. Ecological Impact on Ecological Community Composition 6 Impact Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 3 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and 8 Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 0 8 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively 0 Insig. II. Current Impacting Biodiversity Distribution And 1 Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 1 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 6 31 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 2 Low Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 9 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 6 Distribution and 2 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 3 Reproductive Characteristics 3 General Management Difficulty 6 18 IV. Management Low Difficulty Minimum Time Commitment 5 Impacts of Management on Native Species 5 Accessibility of invaded areas 2

Sub-rank Values I-Rank Intervals I- Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points Rank

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 17 76 – 100 High 25 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 0 Insig. Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution and 15 10 5 0 5 Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 3 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Urochloa fusca syn. Panicum fasciculatum / maximum or Birdseed Grass influences abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters, impacting on at least one layer of the community structure. Currently its abundance and distribution is isolated / spotty and it impacts on less than 5% of other species within its region. Its range is stable however it has the potential to increase by 10 – 30% if not prevented from spreading owing to frequent long-distance dispersal. The management of Birdseed Grass is relatively easy and inexpensive and requires control for 2 – 5 years. The invasiveness of Urochloa fusca syn. Panicum fasciculatum / maximum has been ranked “Insignificant”.


Urochloa maxima - Guinea Grass BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Family: Poaceae Urochloa maxima syn. Panicum maximum Jacq. Guinea Grass, Green Panic DESCRIPTION A variable species; perennial grass, glabrous, in erect tufts Life Form □ annual tufted □ spreading perennial Culm 3 m tall erect □branching □ geniculate rooting at the nodes Leaf Blade 15 – 100 cm long 15 - 35 mm wide linear □ lanceolate Ligule 1.5 – 4 mm hairy ring membranous □ truncate fringed Inflorescence Description: Inflorescence large and pyramidal in shape; elongated branches Loose, spreading panicle; 12 – 40cm long; 25 cm wide main axis branch-axis □jointed □ not jointed Spikelets 3 – 3.5 mm long □ binate □ similar □ ternate □ dissimilar □ sessile pedicelled □ reduced Glumes g1 broad; obtuse; 5-nerved; < 0.33 as long as g2 g2 equalling the spikelet Lemmas l1 oblong with minute transverse wrinkles l2 enclosed male floret; 5 – 7-nerved

Hairiness Culm nodes Leaf □ upper side □ underside □ margin □ mouth only Sheath □ on lower leaves □ sheath-margin Axis □ main axis □ branched-axis Spikelets □ with short hair/bearded callus □ pedicel

PROPAGATION □ Bare Root □ Bulb □ Corms □ Cuttings Seeds □ Sods □ Sprigs □ Tubers DISPERSAL MECHANISM Wind Buoyant Bird □ Vegetative Vector □ Externally by other animals □ Internally by other animals INVASIVENESS Undesirable Traits □ Spines/Thorns/Burrs □ Parasitic Toxic Hosts for pests/pathogens Fecundity/Reproduction □ Produces large quantity of seeds □ Hybridizes naturally □ Self-fertilization Persistence attributes Prolific seed production Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire ALLELOPATHIC POTENTIAL Forms dense stands which suppress and displace local plants due to resistance to drought and fires HABITAT Waste places Rotation crops Perennial crop Grassland □ Aquatic biotopes MANAGEMENT Control Manual: Hand pulling; Grubbing; Spraying □ Mechanical Chemical: Herbicides; Grass killers Biological: Plants die under continuous grazing


Scientific Name: Urochloa maxima Common Name: Guinea Grass

Rooting System

Whole Plant – In Field

Seeds – On Plant

Seeds – In Laboratory

Whole Plant – In Laboratory


Scientific name: Urochloa maxima Common name: Guinea-grass A B C D Total Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide 33 71 Parameters Med Impact on Ecological Community Structure 12 I. Ecological Impact Impact on Ecological Community Composition 12 Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species 6 [negative impacts] Conservation Significance of the Communities and 8 Native Species Threatened Current Range Size in Region 10 24 Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is 10 Med II. Current Negatively Impacting Biodiversity Distribution And 2 Abundance Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in 2 Region Current Trend in Total Range Within the Region 12 41 Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied 1 Med Long-Distance Dispersal Potential Within Region 6 III. Trend in Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance 6 Distribution and 4 Abundance Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere 6 Reproductive Characteristics 6 General Management Difficulty 12 29 IV. Management Minimum Time Commitment 10 Med Difficulty Impacts of Management on Native Species 5

Accessibility of invaded areas 2

Subrank Values I-Rank Intervals I-Rank Section High Medium Low Insignificant Points

I. Ecological Impact 50 33 17 0 33 76 – 100 High 67 II. Current Distribution and 25 17 8 0 17 Medium Abundance 51 – 75 Medium III. Trend in Distribution 15 10 5 0 10 and Abundance 26 – 50 Low IV. Management Difficult 10 7 3 0 7 0 – 25 Insignificant

I-Rank Summary: Urochloa maxima syn. Panicum maximum or Guinea Grass has major irreversible disruption of abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters. It substantially changes the density or total coverage of an existing layer within the ecological community structure. This species currently occupies a substantial (10 – 30%) part of the region, negatively impacting on 20 – 50% of the surrounding biodiversity. Its range is increasing in some but not all directions as long-distance dispersal is infrequent. It regularly establishes in mid-successional native vegetation. The management of Guinea Grass requires a major short- term or moderate long-term investment for a period of 5 – 10 years. The invasiveness of Urochloa maxima syn. Panicum maximum has been ranked “Medium”.


Summary Table of I-Rank Invasiveness

Table 1: Table showing summary of I-Rank Invasiveness

Invasive Weed Species Invasiveness High Medium Low Insignificant Axonopus compressus X Brachiaria mutica X Commelina diffusa X Cyperus rotundus X Echinochloa colonum X Eleusine indica X Parthenium hysterophorus X Paspalum conjugatum X Paspalum fasciculatum X Rottboellia cochinchinensis X Setaria poiretiana X Sporobolus indicus X Urochloa fusca X Urochloa maxima X


References Bayer Crop Science. Crop Compendium. The Knowledge Resources for Farmers, Scientists and Agro Consultants. Monheim, Germany. Retrieved from http://compendium.bayercropscience.com/bayer/cropscience/cropcompendium/bcscropcomp. nsf/id/Home Bhadoria, P.B.; 2010. Allelopathy: A Natural Way towards Weed Management. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1(1) Brown University (n.d.) IPlant: Invasive Plants and the Nursery Industry. Characteristics of Invasive Plants. Retrieved October 2012 from website http://www.brown.edu/Research/EnvStudies_Theses/full9900/mhall/IPlants/IPlant_Characteri stics.html\ Centre for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, 2012. University of ; IFAS Extension. Retrieved from http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/ Cook, B.G., Pengelly, B.C., Brown, S.D., Donnelly, J.L., Eagles, D.A., Franco, M.A., Hanson, J., Mullen, B.F., Partridge, I.J., Peters, M. and Schultze-Kraft, R. 2005. Tropical Forages: an interactive selection tool., [CD-ROM], CSIRO, DPI&F(Qld), CIAT and ILRI, Brisbane, . Duke, S.O.; 1985. Biosynthesis of phenolic compounds—Chemical manipulation in higher plants. In A.C. Thompson (ed.) The chemistry of allelopathy: Biochemical interactions among plants. Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 268. Am. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC. Global Invasive Species Database (GISD), 2005. Retrieved from http://www.issg.org/database Gould, Lisa (2000) Overviews of issues surrounding invasive species, lecture at Invasive Plants in Rhode Island: Issues and Concerns, February 2, 2000, University of Rhode Island. Häfliger, E. & Scholz, H.; 1980. Grass Weeds 1. CIBA-GEIGY Ltd., Basle, Switzerland Häfliger, E. & Scholz, H.; 1981. Grass Weeds 2. CIBA-GEIGY Ltd., Basle, Switzerland Häfliger, E. et. Al; 1982. Monocot Weeds 3. CIBA-GEIGY Ltd., Basle, Switzerland Hoagland, R.E., Williams, R.D.; 1985. The influence of secondary plant compounds on the associations of soil microorganisms and plant roots. In A.C. Thompson (ed.) The chemistry of allelopathy: Biochemical interactions among plants. Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 268. ACS, Washington, DC. Holm, LG., Plucknett, DL., Pancho, JV & Herberger, JP.; 1977. The World’s Worst Weeds – Distribution and Biology. The University Press of . Koning, Ross E. 1994. Natural Vegetative Propagation. Plant Physiology Information Website. http://plantphys.info/plants_human/vegprop/vegpropn.shtml.

Iowa State University. 1997. Weed Seed Dispersal. Retrieved October 2012, from website http://www.agron.iastate.edu/~Weeds/ag317/bioeco/lifecycle/disperse.html


Invasive Species Advisory Committee, 2006. Invasive Species Definition Clarification and Guidance White Paper. United States Department of Agcriulture. April 27, 2006. From website http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/docs/council/isacdef.pdf

Mehrhoff, Leslie J. (1998) The biology of invasiveness. Invaders, New England Wild Flower: Conservation notes of the New England Wild Flower Society 2(3): 8-10. Retrieved October 2012 from website: http://www.newfs.org /invasive/invasive.htm

National Invasive Species Council. 2001. Meeting the Invasive Species Challenge: National Invasive Species Management Plan. 80 pp.

North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO), 1431 Merivale Road, 3rd. Floor, Room 140, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0Y9 – Canada. Retrieved from http://www.nappo.org PIER 2012. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry; Pacific island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER). Plant threats to Pacific Ecosystems. Retrieved from http://www.hear.org/pier/index.html Queensland Government, 2011. Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry. Weed control Methods. Retrieved on 23.05.12 from http://www.daff.qld.gov.au/4790_7043.htm Radosevich, S. Holt, J. Ghesrsa, C. (2007) Ecology if Weeds and Invasive Plants. Relationship to Agriculture and Natural Resource Management 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Rice, E.L.; 1984a. Allelopathy. 2nd ed., Academic Press, Orlando, FL, USA

Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust; 2012. PlantNET - The Plant Information Network System of The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney, Australia. Retrieved from http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au Sadhu, M. 1989. Plant Propagation 1st Edition. New Age International Publishers

United States Department of Agriculture. Natural Resources Conservation Service; Plants Database. Retrieved from http://plants.usda.gov/java/


Glossary Annual Plants completing their life cycle within one year.

Auricle small claw or ear-like outgrowths at the junction of the sheath and blade of some grasses

Axis main stem of the plant or of the flower-head (rhachis), or spikelet (rhachilla)

Awn a bristle on a glume of a grass spikelet or floret

Binate in pairs

Blade part of the leaf above the sheath, also known as the lamina, often flat, but sometimes bristle-like

Bract much reduced leaf of the flower-head such as the glumes and lemmas

Bristle stiff hair or very fine straight awn, also applied to the upper part of the awn

Burr a rough or prickly covering around seeds, fruits or spikelets

Callus hard projections at the base of the floret or spikelet where these form the seed-units of some grasses

Capillary hair-like

Capitates head-shaped; collected into a head or dense cluster

Cleft cut or divided into lobes

Culm stem of grasses

Deciduous falling off at maturity or end of life, such as the blades of some grasses

Digitate fingered, arranged like fingers on a hand

Disarticulating fracturing at the nodes, as the axis of the spikelet of many grasses

Erose irregular and uneven, as if gnawed or worn away

Exserted projecting beyond the surrounding parts

Filiform thread-like

Floret lemma and palea with the enclosed flower; florets may be bisexual and perfect or unisexual and male or female, or barren (neuter), or reduced to the lemma

Geniculate bent abruptly like a knee

Glume two (usually) empty bracts at the base of the spikelet

Grain naked seed

Hermaphrodite with both male and female organs


Hyaline translucent and delicate tissue

Imbricate overlapping

Inflorescence flower-head terminating the stem (and its branches)

Internode portion between two successive nodes (e.g. of the culm, flower-head or spikelet)

Involucre a ring of bracts or bristles forming a structure at the base of a flower or floret or floret or a group of flowers or florets

Involute with the margins rolled inwards

Joint used for the node of the culm, also applied to the internodes of the axis of both the spike and the spikelet

Keel sharp fold or ridge at the back of a compressed sheath, blade, glume, lemma, or palea

Lanceolate lance-shaped, widest in the lowest third and gradually narrowed upwards

Lemma lower of two bracts enclosing the flower

Ligule outgrowth at the inner junction of the leaf-sheath and blade, often membranous, sometimes represented by a fringe of hairs

Linear long narrow, with parallel sides.

Membranous translucent, thin and dry, not green

Node point on steam or axis form which a leaf or bract arises

Palea upper two bracts enclosing the flower

Panicle branched flower-head, with main axis, divided branches and stalked spikelets, ranging from very dense and spike-like to very diffuse

Pedicel applied to the stalk of the spikelet

Peduncle in grasses, the stalk of a spikelet cluster or inflorescence

Perennial of more than two years duration

Pistil the female organ of the flower, consisting of the ovary and one or more styles and stigmas

Raceme unbranched flower-head with spikelets stalked directly on the axis

Rhachilla main axis of spikelet

Rhachis axis of flower head

Rhizome underground steam, bearing scale-like leaves

Scale miniature leaf without blade, found at the base of stems and on rhizomes


Sessile without stalk

Sheath lower part of the leaf, the part that encloses the stem

Spathe a large bract enclosing an inflorescence or partial inflorescence

Spike unbranched flower-head bearing stalkless spikelets

Spikelet unit of the grass flower-head, generally composed of 2 glumes and one or more flowers each borne between a lemma and palea

Spine a stiff sharp-pointed projection

Stamen male (pollen bearing) part of flower

Stigma part of female organ which receives the pollen

Style connexion between stigma and ovary

Terminal at the tip

Ternate in threes

Truncate ending abruptly as though cut off

Verticillate whorled, arranged in verticils

Villous bearing long, soft, unmated hairs

Whorl a ring of similar parts radiating from a node



Section I. Ecological Impact Q1. Impact on Ecosystem Processes and System-Wide Parameters A. Major, irreversible, alteration or disruption of abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters B. Significant alteration C. influences abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters D. No perceivable impact on abiotic ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters U. Unknown

Q2. Impact on Ecological Community Structure A. Major alteration of ecological community structure e.g. covers canopy B. changes number of layers below canopy, substantial change in density or total cover of existing layer C. influences structure of at least one layer (e.g., moderately changes density). D. No impact U. Unknown

Q3. Impact on Ecological Community Composition A. Causes major alteration in ecological community composition B. Significantly alters ecological community composition C. Influences ecological community composition D. No impact. U. Unknown

Q4. Impact on Individual Native Plant or Animal Species A. Major negative impacts - > 50% B. Significant negative impacts – 20 to 50% C. Occasional negative impact – 5 to 20% D. Little or no impact – U. Unknown

Q5. Conservation Significance of the Communities and Native Species Threatened A. often threatens one or more rare or vulnerable native species or ecological communities B. may occasionally threaten one or more rare or vulnerable native species or ecological communities C. usually inhibits common, unthreatened habitats and rarely threatens rare or vulnerable native species


D. found primarily or only in human-disturbed habitats and not known to threaten any rare U. Unknown

Section II. Current Distribution and Abundance Q6. Current Range Size in Region A. Widespread in region e.g., > 30% of region B. Substantial part of region e.g., 10-30% of region C. Small part of region e.g., 0.1-10% of region D. Isolated or spotty range in region e.g., < 0.1% of region U. Unknown

Q7. Proportion of Current Range Where Species Is Negatively Impacting Biodiversity A. Impacts occur in > 50% of the species B. Impacts occur in 20-50% of the species C. Impacts occur in 5-20% of the species D. Impacts occur in < 5% of the species U. Unknown

Q8. Proportion of Region’s Biogeographic Units Invaded A. Present in most biogeographic units (e.g., > 50%) B. Present in many biogeographic units (e.g., 20-50%) C. Present in few biogeographic units (e.g., < 20%) D. Present in only one minor biogeographic unit U. Unknown

Q9. Diversity of Habitats or Ecological Systems Invaded in Region A. Many (6 or more) distinct habitats or ecological systems invaded B. Moderate number (4-5) of distinct habitats or ecological systems invaded C. Small number (2-3) of habitats or ecological systems invaded D. Only a single habitat or ecological system invaded U. Unknown

Section III. Trend in Distribution and Abundance Q10. Current Trend in Total Range within the Region What are the trends in the species generalized range? A. Range expanding in most or all directions, and/or spreading into new portions of the region


B. Range increasing in some directions but not most or all C. Range stable, or areas of range contraction balancing areas of expansion D. Range decreasing U. Unknown

Q11. Proportion of Potential Range Currently Occupied This question compares (a) the species’ current generalized range within the region of interest with (b) the potential generalized range it is considered to be capable of occupying if it is not prevented from spreading. A. < 10% of potential range currently occupied B. 10-30% of potential range currently occupied C. 30-90% of potential range currently occupied D. > 90% of potential range currently occupied U. Unknown

Q12. Long-Distance Dispersal Potential within Region What is the species’ potential for long-distance dispersal (>100 km or 60 miles) by humans (intentionally or unintentionally), by other animals, or by abiotic factors (e.g., wind, rivers, or floods)? A. Long-distance dispersal frequent B. Long-distance dispersal infrequent C. Long-distance dispersal rare but known D. Long-distance dispersal seldom or never U. Unknown

Q13. Local Range Expansion or Change in Abundance Is the species increasing in abundance (cover, density, frequency, etc.) within its current non-native range in the region and/or locally expanding within or at the edges of this range based on trends of the past 10-20 years? A. Local range and/or species abundance increasing rapidly - likely to double within 10 years B. Local range expanding at a moderate rate - likely to increase by 50% in 10 years C. Local range expanding slowly and/or abundance increasing significantly by >25% D. Species abundance and local range stable or decreasing U. Unknown

Q14. Inherent Ability to Invade Conservation Areas and Other Native Species Habitats Does the species invade well-established, mature natural vegetation? A. Regularly establishes in undisturbed mature native vegetation B. Regularly establishes in mid-successional native vegetation


C. Often establishes in areas where major natural or human-caused disturbance has occurred D. Not known to spread significantly into conservation areas or native species habitat U. Unknown

Q15. Similar Habitats Invaded Elsewhere Is this species established outside its native range in places besides the region of interest, or other island groups? A. Escaped in 3 or more habitats or ecosystem types which it has not yet invaded in the region B. Escaped in 1-2 habitats or ecosystem types which it has not yet invaded in the region C. Escaped elsewhere but only in habitat types comparable to those it has already invaded D. Not known as an escape except in the region of interest U. Unknown

Q16. Reproductive Characteristics How do you rate the aggressiveness of the species based on the following?  Produces over 1,000 seeds or spores per plant annually  Reproduces more than once per year  Grows more rapidly to reproductive maturity than most plants of its life form  Reproduces readily both vegetatively and by seeds or spores  Has seeds (or spores) that remain viable in soil for three or more years  Has quickly spreading rhizomes or stolons that may root at nodes  Re-sprouts readily when broken, cut, grazed, or burned  Fragments easily, with fragments capable of dispersing and subsequently becoming established

A. Extremely aggressive – strongly exhibits three or more of the above characteristics B. Moderately aggressive – strongly exhibits two of the above characteristics C. Somewhat aggressive – strongly exhibits one of the above characteristics D. Not aggressive – none of the above characteristics or weakly exhibits only one U. Unknown

Section IV. Management Difficulty Q17. General Management Difficulty Given the current state of knowledge regarding management methods, how difficult is it to control an established stand of this species? A. Requires a major, long-term investment or is not possible with available technology [> $1,500/ha] B. Requires a major short-term, or a moderate long-term investment [$400/ha]


C. Relatively easy and inexpensive [$100/ha] D. Managing this species is not necessary – species does not persist U. Unknown

Q18. Minimum Time Commitment What is the minimum time commitment needed to control this species in which it is abundant or well established, including follow-up survey and monitoring? [Consider longevity of seed, shoot, or root banks as appropriate, including time necessary for restoration if this is necessary]. A. Control requires at least 10 years B. Control requires 5-10 years C. Control requires 2-5 years D. Control (if needed) can normally be accomplished within 2 years U. Unknown

Q19. Impacts of Management on Native Species Do the effective methods for managing this species normally cause significant and persistent reductions in the abundance of native species (sometimes referred to as collateral or non-target damage)? A. Impacts often severe ( >75% of the time) B. Impacts moderate (25-75% of the time) C. Impacts minor ( <25% of the time) D. Impacts insignificant or rare U. Unknown

Q20. Accessibility of Invaded Areas The problem of the accessibility of infestations within the conservation areas or other native species habitats is considered here, because species found in inaccessible areas are more difficult to control. A. High- many invaded areas not accessible for treatment B. Medium- substantial percentage of the area invaded by this species inaccessible [5-30%] C. Low- relatively small percentage of the area invaded [<5%] D. Insignificant or rare U. Unknown


Herbicide Chemical Name / Rate of Application Active Ingredients Activity Trade Names Compound Roundup® G2, N- 720g a.i. in 200l/ha water; Glyphosate, acid, Glyphosate prevents weeds Renew, (phosphonomethyl) drizzle applications at 1 monoammonium salt, from making certain Glyphosate 360, glycine lb/acre; solution of 1– diammonium proteins that are needed for Trounce®, Zero, 1.5% salt, isopropylamine plant growth. It stops a Touchdown, glyphosate product in salt, potassium salt, specific enzyme pathway, water sprayed to wet the sodium salt, and the shikimic acid pathway, foliage trimethylsulfonium or found only in plants and trimesium salt. some microorganisms. Basagran, (IUPAC) 3- Rates, from 0.75 lb. Bentazone, bentazon The active ingredient is Bendioxide, isopropyl-1H-2,1,3- a.1./acre to 2 lb. a.i./acre, principally absorbed by the Bentazone, Bas benzothiadiazin- vary by crop, geographic green parts of plants and 351-H, Leader, 4(3H)-one 2,2- region, target species, and acts as a photosynthesis Pledge. dioxide site conditions. inhibitor. It interferes with the ability of susceptible plants to use sunlight for photosynthesis. Molinate, S-ethylazepane-1- Ground application rate Molinate Molinate controls Hydram, Ordram carbothiate. of 3.75 L/ha in 200 L germinating dicotyledonous and Yalan water; Aerial application and grass weeds through its rate of 3.75 L/ha in 20- toxicity. 100 L water Goal, Innova 2-chloro-1-(3- An initial application rate Oxyfluorfen, solvent Herbicides containing Oxyfluorfen 240 ethoxy-4- of 50-100 mL/ha. naptha (petroleum), N- oxyfluorfen kill weeds by Herbicide. nitrophenoxy)-4- Additional applications methyl-2-pyrolidone destroying cell membranes Galigan (trifluoromethyl) may be required. (NMP) within leaves and shoots. benzene (58) Ronstar 50 WSP 2-tert-butyl-4-(2,4- Typical rates range from Oxadiazon Oxadiazon inhibits the plant and Ronstar G dichloro-5- 100 to 200 pounds per enzyme protoporphyrinogen isopropoxyphenyl)- acre. oxidase. 1,3,4-oxadiazolin- one (56)

Halts,Prowl, 3,4-Dimethyl-2,6- Typical rates range from Pendimethaline Pendimethaline inhibits cell Stomp, Stealth dinitro-N-pentan-3- 3.3 to 3.75 Litres per division and cell elongation and Pendulum yl-aniline hectare. as well as root and shoot growth. Clincher CA®, butyl(2R)-2-[4-(4- Standard application rate Cyhalofop-butyl This herbicide is readily Barnstorm cyano-2- of 13.5 to 15 oz. per acre absorbed by the plant tissue, fluorophenoxy)phe and accumulates in the noxy] propionate meristematic region of the plant. It works by inhibition of an enzyme which is critical for fatty acid biosynthesis. Machete, N-butoxymethyl-2- Effective application rates Butachlor Butachlor inhibits cell Butataf, chloro-2',6'- range from 1.0-4.5 kg division by blocking protein Butanex, Trapp diethylacetanilid a.i./ha synthesis Gramoxone® 1,1'-Dimethyl-4,4'- Apply 5.5 liters of Paraquat Gramoxone controls most bipyridinium Gramoxone in 1100 liters small annual weeds by dichloride of water per sprayed destroying green foliage. It hectare or 75 mL in 10 L is rapidly absorbed by green of water per 100 m2 of plant tissue and interacts this with the photosynthetic


mixture, 550 mL will process to produce treat an area 1.75 m in superoxides which destroy diameter around a tree plant cells. Atrazine 4L 2-chloro-4- An application rate of 2 Atrazine, related Atrazine functions by (ethylamino)-6- quarts of herbicide to 40- compounds binding to the (isopropylamino)-s- 80 gallons of water for 1 plastoquinone-binding triazine acre. (Use 3 tablespoons protein in photosystem II. per 1000 sq. ft.) Plant death results from starvation and oxidative damage caused by breakdown in the electron transport process. Bay 94337, Bay (4-amino-6-tert- Aerial application rate of Metribuzin Metrabuzin acts by DIC 1468, butyl-3- 20 – 50 liters water per inhibiting photosystem II of Lexone, Sencor, (methylthio)-as- hectare or ground photosynthesis by disrupting Sencoral, and triazin-5 (4H)-one) application of 180- electron transfer. This Sencorex. 360g/Ha results in death due to starvation in the target plant. Asulam 400 N-(4- When using a boom Sodium salt of asulam Asluam is a translocated Aminophenyl)sulfo sprayer, apply a minimum methyl [(4- herbicide which prevents nylcarbamic acid of 100 litres of water per aminophenyl) the growth of weeds. methyl ester hectare. sulfonyl] carbamate For aerial applications, apply a minimum of 28 litres per hectare Treflan® 5G, 2,6-Dinitro-N,N- Trifluralin is applied at a Trifluralin, inert This product inhibits root Treflan® E.C., dipropyl-4- rate of 20lb/A for all soil ingredients including development by interrupting Trifluralin® 4EC (trifluoromethyl)ani textures. xylene, ethylbenzene mitosis, and thus can control line and naphthalene weeds as they germinate. GallantTM Ultra, 2-[4-[3-chloro-5- A single application rate Haloxyfop-P methyl Haloxyfop-P methyl ester is Gallant NF (trifluoromethyl)py of between 35 and 108 ester, Alkyl phenolic a post-emergent, systemic Herbicide, Ignite ridin-2- grams of active ingredient glycol ether, herbicide that disrupts the yl]oxyphenoxy]pro per hectare per growing Diethylene glycol internal growth processes of panoic season. monoethyl ether, established weeds resulting Haloxyfop-R methyl in plant death 2 to 3 weeks ester, inerts following application. Fusilade 2000®, R-2-[4- Standard application rate Fluazifop-p-butyl This herbicide kills by Fusion®, [[5- of 20 to 24 oz per acre inhibiting lipid synthesis Horizon®, (trifluoromethyl)-2- particularly at the sites of Ornamec®, pyridinyl]oxy]phen active growth. Tornado® oxy] propanate Hoelon, Illoxan, methyl 2-[4-(2,4- Ground application of 10 Diclofop-methyl, These herbicides work by Hoe-Grass,and dichlorophenoxy)p gallons of water carrier liquid hydrocarbon inhibiting lipid biosynthesis, One Shot henoxy]propanoate per acre, whereas aerial which is required for cell applications of 5 gallons growth. of water carrier per acre. Manage® Methyl 5-[((4,6- An application rate of Halosulfuron-methyl, Halosulfuron-methyl dimethoxy- 0.66 to 1.66 ounces per inerts interferes with acetolactate 2pyrimidinyl)amin acre where a second synthase enzyme, resulting o)carbonylaminosul treatment may be in a rapid cessation of cell fonyl]-3-chloro-1- necessary. It is applied division and plant growth in methyl-1H- after emergence of target both roots and shoots. pyrazole-4- weeds. carboxylate Pardner, Hoe 3,5-dibromo-4- Application rates range Bromoxynil Bromoxynil inhibits


Grass II, Buctril hydroxybenzonitril from 0.25 lb ai/acre to 0.5 photosynthetic electron M, e lb ai/acre. transport and also uncouples Badge, Compass, oxidative phosphorylation in Laser, Koril, mitochondria, thereby Mextrol and stopping energy production Thumper and negatively affecting plant respiration. Halts,Prowl, N-(1-ethylpropyl)- Standard application rate Pendimethalin Pendimethalin is a selective Stomp, Stealth 2,6-dinitro-3,4- of 0.4-2.0 kg a.i./ha herbicide, absorbed by the and Pendulum. xylidine roots and leaves. Affected plants die shortly after germination or following emergence from the soil Dowpon, 2,2- Spray volumes of 12.5 to Dalapon Dalapon is an herbicide and Devipon, Dichloropropionic 100 gallons per acre plant growth regulator used Gramevin, acid to control specific annual Liropon, Unipon, and perennial grasses. It is Dalapon-Na, selective, meaning that it Alatex, Ded- kills only certain plants, Weed, Dalacide, while sparing nontarget Radapon. types of vegetation. AC Tossa, Sodium 2,2,3,3- For spot spraying use Flupropanate 745 g/L A slow acting, residual Farmalinx Open tetrafluoropropanoi 200mL per 100 L of as the sodium salt agricultural herbicide for the Range Herbicide, c acid water and for boom control of grasses. Inhibits Herbicide, spraying use at the rate of fat synthesis. Tussock 2.0 L per hectare Di-on, Crisuron, N-(3,4- Typical application rates Diuron Diuron is a substituted urea Diater, Karmex, dichlophenyl)-N,N- range from 4 to 10 herbicide used to control a Unidron dimethyl urea pounds per acre wide variety of annual and perennial broadleaf and grassy weeds. Diuron works by inhibiting photosynthesis and thus stops the plant from growing.

Note: Application rates detailed in this table are simply for reference purposes and may vary according to the area of application, climate, type of application and target plant. Applications and usage should be consistent with instructions on labels and Federal laws and regulations.