H)IN(iS OF THE DUFFS?Thin Wiw a Bunco (iante, I'urf iind Simple. SPORTS AND COMICS Outburst* of Everett True. Ry Oondo.

SQI'TRRKI, FOOD?lt's n Wonder Bennv Dldn' i't Auk for a Toothpick, too. BY AHERN.'

NATIONAL COMMISSION PADDY SIGLIN CHOSEN SOME PERSONS WILL HOCKEY SEVEN TO CHET M'INTYRE AGAIN WILL WAITING ON JOHNSON TO MANAGE PORTLAND ~ TRY ANYTHING ONCE l~atrr aatarday TO WIND UP MEETING adlllona of ) 'a Klar PLAY ROSE BUDS THIS EVE; An vfflrlnßry ho* f»gureICE HOCKEY GOSSIP an airplane Thin la Impor !*an Johnson's train from I* Mifflin km tant. If true. not too late, the National Commie- agar of !ha naw Portland North Portland will i«e invaded tonight | 1 draft «nd wit! not be permitted tf Sommeri, will wind up lie annual Al Port- Il may not revolutionise either ?ion morUny wawtarn Initur rlu>> Hl«ltn In away b> tha Hcnttle let- hockey nim for leave the Dominion even to plajr here today. the pitching or airplane induetry frum I'url land. ao hia utviiyno will tha firat lltwe thla acaaon. hockey. lander, Is Op- llprrmann ? ? ? but || goee to ahow thai an effl Chairman Mid he ha bo JfU»nl ? ? ? lle\ea all buelne*e Iwfore ponent Contest clenry »*i*rl will take a thul «l the Mimini The Ioral lada should meet with a Bh! Kh! Perreta! in the r-ommleelon can be anything. at rather warm reotpUon, despite the Pete Muldoon haa been Klven to Staged one e**«lon Be in LIKELY rhll!lne«a of the paetlme. for the rolmlon by I'reoldent Patrick to Folio wins rommlwairin meeting. do I Itoee City crew le out to he revenged Pool I ll»n Johneon end William Ilarrtdge bit of KumKhoelnx for hlmaetf. TO TRAIN AT TAMPA for the overtime game they droppad PRESIDENT'S of the Amrrfran league and J'»l n No one knows anything about It, CUP FINALS WA'ftfIW3TON. Jen I Tampa. to the Metrofotll tns last week One* again Chet Mrlnlvre veteran lle> dler and l>reyfue of the ? ? ? lUrnn florMii, wi!l prolrthly )» the train but It nM-mii that Pete ha* been nlv- Mdn of the Pacific iwu! heavy- ARE ON AT PINEHURST : National league arIII get together Ing |>la< eatertlay'a throe cuahlnn tourney for tha gtva Um veteran Cbet a tough Job city winning tonight. In fact, there are ?amrtTO of tha director*. Hla term tltla. A. I«. Chapman triumphed la for flva ymtra Johnny tJllroy \u25a0MOT who believe the wont Horn over aaara can do for himself it to hold Melntyre to a draw. On the same card Rt>ve Reynold* Is gateg to glre Prank Parmer, Taco- TODAY'S MARKET REPORT \u25a0a llfht heavyweight. a chance to l|lrfc«wy»«ta to A "«n» bark" at hi* expense P»r IT...... 0? g*rl«-#a Paid l»#al»r« for W' f*omeatle. rfb ...... 11 <4 Greatest feaoeked Farmer for goal ?tree a In WgelaMea Japan***, round tbelr and trail lb I2H tfca am ax laat mee: #? + rer««ft r»f Tb IT iß4 00 California, la alated to tangle with ?? * aramfcrr* No I . ?? t Alfalfa lifty ?'ootf;:|| last Tb II Kojr McDonald. *een at the I'acplani r*r %ll (.rein ( hep . « #0 ?««<>? lb .arllr Ixwal. m». p»r 11 II6I« II M l|«r*#r*«ll>b U «l. |»ftf Tb >1 Jimmy Storey, claim* Chicago Ifct.k It || who « l|aa») P»r ... I ll® 4*4 m§ atamplng ground, !?*» iII Ma la matched Mclooft lloa*r -rata < f'oevt 10 jK-r ? Mr®| 71 Shirts with Stanley Trimble, a native son. leiIare l«ril. erala til I mm *1 || Cm I bead, per er ale 11l I «"» t«w4 IT »C staged Al Hommer* ral ??!!«?. P*r lb otS?f ItH ' At Genuine akvw be In the Crystal lam || || is to per lb Second and The first Yakima, OS 4 lipped (lata '4 00 Pool. Nral'l tl# 10 4 lipped lUrl#y starts at S3O. Per Tb II »?!? boat SACRAMENTO READY TO i CHANGE MADE IN RULE Tepper* I 71 01 Reductions Net raaka. per lb ...... 10 r«fK«m S 4-muml lUrU; and (Nil |7 ii l*'al I*oo frH ICE HOCKEY , r*lal«M «*»** II II STAGE COAST BASEBALL OF GAME 00 Taklma Oema 11 011 I# 4MI Mllley jv VANCOUVER, It. C. Jan. « C 9 RANDALL TO SEE Jan Pawpklna Per fb 01. 0? * NORTH HACUA.MKNTO. Cat.. »«n :ioo«:ioo I T«w»tftt«w* ral l*t* too Tlmaltty Randall track. Cleveland, on July Rodger* had been mnrte manneer of ! take* the place of a player put off Tarvilp* I/teal, per aark ....1 10 011 71 >«???>;?« Manhattan, Star and It. Change* In the rulea were to the club ha* cleared the atmos- ? ;the Ice for 10 mlnutea for rommit- yellow S 60 ? 'INriM Alaaka W1...1 liar j,H«|o M tm ttmennmni today. phere. I -1 tlmr a major foul PHI ITU Cheasty Shirt* in Silk, Appleft? r*M I»e|lrlot>a. etlra fanry S 10 Prlcea I'rtnlnrrr* fer | Poultry, Wei and Madras, 4>raeenaieln. loeal .71# 1 &0 Park Percale and Wlneaape J !»? J t0 Roman Ilea t»flea lIOOSOO Hprlng* 111 ? . 22 Flannel. H'ayman Wlneaapa IfcoarJ'-O daa., lit* |ft|»iu Hpl** I -on t 10 iMrka lat ~ wler 4 llm Jonathana 1 60# 2 00 Urn*?l j»| jj I GRAVELY5 : Itananae Par lb Ot# OT. Ov#r Ibe j; jmf ItmMter* live < ranberrlee S -bbl 600 » »ld, jl Chewing Plug J!zElj' P.aetervt, bbl ??????????.....1700 Pork «in<»d block ho*a |;p \enl Pancy. II H (.re pea? to 126 lb if,y j Every Shirt warranted fast colors. Wtwa jra* «fi*w OwnH Tokay .1 *'? 119 ii Malaira- Per fb. 0« M IfNtrlatWIK. Every Shirt carries Cheasty's jruarnntee. rM Mark I so tolling Prlrm l.i 11.1.11.r lor ? utM* ca*w K (dm,ii Hu11.., I .\u25a0» l>r, r Yakima CoiUfd. 7-Ib bot SO and I H This is doubly your opportunity?Cheasty's offers reductions in the face of U»| romlebon .1 60 \u2666 ?? * ?*4 N tIHI a Willi*. Ituller? TM am Mtchlffan Concord* 60 advancing Shirt prices. Ofml) Tatta 11 Rmpernra ??.????..1 10 (91 71 Native Wnaliinnton creamery, rube. .62 lam, in. Grape fmll -Cal ITS ft 4 00 N*"»« \N Wellington creamery, brick || .1 00 j Htorage, California. ru!x» to*, pouch ib it Florida 41 i a moor or \u25ba Honey New. caaa 1160 400 Hior«fift. California, brick <« rained, new I'llk Melact ran<-h \PX> Co tkjmui . H' t«H * 9rmv*bSe*mccv V*. Pulleta H Yellow Y N I lOIT 200 ' 4| llarklelierrlaa rer IT» lIVO II ' «««f 41 ? * ' ? |/tn«na 7 60 if \ on 4 hrw? Tell" (iranfra All alxea SOO Hadarr brick. ran# "Values H PIPE HIS EXPRESSION! HE L. ( ?I 4 HQ I f.O Madf«r brick. alngle ji THINKS Japaneae. bundla tS6 Mlock Hwlm, ram Sf>o |7 HE IS HAPPY WITH Pear* 1 100 300 ('rum brick is THAT BIG CUD OF HIS-BUT pomegranate* S6OV2 7I pomeatlc wli«»| J2 YOU'VE GOT IT ALL OVER. I'ineapplea I'er lb 01 l.lmburger jl WITH Oregon trlpleta 24® Sfc HIM. YOU CAN READ MY Almond* Per lb S4 (irriron Y A Buy 17 Now Is the Time to BILLBOARD AND CHEW I Uracil P«r lb HO II VVaeh Invton trlpleta tiff SI GRAVELY! < \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* ( $-4.85 Regular $2.25 Shirts reduced to $1.75 Regular $7.00 and $7.50 Shirts reduced Regular $2.50 Shirts reduced to $1.85 to ????«»?»«.. .ss*os Regular $:i.OO Shirts reduced to $2.15 Regular $8.00 and $8.50 Shirts reduced Crystal Pool Regular $3.50 Shirts reduced to $2.85 to $6.45 AL M'COY DOWN TO Second and Lenora Regular $1.00 and $4.50 Shirts reduced Regular $10.00 and $12.00 Shirts re- Cor. Fifth md I'nlvrrnlty WEIGHT FOR ORTEGA to $3.15 duced to $7.65 OAKLAND, Oal.. .Inn. Al Mc- Coy announced today that hn In down to wi-lKht for hi* four-round BOXING hout with Ortoja I'.attllnK tomorrow COANT HKAVVWKKiIIT CHAMPIONSHIP | night. Chut Mrlnlyrp, Champion, (