Amendment of Broadcasting Licence
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STAATSKOERANT, 15 DESEMBER 2008 No.31732 3 GENERAL NOTICE NOTICE 1572 OF 2008 letA-SA ';.=,.. Commtmications f.'Utf1txity SOiLith fJ"frica Pinmjl F'arm, 16,~ f',atllerirls Street. S;:)ndior: Piivate 8aq ;:~ 1000:. SanCHGL. :~';46 APPLICATIONS FOR THE AMENDMENT OF BROADCASTING LICENCE CONDrTIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE COVERAGE AREA FOR SABC (PTY) LTD IN RESPECT OF MUNGHANA LONENE FM, THOBELA FM, IKWEKWEZI FM, lIGWALAGWALA FM, GOOD HOPE FM, LESEDI FM, UMHLOBO WENENE FM AND SABC 3 1. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa ("the Authority") hereby gives notice, in terms of the provisions of section 10(2) of the Electronic Communications Act, No. 36 of 2005 ("EC Act"), that it has received applications from SABC (Pty) Ltd ("the applicant") for the amendment to the broadcasting licences of Munghana Lonene FM, Thobela FM, Ikwekwezi FM, Ligwalagwala FM, Good Hope FM, Lesedi FM, Umhlobo Wenene FM and SASC 3 in terms of section 10(1) (c) and section 10 (1) (g) (ii) of the EC Act. 2. The amendment is sought to allow the applicant expansion of its broadcasting services as follows: 2.1 Munghana Lonene FM's coverage expansion to Burgersfort. 2.2 Thobela FM's coverage expansion to Burgersfort. 2.3 Ikwekwezi FM's coverage expansion to Burgersfort and NelspruiL 2.4 Ugwalagwala FM's coverage expansion to Burgersfort. Ubombo, and Johannesburg. 2.5 Good Hope FM's coverage expansion in Villiersdorp, Worcester, Hawston, Botrivier, Vermont, Onrus Rivier, Stanford and Hermanus in the Western Cape Province. 2.6 Lesedi FM's coverage expansion in Gauteng, North West and Limpopo Provinces. 2.7 Umhlobo Wenene FM's power increase from 1 kW to 10 kW in Johannesburg. 2.8 SABC 3's coverage expansion in Piet Retief, Mbuzini and Hectorspruit in Mpumalanga Province. 3. The detailed technical specifications of the proposed amendment are in the schedule below. 4 NO.31732 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 15 DECEMBER 2008 4. The effective date of the amendment would be the date on which the Authority's decision on the application would be published. 5. The applications, relevant schedules and any representations received pursuant thereto would be made available and open for inspection by interested parties in the Authority's library during the Authority's normal office hours. 6. Interested parties are invited to lodge written representations in relation to the applications not later than 9 January 2009. Persons who lodge representations in terms hereof must simultaneously indicate whether they also require an opportunity to make oral representations to the Authority should there be a hearing in respect of these applications. 7. All written representations, responses and other correspondence in terms hereof must be directed to Thabo Ndhlovu at The Licensing Unit, Licensing and Compliance Division, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa at Block D, Pinmill Farm, 164 Katherine Street, Sandton, Johannesburg or Private Bag x 10002 Sandton, 2146 or by fax no. (011) 566 3186. 8. Persons who lodge representations in terms hereof, shall at the time of lodgement furnish proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that a copy of the representation has been delivered by hand to Mr. Lynn Mansfield, General Manager: Special Projects, SASC Radio Park, 2092 Henley Road, Auckland Park, or sent by registered post to Private Bag Xi, Auckland Park 2006 or by fax to (011) 7144508/4816. 9. SASC (Pty) Ltd shall be entitled to respond in writing to written representations made by interested persons on the proposed amendment. and such written response must be lodged with the Authority within fourteen (14) days of the closing date of the representations. SABC (Pty) Ltd must. at the time of lodging such written response, furnish proof to the Authority's satisfaction that it has delivered a copy of such response by hand, or has sent a copy of such response by registered mail or by facsimile to the relevant person having made such written representations. PARIS MASHILE CHAIRPERSON ICASA SCHEDULE ~~'"'" SEN-TECH II> "",;",10,; ',fie TRANSMISSION SPEC/FICA nONS FOR PROPOSED MUfIlGHANA LONENE FM FIi/! EXPANSION STATIOll _._._ GEO,CO·oRPINATES HEIGHTS ;-TI'ANSMITTER ,ANTENN.A FEE~ REMil.RKS tlAM- Icoo- I.MITlIOE j LONGITUDE Sm: M';:~~ FREa] PWR GAIN ERP\ BEAM ~ HUll lYPf. mOM , c t: fS;;;lDe i.1in(s.~ - ' I ell , IJIRt ' POl. CIJ __.__ __ [Jeg Ii"" Se:! Dog I Min Se. m IT! m MH, kVi dB kW AIM I WIDTH TILT FILL r PBS Frequency relocateli hun RBI< T10f> ~4 BUIMRSm", rliDI Il'l '" H+:,,J," '""~ I,," ; '" I" ,. , , '"" exisling Ilaenensourg ,ite CIJ +- /\ o m • Proposed freqUency to lJe Lllflllfm>od ll'i ICpSI\ l) »z :-l ..... OJ o m CIJm s: OJm l) g~ TPJ\NSMISSJON SPEC/FICA HONS FOR PROPOSED THOBELA FIlii FM EXPANSION REMARI\S fROM I f'BS FrcquGnc; ft:k.c(M~u 10 !:iD II 3uO RflR T116 1101'1 e;(i5tino Hael1erI;S:pufO siLe -----,. ______. .--1 z , f'ropo;;eii ireq!lbn;;y. \0 be cJllfirm"d by leA"" 9 IJ)..... "'-J IJ) I\) UI en z !-' (,)... "-l ~~;:;.;. ~ '6~.::a""" SENTECH " ","iC':'" "'Ii TRANSMISSION SPEC/FlCA nONS FOR PROPOSED IKWEKWEZI FM FM EXPANSION STATION HEIGHTS ~RANSMITTER NAM- 1~ SITE MASTTAilT FREar;;;J PWR GAIN REMARKS Ci) t:: n, m I m MHz I I.M I ,W dB I Additional direclional PBS ~m 16' Iliil I 0.2> I 1 11",1 Y IYJ 180 o I Il 100 I RIJR 1105 IFreqlJellcy added to (:xl!.llog NEI SPRlIl f oS 1:1;61 jS 1661 \13;; \ 55 lJ frequellcies allocaled 10 UIe site Z ~"-r--,~-' s:: , I PBS frequency lelocatetl Iron m BURGrRSFORf I nm .2:.: I -.13 { ,';& I }v !; I U I 1;19 I 23D I 110 --I··-:tI I I '~1~ ;~l::l~ " .1" I " "" > ,I, '" '"" "" 1"".II'.~"'I,g ", ~ Ci) • Proposed II equency . to lJe confirmed by ICASA ~ 9 .m... (J1 o m () m s:: OJm lJ 8OJ C!\'J\I€ZU: l.pO'107 _5t.r;:."x.I~\1IJfiJ7!20D7 Page lOT ."'ij""'~ """i~",, ,~ SENTECH • •:~; l' II i! TRANSMISSION SPEC/FICA TlONS FOR PROPOSED LIGWALAGWALA FM EXPANSION , STATION GEO, CO-ORDINATES HEIGHTS I TRANSMITTER ANTENNA FEED - LATlTUOE LONGITUDE SITE MAST ANT FREQ PWR GAIN EIlP BEAM ~IULL '- REMARKS NAME CODE CH OIR POL TYpE FROM Deg Min Sec Deg Min Sec m m m MHz kW d8 kW AZM WIDTH TILT FILL PBS Irequency relocate(j fiDm existing r.n !BURGERSFORT T107 -24 -JJ -45 15 47 1519 DO 170 92.W 53 S 10 50 N Q 3iiO ? YES V!:R RBR nOD lupeldliulIi:li Lydenbllr~ site .--f--- ~-1---,--I .-. - r - ~ 4q Additional directional PBS frequency allG~ ::..j JRG 197 -26 11 .li (J 2f.i 1!77 Z5Ci 180 91.9 025 7.2 1.31 Y 30 110 0 1,)0 VEil LINE Te1 , r.n i-J()I~AljNESBI to site see note 2 + - -,- - . - r Adultional directional PBS frequency allocated 6 !JOIIANNESBURG r97A ·2b -11 11 "8 0 1111 250 lBO 101.'1' 162 0_25 1.2 i.31 Y 21f.l 110 0 NO VER LlNf. Te7 m to siIe see nole 3 --- --~. .--,- ~ Additional PBS frequency added 10 !istin~ t~89 ·27 3] 42 32 4 6 91.9 -YES IllER C/\oLE z ___ "-Iv 1;1: 441 1 11.8115'1 U l40 075 PAl --I IdB()MB~~ 1 I freqllencic:s allocated to this site (,TI Noles I:) i ..•" Dt!f101es proposed frequc;ncies - In be confirmed by IC/I,SA illm ~. Dlicctio!1JI anlE:nnas wilh il high baLk!u frolll latio will be s= OJ Verj limiled [)tljacerll channel inlerlell=lIce call:iGd on the perimeter of Welverdiend coverage. m Minill1al adJilcent clianllel inlerft;Iem;e from willlJe i!xperiellcecJ flom Welverdiend ~IIUt"","UIl :II ~ 3 antennas with high back to fronl rmia will be employed. a Very limited acjjacent channel ifllerler811ce cClused 011 tile perimeter of HoluerKruill 5FM tilese areas foil Vlf:1I within inh;HlIlFr;llI coverage. <XI z o .....w (j ::!\.'-N A~A_ E;o:poao i ,i;!:;\29ju~.'::UG7 1 of 1 I\) "-.I c:IO z o U).... · ..~ ,v"'''' SENTECH U) ""'II~ ,...,.. I\)"'" TRANSMISSION SPEC/FICA nONS FOR PROPOSED GOOD HOPE FM EXPANSION . STATION GEO. CO·ORDINATES HEIGHTS TRANSMITTER ANTENNA FEED LATITUDE LONGITUDE SITE MAST ANT FREQ PWR GAIN ERP DIR I BEAM NULL REMARKS NAME 1 CODE CH POL TYPE FROM Deg 1Mill 1Sec Deg Min Sec m m m MHz kW dB kW '1 AZtA WIDTH TILT FILL G) VILLIERSDORP IC2 133 158 I ·10 19 30 22 1556 157 102 90.2 21 1 10 10 IJ I 0 360 1.5 YES VER RBR Cl Only possible RBR . else KlJ band ~ t!.sFMANU~_.___\.Q;1_G4J ·24 L",~_19 13 lB 195 37 91.:~ ~~-"2__0~ ~_!~.L 0 180 0 NO VER RllR ,C2. O!'I!YjlosSible: RBR..:: .e.'se K!!!!'!flLJ m I~ :II s::Z m ~ ~ JT1 .... 41;, .... 01 ....~~ SEf'.JlTECH o ~ m o ms:: OJm TRANSMISSION SPEClFICA nONS FOR PROPOSED LESEDI FM EXPANSION :II [g STATION GEO. CO·ORDINATES HEIGHTS TRANSMITTER ANTENNA FEED I o CD LATITUDE I LONGITUDE SITE MAST AliT FREQ PWR GAIN ERP BEAM REMARKS NAME CODE CH DIR NULL IPOL TYPE FROM I III MH;: dB hi'll FilL I Doal Min I Sec I Deg I Mill I Sec m m WI PIM I WIDTH ITILT I PArJKOP 8015 -25 -9 -44 28 24 16 1113 10 30 1D3.9~_ 10 Y 320! 270 I 0.5 YES '-_ 1 I I L J. ...2~. 1~ 1~ RB~J_197. -- I , Proposed frequency, 10 be confirmed by lC,.1,Sfo, ......