Natascha Nikeprelevic vocalist | composer-performer | director

Curriculum Vitae

The body is the home of the voice. It springs from the body physically to enthuse it to move it in respect to its origin: to be music.

Youtube: Music Theatre Work Bandcamp: Music Download Website: Transverbal Structural Music Theatre

Education - Academic background

2002/June Accademia Capraia, : Master degree: vocalist - solo performer – director. 1999/Dec. Accademia Capraia, Italy: Educational examination: Subjects: choral conducting, structural theatre, object-theatre, extended voice training. 1996-2002 Accademia Capraia, Italy: Study of Intermedia Improvisation – Music, Theatre, Painting, Photography. Professor: Michael Vetter.

Areas of Specialization: Extended vocal techniques, , structural theatre, graphic notation, concept- improvisation, coherency of voice and movement, vocalist of contemporary music.

Professional Experience

Academic Appointments since 2013 Accademia Capraia, Italy: Director and Professor: Entire academy-program: Intermedia Improvisation - Music, Theatre, Painting, Photography. Autumn Term University of Siegen: Lectureship: Seminar: Extended vocal techniques and 2010/2011 . 2003-2009 Accademia Capraia, Italy: Junior Professor: Entire academy-program: Intermedia Improvisation - Music, Theatre, Painting, Photography. 2000-2003 Accademia Capraia, Italy: Assistant Professor: Extended vocal techniques, painting, voice and movement. 1997–2000 Accademia Capraia, Italy: Teaching assistant: Instructor of undergraduate students in overtone singing and structural theatre. Teaching Experience

Visiting lecturer: Seminars and Masterclasses at Universities and Music Conservatories

2015/Feb. Conservatory of Music and Theatre Stuttgart: A ten-days masterclass for professional singers of New Music Theatre: Total Immersion: Radical Improvisation between noise and voice. 2013/June Humboldt University of Berlin: Masterclass: Music and Ritual: Voice in sacred spaces. 2011/June University of Ottawa, : Masterclass: Receiving the spirit of the very moment – coherency of voice and movement. 2011/March Conservatory of Music Lucerne, Suisse: Masterclass for Jazz Singers: Voice and Noise. 2011/Jan. University of Cologne: Seminar: Voice - Music – Media. 2009/June University of the Arts Taipei, Taiwan: Two masterclasses and a DVD-Production: The Dao of overtone singing. 2008/Dec. Conservatory of Music Palermo, Italy: Masterclass: Intuitive music of . 2004/Oct. Conservatory of Music Leipzig: Masterclass: Intuitive Music. 1999/Oct. Conservatory of Music Leipzig: Masterclass: Improvisation for classical singers and instrumentalists. Winter Term University of the Arts, Theatre Department, Taipei, Taiwan: Artist in residence: 2005/Nov. to Three month stay: Four masterclasses on Dao of Voice. 2006/Feb. University for Buddhist Studies, Chung-Hwa Institute Taipei, Taiwan: Weeklong seminar: Overtone Singing in rituals for monks and nuns.

Seminars at Theatres, Conferences and Festivals (selection)

2013/Aug. Stockhausen Foundation for Music Kuerten: Weeklong masterclass: EXPO for 3 (K. Stockhausen). Relationship of notation and improvisation at plus/minus scores. 2011/Aug. Stockhausen Foundation for Music Kuerten: A Ten-days masterclass: POLE for 2 (K. Stockhausen). Relationship of notation and improvisation at plus/minus scores. 2011/May ON-Cologne: Four-weeks class with kids (age 8-9) on structural theatre. 2009/Sep. Teatro Potlach, Rome, Italy: Weeklong seminar for professional actors on structural theatre. 2009/Aug. Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Denmark: Seminar: Singing voice in theatre. 2007/June Can June International, Taipei, Taiwan: Seminar: voices. 2004/March International Theatre Conference Wroclav, Poland: Structural theatre. 2000/June EXPO World Exhibition Hannover: Two weeks training with a russian girls (age 8-15) in extended voice performance. 1999/Aug. Teatro Mutazione Torino, Italy: Seminar: Overtone Singing. 1998/May Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Denmark: Seminar: Extended voice. Artistic Experience - Performances and Concerts

Interpreter of contemporary music: Specialist for Intuitive Music and the plus/minus scores of avantgarde composer Karlheinz Stockhausen. In repertoire: POLE for 2, FROM THE SEVEN DAYS, UNLIMITED, EXPO for 3.

2013/ Aug. Stockhausen-Courses Kuerten: EXPO for 3 (for 2 voices and electronics). 2011/Aug. Stockhausen-Courses Kuerten: Unlimited (for trumpet, piano, cello, live- electronic and voice). 2008/Dec. Conservatory of Music, Palermo, Italy: From the seven days (for saxophone, guitar, trombone, accordion and voice). 2008/Oct. Tonhalle Zurich, Suisse: World-Premiere: Pole for 2 (for voices and shortwave- receivers).

Other venues of Pole for 2:

2008-2011 Tage Neuer Musik Weimar - Opening! Festival, Trier - University of Siegen, University of Cologne - Goethe-Institue, Palermo, Italy - Stockhausen-Courses Kuerten - Musique au Chateaux, Autigny, Suisse.

Works for choir and ensemble (Vocalist, composer & conductor: N. Nikeprelevic)

2011/Sep. Concert Hall Dortmund: Respons - reaction on actions for choir and solo voice. Choir: WDR Radio Choir. 2011/May ON, Alte Feuerwache, Cologne: Ianumi - Experimental music theatre with kids.

Works for voice and instrument

2011/Nov. Schlosstheater Moers: Following line and thread - music theatre for bass and voice. (Bass: Achim Tang. Vocalist, composer, director: N. Nikeprelevic). 2010/June Daucher Atelier, Oggelshausen: Songs of Stone for voice and sound stones.

Works for voice and electronics

2015/Nov. Music-Video-Production: Fu Acune: mhmmhm – Natascha Nike & F.X.Randomiz 2013/Sept Strom Festival Cologne: Fu Acune – N. Nikeprelevic & F.X.Randomiz. 2010/April Studio Cologne: Alice in Wonderland - sound opera for voice and synthesizer. (Vocalist: N. Nikeprelevic /Synthesizer: Andreas Wagner). Works for solo voice (selection) (Vocalist, composer, director: N. Nikeprelevic)

2011/Nov. Long night of Cologne Museums/Praetorium: Bread & circuses or The attempt to lighten the mood - music theatre for a singing actress. 2011/May Arts Court, Ottawa, Canada: all ears - for voice, fabric and mirror. 2012/March Kule Theatre, Berlin: Vicinity (Berlin Version)– Music theatre on closeness and distance for solo voice. 2011/Jan. University of Cologne: Vicinity – (Cologne Version) for voice, swing, robe and hairdryer. 2010/Dec. Ibis Institute, Hagen: Recital - for voice and tambura. 2010/Oct. Deep in the Forest, Bochum: Treephony – for voice and rustling leaves. 2010/Oct. University of Siegen: Vicinity (Premiere). 2010/Sep. BBK Exhibition Space, Cologne: twenty-five minutes on line - theatre for voice and objects. 2010/May Villa Unspunnen, Wilderswil, Suisse: monophony - for a soloist in an empty space. 2010/April Kule Theatre, Berlin: Use as Is – for voice, radiator and ladder. 2009/Sep. Teatro Potlach, Italy: allOne – music Theatre for a singing actress. Composition: Michael Vetter, voice and choreography: N. Nikeprelevic. 2009/Aug. Transit Festival Odin Teatret Denmark: allOne. 2009/June University of the Arts Taipei, Taiwan: allOne. 2008/June Silent Art Festival, Bochum: allOne. 2001/Dec. St. Heinrich Church Cologne: Debut as a solo-performer with: allOne.

Concerts: Duo Transverbal (selection) (Voice and Instruments: Michael Vetter – Voice: Natascha Nikeprelevic)

2009/Feb. Sir Ernest Hall Foundation, Lanzarote, Spain: At the periphery of J.S. Bach – music for recorder and voice. 2008/May Residence church, Munich: Quintessence – music for in quint distances. 2007/July Goethe Institute Osaka, : No Noh - music for two actors. Concerts in Tottori, Japan: Okyo - consolation trough overtones for two voices acappella. Five charity-concerts: at a shrine ceremony, in a temple, at a traditional burying ritual, in a children-hospice and in a care centre for children with autism. (Org.: Dr. Katayama Masami). 2007/June Jooksan Arts Festival, Seoul, Korea: At the periphery of J.S. Bach. Concert-tour through South Korea: Okyo. Nine concerts at nine temples such as Haeinsa Temple in Gyeongsang, Tongdosa Temple in Yangsan and Seongnyun Temple in Gwangju. (Org.: Hong Sincha). 2007/May Can June International Taipei, Taiwan: Okyo. 2006/Nov. Conservatory of Music Leipzig: Duetto Vocale – voices in dialogue. 2005/Dec. Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan: White line on white ground - performance for a dancing brush and a singing canvas. 2005/Nov. Concert Hall, University of the Arts Taipei, Taiwan: Okyo. 2005/June Atelier Daucher, Oggelshausen: Drama - music for voices and soundstones. 2004/April Grotowski Center, 4th ISTA Meeting, Breslau, Poland: Open Secrets – music for two voices and instruments. (Org.: Odin Teatret). Conservatory of Music Leipzig: Open Secrets. 2003/Nov. St. Apostle Church, Cologne: Missa universalis dialogica - for two voices. 1999/Nov. Conservatory of Music, Odense, Denmark: DuO – a chamber opera. 1999/Sep. De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam, Holland: Transverbal Theatre - for two voices acappella and hand movements. 1999/May Jooksan Dance Theatre Festival, Seoul, Korea: White line on white ground. 1999/Feb. Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Festival perSon: coasts kissed coast - music for two voices. (Org.: Anthony Moore). 1998/Sep. Radio Budapest, Meeting of Electroacoustic Music, Hungaria: DuO. 1998/Aug. Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Denmark: DuO. 1997/Sep. Ars Akustica Meeting Berlin: DuO.

Works for movie

2012 Ausgerechnet Sibirien: cinema movie - Song of the leading actress Sajana: “Enchantment”. Director: Ralf Huettner, actors: Joachim Król, Yulya Men, Vladimir Burlakov. Voice and composition: N. Nikeprelevic.

Broadcasting productions – Radio Plays – Appearance on TV

2016/July WDR Radio Cologne, Germany: Phonemonal - for voice and electronics. N. Nikeprelevic & F.X.Randomiz

2014/May WDR Radio Cologne, Germany: Feature: Deutschland in Kleinanzeigen - Author: M. Schulte. Voice: N. Nikeprelevic. Electronics: F.X.Randomiz. Animation: J. Gordon

2012/June Deutschland Radio Kultur, Berlin, Germany: Dichten in Fahrtrichtung by Ginka Steinwachs. Voice: Natascha Nikeprelevic and Martin Engler, Live-Electronic: Ignaz Schick, Direction: Götz Naleppa.

2011/Sep. WDR Radio Cologne, Germany: Respons - reactions on actions for mixed choir and solo voice. Choir: WDR Radio Choir, Conducter, composer and soloist: N. Nikeprelevic.

2011/Jan. DRadio Wissen, Cologne, Germany: Radio-Portrait: Natascha Nikeprelevic: The power of voice. 2009/June Deutschland Radio Kultur, Berlin, Germany: At the periphery of J.S. Bach for voices and instruments. Voices: Duo Transverbal, Instruments: Michael Vetter, Director: G. Naleppa

2007/May Deutschland Radio Kultur, Berlin, Germany: Labyrinth for voices and sound-stones. Voices and instruments: Duo Transverbal, Director: G. Naleppa. 2007/April WDR Radio Cologne, Germany: Forbidden Gospels, Text: Katharina Ceming, Jürgen Werlitz, Music: Michael Vetter(composition) – Voice: N. Nikeprelevic, Director: Fabian von Freier.

2005/Nov. DA-AI Television, Taipei, Taiwan: The spiritual aspect in art – concert and interview. Duo Transverbal.

2003/July Deutschland Radio Kultur, Berlin, Germany: Okyo for voices and ritual instruments. Voices: Duo Transverbal, Instruments: M. Vetter, Director: G. Naleppa

2001/Jan. Deutschland Radio Kultur, Berlin, Germany: Soto Voce for two voices in a 3x3x3 meter sized sound sculpture by J.R.Soto, exhibited at Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Italy. Instrument and voices: Duo Transverbal, Director: G. Naleppa.

2000/June Deutschland Radio Kultur, Berlin, Germany: De Profundis for two overtone voices in a 15 meters deep medieval wells. Recorded in Tuscany, Italy. Voices: Duo Transverbal, Director: G. Naleppa.

1999/June Deutschland Radio Kultur, Berlin, Germany: Panels of Law – a mystery play for two voices and instruments following a graphic score, (3x2 meters oil-paintings). Voices: Duo Transverbal, Instruments, graphic score: M. Vetter, Director: G. Naleppa.

1997/Oct. Deutschland Radio Kultur, Berlin, Germany: DuO – a chamber opera. Voices: Duo Transverbal, Director: G.Naleppa.

Theatrical Experience

1999 Prinzregententheater Munich: Dancer (Luzi-Kamel) in Michaelion - Wednesday from Light (K. Stockhausen). Worldpremiere. 1996 Orangerie Theatre, Cologne: Assistant-director: A little women. (F. Kafka). Season Orangerie Theatre, Cologne: Actress: Empedokles (F. Hölderlin). 1995/96 Double role: Pausanias/Phanthea. Season Wuppertaler Buehnen, Operahouse, Wuppertal: Dancer: Frau Luna (Paul Lincke) 1994/95 Director: Frank Gottschalk. Season National Theatre, Wuppertal: Actress: Love council (O. Panizza). 1993/94 Director: Lutz Huebner. Season City Theatre, Remscheid: Singer at children´s version of the opera: 1984/85 Der Freischuetz (Carl Maria von Weber).

Video Documentary – AudioVideo Works (Edited by Natascha Nikeprelevic)

2015 mhmmhm: Fu Acune: Music-Video – N. Nikeprelevic & F.X.Randomiz Respons, Feature: Natascha Nikeprelevic conducting the WDR Radio Choir 2014 Expo for 3, Live-Performance, Stockhausen Kurse Kuerten Golem, Live-Performance, Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Italy 2013 Fu Acune, Live-Performance, Strom Festival Cologne 2012 Threadline, Live-Performance, Schlosstheater Moers Subway, AudioVideo Work, Miniature-Visuel-Music 2011 Vicinity, Live-Performance, University of Siegen Vicinity, Live-Performance, University of Cologne Treephony, Live-Performance, in the forest, Bochum 2010 Subaqueous, AudioVideo Work, Miniature-Visual-Music Twentyfive minutes on line, Live-Performance, BBK, Cologne Alice in Wonderland, AudioVideo Work, Miniature-Visual-Music Use As Is, Live-Performance, Kule Theatre, Berlin Songs of Stones, Live-Performance, Atelier Daucher, Oggelshausen 2009 allEin, Live-Performance, Teatro Potlach, Rome, Italy Recital, Live-Performance, Loft, Munich, (50 Min.) 2008 Pole for 2, Live-Performance, Tonhalle Zurich, Suisse allEin, Live-Performance, Church Stiepel, Bochum 2007 At the periphery of J.S. Bach, Live-Performance, Kreuzkirche, Bonn

Discography – CD/DVD-Releases


2014 EXPO for 3 (K. Stockhausen). CD no. 104 - Music for 2 voices, electronics and shortwave-receivers (30 Tracks, Duration: 77 minutes) 2013 POLE for 2 (K. Stockhausen). CD no. 103 - Music for 2 voices, electronics and shortwave-receivers (7 Tracks, Duration: 75 minutes)


2012 Ausgerechnet Sibirien – Soundtrack of the cinema movie. Compilation. Track 4/22. Label: Embassy of Music. 2010 Recital – for voice and tambura. 2009 The Dao of Overtone Singing - DVD: Soloperformance allOne and workshop excerpt at Taipei National University of the Arts, (84 minutes, english/chinese). 2001 allOne – music theatre for a singing actress. For voice acappella.

Duo Transverbal (Label: Vetter-Verlag)

2009 At the periphery of J.S. Bach – Zen becomes Music whenever it transcends limits: for voices, recorder, koto and piano. 2008 Quintessence – overtones acappella in quint distances. 2008 Canti armonici – meditative overtone-duets with tambura. 2007 Open Secrets - musical theatre in five scenes for voices and instruments. 2006 No Noh – two vocalist in discussions and incussions. 2005 Impulses, Drama, Labyrinth, Requiem, Regenlied. Music for two voices and sound stones. 5 CD-Box: 2003 Okyo II – Sutra of phonetical confrontations for two overtone singers. 2000 Planetentoene Vol. 2 - for voice and tambura, Label: Universal Music 1998 Tetuntchui – for choir and instrumentalists.

Publication: Articles – Interviews

2011 Dortmund, Forum on choral music: Interview: Improvisation in dialogue. 2007 the open page theatre magazine, No. 12, Odin Theatret, Denmark: Article: A universtanable song. am.i magazine, voice issue, No. 8, Seoul, Korea: Interview: More than a human syntheziser. 2002 Ringgespraech ueber Gruppenimprovisation, Berlin: Article: Concept- Improvisation at Accademia Capraia.

Further Training – Internship

1994-1996 Opera house, Wuppertal: Internship at Tanztheater Pina Bausch. 1993-1994 Piano Faust, Wuppertal: Training as a piano builder. 1992-1993 National theatre Bochum: Training: Moving-Acting. (Prof. Reinhild Hoffmann).

Influences: Pina Bausch, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Kazuo Ohno.

Musical Instruments: Koto, Tambura, Alto Recorder, Piano.

Languages: German, English, Italian.