NOVEMBER 2013 VOL 46 Airpower vs irregular warfare IDRexploreshowmuchofa role aviation really plays TDemo AVIATIONAHIP HOMESTATION INTERIM PACKAGE Combining Longbow Apache Tactical Engagement Simulation System, Aerial Weapon Scoring System and aircraft through-site video Reliable When neededneeded iin n thethhe h heateaat of bbattle,atttltle,e, M Meggitt’segeggigittt’ss l linklessininklklesess ammunitionammunitionon handlinghanandlinng systemssysystems ded deliverelilivever ror roundsounundsds w withiith every pullpupullll o off tth thehe trigger.trriiggggeer. High reliabilityreleliaiabibililityty makesmaakkeses t themhheem idealideal forffoor useususein in unmannedunmmaanned applications.appliccaatioonsns. AdaptableAdaptable LinklessLiLinnkklless ammunitionammmmununiition handling systemssystetemmss f fromror m Meggitt havehhaave been successfullyssuccceessfully deployedono n aav varietyaariety of ground, sea and airaaiir platformsppllaatforms in both medium andand large calibercalibber — singlesinglele shot,shhoot, or fully automatic, with ro roundsounu ds being fed at ratesrateess u upp tto 6,000 shots per minute. Seamless live fire gunnery After Action Review TDemo email:
[email protected] CONTENTS For further in-depth coverage go to Contents November 2013, Volume 46 Editorial Editor-in-Chief: Nick Brown Assistant Editor: Fay Brigden Features Upgrades and Unmanned Systems Editor: Huw Williams Air Desk Editor: Gareth Jennings C4ISR Reporter: Geoff Fein 38 Virtually grounded: UAS training eyes Senior