Fuel and Exhaust System

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Fuel and Exhaust System SECTION 9 FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEM CONTENTS OF THIS SECTION Page Page Regular Corvair Carburetors ..... ... ...... 9-1 Air Cleaner .. ............. ..... ... ..... 9-31 Turbo-Super Charged Engine .... ... ... 9-11 Fuel Tank ... .. .... ...... .. ........ 9-33 Exhaust System ....... ....... ......... .. 9-29 REGULAR CORYAIR CARBURETORS INDEX Page Page General Description ....... ......... ... 9-1 Service Operations ..... ......... ... ... 9-4 Maintenance and Adjustments . ... ..... ... 9-2 Carburetor Assembly ........ ........ 9-4 Carburetor Synchronization .. ............ 9-2 Removal from Engine .. .. ...... .. .. 9-4 Fast Idle Cam Clearance .. .. ........ 9-2 Disassembly .................... ... 9-5 Vacuum Diaphragm Adjustment ... .. 9-2 Assembly ...... ....... .......... 9-7 Choke' Adjustment . .... .... .. .... ...... 9-2 Installation on Engine .. .. .............. 9-8 Vapor Vent Adjustment ... ..........•... 9-2 Choke Thermostat Replacement . ... .. .. .. 9-8 Unloader Adjustment. ....... .......... 9-3 Trouble Shooting Chart ... .......... ..... 9-9 Pump Rod Adjustment ..... .. .......... 9-3 Specifications ............... ........ ... 9-10 Float Level and Drop Adjustments . .... .. 9-3 Special Tools .... ..... ... ......... .. .... 9-10 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 1964 Corvair engine uses two identical Rochester Model "H" automatic choke, single barrel down draft CHOKE SHAFT KICK LEVER carburetors (figs. 1 to 3), one located on each intake VACUUM manifold, separated from the manifold by an insulator CHOKE SHAfT block. OUTER LEVER The automatic choke mechanism consists of: a ther­ mostatic control coil mounted to the lower side of the fAST IDlE cylinder head (fig. 4), linked directly to the carburetor CAM choke valve shaft; a vacuum diaphragm mounted on the air horn. PORT FAST IDLE The fuel lines and fuel pump are serviced the same TANG as in 1961. IDLE SCREW LEVER FUEL INLET CHOKE SHAFT AND !.J..---Itr ACTUAnNG LEVER I ACCELERATOR PUMP LEVER VACUUM DIAPHRAGM ADAPTER TUBe THRome SHAFT PUMP LEVER Fig. 1 -Ioch.".r Model "H" Automatic Choh Carburetor Fig. 2-Carbu,.tor-Top View eOIfYAI" .HOp "'''NUll au",.U:MII:NT FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 9·2 Fig . 3-Carbur. tor-BoHom View Fig. 4-Choke Thermostat Mounting MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS CARBURETOR SYNCHRONIZATION b. Measure clearance between lower edge of choke valve and wall of air horn. Clearance should be (Refer to Section 7-Tune-up) .180"·.195". FAST IDLE CAM CLEARANCE c. If necessary to adjust, bend diaphragm link. d. At this setting, throttle lever fast idle tang should (Refer to Fig. 5) rest on second highest step of fast idle cam. If not, NOTE: This adjustment must be made after adjust by bending outer choke shaft lever tang. curb idle speed has been set on the car. • Stop engine. CHOKE ADJUSTMENT (Refer to Section 7- • With throttle lever on second highest step of fast Tune-up) idle cam, bend tang to obtain .078" clearance be­ tween idle speed screw and throttle lever. VAPOR VENT ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 7) • Start engine and recheck speed as above. The vent should just start movement when idle VACUUM DIAPHRAGM ADJUSTMENT (Refer to Figure 6) a. Hold vacuum diaphragm arm in against diaphragm. Fig. 5-Fo.t Idl. Adjustment Fig. 6-Vacuum Diaphragm Adjustment CONVA.IR SHO,. ,.. ....... UAL S U,.,.LIEMI!NT FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 9-3 gauge between choke valve lower edge and wall of air horn. To adjust, if necessary, bend tang on throttle lever. NOTE: Unloader adiustment should be checked especially if it has been necessary to adjust the choke shaft outer lever tang during choke diaphragm link check. PUMP ROD ADJUSTMENT 1. Back off curb and fast idle screws until throttle valve is completely closed. 2. Holding throttle valves closed, check to see that the scribe mark on the accelerator pump lever is aligned with the raised cast tang (front edge) on the bowl cover shown in Figure 9. 3. The accelerator pump rod may be carefully bent, using a carburetor rod bending tool, such as Tool Fig. 7-Vapor Vent Adlustment J-4552, to obtain the correct adjustment. 4. Refer to Carburetor Synchronization and re-ad­ screw is on high step of fast idle cam. The valve will just carburetors. then be open at curb idling setting. If necessary, adjust by bending throttle lever tang. FLOAT LEVEL AND DROP ADJUSTMENTS NOTE: It Is hard to see this valve when carbu­ retor Is Installed. A mirror will aid in making 1. Remove bowl cover with gasket from carburetor this adjustment. as described under "Service Operations." 2. Invert the cover on a flat surface. Place float level UNLOADER ADJUSTMENT {Refer to Figure 81 tool in chain gauge set J-21614 over float as shown in Figure 10. Check unIoader adjustment by holding throttle valve in wide open position and insert a .312" wire 3. Bend tang located just above the float needle until each float just touches the top of the gauge. Move gauge fore and aft to check that the floats are parallel within Yo2 to the bowl cover. Carefully bend float arms horuontally until floats are cen- RI. I-Unloader Adjustment FII . '-Adlusting Pump lod COItYAUt .HO~ MANUAL .U~~U:MIINT FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 9-4 tered between the gauge legs. Tilt the assembly the float, as shown 'in Figure 11, Tool J-21614 each way to check that the floats do not touch or includes a tab with which to make this check. This rub gauge legs. Recheck float level if alignment is dimension should be 1 %". Bend the tang at the necessary. The float level dimension (top of float end of the float hinge arm to obtain the correct to gasket) should be l' %. if measured without drop, recheck setting after this adjustment. the gauge. S. Install the bowl cover outlined under "Service 4. Hold bowl cover in an upright position and meas­ Operations." ure the distance from the gasket to the bottom of 6. Synchronize and readjust carburetors. Fig. 10-Checklng Float Level Fig. l1-Ch.cklng Float Drop SERVICE OPERATIONS The following procedures may be used for both each air cleaner support. Release air cleaner hold­ carburetors. ing clamp and remove air cleaner assemblies. 2. Disconnect choke control rod at each carburetor CARBURETOR ASSEMBLY choke shaft lever. Removal from Engine 3. Disconnect accelerator return spring and acceler­ 1. Remove wing nut attaching each air cleaner to ator rod. Remove carburetor rods at cross-shaft. Fig. 12-«emovlng Corbu ...tor Fig. 13-I.movlng lowl Cover COftVAUt .HO,. MANUAL *U,.,.UEMIENT FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 9-5 4. Remove all cross-shaft retainer screws and re­ remove clip and detach rod from pump lever. move cross-shaft assembly. 2. Remove fuel inlet nut and gasket and remove S. Remove gas inlet line from carburetors. filter element and spring. 6. Remove two nuts and washers attaching carbu­ retor to intake manilold studs (fig. 12). 3. Remove choke trip lever attaching screw and 7. Remove vacuum advance hose from right car­ levers from choke shaft. buretor. 4. Remove remaining bowl cover attaching screws 8. Remove carburetor from the mounting studs. then remove cover assembly and gasket (fig. 13). S. Remove vacuum diaphragm assembly by rotating Disassembly assembly to align notch and free it from link. (Refer to Figures 14 and IS) 6. Remove pin attaching floats to bowl cover as­ 1. Detach clip attaching pump rod to pump lever, sembly and check spring for damage. 3 4 l 6 Fig. 14-Carburetor-Iocty-ExplocJ.d View 1. Accel.rator Aduoting Pump lever •. Curb Idl. Adjusting Screw Spring 15. fall Idle Cam Mounting Screw 2. PuMP Rod 9. Idle Mi.ture Adjusting Screw 16. Venturi Clu.t.r 3. Olp 10. Curb Idle Adju.ting Screw 17. Pump Di.charge Ne.dl. .c. float Iowl 11. Fo.t Idl. Cam 18 . Venturi CluII.r Go,ket 5. Diaphram HOI. 12. Throttle Valve Lever and Shaft 19. Main Wellln •• rt 6. Accel.rator Pump a.tum Spring 13. Throttle Valve a.taining Screws 20. Moin M.t.ring J.t 7. Idl. Mi.ture Adju.ting Screw Spring '4, Throttl. Valve CO"VAIIit .HO~ MANUA.L eU .... LIlMIINT FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 9-6 7. Lift out float needle (fig. 16). Check seat for dirt 16. If necessary, ipvert carburetor bowl and remove or corrosion. throttle valve retaining screws (fig. 3) and remove 8. 1£ necessary, needle seat and gasket may be re­ throttle valve and shaft assembly. moved by using a large size screwdriver (fig. 17). It may then be cleaned or replaced as needed. Cleaning and Inspection 9. Accelerator pump may be removed if necessary. Dirt, gum, water or carbon contamination in the Remove "C" clip and pump. Remove shaft and carburetor or on the exterior moving parts are often lever, if desired, by removing clip, shaft and lever. responsible for unsatisfactory performance. For this reason, efficient carburetion depends upon careful 10. Remove the two screws and lockwashers attach­ cleaning and inspection while servicing. ing venturi cluster to the bowl assembly and lift out the cluster, gasket and main well insert, (fig. 1. Thoroughly clean carburetor castings and metal 18). parts in clean cleaning solvent. 11. Remove the pump discharge valve. CAur/ON: Pump plunger and gaskets should never be immersed in carburetor cleaner. 12. Remove the idle mixture adjusting needle and spring. Remove main metering jet. 2. Blowout all passages in castings, dry with com­ pressed air and blowout all parts until they are 13. Remove vapor vent assembly. dry. Make sure all jets and passages are clean. Do 14. If necessary, remove two choke valve retaining not use wires or drills for cleaning fuel passages screws and slide choke valve out of choke shaft. or air bleeds. Remove choke shaft from carburetor air hom. 3. Check all parts for wear. 1£ wear is noted, defec­ 15. Remove fast idle cam. tive parts must be replaced. 17 18 \ 19 \c~ ~ ~ 16 12 13 I I 14 o ~j 6 8 11 Fig. 15-lowl Cover-ExplocMd View 1.
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