Mangal Mandir Jagrati Class Lesson 6 October 30, 2011

Gods that moved mountains in devotional service:

Lord (Giridhar) lifted Giri to humble

The story of Lord Krishna lifting Giri Govardhan is ever entertaining and enlightening of the merciful ways of Krishna. Govardhan is a hill located near the town of . The name Govardhan translates to ‘ Go’ (cows) and ‘ vardhana ’ (nourishment.) Lord Krishna humbled Indra, the rain with the help of Govardhan.

Every year the residents of Vrindavan worshipped Lord Indra for supplying rain. One year when Krishna was a youth, He asked to worship Govardhana Hill instead of Indra. Krishna argued, "We do not derive any special benefit from Indra. Our specific relationship is with Govardhana Hill and Vrindavana forest. Let us have nothing to do with Indra." (Krishna Book, p. 170)

King Nanda finally agreed with Krishna and prepared to offer the sacrifice to Govardhana Hill. This made Lord Indra angry and jealous. Forgetting the divine position of Krishna, Indra reasoned, "These cowherd men in Vrindavana have neglected my authority on the advice of this talkative boy who is known as Krishna. He is nothing but a child, and by believing this child, they have enraged me." (Krishna Book, p. 174) Indra then sent a storm to devastate Vrindavana. All the people and animals came to Krishna for shelter, and in a miraculous show of strength, Krishna lifted Govardhana Hill with one finger to make the mountain into a huge umbrella. Everyone crowded underneath it and remained safe until the rains stopped. Later, Lord Indra realized his mistake in attacking Krishna and apologized.

One may delight in this pastime of Lord Krishna in animated format at

Hanumanji lifts Dronagiri mountain to serve Lord

During the war against Ravan, Lakshman got severely wounded by Indrajit, the son of Ravan. They came to know that Sanjivani Butti, a miraculous herb, found in the Himalayas could heal Lakshman’s wounds. Himalayas were too far from Sri Lanka but it was not a difficult task for to reach them with a single leap. He reached the Himalayas and instead of bringing back a single bush, decided to carry back the entire mountain to guarantee Lakshman’s recovery. This is another example of Hanumanji displaying his might in serving His master Lord Ram. Lord Ram was very pleased with Hanuman’s service and held Him as dear as his brother.