1980 N-SSATS Alcohol Directory
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OAS Reference Materials— Return to OAS Reference Room National Directory of Alcoholism Treatment Programs U S Departmentnt oof Health an d Humanu Services Pub I Ic Health Service Alcoho,hol, Drug Abuse, , andan Mental Hea Ith Administration National Institute on Alcoholc Abuse annd Alcoholism 5600 Fishers Lane Rock ville, Maryland 20857 FOREWORD This National Directory of Alcoholism Treatment Programs is intended to serve as a resource for those who seek treatment and referral infozmation foz alcoholism and alcohol-related problems. It is based on the National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Utili"ation Survey (NDATUS) of September, 1980, and updates the previous edition which covered both alcoholism and drug abuse treatment progzams on the basis of the 1979 suzvey. Nore than 6, 300 alcohol services facilities responded to the 1980 survey, providing the information contained in this volume. The treatment utilization suzvey is jointly sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute on Drug Abuse in coopezation with State agencies. It zesponds to similar data requirements of the States and many Federal agencies, including the Food and Dzug Administration, National Center for Health Statistics and the Veterans Administration. The high degree of cooperation among the Institutes, the States and local programs which made this Directory possible is appreciated. Me hope this volume will pzove useful. Joh . DeLuca, Dizector N ional Institute on Alcohol buse and Alcoholism 1'or snle lip fl«. Hnveririt& nulli. nt iaaf ni&cnments, IJ.a. Govt'rnrnent I'rioting omee Ivn sl&1»gl i»&, u. & '. '&0402 111 CONTENTS FOREWORD INTRODUCTION Vll STATE AUTHORITIES ALCOHOLISM PROGRAMS: Alahama 1 Nebraska 142 Alaska Nevada 145 Arizona New Hampshire 147 Arkansas 9 New Jersey 148 California 12 New Me~ico 151 Colozado 49 New York 154 Connecticut 54 Nozth Carolina 171 Delaware 58 North Dakota 177 District of Columhia 59 Ohio 178 Florida 61 Oklahoma 185 Geozg ja 66 Oregon 189 Hawaii 70 Pennsylvania 193 Idaho 72 Rhode Island 200 Illinois 73 South Carolina . ..201 Indiana 79 South Dakota 204 Iowa 86 Tennessee 206 Kansas 88 Texas 209 Kentucky 90 Utah 214 Louisiana 97 Vermont 217 Maine 100 Virginia 219 Mazyland 102 Washington 223 Massachusetts 106 West Virginia 228 Michigan 115 Wisconsin 229 Minnesota 124 Wyoming 235 Mississippi 132 Puezto Rico 237 Missouri 136 Montana 139 U. S.Terzitories 239 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL CENTERS INTRODUCTION The National Directory of Alcoholism Treatment Programs includes Federal, State, local, and pzivately funded agencies responsible foz the provision of alcoholism services throughout the United States and its territozies. Tzeatment units represent both alcoholism and drug treatment in combination as well as units serving alcoholism clients only. Each treatment unit pzovided the information shown in the dixectozy. Reflecting the primary focus of the NDATUS suzvey, most of the units are treatment oriented. However, States were provided the option of including non-tzeatment units, if desired, such as Administrative, Education, Prevention, etc. Therefore, although the listing of tzeatment service units is substantially complete, the inclusion of non-treatment units varies by State. For purposes of this directory, the selection criteria specified that to be considezed as a treatment unit& the unit must have zeported a treatment capacity to NDATUS. Each unit is identified accozding to its ozientation as (1) Alcoholism treatment, (2) Alcoholism/Drug tzeatment, (3) Alcoholism service, oz (4) Alcoholism/Drug service unit. This directory consists of three sections: ( 1) State Alcoholism Authorities; (2) Alcoholism Programs f oz each State; and (3) Veterans Administzation Medical Centers. All sections axe organized alphabetically by State. Mithin each State, the entries aze alphabetized by city and by progzam name within each city. Each entzy consists of the unit name, address, telephone number, and orientation. Treatment units which did not pazticipate in the 1980 NDATUS, should complete the fozm on the last page of this directory and mail it to the address shown. Those units will be included in the next survey. NDATUS Project Team STATE AUTHORITIES 4LABANA FLORIDA KENTUCKY DIVISION OF ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAM MENTAL HEALTH/MENTAL RETARDATION SECTION DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH DEPT. OF HEALTH & REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT OF HU)1AN RESOURCES 502 WASHINGTON AVENUE SERVICES 275 EAST MAIN STREET MONTGOMERY, AL 36104 1323 WINEWOOD BOULEVARD FRANKFORT, KY 40621 (205) 834-4350 TALLAHASSEE& FL 32301 (502) 564-2880 ( 904 ) 487-2820 ALASKA LOUISIANA GEORGIA DEPT. OF HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES OFF. OF MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE ABUSE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE SERVICES SECT DEPT. OF HEALTH & HUMAN RESOURCES POUCH H-05-F DIVISION OF MENTAL HEALTH AND 655 NORTH 5TH STREET 231 SOUTH FRANKLIN MENTAL RETARDATION BATON ROUSE& LA 70829 JUNEAU& AK 99811 GA DEPT. OF Hvt1AN RESOURCES (504) 342-2590 ( 907) 586-6201 618 PONCE DE LEON AVENUE N. E. ATLANTA& GA 30308 HAZHE ARZZOHA (404) 894-4785 OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ALCOHOL ABUSE AND ALCOHOLISM SECTION HAWAII ABUSE PREVENTION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTt'IENT OF HU)tAN SERVICES 2500 EAST VAN BUREN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 32 WINTHROP STREET PHOENIX& AZ 85008 STATE SUBSTANCE ABUSE AGENCY AUGUSTA& ME 04330 ) 255-1240 (602 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE BRANCH (207) 289-2781 1270 QUEEN EMMA STREET& ROOM 505 ARKANSAS HONOLULU& HI 96813 MARYLAND (808) 548-7655 ARKANSAS OFFICE ON ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM CONTROL ADMINISTRATION AND DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION IDAHO 201 WEST PRESTON STREET& 4TH FLOOR 1515 W. 7TH AVENUE& SUITE 300 BALTIMORE& MD 21201 LITTLE ROCK& AR 72202 BUREAU OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE ( 301 ) 383-4082 (501) 371-2604 DEPARTt1ENT OF HEALTH & WELFARE 450 WEST STATE STREET MASSACHUSETTS CALZFORHZA 4TH FLOOR BOISE, ID 83720 DIVISION OF ALCOHOLISM DEPT. OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG PROGRAMS (208) 334-4368 755 BOYLSTON STREET 111 CAPITOL MALL BOSTON, t(A 02116 SUITE 450 ILLINOIS (617) 727-1960 SACRAMENTO& CA 95814 (916) 445-1940 ALCOHOL DIVISION MICHIGAN ILL DEPT. OF MENTAL HEALTH & COLORADO DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES OFFICE OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES 160 NORTH LASALLE STREET& ROOM 1500 DEPART)1ENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE DIVISION - cHIcAGD, I(. eoeol 3500 NORTH LOGAN STREET DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ( 312 ) 793-2907 LANSING& MI 48909 4210 EAST 11TH AVENUE (517) 373-8600 DENVER& CO 80220 ZHDZAHA (303) 320-6137 NZHHESOTA DIVISION OF ADDICTION SERVICES COHHECTZCUT DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY PROGRAM DIVISION 5 INDIANA SQUARE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WELFARE CONN. ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE COUNCIL INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 4TH FLOOR CENTENNIAL BUILDING 90 WASHINGTON STREET& ROOM 312 ( 317) 232-7818 658 CEDAR STREE& HARTFORD& CT 06115 ST. PAUL& MN 55155 (203) 566-4145 IOWA (612) 296-4610 DELAWARE DEPARTMENT OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE MISSISSIP PZ INSURAt(CE EXCHANGE BLDG. SUITE 202 BUREAU OF ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE 505 5TH AVENUE DIVISION OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE DIVISION OF MENTAL HEALTH DES MOIt(ES& IA 50319 DEPARTMEt(T OF MENTAL HEALTH 1901 NORTH DUPONT HIGHWAY (515) 281-3641 619 ROBERT E. LEE STATE OFFICE BLDG. NEWCASTLE& DE 19720 JACKSON& MS 32901 ( 302 ) 421-6101 KAHSAS (601) 354-7031 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE SECTION MISSOURI DEPT OF SOCIAL REHABILITATION SERVICE D. C. DEPT. OF HUt'1AN RESOURCES 2700 WEST SIXTH STREET DIVISION OF ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE MENTAL HEALTH& ALCOHOL AND ADDICTION BIDDLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BRANCH TOPEKA KS 66606 2002 NISSOURI BOULEVARD 421 BTH STREET& NW ( 913) 296-3925 JEFFERSON CITY& MO 65102 2ND FLOOR ( 314 ) 751-4942 WASHINGTON& DC 20004 (202) 724-5637 STATE RUTHORITIES HOHTAHA OHIO UTAH MONTANA ALCOHOL AND DRUG DIVISION DIVISION OF ALCOHOLIS(1 DIVISION OF ALCOHOLISM (( DRUGS DEPARTMENT OF INSTITUTIONS OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 150 WEST NORTH TEtiPLE» SUITE 350 1539 11TH AVENUE 246 NORTH HIGH STREET P.O. BOX 2500 OH HELENA& MT 59601 COLUtlBUS 43216 SALT LAKE CITY & UT 84110 ( 406 ) 449-2827 (614 ) 466-3445 (801) 533-6532 NEBRASKA OKLAHOMA VERHOHT NEBRASKA DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS DIVISION OF ALCOHOLISti AND ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE DIVISION DIV. ON ALCOHOLISt1 t) DRUG ABUSE DPUG ABUSE PROGRAt1S DEFT. OF SOCIAL AND REHAB. SERVICES 801 WEST VAN DOPN DEPARTMFNT OF MENTAL HEALTH 103 SOUTH MAIN STREET BOX 94728 4545 NORTH LINCOLN BLVD. & SUITE 100 STATE OFFICE BUILDItlG LINCOLN& NB 68509 P.o. BOX 53277 WATERBURY& VT 05676 (402) 471-2851 OK LAHotiA CITY» OK 73152 (802) 241-2170 (405) 521-2811 HEVADA VIRGINIA OREGON BUREAU OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE DIVISION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES PROGPA, "l FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUG PROBLEMS VIRGINIA DEPT. OF MENTAL HEALTH 505 EAST KING STREET OREGON MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION AND tiENTAL RETARDATION CARSON CITY& NV 89710 2575 BITTEPN STREET& N. E. P.O. BOX 1797 OR ( 702 ) 885-4790 SALEM & 97310 109 GOVERNOR STREET (503) 378-2163 RICHMOND & VA 23214 HEM HAMPSHIRE ( 804 ) 786-5313 PEHHSYLVAHZA OFF. OF ALCOHOL t) OPUG ABUSE PREY. WASHINGTON HEALTH AND WELFARE BUILDING GOVERNOR 'S COUNCIL ON DRUG t) ALCOHOL HAZEN DRIVE ABUSE BUREAU OF ALCOHOLISM tt SUBSTANCE ABUSE CONCORD& NH 03301 2101 NORTH FRONT STREET WASH DEPT. OF SOCIAL 8 HEALTH SERVICES (603) 271-4626 HARPISBURG& PA 17120 t(AILSTOP OB-44W (717) 787-9857 OLYt1PIA & WA 98504 HEN JERSEY (206) 753-3073 RHODE ISLAND NEW JERSEY DIVISION OF ALCOHOLISM NEST VXRGXHXA 129 EAST HANOVER STREET DIVISION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE TRENTON, NJ