bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted January 6, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Hierarchical Regulation of Autophagy During Adipocyte Differentiation

Mahmoud Ahmed, Trang Huyen Lai, Trang Minh Pham, Sahib Zada, Omar Elashkar, Jin Seok Hwang, and Deok Ryong Kim∗ ∗Correspondence [email protected]

Department of Biochemistry and Convergence Medical Sciences and Institute of Health Sciences, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine Jinju, South Korea

January 6, 2021

Abstract We previously showed that some adipogenic factors such as CEBPB and PPARG directly and indirectly regulate autophagy expression in adipogenesis. The order and the effect of these events are undetermined. In this study, we modeled the , DNA- binding of transcriptional regulators, and modifications during adipocyte differentiation and evaluated the effect of the regulators on gene expression in terms of direction and magnitude. Then, we identified the overlap of the transcription factors and co-factors binding sites and targets. Finally, we built a chromatin states model based on the histone marks and studied their relation with the factors’ binding. Adipogenic factors differentially regulated autophagy as part of the differentiation program. Co-regulators associated with specific transcription factors and preceded them to the regulatory regions. Transcription factors differed in the binding time and location, and their effect on expression was either localized or long-lasting. Adipogenic factors disproportionately targeted genes coding for autophagy-specific transcription factors. To sum, a hierarchical arrangement between adipogenic transcription factors and co-factors drives the regulation of autophagy during adipocyte differentiation. Keywords– transcription-factors/autophagy/differentiation/adipocyte/hierarchical-regulation

1 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted January 6, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Adipogenic autophagy regulation. Ahmed et al. (2021)

1 Introduction 2 Methods

Previous studies suggested one-to-one inter- 2.1 Expression & binding data actions between adipogenic transcription fac- tors and autophagy. CEBPB transactivates We collected two datasets of RNA-seq Atg4b, a key in the autophagy ma- and ChIP-seq on 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes, chinery [1]. The activation of autophagy which were induced to differentiate using 3- through this pathway relieves the repression isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, dexamethasone, of adipogenic activators such as PPARG. and (MDI) and sampled at different FOXO1, a with several time points (Table 1, 2,& 3)[4]. We cu- autophagy targets, was suggested to the re- rated the samples’ metadata using a unified press Pparg gene in the presence of insulin language across the studies and processed sensitizers [2]. This repression is likely to the raw data using standard pipelines. The be lifted in early adipogenesis. A previous processed gene expression data were made study from our laboratory showed that au- available as a Bioconductor data package (cu- tophagy gene products are regulated as part ratedAdipoRNA). The data are presented as of the transcription program of adipogene- gene counts at different time points (0 to 240 sis [3]. This regulation is achieved through ). The processed DNA-binding data of adipogenic transcription factors PPARG and transcription factors, co-factors, and histone CEBPB either directly or indirectly through modifications were made available as a sim- autophagy specific factors. The magnitude ilar package (curatedAdipoChIP). Data are and the ordering of this regulation remain to presented in this package as the reads count be investigated. in a consensus peak set. Moreover, we pro- Here, we used gene expression and DNA- vided links to the identified peaks as well as binding data to model the transcription factor the signal tracks. The packages document the and co-factors binding events during differ- pre-processing and processing pipelines. entiation and their effect on autophagy genes. We obtained two gene expression datasets We used histone modification data to corre- of Cebpb (RNA-seq) or Pparg-knockdown late these events with chromatin states. A hi- (microarrays) from a matching MDI-induced erarchical arrangement of known adipogenic 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes time-course experi- transcription factors and co-factors emerged ments (Table 4). Gene counts and probe in- in the regulation of autophagy during adipo- tensities were downloaded using GEOquery genesis. We evaluated the spatial and tem- and used to quantify the gene expression from poral aspects of this arrangement. These in- RNA-seq and microarray data, respectively cluded the factors’ contributions to gene ex- [5]. pression, the dependency between the regula- tors, the reliance on chromatin states, and the type of binding targets. 2.2 Mouse genome annotations (GO) terms in mouse bi- ological processes were used to identify the gene products relevant to autophagy and lipogenesis [6]. The Bioconduc- tor package was used to access the GO annotations [7]. The gene accessor IDs were mapped be-

2 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted January 6, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Adipogenic autophagy regulation. Ahmed et al. (2021)

Table 1: MDI-induced 3T3-L1 gene expres- Table 2: Transcription factors binding data. sion data by RNA-seq. SRA ID N Antibody Ref. GEO ID N Time (hr) Ref. SRP000630 12 PPARG/ [26] GSE100056 2 24 [10] RXRG GSE104508 3 192 [11] SRP002337 2 PPARG [27] GSE35724 3 192 [12] SRP002507 2 CEBPB [28] GSE50612 4 0/144 [13] SRP006001 9 CEBPB/ [29] GSE50934 6 0/168 [14] CEBPD/ GSE53244 3 0/48/240 [15] RXRG/ GSE57415 4 0/4 [16] PPARG GSE60745 12 0/24/48 [17] SRP028367 3 PPARG/ [30] GSE64757 6 168 [18] MED1 GSE75639 3 0/48/168 [19] SRP041249 3 RXRG/ [31] GSE84410 5 0/4/48 [20] MED1/ GSE87113 5 0/2/4/48/168 [21] EP300 GSE89621 3 240 [22] SRP100871 28 CTCF/ [24] GSE95029 8 0/48/144/192 [23] MED1/ GSE95533 10 4/0/24/48/168 [24] NCOR1/ GSE96764 6 0/2/4 [25] EP300 Table 3: Histone modification data. tween gene symbols and IDs using SRA ID N Antibody Ref. TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene SRP002337 11 H3K4me3/ [27] [8]. The same package was used to extract H3K27me3/ gene coordinates in the mouse genome. Fi- H3K36me3/ nally, the GO terms for molecular functions H3K4me2/ terms were used to identify the transcription H3K4me1/ binding targets’ functional categories. GO.db H3K27ac was used to access these terms [9]. SRP041249 6 H3K27ac/ [31] H3K4me1/ 2.3 Differential gene expression H3K4me2 SRP064188 3 H3K27me3/ [32] RNA-seq reads were aligned to the mm10 H3K9me3 mouse genome and counted in known SRP078506 6 H3K4me3 [20] genes using HISAT2, and featureCount [34, SRP100871 6 H3K27ac/ [24] 35]. Gene counts were filtered, normal- H3K4me1/ ized, transformed, and subjected to batch ef- H3K4me2 fects removal. Microarrays probe intensities were filtered and collapsed to correspond- ing known genes, normalized, and trans- or the probe intensities were compared be- formed. To identify gene expression changes tween conditions (#hr vs. 0 hr or knockdown over time or in response to transcription fac- vs. control). Fold-change and p-value for ev- tors genes knockdown, we applied differen- ery gene in each comparison were calculated. tial gene expression analysis using DESeq2, False-discovery rate (FDR) was used to ad- or LIMMA [36, 37]. Briefly, the gene counts just for multiple testing.

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Adipogenic autophagy regulation. Ahmed et al. (2021)

Table 4: Perturbed MDI-induced 3T3-L1 gene expression data by RNA-seq. 2.6 Gene set enrichment and GEO ID N KD Ref. over-representation GSE57415 8 Cebpb [16] To calculate GO terms’ enrichment scores at GSE12929 18 Pparg [33] different times of differentiation, we ranked all genes by fold-change, performed a walk of the gene set members over the ranked 2.4 Binding peaks analysis list, and compared it to random walks. The enrichment score is the maximum distance ChIP-seq reads were aligned to the mm10 between the gene set and the random walk mouse genome using BOWTIE2 [38]. Bind- [42]. ChromHMM calculates the enrichment ing peaks were identified using MACS2 with of states as (C/A)/(B/D) where A is the num- the annotation file of the same genome [39]. ber of bases in the state, B is the number of Peaks were annotated and assigned to the bases in external annotation, C is the num- nearest gene using ChIPSeeker [40]. The ber of basses in the state, and the annota- numbers of binding sites and targets were cal- tion and D is the number of bases in the culated in each sample. When more than genome. clusterProfiler calculates the over- one sample was available for a given factor, representation as the number of items in the only replicated binding sites or targets were query and subject groups compared to the included. The intersections of binding sites groups’ total number [43]. and targets among the samples were calcu- lated and visualized using ggupset. 2.7 Software & reproducibility

2.5 Hidden markov chain models The analysis was conducted in R lan- guage and environment for statistical Multi-states hidden Markov chain models of computing and graphics [44]. Several transcription factors and histone modifica- Bioconductor packages were used as data tions in differentiating adipocytes were built containers and analysis tools [45]. The using ChromHMM [41]. Briefly, aligned software environment was packaged as ChIP-seq reads were binarized to 100/200 Docker image (https://hub.docker. bp windows over the mm10 mouse genome. com/r/bcmslab/adiporeg). The Multivariate hidden Markov chains were used code for reproducing the analysis and to model the factor/marker’s presence or ab- generating the figures and tables in this sence in combinatorial and spatial patterns manuscript is released under GPL-3 open (states). Emission and transition probabili- source licence (https://github. ties for the states were calculated to express com/BCMSLab/hierarchical_ the probability of each factor/marker being autophagy_regulation). in a given state and the probability of the states transitioning to/from another at differ- ent time points. State enrichment over ge- nomic locations and around the transcription start sites was calculated. The R package seg- mentr (under development) was used to call ChromHMM, capture, and visualize the out- put.

4 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted January 6, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Adipogenic autophagy regulation. Ahmed et al. (2021)

3 Results

3.1 Adipogenic factors regulate autophagy genes during dif- ferentiation

To examine the expression of autophagy genes during adipogenesis, we used a dataset of MDI-induced 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes sam- pled at different time points and profiled by RNA-Seq. In addition, we used two datasets of a similar time-courses with Cebpb or Pparg perturbations. We found that pre- adipocytes responded to MDI induction by changes in gene expression as early as 4 hours Figure 1: Expression of autophagy gene and continue for days. The size of the re- products during adipocyte differentiation. sponse was reasonably stable during the dif- Read counts were used to quantify the expres- ferentiation and was evenly split (25% at a sion of autophagy (and lipogenesis) genes at false-discovery rate (FDR) < 0.2) between different times points of differentiation with genes regulated in either direction. The re- or without perturbations. Expression was sponse was strong for adipogenesis and li- compared to pre-adipocytes (0 hr) to calculate pogenesis genes. A larger fraction (30% at fold-change and p-values. Genes were de- day 2 and 50% at day 7 at FDR < 0.2) of scendingly ranked by fold-change. A) Num- the genes involved in these processes were ber of up-or down-regulated genes in the progressively induced (up-regulated) up until non-modified course. B) Over-representation day 7 of differentiation. of the ”autophagy” and ”lipogenesis” term members in the top or bottom ranks of the list. The autophagy response to the MDI in- C) Number of up-or down-regulated genes duction is bi-phasic with an inflection point with Pparg-or Cepbp-perturbations. D) Frac- around day 2 (Figure 1A). The initial re- tion of expression variance explained by the sponse involved the down-regulation of most adipogenic regulators’ coding genes. autophagy genes (> 40% at FDR < 0.2). This pattern was reversed in the latter days, where many more autophagy genes were up- Adipogenic transcription factors such as regulated (40% at day 7 at FDR < 0.2). At CEBPB and PPARG drive autophagy gene the gene set level, the products in the gene expression changes. The expression of the ontology (GO) term ”autophagy” were rep- genes coding for those two transcription fac- resented in the down-regulated set (normal- tors was induced (log2 fold-change (FC) > ized enrichment score (NES) < -1.3) up to 1.75 and 2.5 at day 2 at FDR < 0.01, re- day 2 and in the up-regulated set (NES > spectively). The knockdown of these factors 0.8) from then onward (Figure 1B). By con- in pre-adipocytes produced wide dysregula- trast, the gene products in the GO term ”lipid tion of autophagy genes (Figure 1C). Pparg- metabolic process” were always represented knockdown resulted in the up-regulation of in the up-regulated (NES > 1.2) ranks in the 5 to 30 (FDR < 0.2) autophagy genes dur- list of genes. ing the first 48 hours of MDI-induction.

5 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted January 6, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Adipogenic autophagy regulation. Ahmed et al. (2021)

More than ten autophagy genes were down- regulated (FDR < 0.2) by the factor knock- down in the later stages of differentiation. Cebpb-knockdown, on the other hand, re- sulted in the down-regulation (25 to 15 genes at FDR < 0.2) of autophagy genes in pre- adipocytes four hours after MDI induction. Overall, PPARG explains more of the vari- Figure 2: Expression of adipogenic transcrip- ance in autophagy gene expression (3.5%) tion factor targets in the course of differen- than CEBPB (2%) or co-factors (Figure1D). tiation. Binding peaks of A) PPARG or B) CEBPB were used to identify autophagy gene targets at every time point of adipocyte dif- 3.2 Autophagy subtypes exhibit ferentiation, rows. Read counts were used to stage-dependent activation quantify the expression of autophagy genes at all times, columns. Expression was compared In agreement with the previous literature, to pre-adipocytes (0 hr) to calculate fold- we observed the induction of CEBPB and change and p-values. Median fold-change of PPARG in early and intermediate adipogene- each target set (blue, low & red, high). sis. However, we could identify binding sites for both factors at all times points and in pre- adipocytes. The targets of CEBPB seem to be regulated for a brief period of time that coincided with the induction of the Cebpb ex- pression and doesn’t last for long (Figure 2B). By contrast, PPARG binding induced its tar- gets’ expression, and the induction lasted till the end of the experiment (Figure 2A). To further explore the effect of the factor binding on autophagy, w calculated the en- richment scores of several autophagy-related terms at the different time points of differen- Figure 3: Enrichment of autophagy regu- tiation (Figure 3). The term ”negative regula- lation and subtypes terms at different time tion of autophagy” was enriched in the down- points of differentiation. Read counts were regulated genes in the first two days of dif- used to quantify the expression of autophagy ferentiation. The was reversed after 48 hours genes at different times points of differen- along. Besides, the positive regulation term tiation. Expression was compared to pre- was later enriched in up-regulated genes. adipocytes (0 hr) to calculate fold-change and Organelle-specific autophagy terms were en- descendingly rank the genes. Enrichment of riched after the same time point (48 hr). the ”regulation,” ”selective,” and ”subtypes” Terms in the autophagy subtypes that related terms members in the top or bottom ranks of to the same organelles were also enriched in the list (blue, low & red, high). the up-regulated genes in late-adipogenesis. Together, the biphasic response of autophagy gene set level. In particular, selective and to the MDI-induction was significant in terms organelle-specific forms of autophagy were of the number of regulated genes and at the activated in late-adipogenesis.

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Adipogenic autophagy regulation. Ahmed et al. (2021)

3.3 Co-regulators are recruited to ubiquitously bound au- tophagy gene regions and re- distribute over time

We further explored the combined binding of key adipogenic factors and co-factor at genome-scale using a ten-states model of the chromatin at the early and later stages of dif- ferentiation. During the early stages of dif- ferentiation (4 hours), regions of the chro- matin fell into one of two categories demar- cated by binding patterns (Figure4A). The first were either devoid of binding (90%), insulated by CTCF (1%), or repressed by NCOR1 (1%) regardless of the presence of other proteins. These areas were generally stable and mainly transitioned to other states of the same category. The active areas were ubiquitously bound to multiple proteins, co- Figure 4: Transcriptional regulators multi- factors only, or a specific transcription factor state model in early and full differentiation with its known co-factor. CEBPB associated courses. Binarized binding signals at 100 bp with MED1 (emission probability (EP) = 0.56 windows were used to indicate the presence and 0.46, respectively) and PPARG associ- or absence of regulators on the chromatin. A ated with RXRG (EP = 0.86 and 0.85, respec- multi-variate model of combinations of reg- tively). These regions were likely to make ulators was built to summarize A) ten states the transition either from similar binding pat- in the early stage or B) eight states in the terns or from areas devoid of factor binding. full course of differentiation. Emission, the To sum, regions that are not open for binding probability of each marker being at a given remain so. The binding of transcription fac- state. Transition, the transitional probability tors is sometimes associated with insulators of a given state from/to another. white, low, or repressors and is mostly accompanied by and black, high probability. co-factors. The same patterns of transcription factor + MED1) or PPARG alone states. However, and co-factor combinations in an eight-states the CEBPB complex made the transition to model emerged at the later stages of differ- areas devoid of factors. Possibly, co-factors entiation with notable additions (Figure 4B). allow in, or themselves are being recruited Repressed regions were more stable and less by transcription factors to regions with high likely to transition to other states. Transcrip- binding affinities. tion factors CEBPB and PPARG associated In early adipogenesis, significant changes with more than a single co-factor. In the case in the states that pertain to insulation, repres- of PPARG, the complex of the transcription sion, or the binding availability of the chro- factors and co-factors (RXRG and MED1) matin took place. On both autophagy and made the transition from the earlier (PPARG lipogenic genes, the frequency of the chro-

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3.4 Adipogenic factors are pre- ceded by co-factors on their targets To examine the co-occurrence of the adi- pogenic transcription factors on autophagy, we analyzed the intersections of the fea- tures they bind to at different time points. PPARG targeted the largest numbers of au- tophagy genes (Figure 6A). Those targets lo- calized in the later time points. By con- trast, CEBPB had the largest number of tar- gets in pre-adipocytes and early after in- duction with MDI. The downstream tar- Figure 5: Frequencies of transcriptional gets of PPARG overlapped with those of states of autophagy gene regions in differ- RXRG, while CEBPB targets overlapped entiating adipocytes. Binarized binding sig- with MED1, especially in early time points. nals at 100 bp windows were used to indi- Moreover, co-factors such as MED1 and cate the presence or absence of regulators on RXRG and, to a lesser extent CEBPB, ac- the chromatin and build multi-variate mod- cessed their targets independent of the time els of their combinations during adipogene- point. This is confirmed by calculating the sis. Autophagy and lipogenesis genomic re- fraction of overlap between the PPARG and gions were segmented and labeled by the cor- CEBPB binding with that of the co-factors responding states. Frequencies of selected (Figure 6B). Unlike CEBPB, the fraction on sates were calculated at each time point of the PPARG binding targets with the targets of the A) early-stage and B) full course of differen- co-factors increased over time. tiation. 3.5 Co-factors localize to and prime gene enhancers for transcription factors matin regions ubiquitously bound to regula- tory proteins and co-factors in particular in- We then constructed a multi-state chromatin creased (> 3 fold) (Figure5A). This was model of histone modifications and examined also accompanied by reduced binding to in- their co-occurrence with different individual sulators and repressors (> 2 fold). How- factors and the combinations. Chromatin re- ever, in the longer course of differentia- gions fell into one of two general categories: tion, the more pronounced changes in state active or repressed chromatin (Figure 7A). frequencies involved the combinations of The combination of H3K27ac and H3K4me1 short and long-acting transcription factors marks the enhancer regions (EP > 0.7 and and their association with specific co-factors 0.9), while the combination of H3K27ac and (Figure 5B). Fewer regions were available for H3K4me3 (EP > 0.8 and 0.9) marks the ac- the CEBPB/MED1 complex, and more were tive promoters. H3K36me3 marks regions available for PPARG either alone or in asso- with strong transcriptional activity. The en- ciation with RXRG and MED1. hancers were further classified into active,

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Adipogenic autophagy regulation. Ahmed et al. (2021)

Figure 7: Histone modifications multi-state model and overlap with adipogenic regula- tors. Binarized binding signals at 200 bp win- dows were used to indicate the presence or absence of histone marks on the chromatin. A multi-variate model of combinations of marks was built to summarize nine states during the course of differentiation. Bind- ing peaks of adipogenic regulators were used to identify gene targets at the corresponding Figure 6: Autophagy gene target of adi- time points. A) Emission, the probability of pogenic regulators and their overlap at differ- each marker being at a given state. Transition, ent time points. Binding peaks of adipogenic the transitional probability of a given state regulators were used to identify gene targets from/to another. B) Overlap of the regulators during the course of adipocyte differentiation. binding sites in each chromatin state. white, A) Numbers of genes in the intersections of low, and black, high probability, or overlap. the regulators’ targets at different time points. B) Fractions of overlap between transcrip- tion factors and co-factors targets at different tated by either H3K27me3 (Repressed poly- times. comb), H3K9me3 (Repeats), or devoid of any markers (Heterochromatin). The only transi- weak, or genic depending on the distribution tion from inactive to active regions occurred of the histone markers. Active regions mainly between weak enhancers and repeats. transitioned within the same category of en- Autophagy genes regulatory regions such hancers and genic enhancers to robust tran- as promoters and enhancers were enriched in scription. The inactive chromatin was anno- different sets of binding sites (Figure7B).

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The active promoter chromatin state was en- riched in PPARG binding sites independent of the time point (Score = 37-55). These re- gions were enriched in CEBPB binding sites to a lesser extent (score = 16). Active and genic enhancer states were the most enriched in CEBPB binding sites (score = 18-30). Dif- ferent enhancer states were enriched in co- factors EP300, MED1, and RXRG binding sites (score = 5-30). The enrichment of en- hancers in these binding sites increased over time. These observations suggest that the co- factors may not share the same sites but bind to other regulatory regions of the same tar- gets. This might explain the discrepancies be- tween the factor-co-factor overlap of based on binding sites vs. gene targets. Adipogenic transcription factors regulate autophagy through other transcription fac- tors and kinases. PPARG targeted DNA- binding transcription factors, especially early on during the differentiation course (Figure- Figure8A). We first observed that PPARG target several genes labeled as transcription factors and autophagy-related in the gene on- tology terms. The effect was more signifi- cant (ratio = 0.3 at FDR < 0.2) in the case of autophagy compared to lipogenesis. CEBPB targeted a smaller number of these factors. Both factors targeted genes coding for protein Figure 8: Fractions and expression of au- kinases throughout the course of differentia- tophagy gene targets in different functions tion (Figure8A). By contrast, the two factors, during adipogenesis. Binding peaks of and CEBPB in particular, increasingly tar- PPARG or CEBPB were used to identify au- geted genes coding for protein phosphatases tophagy (and lipogenesis) gene targets at ev- related to lipogenesis. ery time point of adipocyte differentiation. The expression of autophagy transcription Read counts were used to quantify the gene factors gene and kinases was, on average, in- expression at different times points of differ- duced during the differentiation course (Fig- entiation with or without perturbations. Ex- ure8B). The knockdown of Pparg in pre- pression was compared to pre-adipocytes (0 adipocytes resulted in failed induction of this hr) to calculate fold-change and p-values. set of targets. This effect persisted for sev- A) Numbers of gene targets in different eral days after the beginning of differentia- molecular function terms (color). B) Fold- tion. A similar effect was observed for the change (25, 50, and 75% quantiles) of the knockdown of Cebpb at 4 hours. terms’ members in None, Pparg-or Cebpb- knockdown cells.

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Adipogenic autophagy regulation. Ahmed et al. (2021)

4 Discussion

In this study, we used gene expression and chromatin binding data to build models for gene regulation and transcription factors sites/targets in differentiating adipocytes. We were able to identify likely targets among au- tophagy and lipogenic genes and evaluate the effect of their binding on expression. We Figure 9: A model for transcriptional and also built multi-state models for the transcrip- chromatin modification on autophagy genes. tional regulators and chromatin states to ex- Co-factors (CO) precede transcription factors plore the interactions between transcription (TF) to their shared targets. Co-regulators factors, co-factors, and histone modifications. localize to enhancer regions marked by ly- Figure9 show diagrams of the main findings sine monomethylation (Me1) and acetyla- of the study. tion (Ac). They prime the targets for tran- We found that autophagy genes are regu- scription, where transcription factors bind lated as part of the transcriptional program to the promoter regions marked by ly- of differentiating adipocytes. Therefore, they sine tri-methylation (Me3) and acetylation might be regulated by the same adipogenic (Ac). These events regulate the expres- transcription factors (Figure 1). We previ- sion of autophagy genes in a bi-phasic man- ously made a similar observation [3]. Studies ner. Early during adipogenesis, several au- suggested several one-to-one links between tophagy genes are down-regulated, and possi- those transcription factors. CEBPB induces bly only basal autophagy is functional. Later, the expression of Pparg either directly or autophagy genes are up-regulated, and au- by removing its inhibitors through autophagy tophagy, organelle-specific autophagy, in par- [1]. We previously showed that adipogenic ticular, is activated. transcription factors CEBPB and PPARG reg- ulate autophagy gene products during adipo- early adipocytes and possibly benefit the genesis, either directly or indirectly through white adipocyte phenotype above others [48, other transcription factors. Here, we fur- 49]. In the later stages of differentiation, ther explore this regulation by examining the cells undergo phenotype changes that re- temporal and the spatial arrangement among quire the removal and recycling of intra- those two factors, co-factors, and histone cellular components such as the mitochon- modifications. dria. Indeed, we observed the activation Autophagy is essential for adipocyte dif- of organelle-specific forms of autophagy af- ferentiation. The knockdown of crucial au- ter two days of adipocyte induction (Fig- tophagy genes such as Atg5/7 resulted in ure3). Together, the observed bi-phasic re- failed induction of pre-adipocytes or reduced sponse to MDI-induction suggests two dis- adipose mass tissue in mice [46, 47]. We tinct autophagy functions in early and late- observed the down-regulation of many au- adipogenesis. tophagy gene products in the early days of Although their expression increase in re- adipogenesis (Figure 1). This is likely to sponse to MDI, adipogenic factors have impede many, but not all autophagy func- binding sites in pre-adipocytes (Figure 5B). tions. Autophagy plays a role in main- CEBPB activates as early as 4 hours, and tenance and energy production in growing PPARG follows later during the differenti-

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ation course [50]. The abundance of the transcription factor genes, the larger the effect factors during the differentiation might ex- of the factor. Indeed, knocking down Pparg plain this. The former is induced very early resulted in a broader range of dysregulation during adipogenesis, while PPARG levels do (Figure8B). not max out until later. Co-factors exist on Studies suggested that a specific arrange- their targets irrespective of time points (Fig- ment of transcriptional regulators is required ure6A). They might be able to access the ma- for successful reprogramming of differenti- jority of their targets at all times. The combi- ating neurons or neutrophils [53, 54]. Un- nation of factor-co-factor increased overtime derstanding the role of these regulators en- for PPARG (Figure6B). This is either be- ables managing the differentiation process cause the complex is binding to more targets and the function of the differentiated cells. over time or because a combination of two By manipulating certain factors, it would proteins is necessary to induce the same tar- be possible to fine control the course of gets. cell development. Inhibiting mitophagy in Factors and co-factors localized to differ- pre-adipocytes, for example, maintained the ent genomic regions, even on the shared beige adipocyte phenotype, rather than the targets. As expected, transcription factors white, and resulted in cells with greater ther- CEBPB and PPARG bind to the promoter re- mogenic capabilities [49]. Reversing the dif- gions the most. These regions were increas- ferentiation of adipocytes would also be pos- ingly modified by histone markers associated sible either by targeting the regulators di- with active promoters. PPARG could bind as rectly or the specific autophagy function they a single factor suggesting a pioneering func- regulate [55]. Finally, mature adipocytes spe- tion [51]. In other words, it can access DNA, cialize in storing lipids, a function which and other factors might provide selectivity. lipophagy could modify. Co-factors were abundant in regions identi- fied as promoters or enhancers (Figure4). Our analysis was limited to the time points This suggests that co-factors such as RXRG for which data was available. For exam- and MED1 are required to bind with the main ple, we observed that the CEBPB effectively factors but may perform other roles. Those targeted and affected the expression of au- could be a form of assisted loading or prim- tophagy genes as early as 4 hours. No data ing enhancer regions for transcription factors before 4 hours were available. Therefore we binding [52]. do not know whether this effect can be ob- A break down of the types of binding served earlier. The curated datasets comprise targets for the two adipogenic factors re- data from previously published studies. We vealed an interesting pattern. PPARG targets carefully curated and processed the data to the genes coding for other transcription fac- reduce batch effects resulting from the varia- tors with down-stream autophagy genes (Fig- tions among the studies. In the case of ChIP- ure8A). This was also evident in the case seq data, we only used replicated peaks when of lipogenic genes. CEBPB, on the other more than one sample was available.Pparg- hand, was mostly bound to genes involved in knockdown microarrays data had missing in- other activities such as kinases and proteases. formation on multiple genes that did not have In addition to the larger number of targets, corresponding probes. Finally, in the fac- the high number of transcription factors of tor perturbation data during the differentia- PPARG suggests a broader effect on regulat- tion course, it was difficult to disentangle the ing autophagy genes. The more downstream time from the perturbation effect.

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