Special Status Species Listed in Ascending Order by Watershed
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Special Status Species listed in ascending order by Watershed Code, Taxon, Scientific Name Arizona Game and Fish Department, Heritage Data Management System Updated: 10/15/2019 CODE WATERSHED TAXON SCIENTIFIC_NAME COMMON NAME ELCODE BLM USFS NESL MEXFED SGCN NPL ESA SRANK GRANK 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Amphibian Lithobates pipiens Northern Leopard Frog AAABH01170 S S 2 1A S2 G5 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Bird Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle ABNKC22010 S 3 A 1B S4 G5 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Bird Empidonax traillii extimus Southwestern Willow Flycatcher ABPAE33043 2 E 1A LE S3B G5T2 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Bird Falco peregrinus anatum American Peregrine Falcon ABNKD06071 S S 4 PR 1A SC S4 G4T4 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Bird Haliaeetus leucocephalus (wintering pop.) Bald Eagle ‐ Winter Population ABNKC10015 S S 2 P 1A SC S4N G5TNR 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Fish Gila cypha Humpback Chub AFCJB13080 2 1A LE S1 G1 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Fish Xyrauchen texanus Razorback Sucker AFCJC11010 2 P 1A LE S1 G1 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Invertebrate Oxyloma haydeni haydeni Niobrara Ambersnail IMGAS67152 1A S1 G3T1 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Mammal Euderma maculatum Spotted Bat AMACC07010 S S PR 1B SC S2S3 G4 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Mammal Nyctinomops macrotis Big Free‐tailed Bat AMACD04020 SC S3 G5 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Plant Asclepias welshii Welsh's Milkweed PDASC02290 3 HS LT S1 G1 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Plant Carex specuicola Navajo Sedge PMCYP03CQ0 3 HS LT S2S3 G2 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Plant Platanthera zothecina Alcove Bog Orchid PMORC1Y130 S 3 SR SC S2 G2G3 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Plant Psorothamnus arborescens var. pubescens Mojave Indigo Bush PDFAB3C013 S 4 S2S3 G5T2 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Plant Sclerocactus parviflorus ssp. intermedius Intermediate Fishhook Cactus PDCAC0J041 SR S2 G4T3? 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Plant Sclerocactus parviflorus ssp. parviflorus Smallflower Fishhook Cactus PDCAC0J042 SR S1 G4T4? 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Plant Sclerocactus parviflorus ssp. terrae‐canyonae Longspine Fishhook Cactus PDCAC0J080 SR S1 G2Q 14070006 Lower Lake Powell Plant Zigadenus vaginatus Sheathed Deathcamas PMLIL280C0 3 SR S1 G2 14070007 Paria Bird Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle ABNKC22010 S 3 A 1B S4 G5 14070007 Paria Bird Falco peregrinus anatum American Peregrine Falcon ABNKD06071 S S 4 PR 1A SC S4 G4T4 14070007 Paria Fish Catostomus latipinnis Flannelmouth Sucker AFCJC02110 S 1A CCA S1S2 G3G4 14070007 Paria Plant Asclepias welshii Welsh's Milkweed PDASC02290 3 HSLTS1G1 14070007 Paria Plant Astragalus ampullarius Gumbo Milk‐vetch PDFAB0F0L0 S SC S1 G2 14070007 Paria Plant Chylismia exilis Cottonwood Springs suncup PDONA030J0 SR SC S2 G2 14070007 Paria Plant Opuntia basilaris var. longiareolata Grand Canyon Beavertail Cactus PDCAC0D054 SR S2 G5T2 14070007 Paria Plant Opuntia nicholii Navajo Bridge Pricklypear PDCAC0D0W0 SR S4 G4Q 14070007 Paria Plant Pediocactus bradyi Brady Pincushion Cactus PDCAC0E010 2 HS LE S1 G1 14070007 Paria Plant Phemeranthus validulus Tusayan Flameflower PDPOR080M0 SR SC S3 G3 14070007 Paria Plant Sclerocactus parviflorus ssp. intermedius Intermediate Fishhook Cactus PDCAC0J041 SR S2 G4T3? 14070007 Paria Plant Sclerocactus sileri Siler Fishhook Cactus PDCAC0J0T0 S SR S1 G1 14070007 Paria Plant Sclerocactus whipplei Whipple's Fishhook Cactus PDCAC0J0V0 SR S2 G2G3 14080105 Middle San Juan Plant Carex specuicola Navajo Sedge PMCYP03CQ0 3 HS LT S2S3 G2 14080105 Middle San Juan Plant Clematis hirsutissima Clustered Leather Flower PDRAN080E0 S HS S2 G4 14080105 Middle San Juan Plant Erigeron rhizomatus Zuni Fleabane PDAST3M3N0 2 HS LT S1 G2 14080105 Middle San Juan Plant Penstemon linarioides var. maguirei Maguire's Penstemon PDSCR1L3S1 S SR S1 G5T1 14080201 Lower San Juan‐Four Corners Bird Pica hudsonia Black‐billed Magpie ABPAV09010 1B S3 G5 14080201 Lower San Juan‐Four Corners Plant Asclepias uncialis Greene Milkweed PDASC02220 S SC S1? G3G4 14080201 Lower San Juan‐Four Corners Plant Eremocrinum albomarginatum Utah Solitaire Lily PMLIL0T010 SR S2 G3 14080201 Lower San Juan‐Four Corners Plant Pediocactus simpsonii Simpson Plains Cactus PDCAC0E070 SR S1 G5? 14080201 Lower San Juan‐Four Corners Plant Puccinellia parishii Parish Alkali Grass PMPOA530T0 S 4 HS SC S2 G2G3 14080204 Chinle Amphibian Lithobates pipiens Northern Leopard Frog AAABH01170 S S 2 1A S2 G5 14080204 Chinle Bird Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle ABNKC22010 S 3 A 1B S4G5 14080204 Chinle Bird Athene cunicularia hypugaea Western Burrowing Owl ABNSB10012 S S 4 PR 1B SC S3 G4T4 14080204 Chinle Bird Catharus ustulatus Swainson's Thrush ABPBJ18100 1B S1B G5 14080204 Chinle Bird Falco peregrinus anatum American Peregrine Falcon ABNKD06071 S S 4 PR 1A SC S4 G4T4 14080204 Chinle Bird Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle ABNKC10010 S S 2 P 1A SC S2S3,S4N G5 14080204 Chinle Bird Pica hudsonia Black‐billed Magpie ABPAV09010 1B S3 G5 14080204 Chinle Bird Strix occidentalis lucida Mexican Spotted Owl ABNSB12012 3 A 1A LT S3S4 G3G4T3T4 14080204 Chinle Fish Catostomus discobolus discobolus Bluehead Sucker AFCJC02072 S 4 1A CCA S3 G4T4 14080204 Chinle Mammal Microtus mexicanus Mexican Vole AMAFF11220 1B S3G5 14080204 Chinle Mammal Sciurus aberti chuscensis Abert's Chuska Squirrel AMAFB07032 1B S3 G5T3 14080204 Chinle Mammal Vulpes vulpes Red Fox AMAJA03010 1B S3 G5 14080204 Chinle Plant Allium gooddingii Goodding Onion PMLIL02120 S 3 HS CCA S2 G4 14080204 Chinle Plant Asclepias uncialis Greene Milkweed PDASC02220 S SC S1? G3G4 14080204 Chinle Plant Asclepias welshii Welsh's Milkweed PDASC02290 3 HS LT S1 G1 14080204 Chinle Plant Carex chihuahuensis Chihuahuan Sedge PMCYP032T0 S S3 G3G4 1 Special Status Species listed in ascending order by Watershed Code, Taxon, Scientific Name Arizona Game and Fish Department, Heritage Data Management System Updated: 10/15/2019 CODE WATERSHED TAXON SCIENTIFIC_NAME COMMON NAME ELCODE BLM USFS NESL MEXFED SGCN NPL ESA SRANK GRANK 14080204 Chinle Plant Carex specuicola Navajo Sedge PMCYP03CQ0 3 HS LT S2S3 G2 14080204 Chinle Plant Cirsium parryi Parry Thistle PDAST2E260 S SR S3 G4 14080204 Chinle Plant Clematis hirsutissima Clustered Leather Flower PDRAN080E0 S HS S2 G4 14080204 Chinle Plant Erigeron rhizomatus Zuni Fleabane PDAST3M3N0 2 HSLTS1G2 14080204 Chinle Plant Opuntia whipplei var. whipplei Whipple Cholla PDCAC0D1N3 SR S1 G4?T4? 14080204 Chinle Plant Pediocactus simpsonii Simpson Plains Cactus PDCAC0E070 SR S1 G5? 14080204 Chinle Plant Platanthera aquilonis Northern Green Orchid PMORC1Y150 SR S2S3 G5 14080204 Chinle Plant Platanthera purpurascens Purple‐petal Bog Orchid PMORC1Y0P0 SR S2 G5 14080204 Chinle Plant Platanthera tescamnis Intermountain Rein Orchid PMORC1Y1E0 SR SH GNR 14080204 Chinle Plant Platanthera zothecina Alcove Bog Orchid PMORC1Y130 S 3 SR SC S2 G2G3 14080204 Chinle Plant Sclerocactus whipplei Whipple's Fishhook Cactus PDCAC0J0V0 SR S2 G2G3 14080204 Chinle Plant Stellaria porsildii Porsild's Starwort PDCAR0X160 S S1 G1 14080204 Chinle Plant Zigadenus vaginatus Sheathed Deathcamas PMLIL280C0 3 SR S1 G2 14080205 Lower San Juan Mammal Microtus mexicanus Mexican Vole AMAFF11220 1B S3 G5 14080205 Lower San Juan Plant Carex specuicola Navajo Sedge PMCYP03CQ0 3 HS LT S2S3 G2 14080205 Lower San Juan Plant Echinocereus engelmannii var. variegatus Echinocereus Hedgehog Cactus PDCAC06039 SR S2 G5T3? 14080205 Lower San Juan Plant Eriogonum heermannii var. argense Heermann's Rough Wild Buckwheat PDPGN082P8 SR S3S4 G5T3 14080205 Lower San Juan Plant Platanthera zothecina Alcove Bog Orchid PMORC1Y130 S 3 SR SC S2 G2G3 14080205 Lower San Juan Plant Puccinellia parishii Parish Alkali Grass PMPOA530T0 S 4 HS SC S2 G2G3 14080205 Lower San Juan Plant Sclerocactus whipplei Whipple's Fishhook Cactus PDCAC0J0V0 SR S2 G2G3 14080205 Lower San Juan Plant Zigadenus vaginatus Sheathed Deathcamas PMLIL280C0 3 SR S1 G2 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Amphibian Lithobates pipiens Northern Leopard Frog AAABH01170 S S 2 1A S2 G5 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Bird Accipiter gentilis Northern Goshawk ABNKC12060 S S 4 A 1B SC S3 G5 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Bird Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle ABNKC22010 S 3 A 1B S4 G5 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Bird Athene cunicularia hypugaea Western Burrowing Owl ABNSB10012 S S 4 PR 1B SC S3 G4T4 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Bird Empidonax traillii extimus Southwestern Willow Flycatcher ABPAE33043 2 E 1A LE S3B G5T2 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Bird Falco peregrinus anatum American Peregrine Falcon ABNKD06071 S S 4 PR 1A SC S4 G4T4 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Bird Pinicola enucleator Pine Grosbeak ABPBY03010 1B S1 G5 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Bird Strix occidentalis lucida Mexican Spotted Owl ABNSB12012 3 A 1A LT S3S4 G3G4T3T4 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Fish Catostomus discobolus discobolus Bluehead Sucker AFCJC02072 S 4 1A CCA S3 G4T4 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Fish Catostomus latipinnis Flannelmouth Sucker AFCJC02110 S 1A CCA S1S2 G3G4 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Fish Gila cypha Humpback Chub AFCJB13080 2 1A LE S1 G1 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Fish Oncorhynchus apache Apache Trout AFCHA02102 1A LT S3 G3 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Fish Rhinichthys osculus Speckled Dace AFCJB37050 S E 1B SC S3S4 G5 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Invertebrate Archeolarca cavicola Grand Canyon cave pseudoscorpion ILARA38020 SC S1 G1G2 15010001 Lower Colorado‐Marble Canyon Invertebrate Oxyloma haydeni kanabensis Kanab Ambersnail IMGAS67151 4 1A LE S1