"for God so loved the World that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 I

Fall Weekend Presents Fall Fest '88

Silverforest Jewelry Sale 9 am-5 pm Sponsored by Off Campus Assoc. 3:30 pm Women's Tennis PIT vs U of R

CAU-Ritskellar We Can Make You Laugh 9 pm-11 pm The hottest comedy-gameshow on the market Cash prizes if you can survive as a contestant!! I.D. required-free admission Sponsored by College Activities Board Friday, September 16 CAU-Lobby Silverforest Jewelry Sale Continues 9 am-5 pm

Ingle Auditorium i_iiii-Mrid"Oidr,Mnirnai irdinor rcriurriiiriy wiiii live Mirican 1 l.*+0 dill dlKJ l.v3U pill Leoparos ana wiia DiacK raniner logetner in one nuge ou n. caoe Front of CAU The Sensational Hensens- Exciting Roller Skating like you've 12:15 pm and 2:00 pm never seen..Thrill after thrill

Cau-Ritskellar loir featuring i he New Kicks ice cream specials & halt *t pm-/ pm ^1 ic^c o(.J(.Jcl

by CAB Ingle Auditorium Talisman Movies 7:30 pm & 9:30 pm Cinderella \£. IIIIUI ll^l 11 Knvaanisaatsi L-Au - C/aieie n a Piinnx/ Rnnp OoitiaHx/ Oiuh Nioht o.ou pm-i.uu am All nrnrppris to Horton Child Care Center Admission $300 Soonsored bv Phi Kaooa Tau Fraternitv Saturday, September 17 12 noon-6 pm Fall Out-Annual Outdoor Event Sponsored by Sol Heuman Gib- son Quad Location TBA-See your RA for details!

Ingle Auditorium International Attractions Inc. presentsThe Chinese Magic Review 2:00 pm-4:00 pm foatiirinnloaiUiiiiy * Th M ioc uiiyiiiaprininail oiiiiicophinococ aiuucii arr>hatco nuif Taivx/a idiwdini DiOdiiiidrMiiRraatHtaUinny Or\Aof art^i liar ma^i^ F^an^arc F^amaW%/ k^i m/i.Pi i ar-\H nni i^h opecidcuicirmore. Free admission....Don' mdyic, L/ancerst, mis vx^meuys it. , r\ung-ru dnu iiiucii Webb Auditorium Talisman Movies Continue 2 pm only Cinderella

Ingle Auditorium Koyaanisquatsi 7:30 pm & 9:30 pm 12 midnight CAU-Cafeteria Comedienne Clara Berger* 9 pm-1 am Musical Entertainment TBA ID required...Admission $1.00 Spon- sored by CAB

Sunday, September 18 Talisman Movie Ingle Auditorium Fassbiners s Beware of a Wholy Whore 7:30 pm & 9:45 pm *Events Interpreted for the hearing impaired Sponsored by the Major Weekend Committee & Your student activities fees. Welcome Back CONTENTS Volumrreporte 6S, Number 2 Seplrmberr lb I9H H

EDITORINCHIEF FEATURES James A. Ferme MANAGINC; KDITOR REPORTER pro- Ellis J. Canal files Presidential EXECX'TIVE EDITOR 9 Afar* Tiffany hopefuls Mike Dukakis, COPY EDi rOR Marco Abnndo George Bush, Ron Paul.

NEWS EDITORS Kris laomts Manuel Rivera Billy Graham pre- FEATURE WRITERS aches to a packed RiU Hortonjoe Mnrini 16 NEWS WRITERS Silver Stadium on Sunday. (Claudia Ijistella-Patrtck Deupree David Martin'RarUm Eiske Mather Ann Ricker'Casmo Tedi)ne

ENTERTAINMENT EDUX^R REPORTAGE Ijm Masella ROTC cadets get of- ENTERTAINMENT WRITER ficer training over the Dougjerum past summer. SPORI^ EDI IDR 6 Jeff Cihh RIT spends big bucks on SPORTS WRITERS renovations for apartment Rnherl O'Setl complexes. Fall weekend will offer exciting ARE DIRE(nX)R entertainment for everyone. Suzanne Shade PRODUCmON MANACiERS Scott Traylor'Helh Ploeger PRODUCriON STAFF 22 REPROVIEW Jeff Wasilko'Muhael Benedetto Lauren Siegendorf'Mtke Mcdirr Janes Addiction: worth a Bridgrtte Miett listen. Personal Effects plays at

DIREXrrOR OF PHOrrOGRAPHV Pyramid Bruce Strong

PHCJIX) EDI IXIR Mck Parrella SCOREBOARD 26 CHIEF PHarOGRAPHER Paul \'tsely Cross Country looks fonhrard to

PH(yiX)GRAPHERS a great season. Kenneth (ioldman Michael Lutiky Women's Volleyball toumament in Brockport proves successful.

ADVERI ISING MANAGER Men's Soccer vs. Alfred ends in Robert J. Williams a tie. BUSINESS MANAGER Cover Photo by: Mike Lxitzky Joy Houck DIS I RIBLTION STAFF REPORTER MAQAZ»« s puOBfied v«eWy durxig Ihe at^Jerrx: ^ Dnve Rochester New IbrV 14623 Edrtoni arxJ productwn facilities are located m Room A^283 o< the Coiege AKxnm Union letephone Andy Minnick (716)47S2212 Sutjscnption $4 00 per quarter The opinions expressed m REPORTER do not necessarily refect those o< tf^J^a^iJeRLi Mark CUmtino does not generiN rwxew cx s»)prt>« d the contents d REPORTER and does not at^^ Letters must be sutxrutted to the REPORTER dtce tiy 4 pm Monday Letters must be typed and double spaced Please hm,t letters to 250 words REPORTER reserves the right to e* tor libel and Clanty No lellere w4l be printed unless s.griedLibe^ • ' 1968 REPOmER MAGAZINE Al rights reserved No portion d this magaane may be reproduced without pnor wr«en permission from REPORTER

3 HLETTERSI— Quayle Hater - Speaks "He was not a guy to take a position on publisher of his father's newspaper. anything except who his date was on Friday His grandfather, Eugene Pullian, who night and where to get drunk on Saturday headed the most powerful newspaper Who is Dan Quayle' The upniar wer his use night." Another classmate Joseph Wirt, said empire in Indiana was famous for blatantly of family influence to avoid military service Quayle majored in "girls, golf and alcohol" mixing right-wing piolitics and newspapier in Vietnam is obscuring other defects in his at DePauw. journalism with impunity. Quayle's father, background. Quayle's college record was so sjxitty tha James Quayle was a member of the Quayle's close friends and family a furor erupted in 1982 when the college ultraconservativejohn Birch Society in the acknowledge his glaring lack of intellectual announced it would award an honorary 1960s. ability. Theodore Bendall, Quayle family doctor of laws degree to Quayle The faculty The financial and editorial hacking of attorney recently said that if there was one secredy voted 32-34 against awarding the his father got Quayle elected to the House thing he could change about the Indiana degree in 1976 With the strong hacking of his senator it would he to "increase his IQ. He Despite Quayle's assertion last week that uncle's lndiana|X)lis newspapers he became is not an intellect." Quayle's father freely "I was interested in joining the National a US. senator in 1980. admits that his son's main interest in school Guard because it enabled me to go to law Jim Senyszyn was "broads and booze" school as soon as possible" he did not meet Dan Quayle's mediocre academic the academic requirements of Indiana standing in high school apparently University's law school. "They wouldn't take prevented him from applying to major him in," his father, James Quayle told the universities. Instead he went to little DePauw Washington Post A year later, "Somehow he REPORTER has made absolutely no alterations University where his grandfather was a got in, he talked his way in" and attended to this letter. The last paragraph was deleted due member of the hoard of trustees and a night sch(K)l. James Quayle said. to the use of vulgar language. The purpose is to major contributor. Although Quayle said that he sought to show the idiosyncrasy of the author's limited In college Quayle had a reputation for bypass the military because of his intense political knowledge and common gossip I'm being a ptKir student, frequendy drinking interest in becoming a lawyer, there is no curious, didyou have an interview with Quayle or to excess, and dating many women. A former evidence that he accomplished anything access to ALL of his personal records* It seems that professor says Quayle received mostly Cs substantial as an attorney. Quayle's friends you obtained most of your knowledge from the and he got a D in at least one course in his in the legal profession cannot remember National Enquirer. Remember, Mr. Senyszyn, not major, political science His gtxxl Itxiks and any cases that he handled. Almost to believe everything you read I can't believe that nonintellectual image led some to nickname immediately after opening his law practice, a student at the college-level cannot write a him derisively as "face man." Quayle told his father he wanted to do grammatically or professionally acceptable letter. Clark Adams, a former classmate, said something else and became assistant —EDl REPROFILE- How do you feel about the RIT Casino's canoon also commented on on campus do not expect to find hearing- environment? Many students would the fact that RITs buildings are made impaired students. They find it difTicult probably describe it as "strange" or mostly of bricks. This is a very important adjusting to the deaf culture That's all "bizarre " Recently. REPORTER part of the image he is trying to convey. Casino was trying to point out. Students published a Steve Casino cartoon with a Most freshmen, through movies and would he foolish to overlook the specific message Briefly, it tried to television, have certain expectations of opportunity to learn about the deaf emphasi7.e that RIT is a unique place the ideal college campus. Some could he culture Many college students study RTT does not have a football team. All the ivory-covered dormitories, mansion-like Spanish, French, or Italian, hut how- (brick) buildings look the same, the bookstore fraternities and sororities on Greek Row, many have a chance to study sign looks like a shopping mall, and there are and elegant academic buildings. RIT language? hearing-impaired students on campus. These freshmen must often feel cheated Casino was Just poking fun at the are facts, NOT discriminatory statements because the campus is not what they campus, trying to show that RIT is a against any particular group expiected. unique place of learning. Yet, many Students attending Ohio State or Another example of RIT's students find it a popular pastime to Syracuse University expect exciting uniqueness is evident when a RIT criticize the administration's every football seasons. They look forward to student enters the bookstore The first decision. My questions are: How many of these events as academic pressure-release items they find for sale are clothes. If one you really want to he here* If you think valves. Tell me, sjxirts fans, wouldn't you walks throughout the store they will find RIT is doing such a had job, why are you enjoy watching a Nebraska vs. Pittsburgh greeting cards, artyschool supplies, here? For your personal knowledge try game live, and being one of 40JXX) fans notebooks, newspapers, magazines, and this litUe test: If you were conducting a cheering screaming and yelling for their of course textbooks. The point is that job interview, would you hire an RIT team? You're probably thinking "The Campus Connections provides a lot graduate? If you answer no, then you are RIT Men's Hockey team have been more to students than just textbooks. attending the wrong college division winners in the past." I cannot stress enough that Casino Unfortunately, Division III hockey does was NOT trying to discriminate against not change or affect the spirit on campus any hearing impaired students. The fact to a significant degree is, many incoming freshmen who arrive

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when she had a chance to fly a keep the soldiers in fxisition." Leadership Program Trains UH6() Blackhawk helicopter. She Alcorn feels the Army relates, 'I saluted the general in expierience gave him the best ROTC Cadets passing and took his bird away!' leadership motivation training Overall, Witt felt gtxpd that she available He cites as his pnxif, "I This summer, three RTF students me a lot about what the active had the opfxirtunity to see other had to motivate soldiers to move partic ipated in the Cadet Trmip Army is like, as well as what the places and to stand up for the and remain under fire and then Leader Training (CTLT) Army is like in CiermanyC' Witt U.S. "Many Americans do not often to walk fifteen kilometers program offered hy the Army discovered. "In Germany^' she realize the advantages they have in heat and rainr The troops Reserve Officer's Training Corps observed, "one ends up with a lot We (the Army] are still working trained at night and slept during (R(JR]) program. of Non-CYimmissioned Officers to keep things others take for the day, with Alcorn averaging Lynda Witt, an RIT senior (upper-ranked enlisted people) granted. It is very patriotic and about 22 hours on his feet per Industrial Design major and a and enlisted soldiers who have idealistic, and we love it*" day. All three RIT RCJIX: cadets Cadet Captain in the Army never been far away from home Gadet Captain Deonna Maul agreed that as a leader, one can Reserve Officer's Training Corps for a long time, and who have left was in charge of a 77-memher never complain. The Army (ROTC), had the oppxirtunity to behind families and friends in wheeled and tracked vehicle officer's job is to lead in combat spend five weeks in (iermany the US. I was able to relate much maintenance platoon at the and never show signs of being this past summer. While there of my duties there to being an Aberdeen Proving (irounds in human. "You don't get that in she learned how to weld and RA here" Because of the tension Maryland. Maul's plattxm s{pent civilian life,' Alcorn adds. "You change the steering control hox caused hy separation from home four and a half days per week in have control over every detail of on a truck, and at the same time and constant communal living, class learning about vehicle their lives," said Alcorn, relating use some of the expierience many soldiers must deal with maintenance, while Maul did how he counseled a 35-year-old gained as a Residence Advisor p?rsonal problems such as property inventories, toured man with a marriage problem. "I (RA) here at RIT. Commercial alcoholism, continues Witt. The facilities, ins{pected their dining enjoy doing that very much," he photography senior C^adet leadership experience she and living facilities, and taught said. "There is no better feeling Stephen Alcorn became the gained as an RA helpied her deal some basic soldier classes. In than to help someone else It's a platoon leader of 32 with some of the difficulties of addition, she led FT, graded rewarding expierience, esfiecially paratroopers in the 82nd being a platoon leader. In soldiers' fitness tests, ran an for a 21-year-old!' Alcorn and Airborne division of the Germany, she realized that one 'overweight program' for those Witt concede that as leaders, they U.S.Army in Fort Benning. can learn from any situation, who did not pass the tests, are Mom and Dad, in a very {peculiar way. "The leader must (ieorgia for three weeks of his good or had. Witt adds, "You ins{pected the ranks, woke them achieve a balance between caring summer. Cadet Captain Deonna take the best of what you see in up at 4:30 a.m. and put them to and mission accomplishment. Maul, a fourth year fine arts others and use what you can, bed at 10:30 pm. "We had a lot One minute 1 may have to help photography major, was in incorporating their skills into packed into three weeks. In a guy get ove^ being dumpied on charge of a 77 member your own {personality!' addition to all of this, there were hy a girl, and the dext 1 have to Advanced Individual Training Despite separation from many social events planned carry out a mission. You have to (AIT) unit at the Aberdeen home, Witt believes that being where we met a number of convince them that they are Proving Grounds in Maryland stationed in Germany is a very important personnel," Maul doing the right thing. The troofis for three weeks. {xpsitive exfierience "Soldiers remembers. "The most imfxirtant thing for us (the CTLT have to feel like 1 am taking care CTIT gave these students the living in Europe have an cadets) was having the troop and of them in order for them to chance to experience being an excellent oppxirtunity — not leadership expierience!' she adds. trust me to lead them under fire!' officer in the active army, before every eighteen-year-old gets to go says Alcorn. the complete their college over and see what the other side The 82nd Airborne division education and choose their of the world is doing, and get of the US. Army is compxised of "The Army wants college permanent occupations. As paid for it!' Having weekends to 32 soldiers between the ages of students as officers because the plat(M)n leaders, Witt, Alcorn, herself, Witt visited Paris and 17 and 35, and was led for three liberal arts education we receive and Maul were respionsihle for traveled to Holland with some weeks this past summer hy Cadet makes us capable of Uxiking at every aspect of their soldiers' members of her platoon. "There Captain Stephen Alcorn. the big picture, and not just lives including housing, mail, is a different feeling to he so Because of the training Army certain as{>ects of a problem," money, discipline, promotions, close to the other side," she {personnel receive, all soldiers are theorized Alcorn. "1 look to the and everything that happened or repiorts. "I went on a border tour, very confident of themselves and fourteen-year Army veterans for failed to happen in the platoon. and East (ierman soldiers came their abilities. This is es{)ecially help and advice, hut 1 have the Witt led the automotive and t(K)k pictures of us all. It essential for the 82nd division awesome responsibility to plat(K)n at Ciessen Military Base, made me very aware that they are because it must he ready to jump ch(x)se a course of action in life West Germany, where all U.S. keeping an eye on us and vice into combat anywhere in the and death challenges!' Alcorn Army vehicles in Germany are versa. I had thought the world world within 22 hours of the admits that he loves the stress; it fixed. She took charge of the was just waiting for me to come President's notification. Alcorn's makes him feel go

6 September 16, 1988 walking about fifteen miles per experience Most importantly, it gave them wmld like to go into the military day, 11 n degree heat, 60 pounds The CTLT program gave experience in dealing with intelligence branch of the Army. on my hack, hoping that my Witt, Maul, and Alcorn different types of people After Alcorn Uxiks forward to active chute would open correctly, and leadership training chances to graduation, Witt hopes to duty in the U.S. Armed Forces as 1 enjoyed myself so much, 1 had work with equipment and to continue in the Army doing well. to remind myself 1 was working," work under conditions that are reserve duty while pursuing a —Kris Loomis said Alcorn of his Fort Bragg not found in the civilian world. career in industrial design. Maul

complex. These changes haye from 150 watts to 200 watts. created 55 additional parking Racquet Club Colony Manor RIT Apartment Comp- spaces for residents to use and Perkins all received new bus There are other improv- shelters. These shelters have lexes get Face - Lifts ements completed or in pnigress openings that face the south in at Colony Manor. Ninety range order to reduce the amount of hoods were replaced over the wind coming through the stoves. The bus kxip has been opening. The shelters are This year, changes and parking lots have been changed to have one stop at the constructed of shatter-proof improvements have been made asphalted. In addition, two nxifs front of the complex in order to glass, are well-lighted, and will get to the RTT apartment complexes, were repaired, and some reduce wear and tear on the plexiglass panels installed for the benefit of the students. refrigerators will tie replaced roadway. The rear doors on anmnd the doorways in hopies of According to the Office of with more energy-efficient ones. sixteen townhouses were further reducing wind inside Business Services, a total of Bacheller reports that replaced, a new roof was put on A primary concern relating $2j01O/)O() has been alUxrated changes to the mid-rise tower are one building, and two boilers to the Riverknoll apartments was over the past two years hy them less major. Problems center on were replaced. Finally, central the lack of fire alarm systems in in an ongoing goal to improve the concrete patios present on laundry facilities are being built one-hedroom apartments. the quality of RTF apartment life all apartments. Repairs are being hy expanding the cabana to the Proper alarm units were Of this amount, $770j(X)0 has made to the railings sumiunding south toward the playground installed (wer the summer. Other gone into capital improvements the patios, and the w(xid trim area. changes in Riverknoll will he as at the Racquet Club Apartments follows: Heating units in 36 one- and $1,240/KX) has gone into hedroom apartments will he similar improvements at the replaced along with 70 furnaces Perkins, Riverknoll and Colony- in the townhouse apartments. Manor Apartments. New railings are being installed In planning these impro- in the one-hednxim apartment vements, the Office of Business hallways; new storm dtxirs with Services considered health and vents on top are being installed safety, comfort, structural and in the one-hedrcxim apartment cosmetic needs. REPORTER hallways, and hallway walls are discussed these changes and £ being refinished and the floors improvements in an interview 5 retiled. In addition, more with Bill Batcheller, Director of £ apartments will receive new Business Services. 1 carjx'ting. Accordinf to Batcheller, the I In all apartment complexes, Racquet Club apartments were S emergency phones have been found to he in most need of f installed. In most cases the repair, thus warranting a larger I phone is located on the side of sum for these improvements. the complex laundromat. Two Changes to the townhouse around them is tieing removed. In Perkins, 200 dead holt exceptions are in Colony Manor, apartments were and will he as In addition, a questionnaire will l(x:ks are being replaced, and where it is ItKated outside the follows: Every townhouse has or he circulated among residents to fifteen kitchens will he repaired cabana, and the Racquet Club will have a new furnace; one determine if they would prefer or replaced. All walkways were midrise tower, where it is located hundred window units were another laundromat or if they repaved; stairwell lighting is outside of building 20. replaced; vents for broken would rather expand the current being changed, including an The bus now stops at the central air conditioning will tie facility. electric eye to turn lights on only South L(x)p road behind the removed, and basements will he Colony Manor Apartments at night, thus saving energy. In library. This change has caused ventilated to reduce dry rot and have undergone some needed addition, hallway carpeting was the Racquet Club route to he humidity. Also, the brick facing changes as well. A primary replaced with tile, doors to shorter, thus prompting a toward parking lots will he concern among residents there apartments and stairwells were scheduling change of three trips replaced; all outside dtxirways is the severe lack of parking. This repainted, and three boilers were pier hour during the morning will he inspected, repaired or problem prompted the exp- replaced. Street lamps will he runs. replaced as needed. Thirty ansion of current parking areas installed to light the parking lots —Patrick Deupree kitchens will he renovated or as well as construction of a new in the rear of the complex, and replaced, and practically all parking lot in front of the existing lamps will he changed

7 1986 Campus Entertainment hand "New Kicks" will he Upcoming Fall Week- Award for Best Attraction in featured at the Ritskelier's TCIF Major Performances. party, and from 9O0 pm. to IKX) end Offers Fun for The carnival theme for Fall a.m., the Funny Bone Comedy Weekend this year will addition- Night, sponsored hy Phi Kappa ally have a family theme RTT has Tau fraternity, will he held in the Everyone said that they desire activities CU Cafeteria. Fall Weekend, known to be a seen the show. The Chinese that faculty, staff, students, Fall Weekend continues popular yearly campus event, Magic Revue offers a glimpse parents, and children can enjoy. Saturday with Fallout in the Sol will begin on Thursday, Sept- into the Orient consisting of The Chinese Magic Revue, along Huemann/Cihson quad, fea- ember 15 and is expected to sensational acrobatics, comedy, with the many other activities turing games, entertainment, carry on through Sunday. balancing acts. Rung Fu, Chi planned, is expiected to provide and special attractions. The Dorothy Brown, Coordinator of Tun^ traditional dances, magic this type of entertainment Chinese Magic Revue begins at Creek Affairs and Student tricks and much more The Fall Weekend will begin 2:00 pm. in Ingle Auditorium; Activities, explained that Student Chinese Magic Revue has toured Thursday with the Silverforest comedienne Clara Berger and Activities wanted a camival-type many places including South Jewelry Sale, the RIT Women's musical entertainment starts at theme this year. According to America, Central America, Tennis match against the 9:00 pm. in the CU Cafeteria. Brown, when she first found out Southeast Asia, South Africa, , and the Student Activities is now about the Chinese Magic Revue, Zimbabwe Monte Carlo, Ca- comedy game show "We Can looking for volunteers to help her first reaction was to delay it nada. New Zealand, Israel, as well Make You Laugh," to he held in with Winter Weekend, an event until Winter Weekend, to as the United States. They have the Ritskeller. It continues Friday scheduled for February. All coincide with the Chinese New toured with entertainers such as with "The Fabulous Lilli-Anna," aspects of planning, from Year. Liherace, and have appeared on star animal trainer, appiearing publicity to working at events "The Merv Criffin Show," The Chinese Magic Revue, with African leopards and a during the weekend, are open. "Dinah," "The Mike Douglas scheduled for Saturday, Sep- black panther in Ingle Auditor- Anyone interested should call Show!' "The Monte Carlo Show!' tember 17 from 2-4 pim. in Ingle ium at 11:45 a.m. Additionally Dorothy Brown at x6171. Auditorium, has been called and "That's Incredible" The the Sensational Hensens will —Heather Ann Ricker "incredible," "breathtaking," National Association for demonstrate roller skating in "stunning," and "quite unb- Campus Activities (NACA) front of the College Union at elievable" hy critics who have I presented the group with ihe 12:15 pim. From 4-7 pim., the

Metropolitan Life


MBA'S and JD's We are a leading financial services organization experiencing major growth and need to expand our professional sales, management and marketing staffs in the Rochester area. If you have earned your MBA or JD and are interested in a fast-track career opportunity, you may qualify for the Metropolitan Executive Training Program. Qualified trainees can earn up to $46,800 plus quarterly incentives. Initially, you'll sell top quality financed products and services and manage your own business ac- tivities while you participate in the fast-track-to-management program. We'll provide career-long train- ing, too. There's no limit to how far you can go financially or professionally. Your success depends on you. If this sounds like an opportunity you've been looking for a career seminar will take place on September 29, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. at the Rochester Marriott-Thruway. Please contact me at 544-2570 or send a current resume to my attention at the address below to reserve a seat. Steven C. Day, Branch Manager Metropolitan Life and Affiliated Companies 1880 Ridge Road East Rochester, 14622 Metropolitan Life is an Equal Opportunity Employer Gcoi^c Bush was bom June 12, 1924. He graduated from Phillips Michael Dukakis, third term governor of Massachusetts, was bom Academy, Andover, Massachusetts in June 1942 and enlisted in in Brooklinc, a suburb of Boston. He attended Brookline High the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday. At ;^e 18, Bush became the School, where he lettered in cross-country, basketball and tennis, youngest pilot at the time to receive his wings. While on active and was president of the Student Council. He graduated in 1951, duty from August 1942 to September 1945, he flew torpedo and that same year finished 57th in the Boston Marathon. After bombers off the USS San Jacinto and was awarded the high school, Dukakis entered Swaithmore College in Phila- Distinguished Flying Cross and three air medals. When the war delphia, where he majored in political science. During the ended, he entered Yale University, completed his economics summer of 1954. Dukakis received a fellowship to study at the degree in 1948 (graduating Phi Beta Kappa), and captained the University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru. He travelled extensively Yile varsity baseball team. After graduation. Bush moved to Ibxas throughout South America at that time Returning to Swaithmore where he worked as a supply salesman for Dresser Industries in Dukakis graduated Phi Beta Kappa with highest honors in 1955 West Ttxas and California from 1948 to 1950. He co-founded a He then served in the U.S. Army from 1955 to 1957, and wxs small royalty firm, Bush-Overby Development Corporation, in stationed at Munsan, South Korea, for 16 months. After the Army, 1951. In 1953 he co-founded Zapata Petroleum Corporation, and he returned to attend Harvard Law School, where he graduated one year later, at age 30, became president and co-founder of a with honors in I960. third firm, the Zapau Offshore Company. The firm pioneered Dukakis was captivated hy the message of John F. Kennedy, experimental offshore drilling equipment. then president, which inspired him to run and win local town In 1966 Bush was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives office. In 1962, he was clcaed to the Massachusetts House of from Texas' 7th District. Bush became one of a handful of Representatives, with colleagues voting him the year's Outstand- freshmen members ever elected to serve on the House Ways and ing Legislator of 1967. Dukakis first received national recognition Means Committee. Bush was re-elected two years later for a when he introduced legislation calling for no-fault insurance as second term. From 1971 to 1973, he served as U.S. Ambassador a solution to massive rate increases, fraud, and excessive litigation, to the United Nations, serving with distinction during a difficult which plagued the auto insurance industry. Other states have period in American (x>litics. Next, Bush served as Chairman of since adopted similar forms, including New York. the Republican National Committee from January 1973 to In 1970, Dukakis won the Democratic Party 's nomination for September 1974. In Oaober 1974. Bush travelled to Peking as Lt. Governor but lost the general election. Dukakis then returned Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in the People's Republic of China. to his career as a praaicing attorney in the Boston firm of Hill Gcofge Bush was appointed as Director of the Central IntelligciKe and Barlow. During this period, he served as moderator of "The Agency in 1976 and also chaired the National Tksk Force on Advocates," public television's award-winning debate program. Tfcrrorism. Dukakis assumed the post of governor of Massachusetts in In July 1980, Bush was selected by Ronald Reagan as his run- 1975, a state with the second-highest unemployment rate in the ning mate on the Republican ticket. Four years later, the Reagan- country and a record deficit. Dukakis turned the state's 1500 Bush ticket won a landslide national cleaion. Bush was million deficit into a $2(X) million surplus, creating 170,OCX) new instrtimental in negotiating the S.T.A.R.T. and I N F. nuclear arms jobs in the process. Dukakis lost the Democratic primary battle treaties with the Soviet Union. As vice-president, he concurrently in 1978. Upon leaving office, he was appointed to the faculty at served as the pany 's Senate leader. On July 13, 1985, following the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University the assassination attempt against President Reagan, Bush was and named direaor of the school's Intergovernmental Studies named Acting President for several hours in a historic transfer of Program. authority from President Reagan under the 25th Amendment. Recapturing the govenioiship hy a landslide in 1982, Dukakis Geofgc Bush and his wife Barbara have five children and are inherited high inflation, unemployment, and an expanding residents of Houston, Texas. He is an active member of the St. deficit. Again, Dukakis' administration turned the "Massachusetts Martin's Episcopal Church. Bush spends vacations at his second Miracle," as it is now termed, by pulling the state out of fiscal home in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he enjoys hunting, fish- disarray. Dukakis and the state legislature have cut taxes five times ing, and sailing. Since 1972, Bush has received 21 honorary and have consistently balanced the bucket. For three years in a decrees. His father; the late Prescott Bush, served as a United States row, Massachusetts has had the lowest unemployment rate of any Senator (R-Conn.) from 1952 through 1962. industrial state in America. Written By Bill Horton ^^IT, Structural Engineering. University of Virginia, Fi- \jc Santa Cruz, Marine Biol- University of Michigan, MBA Analyzing and designing nance. Studies fluctuating ogy. Studies behavior of blue candidate. Assisted on pric-

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the ship According to Ft. James Bnxiks, the out." The sinning couple were identified Tire-Hungry Pit Bull public relations officer, the huge aircraft only as Missy and Rastus. Fleven Labrador- (WF) Having four flat car tires is the pits but carrier has become a bona fide ghost ship^ span iel-whatevers are up for adoption^ imagine getting your tires flattened by a with lights flickering and things going hump hungry pit bull. That's what happened in the night on a regular basis. In fact, in a recently to a couple of guys from South recent supiernatural encounter, a sailor was Like, It's Teenspeak © Carolina. Repairmen Paul Dougherty and startled when a disconnected telephone Robert Cook, who had just finished working started ringing. He picked it up, hut no one (WF) Like, are you considered like a teen- on Harold King's television set, were sitting answered. Bnxiks says most sailors believe aged airhead for using the word "like" in, in their truck when King's temperamental the pesky poltergeist probably is the spirit like, every sentence? According to a pit hull attacked their tires. Within minutes, of a sailor killed on hoard during the California linguist, the answer should he like the cranky dog put holes in all four tires. Vietnam War. Despite the haunting "No." Professor Robert Underbill of San Dougherty says it was like being in the movie happenings, Brcxiks says the Navy is calling Diego State University says "like" is neither "Jaws." King says his dog Angel gets upon sailors to conduct business as usual. random nor mindless. Instead, he says the aggravated when she's not invited along on word serves very useful purposes depiending truck rides. So far. Angel has chewed up 10 on the sentence it's used in. For example. tires, including two of her owner's. Defensive Kidney Underbill says saying "You like turn left at the end of the hall" has a different meaning (WF) An Italian man in Palermo, Italy, has than, "You turn left at the end of the hall." offered to donate a kidney to anyone who In this case, he says the "like" is an will hire a lawyer to defend him. Accused of Killer Goose exclamation point of sorts. Another murder, the unidentified man says he has no meaning of 'like" includes drawing (WF) A 72-year-old Tucson, Arizona man says money for an attorney. His family is not so attention to something unusual. It can also his late wife has been reincarnated as a large sure the trade is worth it. Many feel a lawyer he used as a substitute for the verb "to say!' white grxise Unfortunately, Charles Mulrain is only worth a pound and a half of giblets. Like, you know what I mean? says park officials have removed the gtxise and won't tell him where she is. Park rangers g-ave the goose away because it attacked people to protect Mulrain. "I'd Uxik into that Puppy Love Rape Restrcx)m Nourishment Hi g(x)se's eyes and... my wife was in that (WF) A Michigan man has been sued hy a (WF) Madalyn Skauff is 91 years old and goose," he said. neighbor because his dog got the neighbor's claims angels fed her for 11 days when she dog pregnant. The allegedly wronged was locked in a schcxil lavatory recently. The neighbor applied to the county for funds elderly woman, who was accidentally locked reserved for farmers who lose cattle to dogs. in when the schcxil closed down for a long Navy's Ghost Ship C The county turned him down. Allegan holiday, was found as healthy as ever after 11 (WF) Talk about terror on the high seas: County official Lee Buck was quoted as days. She said angels fed her every day and Sailors on hoard the USS Forrestal are being saying 'When a dog is in heat, male dogs night. She didn't say what the angels fed stalked hy an eerie spirit wandering about will get out of their death beds to ( hec k her HFR. . hut WF niav he getting

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On Thursday, September 8, 1988, Libertarian of obligations." These obligations come in two improve the efficiency of U.S. fiscal operations. Party Presidential Candidate Ron Paul granted parts. First, spending: Students in particular have Finally, all businesses would be deregulated and REPORTER Magazine an interview at Plums inherited a huge debt in the form of the Federal all markets made free and open. Restaurant on West Henrietta Road. Paul, smartly Government. The Scxnal Security system is hav- The budget would be balanced by elimin- dressed in a grey suit and maroon tie, sipped rose' and ing fxjpulation burdens placed on it that will ating the huge bureaucracy of the Federal expounded on both his candidacy and the message of never be able to be met. Secondly, old military Government, says Paul. No program would the Libertarian Party. commitments and alliances will involve tom- escape the Libertarian axe. S

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In our lifetimes, few of us will ever experience a truly extraordinary devotion to a common cause. One person lucky enough to know this passion is the Reverend Billy Graham, whose current i - crusade has led him here to Rochester. During his opening sermon last Sunday, he single-handedly transformed the Silver Stadium into an arena of love and caring. He accomplished this just hours after being released from Strong Hospital where he was treated for an infected spider bite. He appeared fit and healthy during his 45-minute sermon. Apparently, Billy has some clout up- stairs, as evidenced by the cloudless sky. Billy used his opjening sermon to outlkie what the rest of the week would bring, and to preach his message of an "acceptance of God" to his audience. He traced all the pjroblems of the world, from drugs and poverty to nuclear arms and the greenhouse effect, to the original reason for the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden: "The problem is spiritual. We have not responded to His offer to change human nature." Graham tried to explain one of meinkind's most baffling questions: "If there is really a God, then why does he permit the suffering in the world to exist? Let me explain. A while ago 1 wcis walking down the road with my youngest son, and we stepped on an anthill. 1 said to my son, 'See what we have done? Look at all the ants scurrying around trying to rebuild their home. How do you feel about that?' My son replied, "Pretty bad, father. What can we do to help them?" I told him, 1 don't think we can do anything. We're so big, and they're so little, they wouldn't understand what we were trying to do.' How can God help us here

on earth? We are nothing in His universe. God decided to become a man [so he could help us]. That man was Jesus Christ." (upper right) Cora Griffin, from the Mothers in the lord Christ Graham was careful to explain why he came here. "Why did Tabernacle Church, pulls her 1 decide to come to Rochester?" Billy asked the over 20,000 in Bible out of her purse before attendance, including more than 580 area churches and organ- Rev. Graham's sermon, Surxlay afternoon at Silver Stadium. izations. "1 just recently learned that the term 'Bible Belt' was originally used to describe western New York. 1 wanted to come (lower right) Dr. Richard Rose, to the real Bible Belt." President of RIT, in attendance at the Crusade, is also the Billy Graham was bom in Ceres, California on April 6,1923. He Chairman of the Advisory married Wilma Newell in 1945, and has five children. He was Committee for Rev. Graham's ordained as a minister at the Bap>tist Church in Ceres and went on Crusade. to become the assistant pastor at Temple Baptist Church in St. Paul, (above left) Caleb Makepeace, Minnesota. He now has several publications listed under his name, nine, arxj his motfter, Mary share including his famous book Peace With God, which sold over 2 million a tender moment during Rev. Graham's sermon. copies in 38 different languages. Chrs Collina/REPORTER He started his sermon yesterday with an apology: "1 want to apologize for wearing dark glasses," reportedly because one of his

19 18 September 16, 1988 eyes had been scarred at an event in Florida holds special significance for young people. and is now beginning to develop a cataract. "Billy Graham has a message for all of us to Billy Graham stoodfor respect and belief consider in the way we lead our lives," Rose in what have been troubling times for Commented. He was impressed with the evangelists. After organization and the downfall of the the amount of part- PTL Qub following icipation in the recent sex scandals, planning of the it seemed to many event. '1 feel that the that evangelism was Billy Graham Cru- in trouble. However, sade is one of the yesterday's crusade most well-known removed any doubts evangelical move- that Graham may ments, and 1 en- have been affected dorse his message by these scandals; for people to attend indeed, he was able the church of their to draw a capacity choice. If one makes crowd and praise a commitment to from the most skeptical people, who religion, they keep in peace with presumably decided to attend out of sheer themselves and Cod. In that way, those curiosity. "At first, I didn't know what to people treat others better and avoid social expect," said one onlooker. "But now that problems, giving them a sense of direction I'm here, 1 have to say that I respect this guy. in their lives." He sure isn't just another Swaggart." For those who wish to attend, free bus Dr. M. Richard Rose, president of RTF, rides will be leaving from the College Union Chairman of the Advisory Committee for on Saturday (tomorrow) at 6:15 p.m., and the Billy Graham Crusade and devout again on Sunday at 2:45 p.m. Christian, feels the meaning of the crusade WRITTEN BY CESARE JOSEPH MARINI

September 16, 1988 HIGH HOLIDAYS AT HILLEL Tuesday, September 20, 1988 5:00 p.m. Erev Yom Kippur Diner Skalny Room, Interfaith Center. Cost: $4.00. Please sign up in the Hiiiei Office no later than Monday, X Septemtjer 19. Q) 6:30 p.m. Kol Nidre/Evening Service, interfaith Center. Wednesday, September 21, 1988 0 9:30 a.m. Yom Kippur Morning Service, Including 10% Off all (I interfaith Center. Yizkor (Memorial Service), t) Shampoo/Cut/Style 0 5:00 p.m. Yom Kippur Afternoon/Ne'Hah (Concluding) (Q Service, interfaith Center. ^ >i 15% off all Highlight 3 5 and Perms 7:30 p.m. Break-The-Fast.Ska\ny Room, interfaith Center. Cost: $2.00. Please sign up in the 473-7360 Hiiiei office by no later than Monday, September 19, 1988. 10 minutes from campus For more information, please call the Hillel Foundation, 475-5171. All services are interpreted for hearing impaired.

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Leadership EjceUence Starts Here L Pyramid Opens With Personai Effects

At the end of its season last year the upcoming 90 Days At The backing vocals), Tim Masick (electronic Pyramid Arts Center faced an un Planetarium Live as well as songs from drums and synthesizer) and jack certain future The lease on its space on their last album Mana Fiesta. Schaffer on lead electric . Ponds Prince Street expired and they had no Personal Effects is heavily influ- is RtKhester's only electronic-oriented place to go Luckily for them (and the enced with African rhythms, and their band, with influences from Xymox, rest of RtKhester), they weiTe able to find complex guitar layering benefitted Front 242, New Order, as well as num- a new location. from the new arrangement. For their erous classical influences. This is com- This August, the Pyramid Arts encore, former guitarist Bob Martin bined into one of the most aural new Center moved into its new home on the music exfieriences available in town. third fl(K)r of the Village Gate Square, They played all new material (the where the Village Gate Arts Center band no longer plays anything from used to be The new space is much "77i« is combined into one their early days as Eleven Pond), larger (17,()(K) square feet) and more including both of the songs from their versatile than their old home of the most aural new ufKioming EP, FUe, scheduled to be To defray costs, acquaint old music experiences released at the beginning of November. members to the new space and attract available in toum" During their second song a fuse blew new members, the Pyramid held a (on cue, I must add) at the end of the benefit concert. The two bands vol- st)ng Newly Bom. There were no other unteering their services for the evening technical problems after that. were Pond and Personal Flffects. Unfortunately, audience turnout Personal Effects opened the show, (also the producer of the Uncle Sam was smaller than expected. Both Pond appearing for the first time with a new album) joined the trio for one last song and Personal Effects will be perfomiing line up Paul Dfxld and Peggy Fournier while Trainor played bass. at this weekend's AIDS benefit at the were joined by Gary Trainor, former After a short interlude, Pond took Renaissance Theatre Club (50 Liberty guitarist of the jet Black Berries. The the stage, replete with suit jackets and Pole Way). If you are not planning on group was able to simplify arrange- ties. Pond's four members are james walking then at least plan to attend the ments and delivered a wonderful hour- Tabbi (vrxrals, , synthesizers), Dan concert Sunday after the walk at 4:30 long set, playing tracks from their Bnimley (svnthesizers, samplers, and pm. Admission is $10. All proceeds will

in't-ftrHi m

September 16, 1988 benefit AIDS research, and you can see Pond and Personal Effects, as well as The Cowpokes. Nerve Circus, The Jane's Addiction: F^ssentials, The Fugitives, and The Park Avenue Band. —Douc JERUM No Glam Here Let's get one thing straight right off the Zeppelin broke up^ the soul of the bat: I hate metal music, be it glam or group reformed as jane's Addiction. heavy. I will make no pretenses to being Flveryone and his brother is trying to able to listen to it in more than passing imitate Led Zepp>elin these days to (like by a room with it playing) without make a buck, but this is where these throwing upt Call me closed minded if guys are different. They are what you like, but I gave it its chance, and 7,eppelin would have evolved into, had metal music had nothing redeeming to they survived into the late eighties. The offer, musically, socially, or otherwise song "jane Says" is pretty much a direct So what. . . rip-off of the guitar intn) of Zep's "Over Then there's this band called Jane's The Hills And Far Awayf Perry Farrell's Addiction. They shoot my theories guitars have a certain twang to them, basically to hell. About a year ago a but they are his own. whether on the certain radical band from L.A. got acid-soaked "Up The Beach," or the much media attention because completely disjointed "Ted, just Admit suddenly it was being courted by three It." "Ted " is the most interesting cut on major record labels, and no one was the whole album, actually coming off quite sure why. Well, they signed to in three distinct parts. First loafing Warner Brothers for some ridiculous alon^ it suddenly explodes with un- sum (reputed to be around SSOOjOOO). precedented fury, bantering the So they go into the studio and about title Nothing's Shocking dropping down nine months later come out with an into a coma, and then back up again to album called Nothing's Shocking. After all a climax like a high sjjeed motorcycle (Frank Sinatra, Lee Scratch Perry, and this hype, who could resist seeing what accident, pieces flying everywhere and Adrian Sherw(x)d). Farrell also cites his Farrell proclaiming 'Sex IS violencef lay in store on that funny round piece brother as his biggest influence You should be relatively sweaty by then. of vinyl? On the first listen, everything The album is not perfect, and fell down: the pictures on the wall, the regardless of what the band says, it has ceiling and many hopes of this great its glam/metal moments. There is too new radical band that was signed to a much reverb and delay on Farrell's major label right out of obscurity. Then vxKals, I don't care who you are The something happened. A couple more "Actually they reached guitar sound is pretty sharp (although times thnmgh the album, things started it does have its forays into some pretty to emei^ and take shape Actually they up and grabbed me by straight metal riffs), but it's balanced reached up and grabbed me by the and varied enough to make everyone throat and flung me about a bit. the throat and flung me happy. On the up side the production Side one starts out with this jesus- is clean but holds on to that raw sound. and Mary-Chain gone bad wall of Neo- around a bit" This whole album has more energy Psychedelic fuzz guitar and completely than the top five metal bands effected vocals, and then it just ends. I combined. There is cleverness and a guess you could call it sort of the sense of humor conveyed throughout. prelude (or Quaalude). The other The lyrics in places border on notable songs on the first side are Farrell apdy labels their style as brilliance, not to mention obscenity. "Mountain Song" with lots more of the "Slaying Music" He says, "If ^ou like The package can tie overwhelming at big ol' fiizzy guitars, and "Idiots Rule" slaying music we got it on record." He first, but stick with it; discipline your- The latter is a good example of what also says that there are a lot of crosses self. There is a lot here to handle, but sets jane's Addiction apart from a whole in their music — musical crosses, that once you master it, the rewards are slew of other bands. The song has a is. Latin rhythm, swin^ and a more pretty ccxil. It's really nice to see one of metal-funk sound to it, with some boms percussive sound. This is evident on the the biggest record companies in the mixed way in back (under the fuzz), and poppish "Standing In The Shower... world take such a raw and powerful this really raw "rve-got-a48-track-studio- Thinking." The links to some of the band and NCT MESS WITH IT There in-my garage" sound. There are places band's influences, the Red Hot Chili is hopie for the major labels yet just where this album lapses into what is Peppers and Fishbone, are clear. Other think, all this from a band who claims either their biggest shortcoming or influences cited range from the usual to tie no more than "Basically a group their most ingenious ploy. It's this ffhe Clash, Iggy Pop, and the Sex of white kids crossing over" recurring feeling that when Led | Pistols) to slighdy more left of center — DOUG JERUM GoodGrie£ GoodNem The 77-65 Technical Analyst™Offers all the built+n futKtions of the 71-60, plus a stopwatch /rimer, eight physical con- stants, decLsion program- ming (if...then) capabilines and 1(X3 programmitig steps for repetitive calculations.


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Major Ren Christenson One Lomb Memorial Drive Eastman BIdg., Room 3161 (716)475-5548 ISCOREBOARDI RIT Men's Soccer vs. Alfred Ends in Draw

On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, a large At the start of the second half RIT crowd came out to watch the RIT Tigers apfieared to be really psyched, and it showed (ranked third in the state) do batde against as a long throw in by Glenn Maksymiak was Alfred University (ranked second). The fans almost converted into a goal but was headed who showed up were treated to some wide RIT kept Alfred on the defensive and excellent soccer as the two teams played for almost scored as Manin Moreno boomed a 110 minutes to a 11 draw. shot off the cross bar. The second half was Fn)m the opening kick, RTf was looking basically a defensive game but both goalies to get on the scoreboard first with an early had to make outstanding saves to keep their attempt that went just a litUe wide A few- teams in the game At the end of regulation minutes later at 6:28 into the game RIT's time it was RIT and Alfred U. tied 11, and Scott Wilson stole the ball and went in to both teams were headed for overtime The score the first goal. The RIT offense was not overtime session consists of two complete finished; minutes later they had another lO-minule periods. Alfred came out strong scoring chance but were stifled as the Alfred in the first period and got a couple of quick goalie came up with a big save Alfred chances on goalie jeff Amsden. Most of the attempted to score off a comer kick but RTT ovenime was played in the middle of the goalie Jeff Amsden made a great save to field, with no team really dominating the retain the Tigers' lead. RIT had another play. It seemed as though the horrid pace chance on a comer kick by Martin Morentx and fast play had caught up to the teams who but the Alfred goalie made a diving save At were still tied after 1(K) minutes of soccer. 18:54 into the game Alfred tallied their first In the second overtime period RIT goal on a rebound off an RIT player, tying produced a scoring chance by Rob MojseJ, RIT's Joe Dioguardi anempts to block Alfred the score at 1-1. The momentum of the game hut the Alfred goalie came up with the save University's goalie from making a save at last turned totally around and Alfred was As the overtime was coming to an end, an Saturday's 1-1 tie in double overtime. coming at RIT with everything they had. As Alfred player got a break-away in which RIT the first half was closing out RIT goalie jeff back Angelo Panzetla caught and kicked Amsden came up with an incredible save on away. The overtime ended and the final an Alfred scoring attempt Both teams went score was 1-1. RITs record stands at 2-0-1. into the second half tied at 1-1. —Rob O'NeU

Women's Spikers Play Well in Tournament

The Women's Volleyball season began last match with crosstown rival University of fighting tooth and nail to make it to the weekend as they traveled to Bnxkport to R(Khester. finals. In the end Rochester won in the third compete in the SUNY Bfockport This match was to be RITs toughest set, advancing them to the finals for a Invitational. Here they would face seven opfionent in their bracket and possibly their rematch with the Tigers. other volleyball teams and get a good idea strongest opponent of the day. The Tigers The championship match started with of how they would do in the upcoming put all that to rest as they contnilled the the University of Rochester opiening an early season. This year's starting team has an Vellowjackets from the start and played like 5-6 lead and never l(X)king back. The Tigers overall blend of youth and experience, with a team possessed. With the Tigers' 15-3 and seemed to struggle with the Vellowjackets, six freshman and ten returning players. 15-6 victories over the University of who won L5 13 . Witli RIT down 1-0 in The first game for RIT was at 10K)0 a.m. Rochester (UR), they won their bracket and games, RtKhester seemed to relax; they won against Buffalo State in the first nxind of the advanced to a semi-finals match with by scoring the final nine points of the tournament. From the beginning of the Houghton College second game It was a disapp>ointing end to match the Tigers controlled the play and The Tigers' match with Houghton was a very well-played and executed afternoon. had very little difficulty as they cruised to a scheduled to begin at 3:60 p.m. and allowed Nonetheless, it was also the first time this series of wins, 15-4 and 15-8, This victory them to rest up and prepare for the squad has competed together this season advanced them into the second round semifinals. The rest period seemed to have and we should look for some outstanding meeting with Fredonia. helped as they came out and dominated play play from this year's team. The Tigers came into this match after an from the very first whistle The match ended —Jeff Gibb easy game, and started out this round a litde quickly with the Lady Tigers winning 15-1 slowly. RIT was once again the superior and L5-6i This win pmpelled the Tigers into team, with 15-12 and 15-10 victories. This win the championship against either Bnxrkport improved their record in the triumament to or UR. This proved to be the most exciting 2-0 and set them up for a head-to-head and dramatic matchup, with both teams

26 September 16, 1988 Harriers Go the Extra Mile for Upcoming Season

The success of Rl T Gross C:ountr\ over the last 23 years can be attributed to the coaching and hard work instilled into the athletes by their coach. This year marks the 24th season of cross country that coach Peter Tcxld has lead his squad to twice-a-day practices for seven days, 110120 miles a week. Until 1980, coach Todd ran all the practices with his athletes and won. Peter Todd was a graduate of SUNY-Cortland, a three-time All-American, and in 23 years at the helm has never failed to qualify at least one runner for the nationals. He explained that typically a cmss country squad runs about 50 miles per week. He believes in a training method that forces his runners to develop and train by running more at a slower pace He feels this is why the Tigers have been so competitive, and why they have been the only New York State school to be nationally ranked at the beginning of the season for the last 6 years. Despite the fact that his team practices for 35 hours a week and 11 of the 14 team members were engineers, they boasted a 33 cumulative GPA. This is quite an accomplishment, even for someone not involved in athletics. Last year the Tigers f)osted a 5-1 mark in the dual meets and captured 4 invitationals. Athletes of the Week They also successfully defended their FX'AC: cniwn and won their third consecutive IGAC title The team only lost two seniors this year (Andy Coots and Kevin McKee), with lone senior Fric Seymour serving as captain. This season's squad is made up primarily of juniors and sophomores, with three new Jv? freshmen making the team. Last year's season was a disappointment since it marked the first time an RIT runner failed to qualify for the nationals. Despite the fact that coach Todd is fielding a young Scott Wilson Ikmmy Conrad team, he feels they have the potential to be Scott Wilson has been named Male Tammy Conrad leading the way, the a contender for the national title in a year. Athlete of the Week. Wilson was cited women's volleyball team captured The immediate goal is much simpler and for his crucial role in Saturday's tie with second place in the Brockport more realistic: the Harriers simply want to Invitational last weekend. The RIT return to the nationals and give a topranked conference foe Alfred. Wilson spikers downed Buffalo State, performance The Tigers seem to have their intercepted an errant Alfred pass and work ethic both on and off the field, and slotted it home to put the Tigers ahead Fredonia, University of Rochester (UR) their priorities are set both toward a I-O. However, the Saxons tied the score and Houghton before losing to UR in successful season and a successful career. It minutes later. In three games this the championship. It was RIT's season seems they are getting the guidance and season, Wilson has two goals, tying him opener. A transfer from Genesee coaching exjjertise that can lead them back for the team scoring lead. Farlier this Community College, Conrad sparked to the nationals and give them a chance at season Wilson was named All-Tourney the Tigers with 18 kills, 20 blocks. 26 a national title I>et's wish them the best of in helping guide the Tigers to the RIT perfect passes and 11 service aces. luck and continued success for this Tournament title with wins over From Spencerport, N Y. Conrad was a upcoming season. Nazareth and Oswego. A native of junior college All American. She is Pittsford, N.Y., Wilson is majoring in majoring in hotel/resort management —Jeff Gibb Criminal Justice at RIT. at RIT.


Sal*« and SarvicM Announcments practce Mon -Thur at 4:30pm next to the PERSONALS tennis courts RIT Ambulance needs you' For Job Openings Telephone Surveying and Hey — I really wish things could of been Andy— Vbu'ie made Gale and Chem information on pining this important Interviewing Must Be Mature. Reiiabte, different, but then again maytie things will bearable, so you better not cut or I'll DIE and Have a Positive Attitude Choose Mxir orgamzalion call 359-9061 Noexpener«e work out Thanks for being there when I Love. Daph Own Hours Paid Training Call Now 546 - necessary Free traning provided needed you Love Always Ben Hello Morgan! How are you doing? Wte 3430 Ask for Daryf RIT Rugby First Home Gamel This Sat must have a party of something and invite 9/17 vs Syracuse Game time ipm across RED HOT ttargainslDrug dealers cars, Did you play football or soccer m high everyone we know Manuel from NTID Come one. come all. and boats, planes repod Surplus Your Area schooT/ Are you txired with college life'' Krisa, now that I really sent you one of support ttie Roaches Become part ol ttie acton CometoRugby Buyers Guide (805) 687 6000 Ext S1143 these How are you'' We'll do lunch some "Have Mxj seen the light?" All campus Work at Horne. Part Time $100 s/week Emergency Telephones now have tilue possible Details (805) 687 - 6000 Ext lights mounted on top Use ttiem to report S1143 Tac Ms must be submitted in person at the REPORTER suspicious activities, request an escort, or Office 8.30 am - 4:30 pm. IVIcnday - Friday only. The Ry Sale-Double Ad| Twin Matttress Cdtee request \«hcle assistance Use them' Tables. Lamps. Kitchen Equipment and Always lock ^r dood. even wtien you're deadline for the fcllcwing week's publication is Friday at General Household Items All in Excellent sleepng Nearly 9(yof all room burglaries Condition' Prices Vary $5 • $100 Call Je« noon. No exceptions! Two weeks maximum for free ads are the result ol an unlocked door A at x4975 For Petals message from the Campus Safety Limit two Tab Ads per person / organization / event. Department REPORTER Magazine reserves the right to Help Wanted Free Legal Services for RIT full-time withdraw or edit any Tab Ad for libel, slander, REPORTTER Magazine is lookinq for students Call 475-2203 for an obscenity, or misrepresentation. Sports News and Entertanment Writers appointment or stop t>y the Student for our weekly putilxation These our pad Directorate office. Room 2050 m the REPORTER Magazine assumes no positions For rrxxe informatxxi. stop down Ritreat Appointment hours are 8 00 am to responsibility for the content of to the REPORTER ottce located m the 10 45 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays. basement ol ttie College Alumni Union or RIT Rugby is looking for a few good men Tab Ads. Tab Ads are call us at 475 • 2212 If you're one ol them, come out and play published on a first REPORTER Magazine is looking lor rugby Practice Mon -TTiur 4:30pm-6:30pm come, first served Photographers for our weekly publcatxxi liy ttie tennis courts All Welcome' These our paid positions For more basis, with space information, stop down to the REPORTER Roaches Rugby home openert Come and permitting. At the offce located in ttie basement ol the see the RCACHES take on S U Saturday discretion of the College Alumm Union or call us at at 1:00, corner ol Andrews and Perkins 475 2212 Editcr-in-Chief. Flowers First at Ptielps is looking for names of authors energenc, enthusastx; salespeople for its LOST AND FOUND Marketplace Mall and 2271 E Man St. Lost Watch, mens room in Liberal Arts of the Tab Ads will locations 20-25 hours per week Call Liz. bidg Grandfathers It found call 427-0833 be released 482-5038 for interview Reward Offered

College Activities Board Saturday, September 17

Needs You! in the CXI. Cafe The College Activities Board is a student- run organization devoted to providing diverse and quality entertainment for the Claire Berger RIT community. At CAB we organize and implement the social events that make RIT more than just a great education, and Comedienne / Writer for Night we're in need of some people to fill a few Court, The Cosby Show, Risky vacant board positions. We need someone to program special Business and the Tracy events, and someone to manage RITV. So Uilman Show if you are interested in planning a concert, or running a TV station, stop into our Opens for Rochester's Number office or call x2509. One Dance Band Positions paid by the hour! REPORTER f

BLOOM COUNTY time Manny lb all tlie Off-Campus Alpha Xis, I miss you guys soooo much Its not the same without you in ttie house* Love Daph SKippy! When s your next part/" Doutile six's(again"*") Dnnk up Budd/' Hey you! Get off the roof Now* Mmmmm Mmmmm, Beakers and Beakers of Eakers Dukster, Wht are you thinking oT Trckster Yaw Shemga! Mxi guys are still hot! I'm glad to see everyone IS back It 's going to tie an awesome year* lore always, Karen Batiysrtter needed— Part time position Monday Wednesday 3 00 6 00pm Batjysit for one 13 month old child, in nour tiome must have own transportatxxi $400 per hour References required Call Marcy Fulkerson 288-3079 Eleanor, Thanks so much for helping me to grew up- it is hard, but you make it tiearatile Love from your roomie Q.A.S. Sorry I missed the sunset I know there will be a lot more I love you' G O Happy Birthday KrtI Love YBS Fallout '88 — It's a blast! The staff ol Sol HeumannAjitJSon invites you to attend their 11th Annual Fallout Celetiration Join tfiem on Septemtief 17th m the SHG Quad for a day of tun as they help benefit ttie Special Ofympcs Debbie— This one's for you' Feel better and take care of yourself Love. Janet Mary Sunshine— Coltege is for weekends But remember weekdays are for recxMery What" Sandy Beach-Your firstf Your firstKtab ad that is) Thanks for toeing ttiere when "I need a friend " TB

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For up-to-the-mlnuto Information about What's Thui*. RIT Women's Soccer team plays at Brockport Elm Street Part IV. Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Vbung Happoning on or around campus call ttw RTT Away game Game time 4 (X)pm Guns ActivtttM Hotllna at 47$>5252. 475-5454 (TTY) TtWHa. RIT Volleyball team plays Oswego at Hamilton The Pfttelbtd IHpiax 3400 Monroe Ave For shew times Away game Game time 6 00pm can 586 2900 A Fish Called Wanda. Married to the Mot}. Tucker: The Man and His Dream Frl, Talisman Mevies OndereMa at 7 30pm & 9:30pm arxl ttie mevie Koyaanisqatsi at midnight in ingfe Auditonum. LEQURESa WORKSHOPS Sat. Talisman Movies Cinderella at 2pm. 7 30pm. & At Nazareth College Arts Center it's Gary Pagan's The 9 30pm and VryemcmeKoyaanisqatsi at midnight m Ingle Auditorium Bucket Dance Theatre October 5-16 Call 586-2420 for Frl. Resume Writing seminar for students. 9-9:50am Sign tcket info or 473-7760 for group rates up in the Placement Offce Sun, Talisman Movies Fassbmder s Beware ol a Holy Fr1 at 7 30pm & 9 45pm m Ingle Auditonum .Sept 30, Potson at the Rochester War Merrxxial with Mon. Lunch n' Learning Workshop. "Textmarking & Whore speaal guests Lita Ford and Bntny Fox Tckets on sale Notemaking. " open to all students, bring your lunch if at ttie War Memorial Box Qtfce and at afl Txiketron outlets you'd like George Eastman Mem BIdg . North Wing. Fri., Sept 23rd its B B King at the Renaissance Theatre Room 2383. 12-1pm Club Two stiows at 8pm and 11pm Tckets $16.50 in Iboo. Permanent Placement Orientation seminar for RADAR advance Txitets availabte through Tcketron. Teletron and students. 1-1 50pm &gn up in the Racement Offce the Renaissance Box Otfxie 50 Liberty Pole Way For Iboc Lunch n' Learning Workshop. "Taking Good Frl, Wiltse/Lowenthal/Fairwood more info call 325-5380 Lecture Notes." open to all students, txing your lurxih it Sat, Lowenthal/Andrevws ^^ad./Loop Frl., Nov 1st The Funny Bone Comedy Club Presents you'd like George Eastman Mem Bldg . North Wing, Sun, Perkins/Andrews Acad /Fairwood Emo Phillips 149 State Street Call 32SBONE for rrxxe Room 2383. 12 1pm Mon, LomiyPerkins/Fairwood info Tbaa Wed. Job Hunting Strategies seminar for students. .Andrews Dorm/Perkins Frl. Wad, Perkins/Loop/Fairwood The Fnday Night Filet on WITR — Each week starting 11-11 50 &gn up in ttie Racement Oflce at 11 00pm WITR features muse and interviews with a Thura. Andrevws Dorm/Andrews Acad Thurt. Lunch n Learning Workshop. "Memory selected museal group or artist This includes nearly all Frl, TGIF featunng the "new " Kcks in ttie Ritsketer. 4-7pm. Improvement." open to all students, bring your lunch if of a band s past and present work, interviews tiard-toTind Specialty x:e cream dnnks and half pnce sodas, free pizza you'd like George Eastman Mem Bldg . North Wing. arxj x;e cream sundae tar ID required, sponsored by and unreleased tracks and altxim and poster giveaways Room 2383. 12 1pm. interpreted Bat. Live at the Seymour College Union Ballroom at CAB Interpreted Thuim. Resume Writing seminar for students. 4-4;50pm SUNY Bfockport It's UVMQ COLOR. General admissxxi Rochester s original Hd-Brau Haus CKTOBERFEST at the $3 with ID. $5 non-students Tckets now on sale at ttie Sgn up in the Racement OtfK:e Minett H^. Monroe County Far Grounds Sept 30 to Cel. BSG Box Office at SUNY Brockport Doors open at 8pm Thurs. Gannett Lecture "Personal Narratives" at Webb Sat. Sounds from 4-9pm — WITR's nationally- Auditorium; 7 30pm. open to all rerxiwned and longest-running specialty show, hosted try Sister Denise txings you the best in reggae from all over CLUB WATCH the viorfd for a relaxing Saturday afternoon Sun. The College-Alumni Union Lobby display cases MEETINGS Frl. Live muse at the Penny Arcade with Immaculate feature a photography exhibxt about birth b»y photo student Mon. The Campus Crusade for Chnst meets at 8 00pm Mary 4785 Lake Ave Tel 663-4250 Gina Schwan, on exhitxt until Sept 25 in the Alumni Room of ttie CU Frl, Happy Hour at Coco s with 2 for-1 drafts $1 50 until Sun. The Boss Beat on WITR-the best of sixties muse Mon. NTID Cross-Cultural Club Meeting, location TBA. 5pm Free munchies 935 Jefferson Rd Tel 424-4531 with outrageous txss bieat guys Mike Mck and Del 7pm Call Mindy Hopper. x6759(T) or x6200(V), for rrxxe Frl, Happy Hour at El Torrtos with 75 cent drafts and a 4-6pm info taco tar with burntos from 4 to 8pm Tel 424-4310 Frl. Sun. WITR's Sunday — from 6-8pm. The Heart of lUoo. Learn more alxxjt your student government — ttie At Shnozz'z. live muse with Jah Mel & ttie Rhythem Jazz with DenriB; frorri 8-9prn. Laser Aternabves an entire Student Directorate meetings are open to the RIT Factory 302 N Goodman St "fel 271 8334 compact disc show with Rob. from 9pm-mKjnight, Just community, CAU 1829 Room. 6-7pm Frl. At Backstreets live muse with Knrfedance and Herb Jazz (new releases) with Tony, and from midnigW to Sam. Heinz & The Turbines 14 Charlotte St B 454 2392 Iboo. Gays. Lesbians, and Friends meet m room M-2. TS I First Minute of the First Day with Jon Frl. At Idols the bands The Great Tran Rotitary and The 7pm Cowpokes will be playing 88 Liberty Pole Way "fel. Hioo. Rochester Wargamers meet in the CAU cafeteria 232-3410 from 7-11 pm Every second and fourth TTwiredoy of each month Sat. At Shnozz'z. live muse with Rockin" Red & Joe SPORIS from 7-9pm, Care-Givers, a support group of ttie ekJerty, Beard 302 N Goodman St "fel 271-8334. meets m ttie Health Associatxxi Carnage House on 973 Sat. Rockin' thru the '80s at the Penny Arcade vwith Ice Sat. RIT Volleytiall team plays at the Allegheny Inv Away East Ave These meetings are free arvd open to anyone Water Mansion 4785 Lake Ave Tel 663-4250 game Game time TBA caring for an older person For nrvore info call ttie Mental Sat. At Backstreets. Iiv« muse with Malcolm Bliss and Sal. RIT Men's Cross Country te»n plays at the Man^ield Health Association at 423-4940 Psycho Path 14 Charlotte St "fel 454-2392 Inv Away game Game time 1 30pm Sat. At Idols ttie tiands The Curve and The Ravers 88 Sal. RIT Men's Cross Country team plays at ttie Oswego Liberty Pole Way "fel 232-3410 Inv Away game Game time 11 00am Sun. At Club Zero its Polaroid Night 171 St Paul St "fei Sat. RIT Womens Cross (Country team plays at ttie THE MOVIE CLOCK 232 3780 or 232 9511 Oswego Inv Away game Game time 100pm Sun. At Backstreets live muse with Burning Timber and Sat. RIT Women's Soccer team plays at the Hartwck Uttfe TttMtm . 240 East Ave For shew times call the Infants 14 Charlotte St "fel 454-2392 Tourney. Hartwck Clark Away game Game time 232 4699 Bagdad Cafe. The Last Temptation of Christ. Mon. Law s Monday Night Football, big-screen TV. 75 1100am Pascal! s Island. Mr North. cent Coofs drafts $1 Gerxiy 12 Horse 689 South Ave "fel. Sat. RIT Women's Soccer team plays at M Washington Drydan Tttaatra. 900 East Ave For show times call 461-0310 Away game Game time 4 00pm 271 3361 Fn at 8pm Idiot s Delight Tues & Wed at 8pm Mon. At Scrap it's Monday Nile Foolbiall. 3 large-screen Sat. RIT Women's fenns team plays at Welfe Aivay game On The Beach "T^ free admissexi. munchies Vz pxK» vwell dnnks 75 Game time 1 (X)pm Mailcetptace Mall, lor show times call 272-1470 cent drafts $3 pitchers Haiftime Steamed Clams $2 a Sun. RIT Women's Soccer team plays at the Hartwck Frl.-Thun, Sambi. Big, Ctean and Sot>er, Cocktail, Die dozen Postgane $1 25 Molsons 90 Uberty Pole Way "fel Tourney Consolation Away game Game time 11 00am Hard. The Hero and tt>e Terror. Hot to Trot. Stealing 2232 3410 Champxxiship game at 1 (X)pm Home Mon. Monday Night Foottiall at El "Ibrito's with 10 cent Mon. RIT Women's Tennis team plays at LeMoyne Away Unlvarslty of Rochaatar, Rher Campua. For shew cheken wings free munchies $2 Genny Lite pitchers game Game time 3 30pm times call 275^4119 Fn 7 30 & 10 00pm Shoot to K/ff $2 50 Bud and 12 Horse pitchers 869 E Henrietta Rd Itiaa. RIT Volleyball team plays Canisius at Alfred Away Sat 7 30 & 10 00pm Goteha! "fel 424 4310 iM*. Law's has $1 25 St Pauli's M mght long 689 South game Game time 6 00pm Sun 7 30 & 10 00pm The Chosen Ave Tel 461-0310 Wed. RIT Women's fennis team plays at Nazareth. Away LomeThemmatSoutMownPlaa 394 Jefferson Rd Wed. Law's has jumbo wings for $1 a basket and $1 game Game time 4 00pm For show times call 424-4520 Betrayed. Nightmare On drafts 689 South Ave "fel 461-0310

30 September 16, 1988 f


Freshman Orientation Nothing could have prepared me for the first few moments with my roommate.'Anique'—nothing more, just "Anique'—was her name. Change the "A" to a ''U'' and youVe got a description. When they asked what type of r(X)mmate I wanted, I didn't know that I needed to be more specific than non- smoker. I could swear I saw a picture of Anique on a postcard I got from London. Within five minutes, I found out that she was an Art History stu- dent, into the Psychedelic Furs, and totally, totally against the domesti- cation of animals. I was just about ready to put in for a room transfer when she reached into her leather backpack, pulled out a can of Suisse Mocha and offered me a cup. Okay, I decided I'd keep an open mind. As we sipped our cups, I found out that Anique and I share the same fondness for Carv Grant movies, the same disdain for wine coolers, and the same ex-boyfriend. That gave us plenty to talk about.

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