Portland Vs. Victoria, B. C. Collars

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Portland Vs. Victoria, B. C. Collars 9, 1913. 10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY row w!U give a hearing to the various out of a possible 100. The previous of record was made two years ago by interests involved, including that same TAX FROM A. J. Savage, secretary of the Kansas PORTLAND S CHANCE Joseph Dawson, a member of the DOME City American Association club, who university. has made a bid. Colorado Springs- would welcome a The annual Eastern intercollegiate Western League team, according to AT. regatta will be decided over the Pough-keeps- ie RYAN SOUGHT word from that city which reached TO LEAD STAKE four-mil- e course on Monday, President O'Neill today, following a re June 28. sort that the Topeka team might be transferred there. Indications tonight The Xaval Academy will send first were that Topeka would retain its and second eights and a fourth-clas- s ICE place. eight to the American Henley at Phila- :ockey Vic- Ex-Beav- delphia May, of these er Over De Uncle Sams Must Defeat in and each Worries INJURED AUTO RACER- - DIES crews also will have three races at PROFESSIONAL mand for 1913 Levy but toria Tonight to Head Annapolis on consecutive Saturdays. .Jack Callaghan, Fatally Hurt at Los League in Fortnight. One of the greatest meets ever held Denies He Owes It. Angeles. Confused by Dust. by a university with events limited solely to home talent, was held last C. LOS ANGELES. Feb. 8. Jack Calla Friday in the Columbia University Portland vs. Victoria, B. chan. the young racing automobile gymnasium. New York. It was Alumni driver, who was injured yesterday in a day and representatives from over the AVERS le race at Ascot rarK, died to INJURIES ARE HANDICAP country were there to witness the PAY NOT $3000. HE day. He was impaled upon a fence tourney. ' post, which rent his left side, exposing the lung. Several of his ribs also were dancing fractured. There will be no modern Tonight, 8:15 o'Clock for the Harvard track athletes if Dust clouds raised by the racers 'Moose-- ' Johnson, Captain Oatman of Coiniskcr Peeved at Indianapolis' blinded Callaghan in the twelfth mile Coaches Donovan and Powers know of contest and he ran his macnine, Mitchell Suffering it. They hold the chances for sprains ICE HIPPODROME ie the and Mike in- AT Butting Into California and which was then in third place, into the In dancing are many, and over ells, his mechanician, From Hurts but Will Be dulgence in exercise might bring on a Wonders it Chicagoan fence. Victor breakdown, the coaches aver. was unhurt. to Game. Hog State. Callaghan was 25 years old and came Able Get in Wants to half-mil- e Fancy Skating Music from Kalamazoo, Mich. Homer Baker, international champion, will not be seen in com petition again until the opening or FEDS TO QUIT KANSAS CITY season. rest Tickets, 50c, Sl.OO, si.50 Coast League Hockey Standings. the outdoor Baker must BY ROSCOE FAWCETT. Goals for the next three months before he ff Buddy Ryan doesn't report to the President Gilmore Confirms Report G. "vT. I Pet. For.Agst. will be in condition to enter another ON SALE AT City club in prime condi- Vancouver 11 ' 4 . ' Zk race. Fait Lake AVHI Be Shifted. Portland 11 s .& j be of the That Club ' I tion it will not the fault Victoria i ' I United States Treasury Department. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 8. J. A. Gil- - For the first time in the history of Huntley Drug Co. Schiller Cigar Store Ice Hippodrome man of Coming Games. has been Some skulking secret service more, president of the Federal League, Tonight Victoria at Portland. the two institutions. Princeton Washington Sts. 23d and Marshall Streets. aW United States Treasury Depart- confirmed the report that Kansas City Friday Vancouver at Victoria. placed on the University of Michigan Fourth and Washington Sts. Eleventh and ment has been on the erstwhile Tort-lan- d would not be represented in his or I schedule. Princeton will journey to idol's trail for nearly two months ganization this season, in a telegram Portland's chance to move into first Ann Arbor, Mich., on March 20, to com- tryins to make him pay income tax on received here today. place in the Pacific Coast Ice Hockey pete in a two-mi- le relay race. his 1913 salary at Cleveland. League In the next fortnight win ue ai Buddy says he doesn't owe the money Uncle Sams and Jack Watson, captain-ele- ct of the stake tonight when the as- put some punch In been repulsed with heavy losses. but Just the same ?30 is 30 simoleons Aristocrats do battle in Illinois football team, has been Coach Bezdek can fore and Bud has been fretting and stewing TITLE AT STAKE the Victoria sisting in a religious campaign at the backs Oregon stands a good "Owing to the fact that the position Ms sleep and TENNIS tho Portland Ice Hippodrome. If Port College, along with more GLUB ELECTION TONIGHT of licking Washington. The of the German batteries are frequently nnd seeing gargoyles in loses Fri- Penn State chance he doesn't know what the land wins and if Vancouver than GO other athletes. John R. Mott 'Varsitv will be very heavy, too. be changed and carefully concealed. Iho nil because Victoria, Portland and Phil-bi- n pour a of United States courts may do about it day night to is leading the work which will last cause Cook, Beckett. Snyder and impetuous Frenchmen lull to a showdown. win be tied for the lead. two weeks. are all around the notch. shot and shells on all points which Jf it ever coines Uncle pos-Bib- owe It." said Buddy yes- PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP vi.ii.rPete Muldoon, manager of the MILT.NOMAH MEMBERS TO CHOOSE Bezdek may also shift ltisely and they suspect to be covered, but ths "I don't used great care to have his to end positions, where negligible. Various signs In- terday. "All I got at Cleveland was BE SETTLED FEBRUARY 20. Sams, has Vote Sellers Convicted. NEW DIRECTORS. Bryant effect is with Pittsburg team in the best possible form for the FIVE the lemon-gree- n line was weak last dicate that training of the artillery S24UO and our series 8. Of 21 ends, has gone encouran brought in only so that is a total match. PIKEVILLB. Ky., Feb. Fall. Wlest, one of his has not the desired effect to exemption A. Klnaella John White to The Victoria professionals will arrive cases charging election frauds heard to Arkansas and likely will not return. the men to an infantry attack, but. on cf lbiO. I siui allowed an Walter and a 17 con Committees Will Report Smoker and contrary, Is dis- J300J. I understand. early this morning and win tine todav in the Circuit Court here was the its effect rather of me for Play In lFrst Match of Kind Ever before venturing out to the ice rink.ri victions were secured, three were dis- General Session to Charley Weeghman probably couraging. This seems to be borne out "I'erhaps they are taxing Pat- when he named In- Birmingham think I was to Take Place in America. Word was received from Manager missed for laok of evidence and there thinking about Jonah by the fact that there Is nn ever what didn't men were in good con- was one acquittal. Disfranchisement Follow Business Meeting. his Chicago Federals "The Whales." creasing of men who olun-tarily understand the rick that all his Hager-ma- n number worth. I don't quite prepared to break varying from $50 to $75 were Or perhaps he had seen "Kip" give up to ene- In's and out's of the thing, but Judge dition and would be and fines themselves ths NEW YORK, Feb. 8. A. Kin-sell- a, losing streak wnue iraveiiue. imposed on those convicted. It was run. my. When questioned they Indicated JlcCredie is trying to square things for Walter their handicapped many those con of Multnomah Club will 1 per of New York Squash. Club, Tnlnriea have the Port brought out that of Members the that they were tired of this sort of me. The tax Is cent" the Manager tonight to of follom-e- enough. Buddy says he and John White, of the New York land team somewhat, and victed had sold their votes to Botn gather at the clubhouse The man who knows what became warfare, as it is always by Strangely of Dr. Karl sides. More than 1100 cases have been elect five new members of the board the kerosene lamps ma many they de- will be extremely glad to pay income Racquet and Tennis Club, have been Muldoon, on the advice losses. In lnstanres matched to play the professional Smith, club physician, would not tried or are pending. of directors. Six men have been named be able to solve what became of the clared outright that, having wives sml tax next year if Cliff Blankenship will for the yes by nominating committee, of which boxing bill got to Gus see whjf so his salary exceeds the court championship of America here allow "Moose" Johnson to practice the Oregon after it children at home, they did not only fix it that Saturday, 20. Announcement captain W. A. Holt is chairman. No other Moser's committee. they should let themseHes bo shot exemption. February terday afternoon., was posted before February 2, of the match made today says that this uffering witn a sore unto ticket a pair of needlessly.
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