Golden Peacock” of Catherine the Great and Its Byzantine Model
LOVE, POLITICS, AND FINE ARTS. THE MECHANICAL AUTOMATON “GOLDEN PEACOCK” OF CATHERINE THE GREAT AND ITS BYZANTINE MODEL Yuri Pyatnitsky Tis you, the bravest of all mortals! The eighteenth century in Russia and throughout Mind fertile with a host of schemes! Europe was a time of grandiose events redrawing You did not tread the usual paths the world map, a time of wars and development But did extend them - and the roar of new lands, a time of creation and destruction. You left behind to your descendants. It was a time when careers were made swiftly and Tis you, Potemkin, wondrous leader! just as swiftly lives were destroyed. The favorit- ism, that manifested itself in Russia in the most The Waterfall. Gavriil P. Derzhavin1 open form, fl ourished at all European courts. However, one should not judge this from the Keywords: mechanical automata, State Hermit- standpoint of modern day morality. At that time age Museum, automaton Peacock, James Cox, there was also a code of ethics, although it was G.A. Potemkin, Catherine the Great, Duchess of perceived diff erently by diff erent strata of soci- Kingston, I.P. Kulibin. ety. Documents, memoirs, elegant fi ne literature of that time and, of course, works of art help to Often, when looking into past centuries from the understand the culture and features of the epoch present day, we deny the previous generations of Catherine the Great. Art works that live lives of the deep knowledge and feelings with disdainful their own often acquiring a new signifi cance and snobbery. It seems to us that the years and centu- meaning through the next centuries.
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