A Absorption, 32 Addition, 33 Adequacy Theorem, 80 AEIO, 38 Agreement, 98 Algebra, 7 Argument, 4, 9 Artificial Intelligence
Index A Constructive dilemma, 32 Absorption, 32 Contingent, 28 Addition, 33 Contradiction, 28, 46 Adequacy theorem, 80 Convince, 11 AEIO, 38 Corallary, 8 Agreement, 98 Cryptography, 9 Algebra, 7 Culture of proving, 4 Argument, 4, 9 Artificial Intelligence, 118 Assertions, 4, 19, 26 D Atomic, 60, 95 Data Analyst, 3 Axioms, 15, 93 Data Scientist, 3 Davis, M., 119 Decision Support Systems, 3 B Deduction, 4 Biconditional, 29 Deduction rules, 30, 93 Bill Nye, 11 Deduction theorem, 79, 106 Biology, 3 De Morgan, 29, 39 Bound variables, 98 Derivation, 30 Direct method, 43 Disjunction, 26 C Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF), 83 Calculus, 9 Distribution, 39 Cardinality, 44 Domain, 36, 99 Categorical forms, 38 Double Negation, 29 Categorical syllogism, 36 Dysjunctive syllogism, 32 Combinatorics, 22 Commutativity, 39 Complete, 77 E Completeness, 104 Econometrics, 3 Completeness theorem, 81, 82 Emojies, 16 Conjunction, 26, 33 Engineering, 9 Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF), 83 Entry, 59 Connectives, 26, 62 Euclid, 5 Consequences, 69 Euclidean Division Theorem, 48 Consistency, 77, 104 Euclid’s Theorem, 9 Constants, 36, 94 Ex falso quodlibet, 34 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 131 L. P. Cruz, Theoremus, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68375-7 132 Index Existential generalization, 41 Law of Indentity (LOI), 30 Existential instantiation, 41 Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC), 30 Exists, 23 Leibnitz principle, 103 Exportation, 29 Lemma, 7 Logical equivalence, 98 Logic, equivalence, 29 F Logic, higher order, 93 Fallacy, 12, 42 Logic, non-classical, 30 Fallacy,
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