Neshaminy State Park, Ware River, Offering a Variety of Recre- Open from the Memorial Day Week- Located in Lower Bucks County
Best Fishing and Boating in PA State Parks Neshaminy by Kelly Houghton State Park photo-courtesy of DCNR If searching for a unique state park Robert Logan’s estate has now playground, and restrooms are all with countless activities, travel no fl ourished into the gem of the Dela- located close to the pools, which are farther than Neshaminy State Park, ware River, offering a variety of recre- open from the Memorial Day week- located in lower Bucks County. Sepa- ational opportunities that are exceed- end to Labor Day. The swimming fee rated from New Jersey by the Dela- ingly popular. “During the summer, for the pool is $7 per person. If with a ware River, the 330-acre state park is a picnicking and swimming are our group of 15 or more during the week, perfect day use recreational area. most popular activities, and during the rate is $5.00 per person. For ad- The state park is relatively young in the spring, winter, and fall, trail use is ditional family fun, picnic shelters are relation to other parks in the state, hav- our most popular activity,” said state available on a fi rst-come, fi rst-serve ing been in operation for only 52 years. park Manager Josh Swartley. basis. Two pavilions are also avail- Neshaminy State Park was the former Since Neshaminy lacks a beach able and may be reserved for a fee. estate of Robert Logan. A descendant and swimming from shore isn’t per- The PlayMasters Theatre Workshop, of James Logan, colonial secretary to mitted, visitors cool off during the on State Road, also offers year-round founder William Penn, Mr.
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