John Glenn vs. Wayne in districts, CI Hom<5Ib\vn I:{IMHI'MI:AII{IM< wufWiwK' Putting you In touch, Thursday with your world March 11,1999 Serving the Westland Community for 34 years VOLUME 34 NUMBER 80 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 74 PAGES • http://observer SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Judges court city for spacC 199* Hotn«Totren Co«munle«tlon * Network, Inc. Overcrowding has plagued Westland's 18th ing. • Defendants, victims and their District Court) located behind the Westland In their plea for help, Bokos and families often face each other while police station on Ford Road, and judges say Judge Gail McKnight told city officials waiting in crowded hallways, increas Home project during a Monday night study session ing the potential for violence. the problem is worsening and could lead to that: • With as many as 200 people pack photos sought violent incidents in the court building. • The court had 38,000 cases last ing the court hallway some days, secu The Observer wants to hear aDout your. BY DARRELL CLEM problems for all of us," Judge C. year - more than double the number it rity officers have little room to break recent home improvement projects for STAFF WRITER Charles Bokos told city leaders Mon was built to handle in 1980. up fights. "There isn't enough space to two upcoming special sections.
[email protected] day. U Its staff has doubled to 40 employ separate people in the hallway," McK- Send us a photograph of a recent home Westland district judges, fearing Overcrowding has long plagued 18th ees during the same 19-year period, night said.