HENDERSON, (N. C.J DAILY DISPATCH TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1932 T PAGE SEVEN Fourth Week Os Play In City Baseball Loop Begins

—• aaonuh upon the admintxt ration of Board powers to cushion the effects evilmated at be! ween $2,000,000,000 and KtWANIANS CLASH Governor Gardner in particular. of the stock market debacle. inn.— There ia no doubt that many of the Conferences with industrial and Defends Tariff law. Fountain supporter* have been great- i labor leaders. Senator Dickinson maid, Credit for eubauunigl betterment ly delighted with Bruromitt a resolu- ! prevented the bloody disturbances through the Snioot-Hawley tariff by M. P. BARACAS PIEDMONT I-EAGLE Uona and that they are interpreting , which have attended other economic Dickinson was accompanied by -tha WITH only Raleigh 7; Wilmington 2. them not as an overture of sup-! crises. contention that the Democrats w«r* Ohario-Ue 9; AahevtQe 8. port from Brummitt and his suppor- Then were reviewed steps taken badly divided on the iaaue, despite Civic Club Presents Rejuve- Durham 10; Greensboro 4. ters, but as an offer to get a plank "against depression on a hundred their criticism of the Republlcfn Team For Winston Salem High Point rain. written into the State platform that fronts.” Among then were listed the stand. nated Ua Fountain can aland upon. Many for; formation of the national credit as- He said in the Senate alone there Game Today the first time now believe that Foun-! sociation; erection of the Reconstruc- were 1,010 votes for Increases, or tain Chicago 7; Boat on 6, will demand a second primary | tion Finance Corporation and a ”de- against decreases by Democrats dur- against Ehringhaus. a fourth week of city loop pUy New York 8, Cleveland 7. terminaUc.i that balanced budget ing consideration of the last tariff tn< Speculation was the first way thD afternoon at PU Ladelf.au H: Detroit 1. on Motive. essential to economize measure for increases. mu under L«» Most of those here who recovery.” There has been, be continued, more L Park with the Kiwania club and Others postponed, know Brum- mid and the background in- of recent Uiustiutiotis of the "aviduy p ®**tm| for the of bis Mention the tax bill was a pre- y Baracns second tense for castigation with pursue season. NATIONALLEAGUE dislike Governor Gardner, lude to of the Democrats. which the Democrats tiiw this however, believe that his resolutions Democrats Had high tariff rates.” Th« civic club will taka the field All postponed, rain No Program. were inspired not so much by a desire "For two long years they hampered "They generously supported duties today with a rejuvenated ball club to help Fountain as to eatbarass Gov- the President at every turn,” the on copper, coul. oil, and lumber,” tbs; had been strengthened conalder- ernor Gardner. For those familiar lowa senator “Through highly Dickinson said, referring to import dunng the past weak said. a iDiv In several Brummitt s with the workings things po- press levies which wer placed good Resolutions Inner of subsidised bureau. Democratic in the re- departments and some ball play cently May Entice Fountain litical here know that there has been leaders sought to distort his every completed tax measure. and a good game ia expected to a ers growing resentment on the part of word; to belittle pis every effort at be had Brummitt toward (Continued rrom Gardner almost human and economic relief; to im- the best game had ao far tbis Page One ) jn from the time Gardner took office in pugn his every motive; to frustrate the strong M. P. Baracaa de- Mason ticised the practice of appointing 1929 and that this almost burst into his every move. Their orders weie to Young Democrats the M. E. Baracaa S to 2 in a flame during the general assem- feated members of the General Assembly to 1931 smear Hoover.’ baseball thriller last Thursday positions bly It is also reported that Brummitt good which they helped create Democrats in the House, Dirkinson Os State To Dine and there are some games In has been inclined to blame Governor and the use of alleged Gardner said, followed Mr. Hoover for a time for tfata week, with each team the Gardner om his for prospect "machine" in an effort to name and some friends last fail because they no pro- Tomorrow constantly improving and getting his "stacking the cards" against can- had Evening successor as governor. The resolutions bis gram of their own, but finally they stronger. didacy for Governor and met with much opposition despite the his eventuul broke away. The Republican keynoter There la no admission charge to withdrawal. This to I>sll>- lil«tf>nla-a nareaa, fact that they were introduced by is believed ac- said the result was wrecking'of la Ike Mir Wallrr tlwld games, and it ia hoped that a count for that portion tha these Brummitt in bis home county and in his resolu- the economy bill and a UY J. I-. IIASKKH YII.L out to aee condemning flouting of the good crowd will the garnet home town and were tions the use of the party’s the fun. adopted only ’’machine’’ own- leaders. Raleigh, June 14.—Four hundred and enjoy after & session of almoat built up by Governors to four hours. The relief proposal by Speaker Gar- representative* of the Young Demo- May Cause Explosion. select their successors in office. There ner of the House, which already had crats of North Carolina from at If the resolutions are introduced are indications that Brummitt now least in been lambasted by the chief executive 90 counties are the the State Democratic Convention here believes he could have been nominat- expected at first as a "pork barrel" measure, was as- organization Thursday, as they are ed for Governor if he had stayed in annual convention of this slated to be, sailed by charged also tomorrow are the race and that h eis consequently Dickinson. He here night in the bull room they pretty sure to cause an ex- that .sponsored by plosion blaming Governor Gardner measures the Demi>- of the Kir Walter Hotel. So fai almost of some sort. Brummitt was for block- crats ing his path to the Executive chair. threatened to debase the dollar. 300 reservations have been made for elected a delegate to the State con- raised, said, Sth^h^sl Hence it is must It he the "ghost of 1896.” the convention and banquet, which CITY LEAGUE vention, so he will have ample that of the obser- op- vers here believe The organizing of farmers into co- will begin at 7:45, Acting President Club W L Pol portunity to introduce them, to lie in- that the Brummitt were operatives for the marketing of their Dewey Doraett said this afternoon. 3 0 1.000 corporated into the party platform, resolutions animated more by Uon* if personal peeve against Governor Gard products was termed the outstanding It will not be possible to ac* h,e so desires. or not accommo- ii P Ba: S 0 1.000 But whether the by accomplishment of the board, mure delegates. permit ner than any desire to help Foun- farm date than 400 » convention will the r.rfflrnu 0 1.000 resolutions tain, especially ’’which has been the butt of much Acting President Doraett has just to remain in the platform -If they since it is understood Wggin* 1 2 .333 that Brummitt criticism, Ihe greater part of which returned from a trip through a ever get there in the first place—is supported Maxwell in num- M £ Baracaa .1 2 .333 the firat primary. It is unjust.” ber of counties and reported that the quite another question. ’ is also believed The (V*i! Street 1 2 .333 by a great many here that if Brum- board was also given credit for officers of the local Young In fact, there are a good many here bolstering Democratic K.warns 0 3 . 000 niltt was going to fire this shot, he the price of wheat and cot- clubs are enthusiastic and that almost who frankly doubt if Brummitt will ton Office 0 3 . 000 would have done better to through stabilization efforts. The every county in the State will be re- Peat even offer the reaoluiona in the State fire it be- fore the not profit to the farmer as a result was presented. convention, although it is admitted first primary and wait PIEDMONT LEAGUE until he safely that he is of a determined nature, was nominated. Club W. L. Pot especially where the determination is %4.iU

Ton Tars last night in the Capital city ~ factor that probably contributed more leeood place in loop standing. Dlzenao 52 to the defeat of Fountain in the sec- md enabled the Caps to move into ond primary than anything else was p.tciud m his upon a for the Tare but attack the records of the good game nn home-managers be himself, committed four errors Democratic party in general and his Y have ¦ ACROSS B—BeveragesB—Beverages made from 1 wbde his team mate* were making vertical found that electric refrigeration B *11 2 —The greatest quantity THRIF1 th*«s to run the total to seven 10—Principal god in Norse expense. 6—Expression of regret is an economy, not an Their mythology v B Bulla Beat Pals t—Proposed International lan- 12 —Part of. a wheel food dollars go farther. They buy I Durham Bulla banged out 18 hits guage 14 —Father perishables, for example, 2 for 25c B j— B off the offering of BUI Averebtc and 11—The man 16—Over and in contact Disjoined instead of 15c each and know that B handily the pronoun 15— Tom Landing to win over 12—A One who eliminate* whole- the 19— they will be kept fresh snd B. _fl Greensboro Patriots yedterday in 14—A note of the seal* 20— Toward J hjsader gome can take ad- *ft«rnocn game of a to 15— Commotion 22—Social upstarts until used. They the Pat# were 24—Belonging transatlantic tcore 10 runs while 17—Off the main track or way to a Vivienne vantage of bargain specials and get poshing across 4. flyer supply 20 —A metal •27—Crude metal A whole week’s at far lower 11— Fastening devices 2g—ltalian Bees tiling Tourists word for three prices. They can keep leftovers for 22—Sooner 32 Mythical king with a golden Bally in the ninth inning scoring than T flilk days and make them into appetizing Bees *4—To drill touch two runs enabled the Charlotte — prepare for pnblisatlnn iuxiKj never bus- — 33 To ojb.. 1 to 25 A measure of type dishes that even he would smsst sting the Asheville Tourist in Char- 35 declare 26 Something strange To pect being fr in mi \ lotte last night 9 to 8. Sektlesnlre new or 36 —Boiled cornmeal of leftovers. — sortie plurals II pitched In relief role from the sixth 20 Suffix forming 37 The second of two With Joan Kennrti li USCTWC to —Greater in quantity or amount o***l^^ *** on through the eon*ns and did not al- 39—A printer’s measure Added Comedy: These new food economies are act- low 21—Mistakes 42 —An exclamation XS** 0 a . Myself NEW YACHT* ba I^^ 12— 44 A monkey “JIMMY’S *xtra savings which can 24 —Scolded 45 To pester unduly And SUly Symphony Cartoon depended on day after day. Let Ask Us Or See MORE TRADING |6—The Iron Mountain stats 48—Ourselves June 13 (API —Making its (abtor) pronoun ahow you in actual figures how you 60—A ANVnPAI* FR imrd important trade in a week, the |g—a day in the Homan month can economize with electric L/LALEJ\ today sestt Earl Webb 40—The mother of Cain Answee Stevenson - — close ation. f. F . hard-hitting outleider. to Detroit, in 41 To — TOMORROW exchange for Dale Alexander, the big 43 Obscure to Previous Pnanle 44 —To decorats , • and Ray 42—A trss i . . SCR A TEAS B_ D Carqli c, light Company Johnson. Pieaident Rob Quinn said 17—By P|S| Nancy Carroll na Power ho cash was Involved in the —Above e > |N|e r a L e £ transac- 68 —IN CO VIC t. S> AT tion 40—Exist Wwf A a EESIPtNTIAL 21— A pronoun 52—Utilizes / 22 Old 5%M I N E 55 “WAYWARD” oo TN| COwTTtI - \oH« BISfPH* BUB— cooHim* »»*>»»? Ladies! Who Is p 5% o e slits t i Nap Added Selected Comedies y»»TH I.n»i uiaiiMt —>•«;-* ana \ GEMEY DOWN Sal 1 * tafom Btop At fruit I—A ATOP A L M O T £ 3An exclamation jSgG 5% p 81g g 10/ W&rtman’s 4A wavs i n e. r e 5% e v h TO EVERYBODY They Can Tell Yon 6 —Untruth IpfoTrlalpffl lr*»r