St Nicholas Church, Mavesyn Ridware Notices - Sunday 5th September 2021


Hamstall Ridware Mavesyn Ridware Yoxall St Michael and All All Saints St Nicholas St Peter Angels

September 5 10.30am Morning Prayer September 12 9.00am Holy Communion (said)

Service at Home reflection sheets are still being sent out because we know that a lot of people don’t yet feel safe in an environment with many other people. That is fine. There is no obligation to attend church in person until you feel safe. If you are on the mailing list for Sunday Service sheets, please print off and bring your own copy of the Readings sheet with you to services both at St Nicholas and the other churches in the United Benefice.

Please remember in your prayers: Betty, Jo, Glenda and Bob, Barbara and Dennis Willbond.

PARISH NOTICES Take a Break Café Tuesday September 7th from 10.30am until 12 noon in the Village Hall. All welcome.

Food Bank. Please do remember the Food Banks. They are needed now more than ever. If you wish to donate directly to Foodbank at Rugeley Community Centre, the Centre is now only open for foodbank sessions i.e. 2.00 pm-4.00 pm Tuesdays and Fridays. Alternatively, the Rugeley Food Bank welcomes financial contributions – see

Remembrance and Recovery Service at Cathedral Rev’d Jeremy has received the following invitation and has asked that each church respond individually: Council and Lichfield Cathedral are organising a community-based Remembrance and Recovery Service on Sunday 26 September 2021 at 3pm at Lichfield Cathedral. This is a multi-faith event and for those with no faith and the purpose is fourfold:

• To remember those residents of Lichfield District who have died from Covid19. • To recognise the role and contribution of public services in during the pandemic. • To recognise the contribution of businesses, voluntary sector, charities, faith and community groups during the pandemic. • To look forward positively to a strong recovery in the post Covid19 period. Representatives from the public sector, businesses, voluntary sector, charitable sector and community groups as well as members of the public who have been bereaved will be present. There is a fixed capacity of 300 for this event and 1m distancing will be in place and you will be asked to wear a face mask throughout the service.

Harvest Festival - Sunday October 3 at 10.30am Our annual Harvest Thanksgiving will be at 10.30am. Karen and Alan have kindly offered to decorate the church and as you know they do a wonderful job. If you would like to make a donation towards the flowers (perhaps in memory of a loved one) or donations please contact Karen 07971 918697 or Ann 07977 195934 or pop into church on Saturday the 2nd. We could do with some help, even if it is only for an hour. The church will stay open after the service from around 11.30am until 2pm for everyone to have a look round and maybe have tea and cake.

Lichfield Cathedral Chamber Choir. Tenors and Basses are urgently needed. If you know someone who may be interested see our website for details

Remembrance and Thanksgiving Service at St Nicholas. There is to be a service in remembrance for loved ones who have died on October 31st at 4pm to which everyone is invited. ______Revd Jeremy Brading [email protected] 01543 472565 Kate Beechey (Reader) 01543 493556 Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults: If you have any concerns, please speak in complete confidence to the Parish Safeguarding Officer Mrs Kate Beechey or the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Mr Neil Spiring 01543 306030 ______

Items for notices for next Sunday to Paul Marriott by Thursday please. email [email protected]